India'S Youth Energy-Power and Potential-My Vision: "It Is Useless To Send Armies Against Ideas George Brandeis
India'S Youth Energy-Power and Potential-My Vision: "It Is Useless To Send Armies Against Ideas George Brandeis
India'S Youth Energy-Power and Potential-My Vision: "It Is Useless To Send Armies Against Ideas George Brandeis
These days when we look around, its hard not to feel depressed.
There's so much nepotism and corruption all around. Even after 60
years of independence....and in spite of the IT boom, each day is a
new struggle for survival for a greater part of our population .All
the institutions that we cherished and felt proud of...the polity, the
bureaucracy, the police force, the judiciary...are slowly moving
towards decadence and destruction. In the horizon looms the
spectre of Islamic terrorism, which threatens to bring the very idea
of India down to its knees.
There is no doubt that all these are very complex issues .It would
be extremely naive to even suggest any short term quick-fix
solutions. But to my mind, the one thing that can go a long way in
making things HOPE. We have to give the common man
hope...hope that real change is possible in this country...hope that
we can achieve the highest levels of excellence. And the only way
people start hoping again is through new ideas.
Such stories inspire us. They make us dream. They show us how
one idea has the power to positively impact the lives of millions.
This is the vision I would like to talk about in this essay. In a
country with a population over 1.1 billion and an average age of
under 25,its hard to even fathom the amount of difference that can
be made if only we unleash the innovative and entrepreneurial
abilities of our
youth to the fullest extent. A thousand ideas can bloom....not only
in science and technology but also in business, social
entrepreneurship and even in the arts....if only as a nation we
priorities innovation and develop a coherent plan to actively
encourage and sustain our innovative capabilities.
This gives rise to the widespread 'middle class' notion that India is
a country of great people governed by callous politicians. But this
can hardly be termed as accurate. A great country creates great
leaders. A pertinent example can be the new US President-elect
Barack Obama. His inspirational and transformational ideas have
already caught the imagination of the world reeling under the
effects of an unprecedented financial meltdown .He is
comparatively young, Harvard trained and pragmatic....qualities
which make him the ideal person to lead his country in this hour of
Our political parties have to make sure more such people join their
ranks. Considering the rampant criminalization of politics that we
see today...and the astronomical amounts involved in winning
elections...this doesn’t look a likely prospect .But we have to put
our best foot forward and expect the best results.
Last But Not the
Lastly, we must not forget to dream big. Dreams give people hope.
Hope leads to ideas.
Ideas lead to change.