RNC v. DNC Order Granting Emergency Stay
RNC v. DNC Order Granting Emergency Stay
RNC v. DNC Order Granting Emergency Stay
____ (2020) 1
Per Curiam
No. 19A1016
The application for stay presented to JUSTICE
KAVANAUGH and by him referred to the Court is granted.
The District Court’s order granting a preliminary injunc-
tion is stayed to the extent it requires the State to count
absentee ballots postmarked after April 7, 2020.
Wisconsin has decided to proceed with the elections
scheduled for Tuesday, April 7. The wisdom of that decision
is not the question before the Court. The question before
the Court is a narrow, technical question about the absen-
tee ballot process. In this Court, all agree that the deadline
for the municipal clerks to receive absentee ballots has been
extended from Tuesday, April 7, to Monday, April 13. That
extension, which is not challenged in this Court, has af-
forded Wisconsin voters several extra days in which to mail
their absentee ballots. The sole question before the Court
is whether absentee ballots now must be mailed and post-
marked by election day, Tuesday, April 7, as state law
would necessarily require, or instead may be mailed and
postmarked after election day, so long as they are received
by Monday, April 13. Importantly, in their preliminary in-
junction motions, the plaintiffs did not ask that the District
Per Curiam
Per Curiam
It is so ordered.
Cite as: 589 U. S. ____ (2020) 1
No. 19A1016
2 See Wisconsin Elections Commission, Absentee Ballot Report, Apr. 2,
2020, https://elections.wi.gov/index.php/node/6815.
4 See, e.g., Tr. 18–19 (Apr. 1, 2020) (testimony that mail delivery “can
5 Memorandum from M. Wolfe, Administrator of the Wiscon-