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Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2005, v.

75, 943–959
DOI: 10.1901/jsr.2005.072




Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36, Uppsala, Sweden
Géosciences Rennes, UMR CNRS 6118-Université de Rennes I, Campus de Beaulieu, 263 Avenue du General Leclerc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada

ABSTRACT: The distribution of diagenetic alterations in Upper Jurassic, grains) and geochemical evolution of carbonate cements, and (ii) the
siliciclastic shoreface sediments from NW France has been linked to the distribution of other, associated early diagenetic alterations within the
sequence stratigraphic framework. Calcite cement in mudrocks and systems tracts (i.e., sediment preserved between the sequence boundaries;
sandstones of the transgressive (TST) and lower part of the highstand Posamentier et al. 1988; Van Wagoner et al. 1990) and along key sequence
(HST) systems tracts is microcrystalline and occurs as continuously stratigraphic surfaces. In particular, there are no data available
cemented layers and stratabound concretions. The average d18OV-PDB concerning the distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic
(22.6ø) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7078) compositions of microcrystalline calcite sediments of forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST; Table 1,
indicate precipitation from largely marine pore waters. Hunt and Tucker 1992), or falling-stage systems tract (Plint and
Calcite cement in sandstones of the forced regressive wedge (FRWST) Nummedal 2000). The aim of this work is, thus, to address these gaps
and lowstand (LST) systems tracts is poikilotopic and occurs mainly as in our knowledge through the study of siliciclastic shoreface deposits of
stratabound concretions. Complete dissolution of the carbonate grains and the Upper Jurassic sequence exposed from NE France (Fig. 1). The
concomitant precipitation of poikilotopic calcite cement with low average suitability of the selected Jurassic deposits for this study arises from: (i)
d18O (25.3ø) and radiogenic Sr-isotope (0.70882) signatures suggest the presence of well-defined sequence stratigraphic surfaces and systems
incursion of meteoric waters into sandstones during relative sea-level tracts, including FRWST, lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST), and
lowstand. The poorly lithified sandstones interbedded with sandstones highstand systems tracts (HST; Table 1), and (ii) the excellent exposures
cemented by poikilotopic calcite concretions display evidence of diagenesis and availability of drill-core samples.
under episodes of arid to semiarid paleoclimate, including: (i) partial
cementation by opal, chalcedony, gypsum, and minor vadose calcite cement, GEOLOGICAL SETTING, DEPOSITIONAL FACIES, AND SEQUENCE
(ii) mechanically infiltrated clays and Fe-oxides, and (iii) secondary porosity STRATIGRAPHY
owing to partial dissolution of carbonate grains. The integration of
diagenesis into sequence stratigraphy allows better elucidation and pre- The shoreface sandstones and offshore mudrocks (Kimmeridgian–
diction of the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations and Tithonian) are located along the Boulonnais coast of the Dover Strait
related reservoir-quality modifications in shoreface sediments. (Fig. 1) and were deposited on the northwest European epicratonic
platform (Dercourt et al. 1993; Proust et al. 2001). The succession can be
subdivided into three sand-dominated formations, three mudrock-
dominated formations, and one argillaceous limestone formation (Fig. 2;
Table 2). Two main types of shoreface deposits have been recognized
Despite the presence of a vast literature demonstrating that the (Fig. 3; Proust et al. 2001), including: (i) ravinement shoreface and (ii)
diagenetic and related reservoir-quality evolution pathways of siliciclastic sharp-based shoreface (SBS; Table 1). The SBS sediments include a simple
sequences is controlled by a complex array of interrelated parameters, (single progradational set) type and a compound type (Table 2), which
such as depositional facies, detrital composition, tectonic setting, burial consists of two superimposed sets of progradational configurations, each
history of the basin, and climate (Morad et al. 2000), there are still several is bounded below by a regressive surface of marine erosion (RSE) and
major issues that need to be better explored. Among these issues is the above by transgressive surface of marine erosion (TSE; or ravinement
linking of spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations in surface, which is a surface of marine reworking during transgression); the
shoreline and shallow-marine, siliciclastic sediments to sequence strati- two sets are separated by HST sediments (Fig. 4).
graphic framework. Although sequence stratigraphy and diagenesis are The systems tracts (FRWST, LST, TST, and HST) and key sequence
traditionally treated as separate topics, their integration (Amorosi 1995; stratigraphic surfaces, including RSE, sequence boundary (SB), TSE,
Taylor et al. 1995; South and Talbot 2000; Taylor et al. 2000; Morad et al. parasequence boundary (PB), and MFS are outlined in Figures 2 and 3.
2000; Ketzer et al. 2002; Ketzer et al. 2003a; Ketzer et al. 2003b; Worden The systems tracts in these Jurassic succession are made of meter-scale
and Morad 2003) allows better elucidation and prediction of the spatial changes in depositional environment that are interpreted as para-
and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations and related reservoir- sequences bounded by marine flooding surfaces (i.e., PB). The FRWST
quality evolution in sandstones (Morad et al. 2000). is composed of progradational sandstone units bounded below by RSE
Despite these studies and rapidly accumulating data through using this and above by SB. The LST is composed of progradational–aggradational,
integrated approach, there are still gaps in our knowledge regarding progradational, or aggradational parasequences sets (Fig. 2), bounded
parameters controlling: (i) the patterns (e.g., concretionary cemented below by SB/RSE and above by a TSE (Proust et al. 2001). The very
versus continuously cemented layers), texture (microcrystalline vs. fine-grained sandstones and mudrocks of the TST are composed of
poikilotopic, i.e., coarse crystals engulfing two or more framework retrogradationally stacked parasequences (Fig. 2). The HST, which is

Copyright E 2005, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1527-1404/05/075-943/$03.00


TABLE 1.— Definitions and abbreviations of sequence stratigraphic terms used in this study (Posamentier et al. 1988; Hunt and Tucker 1992; Nichols,
1999; Hunt and Gawthorpe 2000; Proust et al. 2001).

