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Properties of Light

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1. Max Planck in 1900 and advanced by Albert Einstein in 1905. This theory assumes that
light is radiated in discrete packets or bundles of energy called photons, which also
exhibit wave characteristics. Based on the scientists’ investigations of the different
behaviors of light, it is now considered to have dual characteristics – those of a wave and
those of a particle. These behaviors can only be observed under different conditions.
Know This When does light behave as a particle? When does it behave as a wave? In
general, if light interacts with light such as in interference, it manifests wave behavior. If
light interacts with matter like in the photoelectric effect, the particle behavior is strongly
manifested. Light of higher frequencies shows more of a particle behavior while light of
lower frequencies shows more of the wavelike behavior.
2. 6. 6 What you will do Self-Test 1.1 Direction: Match the theories about the nature of light
in column A with their corresponding proponents in column B. Column A Theory
Column B Proponent 1. Wave Theory 2. Corpuscular Theory 3. Electromagnetic Theory
4. Quantum Theory a. James Clerk Maxwell b. Christian Huygens c. Max Planck d. Sir
Isaac Newton Lesson 2 Reflection and Mirrors What can you see when you look at a
mirror, or a polished metal or a still pool of water? You can see your image. Why? These
objects are image reflecting objects. Types of Image There are two types of images
formed by reflecting surfaces. They are real and virtual images. Real image is always
inverted and is formed by actual rays of light. It can be projected on the screen. Virtual
image is always erect and is formed by apparent rays of light. It cannot be projected on
the screen. Reflection of Light When light hits a smooth surface like a mirror, light is
reflected. Reflection is the turning back of light when it hits a barrier. The angle between
the incident ray and the normal rays is called the angle of incidence. The angle between
the reflected ray and the normal ray is the angle of reflection. The laws of reflection state
that: 1. the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the reflecting surface all lie in
the same plane. 2. the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. i = angle of
incidence r = angle of reflection reflected ray incident ray normal ray smooth surface i r
Key to answers on page 30
3. 7. 7 What you will do Activity 2.1 Image in a Plane Mirror 1. Stand in front of a plane
mirror. Is your image exactly the same in size as you are? Where is it apparently found?
2. Raise your left hand. What hand does your image raise? 3. Is your image erect or
inverted? Is it real or virtual? The mirrors that we use as looking glasses are plane
mirrors. The image formed by a plane mirror is always erect, virtual, laterally reversed,
same size as the object and found to be apparently behind the mirror. Spherical Mirrors
There are two kinds of spherical mirrors, the concave and convex mirrors. If the
reflecting surface is curved inward, it is a concave mirror. If the reflecting surface is
curved outward it is a convex mirror. There are mirrors terminology which you should
know. They are the following: 1. Vertex (V) is the middle portion of the mirror. 2. Center
of curvature (C) is the center of the sphere of which the curved mirror is a part. 3. Radius
of curvature (r) is the distance of the center of curvature from the vertex. 4. Principal axis
(P) is the line drawn passing through the vertex and the center of curvature. 5. Secondary
axis (S) is a line drawn through the center of curvature to any part in the mirror. 6.
Aperture (A) is the opening of the mirror. 7. Focus (F) is the point where the reflected
rays meet. 8. Focal length (f) is the distance between the focus and the vertex. r fC F P A
S V a. concave mirror b. convex mirror Remember This For spherical mirrors with small
opening, the focal length is one-half the radius of curvature.
