K4A Weekday Maariv
K4A Weekday Maariv
K4A Weekday Maariv
Weekday Evening Connection
Kabbalah4All Transliteration Guidelines
Please note that transliteration guidelines are different according to each culture and also within
each movement of Judaism. We have developed these guidelines for use with our transliterated
documents. They may or may not apply to transliterations put out by other movements including
the various organizations teaching Kabbalah.
a as in father
ai as in aisle
e as in red
ei as in eight
i as in pizza
o as in no
oy as in toy
u as in tune
ch as in Bach in German (strong sound from the throat)
g as in give
tz as in lots
’ typically adds an “EH” sound after a consonant, this is known as a Shva Na or pronounced
Shva as in the word “Sh’ma”.
- a dash is simply used to aid in pronounciation, usually if two like vowels follow each other,
as in the word “da-at.”
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhere
else in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the last
syllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.
Hebrew Rules
The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddurim (connection books).
Kjl¤ n«¤ In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls
somewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a
“meteg” (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear.
lÇ̈k The “masoret” above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which is
pronounced as “o”; in this example the word is “kol.”
§i The “rafe” above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronounced
Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shva
as that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.
All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David Aharon for Kabbalah4All.
Translated by David Aharon.
Edited by Rebecca Schwartz and David Aharon.
lvxl byrim
The following verses are omitted on the conclusion of Shabbat and Festivals.
On those days Maariv begins with “V’hu Rachum” on page 5.
We bow first at our knees and then at our waist as we say Ekœ§xÄ Bar’chu and KExÄ Baruch
we stand upright at ig the Name of Hashem.
The Leader says the first line.
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
The darkness of the first day differed from the darkness that preceded creation. Ma-ariv
also means mix and suggests that the Creator mixed light into the primordial darkness.
This blessing reminds us that darkness can be transformed by the tiniest spark of light.
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
,lvi tbha
Through this prayer we are reminded of the Creator’s eternal love for us, the expression
of which is through the gift of Torah. It moves us to love others as we have been loved.
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
The Sh'ma is an affirmation of faith. It both expresses our love for the Creator, and also
serves as an ode to the divinity of the soul. Kabbalah teaches that the Sh’ma is the
acknowledgement of unity and connects us to B’riyah, the World of Creation. It brings
the Creator’s Oneness into our consciousness and reminds us that we must extend
unconditional love to all.
The enlarged letters r and c form the word c¥r, which means witness. By saying the
Sh’ma, we bear witness to the Creator’s unity as we declare it to the world. The second
verse we say in a whisper because it is the prayer of the angels and we are not ordinarily
in a state to say it as they do.
Just as the previous blessing expressed the Creator’s love for us, the blessings that follow
the Sh’ma express our love for the Creator. Each section corresponds to one of the
letters of the Divine Name.
It is important to say each word clearly and not to run words together.
We recite the first verse aloud while covering the eyes with the right hand.
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
V’ahavta eit Adonai Elohecha jLi®¤dŸl¡` dédi z¥̀ Ÿ z½ a§ d´¨
© `e§
And you shall love Hashem Your Elohim,
b’chol l’vav’cha uvchol nafsh’cha
with all your heart and with all your soul,
Lj Wy
œ§ t©§ pÎlÇ̈kaE § e Lj¬ a« œ§ älÎlÇ̈
§ kAa§
uvchol m’odecha.
and with all your being.
:LjcŸ«¤ `nÎlÇ̈
§ kaE §e
V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh asher
And these words which
xW y¤̧ £̀ d¤Nl ¥̀À d̈ mix䜧 ´¦ Ccd© Eeºid̈e§
anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al l’vavecha.
I command you on this day shall be upon your heart.
:Lj«¤aälÎl© § r mFeIid© Lj² œ§Eev© n§ i¯¦kŸp`«¨
V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam
And you shall teach them to your children and speak of them,
m®Äa Ÿ zx©§ Aac¦ e§ Lji½p¤ äl§ m´Ÿ z§pPp© W y¦ e§
b’shivt’cha b’veitecha uvlecht’cha
and while sitting in your house and while walking along
ĹjœY z§ k¤
§ laE§ e ÆLjzi¥
¤̧ aAa§ Lj³ Y zœ§ a§ Wy¦ Aa§
vaderech uvshochb’cha, uvkumecha.
the way and upon lying down and upon rising.
