Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
In engineering applications, when working with steel, concrete, or timber, it is necessary to ensure
that they do not fail in tension, compression, or shear. Here, we design them such that their tensile
strength is greater than the tensile stresses within the material, that the compressive strength is
greater than the compressive stresses within the material, and that the shear strength is greater
than the shear stresses within the material. ¿ soils , failure almost always occurs∈shear .
Soil consists of an assemblage of grains. Failure takes place when the shear stresses exceed
the shear strength along the failure surface within the soil mass. Along the failure surface when
the shear strength is exceeded, the soil grains slide over each other and failure takes place. There
will rarely be a failure of individual soil grains. Shear failure occurs well before the crushing or
breaking of individual grains. Figure 9.1 shows the failure of an embankment. Shear stress is
denoted byτ , and shear strength (or shear stress at failure) is denoted by τ f . The soil wedge shown
by the darker zone will be stable and will remain in equilibrium only if τ < τ f .When τ becomes
equal toτ f , failure takes place where the soil wedge slides down along the failure surface. Such
shear failure can occur within the backfills behind retaining walls or in the soil mass underlying a
At this stage, let's have a brief overview of Mohr circles, which are generally covered in subjects
such as Engineering Mechanics or Strength of Materials. A Mohr circle is used for graphically
presenting the state of stress at a point in a two-dimensional problem. Figure 9.2a shows the state
of stress at point A with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system where σ x and σ yare the normal
stresses acting along the x and y direction on y and x planes respectively and the shear stresses are
7 .<y' Our sign convention is:
182 Geotechnical Engineering
The million-dollar question is, what would be the normal σ x 'and theτ x ' y' stresses on a plane at A inclined
at θ to vertical (see Figure 9.2a)? In other words, the coordinate axes are rotated counter clockwise by an
angleθ , what would be the new normal and shear stresses with respect to x ’ and y ’ directions? These
values would also represent the normal and shear stresses on two different orthogonal planes at A.
Remember, we are still referring to the same point A.
Figure 9.2 Stress transformation and Mohr circle for state of stress at point A:
σ x+σ σ −σ y
σx =
( )( )
+ x
cos 2 θ−τ xys sin 2θ (9.1)
σ x −σ y
( )
τ x ' y' =
sin 2θ +τ xy cos 2θ (9.2)
From Equations 9.1 and 9.2, it can be shown that the major and minor principal stresses at A are:
σ 1,3 = ( σ +σ2 )± R
x y
σ x −σ y 2 2
√( 2 ) + τ xy (9.4)
Here, σ 1 and σ 3 are the major (larger) and the minor (smaller) principal stresses, respectively. They are
the maximum and minimum possible values for the normal stress at point A. remember the principal
stress occurs on a plane having no shear stress. The planes on which the principal stresses occur are
known as principal p lanes .The two principal planes are perpendicular to each other. Using equations
9.1 and 9.2, the normalσ x ' and shear τ x ' y' stress with respect to the new coordinate axes O x' and O Y 'can
be determined for any value of θ . These are simply the stresses acting on a plane through point A, inclined
at an angle of θ to vertical.
From Equations 9.1 and 9.2:
σ +σ σ x −σ y 2 2 σ −σ y
[ ( )] ( )
σx− x y
cos 2θ +τ 2 xy sin 2 2 θ−2 τ xy x
2 (
sin 2 θ cos 2θ ) (9.5)
σ x −σ y 2 2 σ x −σ y
[ τ x y −0 ] =
' '
( 2 ) 2 2
sin 2 θ+τ xy cos 2θ+ 2 τ xy
2 (
sin 2 θ cos 2 θ ) (9.6)
σ +σ σ x −σ y 2 2
[ ( )]
∴ σx− x y
+ [ τ x y −0 ] =
' '
2 ( )
+τ xy =R2 (9.7)
The above is an equation of a circle in σ x ' =τ ' xy space where R,σ x ,σ y, and τ xy are known constants. The
circle has a radius of R and the coordinates of the center are ( σ x +σ y ¿/2 and 0. Such a circle drawn on
σ −¿τ ¿ space (see figure 9.2b), is called a Mohr ∘≤¿. It is a convenient, graphical way of determining the
normal and shear stresses at any plane passing through point A.
184 Geotechnical Engineering
Figure 9.3 rotation of a plane at a point: (a) point (b) Mohr circle
It can be seen from the Mohr circle in Figure 9.2b that the maximum shear stresses at A is the same as the
radius of the Mohr circle R. Equation 9.3, which gives the principal stress values is even clearer from
looking at the figure.
The state of stress at every point (e.g., point A in Figure 9/2a) within the soil mass can be represented
by a unique Mohr circle. Figure 9.3a shows a point for which the state of stress is represented by a Mohr
circle shown in Figure 9.3b. The normal σ aand shear τ b on plane-a are shown by point-a on the Mohr
circle. What would be the values of σ b and τ b on plane-b inclined at an angle of an θ counterclockwise to
plane-a? They can be obtained by going counterclockwise by 2 θ from point-a on the Mohr circle, as
shown in Figure 9.3b. This is a key feature of a Mohr circle.
Example 9.1: Draw a Mohr circle for the state of stress at a point shown in the illustration and
find the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress at the point. What would be the inclinations
of these planes?
