- March, 2018
Capacity Enhancement
1.0 Introduction 4
6.1.6 Housekeeping 17
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Capacity Enhancement
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Capacity Enhancement
1.0 Introduction
Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL) is a part of the US $ 15 billion diversified O.P. Jindal
Group, with an annual turnover of over US $ 3.5 billion. JSPL is an industrial powerhouse
with a dominant presence in Steel, Power & Mining. JSPL is operating steel plants at
various locations in India e.g. Raigarh (Chhattisgarh), Angul (Odisha) and Patratu
(Jharkhand). The Company has an Integrated Steel Plant Complex of 6 MTPA at Angul,
Odisha consisting of two routes of Steel making facilities i.e. DRI-BF-EAF route and
BF-BOF route. The Steel Plant comprises of Coal gasification plant (CGP), Syn gas based
DRI plant, Coke Oven, Sinter Plant, Blast Furnace (BF), Electric Arc furnace, Basic Oxygen
Furnace, rolling mills, Captive Power Plant, etc.
The Company proposes to enhance the generation capacities of Blast Furnace from 3.2
MTPA to 4.25 MTPA and Sinter Plant from 4.0 MTPA to 5.0 MTPA. Capacity
enhancement of BF is necessary due to non availability of firm linkage of thermal coal
for production of DRI and in order to meet the input demands of hot metal for SMS. The
increase in the production capacity of the Blast furnace is proposed to be achieved
through increase in injection of wind volume, oxygen enriched blast, charging higher
sinter feed, better process control in operations, use of high grade iron ore, etc.
Whereas the increase in production capacity of the Sinter Plant is proposed to be
achieved through pre-heating of sinter mix, increase in machine speed control, increase
in rate of air flow, oxygen enrichment in ignition hood, etc.
Further due to non-availability of firm linkage of thermal coal and available surplus
power from the existing captive power plant of 810 MW (6x135 MW), the company
proposes to not install the remaining two units of 135 MW each.
The name of the units for which EC has been obtained and the proposed amendment is
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Table 1: Name & capacity of existing units and proposed enhancement/ omission
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No additional land will be required for the capacity enhancement, as same will be
achieved within the layout of already commissioned units.
Make up water requirement will increase by 168 m3/hr due to the proposed capacity
enhancement. Increase of make up water in individual units i.e. Blast Furnace and Sinter
Plant is given Table 2. This increase in water requirement will be met from the existing
source of make up water which is Samal Barrage on Brahmani River.
Table 2: Make-up water requirement for Blast Furnace and Sinter Plant
However, two units of 135 MW each of Captive Power Plant, if installed, would have
consumed around 675 m3/hr (@ 2.5 m3/ MWh) make up water. As the Company
proposes not to install the remaining two units, requirement of around 675 m 3/hr fresh
water will be reduced. Therefore no additional fresh surface water load will be there
due to the proposed capacity enhancement.
Power requirement will increase by 15 MW i.e. 03 MW for Blast Furnace and 12 MW for
Sinter Plant after the proposed capacity enhancement. The enhanced power
requirement will be met from the existing Captive Power Plant at Angul.
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Table 3: Existing and increased power requirement for Blast Furnace and Sinter Plant
Enhancing the capacity of Blast Furnace and Sinter Plant will lead to increase in
requirement of raw materials. Name and source of the raw material is detailed in Table
Table 4: Name and Source of Raw Materials
2 Iron Pellets/ Lump Ore Pellets- From JSPL’s Pellet Plant located at
Barbil, Odisha & other sources and
transported by rail.
Lump ore- will be bought through auction and
will be transported to the Steel Plant by Rail.
3 Coke Available inhouse.
4 Coal for Pulverised Coal Injection Import from Australia & other countries and
same will be transported by rail
5 Flux-Dolomite Available inhouse.
JSPL has commissioned 4554 cum capacity Blast Furnace at its Greenfield Integrated
Steel Plant at Angul.
The purpose of a blast furnace is to chemically reduce and physically convert iron oxides
into liquid iron called "hot metal". The blast furnace is a huge, steel stack lined with
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refractory brick, where iron ore, coke and limestone are dumped into the top, and
preheated air is blown into the bottom. The raw materials require 6 to 8 hours to
descend to the bottom of the furnace where they become the final product of liquid
slag and liquid iron. These liquid products are drained from the furnace at regular
intervals. The hot air that was blown into the bottom of the furnace ascends to the top
in 6 to 8 seconds after going through numerous chemical reactions.
