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Ordinary Level Heat Notes

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Heat is defined as energy which is transferred from one place to another owing to a
temperature difference between them. Without the heat which comes to us from
the sun life on earth would be non existent.


The temperature of a substance is a number which expresses its degree of hotness
on some chosen scale.
Measurement of temperature.
Temperature is measured by means of a thermometer.
There are different types of thermometers.
Most common thermometers depend on the expansion of a liquid when heated.
Thermometers have a scale on them called a temperature scale which we read to
determine the temperature.
Temperature is measured by observing the change in some property of an object as
it becomes hotter or cooler.
The changes include those of volume ,pressure ,electrical resistance.
Temperature scales
The fundamental scale in physics is called the thermodynamic scale.
The scale is sometimes called the Kelvin scale and its unit is the Kelvin (K)
From experiment;
(i) the temperature of pure melting ice at standard atmospheric pressure is
(ii) the temperature of the steam from pure boiling water at standard
atmospheric is 373.15K
The Celsius scale of the temperature is defined so that
(i) if we write ϑ (C) for the temperature value on the Celsius scale and T(K)
for one on the thermodynamic scale then T =θ+273
(ii) the interval 1 degree Celsius equals the interval 1kelvin.
Fahrenheit scale
To convert from degrees celcuis to 0F the formula below is used;
0 9
F= C +32
Common thermometric properties are:
(i) the volume of a liquid which may be made to expand into a narrow tube.
(ii) the e.m.f of a thermocouple.
( iii) the pressure of a fixed mass of gas kept at constant volume.
(iv) the electrical resistance of a platinum coil.
Liquid in glass thermometers.
The mercury-in glass or alcohol-in-glass thermometers use the change in volume of
liquid to measure temperature. They cover a range from -40 oC to 300oC.

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Note the following design details.
(a)The liquid is contained in a thin walled glass bulb to help conduction of heat
through the glass to the liquid.
(b)The amount of liquid should be small in order to obtain a quick response because
a small quantity takes less time to warm up.
(c) The fine tube should be uniform to give even expansion along it.
(d)The space above the liquid is evacuated during manufacture to prevent a high
pressure of the trapped air when the liquid expands.

The Clinical thermometer.

It is designed to measure the temperature of the human body.
For this reason it has a small temperature range within which the body temperature
can fluctuate.
The thermometer is placed beneath the patient’s armpit and left there for about two
minutes to ensure that it fully acquires the patient’s body temperature. It is then
withdrawn and the body temperature read off from the position of the mercury
Before using it again the mercury in the stem must be returned to the bulb by

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( c) Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer.
The purpose of this thermometer is to record the maximum and minimum
temperatures attained in a day.
Generally a minimum temperature occurs during the night while a maximum
temperature occurs during day.

Thermoelectric thermometer
Two different wires joined together at two points kept at different temperatures and
connected to a sensitive galvanometer form a thermocouple. The meter shows that
an emf is produced. Common metals used in this kind of thermometer are
constantan and the other is nichrome or platinum and a platinum-rhodium alloy
chosen because their melting points are very high.
One junction is kept at 0oC and the other is used to record the temperature being
measured. The meter is graduated so that it reads temperatures directly and not
merely e.m.f’s
Advantages of a thermoelectric meter are:
(i)It can measure very high temperatures such as those in furnaces of molten metals.
(ii)The junction is very small and therefore the thermometer can measure
temperature at a point.
(iii)It can follow rapid changes of temperature.

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Resistance thermometer
The change in electrical resistance of a wire as its temperature changes. Usually the
wire is of platinum. The resistance of platinum increases as the temperature rises.
Resistance thermometers are accurate, sensitive and can be used to measure both
high and low temperatures.
The fixed temperature points.
(i) Upper fixed point.
The upper fixed point is the temperature of steam from water boiling
under standard atmospheric pressure of 760mmHg.
(ii) Lower fixed point.
The lower fixed point is the temperature of pure melting ice. The ice must
be pure since impurities lower the melting point.
Celsius temperature scale.
The difference in temperature between the fixed points is called the fundamental
interval. This is divided into 100 equal divisions, the ice point being called 0 oC
And steam point 100oC.This called the Celsius scale.
Temperatures on it are called ‘degrees Celsius ‘
Determination of the upper fixed point.
A thermometer is pushed through a hole in a cork and placed inside a thermometer.
Water is heated in the lower part of the hypsometer.
The bulb of the thermometer should not touch the water surface.
The thermometer is adjusted so that the mercury thread is seen just above the top
of the cork.
When the cork has remained steady for some time its level is marked on the stem by
a light scratch.
The double walled vessel reduces heat loss and consequent cooling of the vapour
surrounding the thermometer.

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The manometer gives warming should the pressure inside differ from atmosphere

Determination of the lower fixed point.

The thermometer is placed in a glass funnel kept full of small pieces of pure ice
blocks having a beaker underneath to catch the water.
The mercury thread is allowed to show just above the top of the ice.
When the level of the thread has remained steady for some time its position is
marked. That indicates the lower fixed point.

To measure temperature with the thermometer.

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If x is length of mercury thread above the lower fixed point and y is the length
between the upper and lower fixed points the unknown temperature ϑ can be
determined from the expression
ϑ= x 1000C
for a thermometer with 100 equal parts, with a Celsius scale.
Choice of liquid for thermometers.
Mercury freezes at -39oC and boils at 357oC while alcohol freezes at -115oC.It is
therefore essential to use alcohol thermometers in places where temperatures drop
so low up to -40oC.Alcohol also possesses the advantage of having an expansivity of
about six times that of mercury.
Advantages of mercury over alcohol.
(1)It does not wet glass. Alcohol tends to cling to the wall of the tube, this leads to
errors in taking the reading.
(2) It does not vaporize like alcohol onto the upper part of the bore.
(3)It is opaque and easily seen, whereas alcohol has to be coloured.
(4) It is a better conductor of heat than alcohol and therefore responds more rapidly
to changes of temperature.
Why water should not be used in thermometers
Water is unsuitable for use in thermometers because
(i)it freezes at 0oC,so it cannot read temperature below that.
(ii)It has an irregular expansion.
The thermodynamic temperature scale.
Various types of thermometer give different readings when used to measure the
same temperature because the values obtained depends on the properties of the
substance used in the thermometer.
Types of thermometer include ;
(i) mercury-in glass thermometers
(ii) platinum resistance thermometers
(iii) thermoelectric thermometer e.t.c
Lord Kelvin devised a scale called the thermodynamic scale which is independent of
the properties of the substance used in thermometers.
Temperatures on this scale are measured in Kelvin.
They are denoted K.
On the thermodynamic scale the melting point of ice is 273K and the boiling point of
water is 373K.
Revision Questions
1.a)List the advantages and disadvantages of mercury and alcohol as thermoelectric
b)Ice and steam points on an ungraduated thermometer are found to be 192mm apart.
What temperature is recorded in oC when the length of mercury thread is 67.2mm
above the ice point mark?

