Evaluation Is A Dynamic Process Moving Beyond Dual PDF
Evaluation Is A Dynamic Process Moving Beyond Dual PDF
Evaluation Is A Dynamic Process Moving Beyond Dual PDF
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3 authors:
William A Cunningham
University of Toronto
All content following this page was uploaded by Yi Jenny Xiao on 24 February 2019.
Over the past few decades, dual attitude ⁄ process ⁄ system models have emerged as the dominant
framework for understanding a wide range of psychological phenomena. Most of these models
characterize the unconscious and conscious mind as being built from discrete processes or systems:
one that is reflexive, automatic, fast, affective, associative, and primitive, and a second that is
deliberative, controlled, slow, cognitive, propositional, and more uniquely human. Although these
models serve as a useful heuristic for characterizing the human mind, recent developments in
social and cognitive neuroscience suggest that the human evaluative system, like most of cogni-
tion, is widely distributed and highly dynamic. Integrating these advances with current attitude
theories, we review how the recently proposed Iterative Reprocessing Model can account for
apparent dual systems as well as discrepancies between traditional dual system models and recent
research revealing the dynamic nature of evaluation. Furthermore, we describe important implica-
tions this dynamical system approach has for various social psychological domains.
For nearly a century, psychologists have sought to understand the unconscious and con-
scious processes that allow people to evaluate their surroundings (Allport, 1935; Freud,
1930). Building on a model of the human mind rooted in classic Greek philosophy
(Annas, 2001), many contemporary psychologists have characterized the mind as possess-
ing discrete processes or systems: one that is evolutionarily older, reflexive, automatic,
fast, affective, associative, and the other that is more uniquely human, deliberative, con-
trolled, slow, cognitive, and propositional (see Figure 1). These dual process or system
models have been highly influential throughout psychology for the past three decades
(Chaiken & Trope, 1999). Indeed, a dual system model of the human mind permeates
research in a wide range of psychological domains, such as attitudes and persuasion
(Chaiken, 1980; Fazio, 1990; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006; Petty & Cacioppo,
1986; Rydell & McConnell, 2006; Wilson, Samuel, & Schooler, 2000), stereotypes and
prejudice (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003; Devine, 1989; Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986;
Pettigrew & Meertens, 1995), person perception (Brewer, 1988; Fiske & Neuberg, 1990;
Macrae & Bodenhausen, 2000), self-regulation (Baumeister & Heatherton, 1996; Freud,
1930; Hofmann, Friese, & Strack, 2009; Strack & Deutsch, 2004), moral cognition
(Greene, Sommerville, Nystrom, Darley, & Cohen, 2001; Haidt, 2001), learning and
memory (Smith & DeCoster, 2000; Sun, 2002), and decision-making (Kahneman, 2003;
Sloman, 1996).
Although dual system models provide generative frameworks for understanding a wide
range of psychological phenomenon, recent developments in social and affective neurosci-
ence suggest that the human evaluative system, like most of cognition, is widely
distributed and highly dynamic (e.g., Ferguson & Wojnowicz, 2011; Freeman & Ambady,
Figure 1 Illustrative example of the process and content of a dual system model (cited in Kahneman, 2003, p. 698).
2011; Scherer, 2009).1 Integrating these advances with current attitude theories, we review
how the recently proposed Iterative Reprocessing Model (Cunningham & Zelazo, 2007;
Cunningham, Zelazo, Packer, & Van Bavel, 2007) can account for apparent dual systems as
well as discrepancies between traditional dual system models and recent research revealing
the dynamic nature of evaluation. The model also address why the nature of evaluative pro-
cessing differs across people (e.g., Cunningham, Raye, & Johnson, 2005; Park, Van Bavel,
Vasey, & Thayer, forthcoming). Although we focus primarily on dual models of attitudes
and evaluation due to space constraints, we believe the premises of our dynamic model can
be generalized to other domains where dual system models of typically invoked (Chaiken &
Trope, 1999), including social cognition, self-regulation, prejudice and stereotyping, and
moral cognition. Therefore, we very briefly discuss the implications of our model for these
other domains in the final section of this paper and encourage interested readers to read our
more extensive treatment of these issues in the domain of stereotypes and prejudice (Cunn-
ingham & Van Bavel, 2009a; Van Bavel & Cunningham, 2011) and emotion (Cunningham
& Van Bavel, 2009b; Kirkland & Cunningham, 2011, forthcoming).
