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705 - Structural Steel Fabrication - Bridges

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Shop fabricate the structural steel according to the Contract Documents. This specification applies to
bridges on highways and public roads carrying vehicular traffic. See SECTION 744 for all other steel or aluminum
shop fabrication.

a. General. Provide materials that comply with the applicable requirements.

Castings ................................................................................................................. DIVISION 1600

Structural Steel ...................................................................................................... DIVISION 1600
Welded Stud Shear Connectors ............................................................................. DIVISION 1600
Steel Fasteners ....................................................................................................... DIVISION 1600

b. Preliminary Shop Requirements.

(1) Point of Fabrication. Within 10 business days after signing the contract, notify the State Bridge Office
and the Bureau Chief of Construction and Materials in writing of the firm (name and location) that will fabricate the
structure. Produce and fabricate all structural steel within the Continental United States (see SECTION 106). Use
fabricators of bridge beams and girders that are certified by the American Institute of Steel Construction in the
appropriate category for the type of work being performed.
(2) Shop Drawings. The Contractor or fabricator must submit shop drawings of both structural steel and
castings according to SECTION 105. Do not perform any fabrication until the approved shop drawings are in the
hands of the Inspector and fabricator, and the Engineer has authorized fabrication. Any purchase of materials before
fabrication authorization is at the Contractor’s risk.
Changes on approved shop drawings or contract plans are subject to the approval of the Engineer. Notify
the Engineer with a record of such changes. Submit revised sheets of the same size as the shop drawings originally
Show approved welding procedure numbers in the tail of weld symbols on submitted shop drawings.
Submit 2 copies of each procedure requiring approval to the Bureau of Construction and Materials. All weld
procedures referenced in a set of shop drawings must be approved before the shop drawings can be approved.
Provide a diagram on the shop detail plans for each span giving sufficient dimensions for accurate
fabrication and inspection of the structure. These dimensions must include, but are not limited to:
 Bearing-to-bearing lengths; and
 Vertical and horizontal curvature offsets at bearing points and splices. Use the bottom of the web or
the top of the bottom flange at the centerline of the web as the reference point.

The Contractor is responsible for the correctness of the shop fit-up and field connections, even though the
shop drawings have been approved by the Engineer. See SECTION 105.
(3) Notice of Beginning of Work. In order to provide inspection, notify the Engineer before beginning
work in the shop. Give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice before beginning work in shops in the State of Kansas, and
give a minimum of 7 calendar days’ notice before beginning work in shops in the contiguous United States.
(4) Material Acceptance. Submit to the Bureau Chief of Construction and Materials, 1 copy of each mill
test report for each heat number to be used before the layout, and use such steel in the fabrication of the structure.
Submit a fabricator’s guarantee indicating that the attached certified mill test reports pertain to all heat
numbers used in the structure, and all material complies with the Contract Documents. Include the following in the
 fabricator’s name;
 KDOT project number;
 bridge or station number;
 fabricator’s purchase order number;


 list heat numbers;

 size and shape of pieces;
 number of pieces to be used for each size of each heat; and
 steel manufacturer’s name and the ASTM or AASHTO designation for the steel that is required in the
Contract Documents.

The guarantee must include the notarized signature of an official of the company who is authorized to
legally bind the statement on the company’s behalf.
All structural steel shall comply with the ASTM A 6 quality requirements until released for shipment.
Repair welding shall comply with the requirements of AASHTO/AWS D1.5-2010, "Bridge Welding Code" with the
exceptions and additions noted later in this section.
The term "mill" means any rolling mill or foundry where material for the work is manufactured. When any
ASTM or AASHTO steel is specified in the Contract Documents, the mill must certify that the material complies
with the specified chemical and physical requirements. When the letter "T" or "F" and a temperature zone number
follow the grade designation of an AASHTO or ASTM steel, the mill test report must include Charpy V-notch test
When weathering steel is allowed or specified in the Contract Documents: ASTM A709 Grade 50W may
be substituted for ASTM A709 Grade 36 or Grade 50, and AASHTO M270 Grade 50WT2 may be substituted for
AASHTO M270 Grade 50T2. When substituting weathering steel for the structural steel shown in the Contract
Documents, use the same size plate or rolled member. Do not use weathering steel in rocker bearing devices (or any
component with finished surfaces), expansion devices or expansion device armoring.
Except as noted in the previous paragraph, the fabricator must obtain written permission from KDOT to
substitute a grade of steel that is not indicated in the Contract Documents for one that is shown in the Contract
(5) Facilities for Inspection and Testing. During all hours of operation allow the Engineer free access to all
parts of the work and the shop where fabrication is performed.
Provide an enclosed office area for the exclusive use of the Engineer at the location of fabrication. The
area must satisfy the requirements of a Field Office (Special) in SECTION 803, except as modified below:
 Minimum floor area = 120 square feet;
 Single workbench or table - 30 inch by 8 feet (minimum dimensions);
 Desk - 30 inch by 5 feet, with drawers;
 Swivel desk chair with arm rests;
 Waste paper basket; and
 Storage/Filing cabinet with lock and key