2a).Describe an experiment to determine the fixed points of a thermometer.

b)i)Mention any three reasons why water is not used a thermometric liquid.

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ii)When a Celsius thermometer is inserted in a boiling liquid, the mercury thread
rises above the lower fixed point by 19.5cm.Find the temperature of the boiling
liquid if the fundamental interval is 25cm.


The increase in size of objects when they are heated is called expansion.
Demonstrating expansion of a solid.
The metal bar shown below is made such that it will just fit into the gap in the gauge
when both the bar and the gauge are cold.
Heat the bar over a Bunsen flame and test the fit again. With the rise in temperature
of the bar comes an increase in length.
The gauge shows that the bar has increased in length which is called linear
expansion, and cannot fit in the gauge.

A spherical metal ball will just pass through the ring when both are cold.
Heat the ball over a Bunsen flame, and the test the fit again. The ball expands when
heated and will not go through the ring.
The diameter of the ball has increased in all directions. The expansion in area of a
solid is known as superficial expansion and the expansion in volume is called cubical

Expansion and contraction-uses

Railway tracks are designed with gaps in between them to allow for expansion.
Railway tracks have been damaged during hot seasons where the gap allowed for
expansion was too small.

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Pipelines in the chemical industry which carry liquids and gases over long distances
must have flexible expansion joints built in them at them at regular intervals.
Expansion and contraction is used in riveting to get a tight joint.
A hot rivet is pushed through a hole in the two plates to be joined.
Then the end of a hot rivet is hammered to form another head.
As the rivet cools it contracts and pulls the two plates together more tightly.

THE BIMETALLIC STRIP.A bimetallic strip is made of two strips of the same length
and cross sectional of different metals joined together e.g iron and brass.

When cold the strips are straight ,but when heated the metals expand differently
causing them to bend.
Since brass expands more than iron, the two will bend with brass on the outside.
Bimetallic strips are applied in
ii)motor vehicle flashing direction indicators

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ii) fire alarms.
A thermostat is a devise used for maintaining steady temperature.
Thermostats are applied in
(i)hot water storage tanks
(ii) electric irons.

The figure above shows the principle of a bimetallic thermometer. One end of a thin
bimetallic spiral is fixed, the other end being attached to the spindle of a pointer
which moves over a scale of degrees.The metals used are brass and invar and the
spiral tends to curl in a clockwise direction as the temperature rises.
Linear Expansivity
The measure of the tendency of a particular material to expand is called its
expansivity. Brass expands more than iron when heated by the same amount,
therefore brass has a higher expansivity than iron.
The linear expansivity of a substance is the fraction of its original length by which a
rod of the substance expands per Kelvin rise in temperature.
Linear expansivity of a substance depends on
(i)the length of the substance.
(ii)the rise in temperature.
Linear expansivity of steel
lx ∆ θ
Where ∆ l is the change in length of steel.
∆ θis the rise in temperature.
l is the original length of steel.
Measuring Linear expansivity.
Measure the original length of the rod using a metre ruler.
Fit the rod inside a steam jacket and fit the thermometer in its socket.

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Screw up the micrometer so that there is no gap at either end of the rod and take a
reading of the micrometer scale x 1 .
Note the initial temperature of the rod θ1.
Unscrew the micrometer to leave room for expansion of the rod and pass steam
through the jacket for a few minutes.
Screw up the micrometer again and take a second reading of the micrometer scale
x 2.
Note the final temperature of the rod θ2.
Calculate the change in length∆ l=x2 −x1 measured by the micrometer.
Calculate the rise in temperature ∆ θ=θ2−θ 1.
(Both l∧∆ l should be in the same units).
Calculate the linear expansivity from
lx ∆ θ
Hence new length =original length +expansion.

Demonstrating expansion of liquids

Fill a glass flask with coloured water and fit a stopper with a long glass tube so that
there is no air in the flask and water rises a short way up the tube.
Heat the flask.
The water level drops first and then rises after heating. The drop is due to expansion
of glass flask which increases in volume. This creates space inside and hence the
Once heat reaches the liquid it expands rapidly up the tube and over the top. This
shows that the volume expansion of a liquid is very large.
(Liquids expand much more in volume than solids).
Different liquids have different thermal expansions.

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To demonstrate this, several fairly large glass bulbs with glass stems are filled to a
short distance above the bulb with various liquids. In order to make a fair
comparison, the bulbs and stems must be of the same size. The bulbs are immersed
in a metal trough containing cold water and left until they have reached a steady
temperature. A little extra liquid should then be added in case the levels are not the
same anymore. The bath is heated and well stirred to ensure uniform temperature.
When the bulbs and their contents have acquired the new temperature of the bath,
it will be seen that the liquid levels have risen by different amounts.Thus,for a given
rise in temperature equal volumes of different liquids show different expansions in

The unusual expansion of water.

Some substances do not always expand when heated. Over certain temperature
ranges they contract. Water is an outstanding example. If we start with ice at -10 o C
And heat it expands until it reaches 0oC.It then begins to melt while the temperature
remains 0oC.
This melting is accompanied by a contraction in volume. Between O and 4 oC.Hence
water has its maximum density at 4oC.
Beyond 4oC water expands.
This behaviour is described as anomalous.
(irregular).The changes in water volume between -10oC to 15oC are shown
graphically below.

Biological importance of the anomalous expansion of water.

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It helps preserve aquatic life during very cold weather. As the temperature of a pond
or lake falls the water contracts becomes denser and sinks.
At the bottom of the lake or pond is dense water whose temperature is slightly
higher than for the layer above. The less dense water stays at the top. If further
cooling occurs the water at the top freezes.