185 Shear Strength
σ x+ σ y 2 2 95−35 2
√( 2 ) √(
+τ xy =
( σ x +σ y )
+ 40 =50 kpa
center= , 0=65 , 0
A Mohr circle is drawn from the above. The coordinates of the vertical and
horizontal planes in σ −τ space are (95, 40) and (35, - 40) respectively. They can be
marked on the Mohr circle as points P and Q.
186 Geotechnical Engineering
Major and minor principal stresses are: σ 1 =115 kPa, σ 3 =15 kPa.
They are shown as point a and B on the Mohr circle. The major principal plane is inclined at
26.57 ° to vertical (clockwise) and the minor principal plane is inclined at 26.57 ° to horizontal
(clockwise). These planes are shown in the figure on page 185.
Maximum shear stress (τ max=50 kPa ) is represented by the two points C and D at the end of the
dashed vertical line. It occurs on two planes: one inclined at 18.43 ° to vertical (counter-clockwise)
and the other inclined at 18.43 ° to horizontal (counterclockwise). These planes are shown in the
The plane inclined at 30 ° to vertical (counterclockwise) is represented by point E on the Mohr
circle. This point is obtained by going 60 ° counter clockwise from point P on the Mohr circle. Here:
τ f =f (σ f ) (9.8)
A plot of Equation 9.8 on τ −σ plane gives the failure envelope shown in Figure 9.4a. The failure
envelope suggested by Mohr is not necessarily a straight line. We have seen that for every point
within the soil mass, the state of stress is represented by a unique Mohr circle. Therefore, the soil mass
remains stable if all the Mohr circle are contained within the envelope. The two circles in Figure 9.4a
represent the states of stress at two different points within the soil: A and B. Circle A touches the failure
envelope where τ =τ f ; hence shear failure takes place at point A. Circle B is well within the envelope
( τ< τ f ); therefore, point B is stable. You may note that we are only showing the upper half of the Mohr
circle due to symmetry about the horizontal axis. This will be the case in future discussion as well.
Coulomb (1776) suggested that τ f is proportional toσ f , and related them by:
τ f =c+ σ tan ϕ
Where c and ϕ are the shear-strength parameters, known as the cohesion and friction angle respectively.
Large parameters equate to more strength. tan ϕ Is similar to the friction coefficient μ that you may have
encountered in physics. The friction angle is also known as the angle of internal frictionor the
angle of shearing resistance . For now, cohension can be seen as the stickiness of the soil.
The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is the same as Equation 9.9; we replace the slightly curved Mohr’s
failure envelope (Figure 9.4a) with Coulomb’s straight line (Figure 9.2b), which is a reasonable
approximation, particularly when the normal stresses are not very high.
It can be seen in Figure 9.4b and Equation 9.9 that the soil derives its shear strength from two separate
components: cohesion and friction. The contribution from cohesion is c, which remains the same at all
stress levels. The frictional contributionσ f tan ϕ , however, increases with the increasing value of σ f . In
granular soils, ϕ is slightly larger for angular grains than it is four rounded grains due to better
interlocking between grains. In angular soils, it can vary in the range of 28 °−45° ; the lower end of the
range for loose soils and the upper end for dense soils. Relative density D r , is directly related to the
friction angle with a higher Dr , implying a higherϕ . Understandably, granular soils have no cohension
(i.e., c=0) and consequently, the failure envelope will pass through the origin in τ −σ plane. You can feel
the grittiness in a granular soil, but it is never sticky. The stickiness comes only when the soil is
cohensive, as is the case with clays. Typical values of cohesion can range from 0 to more than 100 kPa,
depending on whether we are talking in terms of total stresses or effective stresses, which we will discuss
Figure 9.5 A common loading situation: (a) state of stress (b) Mohr circle
representation (c) failure plane
above values, where the diameter of the Mohr circle is ∆ σ (also the principal stress difference at that
instant). When ∆ σ increases, the Mohr circle becomes larger, and this continues until the Mohr circle
touches the failure envelope (at P) and the failure takes place. Let’s ignore the smaller Mohr circle and
take a closer look at the failure circle.
The minor principal stress σ c remains constant throughout the loading and is represented by a fixed
point R. The radius of the Mohr circle at failure is ∆ σ f /2. T is the center of this circle, which touches the
envelope at P. Therefore, TP is perpendicular to the failure the failure envelope. PS is perpendicular to
the σ -axis. Therefore,¿TPS == ϕ . Nothing that the major and minor principal planes are horizontal and
vertical respectively (see Figure 9.5b), it can be deduced that the failure plane, represented by the point P
on the Mohr circle, is inclined at the 45+ ϕ/2 to horizontal or 45−ϕ /2 to vertical (Figure 9.5c). OS and
SP give the values of normal σ f and shear τ f stresses on the failure plane. They are:
∆ σf
σ f =σ c + ¿ (9.10)
∆ σf
τ f= cos ϕ (9.11)
∆ σf
τ max= (9.12)
Shear Strength 189
Example 9.2: A granular soil specimen is initially under an isotropic stress state where the
all around confining pressure is 50 kPa. The specimen is subjected to additional vertical
stress that is gradually increased from zero. The specimen failed when the additional vertical
stress was 96 kPa. What is the friction angle of the soil?
