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Centrifugal Compressor Systems

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Centrifugal Compressor Systems

Proper centrifugal compressor symbol should be selected first, as shown in figure-1.

Normally, acentrifugal compressor is accompanied by a Knock Out Drum (KOD) at the
compressor suction and an aftercooler at the compressor discharge, as per a typical compressor
PFD. Symbols for these equipments should also be placed on the P&ID before proceeding ahead.
All the equipment symbols should be selected from the legend sheets of a particular project.
All the nozzles on the compressor, suction drums and aftercooler should then be correctly
represented with size and flanges. This includes inlet and outlet nozzles and equipment drains /
vents as shown in the typical P&ID in figure-1.
Centrifugal compressor suction KOD is intended for removing the entrained liquids
before sending gas to the compressor. Demister, mesh pad etc. are used in the knock out drum to
efficiently remove the liquid droplets.
Compressor aftercoolers are generally air coolers and the related fan, motor etc. should
be clearly indicated on the P&ID. If cooling water is used, proper symbol for a heat exchanger
should be used.
Inlet, outlet lines for each equipment, anti-surge line, drain/vent lines, line to the relief
valve etc. are the next to be drawn up. Line number, material class, size etc. is to be correctly
assigned to each of the lines.
Isolation valves, spectacle blinds, spacers etc. to be used for maintenance should be
drawn up next on various lines between the equipments. Requirement for isolation valves,
spectacle blind, spaces etc. depend on the project standards, which should be followed while
indicating these on the P&ID. Sometimes, to minimize the number of isolation valves between
the equipment, they can be placed only at the suction KOD inlet which is inlet of the centrifugal
compressor system and discharge of the aftercooler which turns out to be the outlet of the
centrifugal compressor system. Spectacle blinds or spacers can be used for isolation between
individual equipments for quick maintenance. This is simply a guideline and project standards
need to be followed when indicating the isolation requirements.
A check valve should be normally provided on the compressor discharge to avoid reverse
flow when the pump is not in operation.
Pressure relief valves can be provided on the compressor discharge line, downstream to
the check valve, to protect the equipments downstream of compressor.
Pressure gauges should be provided on suction and discharge of the compressor. Level
gauges need to be located on the compressor suction knock out drum and temperature gauges on
inlet, outlet lines for the aftercooler.
Pressure transmitters should be provided on compressor suction and discharge line. A
flow transmitter should be provided on compressor suction line. Signals from these transmitters
are sent to an ‘Anti-Surge Controller’. Based on the gas flow and differential pressure head
developed by the compressor, the anti-surge controller operates the anti-surge valves to prevent
compressor surge condition.
An anti-surge line from the aftercooler discharge to the suction KOD inlet should be
provided for anti-surge control. When the compressor approaches surge condition (low flow,
high differential head), the anti-surge valves open up to lower the pressure differential and
circulate higher gas flow.
Sometimes, a performance controller can be included in the centrifugal compressor
system to control the rotating speed (RPM) of the compressor based on inlet pressure, flow etc.
in order to achieve optimum performance. Performance controller will typically adjust the
motor/turbine speed.
Level transmitters provided on the suction knock out drum are responsible for liquid level
control in the drum. Alarms are usually provided for high and high high liquid level conditions.
Temperature transmitter can be provided on aftercooler for temperature control by
sending a signal to adjust the fan speed of the aircooler.
Emergency Shutdown (ESD) valves can be provided on inlet / outlet lines of the
compressors system to isolate whole system in case of a shutdown. The inlet line of the suction
KOD corresponds to inlet of the compressor system. Aftercooler discharge and liquid outlet of
suction knock out drum correspond to the outlet lines of the compressor system. Shutdown
valves can be located on these lines as shown in figure-1.
Drains and vents to be provided on the suction / discharge lines, compressor casing,
suction Knock Out Drum, air cooler body etc. for completely draining/venting compressor and
associated piping, for maintenance.
For purging the compressor system, a nitrogen connection can be provided right after the
first isolation valve on the suction KOD inlet line.
Separator Vessels
1. Proper vessel symbol should be selected first of all, as shown in the presented drawing.
This should be selected from the list of equipment symbols on the legend sheets of a
particular project.
2. Separator vessel internals should then be indicated as per proper symbols on the legend
sheets. These internals can be inlet vane, vortex breaker on the outlet lines, demister pads
on gas outlets, weir plate separating the oil and water compartments etc.
3. All the nozzles on the separator vessel should then be correctly represented with size and
flanges. This includes inlet and outlet nozzles, drains, vents, PSV connection and
instrument nozzles, as shown in the sample drawing presented here. Typical
instrumentation on the vessel would be level gauges and transmitters on oil and water
compartments of the vessel plus pressure gauge and transmitters linked to pressure control
or alarms as applicable.
4. Inlet and outlet lines are the next to be drawn up. Line number, material class, size etc. is
to be correctly assigned to each of the lines.
5. Isolation valves, spectacle blinds, spacers etc. to be used for maintenance should be
drawn up next on the inlet / outlet lines. The spectacle blinds, spacers etc. are usually
connected right next to the isolation valves and equipment nozzles, as indicated in the
sample drawing presented here.
