Jharokha: What Is Lokpal Bill and Why It's Important???
Jharokha: What Is Lokpal Bill and Why It's Important???
Jharokha: What Is Lokpal Bill and Why It's Important???
S N A P S H O T S F R O M T H E C A M P U S . . .
W h a t i s l o k p a l b i l l a n d w h y i t ’s
i m p o r t a n t ? ? ?
The Jan Lokpal Bill, also referred to as the citizens' ombudsman bill, is a proposed independent anti-
corruption law in India. Anti-corruption social activists proposed it as a more effective improvement to the origi-
nal Lokpal bill, which is currently being proposed by the Government of India.
5.Investigations of each case must be completed in one year. Any resulting trials should be
I N S I D E T H I S concluded in the following year, giving a total maximum process time of two years.
I S S U E :
6.Losses caused to the government by a corrupt individual will be recovered at the time of
Independence Day conviction.
7.The existing anti-corruption agencies (CVC), departmental vigilance and the anti-
corruption branch of the (CBI) will be merged into Lokpal which will have complete power
Seminar by Macabee 2 and authority to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician
Admissions 3
Welcome Party 3
New Cafeteria 3
I n d e p e n d e n c e D ay C e l e b r a t i o n
The Independence day was celebrated in grand style at
on 15 August, 2011. It was 65th Independence day and
64th anniversary. The flag was hosted in morning in
college ground. Flag was hosted by Mr. Lalit Saraogi.
Mr. G.D. Sharma and Mr. S.C. Baghel, addressed the
students on this occasion.
The program comprised of the addressing the students,
national anthem and sweets were distributed amongst
the students and the faculty gracing the event.
“What can S e m i n a r B y M A c A b e e
be better for The J.E.C Group of colleges hosted a four day employee-ability seminar for the IV
year from 17th—21st August during college hours. The students turned up in
a challenge huge numbers and were given valuable guidance on employee-ability skills by
three visiting faculty from the Gurgaon based organization.
than to Live Mock interviews, GD and aptitude test sessions were conducted with all the
practice in students. All students were given the opportunity to both face and take an inter-
advance... The seminar was conducted in the JEC auditorium and was greatly anticipated
by all the students. The students of JEC extend a token of appreciation to the
T&P cell for this initiative.
August was majorly admission time in J.E.C. Group of colleges. After the
counseling of R.P.E.T. it was the time for the fresher's to report to there
respective colleges. This year a major chunk of the well ranked stu-
dents were a part of the Jaipur Engineering College and Jaipur Institute
of Engineering and Technology.
The students were given seven days time to report to their respective
colleges and submitting fees and documents in the colleges. Most of
the seats of JEC were filled after counseling.
We l com e Par t y
A Welcome party was organized for the students of the I Year on 29th au-
gust at the J.E.C. auditorium. The occasion was graced by all the faculty of
the college and students. Mr.
Bhasin enlightened the students
about the rules and regulation of
This interaction session with the
students greatly influenced the
freshers and made a happy note
on their first day. The orientation
was concluded with distribution of
sweets amongst the students and
A new cafeteria is inaugurated in the J.E.C campus building on the ground floor. This new canteen is
equipped with more seating capacity and also enlarging the menu list for refreshment. This canteen is
soon going to be air-conditioned. This new canteen has brought a fun filled environment to the college
as it is chock-full both the overjoyed students and faculty during the lunch time.
Ankita Pandey
Richa Maurya IV Year I.T.
III Year E.C.