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Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessel With Different End Domes

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Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessel with different end domes.

Article · August 2017


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2 authors:

Merlin J. Thattil Chitaranjan Pany

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre

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International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessel with

different end domes
Merlin J. Thattil, Chitaranjan Pany

 The adequacy of the design and performance of the pressure

Abstract - In this paper, pressure vessel with different end vessel of cylindrical shell with ellipsoidal end domes and
domes (torispherical and hemispherical), subjected to internal toroidal shell have been examined through hydro-burst
pressure have been designed for a volume of 1000 litres which pressure-testing[1,2]. Cylindrical shell with circumferential
will be useful for space application. Non-linear axisymmetric mismatch was analysed using FEA software ANSYS and
FEA considering both geometric and material non-linearity
stress magnification factor was compared with published
have been performed in ANSYS software to estimate the stress
in dome and cylindrical shell of pressure vessel. Based on the literature[3].
analysis, optimum thickness which meets the strength Work related to analysis of pressure vessel with different end
requirement of the material is arrived at. connections are reported in[4-10]. Gedam and
Bhope[4]analyzed a thin cylindrical pressure vessel for
Index Terms - axi-symmetry, domes, Finite element analysis,
different end connections by analytical and finite element
non-linear analysis, Pressure vessel
analysis. Stress distribution in the pressure vessel for
different end connections viz. hemispherical, flat circular,
standard ellipsoidal and dished shape were compared.
Pressure vessels are vessels containing, which are subjected Kolekar and Jewargi[5] calculated the approximate stresses
to external or internal pressure substantially different from that exist in cylindrical pressure vessels supported on two
the ambient pressure. They are used in oil, space, chemical, saddles support under the different type of end connections
nuclear power and many other industries. High pressure gas using finite element method. Static structural analysis was
bottles, propellant tank, small auxiliary tank, storage tank, done to calculate stresses in vessel and the thickness of vessel
solid propellant motorcase, and pressurized cabins are the heads were varied with the composite material till the
type of pressure vessels with internal pressure mainly used in maximum von-Mises stress is within the limits. It was
aerospace industry. Cylindrical and spherical shapes are concluded that when the end connections of pressure vessel
usually employed in a pressure vessel. Though spherical changes, the stress concentration zone are changed for the
pressure vessel requires thinner walls than the equivalent same pressure.
cylinder for a given pressure and diameter, they are very Patil and Bajpai[6] studied the pressure vessel design with
complicated and expensive to fabricate. Hence cylindrical different elements such as shell, torispherical head,
pressure vessels are preferred over spherical pressure vessels. toriconical bottom, operating nozzle, its reinforcement, using
Pressure vessels used in aerospace structures are rotationally both experimental and finite element analysis (FEA)
symmetric shells subjected to internal pressure. The pressure approach. Stress was calculated at the different location of
vessel design for a given pressure is primarily based on vessel in experimental analysis and was found very close
diameter and thickness of the cylinder portion. The with the FEA result. In this paper, designs of pressure vessel
cylindrical portion of the pressure vessel configurations will with different end domes have been compared based on the
be stressed maximum under internal pressure and governs the stress analysis using ANSYS finite element package. Based
design. Due to geometric discontinuity i.e. change in on the analysis, thickness has been optimized which meets
curvature and thickness induces additional bending stress at the strength requirement of the material.
weld and junctions, which may alter the stress distribution in 3) PRESENT WORK
the junctions of discontinuities i.e at cylinder-dome
junctions. Minimization of the discontinuity stresses at the 3.1 Design Configurations
junction of the cylinder to end connections is the most critical 3.2. Determination of dimension of pressure vessel:
issue. To capture the structural behaviour, it is essential to go The geometries ( radius and height of cylinder, dome) of the
for geometric and material nonlinear analysis in pressure pressure vessel with torospherical and hemispherical vessel
vessel. are found out for a known volume of 1000 litre using
following formulae.
(a) Torispherical head pressure vessel with cylinderical shell:
Manuscript received August, 2017. V= (1)
Merlin J. Thattil, P.G Student, Computer Aided Stuctural Engineering
Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kerala, India, (e-mail:
Chitaranjan Pany, Scientist/Engineer-SF, SDA/SDEG/STR, Vikram Where, K =
Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, (e-mail:

All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

Rd=radius of dome; Rc=radius of cylinder; Rk=Radius of in Fig.1 Both the end domes on either side of cylinder are
knuckle identical in shape and size.
(b) Hemispherical head pressure vessel with cylinderical 3.3. Material and its properties
A constitutive relationship that gives stress as an explicit
function of strain is useful in the finite element analysis. The
V= (2) (2) stress (  ) – strain (  ) curve of
relationship to represent the
Dc=diameter of cylinder; Hc=Height of cylinder the material is [1,2]:
    nR  nR
  E 1     (3)
   0  
 ult
where 0 = and „ n R ‟ is the parameter defining the
shape of the non-linear stress-strain relationship. Non-linear
material ( HSLA 15CDV6) model is considered for analysis
is shown in Fig-2 and Table-1.