6. Instrumentation on the vessel  should be drawn up next. Typically this would include
level gauges, level transmitters, pressure gauges, pressure transmitters as per requirement
for control, alarm and trip if applicable. The sample drawing presented here only indicates
transmitters, but generally they are accompanied by gauges for local indication and also
transmitters for alarms and trips.
7. Various control valves should be drawn up next wherever applicable. Sample drawing
indicates level control on oil and water outlet lines. Plus pressure control is indicated on the
vapor outlet to flare. These control valves should be equipped with either a bypass or
handwheel as per project standards, to continue vessel operation in case of control valve
8. Drains should be provided either on the vessel or on the bottom outlet lines for complete
draining of  the vessel and associated piping for maintenance purpose. Sample drawing has
indicated drains on the outlet lines through which the vessel and piping can be completely
drained. Usually the vessel also has nozzles connecting it directly to the draining system.
9. Vents can be present either on the vessel itself or on the vapor outlet line, so that the
vessel and associated piping can be completely vented for maintenance. Vent connected
directly to vessel is indicated in the sample drawing.
10. In most cases the vessel is provided with a blanketing gas connection. This blanketing
connection can be with or without pressure control. Although not indicated in the sample
drawing, it is important to consider the blanketing gas connection to the vessel.
11. For purging the vessel with nitrogen, a connection can be provided directly on the vessel.
In some cases purging can be done with steam.
12. All the guidelines given here are very general and may be modified as per specific
requirements of any particular project.
Pig Receiver
Pig launchers and receivers are commonly used in upstream oil and gas industry for periodic
cleaning of pipelines carrying crude oil, natural gas and water from oil wells. A pig is a bullet
shaped object which fits the pipeline from inside. The pig launcher launches the pig into pipeline
and the upstream pressure pushes the pig to other end of the pipeline where it is received by the
pig launcher. Hence generally arrangement for pig launchers and receivers are essentially the
same, except for the difference between ‘Kicker line’ position for launchers and receivers. The
sample drawing presents this general arrangement common to pig launchers and receivers.
1. Proper equipment symbol for pig launcher (vertical or horizontal) should be
selected first of all, as shown in the presented drawing. This should be selected from the list
of equipment symbols on the legend sheets of a particular project.
2. The major and minor barrels of the pig trap should be indicated as shown in the sample
drawing. Minor barrel size is equal to pipeline size and the major barrel size is slightly
3. All the nozzles on the pig launcher should then be correctly represented with size and
flanges. This includes door on the launcher, pig outlet to pipeline, kicker line, balancing
line, PSV connection, purge, vent, drain and instrument nozzles, as shown in the sample
drawing presented here. Typicalinstrumentation on the pig launcher would be pressure
gauges and transmitters and pig indicators to know if the pig has been launched (or arrived
in the case of pig receivers).
4. Different lines connected to the pig launcher are the next to be drawn up. Line number,
material class, size etc. is to be correctly assigned to each of the lines.
5. Kicker line is used to pressurize the upstream side of pig so it can be launched. In case of
receiver, kicker line provides an outlet for fluids arriving in the pig trap. Normally when
pigging is not being performed, kicker line is closed using normally closed valve.
6. Balancing line connecting the kicker line to minor barrel of the pig launcher, helps lower
the pressure differential so that sudden shooting of the pig will not damage downstream
automatic valves.
7. A bypass line of the pig launcher is the normal route for the fluids when pigging is not
taking place. This section upstream to the shutdown valve at beginning of pipeline can be
protected against overpressure as indicated in the sample drawing.
8. The hand operated valve (HV) on the bypass line is used to create a pressure differential
for launching the pig (also for receiving the pig). A pressure differential indicator (PDI) has
to be available to the HV operator to monitor the pressure differential.
9. On the outlet of the pig launcher, another hand operated automatic valve is provided to
open up the launcher upon pressurization.
10. The pig launcher (and receiver) are also protected against overpressure with a PSV which
discharges to flare. Typical representation of PSVs can be referred to in another article.
11. Isolation valves, spectacle blinds, spacers etc. to be used for maintenance should be
drawn up next, on various lines to and from the pig trap. The spectacle blinds, spacers etc.
are usually connected right next to the isolation valves and equipment nozzles, as indicated
in the sample drawing presented here.
12. Drains should be provided either on major or minor barrel or on both for complete
draining of  the pig trap after the pig is launched or received. Sample drawing has indicated
drains on both the barrels. These drains are connected to the closed drain system.
13. Vents to flare and to atmosphere are required on pig launchers. Venting to flare for
depressurization of the pig launcher can be achieved using bypass on the relief valve. For
maintenance, when pig is not in operation it can be vented to atmosphere.
14. A utility connection is required to purge the pig launcher / receiver after the pigging is
done and the pig trap is depressurized and drained. A nitrogen connection should normally
be provided as indicated in the sample drawing.
15. Most of the guidelines mentioned for pig launchers also hold good for pig receivers.
16. All the guidelines given here are very general and may be modified as per specific
requirements of any particular project.
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