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440 Evaluation is a Dynamic Process
(Fazio, 2001; Fazio, Sanbonmatsu, Powell, & Kardes, 1986; but see Schwarz, 2007). For
example, people categorize positive and negative words more quickly when these words
are preceded by a similarly valenced stimuli, suggesting that attitudes are automatically
activated by the mere presence of the attitude object in the environment (Fazio et al.,
1986). Moreover, people may have access to evaluative information about stimuli prior
to their semantic content (Bargh, Litt, Pratto, & Spielman, 1989; but see Storbeck &
Clore, 2007). Such research has led to the conclusion that the initial evaluative classifica-
tion of stimuli as good or bad can be activated automatically and guide the perceiver’s
interpretation of his or her environment (Houston & Fazio, 1989; Smith, Fazio, & Cejka,
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Evaluation is a Dynamic Process 441
Table 1 A sample of dual models cited in attitude research arranged in chronological order
Model name Core characteristics citations References
Total citations obtained from Google Scholar on February 9, 2012 represent a proxy for scientific
impact (i.e., actual number of scientific citations may be more or less than the number of citations
reported here).
Bodenhausen, 2006; Strack & Deutsch, 2004; Wegener & Petty, 1997). However, few (to
our knowledge) articulate how ‘‘controlled’’ processes might influence more ‘‘automatic’’
processes in an a priori fashion.
In the following sections, we describe an alternative, dynamic model of evaluation in
which a constellation of widely distributed ‘‘automatic’’ and ‘‘controlled’’ processes inter-
act in a dynamic fashion to process evaluations. This model characterizes the human brain
as a parallel system that generates evaluations by integrating the results of computations
performed by a widely distributed network of component processes (Frank, Cohen, &
Sanfey, 2009; McClelland & Rumelhart, 1986; O’Reilly & Munakata, 2000; Rumelhart
& McClelland, 1986). We place the terms ‘‘automatic’’ and ‘‘controlled’’ in quotations
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442 Evaluation is a Dynamic Process
because we believe they do not reflect bona fide attitudes, processes or systems, but merely
a useful heuristic to describe the number and nature of the particular interactive compo-
nent processes currently involved in evaluation (Cunningham & Johnson, 2007).5
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Evaluation is a Dynamic Process 443
shifting contextual and motivational influences, and consist of a subset of input units with
relatively stable weights, rather than being a veridical instantiation of our internal atti-
Second, in contrast to most dual process ⁄ system models, the IR Model does not assume
only two bona fide evaluative systems at work in the human brain (e.g., Gawronski &
Bodenhausen, 2006; Smith & DeCoster, 2000; Strack & Deutsch, 2004). Instead, building
on recent research on the functional anatomy of the human brain, the IR Model
proposes that there are many highly interactive neural systems engaged in information
processing (see Figure 1 for a simplified version of the model).8 Importantly, information
can propagate forward or backward through the system, meaning that evaluative processes
are part of an iterative cycle that unfolds in a dynamic fashion over time and is mutually
constrained by so-called bottom-up and top-down influences (termed bidirectional exci-
tation), until the network eventually settles into a stable state. As shown in Figure 2,
brain regions such as the amygdala, ventral striatum, and posterior orbitofrontal cortex
are normally engaged in initial evaluative processing of stimuli. The thalamus, sensory
cortices, and bodily states provide input into initial and subsequent iterations – even
within a time period that is typically considered ‘‘automatic’’ (i.e., a few hundred milli-
seconds). As information about the stimulus is reprocessed, higher-order brain regions,
such as the PFC, influence the evaluation, and also reseed initial evaluative processing
Amygdala Hypothalamus
Figure 2 A simplified model of the brain regions underlying evaluation (reproduced with permission from Cunn-
ingham et al., 2007). Links between regions discussed in the text are denoted by solid lines (note that not all ana-
tomical links or brain regions are represented). Information about a stimulus may be processed by the thalamus
and projected to the amygdala, leading to an initial evaluation that is associated with a tendency to approach or
avoid the stimulus. Additional iterations can also include processing by the insula, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), as well as more detailed sensory processing. Visceral changes following evaluation
are guided by the hypothalamus and other regions associated with autonomic control. Additional recruitment of
the prefrontal cortex, especially regions of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
(DLPFC), and rostrolateral prefrontal cortex (RLPFC), may subserve goal-oriented reprocessing of stimuli and the
regulation of evaluative processing by enhancing or suppressing features of the stimulus or situation. Information
can propagate forward or backward through the system.