Abbreviation A/S Definition

Forced regressive wedge systems FRWST A/S , 0 Sediment deposited between the onset and the end of relative sea-level fall on
tract ramp margins, i.e., gently sloping into deeper water, and composed of
progradational facies stacking with downward shift
Lowstand systems tract LST A/S $ 1 Sediment deposited during relative sea-level lowstand and initial rise, and shows
progradational-aggradational to retrogradational facies stacking
Transgressive systems tract TST A/S . 1 Sediment deposited during rapid relative sea-level rise that shows an overall
retrogradational facies stacking
Highstand systems tract HST 0 ( A/S ( 1 Sediment deposited during relative sea-level highstand resulting initially in
aggradational and, later, in progradational facies stacking
Regressive surface of marine RSE Erosion surface located at the base of the FRWST formed by wave erosion
erosion during relative sea-level fall
Sequence boundary SB Erosional unconformity at the inner shelf located at the base of the LST created
by emersion during a major fall in relative sea level (basinward correlative
Transgressive surface of marine TSE Surface located at the base of the TST and formed during relative sea-level rise
Maximum flooding surface MFS Surface located at the base of the HST and formed by nondeposition and
sediment starvation during maximum relative sea-level highstand
Parasequence boundary PB Local marine flooding surface at the top of a progradational, elementary
sediment package
Sharp-based shoreface SBS Shoreface sediments preserved in FRWST and LST during forced regression,
i.e., during net relative sea-level fall
Ravinement shoreface Shoreface sediments preserved in TST during relative sea-level rise. It is thin,
coarse-grained lags
A: accommodation; S: sediment supply.

bounded below by MFS and above by RSE, is composed of The shoreface deposits are composed of SBS bodies, each of which
progradationally stacked parasequences composed of coarsening and consists of a basal progradational parasequence set overlain by
shallowing upward, storm-influenced, massive mudrocks and laminated a progradational–aggradational parasequence set. Each SBS body lies
mudstones and sandstones (Fig. 2). on a RSE, which is overlain, in turn, by a thin retrogradational
ravinement lag or a coarse-grained, planar-laminated bed set. Sandstone
bodies of the lower and upper Grès De La Crèche Formation display
superimposed progradational FRWST, progradational–aggradational
LST, and retrogradational TST.
The maximum burial depth to which the succession was subjected did
not exceed 500 m, as evidenced from the stratigraphic record and the low
Tmax values of organic matter, which are between 413 and 434uC,
indicating that the organic matter is in a state of low maturation (El
Albani 1991; Herbin et al. 1995). The succession was buried under ca.
20 m of nonmarine Wealdian sediments, ca. 20 m of marine Aptian and
Albian deposits, and finally by , 300 m of Cretaceous chalks.


Samples were collected from four localities exposed along coastal cliffs
and from one well drilled in the Dover Strait at distance of three hundred
meters offshore (Fig. 1). A total of 170 samples were collected within the
four systems tracts (FRWST, LST, TST, and HST) and emphasizing
sampling in the vicinity of key sequence stratigraphic surfaces (RSE, SB,
TSE, and MFS). One concretion, about 3 m in diameter, which is broken
in the middle, from the LST of the lower Grès de la Créche Formation
was subjected to multiple drillings horizontally and vertically from center
to edge in order to study variations in the distribution, amount, texture,
and isotopic compositions.
Thin sections were prepared for all samples. The friable to poorly
lithified sandstone samples were vacuum impregnated with blue epoxy
prior to thin-section preparation. Modal analyses of the sandstones were
performed by counting 300 points per thin section. A Jeol JSM-T330
FIG. 1.—Map of the studied area along the Boulonnais, the Dover Strait coastal scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study cement
cliffs. The bold strips represent the studied Kimmeridgian/Tithonian sectors and morphology and paragenetic relationships among diagenetic minerals in
the well symbol represents the drill core. ten representative samples.

FIG. 2.—Variations in the depositional environments and sequence stratigraphic framework through time in the Upper Jurassic succession of the Boulonnais (modified
from Proust et al. 2001).

FIG. 3.—Comparison of cross sections in the Kimmeridgian–Tithonian shoreface deposits superimposed on the large-scale progradational trend. Each of sections 1, 2,
3, and 4 belongs to different sharp-based shoreface deposits (modified from Proust et al. 2001).

Fifteen polished thin sections representing the four different systems Friedman and O’Neil (1977). The ratio of 87Sr/86Sr isotopes was analyzed
tracts were coated with a thin layer of carbon for electron microprobe in thirteen calcite-cemented samples representing different textural habits
(EMP) analyses. A Cameca Camebax SX50 instrument equipped with and systems tracts. The samples were washed with distilled water and then
three spectrometers and a back-scattered electron detector (BSE) was reacted with dilute acetic acid in order to avoid leaching and thus
used to determine compositional differences between different type of contamination of Sr derived from silicates. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios were then
cements and their textural habits. Five calcite-cemented sandstones were analyzed using an automated Finnigan 261 mass spectrometer equipped
examined with a Technosyn cathodo-luminoscope in order to visualize with 9 faraday collectors. Correction for isotope fractionation during the
chemical zonation of calcite cements. analyses was made by normalization to 86Sr/88Sr 5 0.1194. The mean
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses were carried out on 106 standard error of mass spectrometer performance was 6 0.00003 for
calcite-cemented sandstone and mudrock samples representative of all standard NBS-987.
systems tracts, and on three bioclastic sandstones. Sampling using micro-
drilling techniques was attempted to avoid contamination of carbonate FRAMEWORK GRAIN COMPOSITION OF THE SANDSTONES
cements with bioclasts. Calcite-cemented samples were crushed and
reacted with 100% phosphoric acid at 25uC for four hours (e.g., Al-Aasm Sandstones of the FRWST, the LST, and upper part of the HST are
et al. 1990), and the CO2 gas released was collected and analyzed using fine- to coarse-grained, whereas sandstones of the TST and the lower part
a Delta plus mass spectrometer. The phosphoric acid fractionation factor of the HST are very fine- to fine-grained. The cemented sandstones in the
used was 1.01025. Precision of all analyses was better than 6 0.05ø for systems tracts are quartz arenites (Q98F01L01;Table 3) that contain
both d13C and d18O. Oxygen and carbon isotope data are presented in the variable amounts of carbonate grains, including bioclasts (av. 7%), ooids
d notation relative to the V-PDB standard. The precipitation temperature (av. 2%), and peloids (av. 7%). These carbonate grains are intrabasinal in
or d18O of pore water were calculated using the fractionation equation of origin, i.e., derived by erosion and reworking of sediments formed within

TABLE 2.— Thicknesses (based on the Cap de la Crèche location), description, interpretation, and encountered systems tracts of the studied succession.

