Microalgae-Novel Highly Efficient Starch Producers: Rticle
Microalgae-Novel Highly Efficient Starch Producers: Rticle
Microalgae-Novel Highly Efficient Starch Producers: Rticle
766 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 108, No. 4, April, 2011 ß 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2009). This characteristic enhances the ecological and 2.7 ZnSO47H2O, 0.6 CoSO47H2O, and 0.014 NH4VO3 in
economic impact of the proposed technology, because of its distilled water. For preparation of medium, 100 con-
potential to bioremediate carbon dioxide emissions from centrated stock solutions of macroelements and microele-
different CO2 sources including waste incinerators, power ments were used. All components excluding urea were
stations, limekilns, cogeneration units, etc. in situ. Thus, one diluted in distilled water and autoclaved for 20 min. After
of the running costs, the supply of carbon dioxide, is cooling, urea was added and the pH was adjusted to 7 with
eliminated, and it could even have a positive value in carbon 1 M NaOH. The medium for the outdoor culture unit
credits associated with reduction of greenhouse gas (250 L) was not sterilized, and tap water instead of distilled
emissions. water was used for dilution of stock solutions.
We have tested the effect of light intensity, macroelement
(nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur) limitation and the use of
cycloheximide, a specific inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein Cycloheximide Treatment
synthesis, to induce Chlorella cells to accumulate high levels
of starch. In addition to laboratory experiments, the Cycloheximide (Actidion, Serva Feinbiochemica, Heidelberg,
potential to increase starch content in a pilot outdoor Germany) was added at the beginning of the experiments.
culture unit was also tested. The final concentration in the mineral medium was 1 mg/L.
Asynchronous Cultures
In outdoor scale-up solar photobioreactors, it is not possible
to keep algal cultures synchronous and to harvest them at
the moment of maximum starch content before the cell
population begins to divide. The loss of synchrony is caused
by high culture density, where the length of the cell cycle due
to limited light is greater than 24 h. Thus only a part of the
population can divide during the dark period, and this
population decreases with increasing biomass concentra-
tion. Growth experiments with asynchronous cultures at
different mean light intensities were therefore carried out to
monitor the impact of different starting biomass concen-
trations (Fig. 3A) as well as the effect of continuously
decreasing mean light intensities with increasing biomass
concentration (Fig. 3D) on the content of starch (Fig. 3B).
The relative starch content (% of DW) increased in all
experiments until the mean light intensity failed to reach the
limit value of about 265 mmol/(m2 s1) (Fig. 3D, horizontal
dashed line), which corresponded to a biomass concentra-
tion about 1.4 g of DW/L (Fig. 3A, horizontal dashed line).
The higher the mean light intensity, the higher was the
relative content of starch (Fig. 3B). A decrease in the mean
light intensity below 265 mmol/(m2 s1) caused a gradual
decline in the rate of the starch synthesis leading finally to no
net increase of starch content (variant 0.3) or even to its
decrease in the case of more concentrated variants (0.5 and
0.9) (Fig. 3B), and a decrease in relative starch content (% of
DW) in all experimental variants (Fig. 3C). The decrease
occurred even in the variant, which did not attain the
limiting mean light intensity, but the increase in starch
content was linear (Fig. 3B, variant 0.2) while the increase in
biomass concentration was exponential.
prevented cells from undergoing nuclear division and was investigated as a viable and environmental-friendly
consequently no cell division occurred (Fig. 2). Starch, option to the control of cell cycle. During essential
however, was intensively synthesized (within 4–5 h) up to a macroelement limitation, biomass synthesis was reduced
level at least 60% of DW (Figs. 2 and 4), while the starch compared to control cultures (Fig. 5A), while starch content
content of the untreated cultures grown at the highest mean increased significantly during the first 12 h of growth.