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444 Evaluation is a Dynamic Process
Attitude representations
Stimulus Evaluative
Stimulus Evaluation2
construal1 processes
IterationT+~200 ms
Stimulus Evaluative Evaluation2
IterationT+~400 ms
Stimulus Evaluation3
Figure 3 The perceptual and evaluative cycle (reproduced with permission from Cunningham et al., 2007). During
each iteration, evaluative processes retrieve attitudinal representations to generate an evaluation relying on a partic-
ular construal(s) of the stimulus. This evaluation may influence the next iteration of evaluative processing, direct
behavior, or both. In general, the complexity of evaluative processing (and the resulting evaluation) increases with
additional iterations.
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Evaluation is a Dynamic Process 445
time = 0) (Smith et al., 1996; also see Figure 3). We speculate here for the first time that
this process may be unconscious in some circumstances and may therefore be described as
a pre-appraisal process. Thus, the preceding context and motivational state of an organism
influence ongoing evaluative processes, and preceding evaluative processes can influence
the perceived stimuli, context and motivational state of an organism (e.g., Ferguson &
Bargh, 2004; Van Bavel & Cunningham, 2009a). Although most dual models do not
argue that prior states are irrelevant, these models are nevertheless surprisingly silent on
this issue. As a consequence, relatively little work has been conducted on the influence of
prior states on ostensibly automatic evaluations of stimuli (e.g., Ferguson & Bargh, 2004).
By making this aspect of evaluation explicit in our dynamic model of evaluation, we
hope to motivate research that integrates work on emotion, belief, and goals with the
work on attitudes and evaluation to provide a more complete understanding of the
human evaluative system.
In a recent test of this idea, we used electroencephalography (EEG) to examine the influ-
ence of motivational state on the earliest aspects of racial bias (Cunningham, Van Bavel, Ar-
buckle, Packer, & Waggoner, 2012). We manipulated approach and avoidance
motivational states by having participants push or pull a joystick for a block of trials in
which they were randomly presented with a series of White and Black faces. Consistent
with previous work on own-race bias, we observed relatively greater responses to White
than Black faces in a very early positive going event-related potential occurring approxi-
mately 100 ms after stimulus onset (P100). Critically, this racial bias was reduced in the
approach condition, suggesting that very early aspects of social perception may be modu-
lated by motivational states (see also Amodio, 2010). Thus, in contrast to most dual pro-
cess ⁄ system models, the evaluation unfolds over time in a dynamic fashion and motivation
shapes rapid responses prior to exerting corrective control. As a consequence, chronic and
contextual differences in motivation ultimately shape downstream perceptions (e.g.,
Caruso, Mead, & Balcetis, 2009; Xiao & Van Bavel, forthcoming), and behaviors (e.g., Van
Bavel & Cunningham, 2012; Van Bavel, Swencionis, O’Connor, & Cunningham, 2012).
Fourth, the IR model specifically addresses the graded and multi-dimensional nature of
automaticity. According to the IR model, the evaluative process arises through multiple
iterations – so-called cognitive and affective processes work in concert rather than inde-
pendently. Although the first iteration(s) in the evaluative process may appear similar to
the ‘‘automatic’’ processes described by most traditional dual system models (e.g., Devine,
1989; Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006; Greenwald & Banaji, 1995), the IR model con-
ceptualizes evaluations as emerging in a graded fashion, such that relatively more ‘‘auto-
matic’’ evaluations reflect fewer iterations (Cunningham et al., 2007). Thus, many
interactive dual process models are encapsulated within a dynamic systems approach.
