Jack Ma PDF
Jack Ma PDF
Jack Ma PDF
Tmall began life as TaoBao and is now China’s No 1 online shopping site;
business to consumer. It has opened up the Chinese consumer market to
traders from all over the world. It has rightly earned a reputation for quality,
both in the service it provides but also in the products it sells.
In order to be registered with Tmall, a business needs to have a physical
presence in China, though properly authorized overseas businesses can join
Tmall Global. The obvious advantage of membership is the size of the
Chinese market. Members have full control of the design of their presence so
it is little different from having a stand-alone website. What is does offer is
the size of the market that is immediately accessible to a company with good
product to sell.
AliExpress opened in 2010 and provides a vehicle for companies to sell their
products worldwide. It has become a place where consumers can buy almost
anything so that it is not necessary to do anything other than check in, buy,
and check out with all your shopping done.
As the name suggests, it is intent on providing an efficient and speedy service
to anywhere in the world. Online shopping has become the norm in today’s
world and AliExpress’s market share suggests that it has become a major
player in that sector.
There is no fee for membership, buyers or sellers, and it oversees
transactions, even down to a single small item and shipping is often free, and
certainly quick. AliExpress operates an escrow policy which protects both
buyer and seller because the money is only released once the goods have
been received and the buyer confirms he or she is happy. It would be wrong
to say there are never any problems because it is an impossible task to police
every member completely because there are unscrupulous people that can
provide answers to get membership approved without the intention of then
acting honestly. There is a feedback system that buyers can check to see what
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previous customers of a supplier have said about the experience they had.
AliExpress will help anyone making a legitimate complaint.
The ’’Shipping and Packing’’ section provides the details that buyers need to
understand the process once they have made their purchases. There are
express and standard postal services though on some purchases, it may not be
possible to use a particular carrier or method of delivery. In any event, the
buyer is provided with the precise options before purchase.
All the popular payment methods are available to consumers, including credit
and debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfer.
Ma and the Chinese Entertainment Industry
Ma diversified very quickly into other business sectors and entertainment was
one of them. Just as eBay had sought to take advantage of the huge market of
China, as the country grew richer, an increasing number of ordinary Chinese
people would have disposable income for leisure activities. A recent report
that covers the years until the end of this decade predicts growth throughout
the whole sector. It envisages a compound growth rate of almost 9%
annually, twice the global average. It suggests that Ma’s foresight in getting
involved in media and entertainment years ago has been repaid.
Huayi Brothers
Another player in the entertainment sector. Huayi Brothers is involved in film
and television and has expanded into the Internet, licensing and music.
Huayi Brothers invested in Feng Xiaogang whose film about New Year was a
great success and has broadened its scope into TV drama, artist management,
records and entertainment marketing.
The future
Jack Ma is not someone to stand still. He has many years of a working life
left and with his energy and determination, it is likely that he will succeed in
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his vision for the coming years.
He expects Alibaba to expand wherever new technologies takes it. He
understands that things are ever evolving and while he may not think of
everything, he is ready to embrace anything new that attracts him, or is
proving to be a success.
His own view is that the whole job market will change; machines and
artificial intelligence are both likely to result in the jobs market shrinking.
The advantage of this ‘’progress’’ is that it should improve the quality of
everyone’s lives. Ma is certainly willing to invest in this and recently quoted
a figure of $15 billion set aside for that over the next three years.
He hopes to continue to increase trade across the globe and he still feels there
is plenty of scope to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which was
where it all began in the 1990s.
Last year, Alibaba announced an investment in Hollywood, Steven Spielberg
to be precise. His company Amblin Partners are producing and distributing
films in China and worldwide with Ma announcing a further $7 billion
investment over the next couple of years. Spielberg’s name in the
entertainment industry suggests that this will be yet another successful
Collaboration is important to Ma. Take for example the initiative to launch an
electronic trade platform in Malaysia in partnership with the Government
with the aim of creating more trade between the small and medium size
companies in the two countries. His early experience with officialdom has
not put him off working with government though he knows that it can be
unwise to commit himself too much and find obstacles in his way.
It is part of an overall strategy to become even stronger outside the borders of
China and South East Asia is an obvious place to start. The $1 billion that
Alibaba invested in Singapore’s Lazada has produced good growth there as
Famous Quotes of Jack Ma.
It is inevitable that someone who has become such a prominent figure in
today’s business world gets a great deal of media exposure. Such is his
success that many people listen and many hope to learn. There are many
quotes on different subjects and some reflect how he has moved from just an
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ordinary Chinese man to a world figure.
"We will make it because we are young and we never ever give up!" This
was a reference to his struggle with eBay which was by no means certain to
succeed. He was after all offering commission free deals for three years so it
was natural that eBay was confident that it would prevail. This quote shows
the real strengths of Jack Ma which are his drive and determination.
“Put the customers first, the employees second, and the shareholders third.”
Ma values the customers and of course began his adventure by identifying
that small and medium sized businesses need help to reach the market that the
Internet was able to provide them. They needed help, and still do, with Ma
determined to continue in the future to open up the world markets for anyone
who wants them. He is clearly less concerned about shareholders but anyone
who has invested in Jack Ma is unlikely to regret that they did.
“If Alibaba doesn’t get bigger and more successful than Walmart or
Microsoft, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Our predecessors invested in
us, it is therefore our (this generation’s) responsibility to do better than
them.” Ma sees that it is natural to expect progress from successive
generations. He is a living example of someone who has been able to grow a
business from very small beginnings and certainly has plans for the years to
come to expand even further.
