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Curling Day 1

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Grade:_20/30_ Lesson Title: _Curling Skills_ Lesson Duration (mins): _88_

Overview of lesson (150 words). Write a clear and concise paragraph that indicates what the lesson is, how it is
connected to the POS and what students will learn.

This will be the first of two lessons in the Physical Education 20/30 split curling unit. The goal for this lesson is to get
the students comfortable with the alternative environment that we will be working on. This starts by addressing the major
safety concerns that come with this space. I hope to start a conversation around safety and encourage as much input from the
students as possible. Once safety has been addressed and understood by the students we will progress to the basic skills of
this sport. Students will start by getting used to sliding on the ice and developing a proper/ balanced stance while moving on
this surface. As the comfort level rises, we will work on the sliding position without the delivery of the rock so students can
understand the form and get a sense of the movement pattern. If this skill is being understood I will introduce the concept of
the rock and have students slowly progress to moving it down the surface toward the house. Lots of demonstration and
feedback will be implemented throughout the lesson as this may be some of the students first time curling, let alone on ice.
Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson. Do not
put in 10 SLO's just because you find a link. Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn
by the end of the lesson/unit


A20-1: Apply and refine locomotor skills and concepts—
Students will acquire skills through a variety of effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a
developmentally appropriate movement variety of activities to improve personal performance
activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, A20-3: Apply and refine non-locomotor skills and concepts—
individual activities and activities in an effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and variety of activities to improve personal performance
outdoor pursuits. A20-5: Apply and refine manipulative skills and concepts—
effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a
Students will interact positively with others. variety of activities to improve personal performance
D20-3: Select and apply rules, routines and procedures of
Students will assume responsibility to lead an safety in a variety of activities
active way of life. A30-1: Analyze, evaluate and adapt performance of locomotor
skills and concepts—effort, space and relationships—to
perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal
A30-3: Analyze, evaluate and adapt performance of non-
locomotor skills and concepts—effort, space and relationships
—to perform and create a variety of activities to improve
personal performance
A30-5: Analyze, evaluate and adapt performance of
manipulative skills and concepts—effort, space and
relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance
D30-3: Select and apply rules, routines and procedures of
safety in a variety of activities
Critical Questions
The unit inquiry question guides the unit...at the end of the two lesson students must be able to respond to the unit question. The inquire question is a
broad question and is linked to curriculum outcomes

Unit Inquiry Question: How can the skills learned in curling transfer over to other sport activities we participate in?

Lesson Guiding Questions

Does anyone here have any curling experience? If yes, would you be comfortable helping me with
What are some keys to keeping a balanced position?
What were some of the difficulties associated with these skills?
Do you have any tips of how to perform these skills at a higher rate?
How comfortable were you with combining these skills?
Learning Objectives
Students will…
Students will learn the necessary safety measures for working within this alternative
Students will learn the proper technique for the skills of curling.
Students will learn how to manipulate the equipment in curling.
Material and Equipment
List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…

 Alternative shoes
 Sliders
 Release form
 Whistle
 Rock
 Brushes
 Hacks
 Ice

Lesson Procedures

Introduction (__min.):
Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body. Indicate the timing for each sec

 Before leaving the school check to see who has their forms in to go to the rink
o Those who do not have their forms will be sent to the library to do work (Suggestion from TA)
 We will then walk over to the rink (10-15 minute walk)
 Students must bring alternative shoes
 The lesson will begin by highlighting some of the major safety concerns as we will be on ice
o I will ask students what do they think are our major concerns to watch out for in regard to safety?
o Proper behaviour while in this alternative environment is a must:
 No mishandling of equipment or inappropriate use of the brooms/rocks
 No contact on or off the ice to avoid falls and major injuries
 Rocks should be pushed toward a direction that will not harm any students
 Only be on ice when instructed to do so
 If an injury does occur, come inform me immediately so we can properly handle the situation
 Students who cannot follow the rules will be unable to participate and must sit out
 After safety has been addressed, I will begin to inform them on the intention behind our lesson for the day
 I will begin by informing them of the basic skills we will be learning for curling
 Before we jump into that I will ask Does anyone here have any curling experience? If yes, would you be

comfortable helping me with demonstration
 The skills will be instructed through the IDEAS method:
o Introduction: Name the skill
o Demonstration: Physical representation of what the skill looks like
o Explanation: Explain why it is important and the key aspects
o Activity: Have the students immediately try the skill
o Summary: Provide the student with feedback and offer more time to try the skill out

Body (__min.): This is the largest part of your lesson. Write clearly and concisely. Image a substitute teacher picks up this
lesson; will they be able to carry it out based on your descriptions and instruction?

