UREA Data 1
UREA Data 1
UREA Data 1
IFFCO Kalol Unit (An ISO 9001 & 14001 certified Co-operative Society was
commissioned in 1974-75. Initially IFFCO Kalol Unit was designed for production of a
910 MTPD gas-based Ammonia Plant and 1200 MTPD Urea Plant. In 1997, capacities
of both Ammonia and Urea Plants were enhanced to 1100 MTPD and 1650 MTPD
respectively, for a total investment of Rs.150 crores, utilizing largely the available design
margins in the original equipment with minor additions / modifications in the Plant. A
naphtha Pre-reformer was installed as an add-on unit in Ammonia Plant to provide
flexibility to use naphtha as mixed-feed along with gas, keeping in view the constraints in
supply of natural gas from the Mehsana gas fields.
Naphtha pre-reformer unit of IFFCO Kalol is not in line since April 2009. The Ministry of
Chemical & Fertilisers, Department of fertilizer (DOF), Government of India vide
notification No 12012/3//2006-FPP dated 8th March 2007 asked all the naphtha and
LSHS/FO based fertilizer units to get converted to NG/LNG within a period of 3 years.
Now, Kalol Unit is in operation with 100% RNLG. Presently, Kalol Unit produces Urea at
the rate of 1780 Metric Tons per day (MTPD) capacity and Ammonia (Intermediate
Product) at the rate of 1140 MTPD to meet the annual target. As per Consent to Operate
issued by GSPCB, IFFCO Kalol Unit has been allowed to produce 6,02,000 MT of urea
per annum.
IFFCO Kalol unit is committed to use the energy in the most efficient way. "Energy
Saving" is one of the major objectives of IFFCO. This has enabled to run the old vintage
Ammonia and Urea Plants with better performance level even after 40 years of
operation. IFFCO Kalol has been continuously improving its performance by
implementing several modifications and by adopting best operating philosophy under
scientifically based emerging technology. IFFCO Kalol Unit is reluctantlessly striving to
be prove itself as the lowest energy consumer in the fertilizer industry. To achieve its
goal, a number of energy conservation schemes have been identified, planned and
implemented in stages under Energy Saving Projects (ESP).
IFFCO proposes the energy saving project to implement the latest available proven
technological solution to meet the target of substantial reduction in energy consumption
at its Kalol Complex. With implementation of energy saving project, around 10%
increase in Ammonia and urea production has been envisaged.
IFFCO has engaged Projects & Development India Ltd (PDIL) as consultant for
preparation of Pre Feasibility Report. PDIL has prepared the PFR on the basis of site
visit and data / documents provided by IFFCO officials.
(A) Ammonia
Schemes Considered for Ammonia Plant
(B) Urea
Schemes Considered for Urea Plant
M/s CASALE would prepare basic engineering design package (BEDP) for the proposed
project as under:
(i) Design basis
(ii) Material balance, cooling water and steam & condensate balance
(iii) Process flow diagram for all section of the plants. The PFD shall be prepared
for design condition
(iv) Equipment list of new and modified equipments
(v) Engineering Process Specifications and data sheet for new and modified
(vi) Details of Tie-in points for taking tapping in plant turn-around marked on PIDs
(vii) Engineering specification for piping with reference to existing piping
(viii) Preliminary equipment arrangement for new and modified equipments
(ix) Electrical motors specification with emergency power requirement for new
and modified equipments
(x) First edition of P&I diagrams for all new and modified sections of the plants
The P&I diagrams shall show nominal diameters and medium symbols, walls
and instrumentation, i.e., control loops and measuring points, control logic
and analyzers, etc. Details of changes and modifications to the safety inter-
lock trip systems for new and modified parts shall be shown in separate
(xi) Line list for new and modified piping based on existing pipings class
(xii) Insulation requirement, if any.
(xiii) Slope requirements of lines, if any.
(xiv) Proposed modified plot plan showing the general layout for all new and
modified section of the plant
(xv) Marked up existing plot plan showing the available area for the new
(xvi) Layout of the equipments and space required.
(xvii) Trip interlock logic diagram of new and modified sections showing trip set
points, alarm annunciation and set points & delay time and manual reset.
(xviii) Data sheet for new and modified control valves and new safety valves
(xix) Typical Hook-up drawing for new and modified instruments loops
(xx) Functional instrument diagrams and loop diagrams for documenting very
complicated loops
(xxi) HAZOP study for new installations and modifications
(xxii) Operating Manual / guidelines for the new installations and their integration in
existing plants, highlighting normal operations, start-up and shut-down
operations which are modified after revamping.
The overall saving in Urea specific energy at each Unit and the financial analysis will be
as under:
Financial Analysis
Raw Material Consumption
Savings on Raw Material
1.8 Conclusion
As energy cost is increasing with passage of time, it is prudent to take the measures to
save the energy at each location of IFFCO Plants. It is always the endeavour of
IFFCO’s top management to adopt the latest available and proven technology for
improving the productivity of the Society. With the efforts taken by IFFCO management
in the past, the IFFCO Plants are running at comparable energy consumption with
global benchmarks. The proposed Energy Saving Project (ESP) will further reduce the
energy consumption at all the nitrogenous fertiliser units. With implementation of the
proposed Energy Saving Project (ESP), the overall urea specific energy will be
reduced by about 0.221 Gcal per MT of Urea with payback of 5.1 Years. Thus, there
will be reduction in the emission levels with implementation of Energy saving project
due to reduction in consumption of natural gas, imported power and water.
The ESP is simply a change-over scheme without any change in production rate. For
this type of project, EIA Notification 2006 is also silent on preparation of EIA report and
issuance of EC. Further, it would not be out of place to mention here that the area
around IFFCO Kalol Unit has never been identified as “CRITICALLY POLLUTED
AREA / ZONE” by CPCB. Further, the ESP fulfills the IFFCO policy related to
protection & safe guard of environment and measures for energy conservation. It also
fulfills the aims & objective of EIA.
Considering the above facts, it requires a critical review with due diligence regarding
exemption of Public Hearing and preparation of EIA report in generic form for grant of
EC on priority basis.