Currently the annual production capacity of the furnace is 3.2 MTPA and the same is
proposed to be enhanced to 4.25 MTPA by increasing productivity. The proposed
enhancement will be achieved by undertaking several measures. The measures and
percentage increase in production capacity of Blast furnace are given in Table 5.
Material balance of the Blast furnace (existing and enhanced Capacity) is given below.
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The Company has installed and commissioned Sinter plant with annual capacity of 4.0
Million Tons per annum.
Sinter is used as main iron bearing burden material in Blast Furnace. Main raw material
into a sinter plant is iron ore fines, coke fines and flux (lime stone & dolomite) fines. In
addition to these materials, sinter fines, iron dust (collected from plant de-dusting
system & ESP) and solid waste generated in steel plant like Mill scale, LD Slag, Blast
furnace Flue dust, Burnt lime etc are also used. These raw materials are mixed in
proportion (by weight).
Raw mix is then fed to the mixer for mixing & homogenizing the mix. Water is added
while mixing. From Mixer the mix is transported to Granulator to make granules and
then fed to the sinter machine. Sinter machine is an endless chain of number of pallets
installed in series. Raw mix from granulator is fed on sinter machine pallets through a
drum feeder which distributes the raw mix on sinter machine uniformly up to the
required bed height. Sinter machine is moved on rails & the raw mix proceeds as
machine moves. This raw mix is passed below an ignition furnace where the top layer of
the bed gets sintered. The temperature between 1150 and 1250 °C is maintained in the
ignition furnace and 350 °C in the soaking zone to prevent sudden quenching of the
sintered layer. At the same time the suction of air is applied below the sinter machine.
Due to the suction, the heat of the top layer propagates down below & ignites the coke
breeze present in the mix. Fire & Heat penetrates the mixed material gradually; until it
reaches the bottom layer of sinter bed which is usually 400 to 650 mm in height Ignition
creates chemical reactions. This process continues till the last suction wind box & by the
time material reaches near the discharge end, full bed is sintered. This end point of
burning is called burn through point (BTP).
After sintering is finished up to the bottom of the sinter mix bed, sinter cake is
discharged to primary crusher then passes to cooler. Sinter temperature at the cooler
feed end is around 600 to 800 degree centigrade which is cooled down below 100
degree centigrade. The cooled sinter is then passed through crushing & screening
process for size gradation as required by the blast furnace. After screening process, +5
mm to 50 mm sinter is transferred to Blast Furnace as sinter product and the –5 mm is
returned to sinter plant as return fines for recirculation in the process. 12-22 mm of
sinter product is sent to hearth layer hopper for using it as sinter machine bed layer.
In order to meet the Sinter requirements of the proposed enhanced capacity of Blast
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Furnace, it is necessary to enhance capacity of the Sinter Plant to 5.0 MTPA. The
enhanced capacity is proposed to be achieved by undertaking some measures. The list
of the proposed measures along with the percentage increase in production in Sinter is
given in Table 7.
Material balance of the Sinter Plant (existing and enhanced Capacity) is given below.
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As evident from the above table, there will be increase in pollution load due to the
capacity enhancement. However, in order to negate the incremental pollution load,
the Company proposes not to install two units of 135 MW coal based Thermal power
Expected decrease in pollution load by not installing two units of 135 MW is given
below in Table 11.
Unit Unit size Stack Stack Gas Gas Pollution Load, g/s
Height dia Temp. Velocity
(m) (m) (0C) (m/s) PM SO2 NOx
CPP 135 MW 220 3.75 148 24.97 5.85 19.51 19.51
135 MW 220 3.75 148 24.97 5.85 19.51 19.51
Total 11.7 39.02 39.02
Perusal of the Table 11 signifies the pollution load that would have been there
because of the CPP. Since the company proposes to surrender these two units from
the EC there will be no increase in pollution load due to the above proposed capacity
Pollution control devices are capable enough to handle this additional production level
and there will be no impact on environment on this account.
