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Pilecap Sizing: Bukit Keteri (Pg3-Pc1)

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Subject BUKIT KETERI (PG3-PC1) Project No.

Calculation No.
By Chk Appr Date Sheet

Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X q X Table 194, Page 421
p Pile Design &
Construction Practice,
L 4th Edition
Pilecap sizing Y MJ Tomlinson
Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia = 200 All units in kN , mm
Working Load = 300 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 1600 dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 1600 dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 500 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 600 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 30 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 16 Area = 201
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 16 Area = 201
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 75
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 517 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 501 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p = 700

Width of Stanchion, q = 700
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 450 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 34 Layy=e
Mxx = 34 Laxx=e

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.003 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 172 z= 491
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 10Y 16 Asmin = 1920
Asprov= 2010
Provide Top Longitud 07Y 16 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 1248
M/bd2fcu = 0.003 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 177 z= 476
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 10Y 16 Asmin = 1920
Asprov= 2010
Provide Top Transverse 07Y 16 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section,

For single pile cap, critical shear section directly on pile. Therefore no critical shear
section on pile cap.

Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,

For single pile cap, punching shear directly on pile. Therefore no punching shear
at perimeter of stanchion.
Subject 3 x 700MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project No. RB1386
Typical Pilecap design for 2 Pile-Group
Calculation No.
(72416-T) By WHW Chk AL Appr TA Date 17/11/1999 Sheet

Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X q X Table 194, Page 421
p Pile Design &
Construction Practice,
L 4th Edition
Pilecap sizing Y MJ Tomlinson
Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia = 800 All units in kN , mm
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 1100 dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 1100 dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 1933 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 1500 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 35 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 25 Area = 491
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 25 Area = 491
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 100
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 1388 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 1363 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p = 450

Width of Stanchion, q = 450
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 3750 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 281 Layy=e
Mxx = 281 Laxx=e

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.004 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 533 z= 1318
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 07Y 25 Asmin = 3300
Asprov= 3437
Provide Top Longitud 05Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 2145
M/bd2fcu = 0.004 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 543 z= 1294
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 07Y 25 Asmin = 3300
Asprov= 3437
Provide Top Transverse 05Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section,

For single pile cap, critical shear section directly on pile. Therefore no critical shear
section on pile cap.

Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,

For single pile cap, punching shear directly on pile. Therefore no punching shear
at perimeter of stanchion.
Subject Tvat - Block D-2PG Project No. RB1386

Calculation No.
(72416-T) By WHW Chk AL Appr TA Date 17/11/1999 Sheet

Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X Table 194, Page 421
X B q
Pile Design &
Construction Practice,
k* dp
4th Edition
Pilecap sizing L MJ Tomlinson
2 P Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia = 150 mm All units in kN , mm
Working Load = 200 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 900 (k+1) x dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 450 dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 400 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 600 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 35 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 16 Area = 201
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 16 Area = 201
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 75
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 517 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 501 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p (column) = 300

Width of Stanchion, q (column) = 300
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 300 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 45 Layy=(k/2 x dia-p/2+e)
Mxx = 45 Laxx=e

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.011 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 229 z= 491
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 03Y 16 Asmin = 540
Asprov= 603
Provide Top Longitud 02Y 16 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 351
M/bd2fcu = 0.006 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 236 z= 476
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 06Y 16 Asmin = 1080
Asprov= 1206
Provide Top Transverse 04Y 16 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section, BS8110 Part 1
Critical Shear, vs = 1.29 N/mm2 Cl
Distance,face of stanchion to critical section, av = 30 Cl
Enhancement Factor = 34.5 Cl
Design concrete shear stress, vc = 0.45 N/mm2 Table 3.9
Modified concrete shear stress, v'c = 15.54 N/mm2
OK vc>vs
Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,
Design concrete punching shear stress, vp = 1.93 N/mm2 Cl
Allowable punching shear stress = 4.73 N/mm2
Punching shear not critical
Subject GUARD HOUSE Project No. RB1386
Typical Pilecap design for 4 Pile-Group
Calculation No.
(72416-T) By WHW Chk AL Appr TA Date 17/11/1999 Sheet

Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X Table 194, Page 421
X B q k* dp

Pile Design &

Construction Practice,
4th Edition
Pilecap sizing L MJ Tomlinson
4 P Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia
Y = 500 All units in kN , mm
Working Load = 1800 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 2300 (k+1) x dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 2300 (k+1) x dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 1100 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 1100 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 30 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 25 Area = 491
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 25 Area = 491
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 75
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 75
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 1013 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 988 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p (column) = 500
Width of Stanchion, q (column) = 500
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 2700 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 3105 Layy=(k/2 x dia-p/2+e)
Mxx = 3105 Laxx=(k/2 x dia-q/2+e)