Formation Name Thickness (m) Facies Depositional Environment Systems Tracts

Argiles de la Crèche 8 Organic-rich, dark gray, laminated Offshore sediments deposited TST and HST
mudstones with intercalations of bioclastic, on outer-ramp environment
carbonaceous beds and sandstones on top
of the formation
Grès de la Crèche 16 Hummocky to swaly and trough cross- Compound sharp-based shoreface FRWST, LST, TST and
bedded, carbonaceous and bioturbated sediments deposited above HST
sandstones and sandstones with massive fair-weather wave base on
mudstone intercalations inner-ramp environment
Argiles de Chatillon 29 Organic-rich, dark gray, microlaminated Offshore sediments deposited below TST and HST
mudstones with few intercalations of sandy wave base and on inner-, mid-,
carbonaceous beds and outer-ramp environments
Grès de Chatillon 5 Hummocky to swaly and trough cross- Simple sharp-based shoreface FRWST
bedded carbonaceous and bioturbated sediments deposited above
sandstones. Locally, the sandstones exhibit fair-weather wave base on
herringbone cross-stratification and mud inner-ramp environment
Calcaires du Moulin 12 Light gray mudstones with few Offshore sediments deposited on HST
Wibert reworked bivalves mid-ramp
Grès de Connincthun 3–5 Glauconitic and phosphatic Offshore to ravinement shoreface LST and TST
bioclastic, hummocky and sediments deposited on inner
trough cross-bedded sandstones ramp
Argiles de Moulin 20 Pyritic, calcite-cemented mudstone Offshore sediments deposited on TST and HST
Wibert layers that progressively enriched mid-ramp
upward in silt and sand

the depositional basin (cf. Zuffa 1980). Sandstone beds hosting the (Fig. 2; Table 3) has a dominantly microcrystalline texture with reddish-
concretions in the FRWST and the LST contain trace amounts of brown luminescence (Fig. 5A). This cement occurs as concretions, which
carbonate grains, whereas the poorly lithified sandstones that are have coalesced into continuously cemented layers (Fig. 6A, B),
overlying and underlying the concretionary-cemented sandstones contain particularly below the TSE and the MFS. These deposits also contain
considerable amounts of carbonate grains (av. , 10%). Trace amounts of small amounts of grain-rimming (15–25 mm; Fig. 5B), equant sparry
feldspars, mica, heavy minerals, and lithic fragments occur in most of the (, 200 mm across; Fig. 5C), and bladed to fibrous radiaxial (, 250 mm
sandstones. long) calcite cements. Calcite bodies , 3 mm long (Fig. 5D) that resemble
calcified bacteria (cf. Folk 1993) occur in bioturbation sites. The TST
DIAGENETIC ALTERATIONS and HST deposits contain trace amounts of scattered dolomite
rhombs (15–20 mm). Microcrystalline calcite cement contains small
Calcite and Dolomite Cements amounts Fe, Mg, Mn, and Sr contents (av. 1.9, 0.8, 0.1, and 0.1 mol.%,
Calcite cement in mudrocks (average ca. 70%) and fine-grained respectively). The carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope compositions of
sandstones (av. ca 50%) of the TST and the lower part of the HST microcrystalline calcite in the TST, the lower part of the HST, and the
LST sediments below the TSE display fairly similar ranges (Table 4;
Figs. 7, 8).
Calcite cement in the ravinement and SBS sandstones of the FRWST,
the LST, and the upper part of the HST (Fig. 2, Table 2) occurs as non-
luminescent, poikilotopic crystals (av. ca 40%; Table 3, Fig. 9A) and as
minor (, 1%) syntaxial calcite overgrowths around echinoderm
fragments (Fig. 9B, C). Microcrystalline calcite is restricted to the
bioturbation sites. Cement occurs as coalesced concretions and contin-
uously cemented sandstone beds (Figs. 10, 11), immediately at, or a few
decimeters below, the TSE and the PB (Fig. 12). Sandstones that host the
concretions, or overlying and underlying them, are friable and highly
porous (av. 40% porosity; Table 3, Figs. 10, 12), and contain small
amounts of micritic (crystal size , 4 mm ) calcite (av. 2%) exhibiting
pendant and meniscus habits, i.e., formed in the vadose (or undersatu-
rated) zone, which is located above the water table.
The average stable-isotope analyses of poikilotopic calcite in the
FRWST, the LST, and the upper part of the HST revealed similar carbon
to, but overall lower oxygen isotope values than, microcrystalline calcite
of the TST and lower part of HST deposits (Table 4; Figs. 7, 8). The
FIG. 4.—Field photo showing the facies variation in Cap de la Crèche location concretions show neither horizontal nor vertical systematic variations in
(Fig. 1). The Grès de la Crèche Formation consists of two superimposed sharp-
based shoreface bodies that are bounded below by the Argiles de Chatillon texture or in stable-isotope composition. Poikilotopic calcite contains
Formation and above the Argiles de Wimereux Formation. Note the alternation of small to trace amounts of Fe, Mg, Mn, and Sr contents (2.1, 0.4, 0.1, and
dark-gray offshore mudrocks and light-colored shoreface sandstone bodies. 0.1 mol.%, respectively). The carbonate grains contains small to trace

TABLE 3.— Modal composition for detrital grains, diagenetic minerals, and porosity of 140 sandstone samples from the various systems tracts.

FRWST (n 5 43) LST (n 5 66) HST (n 5 35)

Cemented Poorly lithified Cemented Poorly lithified TST (n 5 26) Lower Upper
Min Max Av. Min Max Av. Min Max Av. Min Max Av. Min Max Av. Min Max Av. Min Max Av.
Quartz 46.3 70.1 58.7 43.2 80.4 55.1 41.1 74.3 51.5 39.2 74.4 60.1 35.6 65.2 49.1 39.4 69.2 45.1 47.3 73.2 59.4
Feldspar tr. 3.1 1.1 tr. 1.1 tr. tr. 2.1 1.3 tr. 2.1 tr. tr. 1.1 tr. tr. tr. tr. tr. 1.1 tr.
Lithic fragments tr. 2.1 1.2 tr. 1.4 tr. tr. 2.3 1.1 Tr. 3.1 1.4 tr. 2.1 tr. tr. 3.1 1.3 tr. 2.1 1.2
Carbonate grains tr. 12.1 4.3 4.2 17.1 10.3 tr. 15.3 8.1 3.1 12.2 10.1 5.3 13.2 10.2 4.1 20.3 10.1 4.4 15.2 10.1
Poikilotopic calcite 38.6 46.2 40.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.8 44.1 41.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.3 42.1 38.6
Microcrystalline calcite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.4 53.2 42.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.1 54.2 50.1 40.1 45.6 52.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Glaucony tr. 4.1 1.2 tr. 2.1 tr. tr. 3.3 1.1 tr. 1.2 tr. tr. 6.2 2.1 tr. 6.2 1.1 tr. 4.1 tr.
Pyrite 0.0 1.1 tr. 0.0 1.3 tr. 0.0 tr. tr. tr. 2.1 tr. tr. 3.3 1.1 tr. 2.3 1.1 0.0 2.2 tr.
Chalcedony and opal 0.0 0.0 0.0 tr. 3.3 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Gypsum 0.0 0.0 0.0 tr. 7.2 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.1 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Infiltrated clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 tr. 6.1 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 tr. 3.2 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Microquartz 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tr. tr. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tr. tr. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Intergranular porosity 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.2 50.1 41.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.1 42.1 39.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.1 36.3 34.2
Intragranular porosity 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.1 11.4 10.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 10.6 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 9.1 7.7
tr. 5 trace.