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Table 12: Solid Wastes Generation & Utilization (Additional After proposed
Table 13
: Overall Pollution load statement due to the proposed EC amendment
Load SO2- 7.29 g/s g/s SO2- (-) 31.73 Pollution Load
NOx- 5.46 g/s SO2- NOx- (-) 31.73 will reduce as
39.02 g/s the incremental
NOx- load from BF will
39.02 g/s be compensated
with the reduced
load from CPP.
5 Wastewater 0 0 0 No additional
Pollution Load wastewater
6 Solid Wastes Load
Blast Furnace 2,80,350 - (+)2,80,350 Will be
Slag (TPA) consumed in
own cement
plant and also
sold to other
cement plants
BF dust & 12,515 - (+)12,515 Will be reused in
sludge (TPA) Sinter Plant
Sinter dust 18,939 - (+)18,939 Will be reused in
(TPA) Sinter Plant
CPP ash (TPA) - 1.08 x 106 (-)1.08 x 106 Due to deletion
of two units of
CPP, there will be
no ash
As evident from the above, there will not be any additional land and water
requirements. Further, there will not be any increase in pollution load, as marginal
increase in air pollution will get offset due to deletion of 2 units of 135 MW CPP.
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Gas Analyzer, Stack Monitoring Kits, Respirable & Fine Dust Samplers, pH meter,
Spectrophotometer, Turbidity meter, Autoclave, Laminar Flow, Mercury Analyzer,
Flame Photometer, CO Monitor etc. including microbiological testing facility and met
instruments to monitor environmental parameters. JSPL also have a fully equipped
state of the art laboratory.
Every aspect of pollution generated due to plant activities is monitored in detail and
adequate steps are taken to minimize it. Control measures are implemented at all
required locations. The major measures for abatement of pollutants include
The following measures have been taken for control of air emissions from Blast
• Wet scrubber and 90 m height stack attached with gas cleaning plant.
• Bag filter and 50 m height stack attached with each unit of stock house and cast
• Bag filter attached with PCI unit.
The following measures have been taken for control of air emissions from the existing
Sinter Plant at Angul.
• Electrostatic Precipitator and 120 m height stack attached with
• Bag filter and 80 m height stack attached with plant dedusting unit.
• Bag filter and 70 m height stack attached with each unit of Flux crushing and
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Some of the projects undertaken by JSPL to utilize solid waste are as follows –
Use of blast furnace waste gas as alternative fuel in reheating furnace, power
SMS slag is used for road making while blast furnace slag is used for cement
A captive fly ash brick plant is installed. All construction activities of the
company are done through fly ash bricks.
A modern and state of the art health care centre allows scientific collection of
biomedical waste and its effective disposal to authorized recycler.
Four permanent fully automatic Online Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations
(AAQMS) and meteorological station are installed around the plant premises to
monitor PM10, SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOx and CO in ambient air. The meteorological
parameters monitored include wind direction and speed, solar radiation, humidity,
rainfall and temperature. Online data is retrieved periodically, consolidated and
JSPL has also installed continuous online stack monitoring system in all the major
stacks of the plant and the same have been connected to the Pollution Control Board
servers. Further 3 nos. of online wastewater analysis systems have also been installed
inside the plant.
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JSPL has initiated large scale bio-diversified afforestation and horticulture activities.
JSPL undertakes mass tree plantation every year. Company has done plantation not
only in its complex of JSPL but also in Angul city and villages.
6.1.6 Housekeeping
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workforce plays a very important role. Hence various types of awareness programmes
are organized at various levels for employees as well as surrounding community at
regular intervals. The interest among employees and the stake holders is generated
through educational documentaries, skits, competitions, exhibitions and fairs.
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Report On
March, 2018
Submitted by
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
2.0 Sponsored by
Jindal Steel and Power Limited, SH-63, Chendipada, Jindal Nagar, Angul-759111,
3.0 Objective
Advice on Techno Commercial feasibility for installation of Coke Dry Quenching
(CDQ) in JSPL, Angul’s Coke Oven plants.
4.0 Duration
Two Months
o Collection of required relevant data from Coke Plant (detail requirement of data was
discussed during visit of CSIR-CIMFR officials and meeting with coke plant
o Data Analysis and techno commercial feasibility study
o Report Preparation
Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) is a part of the US $ 15 billion diversified O. P.
