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Andy Warhol: 1 Early Life and Beginnings (1928 - 49)

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Andy Warhol

For the song by David Bowie, see Andy Warhol (song).

Andy Warhol (/ˈwɔːrhɒl/;[1] born Andrew Warhola;

August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was an American
artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement
known as pop art. His works explore the relationship be-
tween artistic expression, celebrity culture, and advertise-
ment that flourished by the 1960s.
After a successful career as a commercial illustrator,
Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controver-
sial artist. His art used many types of media, including
hand drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, silk
screening, sculpture, film, and music. His studio, The
Factory, was a well known gathering place that brought
together distinguished intellectuals, drag queens, play-
wrights, Bohemian street people, Hollywood celebrities,
and wealthy patrons. He managed and produced The
Velvet Underground, a rock band which had a strong
influence on the evolution of punk rock music. He
founded Interview magazine and was the author of nu-
merous books, including The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
and Popism: The Warhol Sixties. He is also notable as a Warhol’s childhood home. 3252 Dawson Street, South Oakland
gay man who lived openly as such before the gay libera- neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
tion movement, and he is credited with coining the widely
used expression "15 minutes of fame".
Warhol has been the subject of numerous retrospective His parents were working-class Lemko[9][10] emigrants
exhibitions, books, and feature and documentary films. from Mikó (now called Miková), located in today’s north-
The Andy Warhol Museum in his native city, Pittsburgh, eastern Slovakia, part of the former Austro-Hungarian
Pennsylvania, which holds an extensive permanent col- Empire. Warhol’s father emigrated to the United States in
lection of art and archives, is the largest museum in the 1914, and his mother joined him in 1921, after the death
United States dedicated to a single artist. Many of his of Warhol’s grandparents. Warhol’s father worked in a
creations are very collectible and highly valuable. The coal mine. The family lived at 55 Beelen Street and later
highest price ever paid for a Warhol painting is US$105 at 3252 Dawson Street in the Oakland neighborhood of
million for a 1963 canvas titled "Silver Car Crash (Double Pittsburgh.[11] The family was Byzantine Catholic and at-
Disaster)"; his works include some of the most expensive tended St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church.
paintings ever sold.[2] A 2009 article in The Economist Andy Warhol had two older brothers—Pavol (Paul), the
described Warhol as the "bellwether of the art market”.[3] oldest, was born before the family emigrated; Ján was
born in Pittsburgh. Pavol’s son, James Warhola, became
a successful children’s book illustrator.
1 Early life and beginnings (1928– In third grade, Warhol had Sydenham’s chorea (also
known as St. Vitus’ Dance), the nervous system dis-
49) ease that causes involuntary movements of the extrem-
ities, which is believed to be a complication of scarlet
Warhol was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, fever which causes skin pigmentation blotchiness.[12] He
Pennsylvania.[4] He was the fourth child of Ondrej became a hypochondriac, developing a fear of hospitals
Warhola (Americanized as Andrew Warhola, Sr., 1889– and doctors. Often bedridden as a child, he became an
1942)[5][6][7] and Julia (née Zavacká, 1892–1972),[8] outcast at school and bonded with his mother.[13] At times
whose first child was born in their homeland and died be- when he was confined to bed, he drew, listened to the
fore their move to the U.S. radio and collected pictures of movie stars around his


bed. Warhol later described this period as very impor- up something.”[22][23][24]

tant in the development of his personality, skill-set and
preferences. When Warhol was 13, his father died in an
accident.[14] 2.2 1960s
As a teenager, Warhol graduated from Schenley High
School in 1945. After graduating from high school, his
intentions were to study art education at the University of
Pittsburgh in the hope of becoming an art teacher, but his
plans changed and he enrolled in the Carnegie Institute of
Technology in Pittsburgh, where he studied commercial
art. During his time there, Warhol joined the campus
Modern Dance Club and Beaux Arts Society.[15] He also
served as art director of the student art magazine, Cano,
illustrating a cover in 1948[16] and a full-page interior il-
lustration in 1949.[17] These are believed to be his first
two published artworks.[18] Warhol earned a Bachelor of
Fine Arts in pictorial design in 1949.[19] Later that year,
he moved to New York City and began a career in mag-
azine illustration and advertising.
Warhol (left) and Tennessee Williams (right) talking on the SS
France, 1967; in the background: Paul Morrissey.
2 Career
He began exhibiting his work during the 1950s. He
held exhibitions at the Hugo Gallery[25] and the Bodley
2.1 1950s Gallery[26] in New York City; in California, his first West
Coast gallery exhibition[27][28] was on July 9, 1962, in the
During the 1950s, Warhol gained fame for his whimsical Ferus Gallery of Los Angeles. The exhibition marked his
ink drawings of shoe advertisements. These were done in West Coast debut of pop art.[29] Andy Warhol’s first New
a loose, blotted-ink style, and figured in some of his earli- York solo pop art exhibition was hosted at Eleanor Ward’s
est showings at the Bodley Gallery in New York. With the Stable Gallery November 6–24, 1962. The exhibit in-
concurrent rapid expansion of the record industry and the cluded the works Marilyn Diptych, 100 Soup Cans, 100
introduction of the vinyl record, Hi-Fi, and stereophonic Coke Bottles, and 100 Dollar Bills. At the Stable Gallery
recordings, RCA Records hired Warhol, along with an- exhibit, the artist met for the first time poet John Giorno
other freelance artist, Sid Maurer, to design album covers who would star in Warhol’s first film, Sleep, in 1963.[30]
and promotional materials.[20]
It was during the 1960s that Warhol began to make
Warhol was an early adopter of the silk screen printmak- paintings of iconic American objects such as dollar
ing process as a technique for making paintings. His earli- bills, mushroom clouds, electric chairs, Campbell’s Soup
est silkscreening in painting involved hand-drawn images Cans, Coca-Cola bottles, celebrities such as Marilyn
though this soon progressed to the use of photographi- Monroe, Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando, Troy Donahue,
cally derived silkscreening in paintings. Prior to entering Muhammad Ali, and Elizabeth Taylor, as well as news-
the field of fine art, Warhol’s commercial art background paper headlines or photographs of police dogs attacking
also involved innovative techniques for image making that civil rights protesters. During these years, he founded
were somewhat related to printmaking techniques. When his studio, "The Factory" and gathered about him a wide
rendering commercial objects for advertising Warhol de- range of artists, writers, musicians, and underground
vised a technique that resulted in a characteristic image. celebrities. His work became popular and controversial.
His imagery used in advertising was often executed by Warhol had this to say about Coca-Cola:
means of applying ink to paper and then blotting the ink
while still wet. This was akin to a printmaking process on What’s great about this country is that
the most rudimentary scale.[21] America started the tradition where the richest
Warhol’s work both as a commercial artist and later a consumers buy essentially the same things as
fine artist displays a casual approach to image making, the poorest. You can be watching TV and see
in which chance plays a role and mistakes and uninten- Coca-Cola, and you know that the President
tional marks are tolerated. The resulting imagery in both drinks Coca-Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca-
Warhol’s commercial art and later in his fine art endeavors Cola, and just think, you can drink Coca-Cola,
is often replete with imperfection—smudges and smears too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money
can often be found. In his book POPism Warhol writes, can get you a better Coke than the one the bum
“When you do something exactly wrong, you always turn on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are
2.2 1960s 3

the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Tay-
lor knows it, the President knows it, the bum
knows it, and you know it.[31]

New York City’s Museum of Modern Art hosted a Sym-

posium on pop art in December 1962 during which artists
such as Warhol were attacked for “capitulating” to con-
sumerism. Critics were scandalized by Warhol’s open
embrace of market culture. This symposium set the tone
for Warhol’s reception. Throughout the decade it became
increasingly clear that there had been a profound change
in the culture of the art world, and that Warhol was at the
center of that shift.
A pivotal event was the 1964 exhibit The American Su-
permarket, a show held in Paul Bianchini’s Upper East
Andy Warhol, between 1966 and 1977
Side gallery. The show was presented as a typical U.S.
small supermarket environment, except that everything
in it—from the produce, canned goods, meat, posters on
ration would remain a defining (and controversial) as-
the wall, etc.—was created by six prominent pop artists of
pect of his working methods throughout his career; this
the time, among them the controversial (and like-minded)
was particularly true in the 1960s. One of the most
Billy Apple, Mary Inman, and Robert Watts. Warhol’s
important collaborators during this period was Gerard
painting of a can of Campbell’s soup cost $1,500 while
Malanga. Malanga assisted the artist with the production
each autographed can sold for $6. The exhibit was one
of silkscreens, films, sculpture, and other works at "The
of the first mass events that directly confronted the gen-
Factory", Warhol’s aluminum foil-and-silver-paint-lined
eral public with both pop art and the perennial question
studio on 47th Street (later moved to Broadway). Other
of what art is.
members of Warhol’s Factory crowd included Freddie
Herko, Ondine, Ronald Tavel, Mary Woronov, Billy
Name, and Brigid Berlin (from whom he apparently got
the idea to tape-record his phone conversations).[32]
During the 1960s, Warhol also groomed a retinue of
bohemian and counterculture eccentrics upon whom he
bestowed the designation "Superstars", including Nico,
Joe Dallesandro, Edie Sedgwick, Viva, Ultra Violet,
Holly Woodlawn, Jackie Curtis, and Candy Darling.
These people all participated in the Factory films, and
some—like Berlin—remained friends with Warhol un-
til his death. Important figures in the New York under-
ground art/cinema world, such as writer John Giorno and
film-maker Jack Smith, also appear in Warhol films of the
1960s, revealing Warhol’s connections to a diverse range
of artistic scenes during this time. Less well known was
his support and collaboration with several teen-agers dur-
ing this era, who would achieve prominence later in life
including writer David Dalton,[33] photographer Stephen
Shore[34] and artist Bibbe Hansen (mother of pop musi-
cian Beck).[35]

