Twelve Testable Hypotheses On The Geobio PDF
Twelve Testable Hypotheses On The Geobio PDF
Twelve Testable Hypotheses On The Geobio PDF
Critical Zone (CZ) research investigates the chemical, physical, and biological processes that modulate the Earth’s
surface. Here, we advance 12 hypotheses that must be tested to improve our understanding of the CZ: (1) Solar-
to-chemical conversion of energy by plants regulates flows of carbon, water, and nutrients through plant-
microbe soil networks, thereby controlling the location and extent of biological weathering. (2) Biological stoichi-
ometry drives changes in mineral stoichiometry and distribution through weathering. (3) On landscapes experi-
encing little erosion, biology drives weathering during initial succession, whereas weathering drives biology over
the long term. (4) In eroding landscapes, weathering-front advance at depth is coupled to surface denudation
via biotic processes. (5) Biology shapes the topography of the Critical Zone. (6) The impact of climate forcing on
denudation rates in natural systems can be predicted from models incorporating biogeochemical reaction rates
and geomorphological transport laws. (7) Rising global temperatures will increase carbon losses from the Critical
Zone. (8) Rising atmospheric PCO2 will increase rates and extents of mineral weathering in soils. (9) Riverine
solute fluxes will respond to changes in climate primarily due to changes in water fluxes and secondarily through
changes in biologically mediated weathering. (10) Land use change will impact Critical Zone processes and
exports more than climate change. (11) In many severely altered settings, restoration of hydrological processes is
possible in decades or less, whereas restoration of biodiversity and biogeochemical processes requires longer
timescales. (12) Biogeochemical properties impart thresholds or tipping points beyond which rapid and irrevers-
ible losses of ecosystem health, function, and services can occur.
& Nealson, 1997; Berner et al., 2003). Furthermore, research- canopy, which is the source of chemical energy for much of
ers are also modeling the effects of fauna on weathering and the biological activity that drives weathering. Defined this
erosion (e.g. Gabet et al., 2003). Recent work on nutrient way, soils are the surface-most zone of the regolith where
cycling and material flows within ecosystems also acknowledges biological, chemical, hydrological, and physical processes are
the importance of rock weathering in structuring ecosystems most active, characteristically driving the evolution of layers
(Banfield & Nealson, 1997; Buss et al., 2005; Osterkamp & known as horizons. Although CZ interactions between
Hupp, 2010). biology and weathering are most intense and dynamic in the
Despite the long history of inquiry, quantitative insights on soil, it should be emphasized that biological activity – both
many fundamental issues have been elusive. For example, the in situ and ex situ – is also an important feature of weathering
contribution of rock weathering to ecosystem-level biogeo- processes in the saprolite and deeper zones of regolith.
chemical cycling has rarely been measured directly and is Importantly, these definitions do not match those used in
typically calculated as the difference between atmospheric all the CZ disciplines. For example, some scientists define
inputs and stream flow exports. Likewise, linking the role of ‘soil’ to include saprolite. Also, geomorphologists describe
biologic agents of erosion and climatic change to both short- regolith (Small et al., 1999) or the mobile soil layer (Heims-
and long-term denudation has been elusive. Fortunately, new ath et al., 1997) on hillslopes as the layer that is physically
isotopic techniques (Bourdon et al., 2004; Johnson et al., mixed and transported downslope. Clearly, the mobile layer
2004; Von Blanckenburg, 2006) and advances in the use of and the chemically altered layer do not have to be coincident.
molecular biological (Banfield et al., 2005), elemental (Herr-
mann et al., 2007), and organic (Johansson et al., 2009)
Lower limit of regolith
analyses now make it possible to quantify the rates of rock
weathering and to define the role of organisms. The bottom of regolith is defined here as the point where
chemical and physical properties change from unaltered to
altered. This leads to two operational definitions for the
parent–regolith interface: (i) the physical interface where the
Although the CZ has been researched since the onset of underlying parent material has altered and can be easily
science, the term itself is new. CZ science incorporates a holis- sampled without drilling or hammering, or (ii) the chemical
tic yet quantitative approach to understanding Earth surface interface where regolith is chemically distinct from parent
processes, integrating across diverse scientific disciplines and a material. The first definition is useful for field work. Thus, the
range of spatial and temporal scales. To promote communica- depth of refusal during augering or digging is often used to
tion across the CZ disciplines and to begin to achieve consen- define the base of regolith. However, at this depth, the ‘par-
sus about terminology, we present working definitions of key ent’ may be both physically and chemically changed from the
CZ terms that have been variously defined over the years by true parent and therefore the operational definition may be
different groups. problematic. Furthermore, when parent is a deposit such as
alluvium or colluvium, the physical base of regolith may not
be easy to define using this criterion.
Defining the CZ system
In addition, it is important to reiterate that geomorpholo-
Beginning at the base of the CZ, we define parent material as gists often define the parent–regolith interface with a third
earth material as it was before alteration by surface processes. operational definition: (iii) the interface between ‘mobile’ and
In some cases, parent material is consolidated bedrock. In ‘immobile’ material, generally identified in soil pits from grain
other cases, it can be unconsolidated sediments, or fragments size and textural relationships. The mobile layer is also some-
of rocks and organic matter transported from elsewhere. times denoted in the geomorphological literature as the ‘soil’
Regardless of the nature of the parent material, its alteration and the underlying material is referred to either as ‘weathered
causes the development of regolith, here defined as the mantle bedrock’ or as ‘saprolite’ depending on the degree of chemical
of unconsolidated and altered material that was generated weathering. Importantly, these geomorphological definitions
from the parent material. In this context, soil is the surface may differ in many situations from definitions in this paper.
sublayer within regolith where the parent material has been Whereas interfaces (i) and (iii) can be identified in the field,
extensively altered, generally by chemical, physical, and biolog- the chemical base of regolith (interface ii) requires measure-
ical transformations. Likewise, saprolite is the zone in regolith, ments that can only be completed in the laboratory. Even with
if present, where parent material has weathered isovolumetri- such laboratory analyses, an operational definition is still
cally in place. Saprolite generally retains evidence of parent needed – e.g. 10% alteration – to define the distinction
material texture and fabric. between regolith and parent. Such laboratory measurements
Biological, chemical, and physical alteration processes are can be used to define weathering reaction fronts for chemical
important in both saprolite and soil, but soil is more affected reactions – zones of regolith across which a given chemical
by biology due to its shallow depth and proximity to the plant reaction for a given mineral occurs.
Both regolith and parent material are often described with denudation is defined as the net loss per unit time of solutes or
respect to their lithology. The term lithology refers to the rock sediments, respectively, from a given system. These rates are
type that includes information about composition and miner- expressed in units of mass or moles or volume of material per
alogy. Also important is the rock texture – a term referring to unit time. To compare denudation rates among different
the size and distribution of mineral grains and porosity, as well watersheds or hillslopes typically requires normalization
as the presence or absence of banding or other patterns. relative to the area in question. Thus, chemical and physical
denudation fluxes are typically expressed as volume or mass
per area per time (m3 m)2 year)1 or m year)1; kg m)2 year)1).
