ETABS Examples Manual
ETABS Examples Manual
ETABS Examples Manual
A step-by-step procedure for modeling and analysis of frame structure using ETABS is
explained through a simple example. Subsequently an example of seismic analysis of regular
frame structure and irregular frame structure are solved manually and through ETABS.
A plan of five storey reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure is considered for modeling and
analysis using ETABS.
5m 5m 5m 5m
Y 4m
4) The next form of Building Plan Grid System and Story Data Definition will be
displayed after you select NO button.
Set the grid line and spacing between two grid lines. Set the story height data using Edit
Story Data command
5) Define the design code using Options > Preferences > Concrete Frame Design
This will Display the Concrete Frame Design Preference form as shown in the figure.
Define beam sizes and click Reinforcement command to provided concrete cover
Define column sizes and click Reinforcement command to provided concrete cover and
used two options Reinforcement checked or designed
8) Define wall/slab/deck
To define a slab as membrane element and one way slab define using special one way load
Draw beam using Create Line Command and draw column using Create Column
Slab is created using 3 options in which 1st draw any shape area, 2nd draw rectangular area
and 3rd create area in between grid line
Above creating option used to generate the model as shown in below figure
10) Define various loads (Dead load, live load, Earthquake load)
Dead Load: self weight multiplier is used 1 to calculate dead load as default.
Live load or any other define load
1st select the member where assign this load than click the assign button.
Select assigning point or member element than click the assign button
11) Assign support condition
Drop-down box in the lower right-hand corner of the ETABS window,
Select only bottom single storey level to assign fixed support using
assign > Joint/Point>Restrain (Support) command
12) In building, slab is considered as a single rigid member during earthquake analysis. For
that, all slabs are selected first and apply diaphragm action for rigid or semi rigid
13) Mass source is defined from Define > mass source command. As per IS: 1893-2002,
25% live load (of 3 kN/m2) is considered on
all floor of building except at roof level.
14) Run analysis from Analysis > Run Analysis command
Live Load
Live load = 4×12×20×3+1×12×20×1.5 = 3240 kN
In ETABS, dead load and other loads are shown from table as shown in figure.
Step 3: Time period and Mode participation factor of building in X and Y
Static time period base on the IS 1893 is 0.075H0.75 = 0.6 sec
Dynamic time period as per ETABS analysis is 0.885 sec in X direction and 0.698 sec in
Y direction
Time period is shown in ETABS from Display > Show Mode Shape
Mass participation factor is shown from Display > Show Table > Model Information >
Building Model Information > Model Participating Ratio.
Bending moment and shear force diagram is shown from Display > Show Member Forces >
Frame/Pier/Spandrel Forces command
Bending Moment Diagram for Dead Load Shear Force Diagram for Dead Load
Select any beam or column member and press right click to shown below figure
Step 4: Seismic force calculation as per IS: 1893(Part 1) - 2002.
Press modify lateral load to shown below figure and assign various value as per IS 1893.
(b) Dynamic Analysis Method
The design response spectra of IS 1893-2002 given as input in the Define menu > Response
Spectrum Functions. Response spectra load cases are define in Response Spectrum cases
The damping value is specified which is used to generate the response spectrum curve. 5%
damping factor and 9.81 (g) scale factor is assigned as shown in Figure
Step 5: Site Specific Response Spectra
Site specific response spectrum is define from Define > Response Spectrum Function >
Spectrum from File.
Select assigning combination for Design from Design > Concrete Frame Design > Select
Design Combination
Design is carried out from Design > Concrete Frame Design > Start Concrete Design
Various results in form of percentage of steel, area of steel in column beam is shown from
Design > Concrete Frame Design > Display Design Information
Select any beam member and left click to shown below figure
Flexure detailing of beam element is shown in Figure
Moment and shear (M & V) hinges are considered for beam element and axial with biaxial
moment (P-M-M) hinges are considered for column element as shown in Figure
Defining static nonlinear load cases from Define > Static Nonlinear/Pushover command.
