Design of A Highly Efficient Pure Sine Wave Inverter For Photovoltaic Applications
Design of A Highly Efficient Pure Sine Wave Inverter For Photovoltaic Applications
Design of A Highly Efficient Pure Sine Wave Inverter For Photovoltaic Applications,
Abstract: This paper presents a grid tie inverter for link capacitor. Therefore, it is concluded that the
photovoltaic, PV application with a combination proposed method can he a preferred choice for grid
switching strategy of sinusoidal pulse width modulation, connected buck-boost inverters in distributed
S PWM. The combination switching strategy will be generation systems.
discussed and the performance of the inverter also will
be simulated under grid tie condition in S IMULINK. 1.INTRODUCTION
Besides that, the strategy of sending power into the grid
also will be discussed. The input voltage of inverters In this early stage of marketing solar electric
fluctuates dramatically in distributed generation
power systems to the residential market, it is
applications such as in a wind energy system. Yet, a
high quality ac output is required for grid advisable for an installer to work with well-
interconnection under variable source conditions. established firms that have complete, pre- engineered
Previously developed control strategies mainly focused packaged solutions that accommodate variations in
on improvements under load variations, a dc input of models, rather than custom designing custom
relatively small ripples, etc. This paper proposed a systems. Once a system design has been chosen,
closed-loop sinusoidal PWM control method with real - attention to installation detail is critically important.
time waveform feedback techniques for a grid- Recent studies have found that 10-20% of new PV
connected buck-boost inverter. The control-to-output installations have serious installation problems that
function was derived through steady state modeling
will result in significantly decreased performance. In
based on the power balance condition, which provides
an approach when the output cannot easily he many of these cases, the performance shortfalls could
characterized in a single-stage buck-boost inverter. The have been eliminated with proper attention to the
closed loop control model was studied with a newly- details of the installation.
invented single stage buck-boost inverter circuit.
S imulations verified the method provided fast dynamic Energy crisis are of special attention now a days.
response and robustness under large de voltage
A need for power rating inverter is required to
variations, non-ideal grid voltage, and component
smoothly operate electrical and electronic appliances.
parametric uncertainties. This problem is greatly
rectified, that could produce output with higher Most of the commercially available UPS or IPS is
efficiency of about 97% and reduces the harmonics to a actually square wave or quasi square wave inverters.
greater extend. To reduce the cost, low frequency Electronic devices run by this inverter will damage
transformer is u sed thus proves to be cost effective. due to harmonic contents. Available sine wave
This project proposed a closed-loop sinusoidal PWM inverters are expensive and their output is not so
control method with real-time waveform feedback good. For getting pure sine wave we have to apply
techniques. The controlled inverter achieved a low-THD sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM)
sinusoidal output with a small ac filter and without a dc technique. The pulse width modulation inverter has
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
been the main choice in power electronics because of tolerant of large dc voltage fluctuations and ac grid
its simplicity. Sinusoidal pulse width modulation is variations. Specifically, a new closed-loop sinusoidal
the mostly used method in motor control and inverter PWM (SPWM) control method is proposed through
application to generate this signal, triangular wave is the evolution from open-loop, reference feed
used as a carrier signal is compared with sinusoidal forward, to closed-loop control analyses. Advantages
wave at desired frequency. of this method are demonstrated by simulation of a
grid-connected single-stage buck-boost inverter.
Myriads of voltage- and current-mode strategies The photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems
are renewable energy sources that expected to play a
have devoted to the control of inverters in power
promising role in fulfilling the future electricity
electronics. Of those voltage control strategies, space
vector modulation (SVM) was widely used in three- requirement. The PV systems principally classified
into stand-alone, grid connected or hybrid systems.
phase inverters. However, it requires extensive
The grid- connected PV systems generally shape the
calculations, thereby limiting the bandwidth of
control systems. Function approximation can grid current to follow a predetermined sinusoidal
reference using hysteresis -band current controller,
simplify the execution, but also reduces the
which has the advantages of inherent peak current
accuracy. Some improved SVM methods based on
artificial neural networks can reduce computations limiting and fast dynamic performance. Figure
2.1shows the schematic diagram of a grid connected
while still retain accurate results. Random PWM
PV system. It typically consists of two main parts:
addresses the problems of acoustic noise and radio
interference. Optimal switching pattern PWM the PV array and the power conditioning unit (PCU).
