Cais25 PDF
Cais25 PDF
Cais25 PDF
This guidance is only about health and safety. You can prevent most accidents through good
It is not intended to cover food safety or hygiene management, supervision and effective training,
requirements. which makes accident prevention no different from
any other aspect of running a successful business.
Why is health and safety important in Thought and planning applied to those areas of
catering and hospitality? catering where the risks are highest will help you to
prevent accidents and reduce costs. It will also show
Businesses in the catering and hospitality sector
enforcement officers that you are striving to comply
report many major injuries to HSE every year.
with health and safety law.
Beyond the obvious human costs, accidents also
cost money and time – people off work, material costs
and damage to buildings, equipment or product.
What do you need to do? for chemicals and equipment, as they can be very
helpful in spelling out the hazards.
Summary of employer’s duties
■■ Some workers may have particular requirements,
As an employer you have a general duty to ensure the for example new and young workers, migrant
health and safety of your employees and others workers, new or expectant mothers, people with
affected by your business. In particular, you must: disabilities, temporary workers, contractors,
homeworkers and lone workers.
■■ provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
■■ ensure a safe and healthy working environment; Having identified the hazards, you then have to decide
■■ provide adequate welfare facilities, such as toilets how likely it is that harm will occur. Risk is a part of
and hot and cold running water; everyday life and you are not expected to eliminate all
■■ provide suitable information, instruction and risks. What you must do is make sure you know
training for your workers; about the main risks and the things you need to do to
■■ have safe working procedures; manage them responsibly. Generally, you should do
■■ ensure adequate supervision of your staff; everything reasonably practicable to protect people
■■ prevent or control exposure to hazardous from harm.
substances and loud noise.
Make a record of your significant findings – the
hazards, how people might be harmed by them
Risk assessment
and what you have in place to control the risks.
As part of managing the health and safety of your Any record produced should be simple and focused
business, you must control the risks in your on controls. If you have fewer than five employees
workplace. To do this you should think about what you do not have to write anything down. But it is useful
might cause harm to people and decide whether you to do this so you can review it at a later date, for
are doing enough to prevent that. example if something changes. If you have five or more
employees, you are required by law to write it down.
This is known as risk assessment and it is something
you are required by law to carry out. If you have Few workplaces stay the same, so it makes sense to
fewer than five employees you don’t have to write review what you are doing on an ongoing basis.
anything down.
More guidance on risk assessment can be found at
Risk assessment is about identifying and taking
sensible and proportionate measures to control the
You can find a risk assessment template,
risks in your workplace, not about creating huge
example risk assessments and more online tools
amounts of paperwork. You are probably already
taking steps to protect your employees, but your risk
assessment will help you decide whether you should Take a look at the example risk assessment for
be doing more. catering (
htm). It shows what a completed risk assessment
Think about how accidents and ill health could
might look like for your business. You can use these
happen and concentrate on real risks – those that
as a guide when doing your own.
are most likely and which will cause the most harm.
The following might help: Hazards and other issues in the workplace you may
need to consider in your assessment include:
■■ Think about your workplace activities, processes
and the substances used that could injure your ■■ slips and trips;
employees or harm their health. ■■ contact with hazardous substances, such as
■■ Ask your employees what they think the hazards cleaning fluids;
are, as they may notice things that are not ■■ manual handling of loads;
obvious to you and may have some good ideas ■■ work at height;
on how to control the risks. ■■ maintenance work, for example work which may
■■ Check manufacturers’ instructions or data sheets disturb asbestos;
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Health and Safety
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Health and Safety
The role of enforcement officers For information about health and safety, or to report
inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance,
In most catering situations, local authority
visit You can view HSE guidance
enforcement officers are responsible for enforcing
online and order priced publications from the website.
health and safety law. Inspectors from HSE look after
HSE priced publications are also available
health and safety in catering facilities in institutions
from bookshops.
such as hospitals, schools etc. The role of the
enforcement officer is not just to enforce the law, This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety
but also to promote health and safety, give advice Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory,
on the law and how to comply with it and advise on unless specifically stated, and you are free to take
other sources of information – for example, published other action. But if you do follow the guidance
and web-based guidance available from HSE. you will normally be doing enough to comply with
the law. Health and safety inspectors seek to
secure compliance with the law and may refer to
this guidance.