Fish can survive in the layers below where unfrozen water still exists.


The heat capacity of an object depends on its mass.

The heat capacity is defined as the quantity of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of a given mass of a material by one Kelvin. It is denoted by C.
SI unit of heat capacity is JK
The specific heat capacity of a substance is the heat energy needed to raise the
temperature of 1kg mass of the substance by 1K.It is denoted by c.
Q=mc θ
Below is a table showing specific heat capacities of different substances.
It can be noticed that water has an unusually high specific heat capacity of 4200J/kgK
Table of specific heat capacities in J/kgK.
Aluminium 900 Lead 130
Brass 380 Mercury 140
Copper 400 Methylated 2400
Glass 670 Water 4200
Iron 460 Zinc 380

Because of its high specific heat capacity water is most suitable liquid in the
radiators of a vehicle to cool the engine because less amount of liquid is needed to
draw heat energy from the engine as compared to other liquids.
i.e heat = mcθ .
The higher the value of c the greater the heat removed keeping m and θ
12 pkugonza@gmail.com
0752-260475 //0772-589988
To measure the specific heat capacity of a metal by the electrical method.
This method is suitable for a metal which is a good conductor of heat.
A cylindrical block of metal is drilled with two holes one for an electric heater and
the other a thermometer.
A little oil is used in the holes to ensure good thermal contact. Heat losses are
reduced by standing the block on a slab and lagging the block.
The heater circuit is connected and rheostat is adjusted to obtain suitable current.
Before switching on the current note the temperature of the block. Switch on the
current and simultaneously start a stop clock.
Take the readings of the voltmeter and ammeter. When the temperature has risen
by about 10degrees.
Switch off current and stop the clock simultaneously.
Read the final temperature on the thermometer.
Energy received by block=energy supplied by heater.

mc ( θ 2−θ1 )=VIt
Specific heat capacity of metal

m ( θ2 −θ1 )
(i)The metal block must be heavily lagged to prevent heat loss to the surroundings.
(ii)The two holes should be filled with a light oil to improve thermal contact with the
heater and thermometer.
Determination of specific heat capacity of a solid by the method of mixtures.

13 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Weigh the solid metal block and record it’s mass
s .Place the block in a beaker
containing water and heat the water as shown above in (a).Allow the water to boil.
Weigh the calorimeter together with the stirrer and record the their mass as
mc .
Add water to the calorimeter. Determine the mass of calorimeter with water
ml .
Mass of water=
mw =ml−mc .Place the calorimeter in the insulating jacket.
Measure the temperature of the cold water in the calorimeter and record it as θ1 .
When the water in the beaker has boiled for some time, quickly transfer the metal
block from the beaker into the cold water in the calorimeter.
Place a thermometer in the beaker to measure the temperature of the boiling water
as θ2 . Record the final temperature of the mixture in the calorimeter as 3
Assuming no heat losses to the surroundings during the transfer of the metal block
from the beaker to the calorimeter and thereafter, the specific heat capacity of the
solid can be calculated as follows;

Heat lost by metal bock =

Heat gained by calorimeter with stirrer + Heat gained by water in calorimeter.
m s c s ( θ2 −θ3 )=m c c c ( θ 3−θ1 ) + m w c w ( θ3 −θ1 )

Where c s
c ,c and c
w are specific heat capacities of the calorimeter, the solid and
water respectively. The specific heat capacity of the material of the cube can
therefore be calculated as

( θ3 −θ1 )( mc c c +mw c w )
m s ( θ 2−θ 3 )
Determination of the specific heat capacity of a liquid by the method of mixtures.

14 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Weigh the solid metal block and record it’s mass as
s .
Place a liquid in a beaker and immerse the block attached to a string into the liquid
as shown in figure (a) below. With the beaker on a tripod stand heat the beaker and
its contents until the liquid starts to boil. Record the temperature θ1 of the boiling
Weigh the calorimeter and stirrer and then pour some liquid into it and again weigh
the calorimeter with liquid. By subtraction determine the mass of the liquid l inm
the calorimeter alone. Place a thermometer in the calorimeter and take note of the
temperature of the cold water θ2 .
When the liquid in the beaker has boiled for some time ,transfer the block from the
beaker into the cold liquid in the calorimeter.
Cover the calorimeter with a piece of cardboard as in figure (b) below.
Stir the mixture and record the final temperature 3
The specific heat capacity of the liquid can be calculated as follows;
Heat lost by the hot solid =
Heat gained by calorimeter and stirrer + Heat gained by liquid in the calorimeter.
ms c s ( θ1 −θ3 )=mc c c ( θ 3−θ 2 ) + ml c l ( θ 3−θ2 )
c ,c
Where s c and
c l are the specific heat capacities of the solid, calorimeter and
liquid respectively.
Since all the other quantities are known the unknown quantity l can be
Experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid by electrical method.

Diagrammatic set up of the apparatus:

15 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Weigh the calorimeter with the stirrer and record their mass as
s .
Pour liquid into the calorimeter and determine the mass of liquid and that of the
calorimeter. By subtraction of the mass obtained in the previous weighing,
determine the mass of the liquid
ml in the calorimeter.
Place the calorimeter in an insulating jacket. Measure the initial temperature of the
water θ1 .
Insert the heating coil into the liquid in the calorimeter as shown in figure above .
Switch on the heater current and simultaneously start timing. Record the ammeter
and voltmeter readings I and V respectively.
After about five to ten minutes switch off the heater current and record the final
temperature θ2 of the calorimeter and its contents.
Record the duration of the heating t .
Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, the specific heat capacity of the liquid
can be calculated as follows:

Heat supplied by electric heater =

Heat gained by liquid + Heat gained by calorimeter.
IVt=ml cl ( θ2 −θ1 ) + m c c c ( θ2 −θ1 ) c ,c
where l c are the specific heat capacities
of the liquid and calorimeter respectively.

Examples on heat capacity calculations:

Example 1
Calculate the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a metal block
o o
with a heat capacity of 460JK-1 from 15 C to 45 C .