CZ processes
To transform from units of volume per area per time to mass
The term weathering is used here to denote all processes that per area per time requires knowledge of bulk density (mass per
change the parent material to regolith. As discussed further unit volume) of regolith or parent material.
below, some of these weathering processes result in net loss of Biological weathering refers to all the processes by which
material from a system whereas others represent alteration biota – including humans – change the chemical or physical
with little or no mass flux out. Here, we define denudation as properties of parent or regolith. Distinguishing biological
the net loss of all material due to chemical, biological, and from chemical and physical weathering is ambiguous: for
physical processes. example, the transformation of a primary mineral to a second-
Although weathering is used here in a very general sense, ary mineral within a biofilm that releases solutes to bulk pore-
we will define chemical weathering specifically to include only fluid might be described as both chemical and biological
chemical reactions that transform the chemistry, mineralogy, weathering. Similarly, plant roots and burrowing animals take
or texture of a solid phase in the CZ. For example, the original advantage of existing pores and fractures in bedrock to
minerals in the parent, i.e. the primary minerals, are often advance physical weathering. The distinction between chemi-
chemically weathered to produce solutes (dissolved species in cal and physical weathering can be ambiguous as well. For
the aqueous phase) that may precipitate as new secondary example, chemical reactions are thought to drive fracturing
minerals. The driving force for weathering is the impulse to during weathering; conversely, opening of fractures promotes
decrease the free energy of the system as primary minerals chemical weathering of new surfaces.
equilibrated to deep conditions re-equilibrate to the condi-
tions at Earth’s surface. Chemical weathering can release
Water in the CZ
elements into water that are transported out of the system as
solutes (chemical denudation), into the gas phase, or into In general, groundwater is water in the saturated zone, where
ecosystem pools (biological uptake). Importantly, precipita- pore space is filled with water. In contrast, the unsaturated or
tion of secondary minerals is a crucial component of the vadose zone is the layer where pores are filled by both air and
chemical evolution of the CZ, but it is not included in the water. The original definition of the CZ stated that the
chemical denudation term. bottom of the CZ is roughly the bottom of groundwater (US
Physical weathering is defined here to include only pro- National Research Council Committee on Basic Research
cesses that fracture, change the density, or reduce the grain Opportunities in the Earth Sciences, 2001). However, the
size of the parent material without changing mineral chemis- base of groundwater is not precisely defined. At some point at
try. Thus, physical weathering does not change the chemistry depth, water is no longer described as groundwater and is
but rather tends to increase the surface area per unit mass, or better described as diagenetic water, i.e. water that has been
specific surface area, of parent material and thus increases its heated to a minor degree along the geothermal gradient.
susceptibility to chemical weathering and denudation. By dis- Diagenetic water may have been trapped during rock forma-
rupting the coherence of the parent, physical weathering may tion or it may consist of meteoric water circulated downward
also promote physical denudation, which is conceptually paral- from the Earth’s surface.
lel to chemical denudation in that it denotes the net loss of As the residence time and temperatures of diagenetic waters
regolith as solids rather than solutes. In this paper, erosion is increase, the water chemically equilibrates with higher-tem-
defined as the sediment outflux minus the sediment influx for perature assemblages of minerals at depth. In contrast, in some
a given location and is thus identical to physical denudation. locations at the land surface, water may be in equilibrium with
To some researchers, the term erosion connotes losses due to low-temperature assemblages of minerals. However, most of
chemical, physical, and biological processes – a usage that we the CZ is characterized by water that is present at ambient
reserve for denudation. Here, we adopt the convention that temperature and that is not chemically equilibrated: shallowly
erosion refers to material losses due to physical movement of circulating meteoric waters are not hot enough nor have they
earth material, without reference to losses of solutes from the experienced long enough residence times to be everywhere
system. chemically equilibrated. The CZ is the zone defined by the gra-
Critical Zone science aims to quantify rates and spatial dis- dient from mineral assemblages equilibrated to above-ambi-
tributions of these processes. The rate of chemical or physical ent temperatures at depth to mineral assemblages equilibrated
Fig. 1 A conceptual model of chemical energy in the form of organic carbon formed by photosynthesis driving carbon, water, and element flows in the CZ through a
networked community of plants, mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, and archaea. Plant roots and their associated mycorrhizal fungal networks are supported by substantial
fluxes of recent photosynthate (red) fixed in plant shoots from atmospheric carbon dioxide. They use this energy to play a pivotal role in the uptake of water (blue)
and nutrients (green) from soil. There is strong inter-dependency between these dynamic flux pathways that act synergistically to enhance biological weathering. (Box
A) Water flow and nutrient fluxes are driven by transpiration losses associated with open stomata to allow carbon dioxide uptake into the leaves. The main demand
for nutrients is in the leaves that provide the photosynthate carbon flux to roots and into mycorrhizal fungi for acquisition of nutrients. (Box B) Water uptake from the
wetter deeper soil layers via mycorrhizal hyphal networks and roots includes the uptake of elements in soil solution and is supported by recent photosynthate provided
by the plant. The mycorrhiza-root network can also contribute to hydraulic redistribution of soil water (dotted blue lines in main figure and Box C). (Box C) Mycorrhizal
fungi release substantial amounts of carbon through respiration and exudation that promote biofilm development on mineral surfaces (pink areas) facilitated by spe-
cialized mycorrhizosphere bacteria and archaea (purple cells). Localized moisture films (blue patches) provided by hydraulic redistribution (dotted blue lines) may
enable the fungi and associated micro-organisms to actively weather minerals during dry soil conditions and to capture and transport essential nutrients to the plant.
Mycorrhizal networks of multiple species connect between adjacent plants, so they can transport some of the hydraulically redistributed soil water and the released
nutrients into other plants (right side).
weathering of selected soil minerals (Leake et al., 2008; Bon- concentrations of ligands, protons, and other secretions that
neville et al., 2009). In addition, the associated bacteria and may accelerate and enhance mycorrhizal weathering activity
archaea form biofilms around the mycelial network (Fig. 1, (Fig. 1, Box C). This may, in turn, enhance the supply of
Box C). This biofilm may also enhance weathering and may nutrients to host plants to enable greater growth and photo-
reduce the loss of weathered products to bulk soil water (Bal- synthesis (Fig. 1, Box A), returning more chemical energy to
ogh-Brunstad et al., 2008). weathering processes (Fig. 1, Box C).
As transpiration draws water up through roots and mycor- The existence of functional connections between plant pho-
rhizal mycelia, the surface soil often becomes relatively dry tosynthesis and mycorrhizal nutrient uptake are well estab-
although the deeper roots continue to access water (Fig. 1, lished (Graustein et al., 1979; Landeweert et al., 2001; Finlay
Box B). Thus, water is hydraulically redistributed via roots et al., 2009), but only in the past decade have researchers
from wetter to drier regions of the soil (Fig. 1, Boxes B and begun to quantify the potentially major role played by mycor-
C). This process normally happens at night when transpiration rhizal fungi and plants in weathering of minerals (Banfield &
is negligible. Hydraulically redistributed water (Warren et al., Nealson, 1997; Berner et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2009) and
2008) can allow mycorrhizal fungi to remain active in dry soil. in hydraulic redistribution of water (Brooks et al., 2006).
These processes can therefore lead to increases in localized Advances in the use of isotope tracers to study the integrated
transport pathways through mycorrhizal mycelia, roots, and The stoichiometries of organisms and minerals in the CZ
shoots (Warren et al., 2008), together with advances in meth- are intrinsically coupled because most of the 30 or so bio-
ods to study mineral weathering at the scale of individual essential elements are derived from soil minerals. However,
grains and fungal hyphae (Bonneville et al., 2009), and plants do not always require elements in the same proportions
molecular, microscopic, spectroscopic, and modeling tech- at which they occur in the Earth’s crust (Table 1, Fig. 2). As a
niques provide the necessary tools to test this hypothesis at result, biological uptake by plants and micro-organisms alters
appropriate spatial and temporal scales. the composition and distribution of elements in soils.
