Column Element Diagram Interaction PDF
Column Element Diagram Interaction PDF
Column Element Diagram Interaction PDF
In order to lighten the prestressed concrete solid members, nowadays, it is possible to make use of the advantage of HPC (fc'>60
MPa) as well as replacing the solid section with a PSC thin-walled section for certain members such as circular and box columns.
Using the strength theory of ACI, a numerical procedure along with a computer program was developed for the analysis of such
sections subjected to axial compression or tension load and bending moments. The program solves for all possible variables such
as, concrete compressive strength (fc'= 60-100 MPa), type of prestressed steel, concrete cover, ratio of wall thickness to the section
dimensions and the PS steel arrangements to satisfy the given loading cases, thus leading to an optimal cost solution. However,
since the cross section is thin-walled circular or box and the PS steel is located at discrete points along the periphery of a circle
or rectangle, the equations of equilibrium are complex for hand computations (especially for circular section) but suitable for
computer program. So, by use of MATLAB software the interaction diagrams were also drawn for the analysis of such sections
for all mentioned variables. The use of prestressed thin-walled column diagrams is a safe and easy tool for the analysis of such
columns. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing its results to those of the available
experimental values and is indicate that the proposed method predict very well the capacity of prestressed thin-walled column.
1. Introduction amount of stresses and hence one way to reduce the stresses,
is to increase the cross section area of the PS concrete
With the rapid development of concrete technology in recent members, which is not desired. Although, generally the PS
years, higher strength concrete can be produced much more structural concrete weights are lower than conventional RC
easily than before. Since 1980, several investigations on structures, perhaps a better solution can be achieved while
mechanical properties and structural behavior of high strength using the HSC or high performance concrete strength (HPC)
concrete (HSC) have been reported [1-5]. Considering several in PS concrete elements. The research is required to
advantages of HSC, nowadays, this type of concrete is widely understand the effect of concrete strength (i.e., strength more
accepted and is used in reinforced concrete (RC) structures. than what is recommended in current prestressed concrete
Current knowledge of HSC shows that there are definite codes) on PS concrete elements such as columns.
advantages, both technical and economical in using HSC in However, a negative structural effect occurs when using HSC
structures. Greater strength per unit cost and per unit weight, or HPC in the PS columns as will be seen, can become more
increased modules of elasticity and reduced shrinkage and problematical since the vertical stiffness of the columns is
creep are some of these advantages. These factors are more reduced [6-7]. This arises due to the reduced cross-sectional
important when calculating the losses of prestressed (PS) areas which result from the use of HSC, and the functional
concrete forces. relationship between strength and elastic modules. It is possible
Considering PS concrete, the concrete will resist a large to over come this disadvantageous, by increasing the moment of
inertia of the section, when for example using thin-walled
column sections. The well designed thin-walled sections not
* Corresponding Author: only can resist the applied stresses but is also possible to ignore
1 Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at University of the buckling effect while the walls thickness are not narrow and
Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
2 Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Kerman University, therefore more loads can be applied. However, considering the
Kerman, Iran flexural rigidity, EI, of slender PS concrete column at their
λ=0 λ=0
X=D-λ X=b-λ
Calculate Ac, x based on condition a-e Calculate Ep1 or Ep2 Calculate Ac, xo based on condition a-d Calculate Ep1 or Ep2
λ=λ+ε λ=λ+ε
Calculate Ti Calculate Ti
Calculate Fc Calculate Fc
If X<0.001 If X<0.001
Plot figure Plot figure
Fig. 1. Flow chart for the computer program for interaction diagram Fig. 2. Flow chart for the computer program for interaction diagram
of PS thin-walled circular columns PS thin-walled box columns
2.1. steels prestressing walled columns the assumed bi-linear PS steel stress-strain
diagram shown in Figure 3, was used and the program was
High-tensile steel for prestressing usually takes one of these testified with the worked example given in Nilson, for square
forms: wires, strands or bars. While the ultimate strength of prestressed columns section [32]. For simplicity the worked
high-tensile steel can be easily determined by testing, its elastic example is reproduced here, and the comparison of the results
limit or its yield point can not be so simply ascertained, since it is shown in Table 1. It is clear that, a much closed agreement
has neither a yield point nor a definite proportional limit. The is achieved.
selected steel types used for PS are the three types (i.e., wires,
strands and bars) conform to ASTM Specification A-416.