Another specimen of the same granular soil at an isotropic confining pressure of 80 kPa is
subjected to similar loading. Find the following:
Solution: At failure, σ 3 = 50 kPa and σ 1 = 50 + 96 = 146 kPa. The Mohr circle (dashed) is
shown with center at rand radius (∆ σ f /2) of 48 kPa. In granular soils, c = 0. Therefore, the
failure envelope passes through the origin. The envelope is tangent to the Mohr circle at P.
∴<OPT =90 °
PT 48
sin ϕ= = =0.490 → ϕ=29.3 °
OT 98
For the second specimen, we can use the friction angle calculated here.
Now, σ 3 f = 80 kPa and σ 1 f = 80 + ∆ σ f , where ∆ σ f unknown. The subscript f denotes failure.
∆ σ f /2
a. sin ϕ=0.490= → ∆ σ f =153.8 kPa
80+ ∆ σ f /2
190 Geotechnical Engineering
Let’s considered the state of state at point × within a saturated soil mass .The normal stresses in
saturated soils are carried by the soil grains and pore water, and we could separate the total stress into
effectiveness stress and pore water pressure as (see Section 5.2 in chapter 5);
σ 1 =σ ' 1 +u (9.13)
σ 3 =σ ' 3 +u (9.14)
The pore water pressure is hydrostatic and is equal in all directions. The total stresses, effective
stresses, and the pore water pressure at X are shown in Figure 9.6b. From Equations 9.13 and 9.14,
σ 1 −σ 3=σ ' 1−σ ' 3 ,hence both Mohr circles have the same diameter. They are separated by a
horizontal distance of u. when the pore water pressure is negative, the stress will be the furthest to the
In Section 9.4 and Example 9.2, we saw how the Mohr circle expands from a point until it touches the
failure envelope when the failure occurs. Larger initial confining pressures correspond to larger
values of ∆ σ f at failure. Let’s see how we can determine the failure envelope and find the cohension
and friction angle in terms of total and effective stresses.
Let’s take three representative soil samples from A, B, and C, and subject them to different confining
pressures. Maintaining the confining pressure, we will apply additional vertical stress ∆ σ and
increase this from zero until the fails at ∆ σ f , when we will measure the pore water pressure u f . The
principal stress at failure in terms of total and effective stresses can be computed for each sample as
σ 3 f =σ c (9.15)
σ ' 3 f =σ c −u f (9.16)
Shear Strength 191
Figure 9.6: Total and effective stresses; (a) state of stress (b) Mohr circle
σ 1 f =σ c + ∆ σ f (9.17)
σ ' 1 f =σ c + ∆ σ f −u f (9.18)
From the above values, separate Mohr circles and failure envelope can be drawn in terms of total and
effective stress, as shown in Figure 9.7. The shear strength parameter can be determined in terms of
total (c , ϕ) and effective (c ' ,ϕ ' ) stresses.
Figure 9.8 shows an embankment being built on the ground, which will impose stresses ( ∆ u 1,∆ σ 3) and
pore water pressures ∆ u at every point, in addition to the stresses pore water
192 Geotechnical Engineering
pressures existing initially. Let’s look at two extreme situations: (a) immediately after construction,
known as short-term, (b) very long time after construction, known as long-term. It is necessary to
ensure that the soil mass remains stable at all times: short-term, long-term and at any time in between.
If the embankment was built slowly such that there was no buildup of excess pore water pressure
and there was adequate time available for drainage, the loading is known as drained loading. This
situation is far from reality-engineers cannot wait that long. On the other hand, if the entire
embankment is placed instantaneously, there will be buildup of pore water pressure with hardly any
time allowed for drainage in the short-term. Such loading is known as undrained loading. In reality
the loading rate falls somewhere between the two situations, and is neither fully drained nor fully
undrained. Most of the time, the short-term loading is assumed to be instantaneous, hence undrained,
especially in clays. In granular soils, which have high permeability, even short-term loading is
Irrespective of the loading rate, all the excess pore water pressure would have eventually
dissipated over time (i.e., long term) after the embankment had been placed. This situation can be
analyzed as drained loading. For all soils, drained loading can be assumed for long-term analysis.
Shear Strength 193
The total stress or short-term analysis is generally carried out in terms of total stresses using
undrained shear strength parameters c u and ϕ u.Here, soil is treated as a continuum without separating
it into soil skeleton and pore water. It is not necessary to know the pore water pressures. The effective
stress or long-term analysis is carried out in terms of effective stresses using the drained shear
strength parameters c ' and ϕ ' . The laboratory test procedures for determining the undrained and
drained shear strength parameters are discussed in the following sections.
The test consists of two stages: (a) application of isotropic confining pressure σ , and (b)
application of the deviator stress∆ σ . Depending on whether the drainage is allowed or not during
these two stages, we simulate different loading scenarios. While applying confining pressure, if
drainage is allowed, the soil specimen consolidates. When the drainage valve is closed, thus not
allowing any drainage, the specimen cannot consolidate irrespective of the magnitude of the
confining pressure. Here, the confining pressure is carried solely by the pore water. While applying
the deviator stress, allowing drainage simulates drained loading, and not allowing any drainage
simulates undrained loading. This gives three possible combinations that are commonly used. They
a. Consolidated drained (CD) triaxial test (ASTM D4767)
b. Consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial test ( ASTM D4767;AS 1289.6.4.2)
c. Unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial test (ASTM D2850; AS 1289.6.4.1)
You may ask, Why not include the unconsolidated drained triaxial test too? It just has no practical
is horizontal for a saturated soil, implying that the ϕ u ≈ 0. c u is known as undrained shear strength of
the clay.