“If the company always thinks of picking money out from the government’s
pocket, that company is rubbish! It should think about how to make money
from customers and the market, and to help customers succeed." This is Ma’s
observation that companies should not be forever seeking subsidies; they
should look for their own ways to develop their businesses through their own
“The business schools teach a lot of skills about how to make money and
how to run a business. But I want to tell people that if you want to run a
business, you have to run the value first, to serve the others, to help the others
– that’s the key.” While Ma is certainly not against academics as such, and
may even go back to teaching one day, he is critical of the style of some
When he was called crazy in a Time Magazine article early this century, he
was not offended at all. “I think crazy is good! We are crazy but not stupid! If
everyone agrees with me and if everybody believes in our idea is good – we
will have no chance.”
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“If you don’t do it, nothing is possible. If you do it, at least, you have the
hope that there's a chance.” This seems obvious. Certainly, in Ma’s case, he
was happy to take a risk and clearly, he has been able to reach a point
whereby even his setbacks have become insignificant.
“I use Thai Chi philosophy in business: Calm down, there’s always a way out
and keep yourself balanced, and meanwhile, don’t try to kill your
competitors.” Thai Chi plays quite an influence on Ma, both in his business
and his personal life.
“In this world, if you want to win in the 21st century, you have to be making
sure that making other people become powerful, empower others; making
sure the other people are better than you are, then you will be successful.” Ma
does not fear a situation where others become more powerful, even, it seems,
competitors, because he has confidence in himself.
“I find that when a person makes a mistake or fails, if he or she always
complains or blames others, that person will never come back from the
failure. But if the person checks inside, this person has hope.” Ma is happy to
take full responsibility for his actions.
"My relationship with the government is: Be in love with the governments,
but do not marry them.” You recall in his early days, he was frustrated that
bureaucracy hindered the progress of ‘’ChinaPage.’’ His answer is not to
openly oppose a government but also not to allow himself to be hindered by
it. Fairly recently, the Chinese government asked him to help solve a regular
problem it faced with its ticket vending system crashing during the spring
festival. He got his team to do it for free on the basis that the government
would leave him alone.
“If eBay are the sharks in the ocean – We (Alibaba) are the crocodiles in the
Yangtze River. Never fight in the ocean, let’s fight in the Yangtze River.”
This is a great way to explain the approach he took in the early 2000s when
seeking to develop his business in China, thereby preventing eBay gaining a
stronger foothold than it already had. This ultimately led to eBay
withdrawing from China, a huge market.
“Today, people write about the successful stories of Alibaba. And I really
don’t think we were so smart, we made so many mistakes and we were so
stupid at times. So, someday, the book I personally really will want to write
about is Alibaba’s 1001 mistakes. These are the things people should
remember and people should learn.” There is not a hint of arrogance in Jack
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“Going anywhere, doing business, takes time. No market welcomes gamblers
– You go there, create value for local people, have time – it will have
chance.” This was his observation when people said that it was difficult to do
business in China.
"Never give up! Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after
tomorrow will be sunshine. If you give up tomorrow, you will never see the
sunshine." This pretty much sums up Ma.
The World of Entrepreneurs
Ma’s inquisitive nature and determination to solve problems stands out. In
the early days of Alibaba, he understood that one of the obstacles he faced
was consumers’ fear about effectively sending money to China, as well as
their general apprehension about providing personal details that may not be
secure. In terms of the latter, it was the industry as a whole that gradually
solved that but in the case of the former, he arranged to have Alipay launched
without the permission of the Chinese banking authorities, a risk in itself to
his personal freedom. Alipay is now bigger in global terms than PayPal.
He stands out from many of the top names today; he did not drop out of
formal education like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. He
graduated with an MBA from Cheung Kong University during the time he
was building Alibaba. He is an academic himself, though he struggled with
exams in his early days; he actually talks about teaching again in the future.
The point was that he did not struggle with things he enjoyed and was
passionate about; learning English is the best example of this.
Every entrepreneur understands that success is not automatic. In Jack’s case,
he certainly had setbacks along the way, but in some ways, he used them as
motivation to keep going. He certainly was prepared to lead the way but
clearly understands the need for teamwork, and has the character, even
charisma and certainly confidence, to get people to follow him. A little
patience is involved.
Every entrepreneur needs an open mind; ideas are great but there is the
practical implementation to consider. It is important to be prepared to learn
along the way, and embrace ideas which may be useful in pursuing any
project. He can hire the best people to ensure that Alibaba is at the forefront
of technology and not vulnerable to the developments within his competitors.
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The Man
Ma remains a modest man, with fairly modest hobbies; he enjoys simple
things like reading, poker, tai chi, and meditation. He did allow himself one
luxury when he bought a jet plane for Alibaba which is always available for
him when he wants or needs to travel, but otherwise there is little outward
sign of his enormous wealth.
He became interested in the environment when someone in his wife’s family
became ill with the suspicion that it had been caused by pollution. He is now
on the board of the global body Nature Conservancy, and spoke at the
Clinton Global Initiative. There is now a new 27,000-acre nature reserve
thanks to Ma’s efforts. It would be great to think that he would one day put
his name to several other environmental issues facing the world, and certainly
the many endangered species around the world who are vulnerable because
of their perceived value for traditional Asian medicine.
While he is often asked to speak, and regularly does so, he is also a very
private person. He married a girl he met at school, Zhang Ying who openly
said that she married him for his abilities rather than his looks. They have a
son and a daughter, the son being an undergraduate at UC Berkeley in the
There is little sign that he will slow down any time soon. After all, he has a
vision of the future and while he has not reached his mid-50s yet, he is still
relatively young in business leader terms.