:LjnE «¤ ewaE § e Lj Aaœ§ k§ W
Ç̈ a§ Ee« Kjx¤Cc½¤ a©
Ukshartam l’ot al yadecha
And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand
Lj®¤cïÎl©r zFe` l§ m¬Ÿ zx§ W y© wE§e
v’hayu l’totafot bein einecha.
and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
:Lji«p¤ i¥r oi¬¥Aa zŸtḧŸ«hl§ Ee¬id̈e§
Uchtavtam al m’zuzot
And you shall write them upon the doorposts
§ r m²Ÿ za§ z© kE §e
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and your gates.
:Ljixr̈ «¤ Wy§ aE ¦ e Lj¤zi¥Aa
During this connection, the leader may choose to continue or
we say the following sections in silence until the the middle of the fourth section.
V’hayah im shamo-a tishm’u ÆEerœ§nW y§ Yz¦ r© Ÿ³nẄ
y m`¦ dÀ̈id̈e§
And it shall happen if you listen attentively
el mitzvotai asher anochi
to My commandments, which I am
i²¦kŸp`«¨ x¯¤W y £̀ izŸ
©½ ev§ nÎl
¦ ¤̀
m’tzaveh etchem hayom
commanding you this day,
mFeIi® d© m¤kz§ ¤̀ d¬¤Eev© n§
l’ahavah et Adonai
to love Hashem
³ ¤̀ dº̈a£d`«© l§
Eloheichem ulovdo
to serve your Elohim
Fec½ aÇ̈
§ rlE
§ e Æmki¤ d¥Ÿl¡
b’chol l’vavchem uvchol nafsh’chem.
with all of your heart and with all of your soul.
:m«k¤ W
yœ§ t© § pÎlÇ̈kaE § e m¤ka© § alÎlÇ̈
§ kAa§
V’natati m’tar artz’chem b’ito
And I shall provide rain for your land in its proper time,
z r¦ Aa§ m²¤kvœ§ x§ `Îx« © h© n§ i¯¦Y zz«© p̈e§
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
V’samtem et d’varai eileh d¤Nl ¥̀½ i´©xäCc§ Îz ¤̀ ÆmY z¤ n§ U y© e§
Set these words of Mine
al l’vavchem v’al nafsh’chem
upon your heart and upon your soul
m®¤kW y
œ§ t©§ pÎl«r© e§ m¤ka© § alÎl©§ r
ukshartem otam l’ot
and secure them as a sign
ÆzFe`l§ m³z̈Ÿ` mY z¤̧ x§ Wy© wE§e
al yedchem v’hayu l’totafot
upon your hand and as reminders
zŸtḧFeh« l§ Ee¬id̈e§ mk¤½ c¤§ iÎl©r
bein eineichem.
before your eyes.
:m«k¤ i¥pi«r¥ oi¬¥Aa
V’limad’tem otam et b’neichem
And you shall teach them to your children
m¤ki¥pAa§ Îz ¤̀ m²z̈Ÿ` m¬¤Y zcœ§ O n© l¦ e§
l’dabeir bam b’shivt’cha b’veitecha
to discuss and as you sit in your home
¤̧ aAa§ Lj³ Y zœ§ a§ W
y¦ Aa§ m®Äa x´¥Aac© l§
uvlecht’cha vaderech uvshochb’cha
and as you walk along the way and as you lie down
Lj Aaœ§ k§ W
yÇ̈ a§ Ee« Kjx¤Cc½¤ a© ĹjœY
z§ k¤ § laE §e
and as you rise up.
