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Food Arts - Modernist Cuisine

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Encarta® World
English Dictiona

rights reserved. ry © 1999 Micr
Developed for M osoft Corporatio
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msbury Publish
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Modernist Cuisin
e: The Art and
released in Dec Science of Cooki
ember 2010. T ng is schedule
he author, Natha d to be
former chief te n Myhrvold, is
chnology offic the
tellectual Vent er of Microsoft
ures, “a firm de and co-founder
dicated to crea of In -
inventions.” H ting and invest
e has spent th in g in
calls an “encyc e last three ye
lopedic treatm ars developing
en t what he
page book will of modern cook
be released in ing.” The 2,40
five hardcover 0-
proofed spiral volumes plus a
-bound kitche w at er-
price is $625. n manual cont
Myhrvold’s w ained in a slip
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scope and scal ly unpreceden
e, but his cred ted in its
entials as a scie
Myhrvold grad ntist are unmat
uated from hi ched.
ter’s degree in gh school at ag
mathematics, e 14, earned a
geophysics, an mas-
UCLA, and an d space physic
other master’s s fr om
Princeton. He in mathematic
completed a Ph al economics
.D. by age 23. Si fr om
tributed to the nce then he ha
understanding s co n-
dinosaurs, and of global climate
the eradicatio change, hurric
n of malaria in an es ,
is an active inve mosquitoes. M
ntor, with near yh rv ol d
cluding severa ly 250 patents
l related to food issued or pend
te ch ing—in-
crosoft, he took nology. While
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professional cu an intensive si
linar y program x w ee k
Varenne in Vill with Anne W
ecien, France. illan at the Éco
A ny one looking fo le de la
Arts & Med dentials might r more culinar
note that Myh y cre-
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If Escoffier py agat survey. “I the chief gastro
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Atkinson rep eg
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the laborato si de
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photos by Jim ab
years,” he says. Myhrvold also counts food scientist Harold Mc-
Gee among his close friends and has dined with him at El Bulli,
Ferran Adrià’s temple of modernist cooking in Roses, Spain.
When he first applied to the program at La Varenne, Willan was
dubious. Myhrvold had not included a work résumé. “So I turned in
my full résumé listing my position at Microsoft. She called me back
and said they had lots of other programs that might be more appro-
priate for a novice cook, and I said no, I want to do the professional
thing.” Willan sent a representative (Seattle cookbook author and
culinary instructor Cynthia Nims) from the school to interview
this unusual candidate. Myhrvold recalls that he was asked to dis-
cuss the relative cooking times of three stocks: veal, chicken, and
fish. “I got the times all right, but they recommended I do a stage at
a restaurant.” So Myhrvold turned in an extensive stage at Thierry
Rautureau’s Rover’s restaurant in Seattle, where he worked one
10 hour day a week for a period of about two years.
“I think I learned at least as much at Rover’s as I did at La Va-
renne,” says Myhrvold. “I used to say I only call two people boss
and only one of them carries a nine-inch knife.” Bill Gates didn’t
carry the knife. “He didn’t have to,” jokes Myhrvold.
In a 2008 article for The New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell, author
of The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers, described Myhrvold as “gre-
garious, enthusiastic, and nerdy on an epic scale.” And in Outliers,
Gladwell cites Myhrvold when he proposes that success in a given
field has as much to do with generation, family, and class as it does
with inherent genius.
Only someone born in France in the mid-19th century could
have been in a position to compile the Guide Culinaire, Auguste Es-
coffier’s thorough tome that expressed his vast experience with the
cuisine of his era. And only those born in the early 20th century