During undrained loading, the volume of the soil sample remains constant. Therefore, when the
sample is compressed, the length decreases and the cross-sectional area increase. In computing the
additional vertical stresses, the corrected area should be used. If A0 =initial cross-sectional area of the
sample, and ε = axial strain present, the corrected area can be computed as A0 /(1−ε ).
Being relatively quick and inexpensive, UU triaxial test are quite popular in geotechnical
engineering practice for deriving the undrained shear strength of the clay. However, the test does not
provide the shear strength parameters in terms of effective stresses c ' and ∅ ' , which are required for
carrying out an effective stress analysis.
Now that we have means of deriving c ' ,ϕ ,c u , and ϕ u, determining when to use which one may
be a bit confusing. Recall our discussion on drained and undrained loading in Section 9.6. In cohesion
less soils, always use ϕ u and c ' =0 , and carry out the analysis in terms of effective stresses. For long-
term analysis in clays, assuming drained conditions, use c ' and ϕ ' to carry out an effective stress
analysis. For short-term analysis in saturated clays, assuming undrained conditions, use c ' and ϕ ' to
carry out an effective stress analysis. For short-term analysis in saturated clays, assuming undrained
conditions, use c u and ϕ u=0 to carry out total stress analysis.
Example 9.3: The shear strength parameters in terms of effective stresses are: c ' = 15 kPa and
∅ ' =30° . In an unconsolidated, undrained UU triaxial test on a sample of this clay, the cell
pressure was 250 kPa and the deviator stress at failure was 136 kPa. What would have been the
pore water pressure at failure?
Another specimen of the same day consolidated under a cell pressure of 120 kPa and
backpressure of 50 kPa was slowly loaded to failure under drained conditions. The backpressure
was maintained during the shearing as well. What would have been the additional vertical stress
at failure?
Solution: Let’s draw the envelope first with c '=¿ 15 kPa and ϕ ' =30°
sin 30= → x=96 kPa→ ∆ σ f =192
26+70+ x
198 Geotechnical Engineering
An unconfined compression test (ASTM D2166), also known as a uniaxial compression test, is a
special case of a triaxial test. Here, it does not require the sophisticated triaxial setup. The test is
mainly for cohesive soils where the samples can stand unsupported. The test setup is quite
simple, as there is no confining pressure required. The vertical stress is increased relatively fast
until failures takes place under the applied vertical stress of q u, which is known as the
unconfined compressive strength (see Figure 9.11a). At failure σ =0 and σ 1 =qu .The pore water
pressure and effective stresses are unknown. Therefore, a Mohr circle can be drawn only in
terms of total stresses (see Figure 9.11b). It can be seen from the Mohr circle that:
c u= q u (9.19)
Unconfined compression tests are simpler and quicker to perform that are UU triaxial tests. The
only drawback is that they are less reliable than the c u derived from a UU test. A rough estimate
of the unconfined compressive strength can be obtained from a pocket penetrometer; a sample
handheld device that is pushed into the clay sample or walls of an excavation and read off
directly. The estimate costs literally nothing, but the values are very approximate. A hand-held
torvane is a similar device that is pushed into the clay and twisted, thus applying a torque, until
the clay is sheared and the reading give an estimate of q u. Undrained shear strength can be
obtained as q.
2 u
Skempton (1957) suggested that for normally consolidated clays, the undrained shear
strength and the effective vertical overburden stress q v 0 are related by:
=0.0037PI+0.11 (9.20)
σ 'v 0
cu cu
( ) ( )
σ 'v 0 OC
σ'v 0 NC
(OCR )0.8 (9.21)
( )
σ 'v 0 OC
=( 0.23± 0.04 )( OCR )0.8 (9.22)
Mesri (1989) suggested that for all clays, c u /σ ' p =0.22where σ ' p is 5the preconsolidation pressure
(see Section 8.3 in Chapter 8). These empirical correlations are useful in estimating the undrained
shear strength of clays. On the basis of c u or q u clays can be classified as shown in Figure 9.12.
Example 9.4: Two 50 mm diameter undisturbed samples A and B are taken from the clay at
the depths shown. It is expected that sample A is slightly over consolidated and B is normally
consolidated. For the clay LL = 65 and PL = 1.7:
200 Geotechnical Engineering
( cu /σ ' v 0)NC =0.251
From Equation 9.21
Figure 9.13 Direct shear test: (a) schematic diagram (b) τ −δ hor −δ ver variations
Loose s and s and normally consolidated clays, the shear stress increases to a maximum value τ f at
large strain. While shearing, the sample contracts; hence the vertical displacement is downward. In
dense sands and over consolidated clays, shear stress increases to a maximum value τ f , peak and
decreases to a lower value τ f .residual at larger strains. The maximum value of shear stress is known as
the peak shear strength, and the value at large strain is known as the residual shear strength. Here,
we can define the failure in terms of peak or residual values of shear stress. In loose sands and
normally consolidated clays, they are the same. The test can be repeated for three or more different
values of normal load N, and shear stresses at failure and the corresponding normal stresses can be
plotted on τ −σ space where they lie on a straight line, which is the failure envelope. The cohesion
and friction angle can be determined from this envelope.