For example, chemical energy fixed by plants and allocated Although it has been shown that plants and micro-organisms
to support mycorrhizal mycelial networks in soil can be mea- affect such distributions (Hinsinger et al., 1993; Markewitz
sured using 13C- or 14C-labeled CO2 supplied to shoots & Richter, 1998; Jobbagy & Jackson, 2001; Street-Perott &
(Leake et al., 2004). These isotopes can be traced through Barker, 2008; Brantley & White, 2009), and conversely, that
mycorrhizal mycelia as exudates are taken up into associated element distributions influence plant community composition
bacteria and archaea. Pathways for hydraulic redistribution (Lopez et al., 2009), few studies explicitly link the stoichio-
can similarly be studied using deuterium or tritium tracers. metric requirements of biological processes to the changes
The absolute and relative magnitudes of hydraulic redistribu-
tion can be assessed through continuous monitoring of Table 1 Average elemental ratios in plants and in Earth’s crust*
changes in the volumetric water content of deep and shallow
Element ratio Plant tissue Crustal rock
soil layers (Warren et al., 2008) and measurements of the
C:N 37 8.0
direction and magnitude of sap flow in deep and shallow roots
C:P 650 0.6
(Brooks et al., 2006; Scholz et al., 2008). Weathering can be N:P 18 0.07
measured by characterization of the alteration of natural min- Al:P 0.08 90
erals or by inserting mineral grains into regolith (Nugent Si:P 1.8 293
et al., 1998). Synthetic minerals labeled with rare earth or Fe:P 0.04 27
Cu:P 0.002 0.03
radioactive elements can also be used. These studies require
Si:Al 23 3.3
an interdisciplinary approach that combines laboratory and Fe:Al 0.50 0.30
field experiments and involves integrative studies across differ- P:Al 13 0.01
ent bioclimatic regions. Cu:Al 0.02 0.0003
Mo:Al 0.0002 0.000005
Hypothesis 2. Biological stoichiometry drives changes in *Data from J. R. Leake.
mineral stoichiometry and distribution through weathering Greater Si:Al, P:Al, and Fe:Al ratios in plants compared with the crust suggest
Stoichiometry is here used to refer to the quantitative ratio of that plants extract and retain Si, P, and Fe from earth materials.
elements in a phase or in a chemical reaction. The composi-
tions of primary minerals such as quartz (SiO2) or biotite
2 Enriched in plants
(K(Mg, Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2), and secondary minerals such as H
goethite (FeOOH) are defined with respect to stoichiometry. O
Plant element content (log10 atom percent)
availability of elements other than N and P (e.g. Ca, Fe, K, depths in the regolith profile, erosion removes material prefer-
Mn, Cu, Mo) must also be considered as discussed above in entially from the near surface, without leaving behind any
Hypothesis 2 (Clarkson & Hanson, 1980). secondary minerals or chemically depleted rock fragments
Intriguingly, limitation can also be due to multiple elements (Fig. 4). Hence, physical denudation tends to keep soils
(Bern et al., 2005; Elser et al., 2007; Barron et al., 2009). relatively fresh, compared with those developed in stable set-
The interpretation of multinutrient limitation and how it tings. Note that if erosional renewal of regolith is fast enough,
might affect ecosystems must be carefully considered with it could preclude development of the latter stages of ecosys-
respect to the spatial and temporal scale of observations tem succession identified in Hypothesis 3. To obtain a
(Wiens, 1989; Hunter et al., 1998). The spatial controls on comprehensive understanding of how biological processes
soil ecosystems (Ettema & Wardle, 2002) and how stable eco- interact with regolith development, it is important to quantify
system states are controlled by environmental drivers (Beisner relative rates of regolith production and removal in eroding
et al., 2003) is of great current interest. landscapes. Cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) measurements
Variations in lithology represent additional complexity. The in samples of soil, sediment, and rock permit quantitative
elemental composition of bedrock sets the size of the nutrient study of landscape denudation (Granger & Riebe, 2007) and
pool, whereas the weatherability of the minerals affects how soil production (Heimsath et al., 1997). Over the last two
quickly the pool is made biologically available. Therefore, decades, we have learned much about the CZ from CRN
different bedrock types may sustain different degrees of studies of surface processes in diverse settings (Von Blancken-
ecosystem development or succession depending on the burg, 2006). In contrast, we know comparatively little about
abundance and susceptibility of minerals to weathering. Addi- how climate and biological stoichiometry (see Hypothesis 2)
tionally, soils develop a number of other properties such as influence the advance of weathering into parent material at
Eh, pH, porosity, clay content, and cation exchange capacity depth. Recent studies of weathering of clasts of known age
that all depend at least partly upon their parent material (Oh have provided clues about how weathering initiates and
& Richter, 2005), which in turn strongly influence elemental advances into geologic materials (Sak et al., 2004) but it is not
cycling between biota and minerals. Lithology also affects the clear how this scales to understanding weathering in eroding,
spatial variation in biotic activity (Fierer et al., 2003, Philippot soil-mantled watersheds (Navarre-Sitchler & Brantley, 2007).
et al., 2009). Important progress has been made in studies of root wedging,
One corollary to this hypothesis is the growing consensus faunally induced bioturbation (Gabet et al., 2003) and the
that denudation replenishes inorganic nutrients that other- grain-scale processes discussed in Hypothesis 1. Yet, linkages
wise become depleted (e.g. Porder et al., 2007). The means between biological processes and weathering in the subsur-
by which this occurs is likely a part of complex feedbacks face remain qualitative at best. Theoretical considerations
among tectonics, climate, and lithology (Anderson et al.,
2007). For example, climate may be particularly important
in controlling chemical weathering rates in systems with
high denudation rates (West et al., 2005). Thus, the resi-
dence time of minerals within soils may be sensitive to physi-
cal denudation rates in geomorphically dynamic landscapes
(Almond et al., 2007; Yoo & Mudd, 2008a). Unraveling
long-term changes in biological availability of inorganic
nutrients in physically dynamic landscapes will require
greater understanding of how (if at all) the propagation of
weathering fronts are coupled with ground surface denuda-
tion (Hypothesis 4).