Jindal Group, with an annual turnover of over US$ 3.5 billion. JSPL is an industrial
infrastructure Sectors. JSPL is operating steel plants at various locations in India, e.g
Raigarh (Chhattisgarh) Patratu (Jharkhand), Angul (Orissa). JSPL Angul has 6.0 MTPA
capacity integrated steel plant consisting of two routes of Steel Making facilities (DRI -
EAF & BF - BOF route). JSPL, Angul has already commissioned 1.0 MTPA (2 batteries)
coke oven. The coke oven capacity at Angul is 2.0 MTPA with stamp charging facilities.
In coke oven batteries, metallurgical coke production takes place from blends of
selected bituminous coal, called coking coal or metallurgical coal. Only certain high
rank bituminous coals are classified as metallurgical coking coals. The coal blend,
crushed to a desired size is charged into the ovens (through top charging or stamp
charging) and heated to above 1200°C over a period of few hours. After the
carbonization process is completed, the red hot coke is pushed out of the coke
The next stage prior to further processing, involves the cooling of the
incandescent red hot coke produced. Coke cooling techniques comprise of use of
technique i.e. wet quenching (which uses water as cooling media) is being compared
along with coke dry quenching technique, which employs use of inert gas for cooling
purposes. Techno Commercial feasibility of one Coke Dry Quenching module, capable
of quenching 1.0 MTPA of coke being produced from two coke oven batteries of JSPL,
technology in the coke plants, owing to its advantages such as energy saving.
Variation arising due to their different characteristic processes and media used
incandescent coke discharged from coke ovens, and hereinafter referred to as CDQ.
Dry quenching of coke is a proved, reliable process. Shortly after World War
I, a dry quenching technology was developed by the Sulzer brothers. More than
70 coke plants in gas works and steel mills used dry quenching prior to
1950, but most of the gas-works installations were closed when natural gas
In 1960 the Soviet Union commissioned its first commercial dry quenching
pilot plant at Cherepovets Integrated Iron and Steel Works. Because of the success
of the pilot project, CDQ process expanded and till 1973 more than 40 towers in
With the increase in energy costs outstripping general inflation, the estimated returns on
investment in CDQ improved very significantly. Since then the position has not changed
materially (costs and credits have increased roughly in parallel), but the twin pressures
remain and, with a convincing economic case now demonstrable in many specific plant
However, considering the annual down time for maintenance as well as operational
issues with CDQ a wet quenching setup is always essential for continuous production
of coke.
In CDQ the coke from the ovens is transferred in batches to a chamber where it is cooled
counter currently by direct heat exchange to a continuous stream of inert gas. The gas
then passes to a waste heat boiler where the heat taken up from the coke is recovered
by the generation of steam at conditions, appropriate to its subsequent mode of
utilization. The cooled coke (< 2000C) is discharged in discrete batches from the
A CDQ module consists of the following main components: a cooling chamber, with
arrangements for admission and discharge of coke, without admission of air or the
discharge of gas and solid particles; arrangements for the removal of coarser particles
from the heated gas leaving the chamber; a waste-heat boiler; arrangements for the
removal of dust from the cooled gas leaving the boiler; and a blower to return the cooled
A CDQ installation essentially requires the reserved wet quenching arrangement to cater
the coke quenching requirements during its break down, annual maintenance,
The most obvious advantages, and one which seems certain to be of increasing
broad terms, the sensible heat of the hot coke discharged from the ovens amounts to
about half of the energy input to the ovens from the under firing gas; in CDQ, about 80
percent of this sensible heat is recovered, a saving, therefore equivalent to about 40
The energy recovered by CDQ is in the form of high grade steam. Wide flexibility of
actual practice may embrace conditions (bar/0C) ranging from 20/280 to 117/525. The
quantitative yield of steam depends upon the CDQ design, the type (mainly the ash
percentage) and temperature of the hot coke and (to a slight degree) the steam
characteristics adopted: the range may be 0.4 – 0.5 t/t of coke and an average steam
generation rate of 0.44 t/t of coke cooled may be adopted for evaluation purpose on the
basis of the demonstrated performance of existing CDQ installations. The steam may
