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Constituents of Aggregates For Radiation-Shielding Concrete: Standard Descriptive Nomenclature of

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The document describes minerals, rocks and synthetic materials that are used as constituents in radiation-shielding concrete due to their high density and ability to absorb radiation. It provides descriptions of heavy naturally occurring aggregates as well as boron-containing materials.

The document describes several iron minerals (hematite, ilmenite, magnetite etc.), barium minerals and ferrophosphorus that have high specific gravity and contain atoms of high atomic weight, making them suitable as heavy aggregates in radiation-shielding concrete.

Boron-frit glasses are clear, colorless synthetic glasses containing calcium, silica, alumina and low amounts of alkalies. They are particularly effective in absorbing thermal neutrons without producing highly penetrating gamma rays, which is why they are included.

Designation: C 638 – 92 (Reapproved 2002)

Standard Descriptive Nomenclature of

Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 638; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


1.1 This nomenclature is intended to give accurate descrip- 4. Descriptions of Naturally Occurring Constituents
tions of some common or important naturally occurring and
synthetic constituents of aggregates for radiation-shielding 4.1 Members of this group have higher specific gravities
concrete, that, at the same time, are not common or important than aggregates in general use. Six are iron minerals, of which
constituents of concrete aggregates in general use. While most five are important iron ore minerals and the sixth is an ore of
of the minerals and rocks discussed below may occur in small titanium. Two are barium minerals worked as the principal
quantities in aggregates in general use, they are not major sources of barium salts. The other is ferrophosphorus, a
constituents of such aggregates. Common constituents of mixture of synthetic iron phosphides.
aggregates in general use are described in Descriptive Nomen- 4.2 The constituents are described below first as minerals,
clature C 294. Radiation-shielding concrete often contains such and then as major constituents of ores when their aspect as
aggregates, but other special aggregates are used in some major constituents of ores affects the behavior of ores as
circumstances. concrete aggregates.
1.2 The synthetic aggregates included are ferrophosphorus 5. Iron Minerals and Ores
and boron frit.
1.3 The descriptions are not adequate to permit the identi- 5.1 Hematite (Fe2O3)—Hematite has a hardness of 5 to 6 on
fication of materials, since accurate identification of natural Mohs’ scale (will be scratched by hard steel), and a specific
and synthetic aggregate constituents in many cases can only be gravity of 5.26 when pure. The color varies from bright red to
made by a qualified geologist, mineralogist, or petrographer, dull red to steel gray; luster varies from metallic to submetallic
using the apparatus and procedures of those sciences. to dull; the streak is cherry red or reddish brown; it is
2. Referenced Documents 5.1.1 Hematite Ores—Rocks of which hematite is the major
2.1 ASTM Standards: constituent vary from one deposit to another, and within the
C 294 Descriptive Nomenclature for Constituents of Con- deposit, in specific gravity, toughness, compactness, amount of
crete Aggregates2 impurities, degree of weathering, and suitability for use as
concrete aggregate. Hematite appears to be the iron ore mineral
3. Types of Materials most exploited as a source of iron. The ores of the Lake
3.1 Two classes of materials are described below. The first Superior region are banded sedimentary ores consisting of
class consists of minerals and rocks formed from them, and layers rich in hematite, and sometimes goethite, iron silicates,
synthetic materials, that have high specific gravity and in such as stilpnomelane, minnesotaite, greenalite, grunerite, and
addition contain substantial proportions of atoms of high or iron carbonate, alternating with silica-rich layers of chert or
moderately high atomic weight. They are referred to as heavy fine-grained quartz or a mixture. The Birmingham, AL ores are
or high-density aggregates. The second class consists of oolitic with hematite replacements of oölites and fossils in a
minerals and synthetic glasses of substantial boron content that matrix that ranges from fine-grained earthy hematite, with or
are particularly effective in absorbing thermal neutrons without without calcite, to crystalline calcite. Hematite ores dust in
producing highly penetrating gamma rays. The boron-frit handling, with the dust ranging in color from moderate red to
glasses are included because of their frequent use. dusky red to moderate reddish brown (5R 4/6 to 5R 3/4 to 10R
5.2 Ilmenite (FeTiO3 with minor Mg and Mn)—Ilmenite has
a hardness of 5 to 6 and specific gravity of 4.72 6 0.04 when
This nomenclature is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C09.41on Concrete for Radiation Shielding.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2002. Published February 2003. Originally
approved in 1973. Last previous edition approved in 1992 as C 638 – 92. National Research Council, Washington, DC, Rock Color Chart (1948)
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02. reissued 1964 by Geological Soc. Am., New York, NY.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