Writing must be descriptive and clearly organized. Specify activities/steps/scaffolding and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing
of each section. Identify teaching strategies, organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative assessment in your
lesson? Indicate differentiation and accommodation in the provided tables

Steps and Procedures Identify Teaching Strategies: ex. Direct

1. I will start by introducing the students to sliders instructions, pair/share, jigsaw, whole group
a. Explain the usage and get the students comfortable discussion etc. When will you use these and why?
with this piece of equipment 1. Direct Instruction will be used to break
b. Students will put the slider on and carefully work their down the aspects of the skills
way up and down the ice to get associated with the 2. Demonstration will be paired with direct
type of movement and the speed at which they will instruction to provide a visible
slide on the surface representation
c. I will demonstrate a balanced stance when sliding on 3. Whole group discussion will be used to
the ice (ask the students what some keys are to a get students insight and perspective on
balanced position?) what we are doing
i. Feet shoulders width apart Assessments
ii. Knees slightly bent Indicate what these will be and when you
iii. Weight carried forward to keep you from would use them.
slipping backwards
d. Have them work off pushing from the wall to get used Formative: Example: Observation/Anecdotal,
to that transfer of weight Student/Teacher conferencing, check list etc..
2. After working their way up and down the ice, students will When will you administer these and why?
push off side to side from the walls 1. Observation and feedback from myself
3. Once students have become comfortable with pushing off from 2. Peer-feedback during skill work
the wall we will progress to sliding out of the hack, which is 3. Fist of 5 to assess comfortability
known as the Final Slide position Summative Assessment: Example Rubrics,
a. I will start by providing a demonstration and quizzes test etc, projects
highlighting the proper form of this skill 1. No summative feedback will be used for
the first day.
b. The sliding foot should be located directly under the
centre of the chest, with the sliding toe pointed slightly
outwards or straight

c. The trailing leg should be completely extended behind

the body, with the knee kept off the ice, if possible
(Laces of shoes face down on ice)

d. The foot of the trailing leg should be kept straight.

e. The balancing arm should hold the brush under the

arm and extending towards the small of the back. The
brush head should be approximately level with where
the stone would be, and the wooden or plastic portion
of the brush head should be touching the ice

f. The shoulders should be kept high and square to the

target, with eyes looking up.

g. The throwing arm should be comfortably extended in

front of the curler, as if holding a stone.

4. After the demonstration students will get the opportunity to

practice this with a group

a. Students should be providing peer feedback to those

trying the skill

b. I will float around the facility and offer feedback of

my own

5. I will blow my whistle once to get the students attention and

assess their comfortability

a. A fist of 5 will be done to see how they feel with these


b. If most are feeling good, we will introduce the stone to

the mix

6. The goal will now be to keep working on the stance, but now
slide the rock into the “house”

7. The points for this skill are as followed:

a. Elevate the hips, with the shoulders remaining at a

constant height while the body is raised to a “semi-
crouch” position. The hack leg should bend to 90

b. The stone should be pulled back towards the hack foot

c. At the same time, the sliding foot should move straight

back to about a heel-to-toe position

d. Some of the body’s weight should then be transferred

to the sliding foot

e. There should be a definite pause before the forward


f. Begin to move the stone forward, towards the target,

by letting the upper body begin to fall forward.

g. Begin to move the “sliding foot” forward, gradually

shifting to behind the stone.

h. As you move forward, push out of the “hack” with the

“hack foot”. At this point, shoulders should be high,
with the throwing arm comfortably extended forward
and the trailing leg extending straight back until the
final slide position is reached

i. Remember…

i. The stone always leads the way!

ii. The sliding foot is placed under the chest and

behind the stone as the player slides forward.

iii. The entire surface of the sliding foot is flat on

the ice/floor, with the toe turned out slightly or

8. Students will then get the chance to have multiple touches to

practice combining these skills

 Those who do not have their form will be asked to stay back and complete work in the library
 Those who are injured can stay back or come help and provide feedback to their peers

Consolidating and Closure: In this part of your planning you are providing time for ensuring that students learned
and understood what was intended in the lesson. If they haven't you will need to revisit your lesson plan or re-teach (if
necessary) Here you could provide an exit slip or walk through a guided whole group and/or small group discussion.
This part of the lesson can act also as a transition from lesson body into closure...cleanup and getting ready for the next
class. Don't forget to time this too and to indicate very clearly how you will facilitate consolidation and closure.
Provide Clear steps and indicate process. Often 5 mins is allotted for this section but that is not enough time. To
consolidate, clean up and get students ready for transition can take up to 10 - 15 mins depending on the lesson

1. I will blow my whistle twice to bring the group in

2. I will ask them What were some of the difficulties associated with these skills?
3. Do you have any tips of how to perform these skills at a higher rate?
4. How comfortable were you with combining these skills?
5. After discussion, I will inform the students to help put all equipment away and we will head back to the school

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