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Learning Objectives and Expectations: Chapter 2. Pressure Vessel Design

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Learning Objectives and Expectations
To be familiar with pressure vessel components and features.
To understand the difference between pressure and non-pressure, fired
and un-fired vessels.
To understand the importance of regulations and standards in safe
To be able to use AS1210 and related standards in pressure vessel
To become familiar with rules of thumb regarding vessel design.
Understand why there is a minimum safe thickness.
To be able to determine the minimum design thickness.
To be able to design and specify the details of safe pressure vessels.
To be able to design pressure vessels in a economically efficient manner.
To be able to produce pressure vessel specification sheets and
equipment drawings.
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 1


A vessel is a container which holds a solid, a liquid or a gas, or a
combination of these.

The vessel may be:

- A fired vessel or a non-fired vessel,

- A pressure vessel or a non-pressure vessel

- A thin walled vessel or a thick walled vessel, depending on the

vessel structure and normal conditions of operation, i.e. the
temperature and pressure.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 2

Pressure Vessels

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 3

Pressure Vessels
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 4
Sometimes the vessel is operated at (near) the ambient temperature,
the vessel is obviously an unfired vessel.

At other times, energy and heat have to be added to the content of the
vessel. When heat transfer is involved, the vessel (pressure or
non-pressure) may be classified as:

- A fired vessel (e.g. direct combustion or electrically powered)

- An unfired vessel (e.g. heat exchangers)

A fired vessel is one where heat is added to the content of the vessel
by the application of fire, electrical power or similar high temperature means.

An unfired vessel is one where heat is added to the content of the vessel
by a stream of fluid at moderate temperatures.

In this chapter, the discussion will be restricted to unfired vessels only.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 5


A non-pressure vessel is one where the design pressure is substantially

atmospheric pressure.

This may be a tank containing liquid with a certain vapor pressure. The
absolute pressure of the vapor above the liquid is ~ atmospheric.

A vessel is considered a non-pressure vessel if it is subject only to

pressures caused by the static head of its contents such as liquid storage

A pressure vessel is one where the design pressure is substantially

greater or less than atmospheric pressure.

The present chapter will deal with pressure vessel only. The design of
non-pressure vessel will be discussed later.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 6

A vessel subject to internal or external pressure as defined by the
Australian Standard AS 1200. The design criteria are given in AS 1210.
Figures 1.3.1 and Fig. 1.3.2 (next two pages) in AS 1210 delineate the
boundary between pressure and non-pressure vessels in pressure diameter
A vessel with a given diameter and operated at pressures above the curve
shown is a pressure vessel.
Least pressures shown are:
- 2.57 kPa for an internal design pressure (gauge).
- 1.85 kPa for an external design pressure (gauge), or
1.85 kPa below atm. Pressure.
Note AS1210 was updated in 2010 and there may be some slight
differences between the new version and these notes based on the 2006
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 7

AS 1210 1997

Design Pressure = Inside Pressure – Outside Pressure


Not a

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 8

AS 1210 1997

Design Pressure = Outside Pressure – Inside Pressure


Not a

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 9


A simplified definition:

- thin walled t < 0.25D

- thick walled t > 0.25D

Most of the vessels built are thin walled. Thick walled vessels are used for
special applications only. We will consider thin walled vessels only here.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 10

a. Absolute pressure
101.3 kPa absolute pressure = atmospheric pressure
0 kPa absolute pressure = full vacuum
b. Gauge pressure
0 kPa gauge pressure = 101.3 kPa absolute pressure = atmospheric pressure
- Be very careful and do not confuse one with the other.
- There is no assumed convention being adopted.
For vessels with internal pressure,
Design Pressure = Outside Pressure – Inside Pressure

All pressure vessels, for use in Australia, must meet the requirement of the
Statutory Authorities of the respective States of Australia before they can be

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 11


There has been a change in philosophy


- Detailed technical rules are set down

- Drawing and calculation checked for correctness
- Then a designed is certified

After July 1, 1995

- New regulations came into force

- Owner is to accept full responsibility for design and construction
- Designs are to be verified by competent person
- Authority now only registers design for the record
- Owner must identify the potential hazards
- Allowance must be made in the design to minimize the chance of any
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 12
Under the new regulations
- Free to establish design and manufacture procedure
- Obliged to keep good records
- Responsible for safety of the staff
- In event of accident, must be able to show that the vessel has been properly
designed and build to acceptable standards.
AS 1200 Pressure Equipment Australian Standards can be found in the
AS 1210 Pressure Vessel Uni library in hard copy or Electronically
AS 4041 Pressure Piping Search library for SAI Global – Standards Australia