As the loading progresses in dense sands or over consolidated clays, the sample compresses initially,
but only up to the point where it cannot compress any further. Then the grains start sliding over each
other, enabling the sample to expand as seen in Figure 9. 13b. This is known as dilation. Irrespective
of the initial relative density, at very large strains, all samples would reach the same void ratio, known
as the critical void ratio, and the soil would be said to have reached critical state. For all practical
purposes, residual values can be taken as the critical state values. In dense sands or over consolidated
clays, ϕ ' peakis greater thanϕ ' residual; the denser the sand, the larger the difference. At large strains, the
cohesive bonds are destroyed and the residual strength is purely frictional. Therefore, c ' residual ≈ 0 in
cohesive soils. Typical values of peak and residual friction angle for granular soils are given in Table
9.1. which friction angles do we use in practice- peak or residual? It depends on the situation. In most
geotechnical engineering problems,
202 Geotechnical Engineering
Table 9.1 Friction angles of granular soils (after Lambe and Whitman 1979)
Friction angle, ϕ (degrees)
strains are small and peak values are appropriate. In problems involving large strains (e.g.,
landslides), residual values may be more appropriate.
Clays have a fabric that comes from the particle orientations and the bonds between them. Two
extreme situations are flocculated and dispersed fabrics (see Section 3.3). Most of the time, it is in
between these two. When a clay is remolded (i.e., highly disturbed), some of the bonds are broken
and the fabric is partly destroyed. This leads to a reduction in strength and stiffness. Sensitivity S, is
defined as the ratio of the undisturbed to the remolded shear strength. At very large strains, clay
becomes remolded; therefore. the ratio of peak to residual shear strength is approximately equal to the
sensitivity. Highly sensitive clays have flocculated fabric. In highly sensitive clays, sensitivity can be
as high as 10 or even more, where the clay will lose its strength almost completely when remolded.
Some clay will regain their strength after some lime since remolding. They are known to be
thixotropic. This is common in bentonite, which is commonly used as drilling fluid to support the
Sir Alec Skempton (1954), a professor at Imperial College- United Kingdom, introduced a simple
concept to estimate the change in pore water pressure ∆ uin a soil element due to the changes in major
and minor total principal stresses (∆ σ 1 and ∆ σ 3) in undrained loading. This is widely used in
engineering practice due to its simplicity and for its practical value.
Figure 9.14 shows the major d ∆ σ 1 and minor ∆ σ 3total principal stress increments applied on
point X, which results in a pure water pressure change of ∆ u . This can be separated into two
scenarios shown on the right: (a) an isotropic loading where ∆ σ 3 is applied in all directions, leading
to a pore water pressure change of ∆ u 1 and (b) a deviator stress of ∆ σ 1 - ∆ σ 3 applied only in the
vertical direction, which changes the pore pressure by ∆ u 2.
Shear Strength 201
Figure 9.14 Pore water pressure buildup due to principal stress increments
Therefore,∆ u=∆ u 1+ ∆ u2. Skempton (1954) expressed the change in pore water pressure due to ∆ σ 1
and ∆ σ 3as:
Example 9 .5: A saturated, normally consolidated clay sample is subjected to a consolidated, undrained
triaxial compression test under a backpressure of 50 kPa. The cell pressure during consolidation is 200
When the sample is fully consolidated, the drainage valve is dosed and the additional vertical stress is
increased from zero to 11 0 kPa when the sample failed. During this period of shearing, the pore water
pressure increased by 90 kPa. Find the effective friction angle and Skempton's A-parameter at failure.
Shear Strength 205
Let's see how the major and minor principal stresses at failure are related. The Mohr circle at failure
is shown in Figure 9.16 along with the failure envelope.
Radial line OP is perpendicular to the failure envelope at P:
OP ( σ 1 f −σ 3 f ) /2
sin ϕ= =
OA c cot ϕ+¿ ( σ 1 f +σ 3 f ) /2 ¿
σ 1 f −σ 3 f σ −σ 3 f
2 (
= 1f
2 )
+sin ϕ+ c cos ϕ
1+sin ϕ 1+ sin ϕ
σ 3 f =σ 3 f ( 1−sin )ϕ +2 c √( 1−sin ϕ)
σ 3 f =σ 3 f ( 1−sin ϕ
1+sin ϕ ) +2 c (
1−sin ϕ
√ 1+ sin ϕ )
206 Geotechnical Engineering
( 1−sin ϕ
1+sin ϕ ) ϕ
=tan (45− )
1+sin ϕ
( 1−sin )ϕ =tan (45+ ϕ2 )
The above derivations, including Equations 9.24 and 9.25, are applicable in terms of effective stresses
and total stresses.
Stress paths are very useful for tracking the progress in loading. For example, when a sample is
loaded in a triaxial apparatus or in a situation where we want to monitor the state of stress at a point
under an embankment, we can always draw a series of Mohr circles representing every change. This
can become messy with a cluster of Mohr circles. A stress path is a neat way around it- we only mark
the top of the Mohr circle. The entire Mohr circle is represented by a point, known as a stress point, as
shown in Figure 9.17a.