When directed by the Engineer, promptly repair or replace any damaged or non-functioning items. Provide
parking near the office with direct accessibility to the office and shop.
(6) Test Specimens. When directed by the Engineer, prepare 4-inch by 24-inch test specimens of the base
metal. Orient the specimen so the direction of rolling is according to the latest edition of ASTM A 6. Provide
"all-weld-metal" tension specimens and specimens for other weld tests as directed by the Engineer. Preparation and
possible shipment of specimens are subsidiary to the fabrication of the structure.
(7) Heat Curving Procedure. Girders and rolled beams may be heat curved by either the continuous or "V"
heating methods. Before starting any fabrication and before submittal of shop drawings for the structural steel, the
Contractor or fabricator may request permission to heat-curve rolled beams in the shop or to heat-curve welded plate
girders in lieu of flame cutting flanges to the desired horizontal curvature. Submit the request and proposed shop
procedure to the Engineer for approval. The submittal must indicate the type of heating, heating temperature,
position for heating, sequence of operations and the values to be used to compensate for possible loss of camber of
heat-curved girders in service. The proposed procedure must comply with the latest editions of AASHTO/AWS
D1.5, "Bridge Welding Code", AASHTO’s "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges" and AASHTO’s "LRFD
Bridge Construction Specifications".

c. Handling. Conduct the loading, transporting, unloading and storing of structural steel to keep the metal
clean, above ground and free from injury. Use protective devices or softeners to safeguard plate edges.


Store structural steel, either plain or fabricated, above the ground on platforms, skids or other supports, and
keep free from corrosion, dirt, grease and other foreign matter. Store girders and beams upright with sufficient
support to prevent warping or change in design camber.

d. Shop Fabrication.
(1) Steel Identification. All pieces of all grades of steel used in fabrication of main members, including
webs, flanges, bearing stiffeners, bearing devices, splice plates and any cross member carrying stringers and their
connection plates, must bear the heat number assigned by the rolling mill. Preserve the heat number until the
Engineer advises the fabricator that the unit is acceptable for cleaning and painting. Identify the grade as specified
in ASTM A 6.
(2) Straightening Material. All mill material must be straight before being laid out for work. If
straightening is required, do not injure the metal. Heat straightening must comply with the latest versions of
AASHTO/AWS D1.5, "Bridge Welding Code"; AASHTO’s "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges";
AASHTO’s "LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications"; and the FHWA report, "Heat-Straightening Repairs of
Damaged Steel Bridges". Submit the proposed heat straightening procedure to the Engineer for approval. Sharp
kinks and bends are cause for rejection of the material. Mill material must not exceed dimensional tolerances
outlined in the latest edition of ASTM A 6.
(3) Welding and Gas Cutting. Perform welding and gas cutting of structural steel according to the
applicable requirements of the AASHTO/AWS D1.5-2010, "Bridge Welding Code" with the exceptions and
additions noted in this specification.
Perform welding and gas cutting on steel bearings, bridge drainage systems, finger plate or modular
expansion devices, and bridge rails according to SECTION 744. At the option of the Engineer, steel bearing device
inspection will require that either 1 device in 10, or fraction thereof, be tested 100%, or a10% of each device will be
tested using liquid penetrant or magnetic particle. When tested at the 1 in 10 rate, the Engineer will select which
device to test. When tested at the 10% rate, the Engineer will select the weld locations to test, which can vary from
device to device. The welding of dissimilar metals is not prequalified.
(4) Finish. Neatly finish all work. Carefully and accurately shear and clip. Fabricate finished members
true to line and detailed dimension, and free from twists, bends, open joints or other defects.
(5) Pins and Rollers. Accurately turn pins and rollers to the dimensions shown in the Contract Documents
and keep them straight, smooth and free from flaws. Produce the final surface by a finishing cut.
Forge and anneal pins and rollers larger than 7 inches in diameter, unless shown otherwise in the Contract
In addition, for pins larger than 9 inches in diameter, after the forging has been allowed to cool to a
temperature below the critical range, under normal conditions, and before being annealed, bore a hole a minimum of
2 inches in diameter full length along the axis.
(6) Boring Pin Holes. Bore pin holes true to the specified diameter, smooth and straight, at right angles
with the axis of the member and parallel with each other, unless otherwise specified. Produce the final surface by a
finishing cut.
Do not vary the distance outside-to-outside of holes in tension members and inside-to-inside of holes in
compression members from the specified dimension more than 1/32 inch. Bore holes in built-up members after final
(7) Pin Clearances. Do not exceed the diameter of the pin hole by that of the pin more than 1/50 inch for
pins 5 inches or less in diameter, or 1/32 inch for pins greater than 5 inches in diameter.
(8) Threads. Closely match threads of bolts to the nut threads. Threads must be ANSI Unified Coarse
Series (UNC), except make pin ends of diameters greater than 1 ½ inches, with 6 threads per inch.
(9) Pilot and Driving Nuts. Provide 2 pilot nuts and 2 driving nuts for each size of pin, unless otherwise
(10) Fit of Stiffeners. Mill, grind or machine cut bearing stiffeners intended as supports for concentrated
loads to secure full bearing against the flange. Use intermediate stiffeners with a tight fit and uniform distance
between the flange plates and the ends of the stiffeners, unless shown otherwise in the Contract Documents.
(11) Facing of Bearing Surfaces. Plane or heat straighten the top and bottom surfaces of steel slabs, base
plates, bearing devices, cap plates of columns and pedestals to have full contact when assembled to the main
members. Mill parts of members in contact with these items to true surfaces and correct bevels, after the main
sections of these members and the end connection angles have been fully welded or bolted. Plane cast pedestals on
surfaces in contact with steel.


