Acoustical Material Fabric Wrapped Panels
Acoustical Material Fabric Wrapped Panels
Acoustical Material Fabric Wrapped Panels
Acoustical sound panels utilize 6 -7 PCF glass fiber material for maximum absorption. Available as wall
panels, ceiling tiles hanging baffles acoustical clouds and bass traps, with more than 50 standard colours
to choose from, these materials will look as good as they sound.
Ceiling clouds reduce reflected sound in areas such as theatres, restaurants, arenas, shopping malls.
Convention centres recording and broadcast rooms or anywhere absorption is required
In many large halls, ceiling reflectors. Sometimes called clouds, are used to direct sound energy
from the stage to the seating area.
Both dimensions of a square reflecting panel should be at least five times the wavelength of
the lowest frequency to be reflected
When ceilings are high, core must be taken to ensure that path length difference between
direct and reflected sound are not too great and particularly should not exceed 20 msee
In some cases, clouds are made absorptive to avoid the late reflection.
Carpets multi tasking abilities also mean that it can provide more all round acoustic performance
that other floor coverings.
Trials under practical conditions have shown that the sound absorbing efficiency of even heavily
worn carpets was reduced by no more that 16% while after shampooing which improves tuft
definition, the reduction was only 10% wool carpet reduce airborne sound, surface noise, noise
Wool carpet provides superior acoustic insulation
Baffles and banners are designed to solve acoustical problems economically in any large cubic
volume space such as arenas, gymnasium, theatres, restaurants, and auditoriums. Baffles are an
economical way to reduce sound pressure levels and lower reverberation times in large spaces.
Banners are suspended from ceiling, bar joints or pre- engineered suspension systems
Sound barriers materials are used to reduce the transmission of airborne sound.
Composites material are manufactured from combination of various materials from open and closed
called from quilted fiberglass and barrier
Vibration control products are used to absorb vibration energy and prevent structural noise
Used to reduce echo and reverberation in applications, small and large. These panels are manufactured
from a rigid high density (6-7 PCF) glass fiber acoustical board and covered with an acoustically
transparent fabric.
Fiber board has been used in the acoustic ceiling panels because of its ability to reflect sounding a
controlled manner. The dark grey colour used on the fiberboard reduces distraction by the ceiling panels
keeping the focus on the stage.
Acoustical wall fabric is a dimensional fabric that offers excellent acoustical properties, unmatched fade
resistance and a fire/ smoke retaurdant class A rating. Sound channels is resistant to moisture, mildew
rot, bacteria, and is non allergic.
To avoid potential flutter echo, a smooth ceiling should not be parallel to the floor.
In many halls, the ceiling geometry itself is designed to direct sound to the rear of the hall, or to
diffuse it throughout the hall.
Concave surfaces such as domes, barreled ceilings and cylindrical arches should be avoided
because of the undesirable sound foci they create.
The panels on the walls around the first three seating rows/ orchestra pit of the auditorium is made of
concrete or plaster of Paris, with a pointed finish plaster. Marble is used for the paneling of the lower
portions of the auditorium are made of concrete with marble inlay. Acrylic banners hung in the ceiling
help to diffuse and reflect sound appropriately into the auditorium. The rear of the stage has diffusive
wooden panels in different shapes.
Teak timber wood is used in the wall slats as well as in the stage wall and ceiling panel. It is good for
acoustics due to its reflective nature. The timber is treated with a matte vanish. The play with timber
islate gives a neutral for the largely red colour scheme taming it.
Cork flooring has been used because of its durability and its ability to absorb sound. This reduced
ambient noise caused by movement of people with the auditorium. It is also is able to handle the
expected heavy traffic without requiring much maintenance.
Acoustic materials work to control the sound quality in a room by controlling the absorption and
diffusion of the sound waves
A suspended acoustic ceiling is a perfect example of an opportunity to use acoustic textiles for
broad – frequency sound absorption. The tiles themselves can be made of fiberglass, mineral
fiber, wood, metal
The panels consisting of wood over a MDF clipboard or plywood subscrade install into a standard 15/16
inch grid. Mineral fiber acoustics ceiling files are high density boards which are two by two feet tiles in
size, they are made of mineral fiber. Excellent sound absorption quality.
Reinforced with a plain metallic sheet as the outer covering and plain metal sheet as the inner covering.
