Water Absorption (IS: 3495, Part II) : Fractured Surface of A Burnt Brick Reveals A Continuous
Water Absorption (IS: 3495, Part II) : Fractured Surface of A Burnt Brick Reveals A Continuous
Water Absorption (IS: 3495, Part II) : Fractured Surface of A Burnt Brick Reveals A Continuous
For example, 20 pieces of bricks out of selected pieces are taken and laid flat as shown in the
figure below. They are arranged height, length and width by changing the order every time and
the measurements are taking for height, length and width respectively.
2. Water absorption (IS: 3495, part II): Fractured surface of a burnt brick reveals a continuous
network of voids. The existence of minute’s pores confers marked capillary properties on bricks
ceramics. In particular all bricks absorb water by capillary action. The percentage of water
absorption is a very valuable indication of the degree of burning. Vitrification, in the true sense,
corresponds to such a degree of compactness that the absorption of the bricks is not over 3 per
cent after 48 hours of immersion. It has been reported that for absorption less than 5 per cent
danger from frost negligible.
Water absorption does not necessarily indicate the behavior of a bricks in weathering. Low
absorption (<7%) usually indicates a high resistance to damage by freezing, although some types
of bricks of much higher absorption may also be frost resistance. Simple immersion of bricks in
water, for the water absorption test, without boiling the bricks in water leads to incomplete
saturation because air trapped in pores is not evacuated completely. Since expansive force of
water freezing in the pores of a clay product depends upon the proportion of pores space
occupied, the ratio of the absorption after 24 hours submersion to the absorption after boiling for
5 hours (C24/B5) appears to be a better criterion of resistance to freezing than the percentage of
The durability of a brick may be tested by frost action, i.e., by alternate wetting and drying. The
absorption test has long been considered a measure of durability, although the basis for this
assumption is questionable. The suction rate of the brick at the time it is laid exercises a marked
influence on the mortar bond. Too rapid withdrawal of water from the mortar by the brick
Presentation on Bricks
produces a weak bond. The rate at which a brick absorbs water, frequently called its suction rate,
may be measured by immersing one face of the bricks in water. The one minute water uptake
(initial rate of absorption) is taken as the suction rate. Bricks having a suction rate between 10 to
35 g per brick per minute are preferred for their superior bonding properties. For long periods of
immersion in this test, the total weight of water absorbed per unit area,
Where, A is the water absorption coefficient
And t is the time elapsed in the test.
The standard methods of finding the absorption value of the brick are discussed below. If the
absorption by volume is desired it can be obtained by multiplying the weight percentage by the
apparent specific gravity.
24 hours Immersion Cold Water Test: Dry bricks are put in an oven at a temperature of 150˚ to
155˚C till these attain constant mass. The weight (W1) of the bricks is recorded after cooling them
to room temperature. The bricks are then immersed in water at a temperature of 27˚ ± 2˚C for 24
hours. The specimens are then taken out of water and wiped with a damp cloth. Three minutes,
thereafter it is weighed again and recorded as W2.
3. Compressive strength Test (IS:3495 (Part II)): The crushing affords a basis for comparing the
quality of bricks but is of little value in determining the strength of a masonry wall, since the latter
depends primarily on the strength of mortar. Six bricks are taken for the compressive strength test
although it may be found that an individual brick varies by 20% or more from the average, the
permissible stresses allowed for load bearing walls take account of this, being based on an average
strength if six bricks. It is, therefore, both unnecessary and uneconomical to insist that every brick is
above certain strength. As a criterion of structural strength for brick, the transverse failure in a wall or
pavement is likely to occur on account of improper bedment. For testing bricks for compressive
strength from a sample the two bed faces of bricks are ground to provide smooth, even and parallel
faces with frogs filled with hardened mortar. The bricks are then immersed in water at room
Presentation on Bricks
temperature for 24 hours. These are then taken out of water and surplus water on the surface is wiped
off with cotton or a moist cloth. The frogs of bricks are flushed level with cement mortar and the
brick is stored under damp jute bags for 24 hours followed by its immersion in water at room
temperature for three days. The specimen is placed in the compression testing machine with flat faces
horizontal and mortar filled face being upwards. Load is applied at a uniform rate of 14 N/m2 per
minute till failure. The maximum load at failure divided by the average area of bed faces gives the
compressive strength.
The warpage of brick is measured with flat steel or glass surface and measuring ruler graduated in 0.5 mm
divisions or wedge of steel 60×15×15 mm.
Concave warpage
the brick is placed on the surface to be measured such that it shows the greatest deviation from
straightness. The greatest distance of brick from edge of straightness is measured by a ruler.
Convex warpage
the brick is placed on the plane surface with the convex surface in contact with the flat surface and the
distances from the four corners to the flat surface is measured. The largest distance is reported as
The ends of bricks are kept in a 150 mm diameter porcelain dish and immersed in 25 mm depth of water
at room temperature. After all water is gone, either through absorption or evaporation it is again filled till
25 mm and made to be absorbed or evaporated. Presence of efflorescence is classified as follows:
Presentation on Bricks
1.10.1 Advantages.
Unlike stone brick do not need dressing. Therefore there is reduction time and labor and
moreover skilled labor is not needed.
Cheaper than stone. Though same quantity of brick cost more than same quantity stone. More
expenditure is consumed on processing of stone masonry, such as breaking of stone into smaller
size and dressing.
Smaller in size and lighter therefore less effort is required while building brick masonry.
1.10.2 Disadvantage.
Plastering is required.
Alkalis & salts present in the brick earth have hygroscopic properties. They absorb moisture from
the air and creating a damp and unhygienic condition