4. 8. 8 What you will do Activity 2.2 Image in spherical mirrors 1. Get a spoon. This can
serve as your mirror. 2. Look at the concave surface of the spoon. Place the mirror very
near your face. Describe your image. 3. Bring the spoon an arm length distance away
from you. Describe your image. 4. Look now at the convex surface of the spoon. Observe
your image as you bring the spoon farther from you. Describe your image. You observed
that the position and size of the image changes when the distance of a concave mirror
from the observer varies. For a convex mirror, you observed only one kind of image
which is smaller, erect and virtual. Ray Method of Image Formation How can we
construct, locate and describe the image formed by spherical mirrors? To construct the
image formed by spherical mirrors by the ray method draw at least two of the following
rays from point A on the object (See Figure 2.1): Ray 1 is an incident ray parallel to the
principal axis and is reflected through the principal focus. Ray 2 is a ray traveling along a
secondary axis and passes through the center of curvature which is reflected back along
itself. Ray 3 is a ray that passes through the focus and is reflected parallel to the principal
axis. Figure 2.2 summarizes the kind of image formed in a concave mirror at different
position of the object. Study how the image is constructed using the ray method. Note the
kind of image formed. Fig. 2.1 Ray method of locating images C F P ray 1 ray 3 V ray 2
A image object
5. 9. 9 Fig. 2.2 Image in a Concave Mirror a. Object is at infinite distance b. Object is
located beyond the center of curvature The image is a point at the principal focus. The
image is smaller, inverted, real and located between the center of curvature and the focus.
c. Object is at the center of curvature d. Object is between the center of curvature & the
principal focus The image is of the same size, inverted, real and located at the center of
curvature. The image is larger, inverted, real and located beyond the center of curvature.
e. Object at principal focus f. Object is between principal focus and the mirror The image
is at infinity – no image is observed. The image is larger, erect, virtual and located behind
the mirror. V F C F P ray 3 ray 1 A object image C F ray 1 A image ray 2 P object C F P
ray 2 ray 1A object image C F A object image P ray 2 ray 1 C F A object ray 2 ray 1 P
6. 10. 10 Image in a convex mirror In a convex mirror, the image is always smaller than the
object, erect and located behind the mirror. As the object is brought closer to the mirror,
the size of the image increases, but it can never become as large as the object itself.
Where are mirrors used? Concave mirrors are used in amusement parks to form fantastic
images. The convex side view mirror used by automobile and trucks gives a wide field of
view and vision. Can you name other uses of mirrors? The Mirror Equation:
Mathematically, the object distance (do), image distance (di) and the focal length (f) of
the mirror can be found using the mirror formula: io d 1 d 1 f 1 += The size of the object
(So) and size of image (Si) are determined using the size formula: o i o i d d S S = The
mirror formula is applicable for both concave and convex mirror. The following
conventions are helpful in using the equation for solving problems. Mirror f do di
concave real image + + + virtual image + + - convex (virtual image) - + - Fig. 2.3 Image
in a convex mirror CFobject image A
7. 11. 11 What you will do Self-Test 2.1 Direction: Identify the term herein defined,
described or referred to in the following: ____________ 1. The kind of image that is
formed by actual ray of light and can be projected on the screen ____________ 2. The
angle between the incident ray and the normal ray ____________ 3. The kind of mirror
that will always produce a smaller, virtual and erect image ____________ 4. The distance
between the focus and the vertex of a mirror ____________ 5. The kind of mirror that
will produce an image of the same size as the object, erect and virtual ____________ 6.
Position of the object in front of a concave mirror that will produce an image that is
smaller, inverted and real ____________ 7. Position of the object where no image is
formed ____________ 8. The middle portion of the mirror ____________ 9. Spherical
mirror used in automobile that gives wider view of area ____________ 10. Kind of
mirror that will give a virtual, erect and larger image Key to answers on page 30
8. 12. 12 Lesson 3. Refraction and Lenses How does light travel? What happens to the ray
of light when it passes through different media, say air to water? What you will do
Activity 3.1 Refraction of light 1. Get a glass half-filled with water. 2. Place a pencil in
this glass of water 3. Look at the pencil at the top of the glass. What happens to the
pencil? 4. Look from the side of the glass. Do you notice any difference? 5. Remove the
pencil out of the water. Is there a difference between the way it looks in water and the
way it looks in air? The pencil appears bent when it is partly submerged in water. This
shows that a light ray bends as it passes from air to water. The change in direction or the
bending of light when it passes from one medium to another of different optical density is
called refraction. Refraction also makes the water appear shallower. Because of
refraction, a fish appears higher in the water when viewed from the bank than it actually
is. A teaspoon placed in a glass of water appears to be bent or broken at the surface of the
water. A coin placed in the bottom of a teacup, out of the line of vision of an observer,
will become visible when the cup is filled with water Refraction and the Speed of Light
When light travels from air to water, its speed decreases. A medium is optically dense if
it slows down the speed of light. Water is optically denser than air. When light travels
from an optically less dense to denser medium at an angle, say from air to glass, light
bends toward the normal (Figure 3.1a). When light travels from a denser to a less dense
medium at an angle, say from glass to air, the light bends away from the normal (Figure
3.1b). The angle formed between the incident ray and the normal is called the angle of
incidence, i, and the angle between the refracted and the normal is called the angle of
refraction, r.