could have had the opportunities, the connections, and the maturi-
ty to complete Mastering the Art of French Cooking as both Julia Child
and her editor, Judith Jones, were. It also helped that Child’s book
came out when the popular first lady Jacquelyn Kennedy had just
hired French chef René Verdon to cook at the White House, mak-
ing French food synonymous with presidential chic for the first
time since Thomas Jefferson occupied the place.
Giftedness and hard work were part of the story in the mak-
ing of both of those books, but so were timing and opportunity. All
these things appear to have come together in Modernist Cuisine as written about the new cooking, but who knows how long it would a 20,000-square-foot laboratory across town with an additional and various contributing writers and editors. The kitchen crew is
well. Myhrvold’s giftedness is unimpeachable, but his work is also take that to occur.” 7,000-square-foot storage space across the street. In addition to led by Myhrvold’s co-author, Chris Young, who served as open-
a reflection of a particular time and place. Born in Seattle in 1959, state-of-the-art ovens, cooktops, and refrigeration equipment, the ing chef of the experimental kitchen under Heston Blumenthal
Myhrvold has been in a unique position to do what he has done. A in·tel·lec·tu·al adj 1. relating to or involving the mental process- culinary lab boasts combi ovens, freeze-driers, centrifuge machines, at The Fat Duck in Bray, England, and helped develop some of
decade earlier, he might have been too firmly entrenched in tradi- es of abstract thinking and reasoning rather than the emotions storage equipment for liquid nitrogen, homogenizers, and a spray that restaurant’s most innovative dishes. Young earned degrees in
tional culinary techniques to consider the modernist movement; 2. having a highly developed ability to think, reason, and under- drier. Besides the preposterously well-equipped culinary lab, there’s mathematics and biochemistry at the University of Washington
a decade later, someone else might have beat him to the punch. stand, especially in combination with wide knowledge 3. intended a biology lab, a chemistry lab, labs for photonics, electronics, “small and left behind his doctoral work to cook with William Belick-
Without his Microsoft connections and the hundreds of millions for, appealing to, or done by intelligent people n somebody with a things,” and more. There’s an insectary (basically a room for insects),
of dollars he accumulated there, he might not have had the techni- highly developed ability to reason and understand, especially if also housing mosquitoes for malaria research, a photography studio, and Overleaf: Team Myhrvold called upon a refractometer, pH meter, pressure cooker, sous-vide
cal savvy or the financial resources to tackle what has been an incal- well educated and interested in the arts or sciences or enjoying ac- a machine shop. Additional equipment for the various labs is stored equipment, Thermomix, and anti-griddle to produce the components of duck Apicius: duck
culable personal investment in this project. tivities involving serious mental effort in a 30,000-square-foot warehouse in the nearby town of Kent. stock, pomegranate with garum juice, quince jelly, braised turnips with saffron, spiced honey
“This book,” says Myhrvold, “is something that I was in a po- For the book project, Myhrvold hired 15 people, including five glass, date puree, and rendered duck. Photo by Ryan Smith. Man over machine: Nathan Myhr-
sition to do, and it wouldn’t have happened in any other way for a Intellectual Ventures is based in a suite of offices in a swank of- professional chefs, a full-time photographer, an art director (who vold with a larger-than-life rotary evaporator, which he has mastered. Above: A bisected wok
very long time. You know, eventually there would have been books fice park in Bellevue, Washington. The company also occupies left his job at Scientific American to contribute to the project), provides a close-up for a detailed dissection of stir-frying. Photo by Ryan Smith.