Unless shown otherwise in the Contract Documents, adhere to the following surface roughness
requirements as defined in ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture, Roughness, Waviness, and Lay, Part 1 for the surface
finish of bearing and base plates and other bearing surfaces that are to come in contact with each other or concrete.
Surfaces will be evaluated by visual or actual comparison with roughness comparison specimens.
Sliding Bearings ANSI 125 Microinches
Bridge Rollers and Rockers ANSI 250 Microinches
Pins and Pin Holes ANSI 125 Microinches
Steel Slabs ANSI 2000 Microinches
Heavy Plates in Contact with Shoes to be Welded ANSI 1000 Microinches
Milled Ends of Compression Members, Milled ANSI 500 Microinches
or Ground Ends of stiffeners and Fillers
(12) Welded Stud Shear Connectors. Apply welded stud shear connectors to the designated structural
members during shop fabrication.
If the circumstances warrant, and if the Engineer approves the Contractor’s procedures, welded stud shear
connectors may be field applied. Approval is based on demonstrating to the Engineer’s satisfaction, that the
Contractor can:
 remove any shop applied coating removed from the top flange without damaging the structural
 weld the stud shear connectors to the structural member; and
 blast clean and prime coat the top flange and stud shear connectors.

(13) Holes for Bolted Connections. When field bolts are required, adjust the girders or beams so the
maximum final clearance between abutting ends of the web plates or flange plates is ¼ inch. Attach the web splice
plates using sub-drilled holes in each corner of the splice plate. Secure them with bolts and drill the remaining holes
full diameter from the solid. Add additional bolts and full size pins as the holes are drilled to secure the splice plates
to the web. Clamp the flange splice plates and bars into position, and drill the bolt holes full diameter from the
Add additional bolts as the holes are drilled to secure the splice plates to the flanges. Other methods of
preparing flange and web field splices may be utilized with written approval of the Engineer. Fill plate thicknesses
shown in the Contract Documents are based on nominal ASTM A 6 shape dimensions. Revise plan fill plate
thicknesses as necessary to account for as-rolled variations in flange and web thickness or overall beam depth.
Minimum fill plate thickness is ⅛ inch or as required so that surfaces to be in contact shall be offset a maximum of
1/16 inch.
Either punch or drill all holes for bolts except in flanges and webs of beams, girders or stringers. Material
forming parts of a member composed of a maximum of 5 thicknesses of metal may be punched 1/16 inch larger than
the nominal diameter of the bolts whenever the total thickness of the material is a maximum of ¾ inch for structural
steel, ⅝ inch for high-strength steel or ½ inch for quenched and tempered alloy steel.
If there are more than 5 thicknesses, or if the material is thicker than ¾ inch for structural steel, ⅝ inch for
high-strength steel, or ½ inch for quenched and tempered alloy steel, either sub-drill and ream or drill all holes full
The diameter of the die for punched holes may not exceed the diameter of the punch more than 1/16 inch.
If any holes must be enlarged to admit the bolts, ream such holes. Clean cut holes leaving no torn or ragged edges.
Poor matching of holes will be cause for rejection.
(14) Shop Assembly for Final Inspection. Unless otherwise provided both in writing and shown on the
approved shop drawings, assemble, securely support, adjust and maintain to proper line, grade, camber and suitable
clearances all welded plate girders, rolled wide flange beams, trapezoidal plate “tub” sections and other sections of
main members.
After the assembly is completely set up, the fabricator’s quality control personnel must check blocking, sweep
and bearing-to-bearing measurements prior to any checking by the Engineer.
Reference “affect” measurements to the bottom of the web or the top face of the bottom flange at or near
the centerline of the web. Alternate reference points may be accepted by the Engineer for Type “A” or “C” (vertical
web) assemblies.
Drill all splice holes and adequately bolt or pin splice plates in place before the assembly is checked by the
Engineer. Use a minimum of 6 full size drift pins, full size bolts or a combination of both full size pins bolts at each
flange and web splice for girders and rolled beams. For the purposes of checking the assembly, full size means the
diameter equal to the diameter of the hole.