9. 13. 13 Where does light travel fastest? The speed of light is different in almost
transparent material. In a vacuum the speed of light is about 3.0 x 108 m/s, and in water
the speed is 1.88 x 108 m/s. The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in
another substance is called the absolute index of refraction, n, for that substance.
Remember This v c n vsubstance,givenainlightofSpeed clight,ofSpeed refractionofIndex
= = So, if you know the index of refraction of a substance you can determine the speed of
light in that substance. Also, the higher the index of refraction, the slower the speed of
light in the substance. This means that the higher the optical density of a substance, the
higher is its index of refraction. Table 3.1 shows the index of refraction of some
substances. Table 3.1 Index of Refraction Substance Index of Refraction, n Air Glass,
crown Glass, float Water Diamond 1.0003 1.52 1.63 1.33 2.42 incident ray normal ray
refracted ray air glass i r (a) i = angle of incidence r = angle of refraction incident ray
normal ray refracted ray glass air i r (b) Fig. 3.1 (a) Refraction of light as it passes from
air to glass (b) Refraction of light as it passes from glass to air
10. 14. 14 Do you know what is the importance of the index of refraction? The index of
refraction of a pure, transparent substance is a constant quantity which is a definite
physical property of a substance. Hence, the identity of a substance can be determined by
measuring its index of refraction. The very high index of refraction of diamond provides
a positive test for its identification. Laws of Refraction The facts about refraction of light
maybe summarized in three laws of refraction. 1. The incident ray, the refracted ray, and
the normal to the surface at the point of incidence are all in the same plane. 2. The index
of refraction for a particular substance is always a constant. 3. When a ray of light passes
at an angle from a medium of lesser to one of greater optical density, it is bent toward the
normal. Conversely, a ray of light passing at an angle from an optically denser medium to
a lesser medium is bent away from the normal ray. Total Internal Reflection You already
learned that as a ray of light passes from a medium of higher optical density (water) into
one of a lower optical density (air) it is bent away from the normal. As the angle of
incidence continues to increase, a value is finally reached at which the angle of refraction
equals 90o and the refracted ray does not enter the air at all but takes the path along the
water surface. The angle of incidence in the denser medium resulting in angle of
refraction of 90o is called the critical angle ic. (Figure 3.2) If the angle of incidence
exceeds the critical angle total internal reflection occurs. Fig. 3.2 (a) The critical angle is
the angle of incidence in the denser medium which results in a 90o angle of refraction.
(b) Total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle.
refracted ray incident ray normal ray air water ic i r r = 90o (a) incident ray normal ray
reflected ray air water i>ic ic r (b)
11. 15. 15 Do you know why diamond is a very brilliant gem? It is because its index of
refraction is high and its critical angle is very small. Very little of the light that enters a
cut diamond passes through it. Most of the light is reflected internally. Fiber optics makes
it possible to use light instead of electricity to transmit messages by total internal
reflection. Optical fibers are also used in the field of medicine. An endoscope is an
instrument used to explore the inside of the human body using the principle of total
internal reflection. Lenses What are lenses made of? Lenses are made of transparent
substance like glass or plastic which can bend light rays. Lenses are of two kinds: a.