C 638 – 92 (2002)
pure. The color is iron black with metallic to submetallic luster; but many are not suitable for use as heavy aggregate because
the streak is black; it is feebly magnetic. the magnetite occurs disseminated through rock rather than as
5.2.1 Ilmenite Ores—These ores consist of crystalline il- a major rock-forming mineral. One of the most widely used
menite with either magnetite or hematite and constituents of types of heavy aggregates is magnetite ore.
the associated gabbroic or anorthositic rocks. Massive ilmenite
ores can form coarsely crystalline massive tough rocks but 6. Barium Minerals
vary, from deposit to deposit, and within a deposit, in specific 6.1 Witherite (BaCO3)—Witherite has a hardness of 3 to 31⁄2
gravity, composition, hardness, and suitability for use as and a specific gravity of 4.29 when pure. The color ranges from
concrete aggregate. Many ilmenite ores consist of ilmenite colorless to white to grayish or many pale colors. Like calcite
disseminated in rock rather than concentrated as a major and aragonite, witherite is decomposed with effervescence by
rock-forming mineral. Ilmenite concentrated from beach sands dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). Witherite, the second most
is usually altered to a variable degree, and its mechanical common barium mineral, occurs with barite and galena.
properties probably differ from those of unaltered ilmenite. England is the chief producer of witherite, and barium-
One of the most widely used types of heavy aggregates is containing heavy aggregates in Great Britain might be ex-
ilmenite ore. pected to contain witherite as a major constituent.
5.3 Lepidocrocite (FeO(OH))—Lepidocrocite has a hard- 6.2 Barite (BaSO4) (also, but improperly, called barytes)—
ness of 5 and specific gravity of 4.09 when pure. The color Barite has a hardness of 3 to 31⁄2 and a specific gravity of 4.50
varies from ruby red to reddish brown and the streak is dull when pure. The color ranges from colorless to white to many
orange. Lepidocrocite and goethite occur together, and lepi- usually pale colors.
docrocite may be a constituent of goethite and limonite ores. 6.2.1 Barite is the most common barium mineral and the
5.4 Goethite (HFeO2)—Goethite has the same chemical major barium ore. It occurs in veins transecting many kinds of
composition as lepidocrocite but crystallizes differently. The rocks, concentrated in sedimentary rocks, and as residual
hardness is 5 to 51⁄2 and the specific gravity is 4.28 6 0.01 nodules in clays formed by the solution of sedimentary rocks.
when pure and 3.3 to 4.3 in massive goethite. The color varies In many of its occurrences it is accompanied by clay or a
with the form, from crystals that are blackish brown with calcium sulfate mineral (gypsum or anhydrite) or both. Al-
imperfect adamantine-metallic luster, to dull or silky luster in though barite from residual deposits is often weathered, it is
fibrous varieties; massive goethite is yellowish brown to possible to obtain clean, well-graded barite aggregate.
reddish brown; clayey material is brownish yellow to ocher
