Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematics limited to integers and is becoming increasingly important in computer science. It provides a formal and unambiguous language to represent logical statements and complex logic using simple expressions. Areas like cryptography, computer programming, and relational databases rely heavily on discrete mathematical concepts like number theory, logic, and sets. Graph theory is also widely applied, such as in representing airline scheduling problems or Google's PageRank algorithm.
Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematics limited to integers and is becoming increasingly important in computer science. It provides a formal and unambiguous language to represent logical statements and complex logic using simple expressions. Areas like cryptography, computer programming, and relational databases rely heavily on discrete mathematical concepts like number theory, logic, and sets. Graph theory is also widely applied, such as in representing airline scheduling problems or Google's PageRank algorithm.
Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematics limited to integers and is becoming increasingly important in computer science. It provides a formal and unambiguous language to represent logical statements and complex logic using simple expressions. Areas like cryptography, computer programming, and relational databases rely heavily on discrete mathematical concepts like number theory, logic, and sets. Graph theory is also widely applied, such as in representing airline scheduling problems or Google's PageRank algorithm.
Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematics limited to integers and is becoming increasingly important in computer science. It provides a formal and unambiguous language to represent logical statements and complex logic using simple expressions. Areas like cryptography, computer programming, and relational databases rely heavily on discrete mathematical concepts like number theory, logic, and sets. Graph theory is also widely applied, such as in representing airline scheduling problems or Google's PageRank algorithm.
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Importance of discrete mathematics for computer science
Discrete Mathematics is the study of mathematics limited to a set of integers.
Discrete Mathematics is becoming the basis of many real-world problems, particularly in computer science. From our daily experience, we can say that natural languages are not accurate as they can have a different meaning. They are ambiguous and not suitable for coding purposes. Therefore we develop a formal language called the object language. In this language, we use a well-defined object followed by a definite statement regarding the same object. When we use mathematical expressions to denote the logical statements, we call this Discrete Mathematics, also commonly paired with Graph Theory. Discrete Mathematics is gaining popularity these days because of it’s increasing usage in computer science. Complex logic and calculations can be depicted in the form of simple statements. It is used in daily life in the following ways: Cryptography The field of cryptography is based entirely on discrete mathematics. Cryptography is the study of how to create security structures and passwords for computers and other electronic systems. One of the most important parts of discrete mathematics is Number theory which allows cryptographers to create and break numerical passwords. Because of the amount of money and the amount of confidential information involved, cryptographers must first have a solid background in number theory to show they can provide secure passwords and encryption methods. Shown below is an example of Discrete Mathematics in encryption. Computer Programmes The tasks running on computer use one or another form of discrete maths. The computer functions in a specific way depending on the decisions made by the user. For example: Discrete Mathematics is very closely connected with Computer Science. Theoretical Computer Science, the foundation of our field is often considered a subfield of discrete mathematics. Computer Science is built upon logic, and numerous, if not most, areas of discrete mathematics utilized in the field. For Example: p(x) denote “number x+4 is an even integer” ~p(x) denote “number x+4 is not an even integer” q(x,y) to represent an open statement that contains 2 variables. With p(x) and q(x,y) as above, universe still concern itself with integers only, make replacements for x,y we get: p(5) = (5+2) is an even integer ~p(7) = (7+2) is not an even integer q(4,2) = numbers 4,2,8 are even integers “For some x” and “For some x,y” are said to quantify the open statement p(x) and q(x,y) respectively For some x, p(x) For some x,y q(x,y) Computing Rankings Discrete mathematics describe processes that consist of a sequence of individual steps. Many ways of producing rankings use both discrete maths and graph theory. Specific examples include the ranking relevance of search results using Google, ranking teams for tournaments or chicken pecking orders, and ranking sports team performances or restaurant preferences that include Airplane Deviation Graphs are nothing but connected nodes(vertex). So any network related, routing, finding a relation, path etc related real-life applications use graphs. Aircraft scheduling: Assuming that there are k aircraft and they have to be assigned n flights. The ith flight should be during the time interval (ai, bi). If two flights overlap, then the same aircraft cannot be assigned to both the flights. This problem is modeled as a graph as follows. The vertices of the graph correspond to the flights. Two vertices will be connected if the corresponding time intervals overlap. Therefore, the graph is an interval graph that can be colored optimally in polynomial time. Below is an example of the mathematical and graphical data used to check the overlapping of various flights in a unanimous flying pattern so as to neglect causalities and deviation of flights: If you've ever used Google, you're looking at the world's most (financially) valuable graph theory application. At the heart of their search engine technology is an algorithm called PageRank, which uses numerous graph theory concepts — including cliques and a lot of connectivity information — to determine how important a given web page is. It does this, in essence, by starting with a rough notion of each page's importance and then repeatedly refining its estimates by 'flowing' importance values from page to page. Relational Database They play an important part in almost every organization that keep track of its employees, clients or resources. A relational database helps to join a different piece of information. This is all done with the concept of sets in discrete math. Sets allow the info to be grouped and put together. For example: A database containing client information; link the client name, address, phone number, and other info.