Food Arts september 2010 38 39 Food Arts september 2010

“We wanted to show food to people in a way it hadn’t been seen
before,” says Myhrvold, describing the various processes he em-
ployed to pull together what will certainly be regarded as one of the
most significant books about food ever published. Lavishly illus-
trated with stunning photographs, many of them complex images
that show bisected cooking equipment revealing food inside or on
top in the process of undergoing the changes associated with being
cooked, the book contains 180 “parametric recipes,” which are es-
sentially charts that provide details for adapting basic techniques
to specific ingredients. The “parametrics” contain an average of 10
“formulaic recipes” each. Three hundred and eighty-one “example
recipes” were inspired by classic or previously published recipes,
or adapted from recipes contributed by working chefs specifically
for the project. Forty-eight original “plated dish” recipes, which in-
clude sub-recipes and formulas for sauces, garnishes, and side dish-
es include an average of five separate recipes each. The voice rises
and the laugh bubbles through: “I think we succeeded!”

cui·sine n 1. a specified style of cooking, especially one that is no-

table for high quality See also haute cuisine 2. the range of food pre-
pared by a particular restaurant, country, or individual

Any dish—modernist or traditional—depends on the quality of its ingredients: test tubes and “The first volume of the book, History and Fundamentals, is about the
bottles of spices in the kitchen lab. history of modern cuisine. Well, actually,” enthuses Myhrvold, “it’s
about the history of all cuisine. We start at the Stone Age!” Every-
is at Seattle’s Mistral restaurant. While he was at The Fat Duck, thing Myhrvold undertakes is characterized by a no-holds-barred,
Young was responsible for managing recipe development for the sky’s-the-limit approach that broadens the playing field and opens
BBC show Perfection: With Heston Blumenthal. He has written ex- up worlds of possibilities in every project he undertakes. His inter-
tensively on the science of food and cooking for The Fat Duck est in cosmology and quantum field theory led him to a post-doctoral
Cookbook and has published scholarly research in the Journal of fellowship with cosmologist Stephen Hawking; dabbling in photog-
Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science. raphy incited a lifelong interest in nature and wildlife photography
Young’s right-hand man in the kitchen is Maxime Bilet, who that won him an International Conservation Photography Award
earned a degree in English from Skidmore, in Saratoga Springs, New in 2008; and an interest in barbecue prompted him to compete on
York, then graduated with highest honors from the Institute of Cu- a team that won first place in several categories at the 1991 World
linary Education in New York City. He served as head chef at Jack’s Championship of Barbecue. So it seems only fitting that what start-
Luxury Oyster Bar before moving to London to accept a position ed as a 500 page treatise on sous-vide technique should expand into
as a stagiaire with the development team at The Fat Duck, where he this behemoth work. In order to put the modernist culinary move-
met Young. While he was in training to become a sous chef at the ment into perspective, and to sate his vast intellectual curiosity,
London branch of Auberge de L’Ile, he was drafted to join the cu- Myhrvold unfolded layer upon layer of background material.
linary team at The Cooking Lab. Anjana Shanker, another mem- “Where did modernist cuisine come from? Where did nouvelle
ber of the team, served as sous chef at Scott Carsberg’s restaurant come from? What are the forces that shaped fine dining around the
Lampreia in Seattle. She encouraged Myrhvold to explore curries world? And what’s the philosophy behind this? Because one of the
and developed five of them using sous-vide techniques. Johnny Zhu things that’s interesting about modern gastronomy is that it’s quite
helped Eric and Sophie Bahn open Monsoon in Bellevue and con- intellectually oriented, a little more philosophical perhaps than in
tributed his understanding of Southeast Asian flavors to the project. ages past.
The chefs all worked somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 hours a “Originally the book was going to be a book about sous-vide,”
week to develop and refine recipes for the book. he says. Did Thomas Keller, with his 2008 book Under Pressure,
Crowned with wisps of graying blond hair, Myhrvold’s Nordic face beat him to it? “No, not really. That wasn’t…” he hesitates. “Our
is punctuated with brilliant blue eyes. And when he talks about the sous-vide chapter is still a very different work than Keller’s book.
book, his carefully modulated voice calls to mind Gene Wilder’s per- Keller’s book is partially about technique, but a lot of it is about his
formance in the 1971 movie Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. At great recipes. Most books are only about recipes; they’re not about
any given moment he looks like he might be about to laugh, and he techniques, because the techniques are already out there. They’ll
often is. only explain a chef ’s particular tweak on a technique.” Keller’s The