2.2.1 Attempted murder (1968)

On June 3, 1968, radical feminist writer Valerie Solanas

shot Warhol and Mario Amaya, art critic and curator,
at Warhol’s studio.[36] Before the shooting, Solanas had
Campbell’s Soup I (1968) been a marginal figure in the Factory scene. She authored
in 1967 the S.C.U.M. Manifesto,[37] a separatist feminist
As an advertisement illustrator in the 1950s, Warhol tract that advocated the elimination of men; and appeared
used assistants to increase his productivity. Collabo- in the 1968 Warhol film I, a Man. Earlier on the day of

the attack, Solanas had been turned away from the Fac- Brigitte Bardot.[42] Warhol’s famous portrait of Chinese
tory after asking for the return of a script she had given Communist leader Mao Zedong was created in 1973. He
to Warhol. The script had apparently been misplaced.[38] also founded, with Gerard Malanga, Interview magazine,
Amaya received only minor injuries and was released and published The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (1975).
from the hospital later the same day. Warhol was seri- An idea expressed in the book: “Making money is [43] art,
ously wounded by the attack and barely survived: sur- and working is art and good business is the best art.”
geons opened his chest and massaged his heart to help Warhol socialized at various nightspots in New York City,
stimulate its movement again. He suffered physical ef- including Max’s Kansas City; and, later in the 1970s,
fects for the rest of his life, including being required to Studio 54.[44] He was generally regarded as quiet, shy, and
wear a surgical corset.[12] The shooting had a profound a meticulous observer. Art critic Robert Hughes called
effect on Warhol’s life and art.[39][40] him “the white mole of Union Square.”[45]
Solanas was arrested the day after the assault, after turn- With his longtime friend Stuart Pivar, Warhol founded
ing herself in to police. By way of explanation, she said the New York Academy of Art in 1979.[46][47]
that Warhol “had too much control over my life.” She was
subsequently diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and
eventually sentenced to three years under the control of 2.4 1980s
the Department of Corrections. After the shooting, the
Factory scene heavily increased security, and for many Warhol had a re-emergence of critical and financial suc-
the “Factory 60s” ended.[40] cess in the 1980s, partially due to his affiliation and
Warhol had this to say about the attack: “Before I was friendships with a number of prolific younger artists, who
shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than were dominating the "bull market" of 1980s New York
all-there—I always suspected that I was watching TV in- art: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Julian Schnabel, David Salle
stead of living life. People sometimes say that the way and other so-called Neo-Expressionists, as well as mem-
things happen in movies is unreal, but actually it’s the bers of the Transavantgarde movement in Europe, includ-
way things happen in life that’s unreal. The movies make ing Francesco Clemente and Enzo Cucchi.
emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things re- By this period, Warhol was being criticized for becom-
ally do happen to you, it’s like watching television—you ing merely a “business artist”.[48] In 1979, reviewers dis-
don't feel anything. Right when I was being shot and ever liked his exhibits of portraits of 1970s personalities and
since, I knew that I was watching television. The channels celebrities, calling them superficial, facile and commer-
switch, but it’s all television.”[41] cial, with no depth or indication of the significance of the
subjects. They also criticized his 1980 exhibit of 10 por-
traits at the Jewish Museum in Manhattan, entitled Jew-
2.3 1970s ish Geniuses, which Warhol—who was uninterested in
Judaism and Jews—had described in his diary as “They're
going to sell.”[48] In hindsight, however, some critics have
come to view Warhol’s superficiality and commerciality
as “the most brilliant mirror of our times,” contending
that “Warhol had captured something irresistible about
the zeitgeist of American culture in the 1970s.”[48]
Warhol also had an appreciation for intense Hollywood
glamour. He once said: “I love Los Angeles. I love Hol-
lywood. They're so beautiful. Everything’s plastic, but I
love plastic. I want to be plastic.”[49]

3 Death
Andy Warhol and Jimmy Carter in 1977
Warhol died in Manhattan, at 6:32 am, on February 22,
Compared to the success and scandal of Warhol’s work 1987. According to news reports, he had been mak-
in the 1960s, the 1970s were a much quieter decade, as ing good recovery from a routine gallbladder surgery at
he became more entrepreneurial. According to Bob Co- New York Hospital before dying in his sleep from a sud-
lacello, Warhol devoted much of his time to rounding den post-operative cardiac arrhythmia.[50] Prior to his
up new, rich patrons for portrait commissions—including diagnosis and operation, Warhol delayed having his re-
Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, his wife Empress curring gallbladder problems checked, as he was afraid
Farah Pahlavi, his sister Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, Mick to enter hospitals and see doctors.[46] His family sued
Jagger, Liza Minnelli, John Lennon, Diana Ross, and the hospital for inadequate care, saying that the arrhyth-

The funeral liturgy was held at the Holy Ghost Byzan-

tine Catholic Church on Pittsburgh’s North Side. The eu-
logy was given by Monsignor Peter Tay. Yoko Ono and
John Richardson were speakers. The coffin was covered
with white roses and asparagus ferns. After the liturgy,
the coffin was driven to St. John the Baptist Byzan-
tine Catholic Cemetery in Bethel Park, a south suburb
of Pittsburgh.
At the grave, the priest said a brief prayer and sprinkled
holy water on the casket. Before the coffin was lowered,
Paige Powell dropped a copy of Interview magazine, an
Interview T-shirt, and a bottle of the Estee Lauder per-
fume “Beautiful” into the grave. Warhol was buried next
to his mother and father. A memorial service was held in
Warhol’s grave at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Ceme- Manhattan for Warhol on April 1, 1987, at St. Patrick’s
Cathedral, New York.

4 Foundation

Warhol’s will dictated that his entire estate—with the ex-

ception of a few modest legacies to family members—
would go to create a foundation dedicated to the “ad-
vancement of the visual arts”. Warhol had so many pos-
sessions that it took Sotheby’s nine days to auction his es-
tate after his death; the auction grossed more than US$20
In 1987, in accordance with Warhol’s will, the Andy
Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts began. The foun-
dation serves as the estate of Andy Warhol, but also has
a mission “to foster innovative artistic expression and the
creative process” and is “focused primarily on supporting
work of a challenging and often experimental nature.”[53]
The Artists Rights Society is the U.S. copyright represen-
tative for the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
for all Warhol works with the exception of Warhol film
stills.[54] The U.S. copyright representative for Warhol
film stills is the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh.[55] Addi-
tionally, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
has agreements in place for its image archive. All digi-
tal images of Warhol are exclusively managed by Corbis,
Statue of Andy Warhol in Bratislava, Slovakia. while all transparency images of Warhol are managed by
Art Resource.[56]

mia was caused by improper care and water intoxica- The Andy Warhol Foundation released its 20th Anniver-
tion.[51] The malpractice case was quickly settled out of sary Annual Report as a three-volume set in 2007: Vol. I,
court; Warhol’s family received an undisclosed sum of 1987–2007; Vol. II, Grants & Exhibitions; and Vol. III,
money.[52] Legacy Program.[57] The Foundation remains one of the
largest grant-giving organizations for the visual arts in the
Warhol’s body was taken back to Pittsburgh, by his broth- U.S.[58]
ers, for burial. The wake was at Thomas P. Kunsak Fu-
neral Home and was an open-coffin ceremony. The cof-
fin was a solid bronze casket with gold plated rails and
white upholstery. Warhol was dressed in a black cash-
mere suit, a paisley tie, a platinum wig, and sunglasses. 5 Works
He was posed holding a small prayer book and a red rose.

5.1 Paintings and variations.[61]

In 1979, Warhol was commissioned by BMW to paint a
By the beginning of the 1960s, Warhol had become a very Group 4 race version of the then elite supercar BMW M1
successful commercial illustrator. His detailed and ele- for the fourth installment in the BMW Art Car Project.
gant drawings for I. Miller shoes were particularly popu- Unlike the three artists before him, Warhol declined the
lar. They consisted mainly of “blotted ink” drawings (or use of a small scale practice model, instead opting to im-
monoprints), a technique which he applied in much of his mediately paint directly onto the full scale automobile. It
early art. Although many artists of this period worked was indicated that Warhol spent only a total of 23 minutes
in commercial art, most did so discreetly. Warhol was to paint the entire car.[62] Warhol produced both comic
so successful, however, that his profile as an illustrator and serious works; his subject could be a soup can or
seemed to undermine his efforts to be taken seriously as an electric chair. Warhol used the same techniques—
an artist. silkscreens, reproduced serially, and often painted with
Pop art was an experimental form that several artists were bright colors—whether he painted celebrities, everyday
independently adopting; some of these pioneers, such as objects, or images of suicide, car crashes, and disasters,
Roy Lichtenstein, would later become synonymous with as in the 1962–63 Death and Disaster series. The Death
the movement. Warhol, who would become famous as and Disaster paintings included Red Car Crash, Purple
the “Pope of Pop”, turned to this new style, where popu- Jumping Man, and Orange Disaster. One of these paint-
lar subjects could be part of the artist’s palette. His early ings, the diptych “Silver Car Crash”, became the highest
paintings show images taken from cartoons and adver- priced work of his when it sold at Sotheby’s Contempo-
tisements, hand-painted with paint drips. Marilyn Mon- rary Art Auction on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, for
roe was a pop art painting that Warhol had done and it $105.4 million.[63]
was very popular. Those drips emulated the style of suc- Some of Warhol’s work, as well as his own personality,
cessful abstract expressionists (such as Willem de Koon- has been described as being Keatonesque. Warhol has
ing). Warhol’s first pop art paintings were displayed in been described as playing dumb to the media. He some-
April 1961, serving as the backdrop for New York De- times refused to explain his work. He has suggested that
partment Store Bronwit Teller’s window display. This all one needs to know about his work is “already there 'on
was the same stage his Pop Art contemporaries Jasper the surface.'"[64]
Johns, James Rosenquist and Robert Rauschenberg had
His Rorschach inkblots are intended as pop comments
also once graced.[59] Eventually, Warhol pared his im-
on art and what art could be. His cow wallpaper (lit-
age vocabulary down to the icon itself—to brand names,
erally, wallpaper with a cow motif) and his oxidation
celebrities, dollar signs—and removed all traces of the
paintings (canvases prepared with copper paint that was
artist’s “hand” in the production of his paintings.
then oxidized with urine) are also noteworthy in this con-
To him, part of defining a niche was defining his sub- text. Equally noteworthy is the way these works—and
ject matter. Cartoons were already being used by Licht- their means of production—mirrored the atmosphere at
enstein, typography by Jasper Johns, and so on; Warhol Andy’s New York “Factory”. Biographer Bob Colacello
wanted a distinguishing subject. His friends suggested he provides some details on Andy’s “piss paintings":
should paint the things he loved the most. It was the gal-
lerist Muriel Latow who came up with the ideas for both
the soup cans and Warhol’s dollar paintings. On Novem- Victor ... was Andy’s ghost pisser on the
ber 23, 1961 Warhol wrote Latow a check for $50 which, Oxidations. He would come to the Factory
according to the 2009 Warhol biography, Pop, The Ge- to urinate on canvases that had already been
nius of Warhol, was payment for coming up with the idea primed with copper-based paint by Andy or
of the soup cans as subject matter.[60] For his first major Ronnie Cutrone, a second ghost pisser much
exhibition Warhol painted his famous cans of Campbell’s appreciated by Andy, who said that the vitamin
Soup, which he claimed to have had for lunch for most B that Ronnie took made a prettier color when
of his life. The work sold for $10,000 at an auction on the acid in the urine turned the copper green.
November 17, 1971, at Sotheby’s New York. Did Andy ever use his own urine? My diary
shows that when he first began the series, in
He loved celebrities, so he painted them as well. From December 1977, he did, and there were many
these beginnings he developed his later style and sub- others: boys who'd come to lunch and drink too
jects. Instead of working on a signature subject mat- much wine, and find it funny or even flattering
ter, as he started out to do, he worked more and more to be asked to help Andy 'paint'. Andy always
on a signature style, slowly eliminating the handmade had a little extra bounce in his walk as he led
from the artistic process. Warhol frequently used silk- them to his studio.[65]
screening; his later drawings were traced from slide pro-
jections. At the height of his fame as a painter, Warhol
had several assistants who produced his silk-screen mul- Warhol’s first portrait of Basquiat (1982) is a black pho-
tiples, following his directions to make different versions tosilkscreen over an oxidized copper “piss painting”.
5.2 Films 7

