Acoustic Materials
Acoustic Materials
Acoustic Materials
• Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids,
and solids including vibration,sound, ultrasound and infrasound. A scientist who works in the field of
acoustics is an acoustician while someone working in the field of acoustics technology may be called
an acoustical engineer. The application of acoustics is present in almost all aspects of modern society with
the most obvious being the audio and noise control industries.
•The word "acoustic" is derived from the Greek word ἀκουστικός (akoustikos),
meaning "of or for hearing, ready to hear" and that from ἀκουστός (akoustos), "heard,
audible",which in turn derives from the verb ἀκούω (akouo), "I hear".
• These sound absorbing acoustical panels and soundproofing
materials are used to eliminate sound reflections to improve
speech intelligibility, reduce standing waves and prevent comb
• Typical materials are open cell polyurethane foam, cellular
melamine, fiberglass, fluffy fabrics and other porous materials.
A wide variety of materials can be applied to walls and ceilings
depending on your application and environment. TYPES –
• These materials vary in thickness and in shape to achieve different •Acoustical foam panels
absorption ratings depending on the specific sound requirements.
• White paintable acoustical wall
•Ceiling tiles
Available Sizes:
24" x 24" (nominal)
Specify grid when ordering:
9/16 or 15/16
• Baffles and Banners are designed to solve acoustical problems economically in any large
cubic volume space such as arenas, gymnasiums, theaters, restaurants, and auditoriums.
Reverberation times that range from 4 to 9 seconds can be reduced to 1/2 to 2 seconds.
Speech intelligibility is greatly improved and sound intensity levels are reduced
simultaneously by 3 to 12 decibels.
•Baffles are an economical way to •Speech intelligibility is greatly
reduce sound pressure levels and lower improved and sound intensity levels
reverberation times in large spaces such can be simultaneously reduced by 3 to
as 12 decibels.
gymnasiums, theaters, restaurants, healt •Banners are suspended from
h and fitness clubs, etc. Reverberation ceilings, bar joists or pre-engineered
times can be lowered from a RT60 of 4 - suspension systems. They are designed
9 seconds down to a RT60 of 0.5 - 2 to hang in a horizontal or in a catenary
seconds. Speech intelligibility is greatly fashion using edge stiffeners or deck
improved and sound intensity levels can mounted flat with washer plates
be simultaneously reduced by 3 to 12
•These baffles are easily suspended from existing open truss and pre-
engineered suspension systems. They are designed to hang in a
vertical fashion, allowing free flow of air and integrate exceptionally
well with existing sprinklers, lighting and HVAC systems.
• These devices reduce the intensity of sound by scattering it over an expanded area, rather than
eliminating the sound reflections as an absorber would. Traditional spatial diffusers, such as
the polycylindrical (barrel) shapes also double as low frequency traps. Temporal diffusers,
such as binary arrays and quadratics, scatter sound in a manner similar to diffraction of light,
where the timing of reflections from an uneven surface of varying depths causes interference
which spreads the sound.
This defuser generates a uniform polar
•This traditional industry workhorse
response over a broad frequency range
disperses sound uniformly over a
using a pre-rotated pyramidal pattern to broad frequency range. A quick
create 16 angles of reflection. solution to reduce flutter echo.
•Sound barrier materials are used to •Composite materials are manufactured
reduce the transmission of airborne from combinations of various materials
sound. The BlockAid® series of from open and closed celled foams to
products include the standard one quilted fiberglass and barrier. These
pound per square foot non products are used to block and absorb sound
reinforced barrier, transparent for machine enclosures as well as blocking
material when observation or airborne sound and impact noise. Some of
supervision is required, reinforced these products include Composite Foams,
vinyl to create a hanging barrier StratiQuilt Blankets and Floor
partition. Underlayment.