(Dietrich et al., 1995) and field data (Heimsath et al., 1997) If the regolith is in steady state, regolith thicknesses predic-
imply that variations in production rates of the mobile soil ted from expressions (1) and (2) should be equal to thicknesses
layer may often be driven by biotic processes. This raises the observed from cores or shallow geophysical images, suggesting
question of whether a similar coupling exists between biota at that landscape lowering is quantitatively coupled with weather-
the surface and the processes that control regolith production ing front advance. Discrepancies between observed and pre-
at depth. If this is the case, then it would provide a mechanism dicted values of Hregolith would imply departures from steady
for equilibrating rates of surface lowering and weathering state. Hence, the comparison of predicted and observed thick-
front advance. By extension, this would provide a means to nesses should shed light on linkages between or decoupling of
keep regolith thickness roughly stable over time. Steady-state surface and subsurface processes. To the extent that surface and
regolith thickness is an a priori assumption in many studies of subsurface processes are coupled, we should be able to explore
weathering (Yoo & Mudd, 2008b). Although recent model- how the coupling works, using results from expressions (1) and
ing efforts suggest that steady-state regolith can prevail in (2) from many points on the landscape.
some landscapes (Fletcher et al., 2006; Lebedeva et al., Such observations could then be combined with measures
2007), we lack empirical evidence for it in nature and further- of biotic parameters to address questions about the geobiolo-
more do not understand how biota might contribute to (or gy of weathering and erosion. For example, do differences in
disrupt) any tendency toward development of steady state. vegetation and other biota (e.g. the mycorrhizal networks
Hypothesis 4 addresses this knowledge gap head-on, propos- discussed in Hypothesis 1) help regulate the advance of the
ing that weathering-front advance is coupled to surface weathering front? If so, we should see correlations between
erosion via biotic processes. In the limit of very tight coupling, regolith depth and the penetration depth of the process in
the regolith production rate should be equal to the total question. If tree roots and associated mycorrhizal networks
(physical plus chemical) denudation rate (Fig. 4), and, by regulate the depth of bedrock – as part of the interchange of
extension, the surface lowering rate should be equal to the water and nutrients outlined in Hypothesis 1, for example –
weathering advance rate. then depth of rooting may correspond systematically to the
To test whether surface denudation is coupled to weather- depth of fractured rock, where weathering advance is focused.
ing-front advance via biotic processes, we need reliable, widely On the other hand, if vegetation has changed over the time-
applicable methods for quantifying rates of weathering front scales of regolith formation due to ecosystem succession
advance in landscapes. To date, no such method has been factors discussed in Hypothesis 3, we might observe disagree-
available. However, recent advances in multicollector induc- ment between regolith thickness and the penetration depths
tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry promise to yield of biota, even in systems that have nominally steady thickness
quantitative understanding of the initiation of weathering over the long term. In any case, we are poised to make signifi-
from measurements of weathering-induced fractionations in cant advances in documenting how biological, chemical, and
non-traditional stable isotopes (Johnson et al., 2004) and physical processes interact across depth, from the surface to
U-series disequilibrium dating (DePaolo et al., 2006; Maher the regolith-rock interface in the CZ.
et al., 2006; Dosseto et al., 2008). These approaches may
allow quantification of the time elapsed since weathering Hypothesis 5. Biology shapes the topography of the Critical
began (i.e. the regolith residence time; Dosseto et al., 2008). Zone
For example, if the production rate of regolith (Pregolith) In some ways, coming to grips with the importance of life on
equals the denudation rate of the landscape (Fig. 4), the rego- the Earth’s air, water, and land is simply a matter of recogniz-
lith thickness (Hregolith) would be at steady state and we could ing the obvious: life in all shapes and forms mantles most of
write expressions (1) and (2): the planet’s surface. Hypotheses 1 through 4 emphasize the
phenomena that control elemental distributions and thickness
Hregolith ¼ Pregolith sregolith ð1Þ of regolith. As such, investigations driven by these hypotheses
could provide answers to the question, what would this planet
and – any planet – look like without life? One important aspect of
this question is not addressed by the previous hypotheses
Pregolith ¼ Psoil ½Zrsaprolite =½Zrparent : ð2Þ however: can life also affect macro-scale topography of Earth’s
Here Psoil is the production rate of soil (measured from Quantitatively connecting CZ processes to landscape evo-
CRN), sregolith is the residence time for material in the regolith lution is a broadly studied topic (Amundson et al., 2007;
(for example, estimated from U-series disequilibrium dating), Anderson et al., 2007) that even has implications for the
and [Zr]saprolite and [Zr]parent are the concentrations of an search for extraterrestrial life. The ways that biota may, or
immobile element such as zirconium (i.e. an element which is may not, shape topography is of critical importance for
relatively insoluble and thus cannot be chemically denuded extraterrestrial exploration for two very simple reasons. First,
away) in saprolite and parent material, respectively. if there is a distinct topographic signature of life, then explo-
ration for life beyond Earth could focus on searching for vations at the scale demanded by Hypotheses 1, 2, 3, and 4
such topography. Second, topographic metrics can be remo- must be related to observations at the larger scale demanded
tely sensed. Therefore, it remains an exciting possibility that by Hypothesis 5.
topographic evidence of life might be discerned with remote Ironically, the most difficult aspect of deciphering the role
measurements. of life on topography is identifying a control experiment
Of course, studies of life’s role in shaping both micro- where life does not exist. At the field scale, attempts to under-
and macro-topography are extensive (Brady et al., 1999; stand chemical-weathering processes in the absence of vascu-
Buss et al., 2002; Vanacker et al., 2007; Bonneville et al., lar plants and most organisms larger than micro-organisms are
2009). However, no mathematical model has been proposed restricted to artificially designed ‘sand boxes’ (Gabet et al.,
to define such shaping factors (Dietrich & Perron, 2006) at 2006), or observing recent volcanic flows and the like. All
least partly because the effect of biological productivity is such approaches are characterized by unique initial conditions
difficult to deconvolve from factors such as temperature and short temporal scales (Berner et al., 2003).
and precipitation (Fig. 5). Life contributes to most surface The most glaring gap in our current understanding of what
processes both directly, by modulating the chemistry and shapes the Earth’s surface (see Dietrich & Perron, 2006) is
transport of sediment and solutes as described in previous the lack of quantitative geomorphic transport laws necessary
hypotheses, and indirectly, by influencing the climate and for landscape evolution models. In the absence of such mathe-
atmospheric boundary conditions that regulate erosion, matical models, it may be possible to set up physical (e.g.
weathering, and sediment transport (Gabet et al., 2003; sandbox or shaking table), or numerical experiments to quan-
Berner et al., 2003). It seems safe to say, therefore, that this tify how topography changes as a function of soil residence
planet’s topography would be different if life on Earth had time. Experiments should be designed in concert with control
not evolved. experiments that are maintained abiotic. Furthermore, it
Interestingly, however, a recent review suggests that there may be possible to design experiments where biota are allowed
may not be a topographic signature of life (Dietrich & Per- to change and the consequent changes in topography are
ron, 2006). Nonetheless, this hypothesis must be explored measured, providing initial tests of Hypothesis 5.
further. For example, well-designed physical experiments
and coupled numerical models that integrate biogeochemi-
cal and hydrological processes such as those at Biosphere 2
in Arizona (Dontsova et al., 2009; Huxman et al., 2009)
are needed. The connections between micro- and macro- Hypothesis 6. The impact of climate forcing on denudation
organisms and their impact on Earth’s surfaces must be rates in natural systems can be predicted from models
studied explicitly when testing this hypothesis: thus, obser- incorporating biogeochemical reaction rates and
geomorphological transport laws
MAP (mm) Perhaps because of the intimate coupling among chemical,
MAT (C) 25 30 5000 4000 3000
15 20 2000
0 5 10 1000 0 physical, and biological processes, we cannot currently project
how the shape and composition of the CZ evolves over time.
3500 3500 If we could parameterize quantitative models for the evolu-
3000 tion of natural Earth surfaces in the face of ongoing climate
change, as well as other human impacts on the Earth’s surface,
NPP (g m–2)
2500 2500
NPP (g m )
2000 2000 the future. Some have referred to such predictions as Earth-
1500 1500 casts (C. Paola, pers. comm.). Hypothesis 6 contends that
such models can be built and parameterized based on simple
laboratory and field observations and that they will be success-
500 500
ful in projecting future changes, at least in natural systems that
5000 30 are not highly impacted by human land use. Eventually, we
4000 25
3000 20 should be able to augment these models to also project
MA 15
2000 C)
mm 10 T( anthropogenic impacts under different scenarios of human
5 MA
0 0
activity. The term ‘biogeochemical’ in this hypothesis is meant
to include ecological phenomena that govern ecosystem
Fig. 5 A diagram illustrating the relationship between net primary production responses, including community composition shifts and
(NPP, grams of plant matter per square meter of land area), vs. mean annual
species that adapt to changing conditions.
precipitation (MAP, mm year)1) and mean annual temperature (MAT, C).