After many years of silkscreen, oxidation, photogra- tion for $105.4 million, a new record for the famed pop
phy, etc., Warhol returned to painting with a brush in artist (pre-auction estimates at $80 million).[63] Created
hand in a series of more than 50 large collaborative in 1963, this work has only been seen in public once in
works done with Jean-Michel Basquiat between 1984 and the past 26 years.[77] In November 2014, "Triple Elvis"
1986.[66][67] Despite negative criticism when these were sold for $81.9m (£51.9m) at auction in New York.[78]
first shown, Warhol called some of them “masterpieces,”
and they were influential for his later work.[68]
5.2 Films
The influence of the large collaborations with Basquiat
can be seen in Warhol’s “The Last Supper” cycle, his
Warhol worked across a wide range of media—painting,
last and possibly his largest series. Andy Warhol was
photography, drawing, and sculpture. In addition, he
commissioned in 1984 by the gallerist Alexander Iolas
was a highly prolific filmmaker. Between 1963 and
to produce work based on Leonardo da Vinci's "The
1968, he made more than 60 films,[79] plus some 500
Last Supper" for an exhibition at the old refectory of
short black-and-white "screen test" portraits of Factory
the Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan, opposite from the
visitors.[80] One of his most famous films, Sleep, moni-
Santa Maria delle Grazie where Leonardo da Vinci’s mu-
tors poet John Giorno sleeping for six hours. The 35-
ral can be seen.[69] Warhol exceeded the demands of the
minute film Blow Job is one continuous shot of the face
commission and produced nearly 100 variations on the
of DeVeren Bookwalter supposedly receiving oral sex
theme, mostly silkscreens and paintings, and among them
from filmmaker Willard Maas, although the camera never
a collaborative sculpture with Basquiat, the “Ten Punch-
tilts down to see this. Another, Empire (1964), consists
ing Bags (Last Supper)".[70] The Milan exhibition that
of eight hours of footage of the Empire State Building
opened in January 1987 with a set of 22 silk-screens, was
in New York City at dusk. The film Eat consists of
the last exhibition for both the artist and the gallerist.[71]
a man eating a mushroom for 45 minutes. Warhol at-
The series of The Last Supper was seen by some as “ar-
tended the 1962 premiere of the static composition by
guably his greatest,”[72] but by others as “wishy-washy,
LaMonte Young called Trio for Strings and subsequently
religiose” and “spiritless.”[73] It is also the largest series
created his famous series of static films including Kiss,
of religious-themed works by any U.S. artist.[72]
Eat, and Sleep (for which Young initially was commis-
Warhol’s ability to find the uncanny, silly, or seductive in sioned to provide music). Uwe Husslein cites filmmaker
any given object, whether said object is mundane or sen- Jonas Mekas, who accompanied Warhol to the Trio pre-
sational, influenced many artists working through photo miere, and who claims Warhol’s static films were directly
and media outlets, among a vast number of other medi- inspired by the performance.[81]
ums. Artist Maurizio Cattelan describes that it is difficult
Batman Dracula is a 1964 film that was produced and di-
to separate daily encounters from the art of Andy Warhol:
rected by Warhol, without the permission of DC Comics.
“That’s probably the greatest thing about Warhol: the way
It was screened only at his art exhibits. A fan of the Bat-
he penetrated and summarized our world, to the point that
man series, Warhol’s movie was an “homage” to the se-
distinguishing between him and our everyday life is ba-
ries, and is considered the first appearance of a blatantly
sically impossible, and in any case useless.” Warhol was
campy Batman. The film was until recently thought to
an inspiration towards Cattelan’s magazine and photogra-
have been lost, until scenes from the picture were shown
phy compilations, such as Permanent Food, Charley, and
at some length in the 2006 documentary Jack Smith and
Toilet Paper.[74]
the Destruction of Atlantis.
At the time of his death, Warhol was working on Cars, a
Warhol’s 1965 film Vinyl is an adaptation of Anthony
series of paintings for Mercedes-Benz.[75]
Burgess' popular dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange.
A self-portrait by Andy Warhol (1963–64), which sold Others record improvised encounters between Factory
in New York at the May Post-War and Contemporary regulars such as Brigid Berlin, Viva, Edie Sedgwick,
evening sale in Christie’s, fetched $38.4 million. Candy Darling, Holly Woodlawn, Ondine, Nico, and
On May 9, 2012, his classic painting “Double Elvis Jackie Curtis. Legendary underground artist Jack Smith
(Ferus Type)" sold at auction at Sotheby’s in New York appears in the film Camp.
for US$33 million. With commission, the sale price His most popular and critically successful film was
totaled US$37,042,500, short of the $50 million that Chelsea Girls (1966). The film was highly innovative in
Sotheby’s had predicted the painting might bring. The that it consisted of two 16 mm-films being projected si-
piece (silkscreen ink and spray paint on canvas) shows multaneously, with two different stories being shown in
Elvis Presley in a gunslinger pose. It was first exhibited in
tandem. From the projection booth, the sound would
1963 at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles. Warhol made be raised for one film to elucidate that “story” while it
22 versions of the “Double Elvis,” nine of which are held
was lowered for the other. The multiplication of images
in museums.[76] evoked Warhol’s seminal silk-screen works of the early
In November 2013, his "Silver Car Crash (Double Dis- 1960s.
aster)" diptych sold at Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Auc- Other important films include Bike Boy, My Hustler,

The Nude Restaurant, and Lonesome Cowboys, a raunchy • Home: 1342 Lexington Avenue
pseudo-western. These and other titles document gay
underground and camp culture, and continue to feature • Home: 57 East 66th Street (Warhol’s last home)
prominently in scholarship about sexuality and art.[82][83]
• Last personal studio: 158 Madison Avenue
Blue Movie—a film in which Warhol superstar Viva
makes love and fools around in bed with a man for 33
minutes of the film’s playing-time—was Warhol’s last 5.4 Music
film as director.[84][85] The film, a seminal film in the
Golden Age of Porn, was at the time scandalous for its In the mid-1960s, Warhol adopted the band the Vel-
frank approach to a sexual encounter.[86][87] Blue Movie vet Underground, making them a crucial element of the
was publicly screened in New York City in 2005 for the Exploding Plastic Inevitable multimedia performance art
first time in more that 30 years.[88] show. Warhol, with Paul Morrissey, acted as the band’s
After his June 3, 1968 shooting, a reclusive Warhol re- manager, introducing them to Nico (who would perform
linquished his personal involvement in filmmaking. His with the band at Warhol’s request). In 1966 he “pro-
acolyte and assistant director, Paul Morrissey, took over duced” their first album The Velvet Underground & Nico,
the film-making chores for the Factory collective, steer- as well as providing its album art. His actual participation
ing Warhol-branded cinema towards more mainstream, in the album’s production amounted to simply paying for
narrative-based, B-movie exploitation fare with Flesh, the studio time. After the band’s first album, Warhol and
Trash, and Heat. All of these films, including the later band leader Lou Reed started to disagree more about the
Andy Warhol’s Dracula and Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein, direction the band should take, and their artistic friend-
were far more mainstream than anything Warhol as a di- ship ended. In 1989, after Warhol’s death, Reed and John
rector had attempted. These latter “Warhol” films starred Cale re-united for the first time since 1972 to write, per-
Joe Dallesandro—more of a Morrissey star than a true form, record and release the concept album Songs for
Warhol superstar. Drella, a tribute to Warhol.
In the early 1970s, most of the films directed by Warhol Warhol designed many album covers for various artists
were pulled out of circulation by Warhol and the people starting with the photographic cover of John Wallowitch's
around him who ran his business. After Warhol’s death, debut album, This Is John Wallowitch!!! (1964). He de-
the films were slowly restored by the Whitney Museum signed the cover art for The Rolling Stones' albums Sticky
and are occasionally projected at museums and film fes- Fingers (1971) and Love You Live (1977), and the John
tivals. Few of the Warhol-directed films are available on Cale albums The Academy in Peril (1972) and Honi Soit in
video or DVD. 1981. One of Warhol’s last works was a portrait of Aretha
Franklin for the cover of her 1986 gold album Aretha,
which was done in the style of the Reigning Queens series
5.2.1 Filmography he had completed the year before.[89]