Heat capacity ,C=460JK-1
Temperature change , θ=(45−15)
= 30 C
= 460×30
= 13800 J

16 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Example 2
−1 −1
A piece of copper of mass 60g and specific heat capacity 390 JKg K cools from
90o C to 40 o C .Find the quantity of heat given out.
Q=mc θ
= ×390× ( 90−40 )
=1170 J

Example 3
How many joules of heat are given out when a piece of zinc of mass 50g and specific
heat capacity 380J/kgK cools from 60oC to 20oC?
Q = mcθ
= x 380 x ( 60−20 ) .
= 760Joules
Heat energy given out or received = mass x s.h.c x temperature change.
Heat energy in joules = m x c x (θ2−θ 1 ¿
Where m is mass in kg
C specific heat capacity.
θ1 is lower temperature.
θ2is higher temperature.

Example 4
What is the final temperature of the mixture if 100g of water at 70 oC is added to
200g of cold water at 10oC and well stirred?(Neglect heat absorbed by container)
Heat given out by hot water = Heat received by cold water.

0.1 x 4200 x ( 70−θ )=0.2 x 4200 x (θ−10)

7−0.1θ=0.2 θ−2

9=0.3 θ

θ=30o C
Example 5
The temperature of a piece of copper of mass 250g is raised to 100 oC and it is then
transferred to a well lagged aluminium can of mass 10.0g containing 120g of
methylated spirit at 10.0oC.Calculate the final temperature after the spirit has been
well stirred. Neglect the heat capacity of the stirrer and any losses from evaporation.


Heat given out by copper =0.25 x 400 x ( 100−θ ) .

Heat received by aluminium = 0.01 x 900 x (θ−10).
Heat received by spirit = 0.12 x 2400 x ( θ−10 ) .

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Heat given out =heat received
100 x ( 100−θ )=9 x ( θ−10 ) +288 x (θ−10)
10,000−100 θ=297 θ−2970

Example 6
Find the final temperature of water if a heater source rated 42W heats 50g water
from 20oC in five minutes.(Specific heat capacity of water is 4200JKg -1K-1)
Heat supplied by the heater = Heat gained by the water.
42×5×60=mc θ
42×300=50×10−3 ×4200×θ
But θ=T −20
T =80o C
Example 7.
o 0
A block of metal of mass 1.5kg which is insulated is heated from 30 C to 50 C
in 8minutes and 20 seconds by an electric heater coil rated 54W.Find:
(a)the quantity of heat supplied by the heater.
(b)the heat capacity of the block.
(c )its specific heat capacity.
(a)Quantity of heat supplied = power x time
=27000 J
Heatcapacity , C=
(b) θ
But Q=27000 J and θ=50−30=20
=1350 JK −1
(c ) Specific heat capacity, m
c= =900 JKg−1 K−1
1 .5 .
1. Calculate the heat given out when 50g of iron cools from 45 oC to 15oC.
(C for iron 460J/kgK).
2. Calculate the specific heat capacity of gold if 108J of heat raise the
temperature of 9g of the metal from 0oC to 100oC.
3. A lady wanted to have a warm bath at 40oC.She had 5kg of water in a basin at
85oC.What mass of cold water at 25oC must she have added to the hot water

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to obtain her choice of bath? Neglect heat losses and take specific heat
−1 −1
capacity of water to be 4200 Jkg K .
4. A bath contains 100kg of water at 60oC.Hot and cold taps are then turned on
to deliver 20kg per minute each at temperatures of 70 oC and 10oC
respectively. How long will it be before the temperature in the bath has
dropped to 45oC?
5. The temperature of a brass cylinder of mass 100g was raised to 100 oC and
transferred to a thin aluminium can of negligible heat capacity containing
150g of paraffin at 11oC.
If the final steady temperature after stirring was 20oC,calculate the specific
heat capacity of paraffin.(Neglect heat losses and assume specific heat
capacity of brass=380J/kgK)
o o
6. 0.2kg of iron at 100 C is dropped into 0.09kg of water at 26 C inside a
−1 −1
calorimeter of mass 0.15kg and specific heat capacity 800 Jkg K .Find
the final temperature of the water(Specific heat capacity of iron is
−1 −1 −1 −1
460 JKg K and that of water 4200 JKg K )


When water in a kettle is heated its temperature rises until it reaches 100 oC.The
water starts to boil but the temperature remains constant at 100 oC,but at the same
time heat is being steadily absorbed by the water from the gas flame or heating
This heat is the energy needed to convert the water from liquid state to the vapour
state at the same temperature.
From experiment 2,260,000Joules are required to convert 1kg of water at its boiling
point to steam at the same temperature. This is known as specific latent heat of
‘Latent ‘means hidden or concealed.
Latent heat means hidden heat. The heat which melts ice is hidden in the sense that
when ice melts its no hotter than before it was heated.
Latent heat of vaporization is the amount of heat required to change the state of a
liquid to vapour without change in temperature.
The specific latent heat of vaporization of a substance is the quantity of heat
required to change 1kg mass of the substance from the liquid to the vapour state
without change of temperature. SI Unit : joule per kilogram.(J/kg).
Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat required to change the state of a material
from solid to liquid without change in temperature. Conversely as a liquid changes to
solid state, latent heat of fusion is given out.
The specific latent heat of fusion of a substance is the quantity of heat required to
change 1kg mass of the substance from the solid to the liquid state without change
of temperature. SI (Unit: J/kg).
Experiment: To investigate the effect of supplying heat to a solid.

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 Place crushed ice in a beaker and keep it in a freezer to ensure its
o 0
temperature drops below 0 C ,say, −10 C .
 Heat the ice and record the temperature of the ice at intervals as you keep
The thermometer records a temperature rise of the ice until it reaches
00 C .
On further heating, the temperature remains at 0 C while the ice changes to
water at 0 C . After all the ice has melted, the temperature rises again.

( C )


Ice melts at constant

-10 Temperature.

When the ice at about −10 C is heated, the heat energy is used in raising its
0 0
temperature to 0 C . The energy given to the ice at 0 C is used to change ice
from solid to liquid state.
The heat supplied to ice at 0 C does not change the temperature of the ice, but
changes its state from solid to liquid(melting).The heat absorbed as the ice melts is
called latent heat.
EXPERIMENT:To explore the change of state of naphthalene using the cooling curve .