Individual data points are shown as black cubes. A multivariable regression
To parameterize numerical models, extensive work in the
model used to fit the data is illustrated as a smooth surface. Data from Lieth laboratory over the last several decades has quantified the
(1973), figure made by R. Amundson. equilibrium states and the rate behavior of mineral–water–gas
reactions and, to a lesser extent, microbiota–mineral–water (White & Brantley, 2003; Maher et al., 2009; Zhu, 2009). In
reactions (White & Brantley, 1995; Palandri & Kharaka, addition, geomorphological transport laws are not currently
2004; Brantley et al., 2008; Oelkers & Schott, 2009). available for processes such as landslide formation, debris
Significant effort is also underway to identify appropriate flows, surface wash, and glacial scour (Dietrich et al., 2003).
geomorphic transport laws (Dietrich et al., 2003). These Testing this hypothesis will require the development of new
mathematical laws express the mass flux caused by one or modeling approaches to allow projection from laboratory
more processes and generally must be validated by field mea- measurements to field observations for soils, sediments, and
surements. In addition to the availability of such data, many landscapes. Earthcasting approaches must allow delineation of
researchers are formulating numerical models to simulate CZ climate variables as a function of time both in the past and
processes (Kang et al., 2006; Steefel, 2008; Goddéris et al., forward into the future as drivers of denudation. Full coupling
2009). of climate and weathering models is currently not possible,
Despite these developments, model testing against natural and instead, climate model outputs must be used to drive the
systems is still in its infancy and many problems remain to be weathering or erosion models separately (Williams et al.,
resolved so that quantitative, accurate predictions can be made 2010). A rigorous test of Hypothesis 6 will require develop-
(White, 2008; Dixon et al., 2009). For example, upon com- ment of new coupled models of the climate-CZ system.
parison of laboratory and field rates of mineral reactions, many Another frontier in modeling is the incorporation of biotic
researchers have discovered that laboratory rates are much effects such as those discussed in Hypotheses 1 through 4
faster than natural rates (Fig. 6). This observation has driven (Goddéris et al., 2009).
efforts to reconcile model simulations with field observations
Hypothesis 7. Rising global temperatures will increase
carbon losses from the Critical Zone
The Earth is warming. Average air temperatures have
increased 0.13 C per decade globally (IPCC, 2007), and
fivefold greater increases have been observed in the Arctic (up
to 0.6 C per decade north of 62N; Polyakov et al., 2002).
Projections based on six emission scenarios suggest warming
could reach 1.8–4.0 C per decade by 2100 (IPCC, 2007).
Positive feedbacks operating on CZ carbon pools – both
plants and soils – have the potential to accelerate these tem-
perature increases.
Importantly, because most CZ processes respond to tem-
perature, warming can have complex effects on the CZ carbon
balance (e.g. Norby & Luo, 2004). Warming has the potential
to increase decomposition of soil organic matter and the resul-
tant export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC; e.g. Rustad
et al., 2001; Knorr et al., 2005; Davidson & Janssens, 2006),
but the extent to which this potential is realized is regulated
downward by changes in composition, activity, and density of
soil microbial communities and roots (e.g. Luo et al., 2001;
Fig. 6 A plot showing how the rate of dissolution of plagioclase feldspar varies Carney et al., 2007; Strand et al., 2008). While increases in
as a function of the duration of observation (plotted in years on the x-axis).
DOC fluxes from some temperate watersheds experiencing
Measurements of this rate in the laboratory are orders of magnitude faster than
the rates estimated in natural systems. Filled symbols represent rates measured
warming have recently been identified, these increases have
in the field that have been normalized by the surface area of the feldspar mea- been attributed to decreases in sulfate deposition (Evans et al.,
sured by BET analysis. Half-filled data denote field rates corrected for geometric 2006; Monteith et al., 2007). On the other hand, increased
surface area. Open symbols represent rates measured in the laboratory for DOC export has been observed, possibly in response to warm-
freshly ground unaltered samples; open symbols with crosses delineate labora-
ing, in other regions that have historically received little atmo-
tory rates measured for samples that were previously weathered in the field.
The dashed line is a regression fit to the data. Solid lines indicate the measured
spheric S deposition (Freeman et al., 2004). Finally, for the
laboratory rate of dissolution of pristine or previously weathered Panola granite few studies where changes in soil organic carbon have been
as a function of time. Figure revised from the original publication: references for documented over time, the effects of land use change must be
original data as indicated by numbers are found in the original reference (White considered as an alternative to climate change (Bellamy et al.,
& Brantley, 2003). Many explanations have been advanced for why rates vary
with duration of observation, including the effects of changing soil structure
with time, changing mineral surface chemistry with time, changing chemical
The net, temperature-driven change of the CZ carbon pool
affinity with time, the effects of biota, inadequacies in measurement of surface will represent the summation of all the net changes in individ-
area, hydrologic factors, clay precipitation effects, etc. ual soil and plant carbon pools. Model and observational stud-
ies of plant responses to elevated temperature tend to predict gested that Siberian DOC exports will increase nonlinearly
there will be an increase in net primary production (Rustad with warming (Frey & Smith, 2005). The effects of increased
et al., 2001), but the range of responses is large and in some C export – solid, liquid, or gas – will depend not only on the
systems plant growth may decline with increasing tempera- net effect of fluxes related to the organic carbon pools but also
ture. In addition, the effects of temperature on plant growth relative to changes in C sinks such as silicate weathering
or NPP (see Fig. 5) result from interactions controlled by (Hypothesis 8) and upon changes in discharge (Fig. 7). Fur-
many other factors such as the partial pressure of CO2 and thermore, changes in soil erosion (Harden et al., 1999; Smith
annual precipitation (e.g. Norby & Luo, 2004; Bradley & et al., 2001) will also affect organic carbon pools (Van Oost
Pregitzer, 2007). et al., 2007). Importantly, small changes in soil carbon con-
Global feedbacks will depend on the sign and magnitude of tent can exert a disproportionate effect on the global C cycle
CZ responses to warming, most of which are difficult or because soils contain more than double the C in the atmo-
impossible to project for specific regions (Fig. 7). For exam- sphere and vegetation combined (Bajtes, 1996; Houghton,
ple, decreased DOC concentrations from the Yukon have 2007).
been attributed to destabilization as warming increases soil From affordable, networked, and miniature datalogging
CO2 fluxes (Striegl et al., 2005). Conversely, it has been sug- sensor grids to coupled, remotely sensed data products, large
Permafrost Steppe/Grasslands
No increase in Q Increased Q No increase in Q Increased Q
Carbon exports
Carbon exports
Carbon exports
Carbon exports
Thawing Thawing
Fig. 7 Predictions of carbon export (CO2 and DOC) under a warming climate, with and without increases in discharge (Q). The two examples chosen are from north-
ern latitudes which are expected to see the largest temperature increases. The difference in magnitude of the carbon exports is meant to reflect the difference in car-
bon storage between the regions. There are a variety of factors affecting carbon exports including those that affect net primary productivity and therefore total
carbon stocks (e.g. climate, fertility, species composition) and those that affect the decomposition and export of those carbon stocks (e.g. temperature, water, sub-
strate quality, oxygen). Base map is from the UNEP ⁄ GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library (2009).
data sets are now being collected that will allow us to test how Elevated CO2
ecosystem C fluxes respond to temperature and moisture concentration
in atmosphere
changes (e.g. Baldocchi et al., 2004). Various modeling
approaches are increasingly being used to model data-rich Increased
systems at single scales. In the future, powerful models will be productivity
parameterized by real-time data and compared with results
from warming experiments across multiple scales. Experi- Increased Increased
Increased root lithogenic
autotrophic heterotrophic
exudation nutrient
ments that manipulate temperature, moisture, nutrient, and respiration respiration uptake
CO2 concentrations are starting to provide insights into the
sign and magnitude of potential ecosystem responses to Increased soil
warming. From this information we will eventually predict concentration
how carbon fluxes will respond (e.g. Fig. 7; UNEP ⁄ GRID- Increased
Arendal Maps and Graphics Library, 2009). Necessarily, these weathering
models will be parameterized using observations over short
timescales but will be used to predict longer term effects. Fig. 8 Conceptual diagram for Hypothesis 8 that reflects a hypothesized rela-
Three interrelated research areas of great importance tionship between elevated CO2 in the atmosphere and rate and extent of min-
eral weathering. Length of the arrows and size of the pools do not indicate
should be targeted: (i) analysis and modeling of CZ carbon
magnitude of the response or the reservoirs, as these are largely unknown,
fluxes in solid, liquid, and gases across a matrix of experimen- especially in different ecosystem types.
tally manipulated sites or in locations along natural gradients;
(ii) ongoing observations on Arctic ecosystems with special
focus on the greenhouse gas CH4; and (iii) multifactor experi- affect the flux of solutes to drinking water (Natali et al.,
ments designed to identify tipping points (see Hypothesis 12) 2009).
in ecosystem responses to warming. These latter experiments Soil CO2 concentrations are naturally elevated well above
could allow, for example, investigation of the inter-relation- atmospheric concentrations due to biological activity. Ele-
ships of temperature, moisture, ozone, and elevated CO2, or vated atmospheric CO2 accelerates biological activity directly
the inter-relationship of N deposition fluxes and elevated by stimulating primary productivity (Ainsworth & Long,
CO2. 2005; Norby et al., 2005), indirectly increasing microbial
respiration and decomposition (Pendall et al., 2004; Carney
Hypothesis 8. Rising atmospheric PCO2 will increase the rates et al., 2007). Increased plant and microbial respiration
and extents of mineral weathering in soils. dictates an increase in overall soil respiration (King et al.,
The accelerating rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 concen- 2004; Comstedt et al., 2006), resulting in higher soil CO2
trations (Canadell et al., 2007) is expected to impact the CZ and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations (Andrews &
in many ways, as discussed in the previous hypothesis. For Schlesinger, 2001; Karberg et al., 2005). These latter changes
example, elevated CO2 causes changes in plant physiology can then supply more protons for dissolution reactions
that can cause ‘top-down’ perturbations of the CZ. In this (Goddéris et al., 2006). Elevated atmospheric CO2 may also
regard, plants are transducers that sense changes in the atmo- accelerate weathering through an increase in plant production
sphere and actuate changes in the CZ (Bradley & Pregitzer, of root exudates that contain organic acids and organic poly-
2007). Changes in CO2 are causing alterations in the type, phenolic compounds (see Hypothesis 1). In addition,
distribution, respiration rates, and growth rates of plants increases in ecosystem productivity could increase the size of
(Ainsworth & Long, 2005; Norby et al., 2005, McMahon the sink for products of mineral dissolution. The magnitude
et al., 2010), but these effects may be species-specific (Frans- of these responses and the responses of different ecosystems
son et al., 2007), short term (Oren et al., 2001), or subject to are largely unknown (Fig. 8).
change as elevated CO2 interacts with other global change fac- To investigate these many factors, a few free-air CO2 enrich-
tors (Langley and Megonigal, 2010). The sum effect of all ment (FACE) studies have examined the effects of elevated
these factors on primary mineral weathering is currently CO2 on mineral weathering. Andrews & Schlesinger (2001)
unknown. However, given the discussion in Hypothesis 1 that observed higher soil PCO2, a 271% increase in soil solution cat-
emphasizes plants as a source of the inorganic and organic ion concentration, a 162% increase in alkalinity, and a 25%
compounds that enhance chemical weathering, we hypothe- increase in Si over only 2 years of elevated CO2 in soil plots
size here that elevated CO2 will cause significant increases in located in a loblolly pine plantation in North Carolina (USA).
the rate and extent of primary mineral weathering over much However, a longer-term (5-year) data set from the same
of Earth’s surface (Fig. 8). Importantly, this increase in weath- experiment revealed a more complex pattern, including years
ering could furthermore feedback to alter the primary produc- that showed significant effects of the treatments on soil CO2
tivity (Fig. 5) and could potentially impact aquatic resources concentrations, but no differences in chemical weathering
downstream. Altered rates of mineral weathering could even rates (Oh et al., 2007). Elevated atmospheric CO2 has also
been observed to increase soil gas CO2 and dissolved inor- The solute export of a watershed (Fi) is calculated from the
ganic carbon concentrations during the growing season by product of the river discharge (Q in m3 s)1) and the concen-
14% and 22%, respectively, whereas total alkalinity increased tration of solute i (Ci in mol L)1). Recent studies have
by 210%, likely due to enhanced chemical weathering (Kar- demonstrated that the export of weathering products scales
berg et al., 2005). In addition, a significant decrease in soil with discharge for watersheds (Fig. 9) representing a range in
pH and higher surface soil trace metal concentrations were climate and lithology (Raymond & Cole, 2003). Figure 9
observed with CO2 enrichment (Natali et al., 2009). These suggests that biota exert little to no control on the decadal
limited studies highlight the variability of responses to ele- timescale of riverine export of weathering products. There-
vated CO2 and the need to study the effects across all biomes. fore, we hypothesize that factors that alter discharge rates,
Although some of the published studies to date provide namely precipitation and evapotranspiration, will be the major
strong indications that elevated CO2 can increase weathering source of change to riverine chemical export in the coming
rates (Karberg et al., 2005), there is no conclusive evidence in decades.
the form of increased fluxes of rock-forming elements or Of course, this hypothesis may in fact contradict several of
changes in mineral mass balance to prove this hypothesis. For the preceding hypotheses that were largely addressing obser-
example, depending on the initial soil mineralogy, an increase vations made at the scale of a pedon or smaller (e.g. Hypothe-
in PCO2 could cause the base cation content of the soil to sis 8). Perhaps, observations made at different scales lead to
either decline due to accelerated export (chemical denuda- different conclusions. Clearly such contradictions must be
tion) or remain relatively unchanged due to increased rates of investigated. Why might biota-facilitated chemical weathering
mineral weathering accompanied by secondary mineral pre- play only a minor role in changing riverine fluxes? This could
cipitation. be because, although chemical weathering in topsoil is biolog-
At this time we cannot project how weathering will respond ically mediated, its kinetics is controlled by the interplay of
to changing CO2. Small-scale mesocosm studies under con- several factors (White & Blum, 1995; Brantley & White,
trolled conditions and field-based elevated CO2 experiments 2009). For example, concentrations of dissolved weathering
using standardized CO2 enrichment methodologies and state products, Ci, are often diluted with increases in discharge (Q),
of the art characterization techniques are needed. At the field as hydrology alters weathering regimes by changing the resi-
scale, investigators should fully sample existing elevated CO2 dence time and the relative contribution from deep ground-
studies (e.g. FACE sites) and initiate new elevated CO2 field water vs. shallow porewaters (Kirchner, 2003; Raymond
studies that encompass the full range of ecosystem and CZ et al., 2008). Watersheds rarely show an increase in the con-
types. In addition, to predict decadal and centennial changes centration of cations during periods when a large volume of
across landscapes will require implementing field experiments water moves through the watershed because the weathering
using observatories sited along environmental gradients and signals are diluted by the water inputs. Nonetheless, the dilu-
using models to predict chemical denudation fluxes as a func- tion of Ci is small compared with the increase in Q during wet
tion of changing CO2 (e.g. Banwart et al., 2009; Goddéris years, and the overall flux therefore increases with Q. One
et al., 2009). Finally, Fig. 8 only emphasizes the short term inference from such observations is that Ci in many water-
impacts: we also need models that are written to incorporate sheds is always at or near the maximum in concentration as
how vegetation modulates or responds to the important long- dictated by mineral solubility. Such solubility-controlled
term feedbacks between weathering and climate (e.g. Berner,
weathering has been commonly observed in watersheds domi- in the coming decade (e.g. Goddéris et al., 2006). Such reac-
nated by carbonate minerals (Williams et al., 2007) or those tive-transport models should be linked to terrestrial ecological
with low precipitation (Raymond et al., 2008). models to take into consideration the impacts of biological
It is possible that biological processes maximize weather- activity on water budget, C cycles, soil erodibility, and mineral
ing intensities so that the relative changes in concentrations dissolution.
of the dissolved loads in response to climate-induced changes
are insignificant, especially on the century to decade time- Hypothesis 10. Land use change will impact Critical Zone
scales. Furthermore, despite the arguments in the preceding processes and exports more than climate change
hypothesis, although elevated PCO2 levels are commonly The fluxes of matter and energy from the CZ are sensitive to
observed in soil atmospheres, a small rise of atmospheric the effects of human activities (Vitousek et al., 1997; Yang
CO2 may not lead to significant increases in weathering if et al., 2003; Green et al., 2004; Montgomery, 2007; Alexan-
such changes do not affect the solubility limitations of weath- der et al., 2008), perhaps most evidently in the direct effects
ering. It may also be important to point out that biologically of road building, timber harvesting, and agriculture on
facilitated weathering is highest during the growing season, erosion of the Earth’s surface (Cronin et al., 2003; Wilkinson,
when discharge is typically low due to high rates of evapo- 2005). The evidence, which includes degraded soils, altered
transpiration. patterns of ecological succession, and accelerated sedimenta-
Of course, variation in biologically mediated chemical tion in streams, rivers and floodplains, hails from innumerable
weathering may become important in some instances such studies of agricultural erosion, fertility loss in soils, logging,
that the impact of climate change on Ci is more significant deforestation, and urban development that span a wide range
than impact on Q. The thawing and decomposition of peats in of geographic settings.
northern latitudes will expose soils with a very high weather- Human activities have modified landscapes and land-cover
ing potential to solutions with DOC (Striegl et al., 2007) and types over such a massive scale (Cronin et al., 2003; Barnes
may therefore show enhanced chemical denudation (see & Raymond, 2009) that these effects have been more
Fig. 7). Similarly, periods of low sea level during glacial peri- important than climate effects in determining changes in CZ
ods expose carbonate-rich continental shelf that are then sus- fluxes to date. For example, Fig. 10 shows that sediment
ceptible to weathering (Foster & Vance, 2006). Also, farming accumulation rates increased in Chesapeake Bay (USA) coin-
– another example of a biotic process– can alter bicarbonate cident with land use changes associated with European set-
production and export from watersheds through processes tlement and farming in the watershed. Because erosion
such as liming (Hamilton et al., 2007). Recent studies have originating from agricultural lands and construction sites is
demonstrated that suburban growth and urbanization can often high compared to forests (Swaney et al., 1996) – the
also increase chemical denudation rates due to organic matter dominant vegetation type in the absence of significant dis-
loading (Barnes & Raymond, 2009). turbance – it is unlikely that climate change alone could
The impacts of climate change on watershed-scale chemical have caused the significant increase in erosional fluxes into
weathering rates and denudation fluxes will undoubtedly be the Bay.
governed by a complex interplay between changing water Although climate change may not have been the biggest
delivery and alterations in stream chemistry (Ci). In most areas driver to date in determining changing erosion patterns, this
of the globe, however, alterations in the water budget will pre- hypothesis probes whether ongoing changes in temperature
cede large-scale land-cover changes. It is our contention that, and precipitation (Canadell et al., 2007; IPCC, 2007) will
in the short term (decades to a century), the alteration of be more or less important to CZ fluxes than changes in land
water throughput will trump changes in biologically mediated use and cover. Human-induced land-use change has been
chemical weathering. This argument is buttressed by the fact drastic in both developed and developing regions, and is
that examination of contemporary watershed data has not likely to stay high for decades to come if the standard of
revealed any significant biologically driven variation on river living rises in the latter localities. At the same time, the
fluxes. effects of climate change on the CZ will be increasing with
Data required to test this hypothesis are available due to time globally and will impact landscapes regardless of human
advances in remote sensing techniques, data compilation, and population density for long durations of time (Yang et al.,
real-time measurements (Raymond & Cole, 2003). For 2003). Moreover, climate change will also modulate ecosys-
example, the US Geological Survey has discharge and riverine tem composition and CZ function in ways that will likely
water chemistry data for most watersheds in the USA, with increase fluxes associated with chemical and physical weath-
different climate, vegetation, and land use history, and these ering (Banwart et al., 2009). Rising soil temperatures and
records often cover many decades. These databases allow changing precipitation regimes will also shift rates and spa-
identification of changes due to anthropogenic forcing. With tial distributions of biogeochemical processes (see Hypothe-
such data, process-based models can be parameterized to fore- ses 7 through 9). Understanding the relative importance of
cast the response of riverine element export to climate change forcing due to changes in land use and climate is needed for
Hypothesis 11. In many severely altered settings, restoration
of hydrological processes is possible in decades or less,
whereas restoration of biodiversity and biogeochemical
processes requires longer timescales
Although advances have been made in restoring and main-
taining agriculturally impacted topsoils and in restoring CZs
associated with stream channels and riparian zones, less is
known about how systems-level interactions influence the
response of CZs to perturbations and restoration efforts.
Hypothesis 11 proposes that restoring CZ function is possi-
ble for degraded systems, but the timescales of restoration of
the hydrologic system is faster than that of the biogeochemi-
cal system (Fig. 11). A corollary to this hypothesis is the
inference that restoring hydrologic pathways is a prerequisite
to re-establishing biodiversity and biogeochemical processes.
