Alm Etal 2004 OTC-16294-MS-P PDF
Alm Etal 2004 OTC-16294-MS-P PDF
Alm Etal 2004 OTC-16294-MS-P PDF
Critical design considerations shimming, together with the maximum fabrication tolerances
A number of critical design choices had to be taken early in allowed by codes for elements where measurement data were
the project development to ensure a timely delivery of the not availlable. As a result of this study, the upper insert
structures. The project had to implement a novel untried diameter was reduced from the standard 96-inch dimension of
design concept in a very short timescale. In fact, all main steel 2438 mm down to 2400 mm, while the maximum diameter of
was ordered by the end of December 2002, based on the 2 metres was chosen for the lower insert. Also the distance
conceptual design only. A significant part of the design between the two neighbouring inserts within one piggyback
development comprised anticipating and allowing for potential cluster were set out according to the as-built position of the
dimensional variations, and consequently, a large amount of sleeves. Very strict fabrication tolerances was defined for the
robustness was built into the main steel design. new structures.
yielding. A ductile response was observed between these two double acting jacks, was designed to be actuated through two
loads. For comparison to Valhall, the maximum factored load independent hydraulic systems. Each system was connected to
to be taken at the joint was 30 MN for a 100-year extreme four jacks, and the overall design was made so that only one
event. system would be sufficient to resist the installation forces. The
When including the additional effects from bending, the primary system for actuation was through integrated pre-
partial safety factor against first indication of grout ring failure pressurised accumulators, one for each system. As a back up,
is 1.53 minimum for the 100-year event. The partial factor of all systems could also be pressurised by hydraulic hose from
safety against ultimate failure ranged from at least 3.5 to at surface, through a sub-sea hot stab ROV connection.
least 4.9. Grouting of the piggyback to the jacket and piles was
Three specimens were also subjected to cyclic loading performed through 3-inch steel pipes running inside the
after they had been subjected to a load of 3 times the piggyback inserts. 3-inch pipes were chosen as oppose to
equivalent design load. 400 cycles from zero up to the design standard 2-inch pipes, as a result of the flow characteristics for
load was applied, and no progressive growth in strain was this very special grout mix. A primary and a secondary piping
noted. This result demonstrated that even if the grout had system, both with outlets close to the tip were chosen. In
suffered cracking, it was still able to function as intended addition, a third piping system, with outlet immediately below
without a progressive mode of failure developing. the critical joint, was included. In case of damage to the grout
One specimen was machined to simulate potentially pipes, guide tubes were also integrated in the structures. These
damage to the sleeve resulting from the pile cutting operation. allowed for 2-inch stingers to be inserted from the top of the
The simulated damage was severe, being in the form of a piggyback, and down to each of the annuli between the inserts
circumferential groove having a depth of half the sleeve and the pile or sleeve for grouting. Base case for grouting was
thickness. No effect of the damage on test results could be nevertheless that the whole height of the grouting should be
discerned, demonstrating the connection was very tolerant to performed in one go.
sleeve damage.
Preparatory work
A series of preparatory work was required performed before
the piggybacks could be installed, including both onshore and
offshore activities.
Vessel. However, to minimise installation cost, time for this The results of the measurements confirmed that the
vessel should be minimised. Therefore, all preparatory works various data was within the expected tolerances that had
at the platform site should be conducted using smaller and already been accounted for in the design. However, the local
cheaper vessels. Two separate offshore campaigns were shim dimensions at the inserts could now be adjusted to obtain
carried out in span of several months before the actual additional clearances during installation. Sufficient clearances
installation, to ensure that the jacket structure was ready to during the penetration of the inserts was of major concern for
receive the piggybacks at a minimum of risk. the project, and this adjustments provided additional reduction
in the risk of jamming during the installation.
The second offshore campaign involved performance of
all the remaining preparations including:
grouting. The same high strength grout was used, even though The actual lift and penetration of the inserts into existing pile
this part was not designed to assist in the structural sleeves and the cut refused piles went extremely smooth, and
connection. all structures penetrated to the planned depths within a few
Finally, the inside of the piles was cleaned by high centimetres of accuracy. The grippers were activated as
pressure flushing, and the area outside the mudmats was planned, and the pressures in all systems were almost spot on
dredged to a pre-scribed elevation. The jacket structure was the expected values. A small leak in one system was detected,
now ready to receive the piggybacks. as fluids were observed coming out from a hot stab receptacle.
Inserting a dummy hot-stab stopped this leak, and the system
Offshore installation was re-pressurised. After this, all systems were observed to
The offshore installation of the Piggybacks commenced in the keep the pressures during the rest phase of the installation.
beginning of August 2003, and lasted for about a week. Pile driving commenced immediately after the grippers
were activated, and this went as planned. The MHU 1700
hammer was used, and the resistance encountered was also
according to the predictions.
The final grouting was the most tedious operation, as a
total amount of 150 m3 of grout was required for the
piggyback inserts, and additionally some 40 m3 for the two
new piles. The grout was delivered in sacks of 1000 kg each,
and was mixed in batches of this size. Exact amount of water
was added to the cement mixture according to the recipe, and
mixed for at least 5 minutes. Typical rate of mixing was 7 to 8
batches per hour, and the pumping rate was thus 3.5 to 4 m3
per hour. Due to the relatively warm weather during the
operation, the complete grout mixing station had to be cleaned
for partly cured grout at the end of each grouting sequence.
Grout strength testing was performed at prescribed time
intervals after mixing, to observe the curing properties. A
strength requirement of 20 MPa had been identified as a
requirement to land the platform topside. Pre testing of the
grout early age strength development had been performed, and
an expected curing time of 34 hours was identified. This was
confirmed by offshore testing, and the topside was lifted and
set onto the jacket almost exactly one year after the initial pile
refusal incident.
To Dr. M.S. Lee, Consultant Engineer of BP Norge for
extremely valuable comments and design reviews throughout
the project phase. Acknowledged is also Dr. Adrian Dier of
MSL Engineering for valuable advice and support during
initial concept development, model testing and its result