Academic Knowledge?: Why Work For
Academic Knowledge?: Why Work For
Academic Knowledge?: Why Work For
Academic Knowledge?
Here at Academic Knowledge, we pride ourselves on the exceptional service
we provide for both our writers and customers; we have a dedicated department
for every stage of the order process, from the moment the order is placed to
the moment the work is reviewed and sent on to the client.
Our invoices are generated
automatically, so there’s no
need to worry about chasing
any payments!
Once the work has been
approved and passed to the
client, this will be added to
your next monthly invoice.
6 Simple steps when working for
Academic Knowledge
Client places an
Once you have submitted
your work, an in-house We review this internally to
expert will review this prior ensure we have all the infor-
to it going to the client. mation required in order to
correctly complete the work.
Distribution Instructions
Once we are satisfied with the
We aim to distribute the instructions, you’ll be able to view
work evenly so new writers and apply
aren’t at a disadvantage for the work.
when applying for work.
How typical
freelance websites work
You and other freelancers start competing to secure
the order.
You then send the completed work and await
feedback from the client.
Finally, you then have to wait for the client to
approve the completed work before being
AK Scoring System
Most freelance websites have a scoring system which is solely influenced
by the customer. This can often lead to unfair feedback being associated
with your account which other potential customers can see. This can subsequently
lower your overall score and drastically influence your ability to get work.