However, attention, perception, and evaluation unfold in a dynamic fashion, as different
processes and concerns are integrated in an evaluation (see Brosch & Van Bavel, 2012 for
an example in the domain of emotional attention). It is difficult to imagine how this con-
stellation of multiple interactive components can be neatly carved into two discrete sys-
tems. The IR model assumes that brain systems are organized hierarchically – rather than
independently – such that what are often considered ‘‘automatic’’ processes influence and
are influenced by what are often considered ‘‘controlled’’ processes in a dynamic, iterative
To examine the interactions between ‘‘automatic’’ and ‘‘controlled’’ components of
social evaluation, we examined the brain activity of White participants while they
viewed Black and White faces during event-related functional magnetic resonance
imaging (Cunningham et al., 2004). Consistent with previous research, when the faces
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446 Evaluation is a Dynamic Process
were presented for 30 ms, amygdala activity was greater for Black than for White faces (see
Cunningham & Van Bavel, 2009a; Van Bavel & Cunningham, 2009b for a review). In
addition, participants with the largest difference in amygdala activation between Black and
White faces had the largest racial bias on an indirect behavioral attitude measure (i.e., the
Implicit Association Test). However, when the faces were presented for 525 ms, this pat-
tern of racial bias in amygdala activity was significantly reduced and regions of frontal cortex
associated with controlled processing (i.e., lateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate)
showed greater activation for Black than for White faces. Moreover, activity in the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate was associated with a reduction in
Black-White differences in amygdala activity from the 30-ms to the 525-ms condition. The
results of this study are consistent with the notion that that ‘‘controlled’’ processes may
modulate ‘‘automatic’’ components of evaluation (see also Forbes et al., forthcoming). As
we noted above, this research is consistent with several, but not all, dual process models.
Although one may consider the relatively coarse perceptual and evaluative information
that guides an initial evaluation ‘‘automatic,’’ once additional iterations of processing
occur spanning multiple processes, the distinction between ‘‘automatic’’ and ‘‘controlled’’
becomes less clear. Moreover, according to our model, so-called top-down processes can
shape initial responses – perhaps ‘‘unconsciously’’ – and bottom-up processes can alter
‘‘conscious’’ experience and behavior. In other words, the dynamic and interactive nature
of this system challenges the very definition of automaticity employed in several models
of attitudes and evaluations. We believe this feature of our dynamic model of evaluation
is a departure from the vast majority of dual models – even ones that allow for a post hoc
correction of an automatic response. Moreover, it calls into question the meaning of
terms like ‘‘bottom-up’’ and ‘‘top-down’’ that invoke temporal order (e.g., fast versus
slow), cognitive processes (e.g., unconscious versus conscious) and neural mechanisms
(e.g., the occipital versus frontal cortices).11
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Evaluation is a Dynamic Process 447
empirical findings have provided evidence that the strong form of dual models struggles
to explain.
For instance, a core feature of automatic processes is their uncontrollability (Bargh,
1994). However, research has demonstrated the malleability of ostensibly automatic pro-
cess. Influences on these processes span a wide range, including different sources of
motivation – affiliative motives, self-image motives, motivation to be non-prejudiced,
motivation channeled by social identities, stereotype suppression strategies – implementa-
tion intentions and affective priming, and a wide range of contextual factors (Blair,
2002). For example, mere categorization with an arbitrary group is sufficient to attenuate
very rapid racial biases towards in-group members (Van Bavel & Cunningham, 2009a).
Likewise, egalitarian goals (Moskowitz, Gollwitzer, Wasel, & Schaal, 1999) and deliber-
ate implementation intentions (Gollwitzer & Schaal, 1998) can reduce biases on implicit
measures of intergroup bias (Mendoza, Gollwitzer, & Amodio, 2010; Stewart & Payne,
2008). Researchers have demonstrated and are continuing to uncover the malleability of
automatic processes, and their susceptibility to influence from various top-down pro-
cesses and contextual factors. According to the IR model, situational factors may interact
with other higher-order influences, such as motivation, to modulate automatic processes.
