Iwmi Personnel Policy Manual
Iwmi Personnel Policy Manual
Iwmi Personnel Policy Manual
1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1
ABOUT IWMI .......................................................................................................................1
IWMI'S COMMITMENT TO STAFF ..........................................................................................1
APPLICATION OF THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................2
2 DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................3
COMPONENTS OF SALARY AND BENEFITS ..............................................................................3
DEFINITIONS OF LOCATION ...................................................................................................3
CATEGORIES OF STAFF ..........................................................................................................3
OTHER DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................4
3 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF .......................................................5
GENERAL CONDUCT ..............................................................................................................5
HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION ....................................................................................5
POLITICAL ACTIVITY .............................................................................................................5
DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION..............................................................................................6
OUTSIDE INTERESTS..............................................................................................................6
OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................................6
HONORARIA, GIFTS AND COURTESIES...................................................................................6
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS .......................................................................................7
4 WORK ENVIRONMENT.........................................................................................8
STAFF MEMBERS' ASSOCIATIONS..........................................................................................8
WORKPLACE HIV/AIDS POLICY ..........................................................................................8
SPOUSE/PARTNER EMPLOYMENT ..........................................................................................8
GRIEVANCES AND APPEALS ...................................................................................................9
DISCIPLINE ............................................................................................................................9
5 WORKING HOURS, HOLIDAYS AND LEAVE................................................10
HOURS OF WORK ................................................................................................................10
OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS ...........................................................................................................10
ANNUAL LEAVE, CASUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE ..............................................................10
ABSENCE WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION .................................................................................10
FLEXIBLE WORKING ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................11
TERMINATION ..................................................................................................................12
RECRUITMENT PRINCIPLES .................................................................................................12
Appointment Offer and Acceptance ..........................................................................12
Duration of Appointment...........................................................................................13
Pre-employment Medical Certification and Examinations........................................13
Probation periods .......................................................................................................13
TRANSFERS .........................................................................................................................14
RENEWAL ...........................................................................................................................14
SEPARATION .......................................................................................................................14
7 SALARY AND BENEFITS.........................................................................................15
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................15
SALARY POLICY ..................................................................................................................15
CASH ADVANCES ................................................................................................................15
HOME COUNTRY TAXES .....................................................................................................16
HOST COUNTRY TAXES ......................................................................................................16
OTHER DEDUCTIONS ...........................................................................................................16
EMPLOYEE INSURANCE/MEDICAL COVERAGE ....................................................................16
PENSION PLAN ....................................................................................................................18
ALLOWANCES - GENERAL ...................................................................................................18
CHANGING ONE’S RECOGNIZED HOME BASE ......................................................................18
HOUSING ALLOWANCE .......................................................................................................18
EDUCATION ALLOWANCE ...................................................................................................19
HOME LEAVE TRAVEL ........................................................................................................19
HARDSHIP, POST AND COST-OF-LIVING ALLOWANCES .......................................................19
RELOCATION/FURNISHING ALLOWANCE.............................................................................19
TEMPORARY LIVING EXPENSES ..........................................................................................20
PLACEMENT TRAVEL, SHIPPING, AND IMPORT/EXPORT DUTY ..............................................20
9 CAREER PROGRESSION ....................................................................................21
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................21
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................................21
STAFF DEVELOPMENT .........................................................................................................22
Skills Enhancement....................................................................................................22
Language Training .....................................................................................................22
Professional Associations ..........................................................................................22
REWARDS ...........................................................................................................................23
Bonus Scheme............................................................................................................23
Promotion to a higher level........................................................................................23
10 DUTY TRAVEL.......................................................................................................24
TRANSPORTATION ...............................................................................................................24
ACCOMMODATION AND SUBSISTENCE ................................................................................24
PASSPORTS, VISAS AND INOCULATIONS ..............................................................................24
TRAVEL ADVANCES ............................................................................................................25
APPENDIX 1........................................................................................................................26
AUTHORIZED DEPENDANTS.......................................................................................26
APPENDIX 2........................................................................................................................27
HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION.....................................................................27
APPENDIX 3........................................................................................................................28
EMPLOYMENT OF SPOUSES/PARTNERS ..................................................................28
Direct appointment to vacancies................................................................................28
Short term consultancies ............................................................................................28
Other options within IWMI .......................................................................................28
Appointment as an IWMI Research Associate ..........................................................29
Non-IWMI employment of Spouses/Partners............................................................29
APPENDIX 4........................................................................................................................30
WORKING HOURS..........................................................................................................30
COMPENSATION FOR EXCESS HOURS WORKED ....................................................................30
OVERTIME PROVISIONS (NATIONAL SUPPORT STAFF).........................................................30
APPENDIX 5........................................................................................................................31
WITHOUT PAY ................................................................................................................31
MATERNITY AND PATERNITY LEAVE ..................................................................................31
COMPASSIONATE LEAVE .....................................................................................................31
LEAVE WITHOUT PAY (LWOP)...........................................................................................32
APPENDIX 6........................................................................................................................33
RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROBATION ......................................................33
RECRUITMENT PRINCIPLES ..................................................................................................33
SELECTION ..........................................................................................................................33
Regular International Staff Positions .........................................................................33
Regular Regional Staff Positions ...............................................................................33
Regular National Staff Positions................................................................................34
PROBATION .........................................................................................................................34
APPENDIX 7........................................................................................................................35
General separation conditions....................................................................................35
RESIGNATION ......................................................................................................................35
RETIREMENT .......................................................................................................................36
REDUNDANCY .....................................................................................................................36
DISABILITY .........................................................................................................................36
Unsatisfactory Performance.......................................................................................37
Unsatisfactory Conduct..............................................................................................37
Termination conditions ..............................................................................................37
DEATH ................................................................................................................................37
APPENDIX 8........................................................................................................................38
SALARY POLICY ............................................................................................................38
International staff .......................................................................................................38
Regional staff .............................................................................................................38
National staff..............................................................................................................39
APPENDIX 9........................................................................................................................40
EDUCATION ALLOWANCE ..........................................................................................40
APPENDIX 10......................................................................................................................41
HOME LEAVE TRAVEL .................................................................................................41
APPENDIX 11......................................................................................................................43
1. FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS ..............................................................................43
POLICY ................................................................................................................................43
DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................43
FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS ARRANGEMENTS ......................................................................43
EXAMPLES OF FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURS ARRANGEMENTS ...............................................43
IMPLEMENTATION ...............................................................................................................44
About IWMI
1.1 IWMI’s mission is to improve water and land resources management for food,
livelihoods and nature. To achieve this, IWMI conducts a worldwide research and
capacity-building program to improve water and land resources through better
technologies, policies, institutions, and management.
1.2 IWMI is one of the sixteen Future Harvest centers of the Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a group of governments, private
foundations and international and regional organizations. The CGIAR is IWMI’s
principal source of funding.
1.4 In accordance with its Charter and Headquarters Agreement, IWMI possesses
international status and enjoys particular privileges and immunities relevant to its
functions and purposes.
1.7 IWMI recognizes its staff as its most valuable asset, and aims to attract, retain and
develop staff members of the highest quality.
1.8 Accordingly, IWMI devotes considerable resources toward ensuring staff members'
well-being, and ensuring a working environment that is intellectually stimulating and
professionally rewarding. IWMI undertakes to provide a working environment that
will permit staff members to achieve the highest level of personal and institutional
1.11 In determining its employment conditions, IWMI endeavors to establish conditions
that are fully competitive within the respective labor markets from which IWMI
draws its staff.