Polyurethane foam has been used in the seats as well as in wall panels at the back of the auditorium. It
has been used because of its ability to absorb sound and prevent echo. The seating is designed to absorb
sound even when the auditorium is not fully occupied. The seats use high density foam because of its
long lasting nature in the heavy traffic area. The wall panels are then covered in dark coloured leather
keeping in mute.
Economical way to reduce sound pressure levels & lower reverberation times in large spaces.
Baffels are easily suspended from existing open truss
They are designed to hang in a vertical fashion, allowing free flow of air.
Speech intelligibility is greatly improved and sound intensity levels can be simultaneously.
Banners are suspended from ceiling designed to hang in vertical fashion.
7) Fabrics
Acoustical fabrics are typical used to either absorb sound or as a coved for acoustical panels.
Some fabrics can also be used as speaker grill cloth or a finish on other types of materials.
8) Sound Diffusers
Reducing the intensity of sound by scattering it over an expanded area.
Quadra pyramid diffuser
Generates a uniform polar response over a broad frequency range using a pre –roted pyramidal
patter to create 16 – angles of reflection
Double duty diffuser
These polycylindrical diffusers do twice the work. They scatter sound and function as a trap.
Pyramid diffusers
Disperses sound uniformely over a broad frequency range quick solution to reduce flutter echo.
Quadratic Diffuser
Designed for uniform broadband scattering and reducing HQ reflections
9) Noise Barriers
These materials range from dense material to block the transmission of airborne sound to
devices & compound used to isolate structures from one another and reduce impact noise.
The word acoustic means the science of sound. Word acoustic derived from Greek word akauien,
meaning to hear. Acoustics basically concerns itself with providing proper hearing conditions to normal
people. Acoustics means to prevent the outside sound coming inside and vice versa. It reduce noise level
and secure the desired quiet conditions in interior spaces.
Frequency means the number of oscillations that a particle undergoes in 1 second. Frequency range of
20 to 20000 HZ is normal for human ear. A sound comprises various frequencies of low, medium and
high. A scale of sound from low to high frequency is called pitch. The high or low pitch depends on high
or low frequency.
When sound waves strike a surface either they are reflected or absorbed by it. The surface partially
absorbs sound energy by converting it into heat energy remaining sound energy possess to the other
side of the surface unless stopped by an impermeable barrier. Insulationed surface does not allow and
sound to transmit through it. To keep shutters and door bottoms crack free more core should be taken
for effective insulation.
Carpets are being use more not only as floor covering but also as wall covering due to their acoustical
A designer basically involved with Acoustics in enclosed spaces. The propogation and behavior of sound
in an enclosed space. A room is infinity of single source of sound will require the service is a highly
experienced person. The sound in enclosed space. A room is infinity more complex than outdoor and to
keep track of a single source of sound will require the service in an enclosed space propgates a single
sound wave, the sound propagation will happen like this 1) Reflect 2) Absorb 3) Diffuse 4) Disperse 5)
Refract 6) get transmitted) 7) Dissipate
When sound waves bend or are scattered around an obstacle like a column comer wall or beam it is
termed as refraction. It is observed more in the case of low frequency sounds.
Reflection on all the walls of room and come back to a listener, with the reflection the sound will
become weak or die or decay in acoustical terms. The sound that directly to the listener the sound the
reflects everywhere and comes back to listener is reverbant sound.
When sound waves strike a surface, either they are reflected or absorbed by it. The surface partially
absorbs sound energy and remaining sound energy passes to the other side of the surface unless
stopped by in impermeable barrier. So a good absorbent surface is also a good transmitter of sound. But
an insulated surface does not allow any sound to transmit through it.
These blankets are made of wood fibres, glass, fibres, rock wool, hair felt etc and installed on wood or
metal frames. They are used in 25 to 155mm thickness and usually are covered with perforated boards.
Hard, rigid, and flat surfaces like glass, stone, brick, concrete reflected almost all incident sound waves
striking them, like the light rays. Convex surfaces tend to disperse and concave surface tend to concrete
the reflected sound waves in a room.
The noise suppression at the source is most economical and best. Footstep noise can be reduced by
using resilient floorings like carpet, rubber tiles, and minor but very irritating noises like coughing,
sneezing during a concrete can be controlled by using a kerchief to muffle the sound at the source.
