Testing of Breakers: Unit-4
Testing of Breakers: Unit-4
Testing of Breakers: Unit-4
Testing of Breakers
Types of Tests
1) Type tests
2) Routine tests
3) Developmental tests
4) Reliability Tests
5) Commissioning tests
Type tests
Performed on one sample of each type to
confirm their characteristics and rated capacities
according to their design.
Indian standards (IS)
International Electromechanical Commission(IEC)
British standard (BS) codes
Classification of Type tests- DJ Littler
1) Mechanical tests
To ensure proper opening & closing of CB mechanism
The CB must be smoothly operated at maximum as well as
minimum allowable auxiliary and control circuit supply
Closing and tripping operation should be performed at least 5
times for specified maximum & minimum allowable control
circuit supply voltage
4) Dielectric tests
To check characteristics of Circuit breaker for the
following tests:
I) Dry, wet, power frequency
II) Lightning impulse voltage
III) Switching impulse voltage (applicable for 400 kV &
5) Short circuit test
To check ability of the CB to clear the current on
different tests in symmetrical & asymmetrical
conditions as per provisions of IEC