Food Arts september 2010 40

French Laundry Cookbook, for example, has a sidebar about a car- tell the story of James Watt, for example, and explain what a watt is.
touche, “where he puts a little parchment paper floating on top of These parts are like garnishes. You don’t necessarily eat them, but
saucepans. That’s a technique. But 90 percent of that book is about they add something. If we had a publisher, I would have to leave
his unique recipes, which is great! some things out, make things more accessible.”
“Our book is more about the science; it’s more about the tech- Child, when she reluctantly conceded to reduce what would
nique; it’s more about the why. Our book is more like the Jacques have been her multivolume work to a single, more approachable
Pépin book La Technique or The Culinary Institute of America’s big volume, wrote to an editor that she “might even manage to insert
textbook that’s like ‘here’s all the techniques.’ So we’re much more a note of gaiety and a certain quiet chic” into the work. Myhrvold
like that. I think by the time all is said and done, we’ve got more than seems determined to do something along those same lines.
a thousand recipes in the thing, so it’s not like we don’t have any reci- “We cover an enormous amount of background material, but we
pes!” he exclaims. “But we also have recipes that are very diverse. Our try to cover it in a way that’s interesting, engaging, and fun, rather
goal is not to say: ‘Here’s how I cook a particular recipe at my restau- than just make it seem like work or make it seem very technical.
rant,’ because we don’t have a restaurant. We don’t have a single style. This isn’t written to be a textbook! A textbook doesn’t have to be
We’re trying to describe a whole movement of cooking.” fun because it’s an assignment.” He’s cracking himself up now. “We
This means the book includes hundreds of pages of material that wanted to do irresponsible things with microwave ovens.” But he
wouldn’t be found in any other cookbook. “For instance, I didn’t see quickly pulls himself together and shifts focus to a sidebar piece
how I could talk about sous-vide without talking about food safety, about pots and pans. “We did a bunch of computer modeling to say:
because food safety is very connected to sous-vide. There’s been all Look, are copper pans really better than aluminum? And the an-
sorts of controversy about it. But then I couldn’t talk about food swer is: The burner matters more than the pan!” He’s Wonka again,
safety without talking about microbiology. Like why do you call be- and his excitement is contagious. “It turns out that if you have a
ing infected with an organism food poisoning? Most chefs don’t little burner and a big pan, you’re screwed no matter how good the
even know that!” There are also multiple “stories” in the book. “We pan is! That’s why traditional kitchens had those flattops.
“Also in the first volume we talk about some fundamental sci-
ence—microbiology, and then, based on microbiology, food and
health. We also have a chapter about what’s good for you. Is foie
gras really killing you or not? Or steak. Or whatever. We talk about
the fundamental physics of water and of heat.”
One concept that excites Myhrvold is the difference between wet
bulb and dry bulb temperatures, a notion he calls “the most impor-
tant concept in cooking that you never heard of.” Most calibrations of
temperature are dry bulb measures; they simply measure the temper-
ature of the air. Wet bulb temperature, measured with a thermometer
wrapped in wet muslin, takes into account humidity, which it turns
out, has a tremendous impact on how rapidly something cooks. “If we
succeed in educating people about this one concept,” he says, “we will
have made a great contribution to the culinary field.
“Food, because it’s mostly water, feels only wet bulb tempera-
tures,” says Myhrvold. “In Chicago in the winter, your oven is bak-
ing about 20 degrees lower than it would at the same temperature
setting in New Orleans in the summer. Also, how full is your oven?
The variations all have to do with wet bulb temperatures. With a
combi oven or a Cvap, we control this phenomenon.”
An attempt to provide a practical application of wet and dry bulb
measures morphs into an enthusiastic testimonial on the advantages
of cooking in a combi oven, which simultaneously steams and bakes
with convection. Myhrvold describes how he would produce a per-
fect fried egg. “To get the perfect fried egg white, you need to cook it
to 175 degrees Fahrenheit or 79 degrees Centigrade. But to get a sun-
ny-side up egg yolk, it needs to be 145 degrees Fahrenheit or 63 de-
grees Centigrade! So you have to cook them in two stages! Cook the
whites first and then add the yolks. And you can hold these almost in-
Chefs Maxime Bilet (left), Nathan Myhrvold (center), and Chris Young (right) assess a sauce definitely in the combi oven. Perfect eggs for 200? No problem!”
rapidly clarified with the aid of a centrifuge. A combi oven is also employed in the book’s formula for a perfect

