3760 PC FAPT Ladder Setup
3760 PC FAPT Ladder Setup
3760 PC FAPT Ladder Setup
You can determine the availability of Ram space by typing “MEM” at the DOS
prompt and obtain maximum usable memory by proper setup in CONFIG.SYS.
You should also activate EMM386.exe to allow using expanded memory and
HIMEM to allow loading DOS high.
(With Windows 95, address is C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ANSI.SYS)
When you need to upload and down load ladders from the CNC to the PC, your
port must be set up properly. The first requirement is that your cable must be
constructed properly. The on-line cable shown in appendix 1 of GFZ-66131E
(FAPT LADDER) and appendix 8 of GFZ-66184E (FLADDER II) must be used. If
the cable is mis-wired, a port error will occur. If you have a 9 pin port ,a female
25 to female 9 pin adapter is required also (see drawing or you can buy them at
Radio Shack for approx. $4).
Port timing is set up by the first three active blocks in FLIO_AT.DAT. The
software is shipped to run on interrupt 15, which is the right setting for most PC’s
(the first setup described in the comments at the beginning of FLIO_AT.DAT). If
you get a “Port Overrun” error when you transfer a ladder from the CNC to the
PC, first try lowering the baud rate. If this doesn’t help, try changing the third
active line of FLIO_AT.DAT from PMC;IN/TIMER=5,OUT/TIMER=0 to
(Experimentally use values of 50 to 3000 for xxxx, be sure you change from
If you are using S-Ram cards for transferring your ladder and do not have a
PCMCIA drive in your PC, your area GE Fanuc Applications Engineer can obtain
for you from the GE Fanuc Subscriber, a Application note (H119514.DOC)
which describes a drive which we have tested that connects to your printer port.
If your PC has a PCMCIA drive and you can’t read or write to your card, check
the PC documentation for installing the software driver or contact the
manufacturer for the proper drivers. To help you to understand memory cards
which can be used, Subscriber also has a document on memory cards
1. : Some PC Laptop manufacturers provide a special disk with software to allow
changing the configuration for such things as disabling Power Save.
2. A “Out of memory “ alarm can sometimes be generated by too large a Symbol