:LjnE«¤ ewaE §e
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
Vayomer Adonai el Mosheh leimor:
Hashem talked to Moses, saying:
:xŸ«n`¥Nl d¬¤W yŸnÎl ¤̀ d¬edi xn`Ÿ ¤ ¬Iie©
Dabeir el b’nei Yisra-eil v’amarta
Speak to the children of Israel and say
zx§ n«© `¨ e§ Æl ¥̀ ẍUy§ ¦i i³¥pAa§ Îl ¤̀ xºAa¥ Cc©
aleihem v’asu lahem tzitzit
to them that they are to make for themselves tassels
z²¦viv¦ m¬¤dl̈ EeU̧ yr̈e§ md¥ ¤½ l £̀
al kanfei vigdeihem l’dorotam
on the corners of their clothes in every generation
m®z̈ŸxŸc« l§ m¤dic¥ b§ a¦ i¬¥tp§ Mk© Îl©r
v’nat’nu al tzitzit hakanaf p’til
and they shall put a blue thread on the corner
li¬¦zRt§ sp̈M̈kd© z¬¦vivÎl© ¦ r Eep² z«œ§ p̈e§
:z¤lk«¥ Y z§
V’hayah lachem l’tzitzit ur-item
And it shall constitute for you tassels and that you may see
m´¤zi`¦ xE§ e z¼ vi ¦ v¦ l§ m» k¤ l̈ d´ïd̈e§
oto uzchartem et kol mitzvot
them and remember all the commandments
zŸév§ nÎlÇ̈
¦ MkÎz ¤̀ ÆmY z¤ x§ k§ © fEe FezŸÀ `
Adonai va-asitem otam
of Hashem and do them
m®z̈Ÿ` m¤ziU y¦ r£ e«© d½edi
v’lo taturu acharei l’vavchem
and not follow after your heart
Æmk¤ a© § al§ i³¥x£g`«© EexEez¹ z̈ `Ÿl¸ e§
v’acharei eineichem, asher atem
and after your eyes which draw you astray
z`Îx© W y¤ £̀ mki¥ ¤½ pi«r¥ i´¥x£g`«© e§
zonim achareihem.
leading to lust. :m«di ¤ x£ ¥g`«© mi¦pŸf
L’ma-an tizk’ru va-asitem
In order that you may remember m¤ziU y¦ r£ e«© Eexœ ½ Mk§ f§ Y
z¦ o©r´©nl§
et kol mitzvotai vih-yitem
all of My commandments and be m¬¤zi¦id«§ e¦ i®z̈Ÿev§ nÎlÇ̈ ¦ MkÎz ¤̀
k’doshim l’Eiloheichem.
holy to your Elohim. :m«k¤ id¥Ÿl`¥ « l mi¦W yŸcw§
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
vayarem karneinu al kol son’einu. .Epi«¥̀ œp§ FU lÇ̈M l©r Ep«p¥ x§ w© mx«¤ Ïe©
and raised our pride above all who hate us.
Ha-oseh lanu nisim
Who wrought for us miracles
miQ¦¦ p Ep«N̈ dU¤ Ÿr« d̈
unkamah b’faroh,
and vengeance upon Pharaoh,
,dŸrx§ t© A§ dn̈ẅ§pE
otot umof’tim b’admat
signs and wonders in the land
zn© c§ `© A§ mizœ§ ¦ tFnE zFzF`
b’nei cham.
of the offspring of Ham.
.mg̈ i¥pA§
Hamakeh v’evrato kol
Who struck with anger all
lÇ̈M Fzẍa¤ § ra§ dM¤ O© d©
b’chorei mitzrayim,
the firstborn of Egypt,
,mi¦ ẍ« v§ n¦ ixFk
¥ A§
vayotzeir et amo Yisra-eil
and removed His people Israel
l ¥̀ ẍU§ ¦i FO©r z ¤̀ `¥vFIe©
mitocham l’cheirut olam.
from their midst to eternal freedom.
.ml̈Fr zExg¥ l§ mk̈FYn¦
Hama-avir banav bein gizrei
Who brought His children through the split parts
ix§¥fB¦ oi¥A eip̈Ä xia£ ¦ rO© d©
yam suf,
of the Sea of Reeds,
,sEq m©i
et rod’feihem v’et son’eihem
those who pursued them and those that hated them
mdi¤ ¥̀ œp§ FU z ¤̀ e§ mdi¥ ¤ tcFx œ§ z ¤̀
bit-homot tiba,
He sank into the depths,
,r©Ah¦ zFnFdz§ A¦
v’ra-u vanav g’vurato,
and when His children witnessed His strength,
,FzẍEaB§ eip̈ä E`ẍe§
shib’chu v’hodu lishmo.
they praised and gave thanks to His Name.
