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15-Chapitre - 10-Heat Exchangers

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Chapitre 10

Heat Exchangers

Mechanical Engineering Department
Ecole Nationale Polytechnique
Heat Exchanger Types
Heat exchangers are ubiquitous to energy conversion and utilization. They involve
heat exchange between two fluids separated by a solid and encompass a wide
range of flow configurations.

• Concentric-Tube Heat Exchangers

Parallel Flow Counter flow

 Simplest configuration.

 Superior performance associated with counter flow.

Heat Exchanger Types
• Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

One Shell Pass and One Tube Pass

 Baffles are used to establish a cross-flow and to induce turbulent mixing of the
shell-side fluid, both of which enhance convection.
 The number of tube and shell passes may be varied, e.g.:

One Shell Pass,

Two Tube Passes Two Shell Passes,
Four Tube Passes
Heat Exchanger Types

• Cross-flow Heat Exchangers

Finned-Both Fluids Unfinned-One Fluid Mixed

Unmixed the Other Unmixed

 For cross-flow over the tubes, fluid motion, and hence mixing, in the transverse
direction (y) is prevented for the finned tubes, but occurs for the unfinned condition.
 Heat exchanger performance is influenced by mixing.
Heat Exchanger Types
• Compact Heat Exchangers
 Widely used to achieve large heat rates per unit volume, particularly when
one or both fluids is a gas.
 Characterized by large heat transfer surface areas per unit volume, small
flow passages, and laminar flow.

(a) Fin-tube (flat tubes, continuous plate fins)

(b) Fin-tube (circular tubes, continuous plate fins)
(c) Fin-tube (circular tubes, circular fins)
(d) Plate-fin (single pass)
(e) Plate-fin (multipass)
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
• An essential requirement for heat exchanger design or performance calculations.

• Contributing factors include convection and conduction associated with the

two fluids and the intermediate solid, as well as the potential use of fins on both
sides and the effects of time-dependent surface fouling.

• With subscripts c and h used to designate the hot and cold fluids, respectively,
the most general expression for the overall coefficient is:

1  1  1
UA UAc UA h

1 Rf , c Rf , h 1
   Rw  
o hAc o Ac o Ah o hAh
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
 Rf  Fouling factor for a unit surface area (m  K/W)

 Table 11.1
 Rw  Wall conduction resistance (K/W)
 o  Overall surface efficiency of fin array (Section 3.6.5)
 Af 
o,c or h  1  1   f  
 A c or h
A  At  total surface area (fins and exposed base)
Af  surface area of fins only

Assuming an adiabatic tip, the fin efficiency is

 tanh  mL  
 f , c or h  
 mL c or h

mc or h   2U p / kwt c or h

 h 
  partial overall coefficient
 1  hR 
U p , c or h
 f c or h
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
 Rf  Fouling factor for a unit surface area (m  K/W)

 Table 11.1
The Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) Method

• A form of Newton’s Law of Cooling may be applied to heat exchangers by

using a log-mean value of the temperature difference between the two fluids:

q  U A  T1m
 T1   T2
 T1m 
1n   T1 /  T2 

Evaluation of T1 and T2 depends on the heat exchanger type.

• Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger:

 T1  Th,1  Tc ,1
 Th,i  Tc , o

 T2  Th,2  Tc ,2
 Th, o  Tc ,i
The Log Mean Temperature Difference
(LMTD) Method
• Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger:

 T1  Th,1  Tc ,1
 Th,i  Tc ,i

 T2  Th,2  Tc,2
 Th, o  Tc , o

 Note that Tc,o can not exceed Th,o for a PF HX, but can do so for a CF HX.
 For equivalent values of UA and inlet temperatures,

 T1m,CF   T1m, PF

• Shell-and-Tube and Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers:

 T1m  F  T1m,CF
F  Figures 11.10 - 11.13
Overall Energy Balance
• Application to the hot (h) and cold (c) fluids:

• Assume negligible heat transfer between the exchanger and its surroundings
and negligible potential and kinetic energy changes for each fluid.

q  m h  ih,i  ih,o 

q  m c  ic , o  ic ,i 

i  fluid enthalpy

• Assuming no l/v phase change and constant specific heats,

q  m h c p , h Th,i  Th,o   Ch Th,i  Th,o 

q  m c c p ,c Tc ,o  Tc ,i   Cc Tc ,o  Tc ,i 

Ch,Cc  Heat capacity rates

Special Operating Conditions

 Case (a): Ch>>Cc or h is a condensing vapor  Ch   .