Main article: Andy Warhol filmography Warhol strongly influenced the new wave/punk rock band
Devo, as well as David Bowie. Bowie recorded a song
called "Andy Warhol" for his 1971 album Hunky Dory.
Lou Reed wrote the song “Andy’s Chest”, about Valerie
5.3 Factory in New York Solanas, the woman who shot Warhol, in 1968. He
recorded it with the Velvet Underground, and this version
Main article: The Factory was released on the VU album in 1985. Bowie would later
play Warhol in the 1996 movie, Basquiat. Bowie recalled
how meeting Warhol in real life helped him in the role,
• Factory: 1342 Lexington Avenue (the first Factory) and recounted his early meetings with him:

• The Factory: 231 East 47th Street, 1963–67 (the I met him a couple of times, but we sel-
building no longer exists) dom shared more than platitudes. The first
time we saw each other an awkward silence fell
• Factory: 33 Union Square, 1967–73 (Decker Build-
till he remarked my bright yellow shoes and
started talking enthusiastically. He wanted to
• Factory: 860 Broadway (near 33 Union Square), be very superficial. And seemingly emotion-
1973–84 (the building has now been completely re- less, indifferent, just like a dead fish. Lou Reed
modeled and was for a time (2000–2001) the head- described him most profoundly when he once
quarters of the dot-com consultancy Scient) told me they should bring a doll of Andy on
the market: a doll that you wind up and doesn't
• Factory: 22 East 33rd Street, 1984–87 (the building do anything. But I managed to observe him
no longer exists) well, and that was a helping hand for the film
5.6 Other media 9

[Basquiat]. … We borrowed his clothes from and text for the book based on daily phone conver-
the museum in Pittsburgh, and they were in- sations, sometimes (when Warhol was traveling) us-
tact, unwashed. Even the pockets weren't emp- ing audio cassettes that Andy Warhol gave her. Said
tied: they contained pancake, white, deadly cassettes contained conversations with Brigid Berlin
pale fond de teint which Andy always smeared (also known as Brigid Polk) and former Interview
on his face, a check torn in pieces, someone’s magazine editor Bob Colacello.
address, lots of homeopathic pills and a wig.
Andy always wore those silver wigs, but he • Popism: The Warhol Sixties (1980, ISBN 0-15-
never admitted it were wigs. One of his hair- 672960-1), authored by Warhol and Pat Hackett, is
dressers has told me lately that he had his wigs a retrospective view of the 1960s and the role of pop
regularly cut, like it were real hair. When the art.
wig was trimmed, he put on another next month
as if his hair had grown.[90] • The Andy Warhol Diaries (1989, ISBN 0-446-
39138-7), edited by Pat Hackett, is a diary dictated
by Warhol to Hackett in daily phone conversations.
5.5 Books and print Warhol started the diary to keep track of his ex-
penses after being audited, although it soon evolved
Beginning in the early 1950s, Warhol produced several to include his personal and cultural observations.[94]
unbound portfolios of his work.
The first of several bound self-published books by Warhol Warhol created the fashion magazine Interview that is still
was 25 Cats Name Sam and One Blue Pussy, printed in published today. The loopy title script on the cover is
1954 by Seymour Berlin on Arches brand watermarked thought to be either his own handwriting or that of his
paper using his blotted line technique for the lithographs. mother, Julia Warhola, who would often do text work for
The original edition was limited to 190 numbered, hand his early commercial pieces.[95]
colored copies, using Dr. Martin’s ink washes. Most of
these were given by Warhol as gifts to clients and friends.
Copy No. 4, inscribed “Jerry” on the front cover and
5.6 Other media
given to Geraldine Stutz, was used for a facsimile printing
Although Andy Warhol is most known for his paintings
in 1987,[91] and the original was auctioned in May 2006
and films, he authored works in many different media.
for US $35,000 by Doyle New York.[92]
Other self-published books by Warhol include:
• Drawing: Warhol started his career as a commer-
cial illustrator, producing drawings in “blotted-ink”
• A Gold Book style for advertisements and magazine articles. Best
known of these early works are his drawings of
• Wild Raspberries shoes. Some of his personal drawings were self-
• Holy Cats published in small booklets, such as Yum, Yum, Yum
(about food), Ho, Ho, Ho (about Christmas) and (of
course) Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. His most artistically ac-
Warhol’s book A La Recherche du Shoe Perdu (1955) claimed book of drawings is probably A Gold Book,
marked his “transition from commercial to gallery compiled of sensitive drawings of young men. A
artist”.[93] (The title is a play on words by Warhol on the Gold Book is so named because of the gold leaf
title of French author Marcel Proust's À la recherche du that decorates its pages.[96] In April 2012 a sketch
temps perdu.)[93] of 1930s singer Rudy Vallee claimed to have been
After gaining fame, Warhol “wrote” several books that drawn by Andy Warhol was found at a Las Vegas
were commercially published: garage sale. The image was said to have been drawn
when Andy was nine or 10.[97] Various authorities
have challenged the image’s authenticity.
• a, A Novel (1968, ISBN 0-8021-3553-6) is a literal
transcription—containing spelling errors and pho-
netically written background noise and mumbling—
of audio recordings of Ondine and several of Andy • Sculpture: Warhol’s most famous sculpture is prob-
Warhol’s friends hanging out at the Factory, talking, ably his Brillo Boxes, silkscreened ink on wood repli-
going out. cas of the large, branded cardboard boxes used to
hold 24 packages of Brillo soap pads. The original
• The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B Brillo design was by commercial artist James Har-
& Back Again) (1975, ISBN 0-15-671720-4)— vey. Warhol’s sculpture was part of a series of “gro-
according to Pat Hackett’s introduction to The Andy cery carton” works that also included Heinz ketchup
Warhol Diaries, Pat Hackett did the transcriptions and Campbell’s tomato juice cases.[98] Other famous
10 5 WORKS

special about a favorite subject of his – Nothing –

that he would call The Nothing Special. Later in
his career he did create two cable television shows,
Andy Warhol’s TV in 1982 and Andy Warhol’s Fif-
teen Minutes (based on his famous "fifteen min-
utes of fame" quotation) for MTV in 1986. Be-
sides his own shows he regularly made guest ap-
pearances on other programs, including The Love
Boat wherein a Midwestern wife (Marion Ross)
fears Andy Warhol will reveal to her husband (Tom
Bosley, who starred alongside Ross in sitcom Happy
Days) her secret past as a Warhol superstar named
Marina del Rey. Warhol also produced a TV com-
mercial for Schrafft’s Restaurants in New York City,
for an ice cream dessert appropriately titled the “Un-
derground Sundae”.[101]
• Fashion: Warhol is quoted for having said: “I'd
rather buy a dress and put it up on the wall, than
put a painting, wouldn't you?"[102] One of his most
well-known Superstars, Edie Sedgwick, aspired to
be a fashion designer, and his good friend Halston
was a famous one. Warhol’s work in fashion includes
silkscreened dresses, a short sub-career as a catwalk-
model and books on fashion as well as paintings with
fashion (shoes) as a subject. Warhol himself has
been described as a modern dandy, whose author-
ity “rested more on presence than on words”.[103]
“Silver Clouds” Reproduction at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la
Ville de Paris, December 2015, Warhol Unlimited Exposition • Performance Art: Warhol and his friends staged
theatrical multimedia happenings at parties and pub-
works include the Silver Clouds—helium filled, sil- lic venues, combining music, film, slide projections
ver mylar, pillow-shaped balloons. A Silver Cloud and even Gerard Malanga in an S&M outfit crack-
was included in the traveling exhibition Air Art ing a whip. The Exploding Plastic Inevitable in 1966
(1968–1969) curated by Willoughby Sharp. Clouds was the culmination of this area of his work.[104]
was also adapted by Warhol for avant-garde chore- • Theater: Andy Warhol’s Pork opened on May 5,
ographer Merce Cunningham’s dance piece Rain- 1971, at LaMama theater in New York for a two-
Forest (1968).[99] week run and was brought to the Roundhouse in
• Audio: At one point Warhol carried a portable London for a longer run in August 1971. Pork
recorder with him wherever he went, taping every- was based on tape-recorded conversations between
thing everybody said and did. He referred to this Brigid Berlin and Andy during which Brigid would
device as his “wife”. Some of these tapes were the play for Andy tapes she had made of phone con-
basis for his literary work. Another audio-work of versations between herself and her mother, socialite
Warhol’s was his “Invisible Sculpture”, a presenta- Honey Berlin. The play featured Jayne County as
tion in which burglar alarms would go off when en- “Vulva” and Cherry Vanilla as “Amanda Pork”.[105]
tering the room. Warhol’s cooperation with the mu- In 1974, Andy Warhol also produced the stage mu-
sicians of The Velvet Underground was driven by an sical Man on the Moon, which was written by John
expressed desire to become a music producer. Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas.