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 Half fill a test tube with naphthalene and support it in a water bath as shown
in figure above.
 Heat the water bath until naphthalene just melts.
 Put a thermometer inside the liquid naphthalene and continue heating until a
temperature of about 90 C is reached.
 Remove the tube from the water bath and let it cool.
 Record the temperature reading every 30 seconds as naphthalene cools.
 Plot a graph of temperature against time.
During the cooling, the temperature of liquid naphthalene falls from about
900 C to about 800 C ,where it remains constant for some time. At this
temperature ,all the naphthalene gradually changes to solid after which the
temperature falls further to room temperature.
The graph of temperature against time is as shown below.

The portion OP represents the liquid naphthalene cooling. PQ-Liquid naphthalene
changes to solid without change in temperature. Point P is the freezing point where
naphthalene is solidifying(and also the melting point).In portion QR ,solid
naphthalane cools to room temperature at R.
During the period PQ ,the liquid naphthalene is losing latent heat of fusion as it
changes of state for water.
The figure below illustrates the changes of state which are possible for water.

21 pkugonza@gmail.com
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When ice melts to form water the change of state is called fusion. When water
evaporates to form water vapour or steam the change of state is called vaporisation.
When steam condenses to form water the change of state is called condensation.
When water freezes to form ice the change of state is called solidification. It is also
possible for a change to occur directly from water vapour to ice or from ice to water
vapour. This change of state is called sublimation.
Latent heat calculation.
Example 1
o 0
2 kg of ice in a beaker at −10 C is heated until it becomes steam at 100 C .
(i)Represent diagrammatically the various stages the ice goes through it becomes
(ii)Calculate the amount heat supplied.
(specific heat capacity of ice = 2100Jkg ,Specific latent heat of ice =
5 −1 −1
3.36×10 Jkg ,Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 Jkg . Specific latent heat
of vaporization = 2,260 ,000 Jkg .)
EXPERIMENT :To determine specific latent heat of fusion of ice by the electrical

First determine the
mass of an empty
beaker, o .
 Put crushed ice
into a filter
funnel .
 Place an
connected to

22 pkugonza@gmail.com
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an ammeter, voltmeter and rheostat and make sure that it is completely
covered with ice.
 Adjust the rheostat to a suitable value and close the switch. Start the clock
once the switch is closed.
 Note the reading of the ammeter and voltmeter.
 When a reasonable amount of water has collected in the beaker under P,
note the time, t, remove the beakers and switch off the heater.
 Weigh the beaker and the water in it, m1 .
 Determine the mass of water, m ,from
m=m −m
1 0 .
Heat energy supplied by the heater = heat energy gained by melting the ice.
Where L is the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
The table below gives values of specific latent heat of fusion of some common
MATERIAL Specific latent heat of fusion
5 −1
( ¿10 Jkg ).
Copper 4.0
aluminium 3.9
Water 3.34
Iron 2.7
wax 1.8
Naphthalene 1.5
Lead 0.026
Mercury 0.013

EXPERIMENT :To determine the specific latent heat of vaporization of water by

electrical method.

 Set up the apparatus as shown.

23 pkugonza@gmail.com
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 Switch on the heater and maintain a steady current using the variable
 Allow the heating to continue until the system reaches state where
condensed water issues down the tube T at constant rate.
 Weigh the beaker and record its mass as
m 0 and place it under the tube to
collect the condensed water and simultaneously start timing.
 When a measurable quantity of water has collected in the beaker, remove
the beaker as you stop the watch. Record the time t, taken and weigh the
beaker with condensed water.
 Read and record the ammeter and voltmeter readings.
Ether and methylated spirit are examples of volatile liquids. A volatile liquid is one
that has a low boiling point and easily changes from liquid to vapour state at
ordinary temperatures.
If a little methylated spirit is spilt on the hand it evaporates rapidly and the hand
feels very cold.
To change from liquid to vapour the spirit requires latent heat. This it obtains from
the hand which thus loses heat and cools. The spirit has a low boiling point and so it
evaporates more quickly at the temperature of the hand.

Molecules in a liquid are in continuous random motion with varying kinetic energy.A
molecule at the surface of the liquid may acquire sufficient energy to overcome the

24 pkugonza@gmail.com
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attractive force from the neighbouring molecules in the liquid and thus escape.This
process is known as evaporation and occurs at all temperatures even before boiling
Effects of evaporation
(i)Pour some methylated spirit on the back of your hand. The hand feels cold as the
spirit evaporates from the skin. The hands feel cold as the spirit evaporates from the
skin. The evaporating methylated spirit extracts latent heat from the skin,making it
feel cold.
(ii)In a fume chamber pour ether into a test tube. Bubble air through the ether using
a long rubber tubing as in figure below.

Frost forms on the outside surface of the tube. Evaporating ether draws latent heat
of vaporarization from the liquid ether, the test tube and the surrounding space. The
tube therefore cools so the frost forms around it. Bubbling increases the surface area
of ether exposed to air.
(iii)A beaker about one –third full of ether is stood in a small pool of water on a flat
piece of wood. A current of air is then bubbled through the ether by means of a
rubber tube attached to bellows. The ether evaporates into the bubbles and the
vapour is carried quickly away as the as the bubbles rise to the surface and burst,
thus increasing the rate of evaporation. The rapid change from the liquid to the
vapour state requires latent heat. This comes from the internal energy of the liquid
ether itself, with the result that it soon cools well below 0 oC.

At the same time heat becomes conducted through the walls of the beaker from the
pool of water below it and eventually the water cools to 0 oC.After this ,it begins to

25 pkugonza@gmail.com
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lose latent heat and freezes.

Evaporation and boiling.

Evaporation is the change of a liquid into a gas at any temperature.
Boiling is the change of a liquid into a gas a specific temperature.
Evaporation occurs at all temperatures at the surface of a liquid.
Factors which affect the rate of evaporation
(i) The temperature is higher since more molecules in the liquid are moving
fast enough to escape from the surface.
(ii) The surface area of the liquid is large so giving more molecules a chance
to escape because more are near the surface.
(iii) A wind is blowing over the surface carrying vapour molecules away from
the surface thus stopping them from returning to the liquid and making it
easier for more liquid molecules to break free.
(i) Boiling occurs at definite temperature.
(ii) The temperature at which a liquid boils is called the boiling point.
(iii) Boiling is accompanied by formation of bubbles within the liquid.