.FnW§ l¦ EcFde§ EgA§ W¦
Umalchuto v’ratzon kiblu aleihem,
And His Sovereignty they accepted upon themselves,
¤ lr£ ElA§ w¦ oFvẍa§ FzEkl§ nE ©
Mosheh uvnei Yisra-eil l’cha anu
Moses and the children of Israel to You exclaimed
Epr̈ Ll§ l ¥̀ ẍU§ ¦i i¥paE § dWŸ ¤n
shirah b’simchah rabah,
in song with great gladness,
,dÄx© dg̈n§ U¦ A§ dẍiW¦
v’am’ru chulam:
and all of them said:
:mN̈kª Exn§ `¨ e§
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
V’ne-emar: :xn¡
© `p¤ e§
Thus it is said:
ki fadah Adonai et Ya-akov, ,aŸwr£ i© z ¤̀ dedi dc̈ẗ iM¦
“For Hashem redeemed Jacob,
ugalo miyad chazak mimenu. .EP«O¤ n¦ wf̈g̈ c©In¦ Fl`¨ bE
and from a hand stronger than his own.”
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
In the morning service, there are only three blessings that surround the Sh’ma. But in the
evening connection, a fourth one is added which invokes divine protection over us during
the night.
Hashkiveinu Adonai
May we lie down, Hashem
dedi Ep«a¥ iM¦ W§ d©
Eloheinu l’shalom,
our Elohim in peace,
,mFlẄl§ Epi«dŸl¡ ¥ `
v’ha-amideinu malkeinu l’chayim.
and may we arise, our Sovereign, to life.
.mi¦Ig© l§ Ep«M¥ l§ n© Epci «¥ n£
¦ rd© e§
Ufros aleinu sukat sh’lomecha,
Spread over us the shelter of Your peace,
,L«nFl¤ W§ zM© qª Epi«l¥ r̈ UFxtE §
v’tak’neinu b’eitzah tovah mil’fanecha, ,Li«p¤ ẗNœ§ n¦ däFh dv̈¥rA§ Ep«p¥ Tœ§ z© e§
guide us with Your good counsel,
v’hoshi-einu l’ma-an sh’mecha,
and save us for the sake of Your Name.
,L«n¤ W§ o©rn«© l§ Ep«r¥ iWFd¦ e§
v’hagein ba-adeinu,
and protect us for our sake,
«¥ rA© o¥bd̈e§
v’haseir mei-aleinu oyeiv, dever,
and remove from us enemies, disease,
,x¤aC«¤ ,a¥iF` Epi«l¥ r̈n¥ x¥qd̈e§
v’cherev, v’ra-av, v’yagon, v’haseir
and war, and famine, and anguish, and remove
x¥qd̈e§ ,oFbïe§ ,ar̈ẍe§ ,ax«¤g¤ e§
satan mil’faneinu umei-achareinu,
the Opponent from before us and from behind us,
,Epix£ «¥g`© nE
¥ Epi«p¥ ẗNœ§ n¦ oḧÜ
uvtzeil k’nafecha tas-tireinu,
Under the shadow of your wings hide us,
,Epxi«¥ Y¦ q§ Y© Li«t¤ p̈M§ l¥vaE§
ki Eil shom’reinu umatzileinu atah, ,dŸ«`¨ Ep«l¥ iS¦ nE
for the One Who guards us and saves us is You,
© Epxœ§ «¥nFW l ¥̀ iM¦
ki Eil melech chanun v’rachum atah. .dŸ«`¨ mEgx©e§ oEPg© K¤ln«¤ l ¥̀ iM¦
for You are the Sovereign of mercy and compassion.
Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo-einu,
Guard us when we go out and when we return,
,Ep«¥̀ FaE Ep«z`¥ ¥ v xFnWE §
l’chayim ulshalom,
for life and for peace,
,mFlẄlE § mi¦Ig© l§
mei-atah v’ad olam.
from now until eternity.
.ml̈Fr c©re§ dŸ©rn¥
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ
shomeir amo Yisra-eil la-ad.
Who safeguards His people Israel forever.