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.044 la = 0.94858327
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 8078 z= 960
OK Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 17Y 25 Asmin = 5060
Asprov= 8347
Provide Top Longitud 07Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 3289
M/bd2fcu = 0.046 la = 0.94578713
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 8307 z= 934
OK Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 17Y 25 Asmin = 5060
Asprov= 8347
Provide Top Transverse 07Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section, BS8110 Part 1
Critical Shear, vs = 2.32 N/mm2 Cl
Distance,face of stanchion to critical section, av = 350 Cl
Enhancement Factor = 5.8 Cl
Design concrete shear stress, vc = 0.48 N/mm2 Table 3.9
Modified concrete shear stress, v'c = 2.76 N/mm2
OK vc>vs
Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,
Design concrete punching shear stress, vp = 5.33 N/mm2 Cl
Allowable punching shear stress = 4.38 N/mm2
Not Good
Subject 3 x 700MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project No. RB1386
Typical Pilecap design for 4 Pile-Group
Calculation No.
(72416-T) By WHW Chk AL Appr TA Date 17/11/1999 Sheet

T References:
Y Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
q B X Table 194, Page 421
p F Pile Design &
Construction Practice,
4th Edition
Pilecap sizing L MJ Tomlinson
Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia = 800 All units in kN , mm
Working Load = 1800 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 3500 (k+1) x dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 3157 ((6/7)k+1) x dia + 300
Height of vertical section, E = 1050 dia + 250
Distance to centre of stanchion, F = 1236 ((2/7)k+1/2) x dia + 150
Width of pile cap top section, T = 1100 dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 1933 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 2000 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 35 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 32 Area = 804
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 25 Area = 491
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 100
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 1884 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 1852 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p = 600
Width of Stanchion, q = 600
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 2700 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 5265 Layy=(k/2 x dia-p/2+e)
Mxx = 7753 Laxx=(F-(dia/2+150)-q/2+e)

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.013 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 7350 z= 1790
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 16Y 32 Asmin = 12629
Asprov= 12864
Provide Top Longitud 17Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 8209
M/bd2fcu = 0.018 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 11011 z= 1759
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 18Y 32 Asmin = 14000
Asprov= 14472
Provide Top Transverse 19Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section, BS8110 Part 1
Critical Shear, vs = 0.83 N/mm2 Cl
Distance,face of stanchion to critical section, av = 146 Cl
Enhancement Factor = 25.4 Cl
Design concrete shear stress, vc = 0.41 N/mm2 Table 3.9
Modified concrete shear stress, v'c = 10.47 N/mm2
OK vc>vs
Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,
Design concrete punching shear stress, vp = 1.82 N/mm2 Cl
Allowable punching shear stress = 4.73 N/mm2
Punching shear not critical
Subject 3 x 700MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project No. RB1386
Typical Pilecap design for 5 Pile-Group
Calculation No.
(72416-T) By WHW Chk AL Appr TA Date 17/11/1999 Sheet

Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X Table 194, Page 421
X B q 1.414k* dp

Pile Design &

Construction Practice,
4th Edition
Pilecap sizing L MJ Tomlinson
Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia
Y = 800 All units in kN , mm
Working Load = 1800 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 4494 (1.414k+1) x dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 4494 (1.414k+1) x dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 1933 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 2000 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 35 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 32 Area = 804
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 25 Area = 491
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 100
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 1884 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 1852 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p = 600
Width of Stanchion, q = 600
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 2700 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 7949 Layy=(1.414k/2 x dia-p/2+e)
Mxx = 7949 Laxx=(1.414k/2 x dia-q/2+e)

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.014 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 11098 z= 1790
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 23Y 32 Asmin = 17976
Asprov= 18492
Provide Top Longitud 24Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 11685
M/bd2fcu = 0.015 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 11289 z= 1759
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 23Y 32 Asmin = 17976
Asprov= 18492
Provide Top Transverse 24Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section, BS8110 Part 1
Critical Shear, vs = 0.64 N/mm2 Cl
Distance,face of stanchion to critical section, av = 1157 Cl
Enhancement Factor = 3.26 Cl
Design concrete shear stress, vc = 0.43 N/mm2 Table 3.9
Modified concrete shear stress, v'c = 1.39 N/mm2
OK vc>vs
Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,
Design concrete punching shear stress, vp = 2.39 N/mm2 Cl
Allowable punching shear stress = 4.73 N/mm2
Punching shear not critical
Subject 3 x 700MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project No. RB1386
Typical Pilecap design for 6 Pile-Group
Calculation No.
(72416-T) By WHW Chk AL Appr TA Date 17/11/1999 Sheet