In making the final assembly, if re-cutting is necessary to form a uniform width opening across the joint,
finish the butt joint by precision flame cutting or flame cutting and grinding to produce the same smoothness as the
precision cut. Mechanical chipping is prohibited.
Fit, drill or ream and bolt into place erection angles, while the beams or girders are in the fit-up position so
that standard drift pins can be driven through any combination of holes, and the beams or girders can be pulled to
correct spacing for field welding when erected at the bridge location.
The types of assemblies are as follows:
 Type "A" Assembly (For structures with horizontal curvature transitions, super elevation or ramp
tie-ins) requires a minimum of 2 spans (bearing to bearing) laid-out full bridge width, with separators
attached at pier points (a minimum) or as directed by the Engineer. When released, carry the pier
pieces back for the next additions. Include the girder or beam expansion devices in position in the
assembly, if attached directly to the structural steel. Requests for a lesser width of the assembly for
lack of shop space must be approved in writing by the Bureau of Construction and Materials. If the
request is approved, the Contractor may be back charged for excessive shop inspection trips and
 Type "B" Assembly requires a minimum of 2 lines and 2 spans (bearing to bearing) in each line
laid-out to correct line with webs vertical or horizontal. When released, carry 1 pier piece per line
back for the next additions.
 Type "C" Assembly (for long span, deep girders) requires a minimum of 2 spans (bearing to bearing)
laid-out to correct alignment with webs horizontal or vertical. The spans may all be from different
lines. When released, carry 1 pier piece per line back for the next additions.

All assemblies are Type "B" unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents. All desired changes to the
requirements of the type of assembly for a particular structure must be approved in writing before submitting the
shop drawings for approval. Submit requests for assembly changes to the Bureau of Construction and Materials.
Without written approval from the Bureau of Construction and Materials, the fabricator must set up assemblies
according to the original requirements in the Contract Documents, even if approved shop drawings show changes to
the type of assembly.
Take down the assembly only after being inspected and accepted by the Engineer. No welding on girders
or beams will be permitted after the final assembly has been inspected and accepted by the Engineer.
Use numbered tapes calibrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or tapes
calibrated from a certified master tape in order to check assemblies for bridges with spans over 100 feet. Provide a
copy of the certification papers, calibration charts, and tape identification numbers before the first assembly is set
up. In addition, submit to the Engineer for approval, procedures for calibrating tapes and the shop’s practices when
using calibrated tapes. This approval is required prior to initial assembly set-up. Calibrate measuring tapes for a
minimum tension of 5 pounds. Prior to calibrating or measuring, allow time for the tapes to reach uniform ambient
temperatures so that temperature corrections are not required. Replace or repair, and re-certify or re-calibrate
damaged tapes. Re-certify master and re-calibrate NIST tapes every 5 years, or as directed by the Engineer.
(15) Matchmarking. Matchmark all butt joints (girders, expansion devices, end separators under expansion
devices or other specialties to be field assembled and welded or bolted into the final unit) while shop assembled, in
the manner indicated as "Typical Matchmark", and shown on the approved shop drawings. Use a coordinate system
of capital letter and numbers as follows:
 Mark each line of girders with a capital letter. Looking upstream, mark the outside line, left of
centerline, with the first letter of a series. Mark the girders in the next line to the right with a second
letter of the series, etc., until all lines have been marked; and
 Mark the field splices (points of contraflexure) with numbers. Place the lowest number on the splices
nearest abutment number 1 and the highest number on the splices nearest abutment number 2. Number
the splices consecutively from abutment number 1 to abutment number 2. Place these on each of the
girder ends that comprise the splice and within 3 feet of the field splices in the center of the web. Use
low stress steel die marks placed before shop blasting and painting. Orient letters and numbers so they
are upright when the top flange is up.