FIG. 5.—A) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing microcrystalline calcite (MC) that occurs as pervasively pore-filling cement in mudrocks of the lower part of
the highstand systems tract (HST), the transgressive systems tract (TST) and, less commonly, the lowstand systems tract (LST) mudrocks lying below the transgressive
surface of marine erosion (TSE). B) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing that calcite rims (arrows) around the detrital grains are engulfed by microcrystalline
calcite cement (MC) that occurs in the TST sediments. C) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing blocky calcite cement (BC) that occurs inside the chambers of
bioclasts in sediments of all systems tracts. D) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of calcified bacteria in the FRWST sandstone samples that are covering
a carbonate grain.

Pyrite (0 to 3 vol%; Table 3) occurs as framboids (3–10 mm across) or
as patches composed of numerous tiny, discrete, euhedral crystals
embedded in calcite cement (Fig. 13A), being most abundant in the
vicinity of bioclasts and within the bioturbation sites of all systems tracts.
Visual estimation revealed that pyrite is overall more abundant in the
TST and the HST than in the FRWST and LST sediments. Pyrite in the
FRWST and LST sediments is often partly oxidized (Fig. 13B).

Glaucony includes a group of K- and Fe-rich aluminum phyllosilicates
that forms in marine sediments. The chemical composition of glaucony is
usually related to its state of maturity; immature, smectitic glaucony can
evolve into micaceous (Fe and K rich) composition with deep-green color.
Glaucony in these Jurassic sandstones (av. K2O 5 7.5% as revealed by
microprobe analyses) occur as pellets in sandstones of the TST and the
lower part of the HST. These display abundant internal microcracks,
have a deep-green color, and are most abundant (up to 6%; Table 3)
below the MFS and the TSE, where they have replaced the carbonate
grains. Glaucony occurs also as small flakes (ca. 5 mm) that coat and/or
partly replace volcanic rock fragments, feldspar, and carbonate grains.
Glaucony in the FRWST and the LST is often reddish brown in color,
lacks internal microcracks, and displays evidence of slight to extensive
dissolution (Fig. 13C).

Chalcedony, Opal, Gypsum, and Quartz

Closely associated chalcedony and opal (trace to 3%) and gypsum
(trace to 7%; Table 3) cements (Fig. 13D) occur in the friable to poorly
lithified sandstones of the FRWST and the LST. These cements,
particularly gypsum, display evidence of slight to considerable dissolu-
tion. In some cases, fibrous chalcedony has partly replaced the gypsum
cement. In few, rare, cases quartz grains are enveloped by microquartz or
by quartz overgrowths.

Clay Minerals and Fe-oxides

Intermixed reddish-brown clay minerals and iron oxides occur in the
intergranular pore spaces of poorly lithified FRWST sandstones (below
the SB) and in the LST sandstones (Table 3; Fig. 13E). Mud intraclasts
(Fig. 13F) have been squeezed between the rigid quartz grains, which
have resulted in the formation of pseudomatrix. Clay minerals occur
also as thin coatings around framework sand grains. The clay
coatings occur as clay flakes that are tangentially attached to the
framework grains and occur as pore bridges with meniscus and pendular
habits or as fairly continuous coatings around framework grains
(Fig. 14A).

FIG. 6.— A) Mudrocks and very fine-grained sandstones of the transgressive Porosity
systems tract (TST), which is bounded below by coinciding transgressive surface of
The friable to poorly lithified sandstones of the FRWST, the LST, and
marine erosion (TSE) and the sequence boundary (SB) and above by the maximum
flooding surface (MFS). Microcrystalline calcite-cemented mudstone layers in the the upper part of the HST that host, or occur interbedded with, the
TST occur mainly as coalesced concretions (arrows; 15–20 cm thick), which are concretionary-cemented sandstone body contain abundant, well-
rich in glauconite and phosphatic pebbles: the Argiles de Moulin Wibert connected, primary intergranular pores (40 to 50%) as well as a consider-
Formation, Cap de la Crèche location (Fig. 1). B) The uppermost part of the able volume of secondary intergranular and intragranular porosity (av.
TST is highly bioclastic mudstone (50 cm thick) cemented by microcrystalline 10%; Table 3). The secondary pores have good connectivity with the
calcite. This bioclastic layer occurs below a marine flooding surface (FS). The Grès
intergranular depositional pores (Fig. 14B). Secondary intergranular
de Connincthun Formation, Cap de la Crèche location (Fig. 1).
porosity has resulted mainly from the dissolution of chalcedony, opal,
and, particularly, gypsum cements, which is evidenced by scattered
amounts of Fe, Mg, Mn, and Sr contents (av. 1.1, 0.1, 0.1, and cement patches with strongly etched boundaries. Secondary intragranular
0.2 mol.%, respectively). The average d13C and d18O values of carbonate porosity was generated mainly by partial to complete dissolution of
bioclasts in three samples are +1.9ø and 22.4ø, respectively (Table 4; carbonate grains (Fig. 14C), mud intraclasts, and, to smaller extent,
Fig. 8). detrital feldspar, volcanic rock fragments, and glaucony (Fig. 13C).

