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Tendernotice 1

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Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. invites electronic bids through its website https://iocletenders.nic.in under
two-bid system from bona fide experienced contractors of financial standing and reputation and
fulfilling the qualifying requirements for the following job:
1. Tender No. & PHBTS18012/ Internal Cleaning, Inspection, Repair and Painting of Crude Oil
Name of work Storage Tank No. HT-06 at PHBPL Haldia (Nominal Capacity of 60000 kls,
79.0 m dia & 13.4 m Height)
2. Type of tender Open/National/E-tender/Two-bid
3. Contract Period 09 months from the date of specific notice issued by EIC including monsoon
4. Site Location Site locations will be:
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, PHBPL,
Village Kasberia, P.O. Khanjanchak,
Haldia, Dist.– Purba Medinipur,
5. a) Tender fee Nil
b) Earnest Money Rs.4,90,300.00/-(Rupees Four lakh Ninety thousand Three hundred only). For
Deposit (EMD) mode of submitting EMD, clause 8.0 of Instruction to Tenderer may be
6. a) Tender 20.06.2018 15:00 hours to 11.07.2018 up to 16:00 hours
Download Period
b) Prebid Meeting @ 15:00 hours on 27.06.2018
to be held
c) Venue of pre Conference hall, Administrative Building, PHBPL Haldia
bid meeting
d) Online bid 27.06.2018 16:00 hours to 11.07.2018 up to 16:00 hours
preparation &
e) Date and time Techno–commercial Bids will be opened online on 12.07.2018 at 16:00 hours or
of online opening any convenient day and time thereafter.
of tender

7. Tender Issuing / Deputy General Manager(T),
Receiving Indian Oil Corporation Limited, PHBPL,
Authority Village Kasberia, P.O. Khanjanchak, Haldia, Dist.– Purba Medinipur, Pin-721602
Ph. No. 9433024200/9727742328
Email - GKDAS@indianoil.in/dchangdar@indianoil.in
8. Pre-Qualification The intending tenderers shall have to furnish proof of their pre-qualification and
Criteria experience along with the bid. Copies submitted in support of credential shall be
self-attested. Pre-qualification criteria will be checked at the time of techno-
commercial evaluation of the offer.
a) Minimum Rs.294.15 lakh (Rupees Two Crore Ninety Four lakh Fifteen thousand only).
Annual Turnover for this purpose should be as per audited Balance Sheet of the tenderer.
Turnover (ATO) However, if the tenderer is not required to get its accounts audited under Section
(in any of the 44AB of The Income Tax Act, 1961, certificate from a Practicing Chartered
previous three Accountant towards the turnover of the tenderer along with copy of its Income Tax
financial years, Return shall be submitted.
i.e. 2015-16,
2016-17, 2017-
b) Experience : Only direct order or approved sub-contract from the owner shall be considered as
Minimum credential.
Value(s) of Single i) 3 similar completed works each costing not less than Rs.124.63 lakh (Rupees
works* Order One crore Twenty Four lakh Sixty Three thousand only) OR
executed as main ii) 2 similar completed works each costing not less Rs.166.18 lakh (Rupees One
or sub-contractor crore Sixty Six lakh Eighteen thousand only) OR
for any type of iii) 1 similar completed work costing not less than Rs.207.72 lakh (Rupees Two
work (During any crore Seven lakh Seventy Two thousand only)
of the last five
years ending on * Similar nature work is defined as “Repair & Maintenance of Floating / Fixed
the start date for Roof hydrocarbon tank”
download of this Detailed work order, certificate clearly specifying the details like description of
tender work, executed value of work, starting & completion date of job shall be required.
documents) Completed value of work as mentioned in the completion certificate shall be
considered for evaluation against single work order value required under PQ.
However where the executed value is not mentioned in the completion certificate,
the copy of certified bill / proof of executed value of work till date of
commencement of tender sale certified by client shall also be acceptable for
determining value.
The executed value of work must be exclusive of service tax. The fact and
executed value should be mentioned in the completion certificate. In case
executed amount is inclusive of service tax an amount equivalent to 4.944%
service tax shall be deducted from the value of completed job mentioned in
completion certificate for verification against the above criteria.
9. Copy of other PF Code Allotment letter, PAN (Permanent Account Number), GST Registration
documents to be Number of the state from where Invoice will be generated, Power of Attorney or

submitted along any other proof of authority in favor of person authorized to sign the tender
with the bid document. Copies of all the documents submitted shall be self- attested.
10 Mode of Physical bids are not accepted. Tender document can be downloaded from
submission https://iocletenders.nic.in and online bids are required to be submitted along with
Digital signatures on the system. The tenderer shall upload scanned copy of
necessary documents in support of required qualification and experience along with
their offer as per instructions given in the Special Instruction to tenderers.
1. The tenderers shall upload necessary documents in support of required qualification and experience along
with their offer. Otherwise their offer is liable to be rejected without further correspondence.
2. The tenderer must satisfy the pre-qualification criteria as detailed in point no 8 above and must possess
PAN No., valid PF Code, GST Registration Number of the state from where Invoice will be generated.
Otherwise his offer is liable for rejection.
3. IOCL reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders or any part of a tender so received and no
compensation shall be paid for the efforts made by the bidder. Reasons for rejection shall be disclosed on
written representation by the concerned bidder whose bid is rejected.
4. If the date of opening of tender coincides with a holiday, then the next working day shall be the opening
5. Bids from Consortium shall not be accepted.
6. The tenderer shall keep his offer open for a period of not less than four months from the date of opening of
the tender as specified above.
7. The bidder, if is a Micro, Small or Medium enterprise as per the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act 2006) and registered with the Authorities under the above Act for the
items/services covered under this tender, then the party has to indicate the Entrepreneurs Memorandum
Number (Twelve Digit) and enclose a copy of the certificate issued by the Authorities under the Micro, Small
& Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.
8. Any legal dispute shall be within the jurisdiction of Tamluk court.
9. The Owner reserves the right to abandon the tendering without assigning any reason whatsoever. No
compensation shall be paid for the efforts made by the bidder.
10. Documents furnished along with the tender will be scrutinized after opening of Techno-Commercial bids
and further technical queries may be asked if required. Based on replies received from Tenderers further
technical evaluation will be done and intimation will be given to technically acceptable Tenderers thus
established, before opening of priced bids.
11. EMD payment through Demand Draft (DD), Bankers Cheque (BC) and Swift Transfer (ST) shall not be
12. Central/ State PSUs, JVs of IOCL and SSIs registered under Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Act-
2006 (or erstwhile NSIC registered parties) having valid registration under Single Point Registration Scheme
for the items/ services under procurement in this tender, as on the date of tender opening are exempted from
payment of EMD.

Haldia Deputy General Manager(T)

Date: 13.06.2018 PHBPL, Haldia

Please visit our web-site www.iocletenders.nic.in for further details.

Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by DEBARGHYA CHANGDAR
5 Date: 2018.06.20 14:36:30 IST
Location: IndianOil e-Tendering Portal

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