Converging lens (convex) which is thicker at the middle than at the edge b. Diverging
lens (concave) which is thicker at the edge than at the middle How do lenses refract rays
of light? When light rays parallel to the principal axis pass through a converging lens, the
rays are refracted toward the thicker part of the lens, and they all converge at a point
called the Remember This If the angle of incidence of a ray of light passing from water
into air is increased beyond the critical angle, no part of the incident ray enters the air. It
is totally reflected from the water surface. Total internal reflection occurs when the angle
of incidence exceeds the critical angle. Fig. 3.3 Lens shapes (a) Converging lenses (b)
Diverging lenses double convex plano- convex converging meniscus double concave
plano- concave diverging meniscus
12. 16. 16 real focus. However, parallel rays of light are spread out by a diverging lens and
appear to meet at a virtual focus. Lens Terminology What are the different terms related
to lenses? Spherical lenses usually have two centers of curvature which are the centers of
the intersecting spheres which form the lens surfaces. The centers are shown in Figure 3.5
as points C and C’. In lenses, the focus is not midway between the lens and the center of
curvature as we found to be in spherical mirrors. Its position on the principal axis
depends on the index of refraction of the lens. With a double convex lens of crown glass
the principal focus almost coincide with the centers of curvature, thus the radius of
curvature and the focal length are almost equal. 1. Optical center, O – the center of the
lens 2. Principal axis, P – line joining the centers of curvature and passes through the
optical center 3. Secondary ray, S – ray passing through the optical center but not parallel
to the principal axis 4. Focal length, f – the distance between the focus and the optical
center Ray Method of Image Formation in Lenses How can we locate the image of an
object formed by a lens? Lenses form images by refraction. To locate the image, use the
following rays coming from point A on the object: (see Figure 3.6) Ray 1 is an incident
ray parallel to the principal axis and is refracted through the focus. Ray 2 is an incident
ray along the secondary axis which is not appreciably refracted as it passes through the
optical center (O) of the lens. Fig. 3.4 Lenses refract parallel rays so they meet at the
principal focus a. converging lens F real focus b. diverging lens F virtual focus F P C C’ r
f O s Figure 3.5 object 2F F 2F’F’ image O ray 1 ray 2 Figure 3.6
13. 17. 17 Image Formation in a Convex Lens Using the ray method let us construct, locate
and describe the images formed by a thin converging lens at different positions of the
object from the lens. Study Figure 3.7. Fig. 3.7 Image at Different Positions of the Object
from the Lens a. Object is at infinite distance b. Object is beyond twice the focal length
(2F) The image is a point at the principal focus. Image is real, inverted, diminished and
located between F’ and 2F’. c. Object is at twice the focal length (2F) d. Object is
between 2F and F Image is real, inverted, of the same size and located at 2F’. Image is
real, inverted, bigger and located beyond 2F’. e. Object is at the focus (F) f. Object is
between the focus and the optical center Refracted rays are parallel. No image is formed.
Image is virtual, erect, bigger and located between 2F and F. object 2F F 2F’F’ image O
ray 1 ray 2 A 2F F 2F’F’O object ray 1 ray 2 A 2F F 2F’F’O image object A 2F F 2F’F’O
image object ray 1 ray 2 A ray 1 2F F 2F’F’O object image ray 2 A F O
14. 18. 18 Image Formation in a Concave Lens What kind of image is formed by a concave
lens? The ray method shown in Figure 3.8 shows the image formed by a concave lens. It
is always erect, virtual and smaller in size. The Lens Formula The equation used to
determine the object distance do, image distance di and the focal length f for spherical
mirrors also applies for lenses. Hence, the lens formula is the same as the mirror formula.