TABLE 4.—Carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotopic compositions and microprobe data of calcite cement with various textural habits in the different systems

13 18 87
CV-PDB (ø) OV-PDB (ø) Sr/86Sr Averages of microprobe data
Tracts Calcite n Max. Min. Av. S.D. n Max. Min. Av. S.D. n Av. n MgCO3 CaCO3 MnCO3 FeCO3 SrCO3
TST microcrystalline
calcite 14 2.9 24.1 20.7 1.9 14 20.8 23.6 22.5 0.6 2 0.7077 10 0.2 96.9 0.1 2.7 0.1
Lower HST microcrystalline
calcite 13 2.2 25.8 21.2 2.2 13 21.4 24.0 22.8 0.7 2 0.7078 7 1.3 97.7 0.1 0.8 0.1
Upper HST poikilotopic calcite 3 1.3 0.7 1.1 0.4 3 25.8 25.9 25.8 0.1 2 0.7083 4 0.4 97.5 0.1 1.9 0.1
FRWST poikilotopic calcite 26 2.1 23.1 1.1 1.0 26 23.4 26.1 25.0 0.8 2 0.7087 13 0.6 97.5 0.1 1.7 0.1
LST poikilotopic calcite 26 1.8 21.9 0.8 0.9 26 23.4 27.3 25.5 0.9 3 0.7088 9 0.2 97.1 0.1 2.5 0.1
bioclast 3 2.2 1.4 1.8 0.4 3 21.8 23.2 22.4 0.7 - - 7 0.1 98.5 0.1 1.1 0.2
calcite 18 1.0 23.8 20.4 1.1 18 21.3 23.7 22.5 0.7 2 0.7076 6 0.7 97.5 0.1 1.6 0.1
calcite in
bioturbated site 2 0.4 23.0 21.7 1.3 2 21.1 22.7 21.6 0.5 - - 3 0.1 98.4 0.2 1.2 0.1

Moldic, oversized pores occur in friable to poorly lithified sandstones DISCUSSION

hosting the concretions (Fig. 14B). The good interconnectivity among
primary and secondary pores and the dominantly point contacts between Diagenetic modifications in the Jurassic deposits (maximum burial
the framework grains suggest high permeability values in these depth , 500 m; El Albani 1991) are strongly linked to the four
sandstones. systems tracts (i.e., forced regressive wedge, lowstand, transgressive,

FIG. 7.— Histograms showing the ranges

and frequency of d13CV-PDB and d18OV-PDB
values (horizontal axes) of microcrystalline
and poikilotopic calcite cement in the
transgressive systems tract (TST), the
highstand systems tract (HST), the forced
regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST),
and the lowstand systems tract (LST).
Vertical axes show the frequency (i.e.,
sample number). The d13CV-PDB values for
all systems tracts suggest that calcite has
a dominantly marine signature (av. 21.2 to
+1.1ø). Microcrystalline calcite of the TST
and HST sediments has higher d18OV-PDB
values than poikilotopic calcite of the
FRWST and the LST, which are considered
to indicate dominantly marine versus
meteoric water signatures, respectively.

FIG. 8.— Cross-plot showing the relationship between d13CV-PDB and d18OV-PDB of calcite bioclasts and cements with different textures in different systems tracts.
Poikilotopic calcite in the forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST), the lowstand systems tract (LST), and the upper part of the highstand systems tract (HST)
sediments displays similar carbon but overall lower oxygen isotope values than microcrystalline calcite, which dominates in the transgressive systems tract (TST) and the
lower part of the HST deposits. Rectangle represents isotopic data obtained and compiled for belemnites by Gröcke et al. (2003).

and highstand) and sequence stratigraphic surfaces (i.e., sequence geochemical conditions (Morad 1998). Under such conditions, dissolved
boundary, parasequence boundary, maximum flooding surface, and carbon is derived partly from the oxidation of organic matter, which
regressive and transgressive surfaces of marine erosion). accounts for the relatively low d13C values in some of the microcrystalline
calcite (as low as 25.8ø; Table 4, Fig. 7). Occurrence of pyrite in the
Diagenetic Alterations in the TST and the Lower Part of the HST vicinity of bioclasts is attributed to local, low dissolved O2 concentrations
in the pore waters owing to oxidation of soft tissues, which enhance the
The overall diagenetic alteration, isotopic composition, and texture of bacterial sulfate reduction and concomitant increase in aqueous
microcrystalline calcite in the TST and the lower part of the HST are carbonate concentration (Curtis 1987). The latter effect has probably
suggestive of formation from marine pore water, which is expected to made these sites suitable for the nucleation and growth of carbonate
dominate during transgression (Morad et al. 2000). Assuming that the cement in the sediments. Overall, visually more abundant pyrite in the
precipitation of microcrystalline calcite occurred at a near-seafloor TST and the HST than in the LST and the FRWST is attributed to
temperature of 20uC, which is evidenced from the high minus-cement a stronger influence of marine pore water (i.e., more dissolved SO422) and
porosity (av. ca. 50%), the average d18O values of microcrystalline texture higher organic-matter content (Tribovillard et al. 2001) in the former
in the TST and the lower part of the HST (22.5 and 22.8ø, respectively; sediments (cf. Raiswell and Canfield 1988). The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of
Table 4, Fig. 7), the d18OV-SMOW values of pore waters were calculated to microcrystalline calcite cement (Table 4) are slightly higher than those of
be 21.2ø and 21.5ø, respectively (Fig. 15). These d18OV-SMOW values late Jurassic seawater (87Sr/86Sr 5 0.7068–0.7070; Burke et al. 1982;
of pore waters obtained on the bases of the oxygen isotope composition Weissert and Mohr 1996). This enrichment of 87Sr is attributed to
of microcrystalline calcite fall within the range inferred for Late Jurassic strontium input into pore waters from the slight dissolution and
seawater (0 to 22ø) by Hudson and Andrews (1987) and Veizer et al. replacement by calcite of mica, K-feldspar, and rock fragments.
(1997). Additionally, most points of the d18O versus d13C cross plot of The common presence of continuously cemented, TST mudstones and
microcrystalline calcite fall within the field of Late Jurassic marine very fine-grained sandstone layers is interpreted to indicate a prolonged
carbonates (Fig. 8) obtained and compiled for belemnites by Gröcke et al. residence time of these sediments at the seafloor and concomitant
(2003). derivation of dissolved carbon and Ca2+ from the overlying seawater (cf.
The average d13C values of microcrystalline calcite cement in both the Kantorowicz et al. 1987). Owing to the lack of a mechanism that could
TST and the lower part of the HST sediments (Table 4) indicate that induce marine-water flow into the sediments, the flux of dissolved carbon
dissolved carbon was derived mainly from marine pore water (21 to and Ca2+ into the pore waters is attributed to diffusion. Ionic diffusion
+1ø; Gröcke et al. 2003). Carbonate grains are excluded as sources for from seawater may occur subsequent to the establishment of concentra-
dissolved carbon in these sediments because they reveal no evidence of tion gradients with the pore water (low to zero concentration at
dissolution. The presence of Fe and Mn in microcrystalline calcite and the precipitation sites) owing to local increase in carbonate alkalinity and
close association of this calcite with pyrite and in situ glaucony suggest nucleation of microcrystalline calcite (Berner 1980). Local increase in
precipitation under Fe- and Mn-reducing, suboxic to sulfate-reduction carbonate alkalinity, and thus supersaturation of pore waters with respect

FIG. 10.— Proximal, sharp-based sand bed from the lowstand systems tract
(LST) in the Lower Grès De La Crèche Formation cemented by poikilotopic
calcite that occurs as 2–3 m large concretions (arrows; spacing 5–10 m); the
concretionary cemented horizons are hosted as well as overlain and underlain by
friable to poorly lithified sandstones (1–3 m thick); Cap Gris-Nez location (Fig. 1).

FIG. 11.— Sandstone beds from the forced regressive wedge systems tract
(FRWST) cemented by 2-m-thick, coalesced concretionary poikilotopic calcite
bounded above by a transgressive surface of marine erosion (TSE) that is overlain
by the transgressive systems tract (TST) composed of mudstones of the Grès de
FIG. 9.— A) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing poikilotopic calcite Chatillon Formation at the Audresselles location (Fig. 1).
cement (PC) that pervasively fills the pore space in sandstones of the lowstand
systems tract (LST) and the forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST) and
the upper part of highstand systems tract (HST). The cement partially replaces
detrital grains. B) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing well-developed,
syntaxial calcite overgrowths (SO) around a bioclast (B) that is pervasively filling r
adjacent pore space. This feature is common in LST and FRWST sandstones. C) syntaxial calcite overgrowths (SO) have a homogeneous, slightly ferroan (FeCO3
Backscattered electron (BSE) image of the feature in part B showing that the , 2.3 mol.%) composition.

The FRWST, the LST, and the Upper Part of the HST
The presence of poikilotopic calcite cement, pervasively dissolved
carbonate grains, and silicates (including glaucony), as well as of oxidized
glaucony and oxidized pyrite, are suggestive of incursion of meteoric
waters into sandstones of the FRWST, the LST, and the upper part of the
HST. Incursion of meteoric water into these permeable, medium- to
coarse-grained sandstones has likely occurred during sea-level lowstand
and concomitant basinward migration of the strandline (Morad et al.
2000; Taylor et al. 2000).
Meteoric waters are initially undersaturated with respect to, and hence
cause the dissolution of, marine carbonate grains in sand beds hosting the
calcite concretions. This results in neomorphism of bioclasts within the
concretions into slightly ferroan calcite (Tucker and Wright 1990).
Bioclasts composed of aragonite and high-Mg calcite are thermodynam-
ically metastable phases, and thus are expected to be subjected to faster
rate of dissolution than those composed of low-Mg calcite. Nucleation
and growth of calcite at sites of local pore-water supersaturation with
respect to low-Mg calcite was followed by pervasive reprecipitation of
dissolved Ca2+ and HCO32 as poikilotopic calcite cement (Walderhaug
and Bjørkum 1998). The earliest phase of calcite cementation occurred as
syntaxial overgrowths (Fig. 9B, C), which may, in turn, have acted as
nuclei for subsequent precipitation of poikilotopic calcite. Other sites for
nucleation and growth of poikilotopic calcite may include the marine
microcrystalline calcite that is restricted to bioturbation sites.
Assuming a near-seafloor precipitation temperature of 20uC and using
the fractionation equation of Friedman and O’Neil (1977), the d18OV-PDB
values of such microcrystalline calcite within the bioturbation sites
(21.6ø; Table 4) suggests precipitation from marine pore waters
(d18OV-SMOW 5 20.2ø; Fig. 15). This is supported by the presence of
pyrite, which probably was formed by bacterial reduction of dissolved
sulfate. Precipitation of microcrystalline calcite and pyrite thus occurred
prior to a rapid fall in relative sea level and the consequent incursion of
FIG. 12.— Poikilotopic calcite-cemented and noncemented porous sandstone meteoric water into the sand and formation of the poikilotopic calcite
layers from the forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST) with minor cement. Progressive dissolution of carbonate grains is likely to have been
flooding surfaces (dashed line) separated by two parasequence boundaries (PB). accompanied by concomitant precipitation of concretionary, poikilotopic
Upper part of the Grès de Chatillon Formation, Cap de la Crèche location (Fig. 1). calcite. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of this cement (av. 0.7088; Table 4) is higher
than that of Late Jurassic seawater (0.7068–0.7070; Burke et al. 1982;
Weissert and Mohr 1996); this is attributed to input of 87Sr from meteoric
to carbonate cement, may occur within bioturbation sites owing to water.
oxidation of organic matter, which includes soft tissues and fecal pellets Reasons for the restriction of poikilotopic calcite cementation to
(Berner 1968; Wilkinson 1991). The reported presence of calcified certain sand beds, while the overlying and underlying carbonate-grain-
bacteria in bioturbation sites from around the world suggests that rich sandstone beds remained noncemented, are enigmatic. Calcite
bacteria may have mediated the calcite cementation (Pentecost 1991; Folk cementation could be attributed to low hydraulic head, which usually
1993; Castanier et al. 1999). results in a very thin meteoric, phreatic (i.e., below the water table) lens
Low sedimentation rates and consequent prolonged residence time of that can extend for long distances offshore (Manheim and Paull 1981;
sediments at the seafloor during times of relative sea-level rise (i.e., Tucker and Wright 1990). Complete dissolution of carbonate grains in
transgression; Van Wagoner et al. 1990) may account for the formation of sand beds hosting the concretions suggests considerable meteoric water
continuously cemented sediments, particularly below marine flooding flux, which was facilitated by the high permeability of the shoreface sand
surfaces and MFS (cf. Loomis and Crossey 1996; Morad et al. 2000). The beds and the warm, humid paleoclimatic conditions that have prevailed
microcrystalline texture of calcite cement is usually attributed to the episodically. The change in paleoclimate from arid to semiarid to
presence of numerous nucleation sites and to the high concentration of episodically humid and warm (Hallam 1984; Valdes and Sellwood 1992;
Ca2+ and HCO32 in pore water (Tucker and Wright 1990). Low Proust et al. 1995) may have facilitated percolation of meteoric waters
sedimentation rates have also probably resulted in the formation of in into the permeable sand layers. Low saturation levels of phreatic,
situ, diagenetic glaucony with green to dark green color and evolved meteoric pore waters with respect to calcite (James and Choquette 1990;
chemical composition (K2O content of 7.5%), particularly below marine Tucker and Wright 1990), typically enhance the precipitation of
flooding surfaces and MFS (cf. Amorosi 1995). The restriction of poikilotopic calcite crystals (Hudson and Andrews 1987; Beckner and
dolomite to the TST and HST sediments may suggest formation from Mozley 1998).
marine or mixed marine–meteoric pore waters (Morad et al. 1992; Taylor The high pre-cement porosity of the calcite-cemented sandstones (av.
et al. 1995). However, dolomite may also form under bacterial sulfate ca. 40%; Table 3) indicates that cementation occurred at near-surface
reduction and methanogenesis due to low concentrations of dissolved conditions. The overall homogeneous textural and chemical distribution
sulfate ions in pore water, which have been suggested to have a poisoning patterns, the slightly ferroan composition of the poikilotopic calcite
effect on crystallization of dolomite (Baker and Kastner 1981). cement, and the absence of vadose pendular and meniscus textures

