This document outlines quality standards for several types of tubers and tuber products in Indonesia. It includes standards for potato, cassava, cassava flour, and tapioca flour regarding attributes such as weight, defects, moisture content, fiber content, starch content, color, fineness, and microbial contamination levels. The standards are sourced from national standards organizations and scientific publications on quality recommendations.
This document outlines quality standards for several types of tubers and tuber products in Indonesia. It includes standards for potato, cassava, cassava flour, and tapioca flour regarding attributes such as weight, defects, moisture content, fiber content, starch content, color, fineness, and microbial contamination levels. The standards are sourced from national standards organizations and scientific publications on quality recommendations.
This document outlines quality standards for several types of tubers and tuber products in Indonesia. It includes standards for potato, cassava, cassava flour, and tapioca flour regarding attributes such as weight, defects, moisture content, fiber content, starch content, color, fineness, and microbial contamination levels. The standards are sourced from national standards organizations and scientific publications on quality recommendations.
This document outlines quality standards for several types of tubers and tuber products in Indonesia. It includes standards for potato, cassava, cassava flour, and tapioca flour regarding attributes such as weight, defects, moisture content, fiber content, starch content, color, fineness, and microbial contamination levels. The standards are sourced from national standards organizations and scientific publications on quality recommendations.
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Standar Mutu Umbi-umbian
1. Standar Mutu Kentang
No Komponen Mutu Mutu I II 1. Keseragaman warna dan Seragam Seragam bentuk 2. Kerataan permukaan kentang Rata Tidak bersyarat 3. Kadar kotoran (% b/b) Maksimal 2,5 Maksimal 2,5 4. Kentang cacat (% b/b) Maksimal 5 Maksimal 10 5. Ketuaan kentang Tua Cukup tua Sumber : SNI (1992) 2. Standar Mutu Ubi Jalar No Komponen Mutu Mutu I II III 1. Berat umbi (g/umbi) > 200 100 - 200 75 - 100
2. Umbi cacat (per 50 biji) tidak ada 3 biji 5 biji
maks. 3. Kadar air (% b/b, min.) 65 60 60 4. Kadar serat (% b/b, maks.) 2 2,5 > 3,0 Kadar pati (% b/b, min.) 30 25 25 Sumber : SNI (1998)
3. Standar Mutu Tepung Ubi Jalar
No Parameter Standar Mutu 1. Bentuk Serbuk 2. Bau Normal 3. Warna Sesuai warna umbi 4. Benda asing Tidak ada 5. Kehalusan (lolos ayakan 80 Minimal 90% mesh) Sumber : Ambarsari (2009)
4. Standar Mutu Tepung Tapioka
No. Jenis Uji Satuan Syarat Mutu 1. Kadar air % Maks. 15.0 2. Kadar abu % Maks. 0,6 3. Serat dan benda asing % Maks. 0,6 4. Derajat Putih % Min. 94,5 (BaSO4=100%) 5. Derajat Asam Volume NaOH Maks. 3 6. Cemaran Logam -Timbal mg/kg Maks. 1 -Tembaga mg/kg Maks. 10 -Seng mg/kg Maks. 40 -Raksa mg/kg Maks. 0,05 -Arsen mg/kg Maks. 0,5 7. Cemaran Mikroba -Angka Lempeng Total Koloni/g Maks. 1,0x106 -E. Coli Koloni/g - -Kapang Koloni/g Maks. 1,0x104
Sumber : SNI (1994)
Daftar Pustaka
Ambarsari. (2009). Rekomendasi dalam Penetapan Standar Mutu Tepung Ubi
Jalar. Sidomulyo: Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian.
SNI. (1994). SNI 01-34511994-1994 Tentang Tepung Tapioka. Jakarta : Badan