43 Food Arts september 2010

roasted chicken. The breast meat is injected with brine. “There’s a little bit scary and a little bit technical.”
really no need to brine the dark meat.” Then the bird is hung inside If this approach seems to allude to the whole modernist move-
the oven and slowly steam-baked to produce crisp skin and ten- ment, wherein chefs make elaborate preparations attractive to din-
der meat. “A combi oven is not just a labor-saving device—the way ers in order to draw them into a new way of thinking about and expe-
it’s always sold—it’s a quality improving device. Most restaurants riencing what they eat, it applies more directly to the work at hand.
don’t have a combi oven, and the restaurants that do mostly just use One page of the book shows a cut-away of frozen supermarket lasagna
them as a holding cabinet. This is pretty unexplored territory. in a microwave oven. “We cut the lasagna in half and we cut the mi-
“We wanted to show the best possible way to do something. We crowave oven in half so you could see all the working parts.” Sidebars
didn’t want to be limited to what describe what microwaves are,
you can do at home or even what how the oven generates those
you can do in a restaurant. I love waves, and how they impact the
Cook’s Illustrated,” he says. “I love food inside.
the empirical approach; but they Another cut-away reveals
always stop just when I want to get what’s happening on the grill and
going.They have to produce results inside a ground beef patty rest-
that can be duplicated in a regular ing above the coals. “People will
home kitchen.” But what if you say, ‘How did you do that?’ And
weren’t limited that way? What if the answer is simple. We really cut
you could use any piece of equip- stuff in half! This one was difficult
ment, any length of time? If there because the coals kept falling out!”
is a way to do something with- The images are composed of sev-
out specialized expensive equip- eral layers. “You have to end up
ment, the book offers options, taking multiple exposures because
“but if there isn’t an easy way to do when you use a flash to get the
it, we go ahead and provide the rec- burgers lit like that, the coals don’t
ipe anyway. We didn’t want to sim- look so glowing. To get the coals
plify anything or dumb it down. I glowing, you take a longer expo-
think there is already a cookbook sure without the flash. So you use a
called Cooking for Dummies. They lot of photographic techniques to
did that. I don’t need to.” get the image.” In some of the cut-
aways, a piece of glass was used to
ex·pert n 1. somebody with a High-tech lentil salad: sous-vide cooked green lentils mixed with minced pickled cherries, contain the ingredients inside the
great deal of knowledge about, Sherry gel cubes, sliced green hazelnuts, diced radish, chervil, and frisée tops, dressed cooking vessel and then Photo-
or skill, training, or experience with cherry vinagrette, and garnished with a cherry coated foie gras pop, chamomille shop editing was used to remove
in, a particular field or activity blossoms, and shards of dried cherry/hazelnut nougatine. Photo by Ryan Smith. any evidence of the glass. “But this
2. the highest grade of marks- really did happen! We really had
manship in shooting, or somebody who has achieved this grade. “An two hamburgers perched there on the side with live coals.”
expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very The grilled hamburger picture also illustrates another point.
narrow field.” —Niels Bohr “When people hear about the book, they’re going to think it’s all
about Adrià’s stuff, stuff you’d see at Alinea in Chicago, and we have
The second volume is called Techniques and Equipment. “So there a lot of that. But we’re also happy to show you how hamburger grill-
we’ve got a big chapter called ‘Traditional Cooking,’ where we go ing actually works. So I think that even if you’re a totally committed
through and explain how traditional cooking processes actually traditionalist and you’re not interested in hydrocolloids at all, I still
work. We use a mechanism we call the cut-away, which is where think we’ve got cool stuff for you.”
we have a picture of food while it’s cooking that’s annotated to ex- In a cut-away of a brisket over coals, sidebars describe contribu-
plain all the processes that are going on. We felt we had to do this tors to flavor. “Smoke is a contributor to flavor; so is fat. Fat flare-
because, although there have been some great books on food and ups give food the grill flavor. We did some interesting research on
cooking, like Harold McGee’s On Food and Cooking: The Science and this. It turns out that if you have shiny sides on the inside of your
Lore of the Kitchen, many of the basic ideas in cooking weren’t ex- grill, it cooks way more evenly. For the same reason those mirrors at
plained in a very graphical way to people. We use graphics and cool Nordstrom, where you look and you see infinite copies of yourself,
pictures to explain things in a way that you wouldn’t otherwise get. we came up with this technique of lining the chamber with foil, but
The idea is that if we make something beautiful and simple looking if you go to Home Depot and get a piece of air-conditioning duct, it
graphically, we can draw folks into a topic that otherwise might be works great, too. Here’s how we discovered it. Here’s a mathemati-

Food Arts september 2010 44

cal calculation of the intensity of the heat from a grill as you move cooking. I found this in his book years ago and liked it. He never
away.” The cut-away includes a diagram of the calculated sweet- made a big deal out of this, but we decided we would and explain it
spot for any item cooked over coals. Another calculation reveals because it’s such a cool technique.”
the ideal distance between the rods on the surface of the grill. With equal sobriety and no sense of irony, another cut-away
One compelling image shows a piece of fish resting in a pool of shows a Ronco “Showtime” rotisserie with a duck inside. Like the
white wine as it is being broiled. The accompanying example recipe oven, the duck is neatly cut in half. Here, Myhrvold wanted to
is attributed to Frédy Girardet. “Because white wine evaporates at show the importance of keeping food in motion while it’s exposed
a lower temperature than water does, it keeps the fish from over- to heat. In a cut-away of a plancha or griddle, he reiterates the