1.12 This manual applies to staff across all locations where the Institute carries out its
1.13 The provisions of this manual apply to regular staff members holding indefinite or
fixed-term appointments of one year or more. Other personnel appointed on a
temporary or part-time basis shall be subject only to the provisions of this manual that
may be specified in their contract of employment.
1.14 Unless specifically permitted in a stipulated human resources policy, entitlements set
forth in this manual may not be accumulated, transferred to another individual,
converted to or added to another entitlement or paid in cash or in kind. An
entitlement that is not used as explained in this manual therefore is lost and cannot be
1.15 Under unusual circumstances, the Director General may make exceptions to these
policies and/or their application.
1.16 The provisions of this manual shall be applied without regard to gender, race, national
or social origin, religion, political affiliation or any other form of personal identity.
1.17 IWMI’s policies and procedures are subject to the limitations of agreements with, as
well as the laws and customs of, countries within whose borders the Institute
operates. The Institute is also subject to the contract provisions and funding decisions
of donors. Therefore, IWMI’s Board and Management reserve the right to act on
such considerations and change, suspend or terminate any of its policies and
procedures as deemed necessary.
2.1 Base Salary: that part of compensation, paid in cash, exclusive of all other payments
in cash or in kind for benefits, allowances, etc.
2.2 Benefits: the non-cash entitlements granted to staff members under schemes related
to insurance, health, pension, provident fund, etc.
2.3 Allowances: the entitlements paid in cash to staff members for specific purposes
other than base salary. These do not form part of base salary for purposes of pension
and insurance, except where specifically mentioned in the relevant Human Resources
Administration Manual.
2.4 Gross Salary: includes basic salary, benefits, and allowances as defined in this
manual and in the relevant Human Resources Administration Manual.
Definitions of location
2.5 Recognized Home Base: generally the city and country that the staff member
considers as his/her permanent domicile because of birth, citizenship or permanent
residency and that is officially recognized as such in the letter of appointment. This
may be changed once during the period of employment based on evidence acceptable
to IWMI.
2.6 Duty Station: the location, i.e., city, country or research station, where the staff
member is posted and works.
Categories of staff
2.8 Temporary Staff: persons employed for a period of less than one year to fulfill a
specific scientific, technical or administration assignment.
2.9 Part-time Staff: persons employed for fewer than 40 hours per week.
2.10 International Staff: regular staff members appointed to positions that require
selection from worldwide competition.
2.11 Regional Staff: regular staff members appointed to positions that require selection
from competition in the geographic region of posting.
2.12 National Staff: regular staff members appointed to positions for which selection
results from local competition within the country of posting, following local custom
and law.
Other definitions
2.13 Nationality: the staff member’s nationality or, when he/she has been legally accorded
nationality status by more than one state, the nationality chosen by the staff member
at the time of recruitment. In the application of these policies, only one nationality
will be recognized for any staff member.
2.14 Authorized Dependents: the legal spouse or non-married partner, and biological or
legally-adopted children, as well as stepchildren of the staff member. Certain
conditions must be met to qualify as an “authorized dependent”; these are described
in Appendix 1.
General conduct
3.1 In accepting an appointment to IWMI, staff members signify their intention to abide
by IWMI's policies and procedures and to accept the responsibilities set forth in this
manual. They shall at all times discharge their duties with efficiency, diligence and
fidelity, and work honestly and conscientiously for IWMI.
3.3 IMWI maintains a work environment that respects the dignity of the individual, and
that is free of all forms of discrimination and harassment. Conduct or comments that
do not respect an individual’s dignity are unwelcome, offensive, and will not be
3.4 IWMI staff must not harass or discriminate against another staff member. Such
misbehaviour is a disciplinary offence. All complaints of harassment or
discrimination will be investigated and resolved promptly.
Political activity
3.6 IWMI staff members shall not engage in any political activity that is inconsistent with,
or might detract from the independence and impartiality required by their status as
employees of the Institute.
Disclosure of information
3.7 Staff members shall not make public any confidential information known to them by
virtue of their IWMI position, nor shall they use such information for personal
advantage. These moral obligations continue upon leaving the Institute.
3.8 Staff members should consult with the Director General before accepting professional
speaking engagements or publishing research reports, articles in professional journals
or other forms of written communication. The purpose of this consultation is to avoid
potential personal and official conflicts in the release of IWMI perspectives on issues
of concern.
Outside Interests
3.9 Staff members must avoid active association with the management of, or hold
financial interest in, any business concern if it is possible for the staff member or a
member of his/her immediate family to benefit from such association by reason of the
staff member’s official position with IWMI. The mere holding of minority shares in
a public company does not constitute a conflict of interest in this context.
3.10 Staff members who feel that any of their outside interests may be potentially in
conflict with those of the Institute should report these interests to their immediate
supervisor. The supervisor will then refer the information to the Director General.
The supervisor and the Director General will take the necessary action to shield the
staff member from potential conflict.
Outside Employment
3.11 Staff members must gain the prior approval of the Director General before they
engage in any consultancy or outside employment that is related in any way to their
employment at IWMI.
3.12 When an outside assignment is related to the work of the Institute, and it is in IWMI’s
interest to have the staff member undertake the assignment, the Director General will
establish the conditions under which the assignment may be accepted.
3.13 Staff members should consult with the Director General before accepting honoraria,
cash awards, honors, decorations, favors or gifts of significant value from any
individual or organization related to IWMI. Failure to consult may result in
disciplinary action that may involve return of the value to the Institute. The relevant
Personnel Policy Supplements provide guidelines that exclude from this policy gifts
of nominal value that are offered in accord with local social custom or courtesy.
Intellectual Property Rights
3.14 All intellectual property rights, including title, copyright, royalties and patent rights
accruing from a staff member's work at IWMI belong to the Institute. Staff members
must respect the conditions of agreements entered into by IWMI. Staff members who
believe that aspects of their work may be copyrighted or patented should discuss this
with the Director General.
4.1 IWMI encourages mechanisms such as recognized staff associations through which
staff can provide their ideas and suggestions about the direction and operation of the
Institute. Such mechanisms also enable staff members to bring to management’s
attention problems and concerns that affect working conditions.
4.2 IWMI acknowledges the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, seeks to minimize
the social, economic and developmental consequences of HIV/AIDS to the Institute
and its staff members and commits itself to providing resources and leadership to
implement a compassionate HIV/AIDS program.
Spouse/Partner Employment
4.4 IWMI recognizes the increasing employment expectations of dual career families and
is committed to addressing those needs.
4.5 In certain circumstances the Director General may offer an international appointment
to a spouse/partner of an international staff member already appointed to IWMI.
Short-term appointments for specialized professional consultancies may be approved
for spouses/partners of already appointed international staff. The spouse/partner may
also apply to be considered for regional and national positions.
4.6 In addition to 4.5 the Director General may also approve the appointment of a
spouse/partner of an international/regional staff member as an IWMI ‘Research
Associate’. Under the terms of this appointment IWMI will provide office facilities
and a small grant to enable the associate to write project proposals for submission to
donors. Submission of successful proposals may lead to longer term IWMI
4.7 Conditions governing these appointments, and the relevant salaries and benefits
implications, are described in more detail in Appendix 3.
Grievances and appeals
4.9 IWMI believes that all staff members should be treated fairly and equitably. IWMI
also recognizes that, from time to time, occasions may arise when a staff member
feels that he/she has been treated in a way that has not been fair or equitable.
4.10 The respective Personnel Policy Supplements contain detailed procedures for
handling grievances and appeals. These procedures conform as far as possible with
local custom and practice in each of IWMI's operational locations.
4.11 The Director General may take disciplinary action against a staff member who
demonstrates unsatisfactory conduct, who violates the responsibilities explained in
this manual, or who disregards his/her obligations to IWMI.
4.12 A full inquiry will be conducted on behalf of the Director General before any
disciplinary measure is imposed. Pending the inquiry, the Director General may
suspend a staff member from duty with pay, without prejudice to the rights of the
staff member.
4.13 In increasing order of severity, disciplinary measures that may be imposed comprise:
• written censure,
• suspension, with or without pay,
• demotion, or
• dismissal, with or without a notice period.
4.14 Any such measures shall be taken only with written advice to the staff member and
shall be placed on record at the time.
Hours of Work
5.1 The working hours of all staff members will normally comprise 40 hours per week.
More information about working hours, arrangements at different duty stations,
compensation for excessive hours worked, and overtime is provided in Appendix 4.
Official Holidays
5.2 National staff are entitled to the national holidays of the country in which they are
posted and to those local holidays in the city or town in which the duty station is
The list of official holidays will be published in the relevant Personnel Policy
5.3 International and regional staff will normally be entitled up to 10 holidays, which will
be determined by the Deputy Director General (Operations) for headquarters staff and
by the Regional Directors for the respective regional office staff.
5.4 All staff are entitled to annual, casual and sick leave as defined in the relevant
Personnel Policy Supplements or in the contract of employment.
5.5 A staff member’s full leave entitlement for a calendar year will be credited at the
beginning of each year. The staff member can utilize this entitlement at any time
during the year, at a time mutually convenient to IWMI and the staff member.
Maternity and paternity leave, compassionate leave, and leave without pay
5.6 Staff may apply for maternity and paternity leave, compassionate leave, and leave
without pay, which are described in Appendix 5.
5.7 If, for compelling reasons, a staff member is unable to report for duty, he/she must
advise the immediate supervisor the reason for his/her absence as soon as possible,
and in any case within 24 hours. An unreported or insufficiently justified absence
will be considered as unauthorized absence.
5.8 Absence without leave or permission, including overstaying for a month after the
expiry of authorized leave, will result in automatic termination of employment. The
staff member will be treated as having abandoned or vacated his/her position with
Flexible Working Arrangements
5.9 IWMI is prepared to consider alternatives to staff working standard working hours
(see section 5.1), or from an alternative location to their normal IWMI site, where the
alternative arrangements:
(a) are advantageous to staff in particular circumstances, and
(b) do not impair IWMI productivity.
5.11 Flexible working arrangements are not an entitlement. They can only be entered into
by mutual agreement with a staff member’s supervisor. Arrangements for working
from home/alternative location also must be approved by the relevant Regional
Director or Director of the Global Research Division for all research and research
support staff. In the case of non research staff approval must be sought from the
Deputy Director General (Operations). In the case of members of the management
team approval must be sought from the Director General. In addition HR must be
informed of all such arrangements entered into.
Recruitment Principles
6.2 In addition, IWMI is committed to maintaining the diversity of its staff in terms of
both gender and nationality. The Institute believes that such diversity contributes to
its intellectual strength and its effectiveness as an international research institution.
When recruiting, IWMI will pay particular attention to gender balance and applicants
from diverse ethnic and national backgrounds, balancing this with the objective above
to select the individual determined to be the best person for the position.
6.3 IWMI will apply consistent and fair recruitment and appointment practices to ensure
that current staff members, as well as external candidates, have equal opportunity for
job openings or promotions. All vacant positions will be made known to current staff
members at the start of the recruitment process.
6.4 Recruitment and appointment at IWMI is based on the principle of open competition
on merit, the basic elements of which are described in Appendix 6. The advertising
and selection arrangements for regular international, regional and national staff
positions also are described in Appendix 6.
6.5 IMWI will not deny any applicant appointment solely because of a family
relationship with a current staff member. The appointment of close relatives (e.g.
husband, wife, partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister) to a regular
position shall be subject to:
• the normal rules and procedures of employment,
• standard selection procedures, and
• the requirement that staff members shall not supervise or be supervised by a
related staff member.
6.6 The Director General will issue procedures for the selection of temporary and part-
time staff members appropriate to the nature of the proposed assignment.
6.7 The Director General shall approve the appointment of all IWMI staff. The Director
General may delegate this authority in some cases. Appointments at the level of
Deputy Director General require prior endorsement by the Board.
6.8 Offers of appointment, indicating the base salary for the position, will be made in
writing and signed by the Director General. A copy of this manual and the Personnel
Policy Supplement will be included with such letters, and shall be considered an
integral part of the employment contract.
6.9 An appointment does not become effective until accepted in writing by the appointee.
Until IWMI receives the signed acceptance letter, it may rescind the offer by written
notification from the Director General.
6.10 A former staff member, if re-employed, will be given a new appointment without
regard to any prior period of service in calculating benefits.
Duration of Appointment
6.11 IWMI is dependent for its funding on donors' contributions. Consequently the
Institute cannot guarantee permanent employment to any staff. Within this constraint,
IWMI shall make every effort to maintain employment stability and to provide
continuity of employment for staff members with consistently good performance
6.12 Appointment to regular international and regional staff positions will normally be for
a fixed-term period of two years, and specified in the letter of appointment.
Extension of the initial period of appointment, generally also for two years, will be
subject to the continuing need for service coupled with good performance.
6.1.3 Whilst aiming to ensure the continuing vitality of its scientific research by a
number of means, including the periodic turnover of staff, IWMI also strives
to retain an adequate proportion of senior staff with the necessary experience
to provide mentoring to less experienced colleagues and to direct the research
effort. Consequently, any extension of appointment for international or
regional staff members beyond a total period of ten years will be subject to an
in-depth review by Management which would take into account IWMI’s long-
term staffing profile needs and the staff member’s performance.
6.14 Post-doctoral Fellows will be appointed for a fixed-term period of two years. In
exceptional circumstances a further extension of one additional year may be
considered on the recommendation of the Director/Head of Duty Station. Thereafter,
Post-doctoral Fellows may only remain at IWMI if there is an appropriate vacancy on
the international or regional staff, and if they are selected for the position through the
standard selection procedures.
6.16 All regular staff appointments are conditional on the appointee providing medical
certification as to his/her physical capacity to carry out the duties of the respective
position, and IWMI’s acceptance of such certification. IMWI will reimburse the costs
of medical examinations required for such certification.
Probation periods
6.17 All IWMI appointments on indefinite and fixed-term contracts shall be subject to a
probation period of at least six months or a period indicated in the letter of
appointment. More details about probation periods appear in Appendix 6.
6.18 During the probation period, a staff member will be entitled to receive full benefits
normally accruing to the position except use of leave.
6.19 All newly appointed IWMI staff members will be offered an induction/orientation
program by senior members of the staff and/or the human resources officer.
6.20 In addition, a “buddy” will be assigned to assist the newcomer to settle in and
understand the IWMI culture and procedures. The buddy may also assist with
language, and with any special concerns of the staff member and his/her family that
are associated with living in an unfamiliar country and society.