io d 1 d 1 f 1 += The size rule for mirrors also applies for lenses. o i o i d d s s = For
numerical computations, the following sign conventions are followed: Lens f do di
convex (converging) real image + + + virtual image + + - concave (diverging) virtual
image - + - The focal length is positive for a converging lens and negative for a diverging
lens. Object distance is positive for both converging lens and diverging lens. Image
distance is positive for real images and negative for virtual images. Study This Sample
problem: An object 8 cm tall is placed 30 cm from a converging lens. A real image is
formed 15 cm from the lens. a) What is the focal length of the lens? b) What is the size of
the image? Describe the image. Figure 3.8 Image in a concave lens F image ray 1 ray 2
2F F’ 2F’ object A
15. 19. 19 Given: so = 8 cm do = 30 cm di = 15 cm Find: a. f b. si Solutions: a) cm10f 3
cm30 f cm30f3 cm30 3 f 1 cm30 21 f 1 cm15 1 cm30 1 f 1 d 1 d 1 f 1 io = = = = + = +=
+= b) objectthethan smallerisImage cm4S cm30 cm15xcm8 S d dS S d d S S i i o io i o i
o i = = = = What you will do Self-Test 3.1 Direction: Completion Type. Write the word
or expression which best completes the meaning of the following statements. 1.
__________ is the bending of light as it passes at an angle from one medium into another
of different optical density. 2. The angle between the refracted ray and the normal drawn
to the point of refraction is called __________. 3. __________ is the ratio of the speed of
light in a vacuum to its speed in a given substance. 4. The index of refraction for any two
media is always equal to a __________. 5. When a ray of light passes at an angle from a
medium of lesser to one of greater optical density, it bends __________ from the normal.
6. The limiting angle of incidence in the denser medium resulting in angle of refraction of
90o is known as __________. 7. The distance between the principal focus and the optical
center of the lens is __________. 8. __________ is the kind of lens that will always form
a virtual, erect and smaller image. 9. The principle involved in the formation of image on
lenses is __________. 10.An enlarged, erect and real image is formed by a __________
lens. Key to answers on page 30
16. 20. 20 Lesson 4 Color, Interference and Polarization of Light Have you ever wondered
why the sky appears blue during noontime and reddish at sunset? Why do we see rainbow
colors in soap bubbles or in thin films with oil? How are rainbows formed? What is
color? What you will do Activity 4.1 Dispersion Hold a prism or a bottle half-filled with
water against sunlight or any light source like a flashlight. Answer these: 1. What do you
observe? 2. Enumerate the colors you observe. Colors of Light When light leaves the
prism and strikes a white screen, it separates into spectral colors. Dispersion is the
separation of white light by a prism into bands of colors – red, orange, yellow, green,
blue and violet. The spectrum is due to the difference in the velocities and wavelength of
the spectral colors. Violet is bent most and is slowed down more than the red light.
Dispersion of light shows that light is a mixture of different spectral colors. Fig. 4.1
Dispersion of light by a prism red white light red violet i yellow green blue violet orange
Key to answers on page 31
17. 21. 21 Know This Have you seen a rainbow? When can you see a rainbow? A rainbow is
a spectacular display of colors. We usually observe a rainbow after a rainshower. The
raindrops act as prism separating sunlight into bands of colors. A rainbow is produced by
reflection, refraction and dispersion of light when sunlight strikes drops of falling water
which act as prisms. The difference between one color and another is due to difference in
wavelengths or frequencies. Each color of light has its own wavelength and frequency.
Violet has a higher frequency but shorter wavelength. Red has a lower frequency but
longer wavelength (see Figure 4.2). Colors of Object Why do objects show colors?
