UID 22205 UCZF UCVE Principles of MGT
UID 22205 UCZF UCVE Principles of MGT
UID 22205 UCZF UCVE Principles of MGT
2. What is MBO?
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PART B — (5 6 = 30 marks)
2 U/ID 22205/UCZF/
14. What are the functions of the top management?
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15. What is planning? What are its advantages?
vmhªkuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ? Auß |ßø©PÒ ¯õøÁ?
16. What are the advantages of functional
£o•øÓ Aø©¨¤ß |ßø©PÒ ¯õøÁ?
17. Explain the various methods of training.
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18. Explain the importance of direction.
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19. What are the requisites for effective co-ordination?
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20. What are the qualities of a manager?
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PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)
3 U/ID 22205/UCZF/
22. Explain the various stages in the process of
decision making.
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4 U/ID 22205/UCZF/