Equip yourself Nathan Myhrvold’s legion of chefs, Centrifuge (Thermo Scientific, Beckman Coulter). “Clarifies
writers, editors, a photographer, and an art director used an liquids and separates fats and solids rapidly and thoroughly.”
astonishing aggregation of technologies to produce Modernist
Cuisine. Below, Chris Young, chef and co-author, divulges his Useful but specialized tools Ultrasonic bath
favorite tools in the lab’s formidable culinary arsenal, with (Branson). “Improves ability to extract flavor.”
Vacuum tumbler. “Accelerates brining, curing, and
Very useful tools Digitally controlled water bath marinating.”
(Sousvide Supreme, VWR, Polyscience, Lauda). “The best tool
for any culinary endeavor that requires accurate temperature Blast chiller. “Chills food quickly.”
control; we used several baths for preparing multiple dishes at
different temperatures simultaneously.” Smoker (Bradley, Traeger, Cookshack, BBQ Guru, Enviro-Pak).
“What can I say. I love smoked food.”
Liquid nitrogen (Thermolyne). “Useful for myriad prep tasks
and producing special effects.” Freeze dryer (VirTis-FTS/SP Scientific). “Entirely unique way
to dehydrate food while preserving flavor.”
Modern combi ovens (Rational, Winston Industries CVap).
“One of the most versatile tools for a kitchen.” Vacuum oven (Fisher Scientific). “Makes baking under reduced
atmosphere possible; bakes up the lightest meringue you can
Vacuum sealer (Hualian, Foodsaver, Henkelman, Ary Vacmaster, imagine.”
Multivac). “Greatly improves the precision and flexibility of
cooking in water baths and combi ovens. Sealers are also handy Rotary evaporator (Büchi, Yamato). “Distills and concentrates
for preserving, compressing, and expanding foods. Chamber flavor at very low temperatures to avoid changing flavors with
sealers are the best.” excessively high temperatures.”

Homogenizer (Omni, IKA, Netzsch Premier Tech­nologies, Less expensive but essential tools
Avestin). “Tabletop rotor stator or more sophisticated ultra Digital scales (Ohaus). “Measuring by weight is the only way
high pressure homogenizers produce the smoothest and most to be accurate. I like to have one scale that weighs up to 5
stable sauces, purees, and emulsions.” kg with an accuracy of +/– 1 g and a second that goes up to
200 g with an accuracy of +/– 0.01 g.”
Pacojet (Pacojet). “A unique, powerful grinder that turns frozen
solids into ice creams and sorbets as well as superfine pastes Laboratory sieves (Newark Wirecloth). “Available in sizes
and purees.” from 20 microns to several centimeters. Far superior—and less
expensive—than a good chinois.”
Vacuum pump (Büchi). “Useful for filtration and desiccation.”
Pressure cooker (Kuhn Rikon). “Unrivalled for stock making
Magnetic stirrer and hot plate (Corning). “Great for but handy for speeding up all kinds of cooking jobs. Vastly
temperature-controlled heating-while-stirring tasks, such as underrated by many cooks.”
dispersing and hydrating hydrocolloids.”
Inexpensive pressure filtering setup. “Intended for home
Autoclave (Yamato, Tuttnauer). “An incredibly useful automated brewers and winemakers, but invaluable for filtering juices
pressure cooker for large applications like stock making.” easily and efficiently.” —C.Y.

47 Food Arts september 2010

point. “Here’s why you flip food: basically, it’s to make a very high ence what it’s like to be inside a centrifuge if they board the Mission:
heat source seem like it’s a less high heat source from the point SPACE ride there. In the culinary lab, Young uses a standard counter-
of view of the interior of the food; it’s averaging the temperature. top model to separate solids from liquids in a fresh tomato puree. The
The reason to do that is to have less of an overcooked area on the resulting tomato “water” is brighter and fresher-tasting than a simi-
surface. Another way to do that is to cook the food sous-vide to lar concoction derived from dripping for several hours. “The yield is
the ideal doneness and then simply sear it. much higher, and it’s so much faster! If I ever have a restaurant kitch-
“Then after traditional cooking we have a chapter on modern en again,” says Young, “I’ll have at least two of these.
ovens; that’s combi ovens, Cvaps, microwaves. We have a chapter “I think I’d also have to have a rotovap,” says Young, musing
on the modernist kitchen that goes through liquid nitrogen, cen- again on how he might equip his ideal restaurant kitchen. Properly
trifuges, dryers, all of the different kinds of weird equipment that known as a rotary evaporator, the instrument is designed to sepa-
have entered kitchens in the last 20 years as science and scientific rate liquids into component parts by evaporation. If you change the
labs have become an inspiration, a place to actually borrow equip- pressure inside a chamber, you alter the boiling points of liquids,
ment from, not just knowledge from.” and they evaporate at lower temperatures. “If you boil orange juice
In the lab, Young prioritizes some of the “weird equipment” he at regular atmospheric pressure to concentrate it, it tastes like piss;
used to develop recipes for the book. “If I had to choose—and res- but if you do it at a cooler temperature, you can save all the vola-
taurant owners always have to choose based on space and funds— tile oils and put them back. This is what commercial processors do
what I would spend my money on and dedicate my space to would when they make frozen orange juice concentrate. But you can also
definitely include a centrifuge.” use it to make rose petal essence or any other kind of essential oil.”
Essentially a whirling apparatus, the centrifuge is standard in sci- The rotovap could also be used to distill alcohol. “But we don’t do
entific labs because it efficiently separates denser particles (like plate- that,” Young is quick to add. “The feds would shut us down.”
lets) from lighter ones in a liquid (like blood). The first culinary ap- Another of Young’s favorite pieces of equipment is a dairy ho-
plication came in 1864, when Antonin Prandtl used one to separate mogenizer. By passing liquid under high pressure through a small
cream from milk. Centrifuges are still used to do that. Centrifuges orifice, a homogenizer breaks up the globules of butterfat in whole
are also used in the sugar industry to separate crystals from the liq- milk, reducing the size of the fat particles and rendering a more sta-
uid in which they’re suspended. Visitors to Disney World can experi- ble emulsion. “It’s like a blender on steroids,” he notes. “With this

