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Astm D 1129-04

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Designation: D 1129 – 04

Standard Terminology Relating to

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1129; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

accuracy, n—a measure of the degree of conformity of a value cation-exchange material, n—a material capable of the re-
generated by a specific procedure to the assumed or accepted versible exchange of positively charged ions.
true value, and includes both precision and bias. caustic embrittlement, n—a form of metal failure that occurs
acidity, n—the quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react in steam boilers at riveted joints and at tube ends, the
with hydroxyl ions. cracking being predominantly intercrystalline.
acidity, free mineral, n—the quantitative capacity of aqueous chlorine requirement, n—the amount of chlorine required to
media to react with hydroxyl ions to pH 4.3. achieve, under specified conditions, the objectives of chlo-
acidity, theoretical free mineral, n—the free mineral acidity rination.
that would result from the conversion of the anions of strong chlorine residual, n—the amount of available chlorine present
acids in solution to their respective free acids. in water at any specified time.
alkalinity, n—the quantitative capacity of aqueous media to chlorine, combined available, n—residual chlorine combined
react with hydrogen ions. with ammonia nitrogen or nitrogenous compounds.
analyte, n—a possible sample component whose presence and chlorine, free available, n—the hypochlorite ions (OCl −),
concentration is of interest. hypochlorous acid (HOCl) or the combination thereof
anion-exchange material, n—a material capable of the revers- present in water.
ible exchange of negatively charged ions. chlorosity, n—the concentration of the dissolved chloride
bias, n—the persistent positive or negative deviation of the equivalent in water at 20°C.
method average value from the assumed or accepted true composite sample, n—a combination of two or more samples.
value. concentrate (reverse osmosis), n—the residual portion of an
biological deposits, n—deposits of organisms or the products aqueous solution applied to a membrane.
of their life processes. control analyses, n—the determination of specific parameters
blank, n—matrix carried through all or part of the analytical used as criteria for proper operation of a system.
process, where the analyte is not present, or where the corrosion products, n—products that result from chemical or
analyte response is suppressed. electrochemical reaction between a metal and its environ-
NOTE 1—A blank must be appropriate to the analytical process it is
being used with. data traceability, n—the ability to verify data by having
NOTE 2—A blank is typically used to monitor contamination or to access to, and documentation of, all prior information used
establish a baseline for quantitation. to generate it and needed for its interpretation.
dispersion staining, n—the color effects produced when a
brackish water, n—water that contains dissolved matter at an
transparent object, immersed in a liquid having a refractive
approximate concentration range from 1000 to 30 000 mg/L.
index near that of the object is viewed under the microscope
brine, n—water that contains dissolved matter at an approxi-
by a transmitted light and precise-aperture control.
mate concentration of more than 30 000 mg/L.
dissolved matter, n—that matter, exclusive of gases, which is
cation conductivity, n—a conductivity measurement per-
dispersed in water to give a single homogeneous liquid
formed on water after cations have been exchanged for
protons using cation exchange media.
duplicate sample, n—one of two (2) representative portions
taken from the same sample or sample source.
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D19 on Water electrical conductivity, n—the reciprocal of the resistance in
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.02 on General Specifications, ohms measured between opposite faces of a centimetre cube
Technical Resources, and Statistical Methods. of an aqueous solution at a specified temperature.
Current edition approved March 1, 2004. Published April 2004. Originally
approved in 1950. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D 1129 – 03a.
equivalent per million (epm), n—a unit chemical equivalent
A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this terminology. weight of solute per million unit weights of solution.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1129 – 04
fixed matter, n—residues from the ignition of particulate or quantitatively in the same dimension that is used for report-
dissolved matter, or both. ing results of the test.
flow-proportioned sample, n—a sample obtained by collect- mixed bed, n—a physical mixture of anion-exchange and
ing an aliquot volume in proportion to the rate of flow of the cation-exchange materials.
stream sampled. monitoring, v—the continual sampling, measuring, recording,
ghosting, n—a gas-chromatographic interference, showing as and/or signaling, of the characteristics of water or water-
