Cell and Organ Printing 2: Fusion of Cell Aggregates in Three-Dimensional Gels
Cell and Organ Printing 2: Fusion of Cell Aggregates in Three-Dimensional Gels
Cell and Organ Printing 2: Fusion of Cell Aggregates in Three-Dimensional Gels
We recently developed a cell printer (Wilson and Boland, 2003) that
enables us to place cells in positions that mimic their respective positions in
organs. However, this technology was limited to the printing of two-dimen-
sional (2D) tissue constructs. Here we describe the use of thermosensitive
gels to generate sequential layers for cell printing. The ability to drop cells
on previously printed successive layers provides a real opportunity for the
realization of three-dimensional (3D) organ printing. Organ printing will
allow us to print complex 3D organs with computer-controlled, exact placing
of different cell types, by a process that can be completed in several minutes.
To demonstrate the feasibility of this novel technology, we showed that cell
aggregates can be placed in the sequential layers of 3D gels close enough for
fusion to occur. We estimated the optimum minimal thickness of the gel
that can be reproducibly generated by dropping the liquid at room temper-
ature onto a heated substrate. Then we generated cell aggregates with the
corresponding (to the minimal thickness of the gel) size to ensure a direct
contact between printed cell aggregates during sequential printing cycles.
Finally, we demonstrated that these closely-placed cell aggregates could
fuse in two types of thermosensitive 3D gels. Taken together, these data
strongly support the feasibility of the proposed novel organ-printing tech-
nology. Anat Rec Part A 272A:497–502, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Several approaches are currently being used to address cated approach. However, gene therapy and cell trans-
the shortage of donor organs, including artificial mechan- plantation, as well as drug therapy, are most effective in
ical organs, xenotransplantation (using animal organs), the early stages of a disease. At terminal stages, or for
tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Some ar- injured tissue, there is still a need for organ replacement.
tificial organs are already on the market, but they can Thus it is has been proposed that tissue engineering,
significantly diminish a patient’s quality of life and may
produce unwanted side effects. Xenotransplanation is a
promising approach, especially when it involves the use of
organs from transgenic animals with a reduced capacity to Grant sponsor: NASA EPSCoR Grant; Grant number: HEDS6.
induce acute immune response after transplantation, and *Correspondence to: Thomas Boland, Department of Bioengi-
when it is combined with emerging methods of immuno- neering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634. Fax: (864)
tolerance management. However, there is still great con- 656-4466.
cern about the potential spreading of animal viruses (Coo- Received 28 March 2002; Accepted 17 February 2003
per et al., 2002). Regenerative medicine, or the repair of DOI 10.1002/ar.a.10059
injured or diseased organs in vivo by gene therapy or cell
transplantation, is also a very promising and sophisti-
Fig. 2. Top view of seven alternate layers of clear and tryan blue-
dyed K-70 gel on a collagen-coated dish. The edges between the layers
reveal the amount of mixing that occurs when a cold drop liquifies some
of the gel before it is gelled itself. Optimizing gelling kinetics, drop size,
and deposition rate may minimize this effect. Fig. 4. Cell aggregate fusion on the (A) collagen gel and (B) K-70 gel.
Fig. 3. Image of a single endothelial cell aggregate of ⬃670 m Fig. 5. Cell aggregate fusion on a printed collagen gel ring. The
diameter. image obtained on an epifluorescent microscope shows fused aggre-
gates and cells that migrated across the gel. Cells that migrated toward
the center of the ring (in red) proved nonviable, possibly because they
became dry outside the gel.
shortage. To assess the feasibility of this exciting technol-
ogy, we attempted to remove some of the most obvious
technological barriers to its use. PLA/PGA compositions, microspheres with a range of deg-
radation times could be obtained. Porous microspheres
Estimating the Optimum Minimal Thickness of could be loaded with desired growth factors and dispersed
the Gel Layer within an injectable gel matrix. The release profile of
The presence of the gel layer between the cell aggre- bioactive agents could be adjusted to the required tissue-
gates serves two purposes: 1) it provides mechanical specific spatial/temporal pattern of expression.
strength and stability to the construct, and 2) it serves as
Generation of Sequential Thermo-Reversible
a drug-delivery device. For example, porous PLA/PGA/
PEG polymeric microspheres with controlled degradation Gel Layers
times could be put loaded into the printer for controlled Apart from tissue-specific cell–matrix interactions, the
delivery of growth factors. Using copolymers of different following aspects must be considered: gelation kinetics,
matrix resorption rate, possible toxicity of degradation pared to thermo-reversible gels. This is a more complex
products and their elimination routes, and possible inter- situation than the single-cell or monolayer case described
ference of the gel matrix with histogenesis. above. It is possible that the tethering effect of collagen
There are several possible mechanisms that lead to in mediated by the RGD tripeptide is responsible for keeping
situ gel formation: gelation in response to temperature cell aggregates together, and for their sequential fusion.
change (thermal gelation), pH change, ionic cross-linking, We are exploring ways to optimize the thermo-reversible
or solvent exchange (Guenet, 1992). The kinetics of gela- gel by incorporating RGD or other extracellular matrix
tion are directly affected by the mechanism: thermal ge- analogs (Mann et al., 2001; Griffith and Naughton, 2002)
lation, which is rate-limited by heat transfer, is faster without compromising its thermo-reversible properties.