In Victoria, Victoria Work Cover Authority, Worksafe Victoria, Licensing Division
See – http://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/WorkSafe/Home
Other States have equivalent departments
Before starting design, check the status of requirements of statutory authorities,
as these requirements may change with time.
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 13


a. Shell – cylindrical or spherical usually

b. Head and closures – sometimes called end caps

- flat plates, hemi-spherical, ellipsoidal, torispherical

c. Nozzles
- fluid inlet and outlet connections

d. Access holes
- manholes
- inspection holes

e. External support

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 14

pressure relief valve
pressure gauge

shell outlets

external supports

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 15


a. Design pressure
b. Design temperature
c. Material of construction
d. Design strength of material (see AS 1210, Table 3.3.1)
e. Welded joint efficiency (η) (see AS 1210 table 1.6)
f. Corrosion allowance
g. Design load
Primary - static pressure
static liquid
maximum weight of vessel + content
maximum weight of vessel + content under hydrostatic test conditions
wind load
earthquake load (seismic)
other equipment load supported by vessel
Secondary- local stress due to internal structure, pipes, support structure
shock load – water hammer, pump starting, etc.
bending moment
stress due to temp and expansion
stress due to fluctuation of pressure
h. Minimum practical wall thickness
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 16
Operating, Design and Relief Pressures

Operating pressure—the highest pressure to which the vessel is subjected

under normal operation. It is determined by the technical requirements of
the process.

Design pressure—the maximum gauge pressure, at a designated

temperature, which is allowed at the top of the vessel. Usually somewhat
higher than the operating pressure.

Design Pressure = Outside Pressure – Inside Pressure, for internally

pressurised vessels

Where pressure relief devices are used, the design pressure is often
assumed to be 5 percent to 10 percent above the operating pressure at
the most severe condition, but where wide surges in pressure and
temperature may occur, this margin may need to be increased. The
design pressure shall not be less than the set pressure of the lowest set
pressure-relief device. (more detail in chapter 6 about pressure relief
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 17

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 18

- Follow AS 1210
- Straight forward, but watch details for design of vessel with moderate
design temperature and pressure
- For more severe conditions, refer to a pressure vessel designer

a. Establish design conditions

(i) design pressure - internal

- external
- combination of both

(ii) design temperature - maximum

- minimum expected

(iii) corrosion from content

(iv) capacity of vessel - volume

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 19

b. Select class of vessel (see AS 1210, Table 1.6 and 1.7, Clause 1.7)
Classification is made based on the design, construction, testing
and inspection requirements of the Code.

- Lethal substance, must be Class 1

- non-corrosive special operation vessels, must be Class 1

e.g. vacuum insulated cryogenic vessel not practical to
provide inspection opening for frequent inspection

- Welded joint efficiency must be achieved

- Any vessel with wall thickness >x mm as specified in Table 1.7

- Class 2 – less stringent conditions, any vessel with wall

thickness >x mm as specified in Table 1.7

- Class 3 – when a Class 1 or Class 2 vessel not required

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 20
1.7.1 WELDED CONSTRUCTION Vessel of class 1 welded construction.

Class 1 construction shall be used for -

(a) vessels constructed of materials of thicknesses which requires

Class 1 construction (see Table 1.7)
(b) vessels designed with a welded joint efficiency which requires
Class 1 construction ( see Table
(c) vessels which are to be pneumatically tested to a pressure
greater than 20 percent of the test pressure required by
Clause prior to hydrostatic testing
(d) vessels containing lethal substances referred to in Clause 1.7.1
(e) vessels for special non-corrosive applications, e.g. vacuum
insulated cryogenic vessels, where it is not practicable to
provide inspection openings for subsequent inspection
(see Clause 3.2.6(b))
(f) transportable vessels required by Clause 3.26 to be of
Class 1 Construction

AS 1210, 1997, section 1.7

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 21 Vessels of class 2 welded construction.