FIG. 13.— A) BSE image of pyrite framboids (bright spheres) in silty highstand systems tract (HST) mudstone, which is cemented by microcrystalline calcite (MC).
Pyrite also occurs in all systems tracts. B) SEM micrograph showing oxidized pyrite framboids in the forced regressive wedge system tract (FRWST) sandstones and as
well in the lowstand systems tract (LST). C) Optical micrograph (plane-polarized light) showing partial dissolution of glauconite (DG) that occurs in 70-cm-thick friable
(40% porosity) LST, shoreface sandstone. D) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing gypsum (G) pore filling in the poorly lithified sandstones of the LST and the
FRWST. E) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing the iron oxides (Fe) that occur in the poorly lithified FRWST sandstones lying below the sequence boundary
(SB) and in the LST sandstones. F) BSE image showing mud intraclast in the poorly lithified sandstones of the LST; the bright dots are pyrite.

FIG. 15.—Plots showing the equilibrium fractionation relationship between

temperature and d18O values of pore fluids calculated on the basis of the obtained
oxygen isotopes for microcrystalline and poikilotopic calcite samples using the
fractionation equation of Friedman and O’Neil (1977). The microcrystalline and
poikilotopic calcite has been precipitated from waters with d18OV-SMOW values of
23.84 to +1.67 and 27.27 to 21ø, respectively, assuming precipitation
temperature of 15–25uC.

suggest precipitation in the phreatic zone (cf. James and Choquette

1990). Assuming that the precipitation of poikilotopic calcite occurred
at a near-surface temperature of 20uC, the average d18O value of this
calcite (25.4ø; Table 4) indicates precipitation from pore waters with
d18OSMOW values of 24.2ø (Fig. 15). The lowest calculated d18OV-SMOW
value of pore waters is 26.1ø, which is based on the lowest d18O value of
27.3ø for a poikilotopic calcite sample (Fig. 15). This pore-water d18O
value is expected for meteoric water (Yurtsever 1976) at a subtropical–
tropical paleolatitude of the basin (30u N; Oschmann 1988; Otto-Bliesner
et al. 1994).
The average d13C value of poikilotopic calcite cements is , +1ø
(Table 4), suggesting a dominantly marine signature, which supports
derivation of dissolved carbon from the dissolution of marine carbonate
FIG. 14.— A) Optical micrograph (crossed nicols) showing grain-coating,
infiltrated clay (IC) in the lowstand systems tract (LST). B) Optical micrograph
grains (e.g., Frank and Lohmann 1996). The lowermost d13C value
(plane-polarized light) showing the presence of secondary pores, which are well obtained for poikilotopic calcite is , 23.1ø, which may indicate limited
connected with the primary pores in the LST and forced regressive wedge system input of dissolved carbon into meteoric waters from the oxidation of
tract (FRWST) friable to poorly lithified sandstones. C) Optical micrograph plant remains in soil horizons or other biogenic sources of CO2 in soil gas.
(plane-polarized light) showing a partly dissolved bioclast (DB) in the LST friable In contrast to the poikilotopic calcite-cemented sandstone beds, the
to poorly lithified sandstone hosting the concretions and as well in FRWST. underlying and overlying, FRWST and LST, shoreface sandstone beds:
(i) are highly enriched in slightly dissolved carbonate grains, (ii) are nearly
devoid of calcite cement concretions, and (iii) contain chalcedony, opal,

FIG. 16.—Cartoon showing the distribution of main diagenetic modifications within a sequence stratigraphic context of the Upper Jurassic succession, which include
mudrocks and fine-grained sandstones belonging to the transgressive systems tract (TST) and the lower part of highstand systems tract (HST) and sandstones of the
forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST), the lowstand systems tract (LST), and the upper part of the HST. Minor diagenetic modifications are outlined in the
stratigraphic log (left). Pyrite occurs in all systems tracts but is overall more abundant in the TST and HST sediments than in the FRWST and LST sediments; pyrite in
the FRWST and LST sediments is often partially oxidized.

gypsum, and vadose calcite cements. These three features are interpreted only trace amounts of unstable, precursor silicates such as feldspars and
to reflect diagenetic alterations under arid to semiarid paleoclimatic micas. Extremely scarce kaolinite in the gypsum, opal, and chalcedony
conditions (Morad et al. 2000), which were possibly established during bearing sandstones is blamed on the arid to semiarid paleoclimate that
the episodic relative sea-level lowstand. Under arid climatic conditions, prevailed during diagenesis (Worden and Morad 2003). The petrographic
the incursions of meteoric waters into marine shelf deposits is expected to characteristics of glaucony grains (oxidized, lack internal microcracks,
have been very limited, and hence: (i) limited dissolution of carbonate and partly dissolved) in the sandstones suggest derivation from the
grains to be reprecipitated as phreatic, poikilotopic calcite cement (cf. reworking and resedimentation of glaucony that was formed in the TST
Tucker and Wright 1990), (ii) evaporative concentration of dissolved and HST sediments (i.e., parautochthonous glaucony of Amorosi 1995).
silica in ground waters (Wilding et al. 1977), and hence, precipitation of
opal and chalcedony as ground-water silcrete (Thiry and Milnes 1991). SUMMARY MODEL OF DIAGENETIC ALTERATIONS ASSOCIATED WITHIN
The absence of opal, chalcedony, and gypsum cements in the TST and the SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK OF THE SHOREFACE DEPOSITS
lower part of the HST sediments rule out precipitation of these minerals
in the marine realm. Additionally, there is no evidence of silica derivation A summary model that integrates the spatial and temporal distribution
from dissolution of siliceous bioclasts, which have been considered to be of diagenetic alterations in the Upper Jurassic siliciclastic shoreface
important in shallow-marine sequences elsewhere (Hendry and Trewin sediments into the sequence stratigraphic framework is proposed (Fig. 16).
1995). Changes in relative sea level have resulted in changes in pore-water
Evidence further supporting the postulated role of arid to semiarid chemistry, which in turn have had a significant impact on the diagenetic
climate during silcrete and gypsum formation includes the presence of alteration. The proposed model emphasizes: (i) the distribution of eoge-
hematite, vadose calcite cements (James and Choquette 1990), and netic alterations within the FRWST, the LST, the TST, and the HST, (ii)
mechanically infiltrated clay (Walker et al. 1978), and the total absence the distribution of cemented vs. noncemented sandstones, and hence
of these diagenetic features within carbonate concretions. The scarcity or reservoir-quality evolution pathways (e.g., reservoir rocks and diagenetic
total absence of kaolinite in the sandstones is attributed to the presence of trap), and (iii) the cementation pattern (e.g., concretionary-cemented