The PCU typically includes:
methods were proposed to either reduce the output
filter size or compensate for a non-ideal dc-link
voltage. When large disturbances and uncertainties A Maximum Power Tracking (MPPT) circuit,
exist, these methods need to be combined with which allows the maximum output power of
complicated model reference adaptive systems, H, the PV array.
loop-shaping, and fuzzy logic or neural network A Power Factor (PF) control unit, which tracks
controllers to track desired trajectories or reference the phase of the utility voltage and provides to
models. Current control strategies, like hysteresis the inverter a current reference synchronized
current control (HCC), provide the tightest control of with the utility voltage.
output current in a traditional full-bridge inverter. A converter, which can consist of a DC/DC
However, for single- stage buck-boost inverter, the converter to increase the voltage, a DC/AC
output current usually cannot be directly controlled inverter stage, an isolation transformer to
and these methods introduce lower-order harmonics ensure that the DC is not injected into the
in the output current. Variable structure control was network, an output filter to restrict the
introduced and applied to power electronics with harmonic currents into the network.
the strengths of large signal stability and robustness.
Although this method is extremely useful for tracking
problems, it is not popular due to its theoretical
complexity and difficulty in finding a satisfactory
sliding surface.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
In sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM), Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the
pulses are generated with constant amplitude but proposed PV inverter system, the construction of
having different duty cycles for each period. The which contains H-bridge configuration closed-loop
developed system has been properly worked for an ac SPWM technique, DC- DC converter to utilize power
voltage range of 30–80V RMS and a frequency range between solar panel and inverter, a low frequency
of 40–70 Hz. The power source is having an
incorporated ROM-based LUT which provides
desired performance and additional robustness for
achieving proposed system capability. The system
uses two microcontrollers where one of them
microcontroller is used to generate the proposed
variable frequency sine wave PWM drive and the
other one microcontroller is used for controlling the
stand alone LCD display of the developed power
A single phase inverter is design and transformer, and passive low pass L-C filter.
implemented by using IGBT as switch and the output .
responses are studied. The inverter consists of the
control circuit and the power circuit where the
control circuit is used to generate the gate pulses to Figure 3 : Block Diagram of Proposed PV Inverter
trigger the IGBTs and the power circuit consists of System
IGBTs and according to the duty cycle of the gate
pulses these IGBT‟ s can be turn on and off. The
The proposed single-phase H-bridge inverter
pulse width modulation i.e. PWM technique has been
was first simulated using PSIM software. Figure
used. Single phase inverters are of three types i.e.
shows the schematic diagram of proposed dc-ac PV
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
system in PSIM. Since H Bridge is bucking mode shows the sine wave output voltage across the
converter that requires an input voltage higher than resistive load.
the designed output voltage. In this case we
employed boost converter between PV array and Therefore, we implemented a closed-loop
inverter that step-up PV arrays 24V DC voltage into control scheme by a PIC16F628 microcontroller that
senses and provides the necessary output voltage at
every point of the distorted curve and makes a
correction of those points where the curve is
distorted. We termed this as error index of the closed-
loop system. Figure 4.4 shows the final pure sine
wave output voltage of220V (rms) of the inverter and
First Fourier Transform (FFT).The FFT demonstrates
that the fundamental harmonic component lies at
50 Hz and rest of the harmonic components are
negligible. After filtering the output voltage, the total
harmonic distortion (THD) reduced too much lower
level of less than 0.6% .
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Figure 6 : Filter and low frequency transformer
circuit A single-phase transformer less photovoltaic inverter
for residential application will be the future scope of
this project. The inverter is derived from a boost
cascaded with a buck converter along with a line
Figure 7 : Resistive load connected with the inverter frequency unfolding circuit. Due to its novel
circuit operating modes, high efficiency can be achieved
because there is only one switch operating at high
frequency at a time, and the converter allows the use
of power MOSFET and ultra-fast reverse recovery
diode. It also features a robust structure because the
phase leg does not have a shoot-through issue. And
To demonstrate the inverter a resistive load such the model indicates that small boost inductance will
as light bulb is connected to it and tested it by giving lead to an increase in the resonant pole frequency and
the supply. Input 9V DC supply produces the output a decrease in the peak of Q, which results in easier
voltage of about 220V AC essential to make the bulb control and greater stability. Thus, interleaved
glow brightly. The 9V DC supply is first fed into the multiple phase structure is proposed to have small
boost converter and then H-Bridge inverter which is equivalent inductance; meanwhile, the ripple can be
triggered by the driver circuit using microcontroller. decreased, and the inductor size can be reduced as
The square wave obtained from the MOSFET (H- well. A two-phase interleaved inverter is then
Bridge Inverter) then fed into the filter circuit to designed accordingly.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue