Culvert Design
Culvert Design
Culvert Design
HA 107/04
November 2004
Summary: This Advice Note gives guidance on detailing of outfall structures to highway
drainage systems and design of culverts including scour and hydrology but
excluding hydraulic design.
Volume 4 Section 2
Part 7 HA 107/04 Registration of Amendments
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amendments amendments
November 2004
Volume 4 Section 2
Registration of Amendments Part 7 HA 107/04
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amendments amendments
November 2004
HA 107/04
1. Introduction
3. Outfall Details
4. Culverts: Introduction
12. Enquiries
November 2004
Volume 4 Section 2 Chapter 1
Part 7 HA 107/04 Introduction
General Scope
1.1 This Advice Note gives guidance on detailing of 1.6 The principles outlined in this Advice Note apply
outfall structures to highway drainage systems and to all schemes on trunk roads including motorways.
design of culverts including scour and hydrology but They may also be applied generally to other new
excluding hydraulic design. Advice on the hydraulic highway schemes and by other highway authorities for
design of culverts is given in Chapters 5 and 6 of CIRIA use during the preparation, design and construction of
Report 168: Culvert Design Guide (Ref 1). The advice their own comparable schemes.
given in this Advice Note relates to adapting the
guidance, given in the CIRIA document, specifically for Implementation
highway applications. Although the advice should be
fully taken into account in the design of new schemes
1.7 This Advice Note should be used forthwith for all
(see 1.7), this Advice Note contains no mandatory
schemes currently being prepared provided that, in the
opinion of the Overseeing Organisation, this would not
1.2 Investigations, following the large scale flooding result in significant additional expense or delay
that occurred over much of England during the Autumn progress. Design Organisations should confirm its
and Winter 2000, showed that some of the drainage application to particular schemes with the Overseeing
outfalls suffered from submersion. Maintenance during Organisation.
these conditions, in particular screen clearing, proved
problematical and in some circumstances posed a
serious hazard to the safety of operatives.
Lbw = 0.7D/s
Outfall to Ditch
where D is the bank full depth and s is the slope of the
2.3 The ditch will probably drain the carriageway, water surface (or bed surface where that of the water is
verge and the adjacent unpaved area. However, water unavailable). The designer should refer to the CIRIA
from the highway drainage system is likely to discharge Report 168 (Ref 1) Boxes 8.1 and 8.2 for worked
to the ditch long before that from the adjacent land, the examples on the normal calculation method and the
time of concentration being a matter of minutes for the backwater calculation method respectively, and HA 71
highway drain and hours for the adjacent unpaved Chapter 5: Hydraulic assessment of existing water
areas. levels (DMRB 4.2).
2.4 Outfalls to ditches and watercourses will 2.10 Typical Manning’s n values for channel
generally be either from individual pipes or the outlet roughness are tabulated in Table 2.1. This table is more
from an upstream system. Individual pipe outlets can be comprehensive than that forming Table D3 of the
formed from concrete bagwork in accordance with CIRIA Report 618 and it is recommended that designers
Clause 519 of the SHW (MCHW 1), brickwork, cast in use Table 2.1 values in their calculations.
situ concrete, pre-cast concrete units, or other suitable
proprietary products. Typical details are shown as
Figure A1 and Figure A2 in Appendix A.
Outfall to Watercourse
Energy Dissipation
General section will offer greater flow area than a circular pipe
without compromising the cover to the structure.
4.1 The following features are considered good
practice: Pipe Culvert
(i) Adequate size to ensure that design flows are 4.5 Pipe culverts are more applicable to highway
accommodated without surcharge and that debris drainage systems, ditch courses and small watercourses.
can pass through the culvert. Concrete pipes are not normally available in diameters
greater than 2.4 m. Helically wound plastic pipes can be
(ii) No changes of direction within the culvert or manufactured to greater diameters. Helically wound
steps in the invert. corrugated steel pipes are available up to 4.0m in
(iii) Constant gradient through the culvert,
maintaining the gradient of the watercourse. 4.6 However large diameter pipes may be
inappropriate for use as highway culverts when the
(iv) Self cleansing, to ensure that no silt is deposited. watercourse is wide and shallow and the carriageway
level is similar to that of the adjacent natural terrain.
(v) Free from internal fittings that may snag debris.
4.7 Culverts longer than 12m should be a minimum
(vi) Accommodates wildlife and fish migration.
of 1.2m in diameter to facilitate access for maintenance.
(vii) Is aesthetically complementary to the adjacent Culverts with diameters of 900mm, and above are
surroundings. classified as structures (Series 2500, MCHW)
(see Table B1 of Appendix B). The minimum culvert
(viii) Presents no safety hazard to maintenance workers diameter should be 450mm as smaller sizes are prone to
or the public. blockage.
(ix) Lowest whole-life costs. 4.8 All plastic pipes are designed to be flexible and
therefore rely on the resistance of the surrounding fill to
4.2 Culverts for conveying a watercourse from one achieve their structural integrity. The likely method of
side of the carriageway to the other have greater design construction of the surrounding material such as an
requirements than those forming part of the highway embankment should be considered during the design.
drainage system. Most of the foregoing conditions are Where plastic pipes in excess of 900mm are proposed,
also applicable to highway drainage culverts, however these may be at a greater risk of vandalism.
due to the fluctuating nature of flows, deposition of silt
is inevitable. The collection of debris is also more likely Box Culvert
and hence trash screens should be considered as a
means of reducing this risk, (see Chapter 8). The 4.9 These may be either cast in situ concrete or pre-
diameters of this type of highway drainage culvert tend cast concrete units and used as either single or multiple
to be small and hence access for maintenance should be bores.
incorporated into the design, (see Chapter 10).
4.10 The joints between pre-cast concrete units can be
Culvert Shape difficult to seal and make watertight. The risk of
exfiltration into embankment foundations should be
4.3 Culverts can be Circular, Rectangular box, Piped considered during the culvert design. If there is a
arch, Arch or Complex, see Table A1. significant risk of water from leaking joints either
softening or washing away the highway foundation,
4.4 Cover beneath the carriageway and the top of the then the designer should consider an alternative form of
pipe is an important factor influencing the choice of pipe system.
culvert type. Where cover is limited a rectangular
4.11 Pre-cast concrete box culverts are manufactured providing cut-waters between the pipes at the culvert
in sizes from 900mm x 900mm up to 6.0m x 6.0m, as in entry. BD 12 (DMRB 2.2) Chapter 15 requires multiple
Table A1 of Appendix A. The minimum size of box corrugated steel arches to be separated by a minimum
culvert may be appropriate for use on highway schemes of 1m.
but the designer should be aware of the freeboard
requirements (see 6.13) and also the need for 4.20 Composite structures incorporate a separate
maintenance access. channel section within the invert of the culvert. This
can be by forming a cast in situ base with a channel in
4.12 Culverts should be designed to be free flowing. the invert or by forming a shelf to one side, see
Culverts on larger streams and rivers should be Table A1 (Appendix A).
designed to accommodate 600mm freeboard (the
difference between the top flood water level and the 4.21 Alternatively the culvert may be constructed with
culvert soffit) to allow floating debris to pass through. a depressed channel invert filled with gravel. This will
be more suitable for allowing the passage of fish.
Pipe Arch
4.22 In particular situations a gravel filled invert can
provide additional capacity during severe flow
4.13 Formed from corrugated steel, piped arches can conditions as the gravel will tend to be scoured out
provide an efficient structural and hydraulic solution. thereby increasing the capacity of the channel. Note
The design of corrugated steel culverts should be that the displaced gravel will be deposited downstream,
undertaken in accordance with Series 2500 Special causing additional maintenance to be undertaken if
Structures of the SHW and BD 12 (DMRB 2.2). hydraulic performance downstream is to be maintained.
4.14 Corrugated steel structures may be constructed 4.23 There are maintenance implications wherever
up to 8.0m span to BD 12 standard. The ends of the gravel filled inverts are constructed and the designer
structure should be shaped to the ground profile of the should ensure that their whereabouts are inserted into
embankment negating the need for inlet and outlet the asset database and recorded in the health and safety
structures. A structural ring is still required as scour plan.
protection unless the bed level is high.
Complex Structures
front of the culvert. There are a number of features to Culverts to Larger Watercourses
take into account at this point:
5.13 Culverts constructed in floodplains should also
(i) The sides of the ditch channel should be higher meet the requirement of HA 71: The Effects of
than the soffit of the culvert pipe. Highway Construction on Floodplains (DMRB 4.2).