A cutaway view of a pot of steaming broccoli affords Team Myhrvhold the opportunity to discuss the dynamics of steaming (for more on steaming see page 54). Photo by Ryan Smith.

Food Arts september 2010 48

thing we can construct creams.” To make the ultimate pistachio ge- vold, “calls my book the physics cookbook. He already covered
lato, for instance, Young constructed a pistachio cream made up of the chemistry. And I think that’s appropriate. He was married to a
pure pistachio. “Lactose and butterfat in the standard recipes makes chemist for a long time. But I’m a physicist. We tried to make sure
gelato taste like milk no matter how much pistachio is involved, but that all the science was useful.”
I can replace the cream and milk with pistachio milk and cream and In an era when provenance of ingredients is almost as important
make a gelato of pure pistachio.” But he didn’t get the formula for as what’s done to them, especially on the West Coast, one might won-
the ultimate pistachio gelato right the der if Myhrvold has any thoughts about
first time he tried. the significance of where and how ingre-
“Our philosophy at The Fat Duck,” dients are obtained. “We can be as farm-
says Young, “was we better be failing to-table as anybody. But the bottom line is
constantly or we’re not really trying quality. Usually that means local, but if we
anything new. And we want to fail as have to use FedEx to get something that’s
quickly as possible so we can get on to better quality, we’ll do it.”
the thing that does work.”
cook·book n a book containing recipes
phys·ics n the scientific study of matter, for preparing food or, more generally, de-
energy, force, and motion, and the way tailed directions for a process of any kind
they relate to each other (takes a singu-
lar verb) n pl the physical processes, in- Volume Five is called Plated Dish Recipes.
teractions, qualities, properties, or be- “Throughout the other volumes we have
haviors of something example recipes and parametric recipes.
A parametric recipe is similar to the idea
The third and fourth volumes of Mod- of a master recipe, like you find in some
ernist Cuisine are entitled Meat and Plants books except that we’ve boiled it all the
and Ingredients and Preparations. “And way down to a table and a bunch of steps.
there,” says Myhrvold, “we take meat, The table gives you the key parameters.
which for us includes fish, poultry, and In gels, for example, we give various for-
seafood as well as mammal meat, plants, A conventional bouquet garni unconventionally being vacuum dried to mulas for making all kinds of different
and some new sorts of ingredients and intensify the aromatic potency of the herbs. gels. There, the processes are almost
preparations: thickeners, gels, emul- identical; it’s the parameters that are dif-
sions, foams. Oh! And then wine and coffee; coffee because, damn ferent. If you’re using gelen, you use this amount; if you’re using pec-
it, we’re from Seattle, and the rest of the world ought to learn how tin, you use this amount and then add this other thing.”
to make a decent cup of coffee. One of the incendiary things we The complete work contains 180 of these parametric recipes,
say around here is that you’d go broke if you served the kind of cof- which contain an average of 10 formulaic recipes each. “So we’ve
fee you get in most Michelin three-star restaurants as a street ven- got tons of recipes. We also have example recipes, which are fo-
dor in Seattle. And I think it’s true!” This time the laugh is beyond cused on a particular topic with a particular aim, some of which
Wonka, almost maniacal. “A street vendor in Seattle has to make a we developed ourselves, some of which were given to us by various
pretty damn good latte because guess what? There’s one across the chefs. We have two kinds of these recipes: adapted from something
street! And there’s three Starbucks a block away! Wine is also a we made up and those inspired by Escoffier. But he’s dead and he
sort of neglected topic. It’s treated as this almost religious thing, a wouldn’t recognize the recipes anyway. But there’s a key idea that
little bit like the Japanese tea ceremony. We have a sort of nontra- we took, all of which are about piece parts, except in this volume.
ditional take on it.” Volume Five is about a full plated dish where we give all the garnish-
For these chapters, Nims, the very woman who served as gate- es. It’s often a bunch of side dishes. In many cases the plated dish is
keeper for Willan questioning his credentials when Myhrvold first really the whole meal. And those run the gamut of things from re-
applied to La Varenne, was drafted to help out with the language. ally abstract modern dishes like something you might find at The
“I wrote some initial drafts of the coffee and wine chapters, but I Fat Duck or Alinea to American barbecue. We have seven different
don’t think I was the sole author of a single line,” she says. “I oper- barbecue sauces from all over the United States, we have a map that
ated as a part of the team every step of the way, and every paragraph shows where they’re from, and then we have all these barbecue side
was definitely a group effort. I also wrote some initial drafts of the dishes. So that’s like a whole barbecue thing.”
chapters on thickeners, gels, emulsions, and foams. But I’m obvi- A sixth volume may be thought of as the capstone of the entire
ously more of a word person than a scientist. I mean, I didn’t even project. “We took the most important recipes and tables, and be-
do well in Physics 101.” cause this is a large book—it’s 13 inches tall by 11-something inch-
Physics is really at the heart of this work. “McGee,” says Myhr- es wide, like a coffee-table book size, there are five volumes like