1) In areas where low frequency combination of materials offering high absorption at low
frequencies should be employed.
2) In areas where middle and high frequency noise is dominant material of high absorptive in the
middle and high frequency ranges should be employed.
3) In areas where middle frequency range noise is predominant a material of high absorption in
middle frequency range should be employed although same absorption at higher frequencies
should also be advisable.
In auditoria, it is not always necessary to use expensive materials. The desired acoustical effective can be
achieved by employing inexpensive isolation blankets along with the room surface.
People absorbs a good deal of sound waves hitting soft materials like fabrics. Almost all building and
interior materials like fabrics. Almost all building and interior materials absorb sound to some extent but
for acoustical control of interior. It require high degree material absorption. For acoustical treatment
surface treatments of wall / floors/ ceiling are considered
Background music can not be used as a masking effect. It is important that the noise level of
airconditioning and ventilation and other machinery is 5 to 15 dB below the permissible background
noise level. The loudness of speech or music should be provided through proper design and acoustical
materials or sound amplifying system.
Porous Absorbents
Resonant panel or Membrane systems
Cavity Resonator or Helmholtz systems.
A successful treatment may comprise a single or a combination of two or three types depending on the
These finishers are basically meant for noise reduction and especially used for the surface where any
other finish will be impractical like curved surfaces in an auditorium and are applied in semiplastic
consistency with spray gun or by hand toweling. These are more effective in high frequency range, and
are difficult to maintain and redecorate
A cavity resonators is a sound absorbent consisting of an enclosed body of ain confined within inflexible
walls and connected by a narrow opening called the neck to the space around in which the sound waves
are transmitted.
It means the number of oscillations that a particle goes through in 1 second. The unit of frequency is
Hertz (HZ). The frequency range of 20 to 2000 HZ is normal for human war. A sound frequencies
comprises of high, medium and low. A scale of sound from low too high is called pitch.
The sound is an enclosed space propagates a single sound wave, the sound propogation will happen like
this 1) reflet, 2) absorbs, 3) diffuse, 4) disperse 5) refract 6) get transmitted 7) dissipate.
It means the science of sound the knowledge of principles would help to make an ordinary space very
The word acoustic derives from the Greek work akouien, meaning to hear. So acoustic basically concerns
itself with providing proper hearing condition.
Hard, rigid, flat surface like stone, brick, concrete surfaces reflect almost all the sound waves.
Soft porous material like fabric absorb sound waves. For acoustical treatment wall / floors/ ceiling/
3) Diffusion
Reflection on all the walls of room and comes back to the listener, with the reflection the sound will
become weak or die or decay in acoustical terms. The sound that directly to the listener, the sound
reflects every where and romes back to listener.
All building materials are sound absorptive to some extent. But this chapter deals with custom or
commercially made absorbent materials. Some sound absorptive materials, under certain
circumstances, are used for sound insulation also.
The control of noise in any building should start at the design stage itself. Building codes, by – laws
and standards specify noise – control measures, but as we know, they are usually ignored.
Any sound which is unwanted is noise so what constituents noise is relative. A song which you like
very much is normal circumstances become a noise when you are not in a mood. Objective criteria
comprise i) Loudness ii) Frequency iii) Continuity iv) Time of occurrence & v) Info contents.
In auditoria, background music can not be used as a masking effect. It is important that the noise
level of air conditioning and ventilating and other machinery is 5 to 15 dB below the permissible
background noise level. The loudness of speech or music should be provided through proper design
and acoustical materials or sound amplifying system. Elimination of windows helps to reduce the
noise level considerably and it is leasable.
The basic sound insulation problem in a building is to stop exterior noises coming into it through
fenestration like windows, ventilators, etc. to insulate against this, double – glazed and double
All building materials are sound absorptive to some extent some sound absorptive materials under
certain circumstances are used for sound insulation also but sound insulation and sound absorption
should not be confused.
When sound waves strike a surface, either they are reflected or absorbed by it. The surface partially
absorbs sound energy by converting it into heat energy and remaining sound energy passes to other
In areas where low frequency noise is predominant, a material offering high absorption.
In areas where middle and high frequencies noise is dominant, like workshop, material
offering high absorptive in the middle.
In areas where middle frequency range noise is predominant in middle frequency be
employed at higher frequencies.