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Insulator Shed Profile

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Preliminary Recommendations on the Suitable

Shed Profile for HVDC Station Insulators with
Silicone Rubber Housing
W.M. Ma, B. Luo, Z.Y. Su, Z.P. Dang, Z.C. Guan, X.D. Liang,
U. Åström, D. Wu, E. Y. Long, and H.G. Sun

at Tsinghua University on 22nd Nov. of 2005, with a group of

Abstract--The selection of suitable shed profiles for station invited experts on external insulation from Beijing Wanglian
insulators with silicone rubber housings is an important subject HVDC Engineering Technology (BDCC) of State Power Grid
for the successful operation of the HVDC and UHVDC systems. Cooperation of China (SGCC), Technology Research Center
This subject has been discussed on a Seminar with a group of
(TRC) of China Southern Power Grid (CSG), China Electric
invited experts on external insulation. The participants
recognized the lack of research results in this area. However, Power Research Institute (CEPRI), Xian Electro-Ceramic
considering the urgent engineering needs for the coming UHVDC Research Institute (XECRI), Tsinghua University, ABB
projects, after a review of the operational experiences of the HVDC Sweden, and ABB Corporate Research in China
existing 500-600 kV HVDC stations, especially the stations in (CNCRC).
China, the participants concluded the Seminar with preliminary This seminar for invited experts was entitled as “Seminar on
recommendations on the decisive parameters of suitable shed
profiles and a test method for shed profile selection. These
the Selection of Shed Profiles for Composite HVDC Station
recommendations are considered to be applicable to vertically Insulators”. During this all-day seminar, the participants
installed HVDC station insulators with silicone rubber housing discussed at great length on the issues related to the profile
and with relative large diameters. At the same time, the selection, the parameters that need to be recommended, the
participants encourage and invite utilities, manufacturers, and ranges of these parameters, as well as the test methods that can
research institutes to be active on this subject and to provide be used to verify the profile selection. This paper present the
more reliable test results.
Minute of Meeting formed on this seminar as well as some
Index Terms—HVDC insulators, Silicone rubber insulators, related discussions.
Insulator testing. It should be noted, significantly, after this seminar, several
manufactures have designed their composite station insulators
I. INTRODUCTION for UHVDC applications. Several research groups are now, at

M ore and more insulators with silicone rubber housings the same time of writing this article, performing experimental
have been and will be used in HVDC stations because studies on shed profile of composite station insulators.
of, among other advantages, their superior pollution
performance. The selection of suitable shed profiles for this II. REVIEW OF OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCES OF EXISTING ±500
type of station insulators is an important subject for the & ±600 KV HVDC PROJECTS
successful operation of the HVDC and specially UHVDC The key issues reviewed on the Seminar are briefly
systems. However, there are no available standards and summarized below.
recommendations on this subject. At the same time, there is an
A. Wall bushings
urgent need for engineers both in utility and manufacturers to
be able to determine the shed profiles for the coming UHVDC The wall bushings were the equipment that had the highest
projects. With this background in mind, a Seminar took place flashover rate in the converter stations. It was identified
through research work that the main cause of these flashovers
was uneven wetting (uneven-rain). To apply the hydrophobic
The authors are participants of the “Seminar on the Selection of Shed
coatings on porcelain insulators or to use the silicone rubber
Profiles for Composite HVDC Station Insulators”. The participants of this
meeting are listed with no special order: composite bushings have lead to a more uniform voltage
W.M. Ma (BDCC of SGCC, China), B. Luo (TRC of CSG, China), Z.Y. distribution along the insulator during uneven rain. The
Su (CEPRI, China), Z. P. Dang (XECRI, China), Z.C. Guan (Tsinghua problem of uneven wetting has therefore been solved with
University, China), X.D. Liang (Tsinghua University, China), U. Åström
(ABB HVDC, Sweden), D. Wu (ABB HVDC, Sweden), E.Y. Long (ABB good operational experience.
CNCRC, China), H.G. Sun (ABB CNCRC, China).
Contact persons: B. Station post insulators
Zhi-Yi Su, CEPRI, Qinghe, Beijing, China. E-mail: shuzy@epri.ac.cn Flashover on station post insulators was rare in earlier
Dong Wu, ABB HVDC, Ludvika, Sweden. E-mail: dong.wu@se.abb.com
operational experience. For some of the station post insulators
with an under dimensioned creepage distance, severe partial