Objects show colors because they reflect one or more of the colors present in the white
light. The color of an object depends on the wavelength of light that it reflects. A camia
flower appears white because it reflects all the colors of light it receives. A piece of coal
appears black because it absorbs all the colors that fall on it. Under ordinary daylight a
blue bird appears blue because it absorbs all other colors and reflects only blue. Why
does a red rose appear red? The rose appears red because it reflects mainly red color and
absorbs all other colors. Think of This Suppose the light falling on an object you are
looking at is not white. What do you think will happen? For example, a blue book under a
red light will appear black because it absorbs the red light and no color is reflected in our
eyes. Similarly, when a green light falls on a red book, the book will also appear black
because it absorbs the green light. No color is reflected to our eye. How will a green book
appear under a blue light? Fig. 4.2 Comparison of wavelengths of red and violet light
violet red
18. 22. 22 What you will do Activity 4.2 Diffraction of Light 1. Look at the light through a
slit between your fingers. What do you observe? Do you see vertical white and dark
bands? What causes the bands? 2. Repeat step 1 but make the slit narrower. What
happens when the slit becomes narrower? Scattering of Light Do you know why the sky
is blue during noontime? Why is the sky red at sunset? When sunlight shines down on the
atmosphere, the dust particles or molecules in the atmosphere scatter the light in all
direction. The amount of scattering of light depends on Fig. 4.3 Colored light falling on
colored objects Know This As you look at the light through one slit between your fingers
you observe thin vertical white and dark bands. This is because of the bending or
spreading out of light after passing through the opening. The bending of light as it passes
through an obstruction such as a small slit is called diffraction. As the slit becomes
narrow, diffraction patterns become more prominent. red light green light blue light blue
book red book green book black black ?
19. 23. 23 the wavelength of the light. During noontime, most of the blue light of shorter
wavelength in sunlight is scattered and reflected to earth, so the sky looks blue. At sunset,
the light travels longer distances with more air and dust in the atmosphere. Thus, most of
the blue light is absorbed before it reaches you. Therefore, red light which has a longer
wavelength is the most predominant color left when the light from the sun reaches the
eye. Hence, the sunset appears red. What you will do Activity 4.3 Get a basin with soap
suds. Blow on the soap suds. What can you observe in the soap bubbles? Interference of
light Have you noticed the beautiful spectrum of colors reflected from a soap bubble?
These colors are produced by the interference of light wave. This is often called
iridescenes and is observed in the transparent film. When light strikes the outer surface of
a transparent material like a soap bubble, part of the light is reflected and part of the light
enters the inside surface. At the inside surface, some of the light is reflected again. The
two reflected beams returning toward your eye may have a path difference that is
determined by the thickness of the film. If the light waves are in phase, they interfere
constructively and produce a bright fringe. If they are out of phase, they interfere
destructively and produce a dark band. If white light is incident on the thin film, light of
different wavelengths (colors) constructively interfere in different regions, giving rise to
the rainbow-colored appearance of the film. Thomas Young (1801) was the first to
demonstrate interference of light using two slits. Waves from a monochromatic light
source are made to pass through two narrow slits, S1 and S2 (Figure 4.5). Fig. 4.4
Interference of light in soap bubbles
20. 24. 24 According to Huygen’s principle, these slits are sources of secondary waves. One
slit spreads out the light and produces its own wave. The other slit also diffracts the light,
producing another wave. These waves produced in S1 and S2 are of the same wavelength
and in phase with the initial light source. When the light waves from S1 and S2 meet at
point P0 in phase, wave crests meet wave crests and troughs meet troughs, constructive
interference occurs, producing a bright area. Light waves from two slits may be
completely out of phase when they meet at a point P1, that is, a crest meets a trough. In
such a case, destructive interference occurs, producing a dark area. Polarization Think of
This What is polarized light? Imagine a wave produced from a rope tied to a post (Figure
4.6). The rope is inserted through the vertical slits of two sheets of cardboard and waves
are produced by moving the free end up and down. Waves pass through the slits when the
slits in both cardboards are vertical. The waves are said to be plane polarized. All
vibrations are in one plane, the vertical plane. When the slits in one cardboard are placed
horizontally, they do not allow waves to pass through. Fig. 4.5 Interference of light using
two slits
21. 25. 25 Ordinary light vibrates in all directions. It is unpolarized. When this light is
allowed to pass through a filter called Polaroid, the light vibrates only in one plane
(Figure 4.7). It comes out as polarized light. What happens when light is allowed to pass
through two Polaroid sheets? Light is transmitted when the axes of the Polaroid sheets are
parallel. Light, however, is not transmitted when the axes of the polaroid sheets are
perpendicular (Figure 4.8). What does this show about light? Light is a transverse wave.