In most geotechnical engineering applications, the vertical σ v and horizontal σ h normal stresses
are the principal stresses. For now we will assume σ v= σ 1 and σ h = σ 3 . The top of the
Shear Strength 207
Figure 9.17 Stress path concept: (a) stress point (b) Mohr circles and
stress path(c) stress path and failure envelope in s- t plane
(σ ¿ ¿ v +σ h ) (σ ¿ ¿ v−σ h)
Mohr circle has coordinates of ¿ and ¿in τ −σ plane. We will call them s
2 2
(σ ¿ ¿ v +σ h ) (σ ¿ ¿ v−σ h)
and t respectively, defining s = ¿ and t= ¿. We will reserve the notations p
2 2
and q for three-dimensional representations, which are used in critical-state soil mechanics but not
discussed here.
A stress path is the locus of the stress point as shown in Figures 9.17b and 9. 17c. Here, we will
just show the top of every Mohr circle and connect them as the loading progresses. Instead of drawing
the Mohr circles on τ −σ plane, we will draw stress paths on s-t plane. In τ −σ plane, the failure
envelope is τ f =c+ σ f tan ϕ . What would be the failure envelope in s-t plane? From the Mohr circle
at failure, shown in Figure 9.16:
σ 1 f −σ 3 f σ +σ
2 ( )
= 1 f 3 f sin ϕ+c cos ϕ
i.e., t f =s f sin ϕ+ c cos ϕ
208 Geotechnical Engineering
Therefore, the slope of the failure envelope in s-t plane is sinϕ and the intercept on t-axis is c cosϕ .
When the stress path meets the failure envelope on s-t plane, failure takes place.
As in the case of Mohr circles, stress paths can also be drawn in terms of effective stresses where
(σ ' ¿ ¿ v +σ ' h)
s can be replaced with s', where s' = ¿ . There is no t', since t is the same as t'.
Remember, there is nothing calledτ ' - water cannot carry shear stress. Generally, total and effective
stress paths are plotted on the same graph where both s and s' are shown on the horizontal axis,
preferably using the same scale for all s, s', and t.
Another specimen of the same day, consolidated under 500 kPa and backpressure of 100
kPa, is subjected to a drained loading to failure.
Solution: a. The computed values during the undrained loading are summarized in the table.
sin ϕ ,=tan α = =0.45 →ϕ ,=26.7 °
∆ uf 233
Af= = =0.86
∆ σ f 272
d. for the drained loading, the stress path (with 45° to s’-axis) intersects the failure
envelope at:
σ 'v −σ 'h
t= =326 kPa
Solving these equations, at failure:
1. A saturated clay sample was consolidated in the triaxial cell under a cell pressure of 150 kPa
without any backpressure. The drainage valve was then closed and the deviator stress was
gradually increased from zero to 200 kPa when failure occurred. If c' = 15 kPa and ϕ ' =¿20°,
find the pore water pressure and Skempton's A-parameter at failure.
Solution: This is a CU triaxial test. At failure σ ' 3 f =σ ' c =150−uf and∆ σ f = 200 kPa where
u f is the pore water pressure at failure.
Shear Strength 211
1. A conventional, consolidated drained triaxial test was carried out on a normally consolidated
day sample. The consolidation pressure was 150 kPa and the deviator stress at failure was
320 kPa. Find the effective friction angle.
An identical specimen of the same clay was consolidated to 150 kPa and was subjected to a
conventional, undrained triaxial test where the deviator stress at failure was 100 kPa. Find the
pore water pressure and Skempton's A-parameter at failure.
The friction angle ϕ ' must be the same in the CU triaxial test, where at failure, ∆ σ f = 100
kPa, and σ 3 f = 150 kPa. The pore water pressure at failure u f is unknown.
sin 31.1= → σ ' 3 f =46.9 kPa→ uf =σ 3 f −σ '3 f =103.1 kPa
σ ' 3 f +50
During the entire shear in the CU test:
a. Mohr circles: From the tangents to the Mohr circles, c = 34 kPa, ϕ = 18°; and c' = 25
kPa and ϕ '= 28°
b. Stress points: From the stress points envelope shown below, c = 26 kPa, ϕ = 19°; and
c' = 19 kPa, ϕ '= 28°
3. The current state of stress at a saturated clay element in the ground is:
The friction angle and cohesion in terms of effective stresses are 30° and 10 kPa respectively.
Skempton's A and B parameters are both 1. Due to some loading at the ground level, the total
vertical stress is rapidly increased under undrained conditions, while the total horizontal
stress remains the same. Using Mohr circles, find the maximum additional vertical stress that
the soil element can take before failure is reached and the pore water pressure at failure is
σ v 0 +σ h 0 σ −σ h 0 σ ' v 0+ σ ' h 0
∴ s 0=¿ =95 kpa; t= v 0 =25kpa; s ' 0 = =65 kpa
2 2 2
Let's apply a small vertical stress increment y and calculate the changes in s, t, u, and s'. We
can draw the total and effective stress paths from these:
∆ σ v = y , ∆ σ h=0
Now that we have the initial values and the changes, we can show them in s-t and s'-t planes:
' ' −1
c cos ϕ =10 cos 30=8.7 kPa ; α =tan ( sin 30 )=26.6 °
The initial state, in terms of effective and total stresses, is represented by the points E (65, 25)
and T (95, 25) respectively.