For the purpose of analyzing and plotting of the PS concrete f
columns interaction diagrams and for every load increments, fpu
the bi-linear steel stress-strain curves shown in Figure 3 was fpy
assumed for all the three types of PS steels.
fpu = ultimate stress in prestressed steel ; fpy = yield tensile
stress in prestressed steel
εpu = ultimate strain in prestressed steel ; εpy = yield tensile
εpy εpu ε
strain in prestressed steel
For analysing and design purpose of prestressed HPC thin- Fig. 3. Prestressed steel stress-strain curves
International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2012 265
2.2. Applied assumption in computer program To analysis the members, an equivalent rectangular stress
block coefficients proposed by ACI code was used for
Based on the equilibrium of forces, strains compatibility and compression zone (Figures 4-b and 5-b).
strength reduction coefficients using equivalent rectangular
stress block ACI for different variables such as, concrete a=0.85 (1)
compressive strength (fc'= 60-100 MPa), type of prestressed
steel, concrete cover, ratio of wall thickness to the section b1=1.09-0.008 fc' MPa 0.65≤b1≤0.85 (2)
dimensions and the PS steel arrangements, a computer
program was developed that can analyse a PS thin-walled K3 =0.6+10 / fc' MPa K3≤0.85 (3)
circular and box concrete cross section subjected to axial
compression/tension combined with a moment. The columns Where, factor K3 is used to consider the different between the
interaction diagrams are also plotted by the MATLAB column actual concrete compressive strength and the standard
software for the analysis of prestressed HPC thin-walled cylinder strength.
circular and box columns (see Figure 1 and 2). The analysis is
based on the following assumptions: 3. Analysis of prestressed hpc thin-walled section
1. The relationship between concrete compressive stress
distribution and concrete strain is assumed to be rectangular, It is seldom that a prestressed concrete member is utilized to
with the equivalent rectangular stress block satisfying the stand compression and is prestressed for compression’s sake.
requirements of ACI for HSC. Evidently, concrete can carry compressive load better without
2. Tensile strength of concrete is negligible. being precompressed by steel. And it is difficult to conceive of
3. Strain in PS steel and concrete is assumed directly steel wires as addiding any appreciable strength to a member
proportional to the distance from neutral axis. carrying axial compression. In other words, some compression
4. Maximum strain in extreme concrete compression fiber for members like most of the structural columns are actually
HSC is 0.003 [33]. flexural members, and all the advantageous of prestressing a
5. The bi-linear stress-strain curve for PS steel is assumed. beam would apply to the prestressing of those members.
6. The amount of jacking force is the minimum values For analyses purpose, assuming that, cross section shape and
(0.94fpy, 0.85fpu) suggested by the ACI-05. PS steel arrangements are symmetry, the strain in the section
7. Total prestressed losses to reach the effective prestresseing due to effective prestressed force can be obtained which has a
during the service state assumed to be 20%. uniform strain distribution (Figure 4 and 5-b) by;
The procedure can be employed with any grade of concrete
strength (fc'= 60-100 MPa), or any three PS steel type. Thus, ε ce = + ε sh + ε cc (4)
Ec Ag
the solution obtained is exact enough, for the assumptions
made. However, it is reminded that an exact calculation for Te (5)
ε cc = Ctu
finding the prestressed losses is not possible as this can be only Ec
estimated [28, 32]. Where, Te is the effective PS force at service, EC is concrete
a b c d
Fig. 7. Different positions of x in PS thin-walled circular column
International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2012 267
c) If D / 2 < b1 x ≤ D - t (Figure 7-c): Ac =2ah+2bh-4h2 (33)
D 3 sin 3 θ
For circular thin-walled column:
x= (23) n
3[ D (θ − sin θ cosθ ) − π ( D − 2t ) ]
2 2
M n = Fc x + ∑T s i ( D / 2 − d i ) (38)
i =1
3.1.2 Thin walled box column Based on the above mentioned equations and variables, a
computer program was developed for drawing interaction
The different positions of ` x in PS box thin-walled HPC diagrams by MATLAB software for analyzing prestressed HPC
column of points A to B in Figure 6, are shown in Figure 5. thin-walled circular and box columns. Figure 1 and 2 show
Thus, using the equivalent rectangular stress block, the values flow chart of a computer program for this purpose. Some
of compressive concrete area , Ac and the resultant concrete typical interaction diagrams of both sections are shown in
compressive force, Fc are given as; Figures 8-10 and 11-13 respectively. In Table 2 and 3 for
different type of PS steels, the maximum allowable PS steel
a) If b1x ≤ h: amount, so that the column section is not located in the tensile
zone of the interaction curves, and the maximum resisting force
Ac=ab1x (27) and moment (for ρ= 1%) are given. As an example, if the used
steel amount in column section is more than allowable amount,
8 4 (28) the column design is controlled by tension zone.