discharge activities were observed. This problem has been to reach a very low level, e.g. 0.04 per pole per year as
solved through the application of hydrophobic coatings or indicated in Fig. 2. The flashover rate has no direct relations to
booster sheds. the system voltage level. A good performance of external
The porcelain station post insulators used in the Three- insulation can be achieved.
Gorges to Changzhou and Three-Gorges to Guangdong
projects have had a satisfactory operational experience. The
shed profile of these insulators is given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 2. Number of flashovers occurred per pole per year in 47 HVDC

stations worldwide.


Various aspects that need to be considered when selecting
shed profiles and specifying related test methods for composite
Fig. 1. The shed profile of porcelain station post insulators used in Three
Gorges to Changzhou and Three Gorges to Guangdong projects insulators used in ±800 kV DC stations are listed below.

1. The natural conditions that have a major influence

C. Vertically installed bushings
on the shed profile selection.
According to flashover statistics, half of the flashovers 2. The decisive parameters of insulator shed profile.
occurred on this type of insulators were in rain. Certain 3. The influence of hydrophobicity on the shed
improvement in performance has been achieved through the profile selection.
application of hydrophobic coatings. 4. Operational experience of porcelain insulators.
5. Operational experience of insulators in HVAC
OR RAIN CONDITIONS (DATA FROM MORE THAN 40 STATIONS WORLD-WIDE) 6. Operational experience of insulators in HVDC
Position/insulator type Fog Rain
7. Other constrains.
Horizontal wall bushings 1 39
Vertically installed station 28 28 8. Test methods.
insulators of different types
D. Silicon- rubber composite insulators A. The natural conditions that have a major influence on the
The superior pollution performance of silicone-rubber shed profile selection
insulators is widely recognized. In the inland regions, silicone- For vertically installed composite insulators, both post
rubber insulators can operate safely even with a shorter insulator and bushings, the flashover caused by heavy rain
creepage distance than that of porcelain insulators. Such a occurred after relative long time of pollution accumulation is
good experience has been reported in North America and considered as the major condition that will determine the shed
further demonstrated by vast experiences in China. It is so profile selection. This is because that operational experience
required in China that the silicone-rubber insulators to be used has shown that the typical pollution flashover is not the main
in polluted areas should be made of silicone-rubber materials problem for silicone rubber insulators. However, some of the
that have both high tracking resistance and good experts pointed out that the low air pressure at areas of a high
hydrophobicity transferring ability. altitude would impair the pollution performance. Therefore,
E. Flashover statistic of insulators in HVDC stations the pollution performance might still be a major influence
condition for the shed profile selection of composite insulators
A review of operational experience of insulators in HVDC
to be used in the areas of a high altitude. Another constrain for
stations reveal clearly that the flashover rate can be controlled

the shed profile selection, which may only be applicable for fulfill above recommendations, it can still be
the insulators in parallel construction, is the aerodynamic adopted if it is proved to have an equally good
property of the insulator under strong wind. performance as those insulators that fulfill the
recommendations in the tests specified below.
B. The influence of hydrophobicity on the shed profile
selection D. Test method
Insulators with a good hydrophobicity give better rain and The heavy rain test under polluted conditions.
pollution performance than hydrophilic insulators. However, 1) Test voltage
the influence of the degree of hydrophobicity on the profile It is recommended to use the up-and-down method in order
selection needs to be further studied. The recommendations to obtain a voltage level that corresponding to 50% flashover
given on this Seminar is base on the assumption that the probability, U50, and the standard deviation, σ. It is required
insulator is able to retain certain degree of hydrophobicity on that the withstand voltage, defined by U50×(1-3×σ), should be
its surface during the operation. higher or equal to the maximum rated operational voltage.
C. Recommendations on the decisive parameters of insulator For a test object with a reduced size from the real equipment
shed profiles and with the aim of the test as to verify the shed profile, the
test voltage applied shall be proportional to the real length.
The recommendation applies to vertically installed silicone-
The effect of the difference in insulator length shall be
rubber station insulators of relative large diameters. For the
evaluated in the final evaluation of the test results.
alternating profile (one large and one small shed, see Fig. 3.)
2) Pollution level
the recommended parameters are listed below:
The SDD and NSDD levels used in the test shall be that in
the Project Technical Specification. Kieselguhr will be used as
the inert material.
3) Rain intensity and conductivity
Rain intensity: 3-5 mm/min, in 45o.
Conductivity of the water: 100 Ω•m (refer to IEC standard
4) Test procedure
The pollution should be applied uniformly on insulators.
After pollution application, insulators are allowed to recover
its hydrophobic property for a period of four days.
The insulator to be tested is then installed at the test
position and with the test voltage applied before starting the
rain. The test will continue until a flashover has occurred on
the insulator or the risk of flashover is considered to be
minimal. This can be determined by observing the leakage