• Time Capsules: In 1973, Warhol began sav- • Photography: To produce his silkscreens, Warhol
ing ephemera from his daily life—correspondence, made photographs or had them made by his friends
newspapers, souvenirs, childhood objects, even and assistants. These pictures were mostly taken
used plane tickets and food—which was sealed in with a specific model of Polaroid camera that Po-
plain cardboard boxes dubbed Time Capsules. By laroid kept in production especially for Warhol. This
the time of his death, the collection grew to include photographic approach to painting and his snapshot
600, individually dated “capsules”. The boxes are method of taking pictures has had a great effect on
now housed at the Andy Warhol Museum.[100] artistic photography. Warhol was an accomplished
photographer, and took an enormous amount of
• Television: Andy Warhol dreamed of a television photographs of Factory visitors, friends.
6.2 Religious beliefs 11

• Computer: Warhol used Amiga computers to gen- became a defense to put up the blank front.”[113] Warhol’s
erate digital art, including You Are the One, which lovers included John Giorno,[114] Billy Name,[115] Charles
he helped design and build with Amiga, Inc. He also Lisanby,[116] and Jon Gould. His boyfriend of 12 years
displayed the difference between slow fill and fast was Jed Johnson, whom he met in 1968, and who later
fill on live TV with Debbie Harry as a model.[106] achieved fame as an interior designer.[117]
(video) The fact that Warhol’s homosexuality influenced his work
and shaped his relationship to the art world is a ma-
jor subject of scholarship on the artist and is an issue
5.7 Producer and product
that Warhol himself addressed in interviews, in conver-
sation with his contemporaries, and in his publications
Warhol had assistance in producing his paintings. This is
(e.g., Popism: The Warhol 1960s). Throughout his ca-
also true of his film-making and commercial enterprises.
reer, Warhol produced erotic photography and drawings
He founded the gossip magazine Interview, a stage for of male nudes. Many of his most famous works (portraits
celebrities he “endorsed” and a business staffed by his of Liza Minnelli, Judy Garland, and Elizabeth Taylor, and
friends. He collaborated with others on all of his books films such as Blow Job, My Hustler and Lonesome Cow-
(some of which were written with Pat Hackett.) He boys) draw from gay underground culture and/or openly
adopted the young painter Jean-Michel Basquiat, and the explore the complexity of sexuality and desire. As has
band The Velvet Underground, presenting them to the been addressed by a range of scholars, many of his films
public as his latest interest, and collaborating with them. premiered in gay porn theaters.[118]
One might even say that he produced people (as in the
The first works that Warhol submitted to a fine art gallery,
Warholian “Superstar” and the Warholian portrait). He
homoerotic drawings of male nudes, were rejected for be-
endorsed products, appeared in commercials, and made
ing too openly gay.[119] In Popism, furthermore, the artist
frequent celebrity guest appearances on television shows
recalls a conversation with the film maker Emile de An-
and in films (he appeared in everything from Love Boat
tonio about the difficulty Warhol had being accepted so-
to Saturday Night Live and the Richard Pryor movie Dy-
cially by the then-more-famous (but closeted) gay artists
namite Chicken).
Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg. De Antonio ex-
In this respect Warhol was a fan of “Art Business” and plained that Warhol was “too swish and that upsets them.”
“Business Art”—he, in fact, wrote about his interest in In response to this, Warhol writes, “There was nothing I
thinking about art as business in The Philosophy of Andy could say to that. It was all too true. So I decided I just
Warhol from A to B and Back Again. wasn't going to care, because those were all the things
that I didn't want to change anyway, that I didn't think
I 'should' want to change ... Other people could change
6 Personal life their attitudes but not me”.[120][121] In exploring Warhol’s
biography, many turn to this period—the late 1950s and
early 1960s—as a key moment in the development of his
6.1 Sexuality persona. Some have suggested that his frequent refusal
to comment on his work, to speak about himself (confin-
Warhol was gay.[107][108] Interviewed in 1980, he indi- ing himself in interviews to responses like “Um, no” and
cated that he was still a virgin—biographer Bob Cola- “Um, yes”, and often allowing others to speak for him)—
cello who was present at the interview felt it was prob- and even the evolution of his pop style—can be traced to
ably true and that what little sex he had was probably the years when Warhol was first dismissed by the inner
“a mixture of voyeurism and masturbation—to use his circles of the New York art world.[122]
[Andy’s] word abstract".[109] Warhol’s assertion of virgin-
ity would seem to be contradicted by his hospital treat-
ment in 1960 for condylomata, a sexually transmitted
disease.[110] It has also been contradicted by his lovers,
6.2 Religious beliefs
including Warhol muse BillyBoy who has said they had
sex to orgasm: “When he wasn't being Andy Warhol and Warhol was a practicing Ruthenian Catholic. He regu-
when you were just alone with him he was an incredi- larly volunteered at homeless shelters in New York City,
bly generous and very kind person. What seduced me particularly during the busier times of the year, and
was the Andy Warhol who I saw alone. In fact when I described himself as a religious person.[124] Many of
was with him in public he kind of got on my nerves….I'd Warhol’s later works depicted religious subjects, includ-
say: 'You're just obnoxious, I can't bear you.”[111] Asked ing two series, Details of Renaissance Paintings (1984)
if Warhol was only a voyeur, Billy Name also denied it, and The Last Supper (1986). In addition, a body of
saying: “He was the essence of sexuality. It permeated religious-themed works was found posthumously in his
everything. Andy exuded it, along with his great artistic estate.[124]
creativity….It brought a joy to the whole art world in New During his life, Warhol regularly attended Mass, and the
York.”[112] “But his personality was so vulnerable that it priest at Warhol’s church, Saint Vincent Ferrer, said that

Egypt. The curator of anthropology at Carnegie Museum

of Natural History felt that Warhol most likely found it at
a flea market.[126]

7 Media about Warhol

Images of Jesus from The Last Supper cycle (1986). Warhol

made almost 100 variations on the theme, which the Guggen-
heim felt “indicates an almost obsessive investment in the subject

the artist went there almost daily,[124] although he was not

observed taking Communion or going to Confession and
sat or knelt in the pews at the back.[109] The priest thought Warhol (right) with director Ulli Lommel on the set of 1979’s
he was afraid of being recognized; Warhol said he was Cocaine Cowboys, in which Warhol appeared as himself
self-conscious about being seen in a Roman Rite church
crossing himself “in the Orthodox way” (right to left in-
stead of the reverse).[109]
7.1 Films
His art is noticeably influenced by the eastern Chris-
tian tradition which was so evident in his places of Warhol appeared as himself in the film Cocaine Cowboys
worship.[124] (1979).[127]
Warhol’s brother has described the artist as “really reli- After his death, Warhol was portrayed by Crispin Glover
gious, but he didn't want people to know about that be- in Oliver Stone's film The Doors (1991), by David Bowie
cause [it was] private”. Despite the private nature of his in Julian Schnabel's film Basquiat (1996), and by Jared
faith, in Warhol’s eulogy John Richardson depicted it as Harris in Mary Harron's film I Shot Andy Warhol (1996).
devout: “To my certain knowledge, he was responsible
Warhol appears as a character in Michael Daugherty's
for at least one conversion. He took considerable pride in
opera Jackie O (1997). Actor Mark Bringleson makes
financing his nephew’s studies for the priesthood”.[124]
a brief cameo as Warhol in Austin Powers: International
Man of Mystery (1997).

6.3 Collections Many films by avant-garde cineast Jonas Mekas have

caught the moments of Warhol’s life. Sean Gregory
Warhol was an avid collector. His friends referred to his Sullivan depicted Warhol in the film 54 (1998). Guy
numerous collections, which filled not only his four-story Pearce portrayed Warhol in the film, Factory Girl (2007),
townhouse, but also a nearby storage unit, as “Andy’s about Edie Sedgwick's life.[128] Actor Greg Travis por-
Stuff.” The true extent of his collections was not discov- trays Warhol in a brief scene from the film Watchmen
ered until after his death, when the Andy Warhol Mu- (2009).
seum in Pittsburgh took in 641 boxes of his “Stuff.” In the movie, Highway to Hell, a group of Andy Warhols
Warhol’s collections included airplane menus, unpaid in- are part of the Good Intentions Paving Company[129]where
voices, pizza dough, pornographic pulp novels, newspa- good-intentioned souls are ground into pavement.
pers, stamps, supermarket flyers, and cookie jars, among In the film Men in Black 3 (2012) Andy Warhol turns out
other eccentricities. It also included significant works of to really be undercover MIB Agent W (played by Bill
art, such as George Bellows's Miss Bentham.[125] One of Hader). Warhol is throwing a party at The Factory in
his main collections was his wigs. Warhol owned more 1969, where he is looked up by MIB Agents K and J (J
than 40 and felt very protective of his hairpieces, which from the future). Agent W is desperate to end his under-
were sewn by a New York wig-maker from hair imported cover job (“I'm so out of ideas I'm painting soup cans and
from Italy. In 1985 a girl snatched Warhol’s wig off his bananas, for Christ sakes!" and “You gotta fake my death,
head. It was later discovered in Warhol’s diary entry for okay? I can't listen to sitar music anymore.”)
that day that he wrote: “I don't know what held me back
Andy Warhol (portrayed by Tom Meeten) is one of main
from pushing her over the balcony.” characters of the 2012 British television show Noel Field-
Another item found in Warhol’s boxes at the museum in ing’s Luxury Comedy. The character is portrayed as hav-
Pittsburgh was a mummified human foot from Ancient ing robot-like mannerisms.

Gus Van Sant was planning a version of Warhol’s life with 9 See also
River Phoenix in the lead role just before Phoenix’s death
in 1993.[130] • Andy Warhol Art Authentication Board
In the soon to be released 2016 feature, The Billion- • Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art (Medzi-
aire Boys Club, Cary Elwes portrays Warhol in a film laborce, Slovakia)
based on the true story about Ron Levin (portrayed by
Kevin Spacey) a friend of Warhol’s who was murdered in • Andy Warhol Bridge (Pittsburgh, PA)
• Bodley Gallery
In September 2016, it was announced that Jared Leto
would portray the title character in Warhol, an upcoming • 15 minutes of fame
American biographical drama film produced by Michael
• Joel Wachs (president, Andy Warhol Foundation)
De Luca and written by Terence Winter, based on the
book Warhol: The Biography by Victor Bockris.[132] • LGBT culture in New York City
• Moon Museum
7.2 Documentaries • Painting the Century: 101 Portrait Masterpieces
• The documentary, Absolut Warhola (2001) was pro-
duced by Polish director Stanislaw Mucha, fea-
turing Warhol’s parents’ family and hometown in 10 References
[1] Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary:
• Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film (2006) is a rev- “Warhol”
erential, four-hour movie by Ric Burns[134] that won
a Peabody Award in 2006.[135] [2] “Andy Warhol painting sells for $105M”. New York Daily
News. November 13, 2013. Retrieved November 13,
• Andy Warhol: Double Denied (2006) is a 52-minute 2013.
movie by Ian Yentob about the difficulties authenti- [3] “A special report on the art market: The Pop master’s
cating Warhol’s work.[136] highs and lows”. The Economist. November 26, 2009.
Retrieved August 14, 2010.
• Andy Warhol’s People Factory (2008), a three-
part television documentary directed by Catherine [4] “Andy Warhol: Biography”. Andy Warhol Foundation for
the Visual Arts. 2002.
Shorr, features interviews with several of Warhol’s
associates.[137][138] [5] “Elder brother of Andy Warhol, who raised young artist,
dies aged 85”, Daily Mail, December 29, 2010.