6.21 The Director General may temporarily transfer the services of staff members to
another international agency, government department, intergovernmental agency or a
national institute. This will only occur where the staff member is not disadvantaged
in terms of rights or entitlements granted by his/her letter of appointments or contract,
unless he/she agrees to accept such disadvantage.
6.22 Transfers are defined by an agreement between IWMI and the receiving organization,
and may occur either as a “loan” or as a “secondment”, as follows:
• where a staff member is lent to another organization, the staff member is subject
to the administrative supervision of the receiving organization but will continue
to receive the salary and benefits provided by IWMI, or
• where a staff member is seconded to another organization, the staff member will
receive payment from, and be subject to, the human resources policies and
procedures of the receiving organization, but will retain the right of return to
service at IWMI.
6.23 All appointments will terminate on the date indicated in the appointment letter and no
formal notice of such termination is required to be given by IWMI. IWMI will
however endeavor to commence discussions with staff concerning any possible
extension or renewal of appointment six months prior to the stated termination date,
to ensure ample opportunity for staff planning and consultation. These discussions
will not change the termination date unless a written offer of extension or renewal is
made by IWMI, and accepted by the staff member prior to the stated termination date.
6.24 Staff may cease their employment with IWMI in any of the following ways:
• resignation
• retirement (due to age)
• completion of fixed-term appointment
• redundancy (of position)
• serious physical or medical disability
• termination for unsatisfactory performance or conduct
• death.
Conditions applying to each of these situations are described in Appendix 7.
7.1 IWMI administers a system of position classification through which all positions are
evaluated and given a grade reflecting the authority and responsibility inherent in the
assigned tasks, the knowledge and skills needed to perform them successfully, and the
qualifications normally required.
7.2 Each grade within the system is assigned a salary range fully competitive with the
market from which potential candidates for positions in that grade will be sought.
Staff will be compensated with a salary within the range of the grade and position to
which they are appointed. Salary increments are normally granted annually following
and depending upon the annual performance appraisal.
7.3 Current salary scales are provided in the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
7.4 Any allowance, benefit or related payment which IWMI provides is payable only
where there is no duplication of benefits provided by any source external to IWMI. If
such duplications exist, staff are obliged to advise IWMI about such benefits
available to themselves or to their family members.
Salary Policy
• Regional staff are compensated according to the respective regional labor market.
They are entitled to certain additional allowances as stipulated in this manual and
in the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
• National staff are compensated according to the respective national labor market
and are subject to the provisions of the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
Cash Advances
Home Country Taxes
7.7 International and regional staff members who are expatriates are individually
responsible for compliance with the income tax laws of their home countries as they
apply to all IWMI-derived income. IWMI will provide whatever reports the taxing
authority requires.
7.8 IWMI’s agreement with various host governments may exempt certain categories of
staff from payment of taxes on compensation paid by IWMI. Where the staff
members are nationals or residents of the host country, they may be required by their
government to pay normal taxes of the country unless they are specifically exempted.
IWMI will take no responsibility for any such taxes.
7.9 Non-IWMI derived income may also be subject to tax, depending on the laws of the
host country. Each staff member is responsible for:
• the declaration of non-exempt and non-IWMI-derived income to the respective
host governments, and
• paying appropriate taxes in time.
The same principles apply to social security taxes where applicable.
7.10 At some locations IWMI, as the employer, may be required by law to deduct tax at
source and pay directly to the taxing authority. However, this does not transfer any
responsibility to IWMI for the accuracy or completeness of the taxes so deducted, nor
for any part of the obligations of staff members to report and pay their income tax in
7.11 Specific rules with respect to host country taxes applicable to staff members at each
of IWMI's duty stations are explained in the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
Other Deductions
7.12 IWMI shall make any other statutory deductions for staff welfare, cooperative
savings, and similar funds that:
• may be required the laws of the host country, or
• may have been agreed on with the host country.
7.13 IWMI may also make deductions to recover debts owed to IWMI by staff members.
Specific rules applicable to each of IWMI's duty stations are explained in the
respective Personnel Policy Supplement.
7.14 IWMI aims to ensure equality of benefits for employee insurance/medical coverage
for all staff, to the maximum extent possible. IWMI may contract with different firms
to provide coverage at different duty stations. Also, the benefits may be provided in
different forms for different staff.
7.15 The benefits are:
(a) Medical Insurance: IWMI will provide medical insurance or medical care
for the staff member, the spouse/partner and authorized dependent children
7.16 The details of the insurance coverage are described in the appropriate Personnel
Policy Supplements. In all cases, IWMI will cover 100% of the premiums.
Pension Plan
8.1 IWMI will contract with an international investment firm to manage a US dollar-
denominated pension fund for international and regional staff members. The details
are in the contractors' booklets and in the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
Allowances - General
8.2 Regular international and regional staff members are provided with several
allowances in either US dollars or local currency to assist them in establishing
themselves and their dependents and adjusting to living conditions in their country of
8.3 In most cases, these allowances are intended to compensate such staff members for
expenses they would not normally incur to the same extent had they remained at their
recognized home base.
8.4 A staff member may not change his/her recognized home base more than once during
the period of employment. Where the staff member wishes to make such a change,
he/she must provide suitable explanation to IWMI.
Housing Allowance
8.4 IWMI provides a housing allowance to international and regional staff members
posted outside their recognized home base (or housing in those countries where it is
provided as set forth in country or institutional agreements).
8.5 The purpose of this allowance is to assist international and regional staff members
meet the cost of reasonable accommodation at their duty station. The allowance is a
flat amount, adjusted from time to time, that varies with the country of posting.
Specific amounts are indicated in the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement, and
specified in the letter of appointment.
Education Allowance
8.8 IWMI provides assistance to international and regional staff posted outside their
recognized home base with the education of dependent children enrolled in school,
from age five through secondary education.
8.9 The allowance is limited to assistance with the education of three children; it is not
payable to staff members posted to the country of their nationality unless another
country is recognized in their letter of appointment as their official home base.
8.11 If posted to a duty station outside their recognized home base, international and
regional staff are entitled to home leave travel once in each full year of service.
Details of this allowance appear in Appendix 10.
8.12 A hardship, post and/or cost-of-living allowance may be provided to international and
regional staff posted at specified locations deemed by IWMI to present difficult or
unusually expensive living conditions.
8.13 Post and cost-of-living allowances are intended to equalize the purchasing power of
staff members in similar positions at all IWMI duty stations. The United Nations
system for determining such allowances may be used as a guide.
Relocation/Furnishing Allowance
8.14 The furnishing allowance is to assist staff with the purchase of furniture and with the
myriad of small costs that are associated with moving a residence from one
international post to another.
Temporary Living Expenses
8.16 Temporary living expenses may be provided for international and regional staff (and
authorized accompanying dependents) posted to a duty station outside their
recognized home base.
8.17 This allowance is paid to cover food and lodging costs immediately upon
arrival at a new duty station, if regular accommodation is not then available. It
is paid for up to 25 days. Accommodation in Colombo and at other regional
offices may be at the IWMI guesthouse or a hotel depending on availability.
IWMI will pick up the accommodation and meal costs at the guesthouse/hotel.
