Minerals: Mill Circuit Duty Pumps
Minerals: Mill Circuit Duty Pumps
Minerals: Mill Circuit Duty Pumps
WARMAN® Centrifugal
Slurry Pumps
Mill Circuit Duty Pumps
Warman® mill circuit duty slurry pumps are designed
for the most aggressive duties and provide excellent
wear life and reliability.
Hydraulic and wear experience combined The Warman® mill circuit range is
with advanced material technology make engineered to enable different material
Warman® mill circuit pumps the best combinations
choice for mill circuit applications.
Warman® MCR® pump – thick elastomer
Warman® mill circuit pumps easily liners inside ductile iron outer casing
manage large size particles in highly with metal impeller and metal or
abrasive slurries and are specifically elastomer throatbush and frame plate
designed for the most severe slurry liner insert
applications such as ball and SAG mill
Warman® MCR-M pump – high chrome
cyclone feed plus water-flush crushing in
iron metal liners inside ductile iron outer
mineral processing plants.
casing with metal impeller, throatbush
Warman® mill circuit pump hydraulics and frame plate liner insert
are based on more than 30 years of
Warman® MCU® pump – all metal
fundamental and applied research
unlined high chrome iron casing with
and backed up by wear performance
metal impeller, throatbush and frame
field trials. Unique design and wear
plate liner insert
evaluation software promotes high
efficiency and optimum life. So whatever the preference – for a rubber
or metal lined pump – the Warman® mill
Warman mill circuit pump designs
circuit pump can provide exceptional
incorporate the latest in hypereutectic
wear life and operational safety.
alloy and elastomer technology,
extending wear life in highly abrasive
and corrosive slurries.
Warman® MCR® 550 pump with reverse rotation
• Reverse rotation options for special sump orientations
Warman® mill circuit pump features are Engineered for severe duties, the
designed to increase productivity and Warman® mill circuit pump draws on
decrease downtime years of proven mill circuit application
Features include:
The use of rubber in large mill pumps
• L
arge diameter, low speed, high
was pioneered in South American
efficiency impeller manufactured from
copper mines and a significant number
a range of abrasion resistant alloys
of these plants now use Warman® MCR®
provides increased wear life.
elastomer lined pumps for mill discharge
• P
atented shrouds that extend past (cyclone feed) duties.
the periphery of the impeller and
Benefits of the elastomer liner in MCR®
expelling vanes are designed to
pumps include:
provide improved flow and reduced
wear at the expelling vane tips. • H
igh resilience elastomer that will
handle coarse particles and ball scats
• L
arge, open internal passages which
with ease
reduce internal velocities thus reducing
wear. • A
light weight design that is safer
for maintenance, compared to heavy
• A
large diameter shaft with a short
metal liners
overhang and heavy duty roller bearings
housed in a low profile fixed assembly • A lower cost than heavy metal liners
or a removable bearing cartridge.
Lined or unlined mill pump options can
• P
atented casing profile with more offer the optimum cost solution for your
material in areas of high particle application
impingement gives exceptional wear life.
The outer casing of the lined Warman®
• R
eversible casing allows the discharge MCR-M all-metal pump provides
orientation to be either “right vertical” slurry containment and allows a safe
position (standard) or “left vertical” shutdown in the event of a liner crack.
position, thereby giving greater This provides a lower risk alternative to
flexibility to the plant layout designer. plants where casing breakage due to mill
Top: Reinstalling Warman® MCR® 550 pump
The only additional parts required to ball overflow is a concern. suction cover after impeller and throatbush
effect the changeover are the clockwise inspection.
rotation impeller and shaft. Bottom: Preparing Warman® MCR® 750
rubber lined wet end for a quick one-piece
wet end change-out
The new Warman® mill circuit pump design combined with
the unique features of the past make it even more efficient
and more reliable than ever before.
Warman® XA throatbush adjustment Self-centering and new low flow design Single-point gland adjustment
stuffing box
Throatbush adjustment with the A new design feature, single-point gland
Warman® XA (extra adjustment) Adjustable stuffing box allows for adjustment, allows for safe packing
thoatbush is now available on all centering of the stuffing box and lantern adjustment from outside of the stuffing
Warman® mill circuit pump designs. restrictor to the shaft sleeve. This will box guard while the pump is operating.
The XA throatbush adjustment feature increase packing life and decrease gland
offers improved sealing and easier seal water consumption.
installation of the intake joint ring into
The low flow stuffing box is made with
both elastomer and metal throatbushes.
tungsten carbide coated J221 shaft
Using the XA throatbush, the total axial
sleeves. The stuffing box additionally
adjustment is up to 80-100% of the
features close clearance split lantern
throatbush thickness, compared to the
restrictors with a harder non-galling
previous adjustment which allowed for
coated inside diameter. The upgraded
materials and design can reduce gland
water consumption up to 50% compared
The Warman® XA throatbush adjustment
feature allows the liner to move closer to to previous Warman® MCR® pump
the impeller face to minimise the impeller- designs.
Single-point gland adjustment allows for safe
throatbush gap.
adjustments while pump is operating.
joint ring
Warman® MCR®
elastomer or high
chrome iron frame The Warman® mill circuit pump features
plate liner insert interchangeable materials from a wide range of high
chrome alloys and compression molded elastomers.
Warman® MCR® This enables optimum materials selection for each
high chrome
specific application ensuring the wear characteristics
iron impeller
for each component are balanced, thus optimizing
wear life.
Warman® MCR®
ductile iron frame
Warman® MCR®
elastomer frame
Warman® MCR® high plate liner
chrome iron throatbush
Warman® MCR®
elastomer throatbush
Warman® MCR®
elastomer cover
plate liner
160 50
Total head (ft)
Total head (m)
125 150 200 450 550 650 750
100 660 760 30
250 300 350 400
80 25
20 5
6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 11
400 1000 10000 100000
US gallons per minute (gpm)
Warman® Mill Circuit slurry pumps - outline dimensions
To be used for preliminary selection only. All measurements in mm unless otherwise noted.
Copyright © 2016, Weir Slurry Group, Inc.. All rights reserved. WARMAN is a trademark and/or registered trademark of Weir Minerals Australia Ltd and Weir Group African IP Ltd; MCR and MCU are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of Weir Slurry Group, Inc. and WHW Group Inc.; WEIR and WEIR (logo) are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Weir Engineering Services Ltd. Certain features of the Pre-Swirl throatbush featured in this publication
are protected by patents pending in the name of Weir Minerals Australia Limited. Certain features of the mill circuit pumps featured in this publication are protected worldwide by patents pending and granted in the name of Weir Slurry
Group, Inc. and WHW Group Inc. WMD0295/052017