Choir Flyer
Choir Flyer
Choir Flyer
Singing is Fun!!
Our culture loves music. It is a regular part of our lives and a form of artistic expression.
Choral rehearsals occur every day, during the school day, as an elective. This
experience will be different from your Intermediate School Choir. 6th grade choir
students can expect to enjoy:
Daily vocal training; Improved vocal abilities; Singing in harmony with others; Basic piano
skills; A variety of shared musical experiences; Music listening from a broad range of styles;
A Minimum of six concert opportunities for 6th graders including District Festival and the
Choir’s Spring Trip
Our 6th graders perform at all of our major concerts along with the 7th and 8th grade. We take more field trips
than any other group at Helena Middle School… And all of them are to Sing! Practice, hard work, and a
willingness to learn are necessary traits to become a successful choir. Students will be amazed how singing
an hour a day will dramatically improve their abilities.
What can your student expect from being in the 6th grade
In short, a lot… 6th grade Choir students learn a minimum of 10
choral works over the year, participate in all of our concerts, are
eligible for the Spring Trip, Festivals, and Competitions, develop
competitive sight-reading skills and receive skills in music literacy
and lots the vocal training. That makes a big difference.
Students who start in 6th Grade and stay in our program for three
years can expect to be very good singers by the time they finish
middle school. They will receive every opportunity to develop
into terrific singers.
Individual Opportunities
Many of our students are already, or soon develop to be, accomplished singers. These students
are given the opportunities to sing solo works in our concerts, sing solos with the choir, and
participate in State Wide Choral Festivals that put the best middle school choristers under one
roof to make one of the finest middle school choirs in the nation. These opportunities are the
Alabama All-State Choir and the Young Voices Festival Choir.