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Chapter 2

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1. High frequency sound wave behave like

a. Heat b. Electricity
c. Light d. Heat & Light

2. Reflection occurs in dissimilar materials at their

a. Above boundary b. Close to boundry
c. Interface d. Beneath interface
e. both b & c

3. When incident beam falls upon the interface of two dissimilar

materials perpendicularly
a. refraction takes place b. Diffraction occurs
c. Sound wave reradiated towards the source on reflection
d. Both b & c.

4. The magnitude of reflection at the boundry is dependant upon

a. Angle of reflection b. Acoustic properties of two materials
c. Angle of incidence d. both b & c

5. Specific acoustic impedance in is said to be

a. resistance to the passage of sound waves by a material
b. density or velocity of a material
c. the product of velocity and density of material
d. both a & c
6. Compared to steel or Aluminum, air has
a. high acoustic impedance b. Same impedance
c. low impedance d. not applicable
7. Acoustic impedance ratio for two materials is defined as
a. The product of impedances of two materials
b. The difference of impedance between the two materials
c. It is the ratio of the impedance of the second material divided
by the first material
d. It is the ratio of the impedance of the first material divided by
the second material
e. None of the above

8. Most of the ultrasonic waves are reflected back at the interface of air
and other materials because
a. The impedance ratio between air and other material is 1
b. The impedance ratio for these two materials is slightly less
than 1
c. The impedance ratio of these two materials is very high
d. The impedance ratio between these materials is very low

9. If we find 1 to 1 impedance ratio between any two materials

a. More reflection would take place
b. Diffraction would take place
c. Both a & b
d. Optimum transmission would occur

10. At the interface of two dissimilar materials, when incident beam falls
at an oblique angle
a. Reflection alone occurs
b. Refraction occurs
c. In addition to refraction, mode conversion may occur
d. No change

11. The general law that explains wave behaviour at the interface is
a. Einstein's theory b. Huygene's principle
c. Newton's Law d. Snell's Law
12. First critical angle is the angle of incidence at the interface of the
dissimilar materials when
a. The refracted transverse wave angle becomes 90
b. When the surface wave is produced at the plane of boundry
c. When the refracted angle is 45
d. The refracted longitudinal wave is eliminated from the 2nd
medium leaving behind only transverse waves

13. Second critical angle is the angle of incidence at the interface of the
dissimilar materials when
a. Mode converted longitudinal wave angle becomes 90
b. Refracted, mode converted transverse wave angle becomes 90
resulting of which surface wave is generated at the plane of
c. Mode converted Longitudinal wave is eliminated from the
second medium
d. b or c

14. We select probes above 33 angle in the case of steel for practical
purposes because
a. The beam angle is small below 33
b. 3 refracted waves exist in the 2nd medium
c. Above 33 angle, only transverse wave exists in the 2nd
medium as the longitudinal component is eliminated
d. both a & c

15. Surface wave is generated at the boundry of perspex and steel, at

a. First critical angle b. The incidence angle of 40
c. Second critical angle d. Both a & b

16. We select angle probe for steel below 90 of refraction because
a. We would have only one longitudinal component in 1st
b. We would have only one longitudinal wave in the 2nd medium
c. both a & b
d. We require the refracted transverse component in the 2nd
medium and avoiding surface wave generation at the 90

17. The refraction phenomenon occurs when

a. the wave velocity in the first medium is greater
b. the wave velocity in the second medium is higher
c. It is nothing to do with velocity in the material
d. either a or b

18. Diffraction is a phenomenon that occurs when

a. the sound waves encounters at the centre of a discontinuity
b. the sound waves encounter at the centre of lamination and
slag inclusion
c. the sound beam in impinges on the edges of the point reflector
d. the sound wave encounters on the edges of flaw like fatigue
crack etc.

19. Bending of sound waves at the tip or edge of a discontinuity is

a. reflection b. refraction
c. Interference d. diffraction e. c&d

20. The technique of using both longitudinal & transverse waves to

detect diffraction
a. Dimodal testing b. Mono modal testing
c. bimodal testing d. a or c

21. The zone where interference and fluctuations of maxima & minima
intensities occur is
a. Near filed b. Fresonel Zone
c. Four field d. (a) or (b)
22. The zone where the defect size can not be estimated exactly due to
interference of wave fronts is
a. Far field b. Fresonal zone
c. Near Field d. (b) or (c)

23. At the end of the near zone, the sound intensity is said to be
a. Less b. More
c. Same as in the far zone d. same as in with the length of
near field