light intensity was about 40% of DW (Fig. 3; for Limitation by individual elements had, however, different
comparison, see also Fig. 2A–C). Moreover, the content effects on (i) the growth rate of the culture (Fig. 5A), (ii) the
of starch in g/L was much lower than in cycloheximide rate of starch synthesis (Fig. 5B), (iii) the final relative
treated culture. After 5 h the rate of starch synthesis starch content (Fig. 5C), and (iv) the interval after which
equilibrated with biomass growth, and the high relative starch content began to decline (Fig. 5). In the case of the
content of starch remained constant in cycloheximide untreated culture (Fig. 5, dotted curves), a gradual decrease
treated cultures (Fig. 4C). in the rate of starch synthesis started after about 18 h of the
Another difference from untreated cultures (Fig. 3) was growth and continued up until the 24th hour. As was shown
that while the growth rate decreased with increasing biomass in Figure 2, this was caused by decreasing mean light
concentration, the final relative content of starch did not intensity with increasing culture density (above 1.4 g/L,
differ significantly. In the presence of cycloheximide, the horizontal dashed line in Fig. 5A). No decrease in starch
starch content increased continuously albeit at a slightly content occurred until hour 32 of the experiment. Despite a
decreased rate (compare Figs. 3C and 4C). continued increase in total biomass the relative starch
Cycloheximide is effective, reproducible and its mechan- content (in % of DW) decreased (compare dotted curves in
ism of action is well known. However, for environmental Fig. 5A–C).
security reasons the use of an antibiotic substance would not In the case of element limitation, starch synthesis was not
be appropriate for large-scale cultivation in open outdoor inhibited by a decrease in mean light intensity (Fig. 5A)
bioreactors. because the biomass concentration did not attain a value of
1.4 g/L at which, the reduction in mean light intensity would
start to limit the cell growth (Fig. 5A). Thus, reductions in
Limitation by Macroelements—Nitrogen, Phosphorus,
total biomass synthesis, as well as starch content, were
caused by shortage of the given element. In all variants, cell
The possibility of increasing starch content by limitation division was blocked, as observed by microscopic examina-
of a macroelement (either nitrogen, phosphorus or sulfur) tion. In the case of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation, the
treatment was severe enough to reduce biomass synthesis, Sulfur Limitation and Light–Dark Alteration
from the very beginning of the experiment and to stop it
The results of the preceding section show that to apply
completely after 12 and 20 h, respectively. In the case of
element limitation with large scale-up cultures for starch
nitrogen limitation, a slow decrease in biomass concentra-
overproduction in commercially attractive amounts, it
tion occurred due to cell death (Fig. 5A). In both
would be necessary to induce starch synthesis in high-
experimental variants, starch began to break down, and
density cultures. This is because with element limitation, cell
its concentration (in g/L) decreased as well as its relative
growth and division are slowed, and finally stop completely.
content (% of DW) (Fig. 5B and C).
Large-scale cultivation usually takes place in outdoor solar
In the case of sulfur limitation, the rate of the starch
photobioreactors under an illumination regime of alternat-
synthesis slowed after 12 h of growth (Fig. 5B) in parallel
ing light (day) and dark (night) periods. Photosynthetically
with the slowing of total biomass synthesis (Fig. 5A). The
active radiation is the sole source of energy for microalgae
maximum relative starch content was higher than in
grown under autotrophic conditions, so cellular main-
untreated cells, but in contrast to them, remained constant
tenance energy during the dark period must be obtained
until the end of the experiment (compare Fig. 5A–C, dashed
from intracellular storage compounds. We have tested
curves). From the point of possible application in large-scale
untreated (Fig. 6A–C) and sulfur limited (Fig. 6D–F)
culture units, the most promising results were those
asynchronous cultures at three different starting biomass
obtained under sulfur limitation. Relative starch content
concentrations grown at the same incident light intensity for
reached the highest level of all three experimental variants
two light/dark cycles (12 h/12 h) (Fig. 6).
(60% of DW) (Figs. 5C and 3D) and was stable for at least
the next 15 h (Fig. 5B) over which time period, growth of the
Untreated Cultures
culture stopped. Even after this long sulfur limitation, the
cells retained viability and were able to fully recover after The cultures grown under alternating light/dark intervals
sulfate readdition (data not shown). characteristically decrease biomass concentration during the
light intensity, contributes to the very low total and relative Sulfur limited cultures
starch contents (Fig. 6B and C).
In the most diluted untreated cultures, the starch content Using the same biomass concentrations, three experimental
reached only 36% of DW during the first 12 h and decreased variants were grown under the same growth conditions as
to almost the initial starting value during the first dark untreated cultures, but in sulfur limited mineral medium.
period (Fig. 6C). The second cell cycle in untreated cultures The cultures grew slower than untreated cultures, but no
was already affected by a low mean irradiance caused by significant decrease in biomass concentration occurred
increasing cell biomass (Fig. 6A), and the maximum content during the dark interval (compare Fig. 6A and D). Sulfur
of starch during the light period decreased substantially limitation stopped cell division, causing the starch content
(18% of DW) (Fig. 6C). to increase in the light more than in untreated cultures, but