Fig 2. Stress- strain curve for material HSLA 15CDV6 Steel

Table-1: 15CDV6 Material Properties
Yield Strength, (  ys ) 834 MPa

Ultimate Strength (  ult ) 981MPa

Density ( ) 7800 kg/m3

Modulus of Elasticity (E) 206010 N/mm2

Poisson‟s ratio (µ) 0.3

3.4. Design loads with factors

Design pressure i.e. MEOP (maximum expected operating
pressure) = 88 ksc = 8.633 MPa ;
Proof Pressure = MEOP x 1.25 = 10.79 MPa;
Ultimate Pressure = MEOP x 1.50 = 12.95 MPa
3.5. Design thickness calculation( cylindrical shell):
Shell design is based on the formula, t = ,
where allowable stress.
(b) Thickness required at proof pressure = = 5.175 mm
Dimensions are in mm
Thickness required at ultimate pressure = = 5.28 mm
Fig. 1. Pressure vessel configuration of (a) torispherical and
(b) hemispherical ends 4) FINITE ELEMENT MODEL
The pressure vessels (thin cylindrical shell with different
heads) have symmetrical configuration, only one half has
The overall configuration and dimensions of the designed
been considered for the analysis. The structure as well as
pressure vessel for torispherical and hemispherical are given
loading, being axi-symmetric, have been modeled using the

All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

solid of revolution ANSYS[11] Plane183 element with

axi-symmetric option. At the free end of the cylindrical shell
portion, the axial degree of freedom has been constrained.
Non-linear finite element analysis (both geometric and
material) has been carried out. The thickness attempted are
5.5mm, 5mm and 4.5mm for analysis, as the design thickness
arrived is 5.28mm. The optimum thickness arrived at 5mm
for pressure vessel.
Typical axi-symmetric finite element model of
torispherical and hemispherical pressure vessel are shown in
figure 3 & 4 respectively.


Fig.3. Axi-symmetric finite element model of torispherical

pressure vessel

Fig 5. Hoop stress contour of ( a)torispherical pressure vessel
and (b)hemispherical pressure vessel at proof pressure for
thickness, t=4.5mm

Fig. 4. Axi-symmetric finite element model of hemispherical

pressure vessel


5.1 Analysis of pressure vessel (Torispherical and
Hemispherical) for 4.5mm thickness
An attempt has been done to optimize the thickness to 4.5
mm. During optimization of torispherical and hemispherical
pressure vessel, the von Mises stress in cylindrical region
exceeded the allowable strength of the material (Fig. 6 ). The
corresponding hoop stress is shown in Fig.5.

All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

(b) (a)
Fig 6. von Mises stress contour of (a) torispherical pressure
vessel and (b) hemispherical pressure vessel at proof
pressure for thickness, t=4.5mm
5.2. Analysis pressure vessel(Tori spherical and
Hemispherical) for 5mm thickness
As the thickness 4.5 mm is not meeting the strength
requirement, a thickness of 5. mm chosen. The Radial
dilation and von Mises stress contours are shown in Fig.7 and
Fig.8 for torispherical pressure vessels. The radial dilations
are compared with design formulae and shown in Table 2.

Table-2 Radial dilation of a cylindrical vessel i.e.

δ= (2-µ) [12,13]
( R=radius of cylinder, t=thickness of cylinder,
µ=poisson'sratio,E=Young‟s modulus of elasticity)

Radial deflection Radial deflection

(mm) (mm)
Type of Thic (b)
(design formulae) (FEA) Fig.7. Radial deformation of a torispherical pressure vessel at
Pressure kness
Proof Ultimat Proof Ultimat (a) proof pressure and (b) ultimate pressure
vessel (mm)
pressure e pressure e
pressure pressure
5 1.42 1.71 1.42 1.71

It is seen that, for torispherical pressure vessel from the Table

3 for proof pressure loading and Table 4 for ultimate pressure
loading, stress is within the design limit.


All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

Fig 8.vonMises stress contour for torispherical pressure
vessel (a) proof (b) ultimate pressure (b)
Fig. 9. Radial deformation of a hemispherical pressure vessel
Similarly, Table 5 and 6 show that the optimum at (a) proof pressure and (b) ultimate pressure
thickness for the spherical configuration is 5mm, where, the
stress is within the design limit. The radial dilation and
effective stress contours for hemispherical vessel are shown
in Fig.9 and 10 respectively.