24. Discontinuity estimation is possible at a distance

a. Less than 0.7 NF b. Less than 0.6 NF
c. greater than 0.7 NF d. at 0.7 N or greater

25. The zone beyond the near field is called

a. Fresnal zone b. Extension zone
c. Safe zone d. Fraunhofer zone

26. Beyond the near field, due to Fraunhofer diffraction

a. beam divergence occurs b. Beam convergence occurs
c. Refraction occurs d. None of the above

27. In the far zone, beam spread or beam divergence takes place and
constant fall in intensity is noted over its entire length. This is due to
a. friction b. refraction
c. Interference phenomenon a. attenuation

28. The sound intensity in far zone decrease with the

a. Distance of its travel b. length of refracted wave length
c. Distance of travel and also across the beam
d. both (b) and (c)

29. In the far zone, the intensity of sound is

a. Minimum in the centre of beam and maximum toward the
outer edges
b. same in either way
c. Maximum at the centre of the beam and minimum toward the
outer edges
d. Minimum at the centre and minimum toward the edges too.
30. As frequency increases, near field
a. Increase b. decreases
c. Same d. None of the above

31. As the diameter of the transducer and frequency of the transducer

are increased for a particular material, the near field
a. Decreases b. Increases
c. No change d. Either (a) or (b)

32. When frequency and dia of a crystal is decreased, the beam spread
would be
a. decreased b. increased
c. No change d. either (a) or (b)

33. When the dia of a transducer is increased for a particular frequency

in the same material, the beam spread would be
a. increased b. decreased
c. No change d. either (a) or (b)

34. The acoustic impedance of a material is used to

a. determine the angle of refraction at an interface
b. Determine the attnuation within the material
c. determine the relative amounts of sound energy coupled
through and reflected at an interface
d. determine the beam spread within the material
e. None of the above

35. At an interface between two different material, an impedance

difference results in
a. reflection of the entire incident energy at the interface
b. absorption of sound
c. Division of sound energy in to a transmitted wave and a
reflected wave
d. None of the above

36. In passing from one medium to another, the energy transmitted

through the interface
a. decreases as the impedance ratio decreases
b. increases as the impedance ratio decreases
c. is equal to the impedance ratio
d. increases as the impedance ratio increases

37. Knowledge of the velocity of sound in a given material is necessary in

a. the specific acoustic impedance of the material
b. the angle of refraction in the material
c. The depth of an indication in the material
d. all of the above

38. In finding out reflecting wave, when incident wave meets interface
having two dissimilar Z and the Z of the first medium is higher than
the second medium, the phase of reflection.
a. remains same
b. need not be considered
c. reverse
d. there is no reflecting wave
39. The acoustic impedance for Brass - v = 4.43 x 105 cm / sec ρ = 8.42
gm/ cm3 is
a. 37 x 106 gm/cm2 sec
b. 1.9 x 105 gm/cm2 sec
c. 9.4 x 105 gm/cm2 sec
d. 3.7 x 106 gm/cm2 sec

40. Calculate the Acoustic impedance of water

v = 1500 m/sec ρ = 1.0 gm / cm3
a. 1500 kg/m2 sec
b. 1500 gm / cm2 sec
c. 150000 gm / cm2 sec
d. 1.5 gm / cm2 sec

41. If the angle beam probe is used on the material whose velocity is
higher than steel, the angle of refraction in that material will be
(consider shear wave velocity)
a. Lower
b. same
c. higher
d. None

42. First critical angle for perspex and steel interface would be
a. 10 b. 20
c. 57.5 d. 27.5

43. A 4 MH2 shear wave brobe having 60 angle in steel is used for
testing Copper plate, the angle and the prequency of this probe in
copper will be
a. 60 - 4MH2 b. 60 - 2.78 MH2
c. 37 - 2.78 MH2 d. 37 - 4MH2

44. In which field does the amplitude of an indication for a given

discontinuity dimish exponentially as the distance increases?
a. Near zone b. far zone
c. Dead Zone d. Fresnal zone

45. What is the near field of 4MH2 10mm Dia probe in lead whose
velocity is 2000 m/s
a. 5mm b. 50mm
c. both d. both (b) & (c)

46. What would be the near field in water for probe 4MHZ/10 mm θ?
a. 6.4 mm b. 16 mm c. 32 mm d. 64 mm

47. Which of the following has the longest near zone?

a. 1 MHZ/10mm θ b. 2.25 MHZ/10mm θ
c. 1 MHZ/20mm θ d. 2.0MHZ/20mm θ

48. In immersion testing, the near field effects of a probe could be

eliminated by
a. Increasing transducer frequency
b. Use of large diameter transducers
c. Using appropriate water path
d. Use of a focussed transducer
49. Beam divergence is a function of the diameter of the crystal and the
wave length of the beam transmitted through a medium and it
a. Increases if the frequency or crystal diameter is increased
b. Decreases if the frequency or crystal diameter is decreased
c. Increases if the frequency is increased and crystal diameter is
d. Decreases if the frequency is increased and the crystal
diameter is decreased

50. Which of the following transducer produce the least beam spread in
the far field?
a. 1.0 MHZ 3/8" θ b. 5.0 MHZ 1"θ
c. 2.25 MHZ 1" θ d. 5.0 MHZ 3/8"θ

51. Which of the factors influence the beam spread of a probe

a. frequency b. crystal size
c. velocity of sound in part d. all of the above

52. Beam spread of 20 mm θ, 8 MHZ probe in certain material is 3;

therefore beam spread 20mm θ, 4 MH2 probe in the same material
will be
a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12

53. Higher the frequency of the transducer, the

a. greater the beam spread and depth of penetration
b. less the beam spread and greater the sensitivity and
c. less attenuation taking place
d. less sensitivity and greater penetration

54. Scattering of the rays of the ultrasonic beam due to reflection from a
highly irregular surface is called
a. angulation b. dispersion
c. refraction d. Rarefaction

55. Beam spread of 20mm θ normal probe in steel is 5, therefore the
beam spread of 10mm θ normal probe of the same frequency in steel
will be
a. 5 b. 2.5 c. 7.5 d. 10

56. When the beam spread of the ultrasonic beam is small, the intensity
across the beam is said to be

a. relatively const b. Increased in intensity

c. decreased in intensity d. both increased and decreased

57. When performing an ultrasonic examination in the near field, which

of the following would occur?
a. An acceptable sized discontinuity could produce a rejectable
signal on the CRT.
b. A rejectable sized discontinuity could produce an acceptable
signal on the CRT
c. The signal from a discontinuity could be completely missed
d. All of the above

58. The length of the near field for a 2.5 cm θ,. 5 MHZ transducer placed
in oil (v=1.4 x 105 cm/sec) is approximately?
a. 0.028 cm b. 6.25 cm
c. 55.8 cm d. 22.3 cm

59. A search unit that contains three or more individual transducer

elements is known as
a. Dual transducer b. Probe
c. Mosaic transducer d. None of the above

60. What is the beam spread half-angle for the probe of 1.25 cm θ and
2.25 MHZ, in water (v=1.5 km/sec)
a. 2.5 b. 4.5 c. 3.75 d. 37.5

61. Sound waves decrease in intensity as they travel away from the
source, due to mainly.

a. Absorption b. Scattering
c. Near field d. Far field
e. both a & b

62. Scattering of an ultrasonic wave occurs due to

a. Homogeneous condition
b. Non - homogeneous condition of materials like grain
boundaries and minute non - metallic inclusions
c. Diffraction d. Refraction

63. Scattering is highly dependent upon the relation of

a. Crystallite to wave velocity b. Crystallite to time
c. Crystallite to wave length d. Crystallite to frequency.

64. Ultrasonic inspection becomes difficult at what size the grain size
compared to wave length?

a. 2 times the wave length b. 1 time the wave length

c. 0.5 times the wave length d. 0.1 time or larger
the wave length

65. As the grain size increases, scattering due to the gain size
a. Deceases b. remains same
c. increases d. either a or b

66. Forged and rolled materials generally give.

a. More scalter than castings or forgings

b. less scalter than castings or forgings
c. Same scatter in both cases
d. None of the above.

67. Frequency is directly related to amount of scattering. Higher the


a. Lower the scattering and lower the penetration

b. higher the scattering and lower the penetration
c. Higher the scattering and lower the penetration
d. both a and b

68. Lower the frequency of ultrasonic inspection

a. Lower the sensitivity and resolution
b. higher the sensitivity and resolution
c. either a or b
d. None of the above.

69. Absorption takes place in

a. Steel b. Aluminum
c. Non - elastic materials like plastic, rubber and lead.
d. Both a & b

70. Absorption of ultrasonic energy occurs mainly

a. by conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy

b. by conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy
c. by conversion of heat energy in to mechanical energy
d. by conversion of mechanical energy in to heat energy

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