Fig. 3. Decisive parameters of the shed profiles for vertically installed V. DISCUSSIONS ON THE TEST METHOD
silicone-rubber composite station insulators
Some details of the test method were discussed among the
involved experts during and even after the Seminar. Some of
1. Spacing between the large sheds: S ≥ 65 mm
the important issues are briefly introduced below for the
2. Ratio between shed overhang and shed spacing:
reference of the reader.
P/S ≤ 1.25 The pollution level is proposed on the Seminar as the same
3. Difference between overhangs of the large and the level in each specific Project Specification. Actually, the
small sheds: P-P1 should be larger than that highest pollution level and the heavy rain may not appear at
required for AC insulators (i.e. 15 mm); and it is the same time of a year. Therefore, the proposal on the
recommended to use a larger value e.g. 20 mm or Seminar may be considered as a conservative approach.
more. A problem that may occur during the test is the pollution
4. Upper-side inclination angle: α > 10o; under-side layer being washed away too quick after starting the rain. In
inclination angle: β > 3o. The designer is natural conditions, the pollution accumulation is often a slow
recommended neither to use too small β in order process. The pollution may be better encapsulated by the
to avoid the backflow of the water drops, nor to silicone rubber surface than that in laboratory. Therefore, it
use too large β in order to avoid poor natural will probably take a longer time for the pollution to be washed
washing effect. Shed profiles with under-rib are away in natural conditions. One possible solution is to add
not recommended. some type of glue in the pollution slurry in order to slow down
5. For insulators with a shed profile that does not the washing process. The possible drawback of adding glue is