For push over analysis first apply the gravity loading as PUSHDOWN shown in Figure and
subsequently use lateral displacement or lateral force as PUSH 2 in sequence to derive
capacity curve and demand curve as shown in Figure. Start from previous pushover case as
PUSHDOWN for gravity loads is considered for lateral loading as PUSH 2.
Review the pushover analysis results from Display > Show Static Pushover Curve
Capacity spectrum, demand spectrum and performance point are shown in Figure
Show the deform shape from Display > Show Deform shape
As per clause of IS 1893, if the building does not have closely spaced modes, the peak
response quantity due to all modes considered shall be obtained as per SRSS method. In this
example as shown below, the frequencies in each mode differ by more than 10%, so building
is not having closely spaced modes and so, SRSS method can be used.
Mode Time period Natural frequency 2 / T
1 1.042 6.03
2 0.348 18.06
3 0.210 29.92
The comparison of storey shear using SRSS method and CQC method is shown in table 3.
As per clause 7.8.2 of IS 1893 the design base shear (V B) shall be compared with base shear
(VB) calculated using a fundamental period Ta . When V B is less than VB, all the response
quantities (e.g. member forces, displacements, storey forces, storey shear and base reactions )
shall be multiplied by VB/VB.
For this example
Ta = 0.075 h 0.75 for RC frame building
Ta = 0.075 (45)0.75 = 1.3031 sec
For hard soil Sa/g = 1.00/Ta = 1/1.3031 = 0.7674
VB = Ah W
W = 514.34 14 + 392.4 = 7593.16 t
Ah = (Z I Sa) / (2 R g)
Z = 0.36 (for zone V)
I = 1.0
R = 5.0 (considering SMRF)
Ah = (0.36 1 0.7674) / (2 5.0) = 0.0276
Base shear VB = 0.0276 7593.16 = 209.77 t
Base shear from dynamic analysis VB = 229.9 t
4 bays @ 7.5 m = 30 m
15 storey @ 3 m = 45 m
(a) Plan and Elevation of (b) Spring and mass (c) Storey shear
Building model of Building distribution along
Fig. 1
Above mention 15 storey example solved in ETABS is describe follow:
(1) Generate model: Material properties are assign as per Indian Code. Beam, column and slab
are define as per given above dimension. 3D model of 15 story building is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 5 IS 1893 response Spectra Graphs Fig. 6 Response Spectra Case Data
(4) The design acceleration time history for passport office site is given as input in Define menu
> Time History Function. The time history load cases are defined from the Time History
Cases option as shown in the Fig. 7. The acceleration time history of Passport office site as
defined in ETABS is shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 7 Time History Options
Time history case data is defined for simplicity of analysis. Number of output time steps is
300. Linear analysis case and two direction acceleration load case are considered. The scale
factor 9.81 i.e. gravitational acceleration (m/sec 2) and 5% damping are defined as shown in
Fig. 9.