The effective and total stress paths, starting from E and T, are drawn as straight lines, inclined
at 45° to horizontal, as shown in the figure on page 216. When the effective stress path meets
the effective failure envelope at F, failure takes place.
i.e., t has increased by 10.8 kPa to failure. Therefore, the additional vertical stress that was
placed was 2 ×10.8 = 21.6 kPa. The pore water pressure at failure is 30 + 2z = 51.6 kPa
216 Geotechnical Engineering
1. Skempton's A and B parameters of a saturated clay deposit are 0.8 and 0.97 respectively. Due
to the construction of an embankment on this clay, the total horizontal and vertical stresses at
a point increased by 40 kPa and 60 kPa respectively. What would be the increase in pore
water pressure? The above clay has c' = 0 and ϕ ' = 27°. A triaxial sample is consolidated
under a cell pressure of 300 kPa and backpressure of 100 kPa. Once the consolidation was
completed, the sample was sheared undrained by applying a vertical load. What would be the
principal stress difference and pore water pressure at failure?
At failure, let ∆ σ f = x.
1. A consolidated, drained triaxial test was conducted on a normally consolidated clay under
confining pressure of 276 kPa. The deviator stress at failure was 276 kPa.
2. A series of consolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on specimens of a saturated
clay under no backpressure. The test data at failure are summarized:
a. Draw the Mohr circles and find the cohesion and friction angles in terms of effective
b. Compute Skempton's A- parameter at failure for all three specimens
218 Geotechnical Engineering
Answer: 32 kPa, 27.9°; 0.42, 0.45, 0.44; c ' ≠ 0 and A f ≈ 0.45 → over consolidated; 546
3. A consolidated, drained triaxial test was carried out on a normally consolidated day. The
specimen was consolidated under a cell pressure of 100 kPa and backpressure of 30 kPa. The
axial deviator stress was slowly increased to failure so that there was no excess pore water
pressure development while shearing. The specimen failed under a deviator stress of 130 kPa.
The backpressure of 30 kPa was maintained throughout the test. Find the effective friction
angle and the normal and shear stresses on the failure plane.
Answer: 28.8°; 104 kPa, 57 kPa
4. Consolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on three samples with no backpressure.
The test results at failure are summarized:
Cell pressure (kPa) 300 400 600
Principal stress difference at failure (kPa) 186 240 360
Pore water pressure at failure (kPa) 159 222 338
Using (a) Mohr circles and (b) stress points, determine the shear strength parameters in terms
of total and effective stresses.
Answer: 5 kPa, 13°; 7 kPa, 23°
5. A series of unconsolidated, undrained triaxial tests were carried out on three samples of clay.
The confining pressures and the additional vertical stresses that are required to fail the
samples are summarized below. Draw the Mohr circles in terms of total stresses, and
determine c u and ϕ u .
cos ϕu
q u=2 ( )
1−sin ϕ u u
From the above, deduce that when ϕ u = 0, q u = 2 c u
Shear Strength 219
1. A consolidated, undrained triaxial test is being carried out on a normally consolidated clay
where c' = 0 and ϕ u = 26°. The triaxial specimen was consolidated under a cell pressure of
300 kPa and backpressure of 80 kPa. Skempton's A-parameter al failure is estimated to be
0.80. The drainage valve has since been closed and the vertical deviator stress increased to
failure. What would be the deviator stress and pore water pressure at failure?
Answer: 153 kPa, 202 kPa
2. A normally consolidated soft clay specimen is consolidated in the triaxial cell under an all-
around pressure of 200 kPa with no backpressure. The drainage valve is then dosed and the
cell pressure increased by 300 kPa and the pore water pressure increased to 300 kPa. Then,
the vertical deviator stress was increased from 0 to 110 kPa when the sample failed, and the
pore water pressure was 420 kPa. Find the effective friction angle and Skempton's pore
pressure parameters B and Ai' A second specimen of the same clay is consolidated under an
all-around pressure of 70 kPa. Under undrained conditions, the vertical stress is increased to
failure. Find the vertical deviator stress and pore water pressure at failure.
A third specimen of the same clay was isotropically consolidated under 70 kPa and was
subjected to a vertical deviator stress that was increased to failure under drained conditions.
What would be the deviator stress at failure?
of the direct shear sample remains the same in all tests, determine the peak and residual
effective-friction angles:
Normal load (N) 100 200 350
Peak failure shear load (N) 75 153 262
Residual failure shear load (N) 60 118 212
Answer: 31°,37°
7. A clay sample was consolidated in a triaxial cell under a backpressure of 50 kPa and cell
pressure of 150 kPa. The drainage valve was then closed and the cell pressure was increased
to 200 kPa when the pore pressure increased to 98 kPa. What is Skempton’s B-parameter?
The above sample was then subjected to a vertical deviator stress, which was increased from
zero under undrained conditions. The sample failed when the pore water pressure was 160
kPa and the deviator stress was 70 kPa. What is Skempton's A-parameter at failure?