Reinforced Concrete
Y Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X B p q k* dp X Table 194, Page 421

Pile Design &

Construction Practice,
4th Edition
Pilecap sizing Y MJ Tomlinson
Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia = 500 All units in kN , mm
Working Load (from brochure) = 1800 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 3800 (2k+1) x dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 2300 (k+1) x dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 1100 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, h = 2250 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 35 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 32 Area = 804
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 25 Area = 491
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 100
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 2134 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 2102 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p = 1500
Width of Stanchion, q = 600
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 2700 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 4455 Layy=(k x dia-p/2+e)
Mxx = 4253 Laxx=((k x dia)/2-p/2+e)

Reinforcement Design BS8110 Part 1

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.012 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 5491 z= 2027
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 13Y 32 Asmin = 10350
Asprov= 10452
Provide Top Longitud 14Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 6728
M/bd2fcu = 0.007 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 5321 z= 1997
Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 22Y 32 Asmin = 17100
Asprov= 17688
Provide Top Transverse 23Y 25 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section, BS8110 Part 1
Critical Shear, vs = 1.10 N/mm2 Cl
Distance,face of stanchion to critical section, av = 600 Cl
Enhancement Factor = 7.11 Cl
Design concrete shear stress, vc = 0.42 N/mm2 Table 3.9
Modified concrete shear stress, v'c = 3.00 N/mm2
OK vc>vs
Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,
Design concrete punching shear stress, vp = 1.81 N/mm2 Cl
Allowable punching shear stress = 4.73 N/mm2
Punching shear not critical
Subject 3 x 700MW Manjung Coal Fired Power Plant Project No. RB1386
Bunker Bay Pile Cap (Grid B) Reinforcement Design
Calculation No.
(72416-T) By HNZ Chk Appr TA Date 22-Mar-00 Sheet 1 of 1

Reinforced Concrete
Designer's Handbook
10th Editon
X Table 194, Page 421
X B q k* dp

Pile Design &

Construction Practice,
4th Edition
Pilecap sizing L MJ Tomlinson
Fig 7.12, Page 285
Diameter/width of pile, dia
Y = 200 All units in kN , mm
Working Load (from brochure) = 300 kN
Spacing Factor, distance between pile , k = 3 unless stated
Length of pile cap, L = 1000 (k+1) x dia + 300
Width of pile cap, B = 1000 (k+1) x dia + 300
Minimum depth of pile cap, Hmin = 600 if dia < 550
Depth of pile cap used, H = 600 H = 2xdia + 100, else
Assume maximum error in positioning pile, e = 75 H = 0.333(8xdia -600)

Reinforcement & Concrete Properties

Characteristic Strength of concrete, fcu = 30 N/mm2
Characteristic Strength of high yield reinf., fy = 460 N/mm2
Diameter of high yield reinf., dy = 16 Area = 201
Diameter of nominal high yield reinf., dn = 16 Area = 201
Bottom cover of pilecap, cb = 100
Side cover of pilecap, cs = 50
Effective depth to bottom layer, longitud, dL = 492 H - cb - dy/2
Effective depth to bottom layer, transverse, dT = 476 H - cb - dy/2 - dy

Bending Checks At Column face

Length of Stanchion, p = 700

Width of Stanchion, q = 700
Pile Ultimate Load, Nult = 450 Lever Arm, La
Myy = 23 Layy=(k/2 x dia-p/2+e)
Mxx = 23 Laxx=(k/2 x dia-q/2+e)

Reinforcement Design BS8110

Longitud Direction, Cl 3.4.4
M/bd2fcu = 0.003 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsL = 120 z= 467
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xBxH
Provide Bottom Longitud 06Y 16 Asmin = 1200
Asprov= 1206
Provide Top Longitud 04Y 16 Astop= 0.0013xBxH
Transverse Direction, 780
M/bd2fcu = 0.003 la = 0.95
Reinforcement area required, AsT = 124 z= 452
Provide Asmin Asmin =0.002xLxH
Provide Bottom Transverse 06Y 16 Asmin = 1200
Asprov= 1206
Provide Top Transverse 04Y 16 Astop= 0.0013xLxH
Shear Checks
Critical Section, BS8110 Part 1
Critical Shear, vs = 1.83 N/mm2 Cl
Distance,face of stanchion to critical section, av = -110 Cl
Enhancement Factor = -8.9 Cl
Design concrete shear stress, vc = 0.42 N/mm2 Table 3.9
Modified concrete shear stress, v'c = -3.76 N/mm2
Not Good
Punching Shear at Perimeter of Stanchion,
Design concrete punching shear stress, vp = 1.31 N/mm2 Cl
Allowable punching shear stress = 4.38 N/mm2
Punching shear not critical

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