All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

(a) (b)
Fig. 10.vonMises stress contour of hemispherical pressure vessel at (a) proof pressure and (b) ultimate pressure

Table 3. Stress at salient locations of torispherical head pressure vessel at proof pressure
( ID=inner diameter; OD=outer diameter)
Loc. Meridional stress (MPa) Hoop stress (MPa) von Mises stress (MPa)
Description Thk(mm)
1 Cylinder 5 434.82 431.76 872.143 870.4 764.231 754.212
2 cylinder-knuckle 5 357.68 504.486 820.337 850.195 722.737 740.979
3 5 443.549 419.039 620.562 605.25 566.453 535.008
4 Centre of Knuckle 5 437.211 438.113 313.41 312.442 400.271 391.174
5 5 580.577 341.196 351.234 288.329 514.092 319.439
Near knuckle-dish
6 5 426.05 512.121 387.51 423.447 418.496 473.707
7 Crown 5 474.703 471.612 474.695 471.621 485.042 472.046

Table 4. Stress at salient locations of torispherical head pressure vessel at Ultimate Pressure

Meridional stress von Mises stress

Loc. Hoop stress (MPa)
Description Thk(mm) (MPa) (MPa)
1 Cylinder 5 523.4 518.27 1050.31 1049.343 917.833 913.634
2 Near cylinder-knuckle junction 5 448.41 589.739 984.288 1005.39 865.472 876.342
3 Cylinder-knuckle junction 5 578.981 455.848 772.566 752.66 708.379 657.092
4 Centre of Knuckle 5 526.253 524.667 377.03 375.534 481.7 469.055
5 Knuckle-dish junction 5 686.719 416.228 420.508 353.444 608.788 390.296
6 Near knuckle-dish junction 5 513.559 610.765 464.868 504.252 503.44 565.633
7 Crown 5 568.808 567.721 568.798 567.732 581.22 568.239

All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

Table 5 Stress at salient locations of hemispherical head pressure vessel at proof pressure
Loc. Meridional stress von Mises stress
Description Thk(mm) Hoop stress (MPa)
No. (MPa) (MPa)
1 Cylinder 5 434.10 430.57 872.215 870.494 764.309 754.232
Near cylinder-dome
2 5 355.883 505.896 731.104 763.29 642.165 673.003
3 Cylinder-dome junction 5 449.417 413.469 667.611 657.856 599.408 576.379
4 Centre of dome 5 431.917 428.905 431.909 428.914 442.259 429.339

Table 6: Stress at salient locations of hemispherical head pressure vessel at ultimate pressure
Loc. Meridional stress von Mises stress
Description Thk(mm) Hoop stress (MPa)
No. (MPa) (MPa)
1 Cylinder 5 526.408 518.91 1052.3 1049.3 918.596 914.379
Near cylinder-dome
2 5 460.531 576.994 900.245 920.085 790.598 805.823
3 Cylinder-dome junction 5 569.219 468.084 827.138 813.166 744.85 707.393
Centre of dome 5 519.067 515.077 519.057 515.088 531.482 515.597

5.3. Graphical representation of stresses

The graphical representation of meridional, hoop and von
Mises stress distribution for proof pressure and ultimate
pressure are shown in Fig. 11 to 13 for different heads. It is
observed that at the centre of the crown or dome, meridional
stress, hoop stress and von Mises stress are almost equal. The
von Mises stress in dome is less than that of the cylinder.
Effective stress of hemispherical pressure vessel is higher at
the junction between cylinder and dome than the effective
stress in the junction between knuckle and cylindrical shell in
torispherical pressure vessel (Fig.13).
In the Fig. 11, 12 and 13, the symbol A represent the
junction of cylinder & dome of hemispherical pressure
vessel, B represent the junction of cylinder & knuckle of
torispherical pressure vessel and C represent junction of
knuckle & dome of torispherical pressure vessel.
Fig.11 Plot of meridional stress vs
meridional(axial) distance (a) ID (b) OD



All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

5.4. Weight Computation

Table 7: Calculation of weights of the pressure vessels (5mm
thick) with different head
Type of
Pressure Dimension (mm)

Diameter of cylindrical portion = 800

Length of cylindrical portion = 1522 447
Dish depth = 350
Dish radius = 440
Knuckle radius = 320

Hemispher Diameter of cylindrical portion = 800 446

ical Length of cylindrical portion = 1456
Fig.12. Plot of hoop stress vs meridional (axial)
distance (a) ID and (b) OD
Design and analysis of two configurations of pressure
vessel with torispherical and hemispherical end domes made
of 15CDV6 material have been attempted for a volume of
1000 litres using FE analysis. Both are comparable in terms
of mass of the hardware, stress and deformation. However,
stresses at the junction of torispherical head to cylindrical
shell is lower than hemispherical domes. The fabrication of
torispherical pressure vessel is much easier as compared to
spherical dome pressure vessel and have common use in
aerospace industry

The authors sincerely acknowledge the permission
provided by head, SDA, GD SDEG and DD STR to carry out
(a) the M.Tech project work by utilizing the structural entity
facility in VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram under supervision of
second author.

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All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJSETR
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Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017, ISSN: 2278 -7798

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