For example, by incorporating contextual backgrounds (e.g., threatening versus non-
threatening) into an evaluative priming procedure, individuals high in non-prejudice
motivation were able to inhibit their racial bias on an implicit measure when contextual
cues were associated with prejudice (e.g., threatening cues) (Maddux, Barden, Brewer,
& Petty, 2005). The IR Model, due to its dynamic nature, can account for these appar-
ent ‘‘top-down’’ influences by invoking a mechanism by which motivation can alter the
rapid construal of stimuli (see Van Bavel & Cunningham, 2011 for a more detailed dis-
Likewise, rather than portraying self-regulation as an effort to overcome hedonic
impulses in favor of more deliberate evaluations (e.g., Hofmann et al., 2009), we argue
that self-regulation should be considered a dynamic process (e.g., Carver & Scheier,
1998). For instance, a series of studies by Ferguson and Bargh (2004) found that active
goal pursuit led to more positive automatic evaluation of goal-relevant objects relative to
goal-irrelevant objects, which also predicted downstream behavioral intentions towards
these goal-relevant stimuli (see also Hofmann, Deutsch, Banaji, & Lancaster, 2010).
Research on the malleability of evaluative processes speaks to the highly interactive nature
of motivational states and evaluative processes. As such, the IR approach suggests that
successful long-term self-regulation will likely require chronic re-construals of tempting
situations and stimuli (Magen, 2007) and more reflexive action control (Bargh, Gollwit-
zer, Lee-Chai, Barndollar, & Trötschel, 2001).
Similarly, our approach makes a number of different predictions than the extant dual
process models of moral cognition (Greene et al., 2001; Haidt, 2001). Foremost, we
predict that people can guide early moral intuitions through reasoned processes. For
example, people may be able to flexibly construe a situation or stimulus in moral or alter-
native terms depending on their goals and beliefs, which will direct attention, modulate
perception and guide consequent emotional intuitions (Van Bavel, Packer, Johnsen, &
Cunningham, 2012). As such, reason need not be a slave to the passions (but see Haidt,
2001). Indeed, ‘‘reasoning’’ processes may able to guide whether or not people even
detect a morally relevant stimulus in the first place through pre-appraisal processes. Delib-
erating about one’s values and beliefs may not only justify or correct for an initial emo-
tional intuition, but may sensitize one to certain actions or events before they occur,
which would then have down-steam consequences for emotional responding.
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448 Evaluation is a Dynamic Process
‘‘Psychology also attempts to conceptualize what it is doing…by the construction of oppositions –
usually binary ones…far from providing the rungs of a ladder by which psychology gradually
climbs to clarity, this form of conceptual structure leads rather to an ever increasing pile of issues,
which we weary of or become diverted from, but never really settle.’’ –Newall (1973, p. 287)
Dual models have dominated the study of human psychology for the past century, and
descriptions of the human mind for much longer (Descartes, 1641 ⁄ 1984). Western intellec-
tual tradition is littered with metaphors designed to capture the internal battle between auto-
matic and controlled processes. Characterizations of the battle between systems range from
men wrestling with wild steeds and raging bulls to stubborn elephants. Likewise, due to
their intuitive appeal and heuristic value, dual system models have dominated our concep-
tion of attitudes and evaluation for several decades. The popularity of these dual models has
shaped the way we conceive both the attitude construct and the evaluative process. Specifi-
cally, attitudes and evaluations have been treated as having two distinct components or pro-
cesses – one implicit component operating automatically, and the other explicit component
operating under conscious control. In contrast to dual models, we argue that traditional con-
ceptions of ‘‘automatic’’ and ‘‘controlled’’ processes may be best characterized as a heuristic
that reflects a host of dynamic, underlying computational processes.
In contrast, the fundamental assumption underlying our model is that brain systems are
organized hierarchically, such that so-called ‘‘automatic’’ processes influence and are influ-
enced by ‘‘controlled’’ processes. Therefore, controlled processes do not merely override
automatic ones – these processes work in a dynamic, interactive fashion to generate eval-
uations. The IR model proposes there are many highly interactive neural systems engaged
in information processing, as opposed to only two qualitatively distinct processes at work
in the human brain, which is consistent with recent developments in affective and cogni-
tive neuroscience. These influences come online in a continuous and interactive fashion.