that we are not so clear on its interaction with silicone rubber Department of Technology Research Center (TRC). He is member of Power
Industry HVDC Transmission Technical Committee of China.
surface. This is the subject need to be further investigated.
Regarding the pollution distribution, although it is true that Zhiyi Su was born in China in 1946. He has graduated from Beijing Electric
there will be more pollution at the under-side of the insulator Power Institute in China in 1970. His working experiences include the testing,
sheds than at the upper-side, a uniform pollution layer will be research, design consult on operation safety of external insulation of HVAC
and HVDC equipment and transmission line. In 2000, He became the deputy
easier to achieve in the laboratory. Therefore, uniform
Chief Engineer of High-voltage Department of China Electric Power
pollution is recommended here. Research Institute (CEPRI). He is the vice Director of Power Industry
As to the degree of hydrophobicity recovery that will be Insulator Technical Committee of China. He is also the Secretary-General of
allowed for the test objects, there are also some considerations. Power Industry HVDC Transmission Technical Committee of China.
In natural conditions, it is reasonable to expect that the surface
Zhenping Dang was born in China in 1966. He received his M.Sc.from
of the insulator will retain or recover to certain degree of Xi’an Jiaotong University. Since 1988, his research areas have mainly been
hydrophobic property before rain. Therefore, the test should materials, production techniques, and test methods of HVAC and HVDC
also be performed on insulators that have recovered some of insulators and bushings. He is now the deputy Chief Engineer of Xian
Electro-Ceramic Research Institute (XECRI) of China. He has been members
its hydrophobicity after pollution application. However, of Chinese national standard committee for insulators for three terms from
different surface materials may recover with different speed 1995 and contributed to most of the today’s national standards for composite
under the same pollution. To allow a full recovery for all insulators.
insulators may take a long time, i.e. a few days or even weeks.
Zhicheng Guan was born in China in 1944. He received his Ph.D. from
This will make the test very time consuming. Certain Tsinghua University in China in 1984. He has a long working experience and
compromise is necessary here. Therefore, a period of four days is active in the area of high voltage technology. He is now the dean of
was recommended on the Seminar based on laboratory graduate school at Shenzhen, Tsinghua Unversity, Vice president of Tsinghua
University Council, president of China Electrotechnical Society and vice
president of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering.
The rain conductivity is proposed on the Seminar to be
corresponding to IEC standard. However, it is recognized by Xidong Liang was born in China in 1962. He received the B.Sc., M.SC., and
the experts that the rain conductivity is not the most critical Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, all in high voltage
parameter in the test severity. Therefore, water with other engineering in 1984, 1987 and 1991, respectively. He did his research in
UMIST, England as a visiting scholar from 1991 to 1992. Then he was
conductivity may also be used as long as the conductivity of associate professor in Tsinghua University from 1993 and full professor from
the water is under control. 1997. He is member of CIGRE SC B2, and member of working groups of IEC
and CIGRÉ dealing with composite insulators. His special fields of interest
include outdoor insulation, composite insulator and its materials.
Considering the fact that the information available on this Dong Wu, was born in China in 1952, He received his Ph.D. form the Royal
subject is very limited in literature, the recommendations given Institute of Technology in Sweden in 1985. His working experiences include
R & D activities at China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), research
from the participants of this Seminar is preliminary. However, work at the Royal Institute of Technology and STRI in Sweden in the areas of
these recommendations represent the common understanding high voltage technology and power electronics. In 1998, He joined ABB
of the participants at this stage based on the operational HVDC in Sweden. In 2001, He was appointed as Senior Specialist on Electric
Insulation Systems at ABB HVDC in Sweden. He is active in IEC and Cigre
experience and limited test results. The recommendation will
Working Groups on external insulation.
provide a reference position for the utility and manufacturers.
At the same time, the participants encourage and invite Urban Åström was born in Sweden in 1946. He received his M.Sc. from
utilities, manufacturers, and research institutes to be active on University of Uppsala, Sweden in 1973. In 1974 he joined ABB (ASEA)
the subject of shed profile selection for HVDC composite HVDC in Sweden. His working experiences include R & D and Managing
work on thyristor valve, converter transformer, various HVDC converter
station insulators. This subject will be better understood if station equipments, and external insulation. He is now project manager for
more reliable test results will be obtained on both conditions, UHVDC development at ABB HVDC.
i.e., heavy rain under polluted conditions and low air pressure
in combination with pollution flashover. Emily-Ying Long was born in China in 1972. She received her B. Sc, M. Sc,
and Ph. D from Tsinghua University, in 1995, 1997, and 2000 respectively,
all in electrical engineering. From 2000 to 2004, she worked as a senior
VII. BIOGRAPHIES engineer of HVDC control and protection at Beijing HVDC Engineering
Consultant Company (BDCC), involved in Three Gorges-Changzhou, Three
Gorges-Guangdong, Three Gorges-Shanghai HVDCs and Northwest to
Weimin Ma was born in China in 1966. He received his Ph.D. from Wuhan Central China Back to Back Link. She is now with ABB Corporate Research
Institute of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering. His working experiences in China, working in the field of high voltage engineering.
include HVDC, overhead power transmission line design and high voltage
testing. He is main author and contributor to the Technical Specification and
system design of many of the large scale HVDC projects in China, such as Huigang Sun was born in China in 1976. He received his M.Sc. from Xi' an
3GC, 3GG and 3GS, etc. In 2000 He became the Chief Engineer of Beijing Jiaotong University, China in 2002. He began his PhD study in Chongqing
Wanglian HVDC Engineering Technology Co. Ltd (BDCC). University, China from 2006. In 2002, he joined ABB high voltage factory in
Beijing as a R&D engineer. He began to work in ABB Corporate Research
China from 2005. Now he works mainly in high voltage and insulation field,
Bing Luo was born China in 1966. He received his Ph.D. from Tsinghua
and is responsible for several high voltage projects
University in 1996. His working experiences include work at Mianyang
Electric Power Supply Bureau and Guangzhou Electric Power Supply Bureau.
In 2005, he joined China Southern Power Grid (CSG) and worked at HVDC

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