For instance, if a circular HPC column section includes 8
a: section width stranded cables of type Grade 270 with diameter of 15.24 mm,
fc'=70 MPa, g=0.8 and t/D=0.2, the maximum allowable PS
b) If h≤b1x≤b- h: steel amount which can be used is 4%. Also for this column
with maximum allowable PS steel amount of 4%; the
Ac=ah + 2hb1x-2h2 (29) maximum axial load and bending moment are 17.28, 3.19 MPa
respectively (to coincide with the RC interaction diagrams the
a ( β 1 x) 2 − (a − 2h)(β 1 x − h)(h + β 1 x)
x0 = (30) vertical and horizontal axis of PS interaction diagrams are
2(( β 1 xa ) − (a − 2h)( β 1 x − h )) drawn in terms of stress).
c) If b-h≤b1x≤b :
5. Comparison with test result
7 (31)
To testify the proposed method, available experimental data
on prestressed thin-walled column is selected. The test
4 (32) specimen was contracted at the large scale structures
laboratory at the University of Nevada, Reno [34]. The details
Pn /D (MPa)
γ =0.8 17.5
Pn/D (Mpa)
γ =0.8 e/D=0.2
e/D=0.2 15
ρ= 0.04
ρ= 0.07 1
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 0
Mn/D (Mpa)
3 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4
M n /D (MPa)
25 t/D=0.2
ρ= 0.01 f ′ c =70 Mpa
25 ρ= 0.01 t/D=0.2
22.5 f ′ c =70 Mpa
20 e/D=0.1 No.=8
BAφ 4.98&6.35 20
17.5 ρ= 0.02 e/D=0.1 Grade160
Pn/D (Mpa)
γ =0.8
Pn /D (Mpa)
17.5 Φ 15.88
e/D=0.2 15 γ =0.8
ρ= 0.03
12.5 e/D=0.2
ρ= 0.04 10
1 5 ρ= 0.06
2.5 1
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 0
3 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4
Mn/D (Mpa)
M n /D (Mpa)
Fig. 8. Interaction diagrams for analysis of PS thin-walled circular Fig. 10. Interaction diagrams for analysis of PS thin-walled circular
column with rounded wires column with Alloy Steel Bars
ρ= 0.01 h/a=0.2
t/D=0.2 27.5
25 f ′ c =70 Mpa 25 e/b=0.1 f ′ c =70 Mpa
22.5 ρ= 0.01 No.=8 22.5 No.=8
e/b=0.2 WAφ 4.8&
20 & 4.98
Pn /ab (Mpa)
e/D=0.1 Φ 9.53 17.5 γ =0.8
Pn /D (MPa)
17.5 γ =0.8 15
15 12.5
12.5 10
ρ= 0.04
7.5 1
5 ρ= 0.04 0
2.5 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 M n /ab2 (Mpa)
M n /D (MPa)
25 30
t/D=0.2 h/a=0.2
22.5 ρ= 0.01 f ′ c =70 Mpa 27.5 ρ =0.01 h/b=0.2
No.=8 25 e/b=0.1 f /c =70 Mpa
Grade270 22.5 No.=8
17.5 e/D=0.1 Φ 9.53 BAφ4.98&6.35
e/b=0.2 γ =0.8
Pn/ab (Mpa)
Pn /D (Mpa)
15 γ =0.8 17.5
e/D=0.2 15
10 ρ =0.04
7.5 7.5
5 5
2.5 ρ= 0.04 2.5
1 0
0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 2
M n/ab (Mpa)
M n/D (Mpa)
Fig. 9. Interaction diagrams for analysis of PS thin-walled circular Fig. 11. Interaction diagrams for analysis of PS thin-walled box
column with stranded cables column with rounded wires
International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2012 269
h/a=0.2 32.5
27.5 ρ= 0.01 e/b=0.1 h/b=0.2 30
ρ= 0.01 h/a=0.2
f ′ c =70 Mpa h/b=0.2
25 27.5
No.=8 e/b=0.1 f ′ c =70 Mpa
22.5 Grade250 25
Φ 9.53
22.5 Grade145
20 γ =0.8
P n/ab (Mpa)
P n /ab (M p a )
e/b=0.2 20 e/b=0.2 Φ 15.88
17.5 γ =0.8
12.5 12.5
10 10
5 5 ρ= 0.07 1
1 2.5
0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6 6.25 6.5
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6 2
Mn /ab (Mpa)
M n/ab (Mpa)
30 ρ= 0.01 h/a=0.2
h/a=0.2 h/b=0.2
ρ= 0.01 h/b=0.2 e/b=0.1 f ′ c =70 Mpa
25 e/b=0.1 f ′ c =70 Mpa No.=8
22.5 22.5 Grade160
P n /a b (M pa)
20 Grade270 20 e/b=0.2 Φ 15.88
Pn /ab(Mpa)
e/b=0.2 Φ 9.53 17.5 γ=0.8
γ =0.8 15
12.5 12.5
10 10
7.5 7.5 ρ= 0.06
ρ= 0.04 5 1
2.5 1
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6 6.25 6.5
2 2
M n /ab (Mpa) M n /ab (Mpa)
Fig. 12. Interaction diagrams for analysis of PS thin-walled box Fig. 13. Interaction diagrams for analysis of PS thin-walled box
column with stranded cables column with Alloy Steel Bars
Table 2. Maximum allowable amount of PS steel (for r =1%) for different PS steel types (thin-walled circular column)
(+ * + ) -3 * -3
,1 ,1
4+ 5
% 56&#"" 7&#!" #" # " & "# #
% 56$# #" # " & "#" #
% 56%# #" # " & "#% #
% 86&#!" 7$# #" # " & "#! #
% 9 $# #" # " & %#$ #!