Matchmark essential special fit-ups discovered in shop production. Provide a corrected set of shop details
and erection drawings showing these special fit-ups.
Do not matchmark the exposed surface of "Weathering" Steels with paint, crayon or any other type of
material which will impair the weathering process of the steel.


(16) Shop Painting. Prepare the structural steel surfaces and shop paint the prepared surfaces according to
(17) Shop Bolted Connections. Perform all bolting according to SECTION 712. The maximum deviation
from detailed flatness for a connected plate (flange, web, splice, filler, etc.) shall not exceed D/(144*T0.5) inches or
3/16 inch, whichever is greater. D equals the least clear dimension (in inches) of the panel from edge to edge, flange
to flange, web to web, stiffener to stiffener, or any combination thereof and T equals the thickness (in inches) of the
connected plate. After snug tightening all fasteners, no gaps between the connected layers can be present except at
the edges of splice plates away from bolt holes.
(18) Enclosed structures not accessible after fabrication. All interior welds and connections as well as
overall fit and finish must be inspected and accepted prior to full enclosure. Failure to provide the Engineer this
opportunity will be cause for rejection of the fabricated element.
(19) Rejection. Repair or replace rejected items as directed by the Engineer.
(20) Release for Shipment. Do not release fabricated elements for shipment from the fabrication shop or
paint shop without approval of the Engineer.

e. Supplemental Requirements to the Welding Code. The section and paragraph references cited in the
paragraphs below are to AASHTO/AWS D1.5-2010.
Delete paragraph 1.3.2 and add the following:
1.3.2 Electrogas welding shall not be used.
Replace the third sentence of paragraph 1.3.3 with the following:
Only the “narrow-gap improved” ESW process (ESW-NG) shall be permitted.
Add 2 new subsections as follows:
Each DC generator shall have a service check by an NEWA member, a commercial electrical equipment
company or by the fabricating plant's electrical maintenance engineer once each year. A service certificate shall be
issued with each equipment check and shall be available for inspection by the Engineer.
The attachment of temporary fabrication, erection and construction items to main members by welding or
tacking is prohibited except by written permission from the Bureau Chief of Construction and Materials. Permissible
locations for such welds and tacks shall be only at locations shown on approved shop drawings or at locations
designated in writing by the Engineer. All such tacks or temporary welds shall be made according to Paragraphs 3.3.6
and 3.3.7 and welders and/or tackers shall be qualified according to AWS requirements.


Add the following to paragraph
Plug welding is prohibited without the written approval of the Engineer. As a requirement for
approval, all plug welding shall be QC tested by nondestructive testing at no cost to the state. The type of testing shall
be determined by the Engineer.


Add the following to paragraph 3.4.8:
Do not use mechanical straightening methods without the approval of the Engineer, even when
used in conjunction with the application of heat.


Add the following to paragraph
Permissible variations in straightness of rolled beams, regardless of cross-section, shall not exceed
0.01inch/foot of beam length or 1 inch.
Delete paragraph and add the following: Permissible variations in specified camber and blocking of welded girders and rolled beams,
regardless of cross-section shall not exceed:
-0, +¼ inch for spans (typ., bearing to bearing) 0 thru 100 feet
-0, +½ inch for spans greater than 100 feet
Permissible variations in blocking of rolled beams at field splices, regardless of cross-section, shall
not exceed:


-¼, +¼ inch for spans 0 through 100 feet

-⅜, +⅜ inch for spans greater than 100 feet
Permissible variations in blocking of welded girders and rolled beams, regardless of cross-section,
shall not exceed:
0 for all supports
Sign convention: (-) below, (+) above the detailed values or shape in the no-load condition.
Delete paragraph and replace with the following:
The bearing ends of bearing stiffeners shall be flush and square with the web and shall have no less
than 75% of the end area in contact with the flanges.
“Contact” is achieved when a 0.005 inch feeler gauge cannot be inserted between stiffener and
flange. The gap between stiffener and flange for the remaining “non-contact” area shall be no greater than 1/32 inch.
For steel slabs, base plates, bearing devices, cap plates of columns and pedestals bearings against
or welded to beams and girders, no less than 75% of the common area shall be in contact with the flanges. Do not
exceed a 1/32 inch gap for the 25% “non-contact” area.
Add 3 new paragraphs as follows: The permissible variation in length of beams or girders between the center line of bearing
devices shall not exceed plus or minus ¼ inch for any one span or plus or minus ⅜ inch for any two or more spans. The
actual centerline of any bearing device shall lie within the thickness of the bearing stiffener. During shop assembly of horizontally curved welded beams or girders, the allowable
variation in specified sweep at internal supports shall be ¼ inch. During shop assembly of horizontally curved welded beams or girders, the allowable
variation in specified sweep at any point between supports shall be the greater of: ⅛ inch per 10 feet of length,
calculated using the distance to the nearest support, or ¼ inch.

Add the following notes to Table 4.1:
 Only low hydrogen electrodes shall be used.
 E 7028 Electrodes may be used for shop fillet welds except for the attachment of gusset plates and
bearing stiffeners to girders, bearing stiffeners to beams, web to flange welds and for welding floor beam
truss assemblies. Welding shall be in the horizontal and flat positions only.


Replace the first sentence of paragraph 5.2.3 with the following:
All welder, welding operator, and tack welder and PQR tests must be witnessed by the Engineer,
another state’s representative approved by the Engineer, or an independent third party approved by the Engineer. If
representatives from other states or third parties witnessed a test, provide records of the test signed by the witness. All
mechanical and nondestructive tests performed by independent laboratories on qualification specimens will be at no
charge to the State. Provide signed documentation of the independent lab’s test results to the Engineer. When
requested by the Engineer, allow KDOT access to the test samples and the independent lab’s radiographs for
Delete paragraph 5.2.4 and replace with the following:
5.2.4 Additional Testing. The Engineer may order tests of welders, welding operators, tack welders,
or WPSs whenever there is evidence that unacceptable welds are being or have been produced. This additional testing
is at the fabricator’s expense. The Engineer may disqualify personnel working for the fabricator who fail the additional
testing, who commit serious violations of the specifications, or who repeatedly exhibit poor workmanship on KDOT
Revise paragraph 5.2.5 as follows:
Replace “those authorized to examine them.” with ”the Engineer.”


Add the following to paragraph
All tests must be witnessed by the Engineer, another state’s representative approved by the Engineer,
or an independent third party approved by the Engineer.
Revise paragraph 5.21.7 as follows:
Replace “those authorized to examine them.” with ”the Engineer.”
Add the following to paragraph 5.21.7:


If representatives from other states or third parties witnessed a test, records of the test must by signed
by the witness.


Add the following to paragraph
Within a KDOT project, QC shall not be performed by an inspector or their assistants who are, or
were previously, engaged in the welding, the general assembly, or the application of coatings. This requirement also
applies to work done under other AWS welding codes.


Delete paragraphs 6.7.1,, and and add the following:
6.7.1 Groove welds in main members as identified in Contract Documents shall be QC tested by
nondestructive testing. Unless otherwise specified, radiographic testing shall be used on butt joints. Groove welds in T
and corner joints shall be tested by ultrasonic testing. The requirements for radiographic testing and ultrasonic testing
apply equally to shop and field welds. Radiographic testing of welds shall be performed according to the following requirements:
(1) 100% of all welded girder and rolled beam flange butt joints.
(2) All except the middle ⅓ of all welded girder or rolled beam web butt joints. Ultrasonic testing of welds shall be performed according to the following requirements:
(1) 100% of each joint subject to calculated tension or stress reversal.
(2) 25% of each joint subject to compression or shear. If unacceptable discontinuities are found
in spot testing, the entire length shall be tested.
Delete paragraphs 6.7.6,,,,, and and add the following:
6.7.6 When magnetic particle testing is used, the procedure and techniques shall be in accordance
with the dry powder magnetic particle examination of welds using the yoke method. The yoke method shall be performed according to ASTM E 709, and the standard of
acceptance with 6.26 of the Code.
(1) The yoke method shall be performed using half-wave rectified direct current or alternating
(2) Electromagnetic yokes shall have lifting forces complying with TABLE 705-1.