[6] “Biography”. Warhola.com. Retrieved August 14, 2010.

7.3 Television
[7] V. Bockris, Warhol: The Biography, Da Capo Press,
• Warhol appeared as a recurring character in TV se- 2009, p. 15.
ries Vinyl, played by John Cameron Mitchell.[139] [8] “Mother”. Warhola.com. Retrieved August 14, 2010.

• In the episode of The Simpsons "Mom and Pop [9] Paul Robert Magocsi, Ivan Pop, , University of Toronto
Art", Warhol appears in Homer’s nightmare, throw- Press, 2002
ing soup cans at Homer. [10] Jane Daggett Dillenberger, Religious Art of Andy Warhol,
Continuum International Publishing Group, 2002, p. 7.

[11] Bockris, Victor (1989). The life and death of Andy

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stamp commemorating Warhol. Designed by Richard
Sheaff of Scottsdale, Arizona, the stamp was unveiled [13] Guiles, Fred Lawrence (1989). Loner at the ball: the life
at a ceremony at The Andy Warhol Museum and fea- of Andy Warhol. London: Bantam Books. ISBN 0-593-
[140][141] 01540-1. OCLC 19455278.
tures Warhol’s painting “Self-Portrait, 1964”. In
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York: Rizzoli. ISBN 0-8478-1475-0.
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Square”. New York Times. March 31, 2011. • Scherman, Tony, & David Dalton, POP: The Genius
of Andy Warhol, New York, NY: HarperCollins,
11 Further reading • Suarez, Juan Antonio (1996). Bike Boys, Drag
Queens, & Superstars: Avant-Garde, Mass Culture,
• “A symposium on Pop Art”. Arts Magazine, April and Gay Identities in the 1960s Underground Cin-
1963, pp. 36–45. The symposium was held in 1962, ema. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
at The Museum of Modern Art, and published in this
issue the following year. • Watson, Steven (2003). Factory Made: Warhol and
the 1960s. New York: Pantheon. ISBN 0-679-
• Bockris, Victor (1997). Warhol: The Biography. 42372-9.
New York: Da Capo Press. ISBN 0-306-81272-X.
• Warhol, Andy (1975). The Philosophy of Andy
• Celant, Germano. Andy Warhol: A Factory. Kunst- Warhol: (From A to B and Back Again). Hardcore
museum Wolfsbug, 1999. ISBN 3-7757-0773-5 Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 0-15-189050-1.

• Warhol, Andy; Pat Hackett (1980). POPism: The • Designer Peter Jensen takes you on a tour of the
Warhol Sixties. Hardcore Brace Jovanovich. ISBN early drawings of Andy Warhol. Video by Louisiana
0-15-173095-4. Channel, Denmark, 2013.
• Warhol, Andy; Pat Hackett (1989). The Andy • Andy Warhol in the National Gallery of Australia’s
Warhol Diaries. Warner Books. Kenneth Tyler Collection
• Yau, John (1993). In the Realm of Appearances: • Andy Warhol: Film, Video and TV. Fundació An-
The Art of Andy Warhol. Hopewell, NJ: Ecco Press. toni Tàpies
ISBN 0-88001-298-6.

12 External links
• Warhol Grave Site – Earthcam live streaming web-
• Andy Warhol, (1928–1987) – The Carpathian Con-
• Warhol Foundation in New York City
• Andy Warhol Collection in Pittsburgh
• Time Capsules: the Andy Warhol Collection
• Documentation of recent exhibitions of work by
Andy Warhol
• The work of Andy Warhol spoken about by David
Cronenberg on UbuWeb
• “Andy Warhol”. New York: Museum of Modern
Art. 2007. Archived from the original on January
22, 2009. Retrieved January 23, 2009.
• Warholstars: Andy Warhol Films, Art and Super-
• Art Directors Club biography, portrait and images
of work
• Berens, Stephen. “Responses to Warhol Retrospec-
tive at MOCA”. X-TRA. Los Angeles: Project X
Foundation for Art and Criticism. 5 (1; Fall 2002).
Archived from the original on July 21, 2011. Re-
trieved January 23, 2009.
• The Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art—city of
• Andy Warhol at the Internet Movie Database
• Warhol & The Computer
• Warhol in Paris—slideshow by The First Post
• Andy Warhol makes a digital painting of Debbie
Harry at the Commodore Amiga product launch
press conference in 1985
• Andy Warhol: A Documentary film by Ric Burns for
• Andy Warhol

13 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

13.1 Text
• Andy Warhol Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol?oldid=748115430 Contributors: AxelBoldt, Mav, Tsja, Rmhermen,
Johan Dahlin, William Avery, Ben-Zin~enwiki, Camembert, Hephaestos, Olivier, Stevertigo, Infrogmation, D, Tubby, Michael Hardy,
Kwertii, Dominus, Liftarn, Zanimum, Sannse, Egil, Ellywa, Mdebets, Ahoerstemeier, Docu, CatherineMunro, Angela, DropDeadGorgias,
Александър, Salsa Shark, Stefan-S, Andres, Palfrey, Jacques Delson, Mxn, Smack, Raven in Orbit, Arteitle, Stephenw32768, RodC, Dcoet-
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Melody, Thomasedavis, Topbanana, Joy, Spinster, Wetman, Bcorr, Pakaran, Finlay McWalter, Francs2000, Dimadick, Phil Boswell,
Bearcat, Gentgeen, Robbot, Juro, Dale Arnett, Pigsonthewing, Fredrik, Moncrief, Postdlf, Dmadeo, Ashley Y, Wjhonson, Academic
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Mboverload, Kainaw, Solipsist, SWAdair, Bobblewik, Wmahan, Stevietheman, Tom k&e, Utcursch, SoWhy, Andycjp, Popefauvexxiii,
CryptoDerk, UgenBot, Slowking Man, Gzuckier, Quadell, Antandrus, Kaldari, Jossi, Scotteaux, Oneiros, Girolamo Savonarola, Dragon-
flySixtyseven, Wikster E, Bumm13, Pethan, SimonLyall, EboMike, Yossarian, Cglassey, Jklamo, Asbestos, Neutrality, Sam, TronTonian,
Vsb, Hugh7, Cwoyte, Adashiel, Trevor MacInnis, Grstain, Dostal, Mike Rosoft, D6, Haikiba, Freakofnurture, Gest, Imroy, DanielCD,
Larrybob, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Geoff43230, Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters, User2004, Ivan Bajlo, Xezbeth, Khaldei, Carptrash,
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dide, McGeddon, Ze miguel, Pgk, Skeralum, Morrowism, Korossyl, Blue520, Jacek Kendysz, Momirt, D C McJonathan, Thunderboltz,
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great, Gilliam, Quidam65, Ohnoitsjamie, Wlmg, Hmains, GJK, Ghosts&empties, Claremog, Skizzik, Imponderabilium~enwiki, Andy M.
Wang, Qtoktok, Jeffro77, Madeofstars, Slo-mo, Hitman012, GoneAwayNowAndRetired, Chris the speller, Master Jay, Bluebot, Keegan,
Megamemnon, Agateller, Persian Poet Gal, Stimpy9337, MK8, Andrew Parodi, Al Pereira, Miquonranger03, MalafayaBot, SchfiftyThree,
Victorgrigas, Afasmit, Wikipediatrix, Jfsamper, RomaC, Coleopterous, Raistuumum, Colonies Chris, ACupOfCoffee, Nmarritz, Gra-
cenotes, Verrai, Yanksox, Spride, Scwlong, Royboycrashfan, Zsinj, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, AntiVan, RyanEberhart, Mitsuhirato,
Zambaccian, Cmyk, Onorem, Nixeagle, Raynethackery, ARSmith, Thisisbossi, MikeMass, TheKMan, Matchups, Rrburke, Seattlenow,
Zvar, JesseRafe, Addshore, Whpq, Weetbixkid, Edivorce, Chance wayne, Phaedriel, Ortzinator, J.R. Hercules, Maniacgeorge, Jmlk17,
Aldaron, Fuhghettaboutit, Downwards, Khukri, Nakon, Piltdown, VegaDark, Kntrabssi, Kevlar67, Blake-, Plumpkett, Coreman, Kismet-
magic, Invincible Ninja, Mahdiislam, SteveHopson, Only, Hammer1980, Thomasjfletcher, Junyor, Jklin, Drc79, Wizardman, DemosDe-
mon, Powelldinho, JackO'Lantern, Judyholliday, Engleham, Rudowsky, Hende jman, Kalathalan, Acdx, Mitchumch, Panchitaville, Er
Komandante, NIRVANA2764, Pilotguy, Kukini, Ged UK, Ugur Basak Bot~enwiki, Ohconfucius, Denisxavier, The undertow, Sasha-
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John, AmiDaniel, Sylvea, Alamandrax, Writtenonsand, Treyt021, Jaffer, Kipala, SilkTork, Gobonobo, Blublaster, Khono, Lazylaces,
MIsterMan, UpDown, Perfectblue97, Edwy, Merchbow, Accurizer, Minna Sora no Shita, Mary Read, Needlenose, Mr. Lefty, Don't
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Interlingua, Doczilla, TastyPoutine, Dhp1080, Chezhiyan, Zapvet, Daviddaniel37, Hjghassell, ShakingSpirit, Christian Roess, KJS77,
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Shoeofdeath, Vanished user klkllljlkjkljkljljk, Albinokid456, Cbrown1023, Schizmatic, Shoshonna, Hokeman, Ewulp, Trialsanderrors,
Courcelles, Gilabrand, Linkspamremover, Conqueror100, Esn, FairuseBot, Tawkerbot2, MarylandArtLover, LSX, Lahiru k, InfernoXV,
Georgejmyersjr, Henrickson, Switchercat, SkyWalker, Xcentaur, JForget, Drewry, Cuneas, CmdrObot, Code E, Juraj cisarik, Sir Vicious,
Dycedarg, Unionhawk, BeenAroundAWhile, Rawling, W guice, Mcstrother, Picaroon, KyraVixen, Maplemusic, JohnCD, Hertzsprung,
PhantomBPR, Sidewinder468, Intovert2438, Basawala, GHe, Michaelbarreto, FlyingToaster, Outriggr (2006-2009), RttlesnkeWhiskey,
Moreschi, Dragon guy, Richard Keatinge, MrFish, Twelsht, Kribbeh, Vaquero100, Cydebot, Peripitus, Scarah2, Atticmouse, SyntaxEr-
ror55, Bellerophon5685, Montag451, Corpx, ST47, Psmith99, Adolphus79, Captainm, Lugnuts, Leobh, Jlpriestley, Ss112, Soetermans,
Studerby, Retired user 0002, TrevorM, Komisaroff, Martin Jensen, Tawkerbot4, Doug Weller, DumbBOT, Dferrantino, Usnerd, Omi-
cronpersei8, Punk Rocker, Pustelnik, Daniel Olsen, Blackjack48, EMINESCU, BotleySmith, Tortillovsky, Mamalujo, EvocativeIntrigue,
Mattisse, JamesAM, ChKa, Epbr123, Lord Hawk, Barticus88, Rhooker1236, Dead2world, LeeG, Counter-revolutionary, Janviermichelle,
TonyTheTiger, Hervegirod, BrainyJaney, Jadenator, Sopranosmob781, ChuckWhittington, Trevyn, Fluxbot, Wikipedia knapp, RxK MsC,

Marek69, Vertium, John254, Frank, SGGH, TheTruthiness, James086, Pmrobert49, Nezzadar, Batterytime, Tellyaddict, Cool Blue, Bauer-
Power, Catsmoke, Douma, Projectx, Multiverse, J. W. Love, Edchi, CharlotteWebb, Chavando, Alphius, G-Dett, SusanLesch, BigPapix34,
Takaja, CTZMSC3, Escarbot, Jay Firestorm, RetiredUser124642196, Sbandrews, CZeke, Hmrox, KrakatoaKatie, Tham153, AntiVan-
dalBot, HarvardOxon, Majorly, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, Sobaka, Bigtimepeace, EarthPerson, Prolog, Jayron32, James Epstein, AaronY,
Tjmayerinsf, Fayenatic london, Scepia, Atelle8101k, Tybalt1212, Modernist, Dylan Lake, Gdo01, Shaybear, Rexthestrange, Kaini, X4n6,
Res2216firestar, Cencina, Woodstein52, JAnDbot, Knowsitallnot, Leuko, Husond, Ekabhishek, Postcard Cathy, MER-C, DumbLoser-
Guy, The Transhumanist, Inks.LWC, Ericoides, Matthew Fennell, Mark Shaw, Awilley, Db099221, Midnightdreary, Neoman2026, Ur-
baneddie, Andonic, 100110100, Steveironcity, NSR77, Wilchett, JeromeParr, Dosbears, Restecp, Bearly541, Rothorpe, LittleOldMe,
Steveprutz, Acroterion, Geniac, JustinChimento, Freshacconci, Kibiusa, Magioladitis, Gekedo, Wdrazo, Freedomlinux, Celithemis, Bong-
warrior, VoABot II, Djkeddie, AuburnPilot, LonesomeCowboyBill, JNW, Brandt Luke Zorn, CTR3, EOBeav, Ryanwiki, Jacques Cus-
tard, Father Goose, Manofest, Rivertorch, CTF83!, ***Ria777, Dain Quentin Gore, Sofa jazz man, RuthieK, Donnerwetter, Aka042,
Froid, Foochar, Nimic86, SparrowsWing, Nick012000, Avicennasis, NotACow, Catgut, Indon, Acornwithwings, Mtl1969, Ciaccona, An-
rie, Am86, Ludvikus, Bjbeamish, Chris G, DerHexer, Hannahgoldstein, Hibrawi, Hbent, Defenestrating Monday, Awaggenspack, Peter
coxhead, Gwern, FisherQueen, Danieliness, MartinBot, Ulf Karlsson, CliffC, Aidankerckhoffs, Habu974, Healkids, Peter.Wille~enwiki,
Gkklein, Boosieman5, Arjun01, Jmaldonado, Jim.henderson, Rettetast, InnocuousPseudonym, Hardback247, Artintegrated, Jonathan Hall,
Zonkman, CalendarWatcher, Helpful Editor, Bus stop, R'n'B, CommonsDelinker, AlexiusHoratius, VirtualDelight, Diana ross, Senthryl,
Lilac Soul, LedgendGamer, Aston Martian, JBC3, RockMFR, J.delanoy, Captain panda, Simonfieldhouse, Timmccloud, DrKay, Etties-
niffs, Svetovid, EscapingLife, Harryjjj, AAA!, Highway666, Bogey97, TyrS, DomBot, Uncle Dick, MrBell, Hellonicole, Egphilly, Cpiral,
George415, Wandering Ghost, Rocker820, Kate1992, Shawn in Montreal, Carolfrog, Anth69, Kangie, McSly, Sfphotocraft, Kinjedl,
Samsbk, JayJasper, Rocket71048576, TheMadMoose, ClumsyOaf, Luisa20, Belovedfreak, Velps, Allreet, NewEnglandYankee, SmilesA-
Lot, Ontarioboy, MKoltnow, Mufka, Shoessss, Potatoswatter, Prhartcom, Stabback, Juliancolton, STBotD, Kjm914a, Evb-wiki, Que-Can,
RB972, Jamesontai, Homer Landskirty, Botx, Vanished user 39948282, DorganBot, Factlord, Mike V, N.M.Sheedy, Ja 62, Andy March-
banks, JavierMC, Varnent, KGV, Sgeureka, Scewing, Squids and Chips, Thismightbezach, CardinalDan, RJASE1, WWGB, Mastrchf91,
Michaeloptv, PeaceNT, Malik Shabazz, ABF, Pierson’s Puppeteer, DOHC Holiday, Mrh30, DSRH, TallNapoleon, Nburden, TheMinds-
Eye, Justi521, Kameyama, Ryan032, WOSlinker, Philip Trueman, Martinevans123, TXiKiBoT, Rizalninoynapoleon, BuickCenturyDriver,
Java7837, Paulmallon, Adzaho31, Artbabylon, Rei-bot, Haddontwp, Beanier, Chuck4dd, Woodsstock, Algork, Gen. Quon, Qxz, ReadQ,
Laborec, Cherhillsnow, Hunzaduha, Sintaku, DennyColt, Ruralhistorian, Brunton, Martin451, Gruverja, Lou.weird, Xifécrit, Monkeynoze,
AnonymousUser1111, Henryodell, Katimawan2005, Topgear23, Coolotter88, Madhero88, Tanner-Christopher, SpeakEasy1, Peanutbut-
terstella, Synthebot, Orestek, Sudeep know it all, The Real Lucifer Black, Vector Potential, Burntsauce, Softlavender, GoPurpleNGold24,
Sesshomaru, Vanished user lkdfj39u3mfk4, Emanuel Kingsley, Jeffutz, Brianga, Fischer.sebastian, AlleborgoBot, Danaspeicher, Funeral,
Logan, Rbsmith17, Sfmammamia, Toneman19, EmxBot, Jonathan88, AlainLa, D. Recorder, AHMartin, Undead warrior, Ian Glenn,
SieBot, StAnselm, Wasdax, Notneils, Calliopejen1, Paulgoo, Scarian, Jauerback, Ghimboueils, Krawi, Dawn Bard, Viskonsas, Alex Mid-
dleton, Caltas, New England, RJaguar3, Triwbe, Sheldon21, Crash Underride, Stratman07, FelinaofL2, WildWildBil, Keilana, Barker-
fan, Rickjames0972, Honky72, Tiptoety, Qst, Riwnodennyk, Zucchini Marie, Avulse, HighburyVanguard, Oda Mari, Brozozo, Joethebo,
Nickybunch, Oxymoron83, Brocklebjorn, Thomazfranzese~enwiki, Faradayplank, Nuttycoconut, KPH2293, Grembug21, Spencer110969,
Wlegro, BlizzardDragon, BenoniBot~enwiki, Supahsam, Kumioko (renamed), Rjfost, Spartan-James, Fuddle, CultureDrone, Scottyoak2,
Artblog, Sean.hoyland, Thatotherdude, Dust Filter, Giantspown5, Pinkadelica, Kandude123, LeonMcNichol, Jons63, Into The Fray,
Baldrick90, Quinling, Explicit, ImageRemovalBot, WikipedianMarlith, Timcdfw, Sysoon, Gloss, SquashedButterfly, Twinsday, Uvadive,
SewwhatUwant, Martarius, Stingman4935, LoserJoke, ClueBot, Yamanbaiia, Andriy155, Nederhoed, Kennvido, The Thing That Should
Not Be, MopTop, All Hallow’s Wraith, M333gh, Plastikspork, X mini me x, Reagan1234567, Bjornwireen, Farolif, Meekywiki, Mild Bill
Hiccup, Cocapiggies, TheOldJacobite, Bitjunky, Louis-garden, Fineartgasm, CounterVandalismBot, Shaliya waya, Niceguyedc, Hellotre-
for, Richerman, Harland1, UpThere, Maxbeck, SoupcanNY, Rocknrollsnob, Solar-Wind, Iheartandrewwarhola, Nairnsy27, Manishearth,
Welham66, DragonBot, Jjmbarton, Stepshep, SteveRamone, Jmm10134, Excirial, Queenbee96, Star Mississippi, No3mie, Eeekster, Mor-
ganncoleman, Georgie Wood, Utopial, Seb opie, Mmdgirard, Rube roller, Elizium23, Redthoreau, Jessyrae7, OneMarkus, La Pianista, An-
other Believer, Mr.Sweet M&M, Teachertracey, Found5dollar, Thingg, Gobbschmacht, Canberra photographer, Spinoff, 35654z, Myth-
don, Egmontaz, Apparition11, Dragoburagoo, Indopug, NERIC-Security, 89*Book, Vanished User 1004, DumZiBoT, Joris Landman,
Jericho Flash, Jasooon, XLinkBot, BenStuartCohen, Fastily, Delicious carbuncle, Чръный человек, Stickee, Leepaxton, Soheilm3, Swim-
mer40, Little Mountain 5, Avoided, Fruits126, Dwight Burdette, Artethical, Ayls, Brazzo di Lanzo, Kaiwhakahaere, ZooFari, MystBot, Al
tally, Lemmey, Wythy, Gggh, Sibenicky, Osarius, HexaChord, CalumH93, Jhendin, Addbot, A. S. Castanza, Fenbaud, Paper Luigi, Willk-
ing1979, Some jerk on the Internet, Tcncv, Betterusername, Captain-tucker, Lithoderm, Binary TSO, Innv, Ronhjones, TutterMouse, Quis-
samã, Fieldday-sunday, Laurinavicius, GD 6041, Blue Square Thing, Cst17, JPLei, MrOllie, LaaknorBot, AndersBot, HoboJones, Favo-
nian, LinkFA-Bot, JGKlein, Roodhouse1, 20yearoldboyfromNY, Qwrk, Tassedethe, Myandywarhol, HRDingwall, Prowikia, Numbo3-bot,
Tide rolls, Jan eissfeldt, Willondon, Totorotroll, CountryBot, Marksdaman, Jim, Arxiloxos, Legobot, Luckas-bot, Wylandwombat, Yobot,
Granpuff, OrgasGirl, Pink!Teen, JJARichardson, Andreasmperu, Fraggle81, GreatInDayton, Legobot II, Yiplop stick stop, The Earwig,
Freikorp, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, Gongshow, Apblowe, FactoryBoy, Roltz, AlexLevyOne, Auawise, Okospala, AnomieBOT, XL2D,
Valueyou, Kristen Eriksen, Coopkev2, Race2thefuture, Bsimmons666, IRP, JackieBot, Kingpin13, Justme89, MindscapesGraphicDe-
sign, Cyanidethistles, Jesterwithprotrudinglips, Flewis, Materialscientist, RobertEves92, Laurelbby111, Khappy, 90 Auto, Citation bot,
Partitas, OllieFury, E2eamon, Aco363, Skillageboiadz, Ryan vicks, Nifky?, Quebec99, Aldious465, MauritsBot, Xqbot, Jonathan321,
Poetnk, The Banner, Jbruin152, Capricorn42, Research Method, Clutchy, Nasnema, Acebulf, GenQuest, AaronF2, DSisyphBot, Nazgoltk,
Jmundo, OCS21, Heslopian, Eric128, Sionk, GrouchoBot, Corruptcopper, Miesianiacal, At3whee, Pavlor, Omnipaedista, Placebo123,
Drown Soda, Cresix, Mathonius, Amaury, Auréola, GhalyBot, MerlLinkBot, Temerster, YZEMA, Shadowjams, MegSimpson, Learner001,
Eaguillon, SchnitzelMannGreek, Tubbablub, A.amitkumar, Googly16, Armando Navarro, Afromayun, FrescoBot, Anna Roy, LucienBOT,
Gelatart, HJ Mitchell, Eojsegutimus, CircleAdrian, Bromley86, HamburgerRadio, Citation bot 1, Javert, Bigowie, Redrose64, Kedwa05f,
Pinethicket, ShadowRangerRIT, I dream of horses, AndrewAllen15, DANE YOUSSEF, Megarugrat, LittleWink, Jonesey95, Reelectpres-
identobama, Tyler1983, Olifromsolly, Calmer Waters, GrapedApe, BRUTE, RedBot, Impala2009, Harlzman719, Gingermint, Wanabyte,
Evenrød, Generaatoririhm, Beao, Monkeymanman, Xiatica, Гатерас, Turian, Merlion444, Art&concepts, Deanupton, ActivExpression,
Guis0212, Kgrad, Trappist the monk, ‫کاشف عقیل‬, ПешСай, Wilhelm Klave, Noatakzak, Chucknorris719, Vrenator, Tvguy347, MrX,
Shav'osi, January, Reaper Eternal, Canuckian89, Mttcmbs, Athene cheval, Dapitch13, Qazwsx777, Tbhotch, Einhornjohnsonjt, Haber-
dashery88, Springflight, Rosatorres, Smythm03, Bobjiff, Woogee, RjwilmsiBot, Libby36571, Ii oDDsOcKs x, Ghrimdevil98, Bossanoven,
DRAGON BOOSTER, Chrisjonsson14, DASHBot, Steve03Mills, AtTheNecropolis, P2prules, EmausBot, And we drown, 87Fan, Wiki-
tanvirBot, Benno96, Immunize, Maumau1000, Look2See1, Vittalio, Vannuyswarehouse, Dave Peters, Primefac, Ryanboots, Farragutful,
GoingBatty, RA0808, Fakirbakir, Artiquities, Solarra, Jim Michael, Tommy2010, S hannon434, Adrian Tofei, Epicsponge, Wikipelli,
OxIxO, Teresashane, Rocksolid12345, MikeyMouse10, Thecheesykid, Mz7, Mauro100, Yousefrak, Matook, AvicBot, JSquish, ZéroBot,
13.2 Images 21