.c©rl̈ l ¥̀ ẍU§ i¦ FO©r xnFW
{Amein.} {.on¥ `}
BLESSINGS OF THE SH’MA rny z`ixw zekxa
sydq yox
The Chatzi (Half) Kaddish concludes this section. It reminds us that we should always
sanctify the Divine Name and never allow this task to fade from our consciousness.
Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meih raba. .`Äx© Dn¥ W§ WC© w© z¦ § ie§ lC©© Bz¦§i
Exalted and sanctified be His great Name.
{.on¥ `} ¨
B’al’ma di v’ra chiruteih,
In the world that He has created according to His will,
¥ x§ k¦ `ẍa§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈ œ§ A§
v’yamlich malchuteih,
and may He let His sovereignty have dominion,
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n© § ie§
v’yatzmach purkaneih
and cause His redemption to sprout
D¥pẅx§ Rª gn© v© § ie§
vikareiv M’shichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
{.on¥ `} ¨ .Dgi ¥ W¦ n§ ax¥ẅie¦
B’chayeichon uvyomeichon
In your lifetime and in your days
oFkinFi ¥ aE § oFki¥Ig© A§
uvchayei d’chol beit Yisra-eil,
and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,
,l ¥̀ ẍU§ i¦ zi¥A lÇ̈kc§ i¥Ig© aE §
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
speedily and at a time that comes soon,
,aix¦ ẅ on§ © faE ¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
v’imru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
{.on¥ `}¨ .on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
{Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach
May His great Name be blessed
Kxä© n§ `Äx© Dn¥ W§ `d¥ i§ }
l’alam ulal’mei al’maya.}
forever and for all eternity.
{.`Ïn© lr̈œ§ in¥ lr̈ œ§ lE § m©lr̈l§
Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpa-ar
Blessed and praised and glorified
x`© R̈z¦ § ie§ gA© Y© W§ ¦ie§ KxÄ © z¦ §i
v’yitromam v’yitnasei v’yit-hadar
and exalted and raised up and honored
xC̈d© z¦
§ ie§ `V© ¥ pz¦
§ ie§ mnFx © z¦ § ie§
v’yitaleh v’yit-halal
and elevated and lauded
lN̈d© z¦
§ ie§ d¤Nr© z¦ § ie§
sh’meih d’kudsha {b’rich hu},
be the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is He,
,{`Ed Kix¦ A} § `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W§
l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata
beyond more than any blessing and song
`z̈ẍiW¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lÇ̈M on¦ `N̈«r¥ l§
tushb’chata v’nechemata,
praise and consolation
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈œA§ W§ Yª
da-amiran b’al’ma,
that are uttered in the world,
œ§ A§ oẍin£̀ ¦ C©
v’imru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
{.on¥ `}¨ .on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Amidah comes from the word “Amad” which literally means “to stand” and is therefore
known as the Standing Prayer. It connects us to Atzilut, the world of Ein Sof. It is also
connects us to the Creator’s Light both as individuals and as a community in a powerful
and intimate way.
Through the opening verse we ask the Creator to speak through us so that our prayers
are coming from our higher selves rather than from our ego selves. The first three
blessings pay homage to the Creator, the middle blessings consist of supplications, and
the final three blessings express our gratitude. Through the closing prayers, we ask that
we be kept in a state of spiritual awareness and we reiterate that all of the words we have
uttered have come from the heart. The Amidah is complete as we send peace out to the
community and to the entire world.
We meditate in silence for several moments before the Leader begins the Amidah.
Everyone says the words of each blessing in a soft tone at the same time the Leader is chanting them.
At the end of each blessing Everyone says “Amein”.
We take three steps backward that represent withdrawing our attention from the physical world.
With complete concentration, we take three steps forward which signify stepping into the
land of Israel, into the city of Jerusalem, and into the Kadosh Hakadashim (the Holy of Holies).
ytps ynda
¤ d¦ Y§ ciB©
¦ i itE
¦ ,gŸt§ Y¦ iz© ẗU§ ip̈Ÿc £̀
Adonai s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilatecha.
Adonai open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
The first blessing of the Amidah is associated with Avraham and the s’firah of Chesed.
Through it we acknowledge the Creator’s great mercy which was revealed to us through
our ancestors.