Differences between evaporation and boiling

1.Evaporation takes place on the surface of the liquid while boiling takes
place through out the liquid.
2.Evaporation is invisible while boiling is visible. i.e formation of bubbles
can be visualised.
3.Evaporation occurs at any temperature while boiling occurs at a specific
temperature called the boiling point.
All matter is made up of small particles called molecules. The molecules are in
constant motion or vibration. The movement of the molecules is increased with the
rise in temperature.
Cooling by evaporation explained by the kinetic theory.
When a liquid is heated the molecules at the bottom gain energy and rise to the
surface of the liquid. They either escape or fall back into the liquid.

26 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Only the faster molecules escape because they have enough energy to escape from
the attraction of liquid molecules. Some of these collide with other molecules above
the liquid and so bounce back into it.
Others escape completely and do not return to the liquid.
In this way a liquid loses its most energetic molecules while the less energetic ones
are left behind. The average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules is therefore
reduced and this results in a fall in temperature.
When water freezes to form ice expansion occurs and the ice takes up a bigger
volume than the water. For this reason water pipes may burst during very cold
A bottle placed in the freezing chamber should not be filled with water to allow for
Most substances however contract when they solidify. Paraffin wax is one such


If a substance expands on solidifying then the application of pressure lowers the
melting point. Conversely substances which contract in volume on solidifying have
their melting points raised by pressure.


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We pass steam into a calorimeter with water. On its way the steam passes through
vessel T ,which traps any water carried over by the steam. The mass of condensed
steam is found by weighing. If θ1and θ2 are the initial and final temperatures of the
water the specific latent heat l is given by
Heat given by steam +heat given by condensed water=heat taken by water+ calorim
ml+ mc w (100-θ2 ¿=¿ c w +C ¿ (θ2−θ1 ) where m1 is the mass of water in the
calorimeter,c w is the specific heat capacity of water and C is the heat capacity of
the metal container.

Latent heat and the kinetic theory .

a) Fusion
The kinetic theory explains latent heat of fusion as being the energy which
enables the molecules of a solid to overcome the intermolecular forces that
hold them in place and when it exceeds a certain value they break free.
Their vibrating motion about fixed positions changes to the slightly greater
range of movement they have as liquid molecules.
Their p.e increases but not their average k.e as happens when heat causes a
temperature rise.
b) Vaporisation.
If liquid molecules are to overcome the forces holding them together and gain the
freedom to move around independently as gas molecules, they need a large amount
of energy. They receive this as latent heat of vaporisation which, increases the p.e of
the molecules but not their k.e It also gives the molecules the energy required to
push back the surrounding atmosphere in the large expansion that occurs when a
liquid vaporises.

How a refrigerator works

28 pkugonza@gmail.com
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A refrigerator makes food cold by removing heat energy from it. The basic
principle is to pump heat from food inside the refrigerator and give it to the
air outside.
Cooling in the refrigerator takes place when a volatile liquid evaporates inside
the copper coil surrounding the freezing box.As fast as the vapour is formed,
it is removed by an electric pump and so under reduced pressure the liquid
The vapour which has been pumped off passes into a second coil outside the
cabinet where it is compressed by the pump and condenses back to liquid.
Here latent heat is given out, and to enable this heat to be dissipated quickly
the condensing coil may be fitted with copper fins. Heat is removed by
conduction into the fins and hence convection and radiation to the

From the condensing coil the liquid is passed back into the evaporator coil round the
freezing box. In this manner a continuous circulation of liquid and vapour is set up.
The rate of vaporization and consequent degree of cooling is controlled by a
thermostat switch which switches the pump motor on and off at intervals.
If you stand in the wind in a wet swimming suit, you feel much colder than if your
suit is dry. This is because the wind increases the evaporation of water from your
skin. Evaporation requires latent heat. In this case latent heat comes from your body
and so you feel colder.

1.Calculations the quantity of heat required to melt 4kg of ice and to raise the
temperature of the water formed to 50oC.Take the specific latent heat of ice to be
3.4 x 105 J kg−1 and specific heat capacity of water to be 4.2 x 10 3 J kg−1 K −1.

2.Calculate the heat required to convert 2kg of ice at -12 oC to steam at 100oC.

29 pkugonza@gmail.com
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3.An electric kettle contains 1.5litres of water at 20oC.Find
a)the heat required to bring it to boiling –point.
b) the additional heat required to boil half the water away ,assuming that all the
heat from the element goes into the water. If the element is rated at 1000W, how
long does it take the water to come to the boil?
4.Dry steam is passed into a well lagged copper can of mass 250g containing 400g of
water and 50g of ice at 0 C . The mixture is well stirred and the steam supply cut
off when the temperature of the can and its contents reaches 20 C . Neglecting
heat losses, find the mass of steam condensed.(Specific heat capacities: water
−1 −1 −1
4200 Jkg K , 0.4 Jkg K (Specific latent heat of steam ,
2,260 ,000Jkg−1 ,ice ,336 ,000 Jkg−1 )

Conduction is the flow of heat through matter from places of higher temperature
to places of lower temperature without movement of matter as a whole.
Conduction in solids
Various metals conduct heat at different rates. To demonstrate this attaches a match
stick using melted wax at the end of each rod made of copper iron aluminium and
brass. The rods should be of equal length and cross sectional area. The other end of
the rods is placed in a flame at the same time. It is noticed that the match stick on
copper falls off first followed by that on aluminium, then the one on brass and lastly
that on iron. Hence copper is the best conductor of heat of these metals .

Good and bad conductors

Most metals are good conductors of heat.
Materials such as wood, glass, cork, plastics and fabrics are bad conductors.
Metal objects below body temperature feel colder than those of bad conductors
because they carry heat away faster from the hand-even if all the objects are at
exactly the same temperature.
Conduction by liquids and gases.
Liquids and gases also conduct heat but only very slowly.
Water is a very poor conductor of heat.

30 pkugonza@gmail.com
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To demonstrate that water is a poor conductor.
Wrap ice in a wire gauze and place it in a test tube. Pour water in a test tube and
heat the water at the top as shown. Water will begin to boil at the top before the ice
at the bottom melts.
This shows that little heat has been conducted to the bottom to melt the ice.