The monthly housing and utilities allowance will not be paid during this
8.18 During repatriation, the staff member will not be entitled for temporary living
expenses (accommodation and meals). Instead, he/she will continue to receive
the housing and utilities allowance applicable to her/him up to the last working
8.18 All placement travel i.e. to assume new appointment will be on economy airfare.
8.19 IWMI provides shipping assistance for personal and household possessions to
international and regional staff:
• posted to a duty station outside their recognized home base at the beginning of
their IWMI service,
• for interim transfers, and
• at the end of their IWMI service.
Shipping assistance is provided based on the most direct routing available at the time
of shipment and within the weight allowances and other conditions explained in the
relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
8.20 IWMI's country agreements generally provide for the import of staff members’
authorized personal possessions without payment of duty and if duty is levied IWMI
will reimburse the cost of such levy.
9.1 IWMI aims to create an organizational environment which will encourage staff and
foster their professional development. Therefore IWMI:
• encourages open communication and team effort,
• supports the development of professional expertise, and
• recognizes and rewards individual and team achievement.
9.2 These efforts are underpinned by an integrated set of systems for Performance
Management, Staff Development, and Rewards.
9.3 IWMI seeks to provide its staff with opportunities for professional growth and
advancement, consistent with the requirement that, because of the nature of the
Institute’s work, IWMI hires the best qualified individual for each position.
9.4 A staff member’s career may progress in several ways. Career progression may arise
from his/her appointment to a vacant position within a higher category. All newly
created or newly vacant positions will be announced internally. Staff are encouraged
to apply for any announced opening for which they believe they are appropriately
qualified, especially if the open position represents an opportunity for career
9.5 Alternatively, career development may result from re-grading the staff member’s
current position, provided that there has been a substantial change in job
responsibility (see “Promotion to a higher level”, below).
Performance Management
9.7 At both the commencement and conclusion of the annual performance review, there
is scope for linking the outcomes (in terms of training needs and/or other
development) to the Staff Development process. At the conclusion of the annual
performance review, the outcomes are linked to the IWMI Reward system.
9.8 A description of the Performance Management System and its varying forms is
provided in separate documents.
Staff Development
Skills Enhancement
9.10 IWMI encourages all staff both to maintain their ability and to develop the skills
required in their current position and/or the position to which they might next be
assigned. The Director General will consider requests from staff, supported by their
supervisors, to attend:
9.11 The Director General’s approval will take into account funding availability, the needs
and priorities of IWMI, and the staff member's past performance.
9.12 Staff members who fail to complete an approved program or activity, or who separate
from the Institute before completing one full year of service following completion of
a major program, will be billed for the full costs of the program/activity paid by
Language Training
9.14 Therefore the Institute may authorize the use of some work time for staff members to
engage in language teaching exchanges, or may reimburse fees for formal language
courses taken outside of work hours. The support of the staff member’s supervisor is
required in all such cases.
Professional Associations
9.15 IWMI recognizes that it is important for professional staff members to keep abreast of
the developments in their discipline and encourages staff members to be up to date
through reading and active participation in professional meetings. IWMI will assist
staff members with annual membership fees for one professional association that has
direct relevance to the staff members’ profession or to their responsibilities at IWMI.
The assistance is limited to a specific amount per calendar year and is specified in the
Personnel Policy Supplements.
9.16 Staff members who participate in scientific congresses, technical meetings,
workshops or symposia do so as representatives of the Institute. They must,
therefore, seek official authorization. IWMI will consider the institutional benefits of
such participation as well as the budgetary and time constraints before granting
approval. Articles and conference papers for publication must be approved through
the Institute’s internal review procedures.
9.17 Salary increases and promotion are based primarily on an individual maintaining a
high level of on-the-job performance and contribution to the Institute's objectives. A
staff member is eligible for an annual salary increment within the salary range,
provided he/she is rated “good” or higher.
Bonus Scheme
9.18 IWMI's bonus scheme recognizes and rewards personal excellence and outstanding
achievement, through provision of a one-time cash award. The supervisor can
recommend to the Director General those staff members who have made significant
contributions to the Institute's objectives in the course of the previous year or years.
9.19 To be eligible for nomination for a bonus under this scheme, a staff member should
be recognized for one or more of the following:
• an outstanding contribution in terms of adding knowledge in the staff member's
field of work, development of a product having significant impact, a widely
adopted method or technique, or authorship of an important book or
• an impressive achievement such as excellent team work, effectiveness in building
partnerships, and/or unusual success in obtaining financial support; and/or
• consistently outstanding levels of performance as established through the
Performance Management System.
9.20 If the responsibilities of a specific position are amended, the salary level of the
position will be re-evaluated. If this re-evaluation shows that the position could be
classified at a higher grade, the occupant will be considered for promotion provided
• the immediate supervisor makes a written recommendation in support of the
promotion, and
• the staff member’s overall performance during the immediately preceding two
appraisal periods was rated in the minimum “excellent” or “superior”.
9.21 The salary of a staff member promoted to a new or amended position will be subject
to an appropriate increase, to not less than the minimum of the new grade.
10.1 All duty travel must be authorized in advance by the Director General or his/her
10.2 Duty travel will be by the most direct and economical routing at the lowest cost
economy fare. Business class may be authorized in special situations by the Director
10.3 Requests for approval of business class surcharges should indicate the cost of the
additional fare. Staff members are expected to make as much use as is consistent
with the time and routing required of other less expensive fares. In case of
emergencies, when the authorized class of service is not then available and travel
cannot be delayed, travelers may use the lowest available class other than first class.
Unless another class of travel is authorized in advance by the Director General,
upgrading is at the traveler's expense.
10.4 Reimbursement for transportation will be based on the actual cost of the travel used
up to the cost of the travel authorized. Reductions due to changes in routing, use of
lower fare classes, etc., must be returned to IWMI and may not be used to extend
routing or to provide additional travel for the staff member or accompanying
10.5 Accommodation and other non-subsistence expenses are reimbursed on the basis of
itemized receipted bills from the hotel and the purveyor of other expenses.
Subsistence costs, including food and such incidental expenses as taxi fares under
$10, laundry, tips, etc., during travel will be based on per diem rates established
periodically. The per diem allowance is provided for each full day of travel; one half
of the per diem may be claimed on the first and last days of travel.
10.6 The policy operates on an honor system. It is assumed that full per diems will only be
claimed when corresponding costs have been incurred by the individual. In instances
where staff members are hosted, it would be inappropriate to claim the full per diem,
and the expense claim should be scaled down accordingly.
10.7 IWMI expects its staff to stay in reasonably priced accommodation and to take meals
in reasonably priced restaurants. It does not reimburse for luxury restaurants and
hotels, nor for suites unless required and justified for business purposes.
10.8 When official guests are entertained, their names and affiliations and the purpose of
the entertainment must be reported on the reimbursement request.
10.9 IWMI authorizes use of airport dayrooms for waiting times in excess of six hours.
10.10 It is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure that he/she has an up-to-date passport, the
necessary visas for the countries to be visited and the appropriate inoculations.
10.11 IWMI will provide assistance in obtaining visas and will reimburse the traveler for
the cost of passports and visas as well as any inoculations and prophylactic medicines
required or recommended by medical authorities.
Travel Advances
10.12 Travelers should request a travel advance sufficient to cover anticipated expenses
during the travel authorized. Staff members are urged to use traveler's checks rather
than carry large sums of cash. A previous travel advance must be cleared before a
new one can be honored.