Current Yoke Pole Leg Spacing (YPS)
Type 2"YPS<4" 4"YPS6"
AC 10 lbs. Not Applicable
DC 30 lbs. 50 lbs. Prior to magnetic particle testing, the surface shall be examined, and any adjacent area within
a minimum of 1 inch of the surface to be tested, shall be dry and free of contaminants such as oil, grease, loose rust,
loose sand, loose scale, lint, paint, welding flux, and weld spatter.
Cleaning may be accomplished by detergents, organic solvents, descaling solutions, paint removers,
vapor degreasing, sand or grit blasting, and ultrasonic cleaning methods. The poles shall be oriented in two directions approximately 90 degrees apart at each
inspection point, to detect both longitudinal and transverse discontinuities. The pole position shall overlap as testing
progresses to insure 100 percent inspection of the areas to be tested. Discontinuities are best detected when their axis is
normal to the magnetic lines of force. Therefore, the yoke technique is most sensitive to discontinuities whose major
access is normal to a line drawn between the two poles. A report of magnetic particle examination shall be prepared and provided to the owner.
(1) The report shall include the following minimum information:
(a) Part identification
(b) Examination procedure number (if applicable)
(c) Date of examination
(d) Technicians name, certification level, and signature
(e) Name and signature of contractors or owners, Inspectors, or both who
witnessed the examination


(f) Examination results

(g) Equipment make and model
(h) Yoke spacing used
(i) Particle manufacturer’s name and color
(2) One copy of the report shall be provided to the contractor for the owner.
Delete paragraph 6.7.7 and add the following:
6.7.7 For detecting discontinuities in non-magnetic materials including stainless steel to stainless
steel or stainless steel to carbon steel, liquid penetrate inspection will be used in lieu of magnetic particle inspection.
The standard methods, set forth in ASTM E 165 shall be used for liquid penetrate, and the standards of acceptance shall
be in accordance with 6.26 of this code.


Delete paragraph 6.10.9 and add the following:
6.10.9 FILM SIZE - When the joint thickness is less than 3 inches, radiographs shall be 4 1/2 inches
x 17 inches in size. When the length of the joint is such that more than one radiograph is required, one of the films may
be shortened to 4 1/2 inches x 10 at the contractor option. When joint thicknesses are 3 inches or greater, the minimum
film size shall be 7 inches x 17 inches. Larger radiographs may be required in areas where there have been excessive
repairs or where there are joints with unusual dimensions.
Delete paragraph 6.10.12 and add the following:
6.10.12 One radiograph identification number shall be painted on the steel no closer than 3/4 inch
from the weld edge at each radiograph location. Corresponding lead numbers shall be superimposed on the painted
numbers to produce an image on the radiograph. A combination of letters and numbers may also be used. Two
location dots shall be painted on the steel at each radiograph location no closer than 3/8 inch from the weld edge. The
dots shall be placed at a random distance from the steel plate edges which are perpendicular to the length of the weld.
The dots shall be placed in different locations for each radiograph location. One lead arrow shall be placed so that its
tip is superimposed on each of the two location dots. A location letter shall be painted immediately under each arrow
and a lead letter shall be superimposed on each painted letter. When radiographs are viewed, only those films
representing the same joint should have location arrows and location letters perfectly superimposed. Any additional
information shall be produced on the radiograph no less the 3/4 inches from the edge of the weld either by pre-printing
or by placing lead letters and numbers on the steel. See Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Delete paragraph 6.10.13 and add the following:
6.10.13 Information required to be shown on the radiograph shall include: the complete KDOT
bridge number, initials of the radiographic inspection company, initials of the fabricator, the fabricator's shop order
number, the radiographic identification number, the date, and the weld repair number if applicable.
Add a new paragraph 6.10.15:
6.10.15 Unless otherwise noted on the shop drawings all butt welds will be evaluated as tension



The Engineer will not measure fabrication of new structural steel for separate payment.


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