Good conductors.
These are used whenever heat is required to travel quickly through something.
Saucepans, boilers and radiators are made of metals such as aluminium, iron and
Bad conductors (insulators)
The handles of some saucepans and frying pans are made of wood to prevent heat
transfer by conduction.
Air is one of the worst conductors. This is why houses with cavity walls (two walls
separated by an air space ) keep warmer in cold seasons and cooler in hot seasons.
Materials which trap air e.g wool, fur, polystyrene etc are also very bad conductors.
Some of these are used as ‘lagging’.
To demonstrate that mercury is better conductor of heat than water.

31 pkugonza@gmail.com
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A piece of thick copper wire bent twice at right angles is then placed in mercury and
water at either end. The centre of the wire is heated with a Bunsen flame and heat is
conducted through the metal equally into the water and mercury.
In a short time wax on the mercury filled tube melts and the cork falls off. With
further heating the cork on the test tube with water will fall off.
Conduction and the kinetic theory.
Metals consist of free electrons. When one end of the metal is heated the electrons
move faster their kinetic energy increases. They collide with atoms passing on their
energy to them and as the metal is heated further the amplitude of vibration
increases and hence the temperature of the metal rises.
Convection is the flow of heat through a fluid from places of higher temperature to
places of lower temperature by movement of the fluid itself.
Fluids are liquids and gases.
Convection in liquids.
To demonstrate convection currents fill a beaker with water and drop a single crystal
of potassium permanganate at the bottom of it. Heat the bottom of the flask.An
upward current of coloured water will ascend from the place where the heat is
applied. This coloured stream reaches the top and spreads out. After a short time it
circulates down the sides of the flask showing that a convection current has been set
When a portion of liquid near the bottom of a vessel is heated it expands. Since its
mass remains unaltered it becomes less dense and therefore rises.

Convection currents in air.

32 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Position a lighted candle under one chimney and then stuff some card board into the
top of the other chimney. The direction of the convection currents created by the
candle is made visible by the smoke from the cardboard.
Convection currents are a flow of liquid or gas caused by a change in density in
which the whole medium moves and carries heat energy with it.
Land and sea Breezes

During the day the land is heated by the sun to a higher temperature than the sea.
Air over the land is therefore heated expands and rises while cooler air blows in from
the sea to take its place. The circulation is completed by the wind in the upper
atmosphere blowing in the opposite direction.
At night the land is no longer heated by the sun and cools very rapidly. On the other
hand the sea shows no change in temperature. The sea is warmer than the land so
that air convection current is reversed.
Domestic hot water system
The domestic hot water supply system works on the principle of convection current
of hot water rising through on pipe and cold water descending through another.

33 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Radiation is the flow of heat from one place to another by means of
electromagnetic waves.
Radiation is a form of heat transmission that does not require a material medium.
Radiant energy consists of electromagnetic waves which pass through a vacuum. The
waves are partly reflected and partly absorbed by objects on which they fall. The
part which is absorbed becomes transferred into internal energy.
Absorption of radiation by a surface.
Absorbing powers of a dull black and polished surface can be compared using two
sheets of tin plate one polished and the other painted black.
On the reverse side of each a cork is fixed by means of a little melted wax.
The plates are set up vertically with a Bunsen burner midway them. When the
burner is lit both surfaces receive equal quantities of radiation. In a short time the
wax on the dull black plate melts and the cork slides off.
The polished plate remains cool and the wax unmelted.

34 pkugonza@gmail.com
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The green house effect.
Greenhouses are used to help certain plants grow better by providing a warmer air
temperature. In summer green houses do not need internal sources of heat because
they are able to trap enough solar radiation to keep them very warm inside.
Sunshine contains radiation of many different kinds. Some of that radiation is the
light which we can see ,but much of it is invisible infrared radiation .
The sun is very hot and sends this radiation in a form which can easily pass through
the glass of a green house. This is short wavelength infrared radiation.

Once inside the green house this infrared radiation is absorbed by the plants and the
soil making them warmer. The warm soil and the plants now also emit infrared
radiation but since the soil is cool compared with the sun this radiation has a much
longer wavelength and cannot pass through the green house glass.
In this way solar radiation becomes trapped inside the green house and causes its
temperature to rise.

The vacuum flask.

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To keep a drink or food hot inside a flask heat losses by all three processes must be
reduced to a minimum.
Conduction is totally prevented through the sides of the flask by the vacuum
between the double glass walls of the bottle.The cork or plastic stopper contains a
lot of trapped air which is a bad conductor of heat.Convection is also totally
prevented by the vacuum and can cause heat loss through the top of the flask only
while the stopper is removed.
The radiation loss of heat is greatly reduced by the two silver coatings on the glass
walls of the flask.


Boyle’s Law
The volume of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure
provided the temperature remains constant.
Verification of boyle’s law
The apparatus consists of a burette B connected by a length of rubber tubing to a
glass reservoir containing mercury.
All water vapour which may be present with the air in the burrette should be

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With the tap T closed the reservoir is adjusted and the mercury levels A and B in the
open and closed limbs noted. The difference is calculated and recorded as h. The
absolute pressure of the enclosed air is given by P=H+h where H is the atmospheric
pressure read from a barometer.
The pressure P=H-h when A is below B the corresponding volume V of the trapped
air is determined from V=AL where l is the length from T to B

With the tap T closed the reservoir is adjusted and the mercury levels A and B in the
open and closed limbs noted. The difference is calculated and recorded as h. The
absolute pressure of the enclosed air given by P=H+h where H is the atmospheric
pressure read from a barometer.
The pressure P=H-h when A is below B .
The corresponding volume V of the trapped air is determined from V = Al where l is
the length from T to B.
We tabulate the results and plot a graph of P against .
A straight line through the origin is obtained,indicating that P is proportional to .

Charles’ Law
The volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to
its absolute temperature.
Verification of charles’ law.

37 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Arrange the apparatus as shown below.

The index of concentrated sulphuric acid traps the air column to be investigated and
also dries. Adjust the capillary tube so that the bottom of the air column is opposite
the zero mark on the ruler.
Note the length of the air column at different temperatures but before taking the
reading stop the heating and stir well to make sure that the air has reached the
temperature of the water.
Plot a graph of volume against temperature in oC .
The pressure of the air column is constant.

Pressure Law
The pressure of a fixed mass of gas at constant volume is proportional to its
absolute temperature.