Moreover, the IR model does not make the assumption that there are distinct (implicit
versus explicit) attitudinal representations in memory, but proposes that different evalua-
tions are emergent properties of differences in information processing. Following connec-
tionist models of memory, attitudes can be conceptualized as the different connection
weights, whereas evaluations are the current activation pattern of the units. As such, we
make a distinction between attitudes and evaluations. We believe this approach has
important implications for a wide variety of topic areas within psychology.
According to the Iterative Reprocessing (IR) Model, evaluative processes are part of an
iterative cycle: with every iteration, the current evaluation of a stimulus can be adjusted in
light of additional contextual and motivational information in order to create an updated
evaluation in line with finer stimulus detail, the context, and ⁄ or current goals. Although
bona fide dual models have heuristic value, they cannot bear the weight of recent evidence
on the continuous nature of automaticity and susceptibility of automatic evaluation to the
influence of various processes and contextual factors. On the other hand, our approach not
only reconciles these discrepancies, but also respects recent developments in affective and
cognitive neuroscience on the highly dynamic nature of the human evaluative system.
In short, we argue that evaluation is shaped by the nature of the immediately active
representations and the current dynamics of the system (including a combination of inter-
nal and external factors that constrain information processing). We believe that the pro-
posed dynamic model of evaluation has implications not only for our understanding of
the concept of automaticity (including its four components),12 but should also lead to
novel constructs and processes (e.g., pre-appraisal") (because pre-appraisal is a process not
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Evaluation is a Dynamic Process 449
a construct) and predictions for research on topics as disparate as stereotypes and preju-
dice, self-regulation, and morality. We also propose future research questions that could
specifically address predictions consistent with the IR model, but not necessarily with tra-
ditional dual models. More generally, we argue that dynamic models of human psychol-
ogy offer a more powerful framework for explaining the extant literature on attitudes and
evaluation, more accurately reflect the underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms that
guide behavior, and offer a number of provocative directions for future research.
The authors would like to thank Jim Uleman, Jamil Zaki, Michael Robinson, three
anonymous reviewers, Sophie Wharton, and several members of the New York Univer-
sity Social Perception and Evaluation Lab for their thoughtful comments on this manuscript.
Short Biographies
Jay Van Bavel is broadly interested in the dynamic nature of perception and evaluation.
Specifically, his work examines how our social identities and personal values shape our
perceptions and evaluations of the social and physical world. He approaches these issues
from a social neuroscience perspective, blending theory and methods from social psychol-
ogy and cognitive neuroscience. He received the SPSSI Dissertation Award and was a
finalist for the SESP Dissertation Award in 2009. He currently is an Assistant Professor at
the New York University Department of Psychology. He completed his BA in psychol-
ogy at the University of Alberta, a PhD in psychology at the University of Toronto and
a postdoctoral fellowship at The Ohio State University.
Jenny Xiao is broadly interested in studying social categorization and intergroup rela-
tions, by blending theories and techniques from social cognitive psychology and neurosci-
ence. Specifically, her work explores how high-level social psychological constructs such
as social identity alter low-level cognitive and perceptual processes. For example, she has
found that social group membership and intergroup threat work in concert to shape per-
ceptions and representations of physical distance, which in turn lead to detrimental inter-
group consequences. Jenny has received graduate student research awards and fellowships
from SPSSI and SPSP. Jenny Xiao received a dual BA in psychology and biology from
Bard College and is currently a PhD student In the Social Psychology Program at New
York University.
William Cunningham’s research examines the dynamic nature of cognition and emo-
tion. Specifically, his work examines core questions in affective science (the nature and
representation of attitudes and emotions) from a cognitive neuroscience perspective. He
received the SAGE Young Award in 2009 from the Foundation for Personality and
Social Psychology, and the Janet T. Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Con-
tributions in 2011. He currently is on faculty at The Ohio State University, and is associ-
ate professor of psychology and the associate director of the Center for Cognitive and
Behavioral Brain Imaging. Before OSU, he was on faculty at the University of Toronto.