QuentinUK, Nofoto, AOC25, The Insect, Carolinefreedman, H3llBot, Wikignome0530, Wayne Slam, Thom977, Willthacheerleader18,
Korruski, BluWik, Pulssar, Peter Karlsen, Sw2stu, Maedar, 28bot, Mattsenate, Mag81~enwiki, Cgt, ClueBot NG, Jessie9650, Osteveliam,
Webrobate, Ok2010, Rexnickles2, Satellizer, Justlettersandnumbers, Vacation9, Proscribe, Smokeyfire, Alex1inferno, KIRILL1995, Fri-
etjes, Djodjo666, O.Koslowski, Castncoot, Marechal Ney, CaroleHenson, CopperSquare, Widr, Patriciathornton, Vidpro23, Theopolisme,
Helpful Pixie Bot, Alexanderiolas, Historynut101, Tholme, KSAstoria, TonyRichards2, Arrow1234, Kaltenmeyer, Joanneseale, CTF83!
Alt, Sleeping is fun, MusikAnimal, Kendall-K1, Lucygoosey49, BizarreLoveTriangle, Marcocapelle, Omgyouhacker, Mark Arsten, Ot-
tawaAC, Cupkake511, Sroach123, Altaïr, Kmdiglaw, Chemistryfan, Min.neel, Jacktraberturner, Amilanow, Gibralter5, Derek5000, 4
Stars, Snow Blizzard, Safehaven86, Tyler6360534, Zedshort, Hamish59, Jayadevp13, MetalDylan, Klilidiplomus, Shaun, Rutebega, The
Uncyclopedian, MelVic, Absconditus, BattyBot, ~riley, GogoW24, Pratyya Ghosh, SNDLLN, Cyberbot II, ChrisGualtieri, John from
Idegon, ArtLosAngeles, Packer1028, Marosc9, LLPPK, JYBot, Postcolumbian, Dexbot, Hmainsbot1, Webclient101, Mogism, Shawn-
qual, Periglio, Alikah23, Lugia2453, Acire93, Superandy989, VIAFbot, Graphium, Anechka2003, Wywin, Cadillac000, Shareenmckee,
Cam04, Faizan, Myfairnewsies, Lolfruit, I am One of Many, Magnolia677, Ahmedad, Eyesnore, Richie622, T8h2k4n97p2rf, Everymorn-
ing, W1N5t0n2o9, Alexandra Buhl, Jakec, MarylinManson9, Alexmaganajr, Anita Nguyen, Catboyzzz, Sazha12345, OddsMan, Sara-
hobender, DavidLeighEllis, JamieG01, Kdyarzab, SB93696, Jcejhay, My name is not dave, Ginsuloft, Jimmypopeyedoyle, Inanygivenhole,
Didi.hristova, Synthwave.94, Kind Tennis Fan, Antonyj0403, Crazypotato99, Yoopyoopyoop, KennedySarpong, JaconaFrere, SnoozeKing,
Mbb2112, Coat of Many Colours, Onuphriate, Examplar, Slenderdan, Monkbot, Filedelinkerbot, Prisencolin, Cct69, Hok inte7, William
Tölöberg, Bammie73, Bradenpatsfan, Easportsforever, Jjlynnf, Caitieschott, Bigsvenyo, Troller123450, Funanta, Squinge, Coolabahapple,
Nøkkenbuer, KasparBot, Voloum, Oanab906, Naano94, Joshwond, Professor JR, HughMorris15, Tigress223, JVollenhoven, Geekobus,
KNWolf, InternetArchiveBot, Ratto33 and Anonymous: 2422

13.2 Images
• File:Andy_Warhol_and_Tennessee_Williams_NYWTS.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Andy_
Warhol_and_Tennessee_Williams_NYWTS.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Di-
vision. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection. LC-USZ62-121294 Original artist: James Kavallines,
New York World-Telegram and the Sun staff photographer
• File:Andy_Warhol_and_Ulli_Lommel_on_set_of_Cocaine_Cowboys.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/
commons/b/b9/Andy_Warhol_and_Ulli_Lommel_on_set_of_Cocaine_Cowboys.jpg License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors:
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• File:Andy_Warhol_by_Jack_Mitchell.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/Andy_Warhol_by_Jack_
Mitchell.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 Contributors: User:X4n6 Original artist: Jack Mitchell
• File:Ballerina-icon.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Ballerina-icon.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
• Snowdance.jpg Original artist: Snowdance.jpg: Rick Dikeman
• File:Bratislava_Venturska_ulica1.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Bratislava_Venturska_ulica1.
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: ????? (sculptor) - cc-by-3.0
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arms.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Extracted from a PDF file by Kalel2007 (talk) Original artist: City of Pittsburgh
• File:Silver_Clouds_Warhol_Musee_dArt_Moderne_ville_Paris.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/
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• File:Warhol-Campbell_Soup-1-screenprint-1968.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/95/Warhol-Campbell_
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• File:WarholaHousePittsburgh.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/WarholaHousePittsburgh.jpg Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Photo by Lee Paxton Original artist: Lee Paxton (Original uploader was Leepaxton at en.wikipedia)
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