P ∝T
The three equations can be combined giving
For cases where P,V and T all change from P1 ,V 1 ∧T 1 to P2 ,V 2 ∧T 2 then

38 pkugonza@gmail.com
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P1V 1 P2V 2
T1 T2

Verification of the pressure law

A glass bulb B joined to a capillary tube is connected to a mercury reservoir R by a

length of rubber tubing. The bulb contains dry air.
Water in a large beaker is heated the heating is stopped and water stirred to obtain
a steady temperature the open mercury tubing is adjusted so that the mercury in the
closed limb is at the fixed mark M.
The difference in height h of mercury in the two limbs is determined. The
experiment is repeated for different temperatures. The atmospheric pressure H is
determined using a barometer.
The pressure at any temperature is given by P=H h. A graph of pressure against
temperature is plotted. A straight line graph is obtained.

-273oC 0oC Temperature in oC.

Absolute zero
The volume-temperature and pressure -Temperature graphs of a gas are straight
lines. They show that gases expand uniformly with temperature as measured on a
mercury thermometer. The graphs do not pass through the origin if the temperature
is expressed in degrees Celsius. If they produced backwards they cut the

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temperature axis at about -273oC .This temperature is called absolute zero because it
is lowest temperature possible.
It is the zero of the absolute or Kelvin scale of temperature. Degrees on this scale are
called kelvins and are denoted by K.
θo C=( 273+θ)K

Gas laws and the kinetic theory

A gas consists of a number of molecules moving randomly and colliding with each
other and with the walls of the container in which the gas is enclosed.
A force is set up on the walls which is given by the rate of change of momentum as
they bounce off.
The pressure of the gas is the value of this force per unit area. The absolute
thermodynamic temperature of a perfect gas is proportional to the average kinetic
energy of its molecules.
Boyle’s law.
At constant temperature the average kinetic energy of the molecules is constant.If
the volume of a fixed mass of gas is halved the number of molecules hitting the walls
of gas is halved the number of molecules hitting the walls per second doubles hence
the pressure doubles. Hence the pressure of a fixed mass of gas at constant
temperature is inversely proportional to the volume.
Charle’s law
If the pressure of a fixed mass of gas remains constant as the temperature is raised
the rate of change of momentum of the molecules on impact with the walls remain
The velocity of the molecules increases with temperature the change in momentum
is greater. To keep the rate of change in momentum travel further between
collisions with the walls.
Pressure Law
Raising the temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant volume increases the
average kinetic energy of the molecules so that they make more frequent impacts
with walls at higher velocity. Thus the rate of change of momentum on impact is
increased with consequent increase in pressure.
1. 125cm3of gas collected at 15oC and 755mm of mercury pressure. Calculate
the volume of the gas at s.t.p

Initial values.
P1=755 mmHg
V 1=125 cm3
T 1=288 K

Current values
P2=760 mmHg

40 pkugonza@gmail.com
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V 2=?
T 2=273 K

P2V 2 P1V 1
T2 T1
755 273
V 2=125 x x
760 288
V 2=118 cm3

1. 1000cm of air at 10 C is heated to 80oC.What will be the new volume if the

pressure remains atmospheric?

2. To what temperature must 2litres of air at 17oC be heated at constant

pressure in order to increase its volume to 3litres?
3. A volume of 50cm3 of a gas is compressed at constant temperature until its
pressure rises from 90cmHg to 150cmHg.Calculate the final volume of the
4. A fixed amount of oxygen has a volume of 5m3at 27oC.Calculate the volume
of oxygen at 77 C when the pressure remains constant.
5. Explain using kinetic theory of gases why the temperature of the gas inside
the bicycle pump increases when the pump is being used.
6. The graph of volume against temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant
pressure is as shown in figure below.


-273 0 350
Calculate the value of V in the graph.

7. A fixed mass of gas is enclosed in a vessel. Explain in terms of molecular

(i) how the pressure measured at the wall of the vessel is produced by the gas
(ii) how the pressure would be affected if the temperature increased, keeping
the volume constant;
(iii) how the pressure would be affected if the volume of the vessel were reduced
,keeping the temperature constant.

41 pkugonza@gmail.com
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Liquids vary in the rate at which they evaporate at ordinary temperatures.
Methane and ether evaporate very rapidly and they are said to be volatile.
A vapour is the gaseous state of a liquid and it is produced when a liquid evaporates
or boils.
In a closed vessel containing a liquid and its vapour, the vapour molecules
collide with the walls and rebound from it exerting a pressure on it called
vapour pressure.
A state of dynamic equilibrium is when the rate at which molecules leave
the surface of the liquid is equal to the rate at which they re-enter the
liquid. The vapour is said to be saturated. The pressure of a vapour which
is in dynamic equilibrium with its own liquid is called saturated vapour
A saturated vapour is one which is in a state of dynamic equilibrium with
its own liquid. Before equilibrium has been reached the vapour is said to
be unsaturated.

Variation of saturated vapour pressure with temperature .

The saturated vapour pressure increases with temperature. Below is a
graph of s.v.p with temperature for water.

42 pkugonza@gmail.com
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What happens when a liquid boils?
If a liquid is heated its temperature begins to rise and so its s.v.p will increase.
Ultimately the s.v.p becomes equal to the external atmospheric pressure.
The boiling point of a substance is defined as the temperature at which its saturated
vapour pressure becomes equal to the external atmospheric pressure.

The Pressure cooker

If we raise the boiling point of water we can reduce the time taken to cook food. This
is possible using a pressure cooker.
Pressure cookers are useful in places where atmospheric pressure is low like at the
top of a mountain (high altitudes).


A heat engine is a machine which extracts mechanical energy (k.e) from a gas at a
high temperature (obtained by burning a fuel) and then expels it at a lower
temperature into the atmosphere.
The action of a ‘four stroke’ engine is shown below.

1.On the intake stroke, the inlet valve opens and the piston moves down. Petrol and
air are drawn into the cylinder.
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2.On the compression stroke both valves are closed and the piston moves up
compressing the mixture.
3.On the power stroke Both valves are still shut. As the piston reaches the top of the
compression stroke the spark plug sparks and ignites the petrol-air mixture. The
explosion produced forces the piston down.S
4.On the exhaust stroke the outlet valve opens and the piston rises pushing the
exhaust gases out of the cylinder.

44 pkugonza@gmail.com
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