One application of polarization is the reduction of glare using polaroid sunglasses. Bright
light reflected from a road or water surface is scattered in all directions. The polaroid
sunglasses absorb the horizontal vibrations of the light, and hence reduce the glare. Fig.
4.7 Polarized light from a polaroid sheet Fig. 4.8 Light is not transmitted when axes of
the polaroid sheets are perpendicular Fig. 4.6 A mechanical analogy of polarization
22. 26. 26 What you will do Self-Test 4.1 Directions: Identify the term defined, described or
referred to in the following. ____________ 1. The process of separating light into a band
of colors ____________ 2. The bending or spreading out of light through small openings
or around corners ____________ 3. Light in which vibrations occur in a single plane
perpendicular to the ray ____________ 4. The property of light waves which is
dependent on the frequency or wavelength of radiation that reaches the eye
____________ 5. The superposition of 2 beams of light resulting in a loss of energy in
one area and a reinforcement of energy in others ____________ 6. The band of colors
when sunlight is dispersed by a prism ____________ 7. The color which is refracted
most when sunlight is separated by a prism Let’s Summarize 1. The laws of reflection
state that: a. The incident ray, reflected ray, and the normal to the reflecting surface all lie
in the same plane. b. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. 2. Images
in mirrors are formed by reflection. 3. The size of an object and the size of its image are
related to their distance from the mirror and are related to the focal length of the mirror.
This relationship is given by the equations io d 1 d 1 f 1 += and o i o i d d S S = 4.
Refraction is the bending of light rays as they pass at an angle from one medium to
another with a different optical density. 5. The index of refraction for a particular medium
is a constant that is independent of the angle of incidence. 6. The limiting angle of
incidence in the denser medium, resulting in an angle of refraction of 90o is known as the
critical angle. Key to answers on page 31
23. 27. 27 7. Total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical
angle. 8. Converging lens is a lens that is thicker in the middle than at the edges and
refracts parallel rays passing through it to a focus. 9. Diverging lens is a lens that is
thinner in the middle than at the edges, causing parallel rays passing through it to diverge
as if from a point. 10.Lenses form images by refraction. 11.Dispersion is the process of
separating white light into a band of colors. 12.Diffraction is the bending of light as it
passes through a small opening. 13.The color of light is dependent on the frequency or
wavelength of the radiation that reaches the eye. 14.The color of an opaque object
depends on the kind of light it reflects to the eye. It also depends on the color of light
incident on it. 15.Interference of light occurs when two beams of light superimposed with
one another. 16.Polarization of light depends on the transverse nature of light waves –
that is, light vibrates only in one plane. Posttest Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the
best answer. 1. The theory that explains light as a particle. a. corpuscular theory c.
quantum theory b. electromagnetic wave theory d. wave theory 2. When we see a tree,
the light that reaches our eyes a. has been reflected by the tree. b. has been refracted by
the tree. c. has been separated into a spectrum by the tree. d. has undergone interference
in passing through the tree.
24. 28. 28 3. Enlarged image can be formed by a. concave mirrors only c. either concave or
convex mirror b. convex mirrors only d. neither concave nor convex mirror 4. The image
formed by a convex mirror is always a. real c. bigger than the object b. inverted d.
smaller than the object 5. If you are looking obliquely on a fish under water, in what
direction should you aim your arrow to hit it? a. above the fish c. directly to the fish b.
below the fish d. either below or above the fish 6. The term refraction refers to a. the
bending of light rays when they strike a mirror. b. the bending of light rays when they
enter a different medium. c. the fact that white light is made up of many colors. d. the fact
that light travels in straight line in uniform medium. 7. As the angle of incidence
increases, the index of refraction of a medium a. increases c. remains unchanged b.