a peak, which appears at the same elution time as a borne material.
component from previous injection. multiple laboratories operational precision, n—the standard
hardness, n—the polyvalent-cation concentration of water deviation of the results of a series of determinations by
(generally calcium and magnesium). several laboratories employing the method with its associ-
hydrogen cycle, n—the operation of a cation-exchange cycle ated sample container preparation, collection, splitting, pres-
wherein the removal of specified cations from the influent ervation, transmission, and storage on a homogeneous
water is accomplished by exchange with an equivalent sample.
amount of hydrogen ion from the exchange material. neat petroleum, n—oil visibly free of contaminants.
internal standard, n—a material present in or added to noise, n—an extraneous electronic signal that effects baseline
samples in known amount to serve as a reference measure- stability.
ment. nuclide, n—an atomic species characterized by the constitu-
ion exchange, n—a reversible process by which ions are tion of its nucleus, specifically by the number of protons and
interchanged between an insoluble material and a liquid with neutrons.
no substantial structural changes of the material. odor-intensity index, n—the number of times the concentra-
ion-exchange capacity (volume basis), n—the number of tion of the original sample is halved by addition of odor-free
milliequivalents of exchangeable ions per millilitre of back- water to obtain the least definitely perceptible odor.
washed and settled bed of ion-exchange material in its odor threshold number, n—the greatest dilution of the sample
standard form. with odor-free water to yield the least definitely perceptible
ion-exchange capacity (weight basis), n—the number of odor.
milliequivalents of exchangeable ions per dry gram of operating cycle, n—an ion-exchange process consisting of a
ion-exchange material in its standard form. backwash, regeneration, rinse, and service run.
ion-exchange material, n—a water insoluble material that has oxidation-reduction potential, n—the electromotive force
the ability to exchange reversibly certain ions in its structure, developed by a noble metal electrode immersed in the water,
or attached to its surface as functional groups, with ions in a referred to the standard hydrogen electrode.
surrounding medium. oxygen demand, n—the amount of oxygen required, under the
ion-exchange membrane, n—an ion-exchange material in a specified test conditions for the oxidation of waterborne
form suitable for use as a barrier between two fluids. organic and inorganic matter.
ion-exchange particle, n—an ion-exchange material in the parametric system, n—a system that uses the response of a
form of spheroids or granules with an average diameter less sensor to produce an output that is correlatable with the
than 10 mm. selected parameter.
ion-exchange resin, n—a synthetic, organic-ion-exchange ma- particulate matter, n—that nonliquid matter, exclusive of
terial. gases, which is heterogeneously dispersed in water.
matrix, n—substance in which the analyte or property exists. pH, n—the negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion activity in
measurement, n—set of operations having the object of an aqueous solution, or, the logarithm of the reciprocal of the
determining a numeric value or non-numeric characteristic. hydrogen-ion activity.
measurement quality objective, n—the precision, accuracy, phenolic compounds, n—hydroxy derivatives of benzene and
and detection requirements for measurement data, based on its condensed nuclei.
the intended use of that data. precision, n—the degree of agreement of repeated measure-
measurement traceability, n—property of the result of a ments of the same parameter expressed quantitatively as the
measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be standard deviation computed from the results of a series of
related to stated references, usually national or international controlled determinations.
standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all primary standard, n—standard that is designated or widely
having stated uncertainties. acknowledged as having the highest metrological qualities
and whose value is accepted without reference to other
NOTE 3—The concept is often expressed by the adjective traceable.
NOTE 4—The unbroken chain of comparisons is called a traceability
standards of the same quantity.
chain. NOTE 5—The concept of primary standard is equally valid for base
quantities and derived quantities.
membrane filter, n—a thin, nonfibrous filtration medium for
fluids, with mean pore size larger than 0.01 µm in diameter, qualitative, adj—pertaining to a descriptive measurement,
with which particles larger than the rated pore size are such as (1) taste or (2) presence/absence of a characteristic or
retained at or near the delivery surface. component.
minimum determinability, n—the lowest value that can be quantification, n—the process of performing a quantitative
determined within the stated precision of a method expressed determination.