– Negligible or no change in Th Th, o  Th,i  .

 Case (b): Cc>>Ch or c is an evaporating liquid  Cc   .

– Negligible or no change in Tc Tc , o  Tc ,i  .

 Case (c): Ch=Cc.
–  T1   T2   T1m
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
• Computational Features/Limitations of the LMTD Method:
 The LMTD method may be applied to design problems for
which the fluid flow rates and inlet temperatures, as well as
a desired outlet temperature, are prescribed. For a specified
HX type, the required size (surface area), as well as the other
outlet temperature, are readily determined.
 If the LMTD method is used in performance calculations for which
both outlet temperatures must be determined from knowledge of the
inlet temperatures, the solution procedure is iterative.

 For both design and performance calculations, the effectiveness-NTU

method may be used without iteration.
The Effectiveness – NTU Method

• Heat exchanger effectiveness, e:

e 0  e 1

• Maximum possible heat rate: qmax  Cmin Th,i  Tc,i 

Ch if Ch  Cc
Cmin  or
 Cc if Cc  Ch

 Will the fluid characterized by Cmin or Cmax experience the largest possible
temperature change in transit through the HX?

 Why is Cmin and not Cmax used in the definition of qmax?

The Effectiveness – NTU Method


• Number of Transfer Units, NTU


 A dimensionless parameter whose magnitude influences HX performance:

q  with  NTU
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
• Heat Exchanger Relations:

 q 

m 
h ih , i  ih , o 
 or
 q  Ch Th ,i  Th ,o 

q  mc  ic , o  ic ,i 

 or
 q  Cc Tc , o  Tc ,i 

 q  e Cmin Th,i  Tc,i 

• Performance Calculations:
 e  f  NTU , Cmin / Cmax 

 Relations  Table 11.3 or Figs. 11.14 - 11.19
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
• Design Calculations:

 NTU  f e , Cmin / Cmax 

 Relations  Table 11.4 or Figs. 11.14 - 11.19

• For all heat exchangers

e  with  Cr

• For Cr = 0, a single e  NTU relation applies to all HX types.

e  1  exp   NTU 

NTU  1n 1  e 
The Effectiveness – NTU Method
Typical problems

Problem 10.1 : Determination of heat transfer per unit length for heat recovery
device involving hot flue gases and water.
KNOWN: Geometry of finned, annular heat exchanger.
Gas-side temperature and convection coefficient.
Water-side flowrate and temperature.

FIND: Heat rate per unit length.

Do = 60 mm
Di,1 = 24 mm
Di,2 = 30 mm
t = 3 mm = 0.003m
L = (60-30)/2 mm = 0.015m
T  4 C;

Typical problems
Problem 10.2 :
Design of a two-pass, shell-and-tube heat exchanger to supply
vapor for the turbine of an ocean thermal energy conversion
system based on a standard (Rankine) power cycle. The power
cycle is to generate 2 MWe at an efficiency of 3%. Ocean
water enters the tubes of the exchanger at 300K, and its desired
outlet temperature is 292K. The working fluid of the power
cycle is evaporated in the tubes of the exchanger at its
phase change temperature of 290K, and the overall heat transfer
coefficient is known.
FIND: (a) Evaporator area, (b) Water flow rate.
T  4 C;

Typical problems
Problem 10.3 : Use of twin-tube (brazed) heat exchanger to heat air by extracting
energy from a hot water supply.

KNOWN: Counterflow heat exchanger formed by two brazed tubes with prescribed hot and
cold fluid inlet temperatures and flow rates.

FIND: Outlet temperature of the air.


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