51 Food Arts september 2010

that—we got some feedback from some people who thought
it was too big and too pretty to put on a counter. So we de-
cided to add a sixth volume that is just reference materials
and recipes printed on waterproof paper and spiral bound. A
kitchen manual.” One might wonder if the kitchen manual
could be purchased separately. “Not yet.”
Given enough resources and time, Child might have
written a much more comprehensive version of Mastering
the Art of French Cooking than the one that Alfred A. Knopf
presented to the world in 1961. The draft she submitted ear-
lier to a different publishing house was 700 detailed pages
on nothing but poultry and soups. “We were far more inter-
ested in readers who were devoted to serious, creative cook-
ery,” she mused in her memoirs. “We knew this was an audi-
ence that needed and wanted attention. It would, however,
be a relatively small audience. Furthermore, the publishing
business was in a period of doldrums.” So she cobbled the
manuscript down to fewer pages, fewer recipes, emphasized
the simpler cuisine bourgeoise over grande cuisine, and submit-
ted the book again.
Escoffier, when he published the Guide Culinaire in 1903,
had to face certain limitations too: “I didn’t want the Guide to
be a luxurious work of art or a curiosity that would be regu-
lated to library shelves. I wanted it to be a tool more than a
book, a constant companion that chefs would always keep at
their side.” But he acknowledged in his memoirs, “At a time
when all is undergoing modification and change, it would be
foolish to claim to establish the future of an art which is con-
nected in so many ways to fashion and is just as changeable.”
“The publishing industry,” says Myhrvold, “always wants
something that’s very mass market, something between the
level of Denny’s and Ruth’s Chris, and most cookbooks are
aimed at that level, or something a little lower than that. We
wanted to aim a little higher. Still, we couldn’t include every-
thing. Shanker asked why we don’t include curries; and I sort
of said OK. I mean we had seven barbecue sauces, why not
five curries? But then someone suggested we do China next.
And I had to say no. I mean we cover all the techniques used
in Chinese cooking,” but Myhrvold feels he couldn’t possi-
bly cover anything like a comprehensive sampling of Chinese
recipes. “Undoubtedly someone will look at this and say, ‘My
God, you have 5,000 pages! Couldn’t you have left something
out? But what would we have left out?
“Several people from the publishing industry have ap-
proached us and said they would be interested in helping us get
this thing into print now that it’s almost done. But when I ask
them if we had approached them at the beginning and asked if
they would publish this thing, they just laugh. From the begin-
ning we took the position that we wanted to make the book
that we wanted to make. And that’s what we’ve done.”
Any chef or culinary student fortunate enough to lay hands
on this monumental work will probably feel much the same
way. This is the book we wanted someone to make. 7


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