Appendix 1
3 Eligibility under this policy will be limited to only one legal spouse or partner. The
application of this definition may be limited due to external factors beyond the
control of IWMI, such as host country visa requirements for international or regional
staff members, and insurance regulations. Any such limitation will be included in the
relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
5 Stepchildren of the staff member are recognized as authorized dependents until their
24th birthday, provided that:
• the spouse/partner of the staff member (parent of the children) has legal custody
of them, and
• the children are unmarried and fully dependent on the staff member.
Appendix 2
1 IMWI maintains a work environment that respects the dignity of the individual, and
that is free of all forms of discrimination and harassment. Conduct or comments that
do not respect an individual’s dignity are unwelcome and offensive. IWMI will not
tolerate such conduct.
2 IWMI staff must not harass or discriminate against another staff member. Such
misbehavior is a disciplinary offence. IWMI will investigate all complaints of
harassment or discrimination, and will resolve them promptly.
5 There may be different criteria, terms and conditions of employment for national,
regional and international staff, which result from agreements with the relevant host
countries. These differences do not constitute “discrimination” in the context of this
7 Every staff member is responsible for creating a work environment that is free of
harassment and discrimination.
8 Staff should take assertive action should they feel they are being subjected to
harassment. Regardless of who the alleged offender is, or the nature of the
harassment, the staff member should immediately advise the offender of the
offensiveness of the unwelcome conduct.
9 Supervisors and managers will set an example through their own conduct, and:
• will ensure that all their staff understand and comply with this policy, and
• will deal promptly with any incident of unacceptable behavior, including sexual
harassment or discrimination and intimidation, and will ensure that corrective
action is taken.
Appendix 3
1 IWMI recognizes the increasing employment expectations of dual career families and
is committed to addressing those needs.
3 In such cases, the Director General may offer the spouse/partner the position without
following normal competitive recruitment procedures.
4 When staff members as described above reside in the same household at their
assigned duty station, the salary, benefits, allowances, etc. are provided as follows:
• full base salary and any cost-of-living allowances to each, depending on position
to which appointed;
• full retirement contribution to each, based on each individual's age and salary;
• full coverage for life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment and long-
term disability to each;
• if applicable, an assigned vehicle to each;
• shared family medical coverage;
• shared housing allowance;
• shared home leave benefit;
• shared benefits for dependents’ education;
• shared relocation benefit.
6 Spouses/partners may also apply to be considered for regional and national staff
7 In the case of national staff, when both spouses/partners are employed at IWMI,
salary and benefits will continue for each, except that family medical insurance will
be shared.
Appointment as an IWMI Research Associate
8. The Director General may offer the position of ‘Research Associate’ to the
spouse/partner of an international/regional staff member provided the spouse/partner
has the potential to make a positive contribution to the IWMI research agenda. In the
case of such appointments IWMI will provide office facilities to the research
associate. Facilities will include the provision of a computer, telephone and e-mail
access. IWMI will also provide an IWMI business card.
9. In addition IWMI may provide a small grant of up to $5,000 per annum to facilitate
travel and some operating funds.
10 IWMI recognizes that the skills and experience present within the spouse/partner
community can make a valuable contribution to other employers and organizations in
the local community.
12 IWMI will assist families of international and regional staff to make personal and
professional adjustments to the IWMI environment.
Appendix 4
1 The working hours of all staff members will normally comprise 40 hours per week.
2 All IWMI's duty stations open and operate on schedules that adhere to the customs
and practices of the specific location. These schedules are published in the relevant
Personnel Policy Supplement.
3 All staff members are expected to devote the time and energy necessary to fulfill the
requirements of their appointment. Although this may require work outside of
normal hours, IWMI does not expect this of staff members routinely.
5 National support staff members who are requested to work beyond normal work
hours may be offered compensatory time off, or paid overtime, as required by the
customs and practices of the specific location.
7 Annual leave, casual, sick leave and official holidays are counted as time worked in
computing the 40-hour week required before an eligible staff member is entitled to
receive compensation for overtime work.
8 Policies regarding compensatory time off and overtime pay are included in the
relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
Appendix 5
1 Female staff are entitled to paid maternity leave as provided for in legislation of the
country of posting but not less than 60 working days. If medical complications of
pregnancy require additional leave, this may be taken as sick leave. Maternity leave
may be taken in part before and in part after delivery. Applications for maternity
leave must include a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner, which
indicates the estimated dates of confinement.
2 Male staff are entitled to paid paternity leave of ten working days for each delivery by
their spouse/partner.
3 Both male and female staff are entitled to paid parental leave of ten working days for
each instance of adoption of a child. To be eligible for adoption leave, the staff
member must have completed an aggregate service of at least eight months during the
immediately preceding twelve months. This leave may be granted up to three times
during the tenure of each individual staff member.
4 A staff member who has been granted maternity leave as explained above, and who
resumes her employment upon the expiration of maternity leave, shall be guaranteed
reinstatement in the position occupied at the time she commenced maternity leave.
5 A staff member wishing to stay away from work for longer than the stipulated period
in order to care for the infant may apply for leave without pay, if no annual leave
credit is available. Provided the total absence does not exceed six months, IWMI will
reinstate the staff member upon return from such extended leave:
- in the same position occupied at the time she commenced maternity leave, or
- in a comparable position with salary and benefits equivalent to those to which
she was entitled at the beginning of maternity leave.
6 Details of local law regarding maternity leave are explained in the relevant Personnel
Policy Supplement.
Compassionate Leave
7 All staff are entitled to compassionate leave in the event of the serious illness or death
of an immediate member of the staff member's family (parents, parents-in-law, child).
Compassionate leave provides for up to five working days of paid leave, plus travel
time by the most direct routing. All time over the five days plus travel time must be
charged to annual leave, or taken as leave without pay.
8 International and regional staff posted to a duty station outside their recognized home
base will, in addition, be provided one round trip economy air ticket between the duty
station and the stricken family member. The trip must take the most direct routing,
and must not exceed the cost of travel between duty station and home base.
9 The entitlement to compassionate leave and the travel entitlement may be used either
by the staff member or the spouse/partner. However, this entitlement may be used
only twice during the staff member's period of IWMI employment.
Leave without Pay (LWOP)
10 Staff members may request leave without pay in the event of a personal situation for
which no other leave credit is available.
Appendix 6
Recruitment principles
1 Recruitment and appointment at IWMI are based on the principle of open competition
on merit, the basic elements of which are:
• adequate publicity - vacancies are publicized to provide potential candidates with
every reasonable opportunity to apply;
• special efforts are made to encourage applications from groups that might
otherwise be under-represented in the candidate list;
• absence of discrimination - selections are made impartially under processes
that will neither discriminate nor unduly favor candidates on the basis of:
• gender, race, national or social origin, religion, political affiliation, or
• any other form of personal identity;
• age, marital status, or family size;
• physical disability not relevant to the assignment; and
• ranking on the basis of the highest standards of efficiency, competence,
effectiveness, integrity, professional qualifications, and appropriate experience to
carry out the Institute's objectives.
3 The Director General will set the terms of reference and appoint the chair and
members of an ad hoc search committee for each vacant position. The search
committee will normally include the supervisor of the position being recruited and the
human resources officer.
4 Vacant regular regional staff positions shall be advertised on a regional basis with
respect to the duty station where the person selected will be posted, and selection
made from among both internal and external candidates.
5 The Director General will set the terms of reference and appoint the chair and
members of an ad hoc search committee for each vacant position. The search
committee will normally include the supervisor of the position being recruited and the
human resources officer.