yellow. The streak is brownish yellow to ocher yellow. 7. Ferrophosphorus
5.4.1 Goethite Ores—These ores range from hard tough 7.1 Ferrophosphorus, a material produced in the production
massive rocks to soft crumbling earths; these alterations of phosphorus, consists of a mixture of iron phosphides, and
frequently occur within fractions of an inch. has been used as coarse and fine aggregate in radiation-
5.5 Limonite—A general name for hydrous iron oxides of shielding concrete. Published specific gravities range from 5.72
unknown composition frequently cryptocrystalline goethite to 6.50 for coarse aggregate. The coarse aggregate is reported
with adsorbed and capillary water, and probably mixtures of to degrade easily and has been associated with extreme
such goethite with similar lepidocrocite or hematite, or both, retardation of set in concrete. Ferrophosphorus in concrete
with adsorbed and capillary water4. The specific gravity ranges releases flammable, and possibly toxic, gases which can
from 2.7 to 4.3 and the color from brownish black through develop high pressures if confined5.
browns to yellows. Limonite deposits range from recognizable 7.2 Several iron phosphides are known, including silver
crystalline goethite to dull massive material of indefinite gray to blue gray Fe2P, with specific gravity of 6.50, FeP2 with
composition, and therefore, properly limonite. Limonites of specific gravity of 5.07, and Fe3P and FeP. Ferrophosphorus
high iron content are also called brown iron ores. Frequently aggregates are silver gray but develop some rusty staining on
they contain sand, colloidal silica, clays, and other impurities. exposure.
5.6 Magnetite (FeFe2O4)—Magnetite has a hardness of 51⁄2
to 61⁄2and specific gravity of 5.17 when pure. It is strongly BORON-CONTAINING MATERIALS
magnetic; the color is black with metallic to semimetallic
luster; the streak is black. 8. Boron Minerals
5.6.1 Magnetite Ores—These ores can form dense, tough, 8.1 The gamma rays that result from neutron capture by the
usually coarse-grained rocks with few impurities. Magnetite lighter isotope of boron, boron-10, are much less penetrating
ores are associated with metamorphic or igneous or sedimen- than those which result from neutron capture by hydrogen; and
tary rocks, and therefore, the impurities associated with mag- for this reason boron and boron compounds are often used in
netite ores may include a wide variety of rock-forming and
accessory minerals. Magnetite occurs in association with
hematite and ilmenite; magnetic ores are widely distributed, 5
Clendenning, T. G., Kellam, B., and MacInnis, C., “Hydrogen Evolution from
Ferrophosphorous Aggregate in Portland Cement Concrete,” Journal of the Ameri-
can Concrete Institute, No 12, December 1968, Proceedings, Vol 65, pp.
Palache, Charles, et al., The System of Mineralogy of J. D. Dana and E. S. Mather, Bryant, discussion of Davis, Harold S., “Concrete for Radiation
Dana, Vol 1, Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts, Oxides, Ed. 7, New York, NY, 1944, p Shielding-—In Perspective,” and closure by author in“ Concrete for Nuclear
685. Reactors,” ACI SP-34, Vol 1, 1972, pp 11–13.