be used for power generation and/or process purposes and the achievement of the
maximum economic benefit depends upon the attainment of the highest possible steam
utilization level and the highest possible efficiency of utilization. In practice, a utilization
level of 80 percent should be achievable, while the efficiency of utilization will depend
upon both the areas of utilization and the quality of plant practice. These considerations
are particularly relevant to proposals to use the energy recovered in CDQ for coal
Granted that quenching towers today are normally fitted with arrestors for grit and dust,
the amount by which the emission of these materials from the coking plant would be
seems that these benefits could be the dictating factor to move towards CDQ. CDQ is
Figure. 1 Coke Dry Quenching Process Flow Diagram
the only available, so called coking plant anti-pollution measure. Even if it does not
help in pollution control, its contribution to energy conservation, remains very strong
dry way. For comparative study of impact of coke quenching methods on coke quality
and subsequent effect on blast furnace operation, data of coal blends as charged in
JSPL's by product recovery type coke ovens and coke data were analyzed. Coke data
was collected for coke quenched using wet quenching process of JSPL and dry
Typical coal blend analysis is presented in Table 1. As per the coal blend
characterization shown in Table 1 the coal blend data are well within the range of good
Various operating parameters for wet quenching being used with By Product type
recovery coke ovens at JSPL, Angul and dry quenching available in literatures are
shown in Table 2. As evident from the data, coking temperature, coking cycle, coke
discharge temperature remains same, whether the quenching process be wet or dry,
because quenching is the process of which is done only after pushing the hot coke. As
shown in Table 2. coke temperature after dry quenching is about 50o C higher than wet
3% CO and 17 -18% CO2 in CDQ circulating gas and the relatively higher temperature
of coke after quenching is an indication of coke burning losses which is also shown in
Table 2. in which solution (carbon) loss has been shown as 1.7 tons/hr. Whereas, in
case of wet quenching, same is negligible. Circulating gas contains hydrogen also,
therefore CDQ facilities present potential explosion hazards and somewhat comparable
to those associated with pulverized coal boilers or with gas or oil steam generators.
Table 1. Test results of JSPL coal blend sample used for coke making in by
product type coke oven
Ash 9.01 Fe (T) 5.41
Volatile Matter 24.52 CaO 2.42
Inherent Moisture 1.50 SiO2 54.38
Na2O 0.36 MgO 0.96
K2O 1.78 Al2O3 29.85
CSN 6.5
Max. Fluidity, ddpm 219 GCV, kcal/kg 7514
Vitrinite 65 V7 3
Exinite / Liptinite 4.5 V8 8
Inertinite 29.5 V9 18
Mineral Matter 1.0 V10 30
Vitrinite Reflectance, % V11 38
Ro V12 3
MMR 1.15
Table 2. Operating parameter for 1 MTPA of Wet Quenching Unit of JSPL, Angul
and Dry Quenching unit from literature for quenching incandescent coke
being used with By Product Coke Making Plant
Operating Parameters Wet Dry
Quenching Quenching
Coal charge/oven (db), T 24 24
Bulk density of coal cake (wet), kg/m3 1100 1100
Coking Temperature, °C 1320 1290-1320
Coking Cycle, hrs 24 24
Coke discharge temp., °C 1050 990-1050
Coke temperature after quenching, °C ˂150 ˂ 200
Table 3. Tentative Potential Hazardous Components of circulating gas in Dry
Quenching Unit
CO 2.0 - 3.0%
H2 0.0 - 1.0 %
CO2 17.0-18.0 %
Very minor improvement was observed in hot and cold strength of coke, produced using
wet and dry quenching and the same is depicted in Table 4. As shown in Table 5
Proximate, ultimate, and other chemical analysis of coke remain same for wet and dry
Table 5. Test results of JSPL, Angul’s Coke sample as produced in by product type
coke oven
Proximate Analysis Chemical Analysis
IM (db), % 0.40 Fe(T) (db), % 8.7
As mentioned in Table 6. there is no significant difference between average mean size
process whereas there is no such loss for wet quenching process. As per published
literature and depicted in Table 7 about 77 tons/hr of steam having temperature 485oC
and pressure 62.8 bar may be produced from CDQ process.This steam may be used
for power generation or for process uses. The amount of energy which is produced
using CDQ is the main attraction and this recovers the huge investment as well as
8.0 Technical Feasibility of CDQ for JSPL, Angul’s Coke Oven
JSPL have Coke Ovens with Stamp Charging and by product recovery facility at Angul,
Orrisa. Gross coke production from two batteries is about 2700 dry metric tons of coke
per day. 24 ton of blend coal on dry basis may be charged in each oven of each battery.