Regular National Staff Positions
6 Vacant regular national staff positions shall be filled from internal candidates at the
respective duty station to the extent possible. If no qualified candidates are available
internally, the position will be advertised externally.
7 The Director General will set the terms of reference and appoint a national staff
search committee at each duty station to be chaired by the officer-in-charge or
designee and including the supervisor of the position being recruited and the human
resources officer. This committee will consider the qualifications of internal
candidates for promotion or transfer, as well as to review the qualifications of
external candidates in the event a broader search is required.
9 The purpose of the probation period is to give all newly appointed staff members
adequate time and working conditions to demonstrate their suitability. This is judged
by their ability:
• to meet the requirements of the position to which they have been appointed,
• to perform according to IWMI’s standards, and
• to demonstrate behaviour consistent with their obligations as an IWMI staff
10 During the probation period, the appointee will receive regular performance
appraisals and feedback.
12 The probation period may be extended if the staff member’s performance during the
initial period is not fully satisfactory. If the Director General is not satisfied with the
performance of the staff member by the end of the probation period, the appointment
may be terminated by one month notice in writing.
13 During the probation period, a staff member will be entitled to receive full normal
benefits except the use of leave.
Appendix 7
1 Staff may cease their employment with IWMI in any of the following ways:
• resignation
• retirement (due to age)
• completion of fixed-term appointment
• redundancy (of position)
• serious physical or medical disability
• termination for unsatisfactory performance or conduct
• death.
IWMI will provide for unavailed annual leave and other statutory payments such as
gratuity, provident fund, etc., as appropriate.
Details of separation benefits to staff ceasing their employment are set out in the
relevant Personnel Policy Supplements.
3 IWMI will not provide final payments on separation until the separating staff member
(or his/her assigned nominee) returns or transfers any IWMI property, and settles any
financial obligations (e.g. cash advances, expense accounts, etc.)
4 A pro-rated deduction from separation payments will be made for home leave travel
entitlements used by international and regional staff members if separation occurs
within six months after return from home leave, except in the case of termination of
appointment because of redundancy, disability or death.
6 IWMI will provide the departing staff member with a statement of financial
obligations prior to the staff member's departure.
8 A staff member resigning without giving the required period of notice will only be
entitled to base salary to the last day worked and related pension if applicable. None
of the other normal resignation benefits will be provided.
9 International and regional staff shall not be entitled to the repatriation and shipping
allowances if separation occurs within eighteen months of appointment, as a result of
10 Normal Retirement for International and Regional Staff members is at age 65.
Retirement is effective on the last day of the month in which age 65 is reached.
Decisions to hire or continue appointments annually thereafter must be approved by
the Board of Governors. National staff retirement age may differ due to local law and
practice and will be indicated in the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
The Director General will establish an appropriate review process to determine how
any such changes will affect individual positions.
13 Staff members who are declared redundant will receive six months notice of
redundancy in writing. Unless reassigned within the six-month period, the staff
member's employment will be terminated as per the redundancy notice.
14 During the six-month notice period, every effort will be made to retrain and reassign
the affected staff member to another suitable position. Redundant staff will be
considered against any existing or known prospective vacancies, where the duties are
commensurate with the staff member's qualifications, or for which the staff member
can be retrained in a reasonable period of time.
15 Retraining shall not exceed the cost of the staff member's three month salary; it may
include on-the-job training where the supervisor agrees to accept the assignment of
the staff member. However, if reassignment or retraining is not possible, the
concerned staff member will be notified accordingly within three months of the notice
of redundancy. Redundancy compensation where applicable will be dealt in the
relevant Personnel Policy Supplements.
16 During the course of an appointment, a staff member may suffer a serious physical or
medical disability which precludes him/her from carrying out his/her assigned duties
and responsibilities. In these circumstances the Director General, on professional
medical advice, will place the staff member on medical leave.
17 Provisions for staff who become disabled are explained in the relevant Personnel
Policy Supplement.
Termination for Unsatisfactory Performance or Conduct
Unsatisfactory Performance
Unsatisfactory Conduct
20 In such situations the Director General will also consult with the Chair of the Board
of Governors.
Termination conditions
21 In all cases of involuntary termination, the Director General will determine the
termination conditions and entitlements on an individual basis.
• the deceased staff member’s home town, in the case of national staff, or
• the deceased staff member’s recognized home base, in the case of international
and regional staff.
24 IWMI will arrange the repatriation of the remains of the deceased staff member to the
assignment location, or to the home town or recognized home base, if requested by
the dependents.
Appendix 8
1 All salaries are paid monthly in arrears on the last business day of the month in the
form described in the respective Personnel Policy Supplement.
2 IWMI does not make adjustments in payments under its compensation program for
currency fluctuations with any other currency. Furthermore, staff members are
required to observe national currency exchange regulations at all times.
International staff
4 IWMI aims to establish salaries that are comparable with those paid by other leading
international research institutes for equivalent positions and caliber of staff, and with
particular attention to the CGIAR Institutes. IWMI recognizes that to attract and
retain the caliber of staff it desires, its salaries must be competitive. IWMI strives to
maintain this position within the limits placed on it by the availability of funds.
5 The level of salaries, allowances and other benefits is influenced by the diversity of
IWMI posts, the differences within its various host government agreements, the
availability of social amenities, financial arrangements regarding currency
convertibility, taxation, and exchange rates. When comparing salaries IWMI takes
into account the total remuneration/benefits packages offered by comparable
international institutes.
6 The salary, insurance and retirement contribution, where applicable, for international
staff are quoted and paid in US dollars regardless of country of posting.
7 The categories of research staff positions are given below. All categories and
applicable salary ranges will be provided in the relevant Personnel Policy
• Principal Researcher
• Senior Researcher
• Researcher
• Post Doctoral Scientist
Regional staff
8 Regional staff are compensated according to the respective regional labor market.
They are entitled to certain additional allowances as explained in this manual and in
the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
9 The salary and benefits of regional staff are reviewed periodically at each duty
station, following surveys of regional salaries and employment statistics. Based on
these reviews, IWMI may revise its compensation program and adjust regional staff
salaries accordingly.
10 The salary, insurance and retirement contribution, where applicable, for regional staff
are quoted and paid in US dollars regardless of country of posting.
11 The categories of research staff positions are given below. All categories and
applicable salary ranges for regional staff are provided in the relevant Personnel
Policy Supplement.
National staff
12 National staff are compensated according to the respective national labor market and
are subject to the provisions of the relevant Personnel Policy Supplement.
13 The salary and benefits of national staff are reviewed periodically at each duty
station, following surveys of local salaries and national employment statistics. Based
on these reviews, IWMI may revise its compensation program and adjust national
staff salaries accordingly.
14 The salary and all allowances provided for national staff are quoted and paid in the
currency of the country in which the staff member is posted.
15 The categories of research staff positions are given below. All categories and
applicable salary ranges for national staff are provided in the relevant Personnel
Policy Supplements for national staff.
• Research Associate
• Senior Research Officer
• Research Officer
• Research Assistant
Appendix 9
2 The assistance is limited to a maximum of three children, enrolled in school from age
five through secondary education. The allowance is not payable to staff members
posted to the country of their nationality, unless another country is recognized in their
letter of appointment as their official home base.