C 638 – 92 (2002)
TABLE 1 Commercially Important Boron Minerals
Name Chemical Composition Solubility in Cold Water Produced
Borax Na2B4O7.10H2O 1.6g/100 mL at 10°C: 3.86 g/ United States, Argentina, Chile
100 mL at 30°C
Kernite Na2B4O7.4H2O slowly soluble United Stats, Argentina
Colemanite Ca2B6O11.5H2O 0.09 g/100 mL United States, Turkey, USSR
Ulexite NaCaB5O9.8H2O slightly decomposed with loss of United States, Turkey, USSR,
Na2O Argentina, Chile
Sassolite (boricacid) H3BO3 5.15 g/100mL Italy
Tncalconite Na2B4O7.5H2O like borax common dehydration product of
Priceite Ca4B10O19.7H2O insoluble Turkey, USSR, United States
Inyoite Ca2B6O11.13H2O relatively insoluble USSR, United States
Hydroboracite CaMgB6O11.6H2O relatively insoluble USSR
Szaibelyite (Mg, Mn)(BO2)(OH) insoluble USSR

neutron shields. The unusually high capture capability of ulexite or colemanite or mixtures of the two, have been used in
boron-10 permits its use in relatively small quantities. Boron is shielding concrete in Germany and Japan7.
most frequently incorporated in the concrete as borate minerals 8.4 Boron minerals that are stable and insoluble are usually
or synthetic boron frits. Both methods of incorporating boron not available in large quantities for use as aggregates. The
cause some retardation of time of setting of the concrete, which recorded exceptions are described below.
can be counteracted by the use of a suitable accelerator. The 8.4.1 Paigeite—((Fe++Mg)Fe+++BO5)—Paigeite has a hard-
experience recorded in the United States suggests that the cost ness of 5 and specific gravity ranging from 4.7 at the paigeite
of synthetic frits, which is higher than the cost of borate, may end to 3.6 at the ludwigite end of the paigeite-ludwigite series.
be counterbalanced by uniform composition of the frits, which It is coal black or greenish black and insoluble in water, and
permits effective control of the properties of the concrete. tough. It is a high-temperature mineral occurring with magne-
8.2 Minerals that are commercially important sources of tite in contact metamorphic deposits. Paigeite has been used as
boron are principally sodium, calcium, and magnesium borate a heavy boron-containing aggregate in Japan.
precipitates from waters in arid volcanic regions, or alteration 8.4.2 Tourmaline (Na(Mg, Fe, Mn, Li, Al)3Al6[Si6O18]·
products of such precipitates (Table 1)6. These hydrated (BO3)3(OH,F)4)—Tourmaline has a hardness of 7 and specific
minerals include some that are easily altered by changes in gravity ranging from 3.03 to 3.25; it ranges widely in color, but
relative humidity and temperature. Some of them are soluble in common varieties are brown or black. It is characteristically a
or partly decomposed by cold water. Clay, gypsum, and salt are mineral of granites, pegmatites, and pneumatolytic veins, but
found in borate deposits. The presence of one or more of these persists as a detrital mineral in sediments. Concrete having
in varying unknown amounts in a borate ore used in shielding effective neutron-shielding characteristics has been described
concrete may cause problems in making concrete with con- in which the coarse aggregate was serpentine and the fine
trolled strength, setting time, volume stability, and workability, aggregate a tourmaline sand concentrate.
aside from the problem of varying degrees of retardation as the
time composition, and thus the solubility, of the borate ore may 9. Boron-Frit Glasses
range from lot to lot or within a lot. 9.1 Boron-frit glasses are clear, colorless, synthetic glasses
8.3 Borate production in the United States is virtually produced by fusion and quenching used in making ceramic
limited to borax and borax derivates obtained from natural glazes. They may be obtained in many compositions, but those
brines at Searles Lake, CA, and brines produced by treating most useful in shielding concrete contain calcium, relatively
borates from the Kramer deposit at Boron, CA. California high amounts of silica and alumina, and low amounts of
colemanite deposits, which also contain ulexite, are apparently alkalies. Increased silica and alumina decrease the solubility of
not regularly worked but colemanite ores have been obtained the frits and thus diminish their retarding effect in shielding
from them for use in shielding concrete. Turkish borate ores, concrete. When there is a hazard from secondary radiation,
which have been referred to as “borocalcite,” but probably are limits on allowable proportions of sodium and potassium may
be imposed.
Compiled from: Smith, W. C., “Borax and Borates,” Gillson, J. L., ed., 10. Keywords
Industrial Rocks and Minerals, 3rd Ed., American Institute of Mining, Metallurgi- 10.1 aggregates; boron; concrete; iron; minerals
cal, and Petroleum Engineers, New York, NY, 1960, pp 103–118, and Palache, C.,
Berman, H., and Frondel, C., Dana’s System of Mineralogy, 7th ed., Vol II, John
Wiley and Sons, New York, NY 1951. 7
Henrie, J. O., “Properties of Nuclear Shielding Concrete, ” Journal of the
American Concrete Institute, Vol 31, July 1959, Proceedings, Vol 56, pp 37–46.

C 638 – 92 (2002)
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