Class 2.A or 2 B construction shall be used a minimum for –

(a) vessels constructed of materials of thicknesses which require

Class 2 construction (see Table 1.7)

(b) vessels designed with a welded joint efficiency which require

Class 2 construction ( see Table

(c) transportable vessels having a capacity not greater than 5m3

water capacity and allowed by Clause 3.26 to be of
Class 2 construction. Vessels of Class 3 welded construction.

Class 3 construction may be used where Class 1 or 2
construction is not necessary.

Note: new subclasses added in 2010 version.

AS 1210, 1997, section 1.7

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 22
AS 1210, 1997
Table 1.7

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 23

AS 1210, 1997
Table 1.6

Number in parentheses is
the welded joint efficiency
(η) if η = 1, the structure is
not weakened by the
weld, if η = 0.5, the
structure has half the

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 24

A matter of economics – Classification issue

- When a higher class is used, the welding efficiency goes up, the wall
thickness comes down. It may be cheaper to manufacture a Class 2
vessel than a Class 3 vessel.

- But the welding has to be done with better care to give a better quality
weld, and more testing procedures have to be followed and performed.
Hence the costs of testing must be considered and included.


- Start with a Class 3 vessel and apply the rules changing the class until
all the rules are passed.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 25

c. Select material of construction

metal – carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel alloy, copper alloy, aluminium,
non-metal – polypropylene, polyethylene, fiberglass reinforced resins,

d. Select volume per tank

- If capacity is too big, use multiple tanks. (see next page)
- No limit on vessel diameter and length by AS. But you have to be practical
as an engineer. The vessel heads are usually manufactured by spinning
on a lathe.
- Preferably head diameter < 120 inches, < 3 m
- Aspect ratio between 2 to 1 and 5 to 1 has to be maintained
- Therefore volume is somewhat limited
- In general vessels can be installed vertical or horizontal

e. Select tank configurations

cylindrical vs spherical, vertical vs horizontal, (see next page)
select end cap type (see AS 1210 Fig 3.12.3)
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 26
Optimum L/D = 3, range 2 to 5
Guidelines for pressure dependence
Presssure kPa 0 to 1750 1751 to 3500 3501 +
L/D 3 4 5

General guidelines
Less than 4000 L – vertical tanks on legs: L/D ≈ 3 to 4
More than 4000 L – horizontal tanks on saddles : L/D ≈ 3 to 4


Reactors L/D ≈ 1
Pressure Vessels L/D ≈ 2 to 5
Heat Exchangers L/D ≈ 4 to 10
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 27

f. Select the end cap type – heads and closures of the cylindrical shells.

The principle types used are (see AS 1210, Fig. 3.12.3)

(i) Flat heads formed from flat plates – welded or bolted
(ii) Hemispherical heads also called
(iii) Ellipsoidal heads Domed head or
(iv) Torispherical heads Dished Ends
Domed head are formed by casting or spinning

Economical considerations:
Non-pressure vessels – Flat Plates okay
Up to 10 bar (i.e. P < 1.0 MPa) use Torispherical heads
Above 15 bar (i.e. P > 1.5 MPa) use Ellipsoidal heads
Between 10–15 bar (i.e. 1.0–1.5 MPa) costs are about the same

Hemi-spherical heads form the strongest closure, operating pressure can

be twice as big as that of torispherical heads. But the cost of production will
obviously be higher.

The specific sizes of various typical end caps available are given in the
Australian Pressure Vessel Heads data sheet (see the following page)

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 28


R = ICR = Inner Crown Radius

SF r = IKR = Inner Knuckle Radius
h = ITH = Inside Tangential Height
SF = Straight Flange

AS 1210, 1997

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 29

Australian Pressure Vessel Heads Pty Ltd

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 30

g. Sheets/Plates of material of construction
Plates of steel and other commonly used metal are available in standard
dimension and thickness. See data sheet provided by the supplier and
other standards tables.
Increments of 100 mm from 1200 mm to 3300 mm
Thicknesses (mm)
5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, and so on
Increments of 200 mm from 4000 mm to 18000 mm
Common Sizes
Widths - 1800 mm, 2400 mm, and 3000 mm
Lengths - 6000 mm and 9000 mm
Steel quality
Pressure vessels from boiler and pressure vessel grades
Non-pressure vessels from structural grades
h. Estimate tank diameter
Use aspect ratio of 3:1 where possible, but range of 2 to 5 are commonly seen.
See page 27. Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 31

i. Calculate vessel wall thickness

(i) Cylindrical Shells

(circumferential stress = tc)

tc = t =
2 fη − P 3.7.3 (1), AS1210

t = minimum calculated thickness (mm)