Bend the knees at KExÄ Baruch, bow down while saying dŸ`© Atah,
then straighten up at ig the Name of Hashem.
The second blessing of the Amidah is associated with Yitzchak and the s’firah of Gevurah.
Through it we acknowledge the Creator’s great might and mention the revival of the dead
five times which is an allusion to the five levels of the soul.
,sh tsvdq
The third blessing of the Amidah is associated with Ya-akov and Tiferet. Through it we
acknowledge the Creator’s holiness.
While saying Ep`«ḧg̈ “chatanu” and Epr«
§ Ẅẗ “fashanu” gently strike the left side of the chest with the right fist.
,ynsh tkrb
Summer is recited from Chol Hamoed Pesach through Minchah of December 4th (Dec. 5th in a year before a
civil leap year). Winter is recited from Maariv on December 4th (Dec. 5th in a year before a civil leap year)
through Shacharit of Pesach Day 1.
tvylg /vbq
,ynymh tkrb
ul-olam lo neivosh
and may we never feel ashamed
WFa¥p `Ÿle§ ml̈FrlE§
ki v’cha batachnu.
for in You we have put our trust.
.Epg«§ ḧÄ La§ iM¦
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ
mishan umivtach latzadikim.
the support and assurance of the righteous.
¦ C©¦ Sl© gḧa§ nE
¦ or̈W§ n¦
,ylsvry ]ynb
V’lirushalayim ir’cha
And to Jerusalem Your city
Lxi§ r¦ mi¦ «l© ẄExil¦ e§
b’rachamim tashuv,
in compassion may You return,
,aEWŸ min£ ¦ gx©A§
v’tishkon b’tochah
and may You rest within it,
Dk̈FzA§ oFMW§ z¦ e§
ka-asher dibarta,
as You have spoken.
,Ÿx«§ A© C¦ xW£̀
¤ M©
uvnei otah b’karov b’yameinu
And may You rebuild it soon in our days
¥ A§ aFxẅA§ Dz̈F` d¥paE §
binyan olam, v’chisei David avd’cha
as an eternal edifice, and the throne of David Your servant
§ r ce¦ c̈ `¥Qk¦ e§ ,ml̈Fr o©ip§ A¦
m’heirah l’tochah tachin.
may You establish speedily within it.
.oik¦ Ÿ Dk̈Fzl§ dẍd¥ n§
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ
boneih Y’rushalayim.
Who rebuilds Jerusalem.
.mi¦ «l̈ẄEx§i d¥pFA
hlpt tlbq
Av harachaman,
Merciful Father,
,on̈£gx©d̈ a`¨
sh’ma koleinu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Hear our voice, Hashem our Elohim,
¥ ` dedi ,Ep«l¥ Fw rn© W§
chus v’racheim aleinu,
take pity and have compassion on us,
,Epi«l¥ r̈ mg¥ x©e§ qEg
v’kabeil b’rachamim uvratzon
and accept with compassion and favor
oFvẍaE§ min£ ¦ gx©A§ l¥Aw© e§
et t’filateinu, ki Eil shomei-a
our prayer, for the Almighty One who hears
r© nFW
«¥ l ¥̀ iM¦ ,Ep«zN̈ ¥ t¦ Y§ z ¤̀
t’filot v’tachanunim atah,
prayers and supplications is You,
,dŸ«`¨ mi¦pEp£gz© e§ zFNt¦ Y§
umil’fanecha, malkeinu,
from before Yourself, our Sovereign,
,Ep«M¥ l§ n© ,Li«¤pẗN§ nE
reikam al t’shi-einu.
do not turn us away empty-handed.
.Ep«a¥ iW¦ Y§ l`© mẅix¥
Ki atah shomei-a t’filat
For You hear the prayer
z©Nt¦ Y§ r© nFW
«¥ dŸ`© iM¦
am’cha Yisra-eil b’rachamim.
of Your people Israel with compassion.
.min£¦ gx©A§ l ¥̀ ẍU§ i¦ Lœ§O©r
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
,dedi dŸ`© KExÄ
shomei-a t’filat.
Who hears prayer.
.dN̈t¦ Y§ r© nFW
The first final blessing of the Amidah is associated with Moshe and the s’firah of Netzach.
