Entering The Sketcher Workbench: Creating A New Geometry, Using..
Entering The Sketcher Workbench: Creating A New Geometry, Using..
Entering The Sketcher Workbench: Creating A New Geometry, Using..
4. Select the reference plane from the specification tree.
● The Sketcher workbench appears as shown here, with the main Sketcher toolbars displayed on the right hand side and at the bottom.
● Now, let's see more precisely the different Sketcher toolbars and how to restore their position.
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This task will show you how to quickly become familiar with the basic functionalities available within the Sketcher workbench.
3. Click Close.
A dialog box is displayed asking you to confirm the Restore position action.
4. Click OK to validate.
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All the Sketcher toolbars are now displayed at their appropriate positions as shown below:
2. Select the desired element, for instance select a line from a rectangle.
1. Click a point in the geometry area using the middle mouse button.
Now that you have seen how to use the Sketcher toolbars and how to use the mouse button, let's start creating:
● sketches from new parts.
Create simple geometry: Shows how to create simple geometry such as a rectangle using basic options as the
Snap to Point for instance.
Apply constraints: Shows you how to quickly apply constraints on elements using either the Constraints toolbar
or the Sketch toll toolbar.
Analyze sketches: Shows you how to analyze a sketch using the Solving Status, the sketch Analysis or the
Parent/Children options.
Modify sketches: Lists the different ways of modifying or deleting elements from a sketch.
Creating a pad: Shows you how to create a pad after exiting Sketcher.
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To create simple geometry, you need to get familiar with such option as:
rectangle dimensions.
The Construction/Standard
shown here.
8. Click the
again the
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● Note that this is only one way of creating this sketch and that you can get the same result using other commands such
as the Profile, the Circle, etc...
● When setting an element in construction mode, then this element is not published once in the 3D area.
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Applying Constraints
This task will show you how to quickly apply constraints to a sketch elements.
Geometrical Constraint
You will get a geometry which looks like this.
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Select the circle and move it to see the tangency constraint is well
Dimensional constraint
6. Press Enter.
Note that if you want to keep the dimensional constraints displayed, the Dimensional Constraint option must be activated.
● You can use the Sketch analysis to have a diagnosis the over-
dialog box.