D 1129 – 04
quantitation limit, n—the lowest result that would be consid- water is accomplished by exchange with an equivalent
ered quantitative. amount of sodium ion from the exchange material.
radioactive daughter, n—the direct radioactive decay product spiked sample, n—a sample portion into which a known
of a radionuclide. amount of analyte has been added.
radioactivity, n—spontaneous nuclear disintegration with sterile, adj—free from any viable organism, either active or
emission of corpuscular or electromagnetic radiation, or dormant.
both. suppressor device, n—an ion-exchange-based device placed
radioactivity half-life, n—the unvarying characteristic period between the analytical column and the conductivity detector
of time in which one half of the radioactive atoms of a given of an ion chromatography system, that exchanges counter-
radionuclide decay. ions with hydronium or hydroxyl ions. This process enchan-
radioisotopes, n—radionuclides having the same atomic num- ces the analyte signal by lowering eluant background con-
ber. ductivity, and, for strong acid and strong base ions, forms a
reference sample, n—a matrix whose analytes of interest are more conductive species.
of known or accepted concentration or property. surface tension, n—a property arising from the molecular
regeneration, n—that part of the operating cycle of an forces of the surface film of all liquids which tend to alter the
ion-exchange process in which a specific chemical solution contained volume of liquid into a form of minimum super-
is passed through the ion-exchange bed to prepare it for a ficial area, expressed as work in newtons per millimetre.
service run. surveillance, n—the act of maintaining supervision or vigi-
regeneration level, n—the total weight of regenerant used per lance over a well-specified portion of water so that detailed
unit quantity of ion-exchange material in a single regenera- information is provided concerning the state of that portion.
tion. time-proportioned sample, n—a sample collected at prese-
relative retention ratio, n—in chromatography, the column lected time intervals.
retention time of a component divided by the column total Kjeldahl nitrogen, n—the sum of the nitrogen contained
retention time of a standard. in the free ammonia and other nitrogen compounds which
result, n—the outcome of a measurement. are converted to ammonium sulfate under specified digestion
retention time, n—the time that elapses from the introduction conditions.
of the sample until the component peak maximum is total matter, n—the sum of the particulate and dissolved
reached. matter.
rinse, n—that part of the operating cycle of an ion exchange trivial name, n—a name that is not produced by any system-
process in which a specified water is passed through a bed of atic procedure of naming.
the ion exchange material to remove the residual regenerant turbidity, n—reduction of transparency of a sample due to the
solution. presence of particulate matter.
salinity, n—the concentration of dissolved matter found in turbidity, absolute, n—the fractional decrease of incident
water after bromide and iodide have been replaced by an monochromatic light through the sample, integrating both
equivalent quantity of chloride, all carbonate converted to scattering and transmitted light.
oxide, and all organic matter destroyed. turbidity, Jackson candle, n—an empirical measure of tur-
sample, n—a discreet portion of matrix intended to represent bidity in special apparatus, based on the measurement of the
its source. depth of a column of water sample that is just sufficient to
sampling, v—obtaining a representative portion of the material extinguish the image of a burning standard candle observed
concerned. vertically through the sample.
scale, n—a deposit formed from solution directly upon a turbidity, nephelometric, n—an empirical measure of turbid-
surface. ity based on a measurement of the light-scattering charac-
teristics (Tyndall effect) of the particulate matter in the
service run, n—that part of the operating cycle of an ion-
exchange process in which a water is passed through a bed
of the ion-exchange material in order to remove specific ions ultrafiltration, n—a process employing semipermeable mem-
from the water or to exchange them for an equivalent amount brane under a hydraulic pressure gradient for the separation
of a specific ion from the bed material. of components in a solution. The pores of the membrane are
of a size which allow passage of the solvent(s) but will retain
signal conditioner, n—the component that receives the output
non-ionic solutes based primarily on physical size, not
from a sensor and processes it for subsequent use.
chemical potential.
single-operator operational precision, SOOP, n—the stan-
dard deviation of the results of a series of determinations by DISCUSSION—The ultrafiltration class membranes comprise a range of
a single operator employing the method with its associated possible pore sizes, all of which function for the removal of dissolved
sample container preparation, collection, splitting, preserva- solids larger than atomic radii, metal ions, and aqueous salts, but
smaller than undissolved particulates.
tion, transmission, and storage on a homogeneous sample.
DISCUSSION—Ultrafiltration membranes are inherently capable of
sludge, n—a water-formed sedimentary deposit. performing the microfiltration of particulates.
sodium cycle, n—the operation of a cation-exchange unit Discussion—Unlike reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration is known to rely
wherein the removal of specific cations from the influent on a separation mechanism based largely on physical size exclusion

D 1129 – 04
(sieve mechanism). Many other potential influencing factors for sepa- waste water, n—water discharged from a process as a result of
ration exist, but the sieve mechanism predominates. its formation or use in that process.
uncertainty, n—(of measurement) parameter, associated with water-formed deposits, n—any accumulation of insoluble
the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion material derived from water or formed by the reaction of
of values that could reasonably be attributed to the measur- water upon the surfaces in contact with the water.
and. weathering of waterborne oil, n—the combined effects of
volatile matter, n—that matter that is changed under condi- evaporation, solution, chemical oxidation, and biological
tions of the test to the gaseous state. decomposition from environmental exposure.


Committee D19 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 1129 – 03a) that may impact the use of this standard (approved March 1, 2004).

(1) The following terms were added: “detection limit,” “quan-

titation limit.”

Committee D19 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D 1129 – 03) that may
impact the use of this standard (approved August 10, 2003).

(1) The following terms were added: “result,” “qualitative.”

Committee D19 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D 1129 – 02a) that may
impact the use of this standard (approved March 10, 2003).

(1) The following term was added: “measurement.”

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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