Through it we ask that the Creator be pleased with Yisrael and restore the Temple
The final second blessing of the Amidah is associated with Aharon and the s’firah of Hod.
Through it we offer gratitude to the Creator for our lives, for all the visible and invisible
miracles that occur, and for sustaining us in every moment.
We bow first at our knees and then at our waist as we say micFn
¦ Modim
until ig the Name of Hashem at which point we straighten up.
Modim anachnu lach, ,Kl̈ Epg«§ p© £̀ micFn ¦
We give thanks to You,
sha-atah hu Adonai Eloheinu, Epi«dŸl¡
¥ ` dedi ,`Ed dŸ`© Ẅ
for it is You Who are Hashem our Elohim,
v’Eilohei avoteinu, ,Epi«zFa£̀
¥ idŸl`¥
¥ e
and the Elohim of our ancestors,
l’olam va-ed. .c¤rë ml̈Frl§
for ever and ever.
Tzur chayeinu, magein yisheinu,
Rock of our life, Shield of our salvation,
,Ep«r¥ W§ ¦i o¥bn̈ ,Epi«I¥ g© xEv
atah hu l’dor vador.
You are from generation to generation,
,xFcë xFcl§ `Ed dŸ`©
Nodeh l’cha unsapeir t’hilatecha,
We will thank You and tell Your praises,
¤ d¦ Y§ x¥Rq§ © pE LN§ dcF« ¤p
al chayeinu ham’surim b’yadecha,
for our lives which are placed into Your hands,
«¤ A§ mixEq ¦ O§ d© Epi«I¥ g© l©r
v’al nishmoteinu hap’kudot lach,
and for our souls which are entrusted to You,
,Kl̈ zFcEwœR§ d© Epi«zFn ¥ W¦ § p l©re§
v’al nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu,
and for Your miracles that are with us every day,
,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lÇ̈kœA§ W¤ Li«Q¤ p¦ l©re§
v’al nifl’otecha v’tovotecha,
and for Your wonders and Your favors,
¤ e§ Li«zF` ¤ l§ t¦§ p l©re§
sheb’chol eit,
that are at all times,
,z¥r lk̈A§ W¤
erev vavoker v’tzahorayim.
evening and morning and afternoon.
.mi¦ ẍ« d¢Ç v̈e§ x¤wŸa« ë ax«¤ r¤
Hatov, ki lo chalu rachamecha,
You are goodness, for Your mercies never cease,
,Li«n£¤ gx© Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,aFHd©
and the Compassionate One,
,mg¥ xœ§©nd© e§
ki lo tamu chasadecha,
for Your kindnesses have never ended,
,Lic«¤ q̈£g EO«z© `Ÿl iM¦
mei-olam kivinu lach.
for always we have placed our hope in You.
.Kl̈ Epi«E¦ w¦ ml̈Frn¥
During the festivals of Chanukah or Purim continue on the next page,
otherwise continue on page 29 with mN̈Mª l©re§ V’al kulam.
Chanukah and Purim connect us to the energy of miracles. The following blessings help
us to harness the power of miracles so that we can create them in our life whenever they
are truly needed.