Assuming the clay is normally consolidated, find the friction angle in terms of effective
Answer: 0.96; 0.92, 27.8°
8. A consolidated, undrained triaxial test was carried out on a 73.0 mm diameter and 146.6 mm-
long decomposed granodiorite sample at an initial water content of 26%. The sample was
obtained from Palmerston Highway, North Queensland, Australia, to back-analyze a slope
failure, and was initially consolidated under a cell pressure of 200 kPa and backpressure of
150 kPa. The drainage valve was dosed and the cell pressure was increased to 254 kPa when
the pore water pressure increased to 182 kPa. Find Skempton's B-parameter. The nature of the
soil sample is such that it was not possible to achieve a higher B value. The drainage valve
was opened and the sample was consolidated further under the cell pressure of 254 kPa and
backpressure of 150 kPa. At the end of consolidation, the drainage valve was dosed, locking
in the backpressure in preparation for the undrained loading. The axial strain ε , additional
vertical stress applied to the sample under undrained conditions ∆ σ , and the pore water
pressure u measured during the test are summarized in the table on page 221:
a. Plot the total and effective stress paths
b. Plot∆ σ and pore water pressure against the axial strain on the same plot
c. Find the peak and residual shear stresses at failure, and the corresponding values of
Answer; 0.59; 133 kPa, 117 kPa; 0.06, - 0.09
221 Shear Strength
0 2 155
0.4 10 155
0.5 24 157
1 22 161
1.5 51 165
2 70 175
2.5 100 185
3 121 191
3.5 145 195
4 166 197
4.5 186 197
5 200 197
5.5 215 195
6 227 193
6.5 236 190
7 243 187
7.5 249 184
8.5 256 179
9.5 264 170
10.5 266 165
12.5 264 158
14.5 259 152
16.5 253 149
18.5 248 145
20.5 248 143
22.5 233 142
9. A direct shear test was carried out on a sand sample under normal stress of 450 kPa. The
shear stress al failure was 310 kPa. Assuming that the failure plane was horizontal, draw a
Mohr circle and find the principal stresses and the orientations of the major and minor
principal planes.
Answer: 34.6°; 1040 kPa, 287 kPa; inclined at 117.7° and 27.7° respectively to horizontal
10. The following test data were obtained from three consolidated, undrained tests on a
saturated clay with no backpressure:
a. Plot the stress points at failure and determine the shear strength parameters c' andϕ ' .
b. Compute Skempton's A-parameters at failure for all three samples. Why are they
c. Is the clay normally consolidated or over consolidated?
d. Three further samples of the same clay, A, B, and C, are consolidated under a
confining pressure of 150 kPa with no backpressure. Sample A is sheared slowly
under drained conditions with the drainage valve open to ensure there is no pore
water pressure building up. Sample B was sheared quickly under undrained
conditions with the drainage valve closed. In the case of Sample C, the drainage
valve was dosed and the confining pressure was increased to 250 kPa. Then the
deviator stress was quickly applied to failure under undrained conditions. Find the
deviator stress at failure for all three samples. Assume an appropriate value of A f for
samples B and C.
Answer: 42 kPa, 19°; 0.38, 0.70 and 0.74; OC; 263 kPa, 173 kPa, 173 kPa
11. The state of stress at a point within a saturated clay is given as: σ v 0= 140 kPa, σ h0 = 100 kPa,
u0 = 40 kPa. Skempton's A and B parameters for this day are 0.5 and I respectively. Shear
strength parameters are: c' = 0 andϕ ' = 26°.
a. Calculate the initial values s0 , s ' 0 ,and t 0 and show the total and effective stress
points, along with the failure envelope on s -s'-t plane (see Worked Example 5).
b. When the following stress changes take place at this point under undrained
conditions, calculate the changes in s, s', and t
i. Both σ v and σ h increased by 10 kPa.
ii. σ v increased by 10 kPa and σ h remained the same.
iii. σ h decreased by 10 kPa and σ v remained the same.
c. From the above values from (b), plot the stress points for the three situations.
Assuming the loading continues with further increments, draw the stress paths in
terms of total and effective stresses.
d. Determine the maximum shear stress and the corresponding pore water pressure in
the soil element at failure for scenarios (ii) and (iii).
e. Discuss the stress paths for loading scenario (i).
Answer: (a) 120 kPa, 80 kPa, 20 kPa; (b) 10 kPa, 0, 0; 5 kPa, 0, 5 kPa; - 5 kPa, 0, 5 kPa
(d) 35 kPa, 25 kPa; 35 kPa, 55 kPa
Shear Strength 223
12. The state of stress at a point within a saturated clay is given as: σ v 0= 140 kPa, σ h0 = 100 kPa,
u0 = 40 kPa. Skempton's A and B parameters for this day are 0.5 and I respectively. Shear
strength parameters are: c' = 0 andϕ ' = 26°.
a. Calculate the initial values s0 , s ' 0 ,and t 0 and show the total and effective stress points,
along with the failure envelope on s -s'-t plane (see Worked Example 5).
b. When the following stress changes take place at this point under undrained conditions,
calculate the changes in s, s', and t
i. Both σ v and σ h increased by 10 kPa.
ii. σ v increased by 10 kPa and σ h remained the same.
iii. σ h decreased by 10 kPa and σ v remained the same
c. In which of the above scenarios will there be no failure?
d. In scenario (iii), what would be the vertical and horizontal stresses at failure?
Answer: (a) 120 kPa, 80 kPa, 20 kPa; (b) 10 kPa, 0, /0 kPa; 5 kPa, 5 kPa, 5 kPa; - 5 kPa, 5
- 5 kPa; (c) scenario (i); (d) 140 kPa, 79 kPa
224 Geotechnical Engineering