P = design pressure (MPa)

D = inside diameter of shell (mm)

f = design tensile strength (MPa)

See AS1210, 1997, Table 3.3.1
See AS1210, 2010, Table B

η = efficiency of joint (dimensionless)

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 32
Longitudinal stress
t= 3.7.3 (2), AS1210
( 4 fη − P )
= tL

Note that this value of tL is about half that

of the thickness needed to overcome the
circumferential stress, tc.

Use Eq. 3.7.3 (2) for seamless pipe with

η = 1.0 for class 1 vessels

η = 0.7 for class 3 vessels

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 33

(ii) Spherical Shells

Minimum calculated thickness

t= 3.7.4, AS1210
4 fη − P

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 34

j. Thickness of dished ends
The shape of typical ends is given in
Fig. 3.12.3

(i) Ellipsoidal ends

Minimum calculated thickness

PDK, AS1210
(2 f η − P )

1⎡ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎤
where K = ⎢2 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
6 ⎢⎣ ⎝ 2h ⎠ ⎥⎦

K is a factor depending on the proportion of

In any case, keep: < 600
(see AS1210, Table
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 35

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 36

(ii) Torispherical ends
Minimum calculated thickness
t=, AS1210
( 2 f η − 0.5P )

1⎡ ⎛R⎞ ⎤
1/ 2

Where M = ⎢3 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
4 ⎣⎢ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎦⎥

M is a factor depending on
r/R > 0.06
or R/r < 16.66
hence R/r = 16.66 is the limit
(see AS1210, Table
For safety reasons, keep < 100 otherwise, buckling due to the
setting up of localized stresses during the initial hydrostatic testing may

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 37

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 38

(iii) Hemispherical ends
Minimum calculated thickness
t=, AS1210
( 2 f η − 0.5P )

The actual pressure shell thickness must be larger than the minimum
calculated thickness.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 39

k. Type of welded joints

AS1210, Fig., are for arc welding of carbon and stainless steel parts.
(i) Butt joint
single welded square butt joint

Not recommended
(thin plates only)

double welded square butt joint


Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 40

Doubled welded single V butt joint
Double welded double V butt joint

For stronger joint

For stronger joints

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 41

(ii) Fillet joint

Single welded

Double welded

Not recommended for pressure vessels.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 42

l. Efficiencies of welded joints
(see AS1210, Table 1.6 and
doubled welded butt joints

Maximum welded joint efficiency (η)

Examination Class 1 Class 2A Class 2B Class 3
Full 1.0
Spot 0.85
None 0.8 0.7

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 43

AS 1210, 1997

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 44

m. Corrosion allowance (relies somewhat on experience)
- a complex phenomena
- not possible to give specific values for estimating the allowance.
- carbon and low alloy steel
2mm – less severe corrosion
4mm – more severe corrosion
1mm – minimum
(after Coulson and Richardson, Vol. 6,)

n. Legs and supports

Vertical tanks on legs Horizontal tanks

Bracket support Saddle support
Column support Ring support
Skirt support

(see AS1210, Fig 3.24, page 46)

(see also Figures on pages 47-50)

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 45

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 46

AS 1210, 1997
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 47
AS 1210, 1997

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 48

AS 1210, 1997
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 49
C & R Vol 6

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 50

C & R Vol 6
o. Nozzles, access holes, accessories
- A hole to be cut
- Proper connection and support tube to be used
- seamless pressure tube vs welded tubes
- wall thickness of the parts used
- Welding procedures must be up to standard
- Compensating reinforcement for the opening
- must observe guideline set by standards