% 9 !# #" # " & %#$% #!
% #" # " & %#$% #!
% 9% !# #" # " & %#& #!
% #" # " & %#" #!
62 0 8
% #" # " % !#$ #!
% #" # " % !#$ #!
% #" # " $ !#& #!
% #" # " $ !#& #!
(+ * + ) -3 * -3
,1 ,1
4+ 5
% 56&#"" 7&#!" #" # " & #& #
% 56$# #" # " & #% #
% 56%# #" # " & #! #
% 86&#!" 7$# #" # " & #% #
% 9 $# #" # " & #&& #$
% 9 !# #" # " & # #$
% #" # " & # #$
% 9% !# #" # " & #!$ #$
% #" # " & # #$
62 0 8
% #" # " % &#!" #$
% #" # " % &#!! #$
% #" # " $ &#% #$
% #" # " $ &#% #$
International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2012 271
Table 4. Property of concrete and prestressed steel [34]
of tested specimen are summarized in Figure 14 and Table 4. analytical capacity of axial load and bending moment are
This column is subjected to axial load before test. Amount of obtained 410 kN and 615 kN.m respectively, that amount of
axial load is 445 kN. The shake table was conducted with the error is 7 percent. Proposed method predicts capacity of
Kobe earthquake motion recorded at the Kobe Oceanic prestressed thin walled column conservatively. Therefore, the
Meteorological Observatory. The shake table testing consisted comparison of experimental and analytical result indicate that,
of fifteen runs, where the amplitude of acceleration from the the proposed method predict very well the capacity of
Kobe motion was increased until failure. The envelope of the prestressed thin-walled column.
hysteretic curve for all runs is shown in Figure 15. The Figure
is shown lateral displacement and lateral force and the amount 5.Conclusions
of lateral load and lateral displacement are 341 kN and 81 mm
respectively at peak load. Therefore, maximum bending i) In this study first; equations which are related to the
moment was obtained 660 kN.m. Amount of eccentricity for analysis of prestressed HPC thin-walled circular and box
this moment and axial load is equal 1.483 m. Analytical columns were obtained and then the column interaction
interaction diagram of moment-axial load for tested specimen diagrams for different variable were drawn.
based on proposed method was obtained and is shown in ii) For different type of prestressed steels, maximum
Figure 16. Also, the capacity of experimental axial load and allowable PS steel amount were obtained for HPC thin-walled
bending moment for tested specimen is shown in Figure 16 circular and box columns. If the amount of PS steel used in
too. Based on eccentricity of tested specimen (1.483 m), column section is more than allowable amount, the column
will be located in tension control zone.
iii) For circular and box thin-walled column; maximum
allowable PS steel amount for rounded wires of type BA, for
rounded wires of type WA, for stranded cables of type
350 Grade250 with diameter 9.53mm, for stranded cables of type
Lateral Load (kN)
300 Grade270 with diameter 9.53mm, for Alloy Steel Bars of type
250 Grade145 with diameter 15.88mm and for Alloy Steel Bars of
type Grade160 with diameter 15.88mm were obtained 4%,
4%, 4%, 4%, 7% and 6% respectively.
150 iv) The use of such diagrams is a safe and easy tool for the
100 analysis of prestressed HPC thin-walled circular and box
50 columns.
v) The comparison of experimental and analytical result
indicate that, the proposed method predict very well the
0 50 100 150
capacity of prestressed thin-walled column.
Lateral Displacement (mm)
[3] Ashour, AA. 2000, Effect of compressive strength and tensile
reinforcement ratio on flexural behavior of HSC beams. Journal
of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 413-423.
2000 [4] Maghsoudi AA, Akbarzadeh H. 2005, Effect of ρ΄ on ductility
1000 of HSC members under bending. 7th International Symposium
on Utilization of High-Strength/High Performance Concrete.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
[5] Swamy RN. 1987, High strength concrete–material properties
Moment (kN.m)
and structural behavior, HSC. ACI SP-87, American Concrete
Institute. Detroit.
Fig. 16. Comparison of analytical and experimental result
International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, December 2012 273