He holds a BA and MA in psychology from the College of William & Mary, and a PhD
in psychology from Yale University.
* Correspondence address: Department of Psychology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, New York,
NY 10003, USA. Email: jay.vanbavel@nyu.edu
ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Social and Personality Psychology Compass 6/6 (2012): 438–454, 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2012.00438.x
450 Evaluation is a Dynamic Process
We note that there is not a clear consensus on this issue. Several models grounded in social and affective neuro-
science characterize the brain in terms of two discrete systems (e.g., Lieberman, 2003; Smith & DeCoster, 2000).
The terms and definitions we have attributed for ‘‘dual attitude’’, ‘‘dual process’’ and ‘‘dual system’’ models are
not necessarily consensual. Due to the proliferation of dual models, we have used the terminology to create a rough
taxonomy of popular models.
It is worth noting that dual system models may require dual processes to integrate attitudinal representations into
evaluation and behavior.
Although it is beyond the scope of the current article, in future work we intend to specify how our approach dif-
ferences from other models by focusing on the core principles underlying different models (e.g., interactive versus
non-interactive, two processes versus multiple processes, etc.) rather than summing across a large class of theories
that often differ on these principles.
Our intuitions about the presence of dual attitudes ⁄ processes ⁄ systems may reflect our meta-cognition concerning
the number or nature of component processes engaged in a particular task (see Johnson & Hirst, 1993 for a similar
Eagly and Chaiken (2007) make a similar definitional distinction between ‘‘inner tendencies’’ and ‘‘evaluations’’.
However, to our knowledge, their definition is not based on the same underlying computational principles.
Although we argue that evaluations (i.e., patterns of activation) are constructed (Schwarz, 2007), we also believe
that relatively stable attitudes (i.e., weights) inform evaluations (Fazio, 2007).
See work on parallel distributed process models of social cognition for a similar point (e.g., Kunda, 1999; Kunda
& Thagard, 1996; Smith, 1996).
Not only is neural connectivity largely bi-directional, recent research shows that the sub-cortical input to the cor-
tex is actually fairly weak, whereas the putative ‘‘feedback’’ connections are immense (Douglas & Martin, 2004).
These findings have lead to new theoretical models of brain function arguing that the backward connections actual
play the primary role in generating predictions whereas the forward connections are more likely to play the role of
providing what is traditionally considered feedback (i.e., prediction error signals; Friston, 2005). Indeed, the modu-
lation afforded by cortical systems (memory, attention, motivation) is likely to affect large masses of cells than the
sensory signals themselves (Logothetis, 2008). In other words, ‘‘controlled’’ processes, mediated by signals from the
frontal and parietal networks, can incorporate expectations, goals, bodily states and contextual information into rep-
resentations that are deemed most relevant in a current context (see Miller & Cohen, 2001), which can then lead
to different ‘‘automatic’’ evaluative responses.
Thus, our model is not only different from classic dual process ⁄ system models, but also models that propose a
single mental process (e.g., Kruglanski & Thompson, 1999).
Although these levels of explanation are often in agreement with our model, we argue that it is important to
treat these levels of explanation independently to fully understand the dynamics of the evaluative system. Indeed,
the semantics often make it difficult for us to communicate how this model is different from other models because
terms like ‘‘control’’ or ‘‘top-down’’ usually evoke a set of assumptions that may not be captured by a specific
Indeed, we argue that awareness – a core dimension of automaticity that is subjectively experienced as dichoto-
mous – may be more accurately characterized as graded rather than all-or-none (Kouider, de Gardelle, Sackur, &
Dupoux, 2010).
Allport, G. (1935). Attitudes. In C. Murchison (Ed.), A Handbook of Social Psychology (pp. 798–844). Worcester,
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Amodio, D. M. (2010). Coordinated roles of motivation and perception in the regulation of intergroup responses:
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22, 2609–2617.
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Banaji, M. R. (2004). The opposite of a great truth is also true: Homage of Koan #7. In J. T. Jost & M. R. Banaji
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