- Seals and enclosures

- flanged plate
- seals and gasket
- bolts and nuts
- flange design
Nozzles should be sized for target fluid velocity as shown in the
pipeline chapter
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 51

p. Standard size for opening

(see AS1210, table 3.20.9

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 52

AS 1210, 1997
q. Compensation for openings and brackets

- an opening weakens the shell

- give rise to local stress


- wall thickness adjacent to hole is increased to provide reinforcement

- over-reinforcement will reduce flexibility of wall
- give rise to ‘hard spot’ and secondary stress
- add a welded pad around the opening
- pad o.d. = opening d. X (1.5 or 2)
- equal area method: provide reinforcement equal in cross sectional area
to the area removed
- see Fig. 13.13, Coulson and Richardson, Vol. 6

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 53

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 54

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 55

r. Minimum nominal thickness of pressure parts

(see AS1210, Table 3.4.3)
Vessel Outside Forged Brazed Cast
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
<225 2 0.1 x (d0)1/2 4
>225 < 1000 2.3 1.5 8
>1000 2.4 2.4 10
Lethal contents – twice the above values
As a general guide, the minimum practical wall thickness of non supported
walls: for both pressure vessels and non-pressure vessels.
Vessel diameter Minimum wall thickness
(m) (mm)
1.0 5 Note these values are somewhat
1.0 – 2.0 7 larger than category 4 and 5 AS 1692
tanks due to the specifications
2 – 2.5 9
required by AS 1692
2.5 – 3.0 10
3.0 – 3.5 12
See non-pressure vessel chapter for thickness of supported walls
The minimum practical wall thickness is set to ensure that any vessel is
sufficiently rigid to withstand its own
Chapter weight.
2 Pressure Vessels 56
s. Stayed and Unstayed flat ends

- Plate thickness
- Welded vs bolted ends
- Gaskets may be needed for sealing
- Flange design must meet the Standards
- Gaskets need to be properly designed
- Supports for the flat ends
- See Fig 13.9, C & R, Vol 6

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 57

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 58


Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 59

t. Tests for Integrity

(i) Hydrostatic test
(a) (internal pressure)
fh AS1210
Ph = 1.5 P × (5.10.2)
where Ph = hydrostatic test pressure (MPa)

P = design pressure of vessel (MPa)

f h = lowest ratio of design strength at test temp
f design strength at design temp

- f values to be taken from Table 3.3.1

- test pressure should include the static head
(b) (external pressure)
Ph = 1.5 (absolute atm pressure – design internal pressure)
(ii) Pneumatic test
- Avoid if possible
- May be used in place of hydrostatic test in special circumstances
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 60

It is necessary to store 3.4 tonnes of CO2 on site, at a

maximum operating gauge pressure of 9 atm at room
Design the vessel (s).

(a) Preliminary design

- Cylindrical

- Diameter ≈ 3 m

- L/D = 3

- Say, flat ends

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 61

(b) Check capacity/vessel

D=3m bar ⋅ cm3
R = 83.14
L = (3)(3) = 9 m
For flat ends bar ⋅ m 3
R = 83.014 x10 −3
Vol kmoleK
= π (1.5m) 2 (9m) = 63.6m 3
1bar = 0.987 atm
PV = nRT 9 atm gauge = 10atm abs

(10atm)(63.6 × 106 cm3 ) 1.0132bar = 1atm

n= = 26.0kmole
atm ⋅ cm3
(82.05 )(298 K )
moleK 1bar = 100kPa

Mass=(26.0 kmole)(44kg/kmole)
= 1.14 tonnes 1.01bar = 101kPa

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 62

Let us design for 3 tanks at

1133 kg/tank
No. of moles = = 25.75kmole
44kg / kmole

atm ⋅ cm3
(25750mole)(82.05 )(298 K )
V= moleK = 63.0 × 106 cm3

V = 63.0m3

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 63

Dimension calculations
Try 3 m diameter (c) Material selection:

Say – Carbon steel AS1548-7-430

Vol. = π r 2 L Strength at design temp, f = 108 MPa

Specify corrosion allowance = 2mm

L= = 8.9m
π (1.5m) 2 Try class 3 first, CO2 is not very
corrosive, or toxic.