Table 6. Periods and modes shape coefficients at various levels for first three modes
Manual analysis ETABS Analysis
Mode No. 1 2 3 1 2 3
Period in seconds 1.042 0.348 0.210 1.109 0.371 0.224
Mode shape coefficient at various floor levels
(r) 0.037 0.108 0.175 0.036 0.109 0.175
(r) 0.073 0.206 0.305 0.073 0.206 0.304
(r) 0.108 0.285 0.356 0.109 0.283 0.356
(r) 0.143 0.336 0.315 0.143 0.336 0.315
(r) 0.175 0.356 0.192 0.175 0.356 0.195
(r) 0.206 0.342 0.019 0.206 0.342 0.023
(r) 0.235 0.296 -0.158 0.234 0.297 -0.154
(r) 0.261 0.222 -0.296 0.261 0.224 -0.290
(r) 0.285 0.127 -0.355 0.283 0.129 -0.354
(r) 0.305 0.019 -0.324 0.304 0.023 -0.327
(r) 0.323 -0.089 -0.208 0.322 -0.086 -0.213
(r) 0.336 -0.190 -0.039 0.336 -0.186 -0.045
(13 (r) 0.347 -0.273 0.140 0.345 -0.270 0.134
(14 (r) 0.353 -0.330 0.283 0.351 -0.327 0.277
(15 (r) 0.356 -0.355 0.353 0.356 -0.354 0.351
Table 7. Compare the time period, mass participation and base reaction
Percentage of Total
Time period (sec) Base reaction (kN)
Mode Seismic Mass
Manual ETABS Manual ETABS Manual ETABS
1 1.042 1.109 83.67 83.64 2194.40 2109.86
2 0.348 0.371 9.15 9.16 625.43 635.94
3 0.210 0.224 3.18 3.20 217.21 222.43
ETERDCS-Nirma Uni. 25-29 May 2009
ETERDCS-Nirma Uni. 25-29 May 2009
ETERDCS-Nirma Uni. 25-29 May 2009
3 @ 7.5 m = 22.5m
4 @ 7.5 m = 30 m
Fig. 1 Example
0.875 m
Cr Cm
1.50 m
Ym = 9.75 m
EQY 1.875 m EQX EQY
1.25 m
Xm = 13.5 m Xr = 13.75 m
Floor Wi t hi m Wihi2 Qi t Vi t
1 490.8 3 4417.20 2.32 60.94
2 490.8 6 17668.80 9.30 58.61
3 490.8 9 39754.80 20.93 49.30
4 374.17 12 53880.48 28.37 28.37
Table: 2 Storey shear (tone) from ETABS
Fig. 6 Shear force (kN) in column line 1 and line 2 due to earthquake force in X direction
Fig. 7 Shear force (kN) in column line 3 and line 4 due to earthquake force in X direction
Table: 5 Torsional moment due to seismic force in Y direction
Column First storey Total Second storey Total Third storey Total Fourth Storey Total
line (shear in one column) shear (shear in one column) shear (shear in one column) shear (shear in one column) shear
from from from from
Torsional Torsional Torsional Torsional
Direct Total Direct Total Direct Total Direct Total
Shear Vy Shear Vy Shear Vy Shear Vy
+2.57 5.96 13.44 +2.48 5.74 12.88 +2.08 4.82 10.87 +1.20 2.78 6.25
3.39 3.26 2.74 1.58
13.75 m (-1.72) 1.67 (-1.65) 1.61 (-1.39) 1.35 (-0.80) 0.78
Bx= +1.17 4.56 13.485 +1.13 4.39 13.16 +0.95 3.69 11.00 +0.54 2.12 6.38
3.39 (-0.78) 2.61 3.26 (-0.75) 2.51 2.74 (-0.63) 2.11 1.58 (-0.36) 1.22
6.25 m
Cx= 3.39 -0.23 3.16 13.514 -0.22 3.04 13.40 -0.19 2.55 11.11 1.58 -0.11 1.47 6.50
3.26 2.74
1.25 m (+0.16) 3.55 (+0.15) 3.41 (+0.13) 2.87 (+0.07) 1.65
Dx= -1.23 2.16 9.707 -1.18 2.08 8.99 -0.99 1.75 7.69 -0.57 1.01 4.33
3.39 3.26 2.74 1.58
8.75 m (+0.82) 4.21 (+0.79) 4.05 (+0.66) 3.40 (+0.38) 1.96
Ex= -2.28 1.11 9.721 -2.20 1.06 9.15 -1.85 0.89 7.77 -1.06 0.52 4.40
3.39 3.26 2.74 1.58
16.25 m (+1.52) 4.91 (+1.46) 4.72 (+1.23) 3.97 (+0.71) 2.29
64.48 62.03 52.15 30.00
59.87 57.58 48.43 27.85
58.63 56.36 47.42 27.28
ETERDCS-Nirma Uni. 25-29 May 2009
Fig. 8 Shear force (kN) in column line A, B and C due to earthquake force in Y direction
Fig. 9 Shear force (kN) in column line D and E due to earthquake force in Y direction