TP4 Lesson 4
TP4 Lesson 4
TP4 Lesson 4
Main Aim: Enabling ss in developing their listening for gist and detail/specific information skills by listening.
Subsidiary Aim: Ss will develop oral fluency through discussion and peer check correction.
Evidence: (How will I know I have achieved the aim?): Ss answers the gist and detail/specific information tasks while listening to the recording.
Context: Sam and Marcia talking about whether they like their job.
H/O - Lead-In (Picture) - Redston, C & Cunningham, G. (2005). Face2Face Intermediate Student’s Book. Cambridge University Press.P20
H/O – Listening for Details (Who said this?) – Adapted from Redston, C &Cunnigham, G. (2005). Face2Face Intermediate Student’s Book.
Cambridge University Press, P20.
H/O – Prepare & Cut - Card Game (Put the sentence in order) - Adapted from Redston, C &Cunnigham, G. (2005). Face2Face Intermediate
Student’s Book. Cambridge University Press, P20.
H/O – Speaking Task – ‘What job did you like/dislike? Did you put up or deal with a difficult situation? How?’
Assumptions: Ss will be familiar with the topic of having a job. They will be able to share their opinions and experiences with each other. They will
get to know each other more. Some ss might need prompting in sharing about their job experiences.
Lexical Analysis Sheet Part 1
Use this to help you analyse target lexis (vocabulary) that will be important in your lesson. Add more pages if you need to. Remember to write the lexical item in the first box.
get around: to travel from place to place. Do I stay at one place? No.
bring back: to come back from Do I buy anything during my holiday?
somewhere with something. Yes.
verb + preposition bring back
Can I buy a lot? Yes, if you are rich or
No, if you’re not.
Do you leave the souvenirs at the hotel
or do you take it back with you? Take it
deal with: to learn how to handle Is it a nice situation? No.
problems/handle people.
Do you think you can handle one baby verb + preposition deal with
crying in the movie theatre? Yes.
put up with: to accept Do you like being stuck in a traffic jam?
somebody/something is annoying, No.
unpleasant without complaining. verb + preposition put up with
Are you annoyed? Yes.
morning? Yes.
Lexical Language Analysis Sheet: Anticipated Problems and Solutions
MEANING 1. Ss might be confused and think the meaning is literal 1. Clarify with simple definition or negative checking.
instead of idiomatic. Clarify with simple definition or
What problems might learners have negative checking.
with the meaning of your TL? What
could be confusing for them? How
can you help clarify?
FORM 1. Ss might not know how to insert object between the 2. Clarify using vertical extension and word class.
phrasal verbs with object.
What problems might learners have
with forming the TL accurately?
How can you help clarify?
PRONUNCIATION 1. Ss might stress the phrasal verbs incorrectly. 2. Mark and indicate where the stress are and highlight
connected speech.
What problems might learners have
with pronouncing the TL accurately?
How can you help clarify?
Whiteboard Layout 1 Whiteboard Layout 2
Put up with
2. What problems do they have in their jobs?
Pick (somebody) up
Lesson shape: PPP, TTT Language from a text, Receptive skills (listening or reading), Productive skills (speaking or writing) – circle the correct shape. See page 11 of the
CELTA handbook if necessary.
ICQ T: What are you talking about in your group? (S: What jobs
do they have and problems they face) T: And? (S: Explain why
they do or don’t like their job.)
T>s 3 min WCFB: Nominate ss by name. What did your group talk about the
people in the picture?
Pre-Teach: recap T>s 1 min Nominate a ss to recap the previous phrasal verbs before Ss may be confused and not know the difference between
previous phrasal listening to the recording. ‘put up with’ and ‘deal with it’. Clarify with definition and
verbs. S>s 3 min CCQ T: What is the difference between ‘deal with’ and ‘put up
with’? (S: ‘Deal with’ is use when you want to solve a difficult
situation. ‘Put up with’ is use when you accept the situation’.)
Anticipated problems (with topic, management,
Stage name & aim Timing & Procedure
activities, learning styles) and solutions
Look forward to (something)
T: Is it something positive? (S: Yes.) T: Are you excited? (S: Yes)
While Listening – T:>s 1 min Explain to ss they’re going to listen to Sam and Marcia talking Ss have a hard time listening for gist. Play the recording
listening for gist to get about their jobs. again if necessary.
an overall view of the S> s 5 min Instruct ss to listen and see if what they talk about matches with
context. the recording. Circle anything that matches with the recording.
Class feedback.
While Listening – T>s 2 min Instruct ss to fill in the blank column with Sam or Marcia while Ss have a hard time identifying which sentence belongs Sam
listening for details to listening to the recording. For example, the first one is (reads the and Marcia. Play the recording again.
sentence, nominate and prompt a ss).
identify which
sentence belongs to S.>s 5 min ICQ T: What do you need to fill in here (Indicate) (S: Sam or
who and arranging the Marcia’s name.)
sentences in order.
Peer check with other groups.
Feedback: Look behind the paper for the answer. Allow time for
ss to check.
T>s 2 min Instruct ss to arrange the sentences in order. Tell them there is
one false sentence for Sam and Marcia.
S>s 6 min ICQ: What do you need to do? (S: Arrange the sentences in
order) T: How many sentences that is false? (S: One for each
Sam and Marcia.) Ss have a hard time in arranging the sentence. Assist if
Anticipated problems (with topic, management,
Stage name & aim Timing & Procedure
activities, learning styles) and solutions
Post Listening – T>s (2 min) Instruct ss to talk to others about their past job experiences. They Some ss might not have any job experiences before. Modify
Speaking task to need to talk to their friends and ask about their past job to “Have they ever experience a difficult situation before? Did
experiences. Talk to their friends from a different table. they put with it or deal with it?”
activate and develop
oral fluency. Model the activity first.
S>s (8 min) ICQ: Do you talk to your friends on the same table? (S: No.) T:
What do you need to talk about? (S: If they like or dislike their job
experiences and how they handle or put up with it.)