It is common to note that ecosystem services are altered in
soils and streams as hydrological processes are changed (Daily
et al., 2000; Rogers, 2006). However, we need metrics and
techniques for identifying and quantifying such alterations in
CZ systems so that we can learn how to reclaim, rehabilitate
and restore function (Fig. 11c; Wallace, 2007; Heneghan
et al., 2008). Given the complexity of inter-relationships
Fig. 10 Long-term sediment fluxes estimated between 1000 C.E. and 1880
among chemical, physical, and biological factors endemic to
C.E. and post-1880 based on sediment cores in the Chesapeake Bay. Of the 16 the CZ (Fig. 11a), process-based models for soil erosion, soil
core sites, 10 show marked increases in sediment fluxes post-land clearance carbon evolution, water quality evolution, and the evolution
when compared with the long-term averages (Cronin et al., 2003). Figure of ecosystem function must be developed and tested against
reproduced with permission.
field data (see, for example Hypothesis 6). Such tests will
extend our ability to Earthcast at the spatial and temporal
reliable prediction of changes in ecosystem services. As scales required by natural resource managers (e.g. hectares
discussed in Hypothesis 12, it will be important to deter- and years).
mine whether changes in climate and land use might push We suggest that addressing this hypothesis requires a
landscapes across tipping points into undesirable states of three-stage approach. First, regionally meaningful metrics of
ecosystem function. both healthy and altered CZ systems must be developed
Addressing this hypothesis will require an array of and evaluated to ensure they are statistically robust, even in
approaches from observational field studies conducted at a changing environment. The choice of metrics will depend
multiple scales to the analysis of historical databases of on needs of natural resource managers (namely, what they
human effects on the CZ (Walter & Merritts, 2008). By can feasibly measure), and also on the relevant CZ processes
examining how land use has affected the susceptibility of the and ecosystem services in a range of disturbed landscapes.
CZ to denudation in the past, we should be able to place The second phase requires developing, implementing, and
constraints on how it will respond as human influence monitoring restoration projects to restore altered CZs. Such
changes in the future. For example, analyses of sediment strategies should include: (i) taking account of past, present,
loadings in rivers can be related to climate fluctuations (Rossi and future land uses; (ii) conducting hydrological studies
et al., 2009), as well as to areal changes in highly erodible with attention to groundwater interactions; (iii) analysis of
cultivated lands following establishment of programmatic physical and biological properties of systems; (iv) study of
change such as the USDA Conservation Reserve Program in how soil and water chemistry (both at the surface and at
1962 (Amelung et al., 2001). Geographic information sys- depth) influence water and soil quality (Mitsch & Jorgen-
tem and remote sensing technologies are now available to sen, 2004). These techniques will most likely include
A Desired
Hypothesis 12. Biogeochemical properties impart thresholds
P state or tipping points beyond which rapid and irreversible loss of
ecosystem health, function, and services can occur
B C A dynamical system may experience a threshold or tipping
point when its state is such that even a small perturbation
can cause an irreversible change in the system’s functioning
Utility of SEK
and properties. Ecosystems, deep ocean circulation, and
earth’s climate have all been previously suggested to exhibit
B C threshold behavior (Lenton et al., 2008). One common
Degraded state characteristic of systems with thresholds is that variables can
Progress towards specific target condition be difficult or impossible to measure at the precision needed
to predict changes around the threshold.
Here, we hypothesize that the CZ, as a dynamical system,
B Physical Vegetation Complex
environment manipulation management most likely exhibits tipping points. These thresholds are pre-
sumed to be irreversible on timescales relevant to human life
(decades to centuries), because, unlike in Hypothesis 11, once
Reh Assessment, 2005).
lam Given the increasing pressures on natural systems, it is criti-
cal to identify tipping points as quickly as possible. Further-
more, because the tipping point concept is relatively intuitive,
Structure it is a very useful concept for both policy makers and scientists.
The term ‘tipping point’ is now being used by both groups to
Fig. 11 Framework for integrating soil ecological knowledge (SEK) with theo-
describe global challenges such as climate change (Post et al.,
retical models of ecosystem restoration. (a) When sites are heavily degraded,
some improvement in soil function may be achieved by manipulations of either
2009; Russill & Nyssa, 2009), biodiversity losses (Pimm,
the chemical (C), physical (P), or biological (B) attributes of the soil. For greater 2009), and crop yields (Barley, 2009). However, policy can
progress toward a target condition, however, an increase in the degree of com- only be formulated appropriately if we identify where and
plex SEK is required, and there are more complex interactions among P, C, and when tipping points occur. Currently, thresholds are only rec-
B attributes. To achieve the desired state of restoration requires very high level
ognizable after passing the threshold. As a result, one current
understanding of P, C, and B processes. (b) Physical, biological, and manage-
ment thresholds that must be overcome if restoration is to be successful.
focus of research is to identify early warning signals of change
Hypothesis 11 is consistent with the likelihood of faster restoration of function- and threshold behavior in ecosystems as well as effective
ality with respect to physical processes such as hydrologic flow and slower resto- responses to such threats (Jordan et al., 2006).
ration of biogeochemical processes. (c) The integral relationship between Many of the coupled biological, geological and hydrolog-
structural and functional attributes in ecosystem restoration (figure reproduced
ical processes are well enough understood to open the way
with permission from Heneghan et al., 2008).
to use models to explore tipping points in regolith or soil
biotechnology, geo-engineering and landscaping, plantings, formation. To understand the biogeochemical resilience of
and species introductions. Both hydrologic fluxes and bio- soils with respect to acidification, nutrient depletion,
geochemical processes must be monitored along with the drought, and erosion, however, we need to quantify the
metrics used to define healthy and altered CZ’s. Finally, rates and mechanisms of chemical weathering, hydrology,
both the societal and economic implications of these tech- erosion, and biotic processes in regulating biogeochemical
niques must be evaluated with the help of resource manag- resilience. With such knowledge, we can use models to
ers. Such a long-term approach will allow both testing of explore tipping points as a function of variables such as
this hypothesis and the development of efficient restoration climate, lithology, and vegetation as we attempt to propose
strategies. regulatory frameworks. It is furthermore crucial to examine
or extending observatory networks in other countries D. McKnight, C. Monger, L. Patino, M. Pavich, C. Pilcher,
around the world. E. Sztein, and N. Woodward. Special thanks to C. Samper,
However, observatories alone cannot test the hypotheses in T. Anderson, and T. Karl of the Smithsonian Institution
this paper. Quantitative models are being developed to under- National Museum of Natural History. M. Hopkins, D.
stand observatory data and these models are needed to test Lambert, and T. Bernier are acknowledged for organization
the hypotheses (e.g. Parton et al., 1987; Tucker & Slinger- and editing. L. Sanford and T. Cronin are acknowledged for
land, 1994; Iverson & Prasad, 1998; Goddéris et al., 2006; help with Fig. 10. T. White is acknowledged for information
Yoo et al., 2007; Steefel, 2008; Banwart et al., 2009). concerning paleosols and C. Paola for the term, ‘Earthcast-
Discrepancies between models and observations will drive ing’. C. Anderson is acknowledged for help with figures. The
improvements in our understanding of many of the important manuscript benefitted from three helpful reviews and editorial
phenomena. Only with such efforts will models yield accurate handling by D. Beerling and K. Konhauser.
‘Earthcasts’ that project how the three forcing factors –
tectonism, climate, anthropogenic activity – individually and
together cause the CZ to change.
Of these three forcings, anthropogenic activity could be the Ainsworth EA, Long SP (2005) What have we learned from 15 years
most important driver of CZ change into the immediate of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)? A meta-analytic review of the
responses of photosynthesis, canopy properties and plant produc-
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