Bimei Matit-yahu ben Yochanan op̈g̈Fi o¤A Ed«ïz§ Y¦ n© ini¥ A¦
In the days of Matityahu the son of Yochanan
kohein gadol, chashmonai uvanav, ,eip̈äE i`©pFnW§ g© ,lFcB̈ odŸ¥ M
the high priest, the Hasmonean, and his sons,
k’she-am’dah malchut Yavan oëï zEkl§ n© dc̈œ§nr̈W¤ M§
when the kingdom of Greece rose up
harsha-ah al am’cha Yisra-eil l ¥̀ ẍU§ ¦i Lœ§O©r l©r dr̈Ẅx§ d̈
-which was wicked- against your people Israel
l’hashkicham Toratecha,
to make them forget Your Torah,
,L«z¤ ẍFY mg̈iM¦ W§ d© l§
ul-ha-aviram meihukei r’tzonecha,
and to compel them to stray from the statutes of Your will,
,L«¤pFvx§ i¥Tgª n¥ mẍia£ ¦ rd© lE §
v’atah b’rachamecha harabim
but You in Your mercy which is abundant
miA¦ x©d̈ Li«n£¤ gx©A§ dŸ`© e§
amadta lahem b’eit tzaratam,
stood up for them in the time of their distress,
,mz̈ẍv̈ z¥rA§ mdl̈ ¤ Ÿc«§ nr̈©
ravta et rivam,
You championed their cause,
,mäix¦ z ¤̀ Ÿa§ x«©
danta et dinam,
judged their claim,
,mp̈iC¦ z ¤̀ Ÿ§pC«©
nakamta et nikmatam,
and You avenged their wrong,
,mz̈n̈w¦§ p z ¤̀ Ÿn«§ wp̈©
masarta giborim b’yad chalashim,
You delivered the strong into the hands of the weak,
¦ g© c©iA§ mixFA ¦ B¦ Ÿx«§ q© n̈
v’rabim b’yad m’atim,
and the many into the hands of the few,
,miH© ¦ rn§ c©iA§ miA¦ x©e§
utmei-im b’yad t’horim,
and the pure into the hands of the pure,
,mixFd ¦ h§ c©iA§ mi`¦ n¥ hE §
Bimei Mord’chai v’Esteir xY¥ q§ ¤̀ e§ ikœ§
© CxÇ̈§ n ini
¥ A¦
In the days of Mordechai and Esther
b’Shushan habirah, ,dẍiA¦ d© oWEW © A§
in the capital of Shushan,
k’she-amad aleihem Haman harasha, ,rẄẍd̈ on̈d̈ mdi¥ ¤ lr£ cnr̈ © W¤ M§
when Haman the wicked rose up against them,
bikeish l’hashmid laharog ul-abeid c¥A`© lE
§ bŸxd£ l© cin¦ W§ d© l§ WT¥ A¦
and he sought to destroy, slay, and exterminate
et kol hay’hudim,
all the Jews,
,micEdœ ¦ I§ d© lÇ̈M z ¤̀
mina-ar v’ad zakein, taf v’nashim,
from young to old, infants and women,
¦ e§ sh© ,ow¥ f̈ c©re§ x©r«P© n¦
b’yom echad, bish-loshah asar
in one day, on the thirteenth
xÜr̈ dẄFlW§ A¦ ,cg̈ ¤̀ mFiA§
The final third blessing of the Amidah is associated with Yosef and the s’firah of Yesod.
Through it we pray for lasting peace, which should be the ultimate aim of all of our
The Leader may choose to use the Sefard version below or the Ashkenaz version on the next page.
Ashkenaz version:
rvon yhla
As we complete the Amidah, we now ask that we may be strengthened to make our
prayers a reality through personal integrity and by opening our hearts to Torah.
We now take three steps backward as we retreat from the Divine Presence.
We bow left and say mFlẄ dUŸ¤ r Oseh Shalom, bow right and say `Ed Hu,
bow forward and say l ¥̀ ẍU¦
§ i lÇ̈M l©re§ V’al kol Yisra-eil.
You may use the part in parenthesis in place of v’al kol ha-olam.
,ls sydq
The Ari revealed that the Full Kaddish has the power of twice Light. One of them is the
Light within us all. The second Light is known as “Or Makif” or “surrounding Light”. The
Kaddish Shaleim is the tool which links these two Lights together.
ALEINU Eepi«l¥ r̈
All of our prayers, according to the Kabbalists, have drawn inner Light. The Aleinu is a
magnet for external Light which seals and protects them, blocking out any negative
Stand while saying the Aleinu.
aryt la
According to the Midrash, these verses were quoted by three Jewish children to Mordechai
during the time preceding the miracle of Purim. They connect us to the energy of
protection against all dangers.
,vty sydq
We turn our thoughts to those who have departed this earth: our own loved ones and
those whom we have drawn into our hearts as our own, those whom our friends and
neighbors have lost, the martyrs of our people whose graves are unmarked, and those of
every race and nation whose lives have been a blessing to humanity. As we remember
them, we meditate on the meaning of love and loss, of life and death.
.dk̈ẍa§ l¦ mp̈Fxk¦§ f
Zichronam livracha.
May their memories be for blessing.