then ionic cross-linking and pH-triggered gelation, which
are rate-limited by mass transfer. The time it takes for the Toward Organ Printing
gel to form will have an effect on cell spacing and distri- Keeping in mind that the adhesiveness of gels for cells
bution within the printed gel matrix. Gels that form in can be modified, our data show that cell aggregate fusion
response to temperature change may offer specific advan- can be achieved in the thermo-reversible gel. Our data
tages related to fast gelation kinetics. also demonstrate that we can reproducibly generate se-
The thickness of the gel layers therefore depends on the quential layers of thermo-reversible gels of a thickness
kinetics of the gel, as well as on the drop size, which is corresponding to the cell aggregate diameter. This thick-
governed by surface tension and needle diameter. To in- ness allows cell aggregates to be laced in closely enough to
crease the efficiency of the technology, the gel thickness fuse. Both 3D collagen and thermo-reversible gels were
will need to be adjusted to match the size of the aggre- shown to allow fusion of closely-placed cell aggregates.
gates. Using a needle with the same internal diameter as Aggregate fusion causes the 3D structures to shrink some-
the aggregates appears to give satisfactory results. How- what, an effect that will need to be considered in the
ever, as indicated in Figure 2, some distortions in the design of organ blueprints. However, we can also assume
layers (possibly due to a melting process) are observed. that additional extracellular matrix will be formed by the
Further improvements in controlling the aggregate size cells, thus providing additional glue for cell aggregate
distribution would also require a more rigorous model for fusion and serving as a sort of tethering device for pro-
gel thickness. This model would need to take into account moting the self-assembly of printed tissue constructs. Fur-
gelation kinetics, surface tension, and interfacial forces thermore, this additional extracellular matrix may act as
between the liquid and gel states of the solution. a buffer between adjacent structures, and thus be more
forgiving with respect to the exact tolerances of a blue-
Identification of the Optimum Size for Cell print.
Aggregates In addition, the use of gel with RGD ligands may en-
hance adhesion. Alternatively, aggregates trapped inside
The optimum size for cell aggregates is defined as a
gel drops can be printed. Because closely placed drops
diameter that is small enough (usually ⬍1 mm) to allow
fuse, we expect the aggregates to fuse as well. However,
centrally positioned aggregate cells to survive, and a mag-
the time frame of cell attachment is very important, since
nitude that is equal to the thickness of the successively
it determines the speed at which successive layers can be
printed gel layers. The second restraint is much more
printed. Soft-tissue adhesives such as cyanoacrylate es-
important because it determines the overall feasibility of
ters, fibrin sealant, and gelatin-resorcinol-formaldehyde
the technique, whereas apoptosis can be prevented either
glues, or other bioadhesives, could dramatically prevent
by using telomerized cells or cells transfected with blc-2
the constructs from being washed off during successive
(Yang et al., 2001; Nor et al., 2001). Based on estimations
printing cycles. The addition of a corresponding growth
of the optimum minimal thickness, the diameter of the cell
factor in slow-release microspheres could accelerate and
aggregates must be no smaller than 600 m. This does not
direct this process. The programmed release of different
exclude the possibility of variability in cell aggregate size,
growth factors in various concentrations and sequences is
but it definitely places a well-defined limit on the smallest
also technically possible. Finally, the thermo-reversible
technologically acceptable diameter.
gel can be optimized or functionalized by the addition of
extracellular matrix analogs. This would promote cell ad-
Role of Gel and Close Positioning in Promoting
hesion, and result in better cell survival as well as more
the Fusion of Cell Aggregates effective cell aggregate fusion.
The fusion of cell aggregates is a spontaneous phenom- Poor cell survival in the printed aggregates is a possible
enon in aggregate suspension. Recently, important in- drawback to the described technology. We are currently
sights have been gained regarding the possible mecha- exploring different ways to avoid apoptosis and necrosis
nism of aggregate fusion in the presence of extracellular inside the aggregates, such as adding survival factors
matrix (Ryan et al., 2001). It was demonstrated that com- (e.g., basic fibroblast growth factor), using transient ge-
petition exists between cell-to-cell forces vs. cell-to-sub- netic modifications of cells with antiapoptotic (e.g., bcl-2
strate forces. If the cell-to-substrate force is stronger than and telomerase), and blocking apoptotic pathways. It is
the cell-to-cell force, the outcome will be a monolayer. If well known that the survival of cells in cell aggregates can
the force of cell-to-cell contacts is predominant, the cells be seen as a result of cell contact-mediated survival stim-
will form aggregates. This principle was used by us when uli. In this respect, we expect the survival rate of aggre-
we generated cell aggregates. The absence of a cell adhe- gated cells to be higher than that of single printed cells.
sive substrate forced the cells to aggregate in order to Furthermore, this technology can tolerate a small percent-
interact with each other. age of cell death.
Our data demonstrate that collagen gels are more ag- The goals of this study were to demonstrate the feasi-
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