The detail characterization of one of the coal blend charged is given in Table 1.
Wet quenching is a simple & a cost effective process of cooling coke with water spraying
over hot coke inside the Quenching tower. Fig.2 shows the Quenching Tower installed
at JSPL, Angul. The natural draft allows the water vapor to flow out through the tower
to the atmosphere. Fig. 3 shows hot coke being handled in the quenching car after
JSPL, Angul has installed a baffle arrangement on the top of Quenching tower made of
special wooden structure which consists of spray pipe lines creating water screen for
the steam. When the steam passes through this water screen and mist wooden
structure, the small particles in the steam is stuck to the wooden structure and also
scrubbed through water spraying arrangement. Hence the clean steam is left to the
atmosphere and does not pollute the environment. Schematic of general arrangement
Fig.2 Quenching Tower
Fig. 4. General Arrangement of Baffle in Quenching Tower
CDQ process is installed basically to generate revenue from sensible heat being
steam so produced is used to generate power. However, JSPL, Angul already has 135
boilers, which produces surplus Power. Hence, the CDQ system will not benefit JSPL
in terms of power generation. Dry quenched coke is inherently dustier at screening
stations and during transportation than wet quenched coke. This also affects
atmosphere tangibly and hence to control fugitive emissions, additional dust control
systems are necessity to minimize such hazards. Significant amount of oxygen leaking
into the system can cause an explosion hence the composition of the inert gases in dry
quenching units must be continuously monitored with feedback for automatic changes
in gas composition.
Installation of CDQ will demand extra treatment of effluent in BOD plant to meet
stipulation of Zero Liquid Discharge, whereas the same is being used in quenching of
coke in Wet Quenching System. New equipment for dry quenching with no reduction in
has a higher capital cost than wet quenching equipment. CDQ consumes around 2.5
MW of auxiliary power. Moreover, heavy excise duty to be paid for the additional power
In CDQ hot coke from Coke oven is collected in a Rotary Bucket & discharged into
cooling chamber for uniform distribution and effective cooling of coke. But to operate
the Rotary Bucket the height clearance between coke car track level to oven level and
the distance between coke car track to Guide car track need to be increased. For
batteries which are already in operation, it is very difficult to install a Rotary Bucket car.
It is possible only if the batteries are cooled down. Cooling down and again heating up
for a coke oven battery made of silica bricks will incur huge capital expanses and
damage to coke oven walls. As mentioned in section 7.3 coke temperature after CDQ
is about 50oc higher than the coke temperature after Wet Quenching, therefore to handle
the coke quenched through CDQ, existing running conveyors need to be changed to
Operating parameters of coke plant with wet quenching process at JSPL, Angul is
coke making process and not on coke quenching process. But significant difference can
after quenching is less in case of wet quenching. No or negligible solution (carbon) loss
was observed during wet quenching. As depicted in Table 2 CDQ requires about twenty
four times more electrical power with respect to wet quenching process for per ton of
coke. Breakdown hours per annum of CDQ is 15 times higher than that of wet
Necessary raw material for wet quenching of coke is only water and only about 0.45
cubic meter of makeup water is required for per ton of coke where as raw material for
CDQ is an inert gas plant or mostly used Nitrogen plant, which incurs huge investment.
Quality of water which is being recycled for wet quenching process at JSPL, Angul is
presented in Table 8. All the parameters are within acceptable limits as per
environmental norms. Therefore, there is no hazard to environment as well as to the
plant personals where as CDQ tower where actual quenching operations are being
carried out is quite prone to explosion due to presence of hydrogen in the circulating
pH 8.4
TSS 326 ppm
COD < 250 ppm
BOD < 30 ppm
Coke characterization data for JSPL, coke is presented in Table 5. Comparison of hot
and cold strength of coke produced depicted in Table 4, shows that wet quenched coke
has CSR value of 64.00 where as dry quenched coke carbonized in By Product ovens
has CSR value of 64.96. Similarly, improvement of about one point in CRI value and
less than 1 points in M40 was observed while using dry quenching process.