L 8.9m
= = 2.97
D 3m

Ok, close to 3

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 64

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 65

(d) Calculate shell thickness

2 fη − P
P = 1MPa
1 atm
10 atm
D = 3000mm

f = 108MPa

η = 0.7

t = 19.97 mm
P= Operating Pressure
c = 2mm = 9 atm
Assume the design pressure is about
ttotal = 21.97 mm 10% greater than the operating
pressure say
Select 25 mm plate
P = Design Pressure = 10 atm
= 1 x 106 Pa
Specify double welded butt joint.
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 66
AS 1210 1997

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 67

Double welded single V butt joint

Double welded double V butt joint

For stronger joints

For stronger joints

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 68

Increments of 100 mm from 1200 mm to 3300 mm.

Thicknesses (mm)
5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40 and so on.

Increments of 200 mm from 4000 mm to 18000 mm.

Common sizes
Widths – 1800, 2400 mm, and 3000 mm
Lengths – 6000 mm and 9000 mm

Steel quality
- Pressure vessels from boiler
- Non-pressure vessels from structural grades

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 69

(e) T (selected) = 25 mm

compare with data on Table 1.7

- This looks like a Class 2 vessel, Class 1

not needed according to thickness

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 70

If Class 2 vessel, Then follow Class 2 procedures

larger η All requirement in the Table 1.6 must

be satisfied
thinner wall
Qualified welder needed,
more stringent tests standard welding procedure

better quality welding Production of weld test plate needed

recalculate t
Must perform hydrostatic test

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 71

AS 1210,
Table 1.6

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 72

(f) Test pressure, Ph

Ph= 1.5 (10 atm)

= 15.0 atm

Where =1

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 73

If you want to try to save some cash, you can try to keep it a Class 3, but
don’t skimp on safety
(g) Try dia. = 2.7 m
π r2

L= = 11.0m
π (1.35m) 2

L 11.0m
= = 4.07
D 2.7 m

A bit higher than 3, but not too bad if well supported, may be horizontal
tanks on saddles.

Still keep as a Class 3 vessel.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 74

2 fη − P

P = 1MPa

D = 2700mm

f = 108MPa

η = 0.7

t = 17.97 mm

c = 2mm

t total = 19.97

Select 20 mm plate & remain as a Class 3 vessel.

Specify double welded butt joint

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 75

Is it a pressure vessel?

- Check with Fig. 1.3.1, AS1210

P=1MPa = 1000kPa

D=3m or 2.7m

Yes, a pressure vessel

Must register vessel with WorkSafe


Must keep a good record of design

Must perform hazard analysis

Check minimum wall thickness

>10mm OK 1.3.1 Vessels subject to internal pressure

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 76

As a general guide, the minimum practical wall thickness:

Vessel diameter Minimum Wall thickness

(m) (mm)
1.0 5
1.0 – 2.0 7
2 – 2.5 9 Leg support = saddle
2.5 – 3.0 10
3.0 – 3.5 12 Nozzles – inlet & outlet

Std. pipe diameter

Std. flange size
must be specified

Pressure relief valve ~ 10 atm

Pressure indicator

Support for flat ends

Man-hole, 450 mm dia.

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 77


Try welding configuration (f)

m = 17.97/20 = 0.90 ⎛ P ⎞
t = D⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
K = 3/0.90 = 3.33 ⎝ Kf η ⎠
⎛ 1MPa ⎞
t = 2700mm⎜ ⎟ = 170mm
⎝ 3. 33 × 108 MPa × 0. 7 ⎠
Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 78
Equipment Sketch not Drawing

11.0 m

2.7 m

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 79

170 mm thick flat end plate is too thick to be reasonable!!


- Does not have to be flat ends

- For 10 bars, can also be torispherical

or ellipsoidal heads

- Volume of head
Data provided by Australian Pressure
Vessel Heads Pty Ltd

*Hot pressed ends

*Hot spun ends

Try semi-ellipsoidal 2731 mm ID

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 80

Australian Pressure Vessel Heads Pty Ltd

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 81

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 82

t SE =
K depends on D
2 fη − 0.2 P
D = 2731mm ID
D 2731
= = 2.00
h =ITH = 682 2h 2(682)
K = 1.0

1MPa(2731)(1) 2731
t se = = = 18.08mm
2(.7)(108) − 0.2(1) 151

+ 2mm CORROSION ALLOWANCE ~ 20mm thick Semi-elliptical head

OK, this is reasonable

Chapter 2 Pressure Vessels 83

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