(ii) The headwall to the culvert should extend into 5.14 Culverts to large watercourses such as rivers are
the banks of the ditch over the full depth. The likely to be multiple barrel due to the relative width of
headwall may be a simple brick structure, cast in the channel to the depth of the structure, (see 4.15).
situ reinforced concrete or concrete bagwork. All
should be adequately founded below the invert of 5.15 The culvert invert should be set below the bed
the channel to prevent ingress of water and level by around 25% of the pipe diameter or not less
consequent erosion. than 150mm for other structures.
(iii) A small concrete apron should be constructed in
front of the headwall to suppress vegetation
growth immediately upstream of the inlet, and
ideally also at the outlet. On small diameter
culverts, this can be simply achieved using pre-
cast concrete paving slabs.
Carriageway Crossings
(i) hydraulics;
(ii) cost;
General catchments, areas greater than 0.5 km2 (50 Ha), the
formulae in the FEH (Ref 4) should be used but for
6.1 This Advice Note is not intended to set out the small catchments, measuring less than 50 Ha (hectares)
procedures for the hydraulic design of culverts, then the procedures for small catchments in HA 106
but aims to supplement the guidance given in CIRIA Drainage of Runoff from Natural Catchments, (DMRB
Report 168 (see 1.4) by giving specific guidance on 4.2) should be followed. Note that HA 106 contains
aspects of culvert design that should be taken account guidance on the use of both methods.
of in the design process.
6.2 Culverts beneath highways tend to be relatively
short but may have to accommodate restrictions 6.7 This is defined as the increase in the depth of
imposed by carriageway alignment and road water at the upstream end of the culvert due to the
construction, ie. cover to the top of the culvert. The constriction of the flow width. The allowable afflux
presence and probable size of culverts must be should be determined in consultation with the relevant
determined early in the highway design process. environmental protection agency or relevant drainage
6.3 The design of the culvert should be appropriate
for the life of the structure. Lower flow velocities 6.8 The depth of flow is a function of the
through the culvert require proportionally greater spare cross-sectional area and hence a reduction in channel
capacity. The design should consider measures to width will result in a corresponding increase in
increase the flow velocity through the structure in these upstream flow depth and velocity.
1 in 50 years Agricultural land of high value 6.10 Scour to the inlet may also occur especially
and isolated properties where there is a change of alignment between the
stream and the culvert. Scour here can undermine
structural integrity.
1 in 25 years Agricultural land (minimum
level of protection)
Tail Water Effects
Table 6.1 Flood return periods
6.11 The tail water depth is the depth of water above
6.5 The maximum discharge velocity under design the culvert invert at the outlet. For free flow conditions
flood flow conditions should not exceed 1.2 m/s unless the tail water depth should be less than the diameter or
erosion protection is installed (see 6.9). vertical dimension of the culvert.
Estimating the Flood 6.12 If the tail water level rises above culvert soffit,
the system will operate under surcharged conditions.
The design must be checked to ensure that the correct
6.6 Before estimating the design flood, the Mean
procedures in CIRIA 168 are followed.
Annual Flood (MAF) should be calculated. For large
7.1 Flow from outfalls or culverts will generally have Scour Depth
a higher velocity than that of the receiving watercourse
and this can result in erosion of the bed and banks of
the receiving channels. When the depth and/or extent of 7.3 Use the equation due to Hoffmans (1997)
the scour hole is such that it undermines the (Ref 11):
foundations of the outfall structure or its outlet wing
walls, structural damage can occur leading to collapse.
§ 50 · § U ·
Measures are usually necessary to minimise this risk y s = ¨ ¸ ¨¨1 − 2 ¸¸ y1
and can be grouped into the following categories © k ¹ © U1 ¹
(CIRIA Report 168, 1997, gives examples of good
practice) (Ref 1):
where ys is the depth of scour below the invert of the
• Optimisation of layout (in plan, where possible, culvert (in m), y1 is the vertical thickness of the jet
the discharge of the outfall or culvert should be (in m), U1 is the depth-averaged velocity in the jet and
angled in the downstream direction at about 45o). U2 is the depth-averaged velocity in the receiving
channel (both in m/s). k is a non-dimensional scour
• Introduction of outlet arrangements (for example factor dependent on the d90 size of the sediment (for
angled wing walls help expand the flow in a which 90% of the material by weight is fines) in the
gradual manner). channel bed (in mm) and is defined as:
• Inclusion of energy dissipation devices (these
k = 2.95 d 90
1/ 3
for 0.1mm <d90< 12.5mm
may be needed for steep outfalls or culverts and
may consist of baffles across the outfall structure k = 6.85 for d90 > 12.5mm
or of stilling basins for larger, high energy
Scour Extent
7.2 The potential for scour should be assessed for all
outfall structures. Formulae for estimating maximum 7.4 The overall length of the scour hole can be
scour depths are given in CIRIA Report C551 (Ref 10), estimated to be 5 to 7 times the scour depth.
