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Felisha Salas Movement Lesson Plan

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Felisha Salas

Movement Lesson Plan

Title: ​Sneaky Snake (Clockwise) Grade Level: 1​st

Source: ​Professor Michelle McConkey

Materials needed:




A.S: When you look at the big hand on the clock, which way does it go? Does it count forward,
1, 2, 3, or does it count backward, 11, 10, 9?

1. Organize the students so that they form a circle.

2. Teach them how the directions clockwise and counterclockwise.

a. Have them look at a clock and ask them which way the big hand, or the
minute hand goes. From 12, does it go forward 1, 2, 3, or does it go backwards
11, 10, 9?

b. A clock goes forward from 1, 2, 3, and we call that clockwise. If it goes

backwards, that would be counterclockwise.

3. In your circle, walk clockwise and counterclockwise, pretending that you are the
“12” on the clock. This will help students identify which direction is clockwise and
which is not.

4. Now model for the students up and down movements (tip toes and crouching
down), patting your knees twice, clapping your hands twice, and the scissors with their
legs (one leg in front and one leg in back movie back and forth like a scissor)

a. Have students practice each motion as you say the moves.

5. Now, organize students so that they are in three or four front facing lines.

6. Revisit clockwise and counterclockwise directions by having the students move in

their personal space.

a. Face front, turn to the side for 4 counts, turn to the back for 4 counts, turn
to the other side for 4 counts, and turn to the front for 4 counts.
7. Now that we have all the movements, put it all together and add some music!

Closure: Review clockwise and counterclockwise directions by asking students how they differ
from each other and which way do they go.

Educational Objective: ​ By the end of this lesson, students will have learned the difference
between clockwise and counterclockwise, and how to identify those words.

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Music

Emotional al Subjects
Telling the Patting your National “Core” Music Content
difference knees Standards Standards Standards
clockwise and Clapping your 1. Singing Creating
counterclockwise hands Imagine
directions 2. Play
Tip toeing up and Instruments Plan and Make
crouching down
3. Improvising Evaluate &
Turning in a Refine
clockwise 4. Composing
direction Present
5. Reading &
Walking in a Notating Performing
clockwise and Select
counterclockwise 6. Listening
direction Analyze
7. Evaluating
8. Integration
(outside arts) Rehearse,
Evaluate, &
9. Refine





Connect #10

Connect #11

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