FIG. 17.—Cartoon showing the present-day reservoir-quality distribution of the forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST), the lowstand systems tract (LST), the
transgressive systems tract (TST), and the highstand systems tract (HST) deposits. The FRWST and LST sandstones vary widely in reservoir quality, being related mainly
to variations in the amounts and distribution patterns of poikilotopic calcite and, to a smaller extent, gypsum, chalcedony, and opal cements, clay pseudomatrix, grain-
coating infiltrated clay, and of secondary porosity. The concretionary calcite-cemented sandstone layers would act as baffles to fluid flow during diagenesis and
hydrocarbon production, particularly in places where the concretions have coalesced into nearly continuously cemented layers. Local, overall slight, deterioration of
reservoir quality of these sandstones has occurred owing to partial, patchy cementation by chalcedony, opal, gypsum, infiltrated clay minerals, and mud pseudomatrix.
Sandstones of the TST and HST have poor reservoir quality owing to their high mud matrix content, very fine grain size, and/or pervasive, continuous cementation by
microcrystalline calcite. The continuously cemented layers are expected to act as diagenetic barriers compartmentalizing the reservoirs, and as baffles for fluid flow during
diagenesis and hydrocarbon production.

versus continuously cemented layers), and texture (microcrystalline vs. crystalline calcite with dominantly marine isotopic signatures, is sug-
poikilotopic) of calcite cements. gested to be sourced through diffusion of Ca2+ and HCO32 from overlying
Formation of stratabound, poikilotopic calcite concretions with seawater (Fig. 16D, E). Glaucony, in the TST and the lower part of HST
dominantly meteoric isotopic signatures occurred in the FRWST, the sediments, was formed in situ, whereas glaucony in the FRWST, the LST,
LST, and the upper part of the HST (Fig. 16A, C). Poikilotopic calcite and the upper part of HST sandstones was reworked and altered
cement was sourced by complete dissolution of carbonate bioclasts in the (oxidized and dissolved) through interaction with meteoric waters.
host sand beds as a result of considerable meteoric-water flux under
a warm, humid paleoclimate. Mechanical infiltration of clays and PATHWAYS OF RESERVOIR-QUALITY EVOLUTION
cementation by vadose micritic calcite and by opal, chalcedony, and
gypsum occurred in the interbedded, poorly lithified sandstones under an Shoreface deposits are common hydrocarbon systems in which the
arid to semiarid paleoclimate (Fig. 16B). Sandstones and mudrocks of the distribution of reservoirs, seals, and source rocks is strongly controlled by
TST and the lower part of the HST, which are cemented by micro- changes in the relative sea level (Proust et al. 2001). Therefore, the

Jurassic shoreface deposits serve as an analogue that provides further presence of infiltrated clay and iron oxides as well as the fairly limited
insight into reservoir and seal-rock development owing to diagenetic dissolution of carbonate grains and lack of phreatic poikilotopic
alterations (Fig. 17). Although the Jurassic succession discussed here was calcite cement are attributed to limited meteoric-water flux under
not buried deeper than 500 m (El Albani 1991), we can speculate about episodes of warm, arid to semiarid, paleoclimate that prevailed during
anticipated burial-diagenetic modifications that could be encountered to relative sea-level lowstand.
a depth of 3 km and related reservoir-quality evolution pathways may be N Calcite cement in TST and HST mudrocks and sandstones has
envisaged. The speculative depth of 3 km is chosen because it encounters a microcrystalline texture and occurs as stratabound concretions to
a number of key modifications, including pressure dissolution and continuously cemented layers. Microcrystalline calcite is interpreted to
concomitant quartz cementation, as well as the formation of deep-burial have grown from marine pore waters, a conclusion that is supported
illite and chlorite (Morad et al. 2000). by the largely marine stable-isotope signatures.
Sandstones of the TST and the lower part of the HST have poor N Glaucony occurs in all systems tracts. However, in TST and HST
depositional reservoir quality owing to their high mud matrix sediments glaucony has been formed in situ, whereas, glaucony in
content, and/or pervasive cementation by microcrystalline calcite. FRWST and LST sandstones is reworked and altered through
The continuously calcite-cemented layers are expected to act as diagenetic interaction with meteoric waters.
fluid-flow baffles (Fig. 17). Diagenetic alterations, which are expected
to occur in such sandstones during burial to the arbitrary depth of Thus, linking diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy of shallow marine
3 km, are expected to include: (i) recrystallization of the microcrys- siliciclastic sediments has important implications for: (i) unraveling and
talline calcite, (ii) illitization and chloritization of infiltrated smectite, predicting the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations
and (iii) mechanical compaction of the poorly cemented, very fine- and their impact on reservoir quality, and (ii) using the type and texture
grained sandstones, resulting in further deterioration of the reservoir of diagenetic alterations to aid the sequence stratigraphic analysis of such
quality. deposits.
The present-day reservoir quality of the FRWST and LST sandstones
varies widely, being related mainly to variations in the amounts and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
distribution patterns of poikilotopic calcite. The coalesced calcite
concretions might act as fluid-flow baffles (Kantorowicz et al. 1987; K. Al-Ramadan thanks King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
(KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia for providing funding of the Ph.D. scholarship.
Ketzer et al. 2003a). Conversely, the friable to poorly lithified sandstone
The manuscript benefited greatly from the comments of L.F. De Ros, J.M.
beds likely represent excellent reservoir quality, as evidenced by the well Ketzer, JSR referees R. Marfil and N. Molenaar, and JSR Associate Editor
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and the dominant point contacts between the framework grains.
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