Coke size distribution for coke produced at JSPL, Angul’s coke plant using wet
quenching and standard dry quenching is presented in Table 6. From the data
presented in the tables it is evident that coke size distribution achieved from wet
quenching is comparable or even better than the coke size distribution achieved from
dry quenching. Coke average mean size in case of coke wet quenching at JSPL, Angul
is 50.50 mm which is most favorable for blast furnace uses. Table 9 shows size analysis
of wharf coke as produced JSPL, Angul. Figure. 5 shows one batch of quenched coke
Table 9. Size Analysis of Wharf Coke as produced JSPL, Angul
+100 mm 10.71
-100+80 mm 18.29
-80+50 mm 42.92
-50+40 mm 12.62
-40+30 mm 8.35
-30 mm 7.11
Total 100
to operate with least environmental impact along with negligible carbon loss.
9.0 Economics of CDQ process
Technical aspects of retrofitting CDQ system has been discussed in detail in last section.
Operation data of CDQ and wet quenching and their analysis reveals that installation of
same capacity of CDQ system will cost much higher than that wet quenching, installed
Table 10 (a) and (b). represent the cost analysis of CDQ system with respect to wet
quenching system. The initial cost of CDQ system shown in Table 10 (a) is the cost of
available design. Moreover, cost of installation of inert gas facility (mostly nitrogen) has
As per technical discussions in section 8.0 and comparison of the data provided by
JSPL, Angul for its coke plant having wet quenching, with available data for CDQ
process, any remarkable enhancement in coke quality is not observed. Therefore, any
saving due to enhancement in coke quality has not been considered in cost analysis.
Solution (carbon) loss of 1.7 ton/hour has also been reported in case of CDQ system.
CDQ system produces good quality steam, which can be used for power generation or
for other process uses. But JSPL, Angul has got no use of steam, because it has got
its own captive power plant, from which it is generating surplus power. So, as per
Cost of installation and operation of a wet quenching setup is quite cheaper, easily
operable, not hazardous and relatively environment friendly with respect to CDQ
Table 10 (a): Cost analysis of CDQ System and Wet Quenching System
Net Expense/
Year 1.38 Rs Cr 1.63 Rs Cr
Table 10(b): Calculated Net value of Wet Quenching and CDQ system after 20 Yrs.
10.0 Summary
Present study demonstrates technological inside of the coke dry quenching (CDQ) and
coke wet quenching technology for byproduct recovery, stamp charged coke making
used in a byproduct recovery coke plant available with integrated steel plant like JSPL,
Angul, switching over permanently to coke dry quenching from wet quenching requires
significant capital investment of the order of Rs. 175 Cr. (for 1.0 MTPA Coke Oven
Plant). Hence total capital cost will be approx. Rs. 350 Cr. (for 2.0 MTPA Coke Oven
o O & M Cost: - Detail cost analysis of CDQ technology with respect to wet quenching
reveals that annual financial loss estimated by use of CDQ system is more than the
o Power Generation:- A CDQ system suitable for by-product recovery coke plant
available with JSPL, Angul may produce 77 TPH of steam, from CDQ installation
suitable for two batteries, which can be used for power generation. But, JSPL, Angul is
having captive power plant and has surplus power. Therefore, CDQ, if installed will lead
o Power Consumption: - Power consumption in CDQ is about twenty four times more
o Technical Difficulty: - Coke Temperature after CDQ is higher than the coke
temperature after Wet Quenching. Hence the existing running conveyors need to be
changed to high temperature resistant belt which is a very costly affair at this point of
wet coke quenching system and CDQ system do not show any benefit to the
environment over the wet quenching system. Moreover, explosion hazard is also
associated with CDQ system. Further, CDQ may allow the toxic inert gases, which
higher than Wet Quenching. To continue the quenching process a parallel Wet
o Coke Quality: - Analysis of coal and coke data of by-product recovery coke plant,
with wet and dry quenching reveals that by implementing CDQ system, very little or
insignificant improvement in coke quality may be achieved, which is economically not
o Carbon Loss: - CDQ technology accounts for carbon loss of about 1.7 ton/hr of
coke, whereas, in case of wet quenching same is zero or negligible and more coke
fines are generated in CDQ chamber during descent of coke lump by gravity.
11.0 Conclusion
On the basis of present study and a comparison of detail cost analysis of CDQ with
respect to wet quenching, it is concluded that for JSPL, Angul’s by product recovery
coke making units, Wet Quenching of incandescent Coke is a better option than Coke
Dry Quenching, because of higher initial cost, larger break down hours, carbon losses,
fines generation, excess man power requirement, greater power consumption,