decreases d. none of the above 8. If you look down on a pool of still water, you see your
face clearly. Which one of the following gives the best explanation for this observation?
a. Dispersion of light on entering water b. Reflection of light by the surface of the water
c. Refraction of light by the surface of the water d. Light is reflected from the surface of
the water in different directions. 9. A diamond is a brilliant gem because a. it has low
index of refraction. c. most of the light is refracted. b. it has big critical angle. d. most of
the light is reflected internally. 10.A ray of light is reflected from a plane mirror. The
angle of incidence is 20o . The angle between the incident and the reflected ray is a. 10o
c. 30o b. 20o d. 40o 11.When you stand 3 m in front of a full length mirror, your image is
a. real and 1 m behind the mirror c. virtual and 2 m behind the mirror b. real and 3 m
behind the mirror d. virtual and 3 m behind the mirror 12.The bottom of a clear and deep
lake appears to be shallow because of ____________ a. diffraction c. reflection b.
polarization d. refraction
25. 29. 29 13.When sunlight strikes raindrops, it passes through them and produces a. halo c.
rainbow b. heat d. shadow 14.Side mirrors of motor vehicles allow the driver to see wider
areas. What best describes the images compared to the real object in this kind of mirror?
a. bigger c. the same b. smaller d. inverted 15.What do you call the separation of light
into its component colors? a. dispersion c. reflection b. polarization d. refraction
16.Where does light travel fastest? a. air c. vacuum b. glass d. water 17.What do you call
the bending of light around the corners of objects? a. diffraction c. reflection b. dispersion
d. refraction 18.A beam of light traveling in air enters a glass medium. What changes
does it undergo? a. change in speed only c. change in wavelength only b. change in
frequency only d. change in both speed and wavelength 19.Which is the color of visible
light with the longest wavelength? a. blue c. violet b. red d. yellow 20.Which of the
following is a good description of a polarized light? a. It is an ordinary light. b. It is a
transverse wave. c. It is a longitudinal wave. d. It is a wave that vibrates in all directions.
Key to answers on page 31
26. 30. 30 Key to Answers Pretest 1. a 6. b 11. d 16. a 2. c 7. d 12. a 17. d 3. d 8. d 13. a 18. b
4. b 9. d 14. a 19. b 5. a 10. b 15. a 20. a Lesson 1 Self-Test 1.1 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c Lesson 2
Self-Test 2.1 1. real image 6. beyond the center of curvature 2. angle of incidence 7. at
the focus 3. convex mirror 8. vertex 4. focal length 9. convex mirror 5. plane mirror 10.
concave mirror Lesson 3 Self-Test 3.1 1. refraction 6. critical angle 2. angle of reflection
7. focal length 3. index of refraction 8. concave lens 4. constant 9. refraction 5. towards
10. convex lens
27. 31. 31 Lesson 4 Activity 4.1 1. spectral colors 2. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet
Self-Test 4.1 1. dispersion 2. diffraction 3. polarized light 4. color 5. interference 6.
spectral colors 7. violet Posttest 1. a 6. b 11. d 16. c 2. a 7. c 12. d 17. a 3. a 8. b 13. c 18.
d 4. d 9. d 14. b 19. b 5. b 10. d 15. a 20. b References Hewitt, P. G. (1993). Conceptual
physics. (7th ed). New York: Harper Collins College Publishers. Padua, A. L. &
Crisostomo, R. M. (1999). Science and technology IV: Physics. Quezon City: S.D.
Publications, Inc. Santos, G. C. & Ocampo, J. P. (2003). Science and technology IV:
Physics. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc. Sotto, R. L. (2005). Science in today’s world:
Physics. Makati: SIBS Publishing House, Inc. Young, H. D. & Friedman, R. A. (1996).
University physics. New York: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Inc.

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