among other publications. The maximum scour depth
should be determined for the natural bed material and 3D Jets
then compared with the depth of the outfall or culvert
foundation level to assess the risk of failure. The
following design formulae are suggested for estimating Scour Depth
maximum scour depths, ys, and the extent of the scour
hole, Ls, for the two distinct cases of rectangular 7.5 Use the equation due to Ruff et al (1982)
culverts or pipes producing two dimensional, 2D, jets (Ref 13):
and circular or square culverts producing three
dimensional, 3D, jets: 0.45
§ Q ·
y s = 2.07 D ¨ ¸
¨ g D5 ¸
© ¹
Scour Extent where U1 is the mean flow velocity at the culvert outlet
and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The length of
7.6 The overall length of the scour hole will be the scour protection blanket, Lp is dependent on the
approximately 7 times the scour depth. value of Fc:
= 0.25 Fc − 0.15 for yT ≥ D/2
where d can be taken as the d50 size of the stone, D is
the pipe diameter, yT is tailwater depth and Fc is the
Froude number of the flow discharging from the outfall
or culvert:
Fc =
Bar Spacing
9.1 The effect a culvert has on the wildlife must be 9.10 Culverts positioned at or close to the highway
taken into consideration. Refer to Volumes 10 and 11 of boundary will be vulnerable to vandalism, investigation
the DMRB. by children, and the accumulation of litter where
adjacent access is available to members of the public.
Fish Screens should be provided, (see Chapter 8).
General Desilting
10.1 To reduce operation and maintenance 10.7 Culverts with low dry weather flows may be
requirements Section 4.1 should be adhered to during isolated using stop logs (suitable frame required),
the design. plastic sheet and frame, a portable dam or sand bags
The dam should not be much higher than the water
Safety level and not above the soffit of the culvert so that, in
an emergency, water may flow over the top.
10.2 The culvert and its associated structures should
be designed to facilitate safe access for inspection and
BD 31 Buried Concrete Box Type Structures 4. FEH (1999). “Flood Estimation Handbook,
(DMRB 2.2) Volume 2 Rainfall frequency estimation” by Faulkner
D., Institute of Hydrology, UK, ISBN for volume 2:
HD 33 Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Systems 0948540 90 7.
for Highways (DMRB 4.2)
HA 37 Hydraulic Design of Road Edge Surface Simplified Tables of External Loads on Buried
Water Channels (DMRB 4.2) Pipelines. Transport and Road Research Laboratory.
Department of Transport, HMSO. 1986.
HA 39 Edge of Pavement Details (DMRB 4.2)
6. YOUNG OC, O’REILLY MP. A Guide to Design
HA 40 Determination of pipe and bedding Loadings for Buried Rigid Pipes. Transport and Road
combinations for drainage works Research Laboratory. Department of Transport. HMSO,
(DMRB 4.2) 1983.
HA 55 Landform and Alignment (DMRB 10.1.1) 7. ACKERS JC, BUTLER D and MAY RWP.
Design of sewers to control sediment problems, CIRIA
HA 71 The effects of highway construction on Report 141, Construction Industry Research and
floodplains (DMRB 4.2) Information Association, London 1996.
HA 78 Design of Outfalls from Surface Water 8. HR WALLINGFORD AND BARR DIH. Tables
Channels (DMRB 4.2) for the hydraulic design of pipes, sewers and channels,
Thomas Telford, ISBN 0 7277 2637 4, London 1998.
HA 81 Nature Conservation Advice in Respect of
Otters (DMRB 10.4) 9. ESCARAMEIA M. (1998). River and channel
revetments. Thomas Telford Publications, London,
Water Quality and Drainage ISBN 0 7277 2691 9.
(DMRB 11.3.10)
10. Construction Industry Research and Information
HA 106 Drainage of runoff from natural Association (2002). Manual on scour at bridges and
catchments (DMRB 4.2) other hydraulic structures. Report C551, London.
All technical enquiries or comments on this Advice Note should be sent in writing as appropriate to:
Extend vertically
as necessary
Bagwork to be keyed
into channel slope