4 Staff who elect to send their children to schools other than as set out above will be
reimbursed for tuition books, room and board up to the level established for the local
school. The staff member is responsible for covering all costs of this schooling that
exceed the allowance established each year for the local school. If there is no suitable
school at the duty station or within commuting distance, then reimbursable costs may
include board and room charges. In such situations, two round trip airfares between
school and the duty station by the most direct routing will also be provided for the
student annually. It is normally expected that one of these trips will be coordinated
with the family’s home leave.
5 Children in primary or secondary school programs outside the post country will be
entitled to two least cost, round trip air fares by the most direct routing between post
and school each year.
6 Where the staff member has children with special educational needs (e.g., for a
disabled child), an additional entitlement may be approved by the Director General.
7 IWMI does not provide education assistance beyond secondary school. However,
dependent children who are:
are entitled to one round trip each year between duty station and home base by the
most direct routing. This benefit is available until reaching their 24th birthday,
completing a first university degree or becoming married whichever event occurs
first. This entitlement is not in addition to home leave if the dependent also qualifies
for home leave.
Appendix 10
1 Staff members with contracts of at least two years in duration are entitled to Home
leave travel. If posted to a duty station outside their recognized home base,
international and regional staff members are entitled to home leave travel once in
each full year of service except in the year that employment ceases. In that year staff
are entitled to repatriation travel to their home base. Those who have completed a
minimum of nine months service since joining IWMI or six months since returning
from a prior home leave are entitled to home leave travel for self and each authorized
dependent in residence with them at the duty station, provided that upon return they
have at least six additional months of service on their appointment.
4. Staff members are not entitled to accrue or carry over the home leave travel
entitlement to the next year.
5 The annual home leave travel entitlement is a round trip economy air ticket between
duty station and home base by the most direct routing, plus reimbursement for related
ground transportation and 10 kg of excess baggage for each authorized traveler. The
excess baggage allowance can be used to cover unaccompanied baggage, provided
the total cost of the excess baggage allowance is not exceeded.
6 To claim this entitlement, staff members must spend seven days at their designated
home base.
7. In the event a staff member requests home leave vacation time while on duty travel to
his/her home country, the duty travel substitutes for any separate entitlement to
IWMI-paid home leave travel.
8. Staff members also have the option to make use of the home leave travel entitlement
to travel to a destination other than the staff member’s home base or make use of
ground/sea transportation instead of air travel, provisional to the following:
(a) IWMI will only cover actual costs (based on submission of receipts) up to the
normal home leave travel entitlement, i.e., round trip economy air fare between duty
station and home base by the most direct routing, plus reimbursement for related
ground transportation and 10 kg excess baggage for each authorized traveler. Costs
over and above this normal home leave travel entitlement due to the staff member’s
decision to travel to a different destination will be borne by the staff member
(b) If the staff member chooses to travel by road, rail or ship instead of air travel,
IWMI will cover actual costs (based on submission of receipts) up to the normal
home leave travel entitlement as described above. Any costs over and above the
normal entitlement will be borne by the staff member concerned.
Appendix 11
1.1 Subject to the approval of their supervisor, staff may have flexibility in scheduling the
start and finish of working hours to accommodate personal commitments, provided
(a) they are on duty during core hours, and
(b) the alternative start and finish times do not impair their work obligations.
Abuse of the scheme will lead to flexible working hours privileges being withdrawn.
1.2 The standard working day is defined as the working hours approved in advance for
the headquarters, regional and sub-regional offices.
Core hours
Flexible Hours
1.4 Flexible hours will operate from 07:00 hours to 10:00 hours and 16:00 hours to 19:00
hours. Staff can choose their arrival and departure times within these hours in
agreement with their supervisor, provided that their total number of hours worked per
day is 8 hours.
Lunch Breaks
1.5 With the agreement of their supervisor, staff can take lunch breaks ranging from a
minimum of thirty minutes to a maximum of two hours, provided that their total
number of hours worked per day is 8 hours.
Supervisors’ responsibilities
2.1 Subject to the agreement of their supervisor, and with the approval of their respective
Director (Regional Director/ Director of the Global Research Division/ DDG
(operations) or Director General), staff may elect to work for a specific period from
their home or an alternative location to their normal IWMI site, provided that:
(a) the work proposed for this period can be effectively undertaken from
home/alternative location, and
(b) working from home/alternative location will not impair the staff member’s other
work obligations, particularly communication/interaction with colleagues and
2.3 Working from home/alternative location must not be used where medical opinion is
that the person is unfit for work.
2.4 Two basic options exist for working from home/alternative location:
• working for an agreed part of every day at home/alternative location, for a
specified period, or
• working all day at home/alternative location, for a specified period.
Typically the “specified period” above will be a number of days or weeks as
appropriate. It is not intended that working from home should be a full-time
2.5 The needs of the Institute and the service provided will be the determining factor in
any agreement to working from home/alternative location. Working arrangements
must be robust, allow for measurable targets to be set, and for regular feedback on
performance to occur.
2.6 Particular attention will be focused on adequacy of communication with staff member
at home/alternative location, and the implications for quality of interaction with team
colleagues and/or partners. Where:
(a) the staff member is working from home, or an alternative location in the same
time zone as his/her usual site, it should be possible for IWMI management,
colleagues and partners to contact the staff member at any time during agreed
working hours; or
(b) the staff member is working from an alternative location in a different time zone
from his/her usual site, it should be possible for IWMI management, colleagues
and partners to contact the staff member at any time during agreed working hours
at the alternative location.
2.7 Where the period of working from home/alternative location exceeds 2 weeks, the
effectiveness of the arrangement will be monitored on a weekly basis. An agreement
to review and evaluate the arrangement must detail the date for such a review and the
subjects that will be covered in the review/s.
2.8 Security and confidentiality continue to apply to all business conducted on behalf of
IWMI, irrespective of the staff member’s location. Breaches will be dealt with under
disciplinary rules and/or other relevant Institute’s Policies and Procedures.
2.9 Arrangements for working from home/alternative location may be terminated at any
time by the regional director, divisional head, supervisor or the staff member.
Staff member
Staff member and supervisor/s
2.12 If both parties agree that the proposal to work from home/alternative location appears
feasible, they will jointly prepare a recommendation in writing for the respective
Director’s approval. The recommendation will address all the following issues:
(a) the proposed period for working from home/alternative location;
(b) the project/s to be undertaken, and the specific outputs from the period spent
working from home/alternative location;
(c) the reason/s for the proposal;
(d) their assessment of the suitability of undertaking the work from home/alternative
(e) the supervisor’s assessment that the staff member is likely to be effective working
from home/alternative location;
(f) risk implications for colleagues/teams/partners - particularly those managed by
the staff member (e.g. coordination difficulties, communications difficulties etc.);
(g) proposed solutions for any adverse implications (e.g. message-taking, fax, phone,
e-mail, etc);
(h) communication details (telephone numbers, contactable hours during the day,
(i) relevant health & safety issues for Institute and staff member;
(j) security and confidentiality issues; and
(k) arrangements for review and evaluation of arrangements and work progress
against agreed targets (if exceeding 2 weeks).
2.13 The decision on whether or not to allow working from home will rest with the
Director General in the case of members of the Management Team, with the
DDG(Operations) for non research staff and with the respective Regional Directors
for regional office and Global Research Director at HQ for research staff. The
Director must be satisfied with the arrangements agreed between the individual staff
member and his/her supervisor.
2.14 The approving Director will forward a copy of the approved arrangements to the
Head of HR, who will provide a quarterly summary of such arrangements to the
Management Committee.